Session 225

Helpfulness from a Little Dog


“Helpfulness From a Little Dog”

Saturday, October 4, 1997 © 1997 (Private)

Participants: Mary (Michael), Vicki (Lawrence), Bob (Siman), and Vivien (Miriam). (Vivien was visiting from the San Diego area)

Vic’s note: Vivien has a delightful voice! She has a strong English accent and an unusual tone to her voice, which is very soothing and almost hypnotic in its effect.

Elias arrives at 4:03 PM. (Time was eighteen seconds)

ELIAS: Good afternoon. (Smiling)

VIVIEN: Good afternoon. Hi, Elias! Good to see you again. A few questions -- lots and lots of questions -- and I don’t really know where to start. I think what I’d like to begin with is, I’m interested in the connections I have, if any, with the two forums; first, the one with Seth, and second, the one with you. It seems to me that as I look back through my life with the various things that I’ve been interested in, it’s kind of like I’ve been waiting all my life for these things to happen. It’s like a second part of my life is taking off in an entirely different direction, but not really, and I don’t mean that as a contradiction. But I remember when I first found the first Seth book that I read, "Seth Speaks," that changed my life so profoundly, and I’m wondering ... I really don’t know what my question is, but I’m wondering what the connections are with you, with Seth, with Jane, with Rob. I’ve had lots of dreams about Jane and Rob, and a couple of dreams recently with you. I had a feeling that you were there. The last dream was a couple of days ago. I awoke and I heard your voice saying ... I can’t remember what it is now, but I heard it very clearly, and I felt as if I was in a classroom with you. Perhaps you could start by telling me a little bit about that, if you would.

ELIAS: Let us begin with the beginning! You have drawn yourself to information of this other teacher in preparation for the direction that you have chosen to continue with this essence of Elias. In this, you have offered yourself information for your understanding as a preparatory introduction to these concepts and to the action of this shift. Many individuals find this information difficult to assimilate if they are not allowing themselves within previous time periods other information to be preparing themselves for this information. This information is a continuation of this other essence’s information; moving you into the action of this shift more decisively, altering your perceptions and addressing to belief systems.

Before this other teacher was espousing on the subject of belief systems, individuals held no awareness that they hold belief systems. This was a foreign concept to you. Now, as you move more definitively into the action of this shift objectively -- not as much subjectively, as has been the case within the rest of your century, but as you move into more of an objective awareness of this shift -- you also need be addressing to belief systems, for this is the point of this shift in consciousness which shall be altering of your entire reality. But initially, you must be addressing to the situation that you hold belief systems, and that all of your events that you create within your reality are filtered through your belief systems. You do not act, except occasionally, outside of your belief systems. There are certain areas and actions or events that may occur within your focus which are not necessarily filtered through your belief systems, although they are influenced by your belief systems, for they appear within your objective awareness.

In this, you have drawn yourself to information to prepare yourself for ongoing information, and this be the connection between the two essences and the action which is furthered between these two essences. Also, [you are] allowing yourself within your individual intent to be better understanding the action of this shift, and therefore allowing yourself to be more helpful within its action. Some individuals draw themselves to information to be helpful within the action of this shift and some individuals merely participate within the action of this shift, needing helpfulness. This be your connection between these two actions.

VIVIEN: Okay, that makes a lot of sense. My question #10 here; this is what I was going to ask you. True or false -- new game! True or false: "My main purpose in this focus is to help others with this shift."

ELIAS: Correct, within the guidelines of your intent and probabilities.

VIVIEN: The other extension of that: "And to express myself creatively with art."

ELIAS: Correct.

VIVIEN: Now, another question: Why don’t I do it?? I’m on a hamster wheel, one of your hamster wheels! I want to paint, I love to paint! I don’t do it.

ELIAS: (Grinning) You are not incorporating natural time.

VIVIEN: Yeah, I think that’s what it is. I’m using the time for all the things I SHOULD be doing, right?

ELIAS: (Humorously) Ah! "Shoulding on oneself," once again! Incorporating cultural time, within the guidelines of your belief systems, that you must be being productive....

VIVIEN: I’ve got to do my chores first.

ELIAS: Correct.

VIVIEN: Okay. I’ve been doing a lot of work this week trying to figure out my belief systems, so we’ll see....

ELIAS: Natural time is not bad!

VIVIEN: I believe it! But why don’t I do it? I just have to cross that little bridge and get myself out of it, I think. Put on some blinkers and some things in my ears and not listen to anybody asking me to do something!

