Session 3020

How to Use Pendulums


"How to Use Pendulums"
“A New Wave: The Impossible May Be Possible”
“How to Be Supportive”

Friday, October 22, 2010 (Private/In Person)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Sandra (Atafah)

ELIAS: Good afternoon!

SANDRA: Good afternoon, Elias! (Both laugh)

ELIAS: And what shall we discuss?

SANDRA: Well, I'm excited because I have a lot of ideas, a lot of things, and they were all percolating away, but I'll start with some very simple, basic things. Would you give me my mother Eileen's essence name? I know she's Sumafi. Could you give me her essence name?

ELIAS: Essence name, Jeanelle: J-E-A-N-E-L-L-E.

SANDRA: You said it “Zhanelle,” as in French almost, like a French pronunciation? Okay, thank you.

And then I have this friend. Her name is Stephanie Janice, and she and I have recently collaborated on some projects. I was wondering if she is a Borledim, Sumari aligned?


SANDRA: And I thought she might be soft and emotional?

ELIAS: Correct.

SANDRA: Really! Wow! This is wonderful. I wanted to ask a few questions about her but I'll go to it later, because I have a little system here to approach.

Well, to start with I tried using a pendulum a few times, and I wanted to ask you what is it about the pendulum that it never seems to work for me? (Elias chuckles) It goes one way or the other way. It's just a kind of playful thing.

ELIAS: Pendulums can be tricky, for they are very influenced by the energy that is in physical proximity to them.

SANDRA: Ah-ha.

ELIAS: Therefore, to engage a pendulum effectively and efficiently, the individual would practice neutralizing their own energy. And what is meant by that is that you suspend the pendulum, you put forth your attention or your question, and subsequent to that presentment, remove yourself momentarily from the pendulum. Contain your own energy. Be very self-aware and aware of your own energy, neutralizing it in a manner that suspends wants, wishes, opinions, or meanings in any direction and in addition to that, generating a type of self-buffer.

Now, this is not an actual buffer, for buffering is an action that you do in relation to outside energies – generally speaking, with other individuals. But you can create a type of self-buffering, which is an action in which you contain your energy field momentarily. This is not an action that you will necessarily incorporate the ability to sustain, ...

SANDRA: Right.

ELIAS: ...but momentarily you can generate a visualization, perhaps of some type of container such as a bubble, that you can place yourself and your energy field within; therefore, containing it, and somewhat in close proximity to your body consciousness.

Individuals’ energy fields vary in how extended they are from the physical body consciousness, and that extension also varies in relation to what the individual is experiencing or feeling. Therefore, it is first important to neutralize those factors – suspending momentarily feelings, opinions, wants, wishes, meanings in any direction – and subsequent to that, generating this temporary containment or barrier of your own energy. That will allow your energy to be receded from the area surrounding the pendulum.

If the pendulum is allowed to occupy what you would term to be a free space, it will be much more effective, for it is not being influenced by the push of your energy. The free space should consist of an area that is the volume of the circumference of however far the pendulum can extend. From its suspended point, whatever distance is the farthest that it itself can extend in circumference is the area of the free zone, so to speak.

SANDRA: Outside the bubble itself – outside of your own bubble.


SANDRA: That's the free zone, outside of the bubble that you’ve set.

ELIAS: Yes. Yes. That your energy will not penetrate this free area of the pendulum. This is the difficulty with most individuals with the pendulum, that it is responding or reacting to the individual’s energy.

Now, let me also express to you that other energies can also be influencing with a pendulum; therefore, it is also important to place the pendulum in an area in which other energies will not interfere, such as in different areas of your home there will be energy deposits. Whether they be from yourself or from other individuals, there will be energy deposits, therefore the pendulum should be suspended in an area in which there is not an energy deposit, also in an area in which no other individual will move into that free zone. Therefore, no other individual’s energy will penetrate into that free area. That will allow the pendulum to respond to intention without being influenced by any expressed projected energies – which can also occur with creatures. They can enter into that free zone and influence the movement of the pendulum.

Generally speaking, creatures’ energy fields do not fluctuate as much as human's. Their energy fields are more consistent; therefore, a creature's energy field generally extends from their physical body consciousness approximately slightly less than a half meter.


ELIAS: Therefore, considering that account of the body consciousness and the extension of the energy field of slightly less than a half meter in any direction from body consciousness, that distance should not penetrate into the free area.

SANDRA: Understood. And finally, does it matter what you use as a pendulum?

ELIAS: That is an interesting question, for it can.

