Allow Yourself to Be You
“Allow Yourself to Be You”
“Mass Beliefs Are Not Valid to Everyone”
“Expansion: What Is Genuine for You Can Change”
Monday, March 9, 2009
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Ariana
ELIAS: Good morning!
ARIANA: Good morning.
ELIAS: (Chuckles) And what shall we discuss?
ARIANA: It’s very nice to talk to you.
ELIAS: And you also.
ARIANA: Well, thank you. I guess the main thing that I’m interested in, in this session, is my intent and state of being, in a way. I’m interested in what’s the way that I want to live my life, like there’s a state where I can just let go and let everything be and everything is just as it is, and then there’s another state where I’m assuming the role of an individual and I have of all these things happen to me and it doesn’t feel like I’m controlling them, necessarily. I’m just wondering if the state of just being and allowing is more my natural state. I’m most interested in what is my natural state and how to get in touch with that and just be that most or all of the time.
ELIAS: And I would express that you already know.
ARIANA: Okay. I guess I want a validation that that’s the direction that I actually want to be going in.
ELIAS: Yes, for it is a matter of allowing yourself to genuinely be you, rather than generating the façade of what you think you are expected to be or what you expect yourself to be, but rather allowing yourself to genuinely be you and therefore genuinely be self-directing.
In this, it is significant to begin to evaluate who you genuinely are apart from what you have learned, apart from what you have been taught, apart from your experiences. For I will express to you, for the most part, to this point, most individuals throughout your world attach their experiences, and what they have learned and what they have been taught and outside influences, to their identity. They generate those factors as a part of their identity, of forming their identity and who they are. But in actuality, none of these factors are actually who you are. They are what you do or what you allow or what you engage, but they are not necessarily who you are.
In this, it is significant to allow yourself to genuinely delve into yourself and your own guidelines, for that is a part of your identity in its genuineness. And when you do that, you can more clearly and effectively evaluate these outside influences and whether they are actually valid or pertinent to you individually or not. It also encompasses evaluating your associations – which, you all generate many, many, many associations in every direction, for associations are the assessment that you generate with every experience and that you attach a judgment of good or bad to that assessment. That becomes your association with any subject in any experience.
But – although a formed association may be valid in the moment that it was formed, it may not be valid in other situations, and a past association may or may not be valid in present experiences. But these are all factors that INFLUENCE you in what you do and what you engage and what directions you move in, and when you can genuinely look at yourself and what is genuinely you, the essential you, many of the directions that you may have engaged previously may not actually be valid in being genuinely you, but more so related to outside influences that you think you should be, or you think you should do or you should not do and you should not be.
An example, hypothetical but also applicable to many, many, many individuals: In most societies, there are mass beliefs that individuals will move in a direction of coupling themselves with one partner and will create a family and will continue in that family and raise children and continue the partnership and grow old and die together.
Now; this may be the direction and may be valid for many individuals. It may NOT be valid for some individuals, but those individuals that it is not valid for, they will likely attempt to push themselves in that direction, and they will likely generate an assessment that it is bad if they do not, or that some element is wrong with them if they do not. And that may not be valid, but it is very real. Their experience is very real, and the direction that they engage is very real, and their feelings are very real, but the subject is not necessarily valid for that individual, for perhaps the individual, in their natural flow and their genuineness of themself, is more comfortable not coupling themselves. Or, perhaps the individual may express a more natural flow of coupling themselves with more than one other individual, but they will deny those expressions to themselves, for the outside influences suggest that that is not acceptable, it is not appropriate, and it is not what you as human beings in the mass beliefs do; [therefore] you engage in marriage.
Now, if an individual is genuinely evaluating themself in their own identity, their own guidelines, their own flow, they may actually not agree, and they may not actually be comfortable with the actual experience of being coupled to another individual. And if they are genuinely acknowledging of their own flow, they would choose not to be moving in the direction of the mass belief.
Now; mass beliefs are not bad, and they are not necessarily wrong. They are mass beliefs, for many, many, many individuals share them; and, for many, many individuals, they ARE valid, and this is the reason that they are mass beliefs. But mass beliefs are not valid to all individuals, and there are many, many, many mass beliefs. It is a matter of genuinely allowing yourself to evaluate, “Who am I, what do I want, what is comfortable for me? What satisfies me? Not what I should be, not what other individuals think I am, not what other individuals think my potential is, but what is important to me?” That is the most significant question.