ELIAS: It may be quite beneficial to you also, for in incorporating natural time and allowing your own creativity to be expressed, you also enhance other elements of your focus.

VIVIEN: Yeah, it makes me more spontaneous with other things. If I’m more relaxed and more happy with what I have expressed naturally, then other things will be easier, correct?

ELIAS: More efficient.

VIVIEN: More efficient. Good word; efficient. Thank you. Okay. You once gave me some information about my lower back pain, and you explained it pretty well and mentioned that it was a personal responsibility issue. I’ve been thinking about this one a lot, trying to figure out what those exact, specific beliefs are that are involved here with personal responsibility.

ELIAS: Look to your family.

VIVIEN: Yes. I looked to my mother, number one, and what I came up with is this: When I look back ... I love my mother dearly. She’s a sweet woman, but I perceive her as having a certain neurosis, a depressive personality, and I grew up feeling responsible for her happiness, and I still think I carry that feeling of responsibility to other areas within hypnotherapy with clients. I feel that I HAVE to make them happy, HAVE to heal them, HAVE to help them get where they need to go. And I feel, I think, unhappy when I do not get them where they want to go.

ELIAS: And to your immediate family also.

VIVIEN: Oh, my husband? Yeah, with my husband....

ELIAS: And child.

VIVIEN: And my child too? Oh, I missed that one! I didn’t really see that, although I do have a certain reluctance in my role as wife and mother. (Pause) Am I close?

ELIAS: This being an attempt to be offering yourself a viewing of this issue and this belief system, but you hold this belief system very strongly.

VIVIEN: Yeah. So now, what do I have to do to get out of it? Focus on freedom, focus on release?

ELIAS: Self.

VIVIEN: Focus on self. Focus on doing what I want to do, not on what I feel I should do -- that "should" word again! Okay. Alright, I’ll do that! Okay, next. About my husband actually, I’ve often had the feeling that I’ve had many focuses with him, and two strong ones. The first strong one I got was that I’ve been his mother in another time, and I’ve also been his daughter another time. My son, I felt, had been my husband one time. How did I do on those?

ELIAS: Very well! Also, you have been brother to your partner presently, and have been mother previously to your son also.

VIVIEN: Okay. Well, that’s interesting. Was I the elder brother or the younger brother to my husband?

ELIAS: Older.

VIVIEN: Yeah, that’s what I thought. Okay, that explains a lot of things, it really does. I’ve carried that one over for sure, in certain areas! Oh, my!

ELIAS: This being also an area providing competition at times within this focus.

VIVIEN: I can see that easily. The other thing I wanted to ask you is about my son. I felt that I knew exactly when I conceived him. I felt his presence immediately, like he was right here inside of me immediately, and really didn’t leave. He was with me all the time. Was that a correct impression?

ELIAS: This is not uncommon. Many individuals, in accepting the agreement to be birthing physically another essence into physical focus, are aware of the presence of the other focus immediately.

VIVIEN: Yeah, it was like an elastic band going twang! It was such a strong sort of feeling. ELIAS: Also, those individuals that may not be immediately aware, in what you term to be conception, may hold an awareness of a particular time specifically that they connect to the focus which is becoming manifest. The identification is that of the exchange. Different essences choose different moments to be connecting and entering into what you may term to be the first cells or the fetus, or at times not until the physical manifestation has entered its own individual independent existence within physical focus; but at the moment that the essence is choosing to be connecting and entering the physical form, the other focus shall hold a recognition.

VIVIEN: Thank you. Okay, where are we? Health ... eyesight. My eyesight changed, I feel, the day after I gave birth to my son. The day before, I had perfect eyesight. The day after, it was shot. It’s not terrible, but it’s gradually to the point where I have to wear these little magnifying glasses to see clearly.

ELIAS: Express to me why you have created this!

VIVIEN: Well, I’ve been trying to figure this one out too. It obviously has something to do with the birth itself, and also about seeing. What do I want to see more clearly? What do I feel like I have to magnify, perhaps, looking at it symbolically? What do I not want to see too clearly?

ELIAS: What do you not want to see too clearly in regard to this individual?

VIVIEN: With you? Oh, me!

ELIAS: Your son!

VIVIEN: My son! What do I not want to see too clearly with him? Hmm!

ELIAS: There are elements of parenthood, as you have expressed already, which are known, which you are reluctant to be addressing to and resistant to be entering into certain areas of which you think of within your belief systems as responsibilities. Therefore, in this you also effect, as an objective symbol to yourself, a reluctance to be visualizing. There are elements of parenting, within your belief systems, that you are not necessarily wishing to be viewing.