Generally speaking, what you recognize as a quartz crystal is effective and efficient. But – dependent upon what your intention is, if the intention concerns feelings, or what you identify as emotions, a citrine crystal would be more effective. If the intention involves body consciousness, a rose quartz crystal would be more effective, but these crystals are more specific. They are not as effective in other subject matters or in general subjects; they are more specifically aligned to their own subject, the body consciousness or feelings.

Other than those two subjects, quartz crystals are very effective, and amethysts can also be very effective. It generates very similar to a quartz crystal, but it can be more responsive to subtle implications or alterations. For amethyst crystals are sensitive to temperature, which would not necessarily automatically be a consideration, but it is a significant variable, for dependent upon the subject that you are presenting as your intention, your body consciousness alters temperature, and amethysts are very sensitive to very slight alterations in temperature. Therefore they are sensitive to nuance, which can enhance a response which would be perhaps slightly more detailed than the quartz crystal.

Now also, I would express that the dimension or the size of the crystal can be a factor, which is also another factor that most individuals do not necessarily consider, but the smaller the crystal, the less effective it will be with complex questions.

Now, this is not to say that you must necessitate to graduating to larger and larger and larger crystals, but optimally, the intermediate-sized crystal, perhaps (16-second pause) 20 centimeters, 25 centimeters would be an effective choice.

SANDRA: Length?

ELIAS: Yes. Smaller, such as perhaps 10 centimeters, are effective, but less so in complex intensions.

SANDRA: Elias, I've done a lot of work with quartz crystals, and I actually am using an alexandrite in the current pendulum, which fluctuates with sun and light. And it felt very responsive to me personally, just like this vibe from the thing. It hangs on a gold chain, and it isn't shaped like a crystal; it's cut like a piece of jewelry, but there's something about it that feels appropriate. It's hanging on metal and not on a [inaudible]. Would that be...

ELIAS: And what is the dimension of this particular alexandrite?

SANDRA: It's about an inch by about 5/8. I actually have it here, so I can actually contact it with my hands while we are talking. And it's a flattened crystal facing down, and it’s like about an inch by a half inch approximately. Here it is. But I'm having fluctuation madly with it, and then I feel an affinity. Now, I can go to the crystals that are clear. This may have energy deposits now which I'd have to cleanse through the system of the crystal.

ELIAS: What I would suggest is that you alter the chain, that you may incorporate more success without the interference of so much gold, that the gold acts as a containment.

SANDRA: I understand. Yes. I understand.

ELIAS: And therefore does not allow the stone to flow as naturally as it would itself. Therefore, I would suggest that you alter the suspension of it.

SANDRA: And it's a circular motion and it feeds back, as opposed to a [inaudible].

ELIAS: In either direction it can generate a circular motion, or it can move back and forth, or… it can hop. It can bounce.

SANDRA: Okay. I hear you. All right.

ELIAS: Therefore, it is a matter of what the intention is, how strong the intention is, and how the stone is receiving that. That stone is a smaller dimension.


ELIAS: That stone would be less than 10 centimeters.

SANDRA: Yes, it would.

ELIAS: And in that, it would not be as effective in more complex intentions.

SANDRA: Clear quartz crystals… I work with Vogel crystals. They are deliberately created with plain surfaces so that there is a "C" axis, a very technical way to approach. And then I put my mouth to the crystal and I would hum, and I could generate a volumetric opening where I knew I was in resonance with the crystal.


SANDRA: So I had this relationship that I developed with all these different stones and crystals and they would talk a little bit to me, direct me a little bit.

ELIAS: That actually is an excellent method in establishing resonance, by generating a vibrational tone and feeling whether that particular stone resonates with that vibration.

SANDRA: And these Vogels are okay; they seem like lasers, actually. You hold them up. Compared to a natural crystal, there's an intense like burning involved, so focused. Maybe they’re good for the more complex ones. Okay, great. Perfect.

Okay, now there's some fun things to talk about.

ELIAS: Very well.

SANDRA: It's such a pleasure to be here with you! Oh, my heart is just so happy. (Elias chuckles) A happy heart!