And in this, as you allow yourself to genuinely feel into yourself, you will know what is satisfying to you. You may know what is not, initially, but even that moves you in the direction of discovering what IS satisfying and what is comfortable to you, in recognizing what is not comfortable and what is not satisfying. And you will know what feels genuine.
Now, I can express to you in relation to a common question in relation to knowing what is genuine: knowing what is genuine changes, for YOU are continuously changing. Therefore, it is not a matter of what is genuine will be a constant throughout your lifetime, for you are continuously changing. Therefore, the genuineness of you also changes, and what is important to you also changes.
In this, you may actually genuinely accomplish in certain expressions in certain time frameworks, such as genuinely acknowledging yourself or genuinely trusting yourself, and you may present a new facet of yourself TO yourself, or a new layer of yourself to yourself – which does not actually invalidate what you were accomplishing, and it does not lessen what you were accomplishing or what you were expressing, but it enhances it in a new manner, in a new layer.
For many individuals will move in the direction of discounting themselves and expressing, “I genuinely am acknowledging myself; I genuinely am engaging what I want to engage; I genuinely am trusting myself,” and they present an experience to themself in which it seems that they may not have been expressing those factors previously. But in actuality they were, and now you are merely offering yourself a new layer of information, MORE information and an expanded information, and therefore, you also expand your ability to express in those manners. Which is also significant to remember in each step that you engage, for each step is an expansion, not necessarily a discounting of the previous step.
ARIANA: Okay. (Both chuckle) That’s excellent. I guess I will ask about my intent, then. The best way I can describe it, I guess, is exploring states of being, but I don’t know if that’s exactly it. Could you help me identify my intent?
ELIAS: And what was your evaluation that you expressed that conclusion of “exploring states being”?
ARIANA: Actually, I would more say that it has to do with the Shift, really, kind of like helping the Shift along. I don’t know if that’s just a wish or if that’s actually what I’m doing. But I have been involved in reading the Seth material and everything from a very young age, and when I was 11 or 12 I was experimenting with states of consciousness. It’s always been a very big interest for me. I wouldn’t necessarily say that I’m interested in a whole bunch of different states, just whatever is most genuine for myself, and maybe helping others and being an example for others to follow, I guess.
ELIAS: That I would agree with, that you are exploring many different avenues of how to experiment with different manners of how to be an example, without instructing.
ARIANA: Yes. “How to be”: that’s pretty much it. That’s what I’m interested in. (Both laugh) Cool.
I would like to know my stats. I have some impressions, and maybe I could verify those with you?
ELIAS: Very well!
ARIANA: I think I’m belonging Sumari and then aligning Sumafi?
ELIAS: Correct.
ARIANA: Okay. I guess essence name: That will be good to know. (Both laugh)
ELIAS: Essence name: Karlyn (“Kar-LYN”), K-A-R-L-Y-N.
ARIANA: I got an impression a while ago that maybe my essence name would be Jaen, like J-A-E-N, but I’m thinking maybe that was a focus I was tuning into.
ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.
ARIANA: Okay. Let’s see, essence color. I’m going to go with a deep red, like a crimson?
ELIAS: Correct.
ARIANA: Focus color, I’m not sure. Is it sage?
ELIAS: Congratulations!
ARIANA: Oh. (Laughs) That’s pretty interesting. I’ve had many impressions before, but now that I’m talking to you and I’m being in the moment, I’m getting different ones. (Elias laughs) Cool. Before, I thought that maybe my essence tone would be a B or maybe a C, for the musical note?
ELIAS: B flat.
ARIANA: B flat, there we go. Okay. I’m not sure what other information I really need. I guess I am kind of curious… I used to live with a bunch of monks, and we did a lot of meditating, and I got started where I got into the state of just being. For years I would just lay on the couch and read books about nondualism and everything, and I was wondering if that was kind of like a transition?
ELIAS: A transition of what sort?
ARIANA: Well, actually, I don’t remember the word exactly, but I’d just experience this big void, and it was really like depressing and uncomfortable. And then sometimes I would experience a great joy, but I never really... That’s when I got into where my identity wasn’t exactly like “[Me] the human”; it was more like a being, like an essence kind of thing.