VIVIEN: And those elements? Can you give me a hint here?

ELIAS: These would enter into areas of personal responsibility. Be understanding that your role as the parent is BURSTING with belief systems, as are many other individuals engaging this action! In actuality, the agreement has been made that you shall be physically bringing forth into this physical reality another physical focus. That is all! VIVIEN: So all I have to do is just be naturally myself, and I’ll do okay.

ELIAS: And hold not so very many expectations!

VIVIEN: Of myself or of him?

ELIAS: Both.

VIVIEN: Okay. So when I tell him he’s got to do as he’s told, he doesn’t have to do that any more!

ELIAS: Be recognizing of impulses also, in the respect of not holding responsibility for another individual’s creation of their reality, but also not blocking of another individual’s reality within small ages.

VIVIEN: So, let him play.

ELIAS: Be accepting.

VIVIEN: Let him express freely.

ELIAS: Correct.

VIVIEN: I will do my best with that one. I’m aware that I block him sometimes, because I’m tired or whatever.

ELIAS: Impulses unexpressed create what you view now as adults with blockages and what you view to be problems, although these are your creations for your noticing; but it is unnecessary for you to be creating of these elements if you are not blocking of your impulses.

As small ones, you hold belief systems also that other individuals hold more power than do you. In this, as small ones you allow other individuals to dictate to you your behavior. In this, as the adults or parents or teachers, this influence is many times misused as a power and is influencing to be blocking of small ones’ natural impulses, for you are wishing this small one to be behaving within the guidelines of your officially accepted reality, not recognizing presently that these small ones are born into a focus holding much more awareness of this shift in consciousness than you realize, and naturally flow into it. Their reality shall be quite different from your reality presently, within future time frameworks. They are preparing for this presently and move naturally into the action of the shift, and individuals that hold the role within the age groups of adults hold back these small ones, not recognizing their natural movement within the action of this shift.

VIVIEN: I need to get myself reorganized here. Thank you. You told me my essence name was Miriam, and also that I’ve held that name as a physical focus as well.

ELIAS: Correct.

VIVIEN: Is there a connection with Moses?

ELIAS: Not necessarily Moses, but within the Hebrew culture and ancient time periods, yes.

VIVIEN: Okay. I think you said I had held that name twice? Or maybe a few times?

ELIAS: Correct.

VIVIEN: All within the Hebrew culture?

ELIAS: Not all.

VIVIEN: When I was focusing on it, I saw myself as having long, dark hair and looking Hebrew-like, and quite tall for that time period.

ELIAS: In actuality, within the physical location of Jerusalem. And you may be investigating of this! (Grinning)

VIVIEN: Alright. Other connections with art, cave art. When I was very, very young ... I remember maybe being seven or eight years old and doing a copy of a cave art picture, and as I’ve been focusing on that and other connections that I’m interested in looking at, the great artists -- I’ve always been very influenced by Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Dürer, Rodin, all of those -- I feel that perhaps I have been an artist in many lifetimes, not just one but many, and I think perhaps in those times, either as a cave artist or as an artist during the times of Da Vinci or some of the great artists. I have a great liking for very gold picture frames! I wonder if you could tell me anything about that.

ELIAS: Within other focuses, I shall direct you, and then you may be investigating yourself within the context of your new game. You have held focuses in the capacity of being an artist in a minor role; not within what you would term to be the popular area of fame or recognition in this manner, but holding great ability and being in a minor role of artistic expression. Also, you hold an affinity for gold, as being a sculptor within ancient time framework of very eastern Russian location, and this in time frameworks seven/eight BC in your terms, of areas southern to what you now term in location to be Siberia but northern of what you term to be Mongolia, in the area of the Russian realm, within a culture very focused and adept at sculpting gold. VIVIEN: Hmm! Gold sandals! Is that where that comes from too?

ELIAS: You may be investigating of this also!

VIVIEN: My gold sandals! I always have to have a pair of gold sandals! I thought it was maybe Egypt.


VIVIEN: Or Rome.

ELIAS: Russia.

VIVIEN: Russia. Hmm! Russia ... I wouldn’t have expected that one. Thank you. You also answered my question once about channeling my higher consciousness, and I had a couple of experiences, but one major experience with the energy surge coming up. Well, I’ve been trying to do that again, and it’s not working! I don’t feel that I have any blocks. I don’t believe that I have any negative beliefs about it, or fears.

ELIAS: And I express to you once again, relax into this situation.

VIVIEN: Stop trying.

ELIAS: Correct.