So I'm in my basement on my computer looking at a very interesting YouTube, and it's inspired me to do some sculpting, and then there's a Pop! in my kitchen. At first I didn't know where it was. A giant… “What the heck is THAT?" I say to myself. So I start to investigate the area. Nothing is amiss, nothing has fallen over. And I go upstairs, and off the counter by my sink, a beautiful glass cylinder, it's called a Galileo lamp; it’s like a lava lamp with temperature flow. It almost has crystalline qualities, in talking about crystals. I love the thing. I dragged it all from house to house. It goes up, it goes down (Elias laughs). I know when I'm [inaudible] by looking at it. I just love it. It's colorful, it's just a joy. The thing has somehow leapt off the sink, and it's in the middle of the floor crashed. I'm nowhere near it, there's no wind, nothing. And I wanted you to elucidate. (Elias chuckles) I mean I’m just, “What?” There it was, this event. I would like you to just comment, say anything you wish.

ELIAS: I would express that this is quite timely.


ELIAS: For, this would be very much associated with what I shall be discussing on the morrow in our group interaction in relation to this new wave. [1]


ELIAS: And in this, I would express that occurrences can be interesting and fun dependent upon how you perceive them. If you allow yourself to move in the directions of bothersome or distress, this present wave can incorporate a potential to be considerably stressing. BUT, this present wave also incorporates a considerable potential to be quite entertaining and fun, for in this, what you are and will be addressing to is the impossible.

SANDRA: Exactly how it… Oh Elias! I have to tell you something else so crazy. I heard one of your sessions, or read, where a lady was finding four leaf clovers in her yard, and she loved them. And I can't remember the details, but I have collected four leaf clovers for 40 years, and I find fives and sixes and sevens. And they are a particular clover, and NEVER have I found in 40 years the species of clover that's shaped like a heart. It's always a trefoil, or a tri-shaped thing. NEVER in all the awareness and looking and searching, I never found any.

I was inspired by this wonderful session. Out into the yard I go (both begin laughing), and there on the ground is a five leaf – not a four leaf, a five leaf of this species! I just immediately knew; it was just so big. I immediately knew it was a breakthrough. I knew it was such a shift in the limited self that I experienced (Elias chuckles), that I was moving into the impossible! Exactly – this was for me. I would have been delighted with a four, but a five! I dug it up, I brought it in the house, (Elias laughs) I treated it like a pet. I put it in my car, I showed it to my friends. Nobody got it. Nobody got it.

But then the most remarkable thing happens: it happened again! (Elias laughs) I can't tell you! Twice! It blew me away. And I just knew I had entered a new period completely where the limitations of a life were about to really shift, and I could see the connection in that creation. Of course, there are many dreams and desires and wishes where it would be wonderful to see those kinds of shifts and changes.

So now my question is, in small ways I’ve presented, but I'm now so delighted. My heart was... oh, it was just so, so happy! (Elias chuckles) They’re little, teeny weensy plants! So my question is, would that ever be reflected in this larger arena?



ELIAS: And you are beginning to move in this direction, and this new wave will be helpful in influencing all of you to move in this direction more, and to generate more openness to the possibility that the impossible is possible.

SANDRA: It's such a marvelous, magical Harry Potter thing.

ELIAS: This wave incorporates a tremendous potential to be magical.

SANDRA: Ah! Oh wonderful, wonderful! (Elias laughs) Ah, wow! When my Galileo lamp exploded, it was my project that I was working on – sculpting – when that happened.

So, I have partly worked on a book that's a magical-type book, and the impetus is, it feels in my life less of a fence or boundary to step into the impossible. It feels like I can do this: “Yes, you can do that. Okay, this is fun to do. I can do that.” So I feel like – and would you acknowledge this – that there is the potential to write this wonderful children's book?

ELIAS: Very much so.

SANDRA: And may I add that the materials are very much in alignment with what happens here, these sessions and all the foundation of knowledge that you have slowly and methodically brought into this physical realm for us to hear that we’ve drawn to ourselves.

ELIAS: Which can translate quite colorfully into that type of genre.

SANDRA: So wonderful; I'm so pleased. I never thought I could write. I have historically tremendous... But now it feels like a flow. It’s going to... Just the fun of it.

ELIAS: Congratulations!

SANDRA: Thank you! I remember the mink butterfly you spoke to someone about. [2] It just felt… yeah, let it flow! Let it flow. Oh, it's so good. Thank you, Elias. (Elias chuckles) Thank you, thank you!

ELIAS: Which is also a creative avenue in which to share.


ELIAS: And to experience your interconnectedness.

SANDRA: Yes. And that's the goal of this, is... Everywhere I go I see flocks of birds every day, and they just feel like, oh there we go, birds of a feather flock together, and they’re in the sky and then they're on lampposts or they're in Sam's Warehouse where I shop (Elias chuckles), little flocks of birds over in the rafters. And that’s how I feel connected, through my birds, through my clover, through the writing, through the toys I make, the stockings. I see my hands going to the work with my intention of going to the world, you know? And it's very gratifying, very gratifying. So thank you kindly. Oh, what a thrill. I can hardly sit here...