ELIAS: Yes. I would express to you that it is not unusual for an individual, a human, to experience that vastness as a type of void, and it is not uncommon to feel uncomfortable or even depressed in relation to that – until you generate more of knowing in relation to it. Which, that knowing is beyond understanding and does not actually translate into any type of language, and therefore it would be exceptionally difficult for you to explain it.
But the reason that you would experience that feeling of depression or void, or even emptiness, is that what you are tapping into in yourself, as essence in that vastness, is the lack of emotion.
Emotion is very, very familiar in your reality. In actuality, regardless of the individual, regardless of how much or how little they perceive that they express emotion, it is such an intricate element of your reality, and it is so constant. You are always feeling. Whether you acknowledge what you are feeling or not, whether you are paying attention to what you are feeling or not, you are continuously, constantly feeling. Therefore when you remove that component, it is so very unfamiliar that you automatically feel a loss, for that is such an intricate part of your existence within this physical dimension that the lack of it creates this automatic association with loss.
Now, that can change, and you can move beyond that sense of loss in continuing to explore that essential you, that essence of you. For, once you recognize that emotion is merely one part of your experiences, that it is not necessarily bad, that there are other aspects of you that do not incorporate emotion for it is not necessary.
ARIANA: When I get that feeling in my throat, that constricting feeling, sometimes I think that’s me forcing energy, but other times I know it’s related to some kind of belief or feeling, and I can’t really put my finger on it. I try to relax and make it go away, but sometimes I’m not very successful at it. Is that related to emotion?
ARIANA: How can I relax that? It’s kind of like I’m restricting it, and I’m keeping it in, and I think I need to let it out, maybe.
ELIAS: I would express to you, when that occurs, ask yourself, “What are you afraid to express? What are you afraid to feel or to express, in any manner?” And the expression may be generated in thoughts: “What are you threatened by, and what are you afraid will occur?” For in actuality, I will express to you, my friend, whatever is within you, whatever you can possibly perceive as the darkest hole within you, is not actually as bad as you think it is.
ARIANA: That’s good. (Laughs)
ELIAS: I will express to you, I engaged an exercise with a group of individuals that was very telling. I expressed to this group of individuals to genuinely move into themself and to express what their most terrible secret was, the one expression that they perceived was the absolute worst element of themself, or the worst experience that they had ever engaged. Some individuals chose not to participate and to hold their secret. Those individuals that chose to express their secret, as difficult as it was, were met with a very unexpected response, that as terrible as they individually thought or perceived themself to be in their secret, the other individuals did not perceive it to be bad and were unimpressed with the lack of severity of each secret. (Laughs)
Therefore, the point is, whatever is within you that you may possibly be threatened by, or that you may possibly perceive as bad, is not as bad as you perceive it to be. When you allow yourself to expose to yourself – for that is what you are doing; it is not a matter of true confessions to any other individual; it is a matter of allowing yourself to expose to you – it is very liberating. For when you can expose to you, you can also tap into that vastness of you and view yourself as this one individual as you would view any other individual. And, in your own compassion that you express to other individuals and your sensitivity that you express to other individuals, you can express to yourself also. You are no less than any other individual that you may engage, and you would be compassionate with other individuals regardless of what their secret is. In this, you are deserving of the same.
ARIANA: Oh good. (Both laugh) The pain and the restrictedness that I feel in my forearms and my heels at times, I’m guessing that that’s kind of where I’m restricting myself, too, and not allowing myself to express myself.
ELIAS: I would express that this is partially, but this is somewhat different. This is associated with pressuring yourself: pressuring yourself to be more, to be better, to do more. In this, when you are pressuring yourself and not merely allowing yourself to be you in the moment and acknowledging the wondrousness of yourself as you are, you create these types of manifestations.
ARIANA: Okay. One of the great things that I got from this session was just to be myself, then. (Both laugh)
ELIAS: And that would be my advice to every individual upon your planet. (Both laugh)
ARIANA: Sounds good, sounds good. I should probably get going. I think we’re over time. It was great talking to you, Elias.
ELIAS: Very well, my friend. I shall be anticipating our next meeting, and I shall be offering my energy to you continuously in great encouragement. Be you. (Chuckles)
In great lovingness to you my friend, au revoir.
ARIANA: Au revoir.
(Elias departs after 38 minutes)
Copyright 2009 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.