ELIAS: The elf in human clothing. (Laughs)

SANDRA: Yes! Exactly! And you’re there with me, Elias. You are right there.

ELIAS: Quite so!

SANDRA: Oh, I'm so thrilled to hear this! Oh, how wonderful. (Elias laughs) Oh, how good.

Ahhhhh. Well. All righty!

I promised my son I would bring up some of his concerns. This is a very different color and vibration than what we've been through, and yet somehow this affects him too, because I feel that the energy I am now is no longer... I'm spiritual or I'm tuned in, you know, or working, or… It’s not fragmented. There’s this awareness that the engagement of this flow is much more powering my life spontaneously, and fun.

I have a son in Egypt. He's studying. Historically he’s been challenging for me, Sandra, to the mom part of Sandra [inaudible], right? And then I have this role part of the belief systems I have about being a mother and this whole dynamic that has developed over time with this boy. He's now a young man; he's studying Islamic architecture. He doesn't feel supported by the milieu. It's not a popular area. It doesn't seem to have practical applications as far as the milieu is concerned, and then he loves it, so he stays in an extremely difficult, physically challenging environment, and he still plugs away. And all along he creates health difficulties, toxic reactions to all sorts of things in the environment that become somewhat life-threating, and he's far away.

So then he communicates these difficulties to me by phone, and of course there’s this shock, an emotional challenge that I feel: This is my kid, he’s far away, how can I help? And then the feeling of I'm powerless. I can't offer him any kind of knowledge or drug or a gentle hand on him to say it's going to be okay or get him to a hospital – nothing. But then I have to go completely into this mode of turning it over to this aspect of self in which there’s just trust. And understanding all the things I've read about, it really is an example that this is just an experience.

But my question would be, since this is the scenario, what would be the effective way to deal with him, for the most part?

ELIAS: First of all, what does HE want?

SANDRA: You want me to answer that now?

ELIAS: What does he want when he engages you and he is expressing perhaps his own concerns or he is relaying his experience and situation? What does he want?

SANDRA: He wants understanding, he wants support, and he wants a way to relieve himself, it feels like, of some of his pains and difficulty. That often is followed maybe by directions: What would you do, what should I do? Which, there’s an interplay there. And then it's basically the feeling that I have of always trying to make him go within to get some kind of direction: How do you feel about this decision you're making? How do you feel about this decision? And then there are many offerings, you know, of directions. There's always this feeling of trying to get him to get out of a black-and-white approach into maybe there's more than one possibility. I think he wants that, but I'm not sure. I’m giving you what I think, what I sense there.

ELIAS: Now, I would express to you, the first point would be to ask what does he want, and to ask what does HE perceive would be the most supportive action for you to do. That would be the first direction that I would suggest. For if he is engaging you, it is obvious that he does want, but WHAT he wants is the question. You guessing what he wants is ineffectual, and it encourages you to generate responses and reactions that are based in your own guidelines of what you would do or what you would want. Regardless that you may be thinking that this is what he wants or this is what he should do, it is based in your own guidelines. Therefore, in requesting from him what he wants and what is important to him – which may be two very different subjects, for what he wants may not be the same as what is important to him.

SANDRA: An example? Of what he wants?

ELIAS: He may want help, but there may be other expressions that are important to him that will override the help.

SANDRA: Yes, yes.

ELIAS: The help may not be as important.

SANDRA: Yes, you’re right. I see that.

ELIAS: Therefore, for YOU wanting to be supportive, it is significant to establish within yourself a recognition of what he wants and what is important to him. In this you can address to each as its own subject. Therefore when you are engaging conversation with him, you can address to one subject – “What do you want?” – and you can evaluate that and you can explore that. Subsequently you can move into what is important to you, and you can explore THAT subject. And with the two subjects, you can subsequently evaluate which aspects of those two subjects can you combine, for there may be many aspects that you cannot combine, that they may be in opposition to each other.


ELIAS: But there may be some aspects that you can combine. He is requesting input from you by asking, “What do you think?” or “What would you do?”

When an individual presents that type of question, this is purposeful. They want your input, for what they are doing is evaluating your guidelines with their own guidelines. They are viewing your input, knowing that your input is being generated by your own guidelines but also with somewhat of an understanding within themselves – not within thinking, but within themselves, that they also are moving in relation to their own guideline and therefore they may not necessarily see all of the avenues that are available to them, that some directions, some ideas may not necessarily occur to them themself. Therefore, they are seeking other input, which is what he is doing with you, which is the reason that he is asking.

Now; the common difficulty with this type of dynamic is that the individual in YOUR position generally is thinking about their answer to those questions and attempting to evaluate what would be best for the other individual. The other individual is not requesting that information; he already knows what his ideas are. He wants to know what your ideas are, for that offers a comparison. It offers other input that he would not necessarily present to himself. This is your opportunity to share YOUR direction, not with the expectation that he will implement that, but recognizing that he is requesting that you step into a role to offer other outside information that he would not necessarily present to himself alone.


ELIAS: Just as you may read a book, or he may read a book, to offer yourself other information. Or you may discuss crystals with myself to offer yourself other information. You are not looking to myself to respond to you in what you already know or in what you want to hear; ...

SANDRA: Right. (Laughs)

ELIAS: ... you are looking to myself to offer you information that you may not necessarily present to yourself automatically. He is doing the same. In this, you can be supportive by offering that input and by being you – which, naturally being you, you DO look beyond the black and white. You do enjoy exploring the possibilities of other answers or other directions. He may not choose to absorb that and implement that, but it does offer him an encouragement to question and to evaluate that there may be more than one answer. There may be more than two answers, and even if he does not know what the more than two answers is, it encourages him to entertain the possibility that there are other answers and they may be presented to him in manners that he may not expect. In this, I would encourage you to request information from him to allow you a broader spectrum to engage.

Now in this, I will also express to you, one of the challenging and sometimes difficult directions to engage is to accept what the other individual expresses that they want. For, the other individual may express, “What I want is for you to talk to me,” or they may express the manner in which you can be supportive is to listen. Those responses in many situations seem unsatisfying, for you as the parent want to do more, for you think, related to associations, that speaking or listening is not much: you are not actively engaging; you are not doing an action.

SANDRA: Right.

ELIAS: You are doing an action and you ARE actively engaging, but it seems that it is not as valuable or not as much, not as interactive and that it is not as valuable, that being in physical proximity and fixing him a meal or driving him to a particular location or accompanying him to a physician, those would be definite, interactive, supportive actions. Not necessarily, and what may actually be a more expressive support may be to be talking or listening.

SANDRA: There is a reason that he is where he is. And he generates out-of-the-box thoughts, and that may surprise me sometimes. And I do like that, but want to get to these things that he wants to actualize. There’s a lot of stuff. And he is sick right now, and it's very troublesome for him.

My question is, I see [inaudible], and can I trust my intuitions? I wonder where the crystal ball is here with you. I always get a little nervous about stuff...

ELIAS: Yes, you can trust your intuition.

SANDRA: My intuition is that this is fine. He also would like to move into continuing study that he loves on [inaudible], and what would be more gratifying than doing what you WANT to do? He has imaginative ideas of still staying out of the United States. He was in high school at a junior prom store buying a tux, and there I saw a vision of him dancing with a woman partner but definitely out of this country for a long period of time, in the world, bridging and healing two different forces that he could bridge because of his unique insight and training and experience. And I saw that so clearly. It's always there around him, and I trust that vision.

[Inaudible] I love this little acknowledgment of some of these things that I see, and I’m making a great peace because… that's really what the love is, it's the allowance of the other individual to have this freedom of expression, and allowing him, loving and trusting [inaudible]. And I love what happens here because it is quite a body of information [inaudible]. It has been so liberating, simply liberating and opening and expanding, a tremendous appreciation [inaudible]. Thank you so much. (Elias laughs)

ELIAS: You are very welcome, my dear friend. Be greatly encouraged. In that encouragement, perhaps spread the playfulness across the sea (Sandra laughs) to the foreign land and to your son, encouraging that fun and playfulness, and mystery and wonder, that magic is more present than you think. (Both laugh)

SANDRA: Wonderful. Wonderful.

ELIAS: You are very welcome, my dear friend. I greatly anticipate our next meeting.

SANDRA: Thank you so much.

ELIAS: To you in tremendous appreciation and great lovingness as always, au revoir.

SANDRA: Au revoir. Thank you, Elias. Thank you.

[1] Session 3021. Elias describes the upcoming wave during the group session the next day and describes it this way: “Now you have chosen two belief systems to be addressed to in one wave. The two belief systems that you have chosen are senses, and creation and the universe.”
[2] Session 1840.

(Elias departs after 55 minutes 25 seconds)

Copyright 2010 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.