VIVIEN: Okay, I’ll stop trying and hope for some more spontaneity! Alright, thank you. Okay, another one. With my husband, and this might have something to do with the other relationships I’ve had with him as brother or whatever, but what can you tell me that would help me to understand my perception of what I see as coldness or fear of intimacy or whatever it is that I perceive in him? I see a distance sometimes, and I know that he has a great ability, if you like, for sharing, for intimacy, but he only ever shows it when he’s relaxed with a drink. When he’s stone-cold conscious, sober, working, business, he’s very efficient, just kind of like a machine gun. I wonder if you could help me understand that a little bit better.

ELIAS: Understand the belief systems.

VIVIEN: But what belief systems?

ELIAS: This individual holds very strong belief systems of the role that is occupied within this particular focus.

VIVIEN: As military?

ELIAS: Not necessarily as military.

VIVIEN: As duty, perhaps?

ELIAS: Not necessarily; but as within the capacity of the male figure and the role model, and adopting very mass-held belief systems of how responsibly the focus shall be executed. There are very strong belief systems with this individual concerning responsibility.

VIVIEN: That’s very apparent.

ELIAS: In this, there is developed a rigidness and also a lack of incorporation of natural time, viewing that each moment must be producing an element productive.

VIVIEN: That describes myself! (Cracking up)

ELIAS: Quite! Therefore....

VIVIEN: What a nice little mirror operation we’ve got going on here!

ELIAS: Absolutely! (Grinning)

VIVIEN: Oh boy! I’m just looking in the mirror every single time! Okay, I’ll have to work on that one. I have to start seeing myself as softer too. Okay. My husband has just retired from the military and he’s joined in with a friend, an old, old friend and associate, with a new business. I know you won’t foretell the future and I’m not going to ask you that, but what I would like to ask you is, within present probabilities, as they’re kind of setting up now, are they creating as successful an enterprise as they think they are?

ELIAS: Correct.

VIVIEN: They are. Okay, that’s what I told them too! I can see them heading for great success with this and achieving all that they want to. The way the dice is stacked right now, they’re going to do fine?

ELIAS: Within the most probable probabilities.

VIVIEN: Can we say 99.99%? Will that cut it? (Elias chuckles) Okay, good. Oh, snakes! This last week has been an extremely unusual week, all kind of turning around snakes. It started when this little dog turned up, a little stray dog I adopted, a lovely little thing. And then, I guess it was about three or four days ago, I came home and there was a man, a worker, cutting down some brush. I talked to him and startled him, and as he turned around he said, "Oh, you made me jump, and I’m glad you did because I shouldn’t be in here by myself. There are snakes in here, rattlesnakes, and I’m not supposed to be working here by myself. I’m glad you caught my attention." I said, "Well, I didn’t really bring your attention to that, but okay." So we continued talking, but he kept on thanking me for bringing to his attention about the snakes, and I hadn’t. I thought, "This is strange!" I said to him, "Well, you never know. You might be immune to snake-bites," and of course that was out of his belief system. I said, "There’s a religious group who worships snakes and they dance with snakes and they touch all kinds of poisonous snakes and they’re not harmed by them." Now, he didn’t buy that for one second! He was respectful, but he didn’t buy it for one second. So there I am, giving myself all this mirroring of snakes and my beliefs about snakes and harm and how you can overcome just about anything. A day later, I was walking through the canyons with the dog, and what happens? She gets bitten by a rattlesnake! Now, I think I’ve set this whole thing up to give myself a challenge, but I want you to tell me if this is a game I’m playing with myself. I didn’t realize the dog had gotten bitten by the snake. I knew that she jumped away from it, and when I came up to it, it was this little tiny snake sitting in the middle of the pathway. We went around it, continued our walk, and went home again. It wasn’t until about a half hour later that the dog had a fat face. So there she was with this big fat face and I thought, "Oh boy, what do we do now? Here I am talking about snakes and that you don’t necessarily have to have bad reactions to them, and now here’s my dog and I have to make a decision. Do I take her to get snake venom, or do I do the old white light thing? Where’s my trust in this? If I’m going to be trusting, I’m going to be trusting. If I’m not, I take her to the vet."

ELIAS: Convenient, how you are presenting yourself objectively with your own belief systems! (Grinning)

VIVIEN: I know. I took her to the vet, and then I brought her home again. I thought, "No snake venom. We’re going to see if she can overcome this by herself," which she did! By morning, she was fine. I thought, "Well, the little energy thing that I was doing with her, did it help or didn’t it?" Did I help in some way? Did she allow me to help her? Can you just tell me something about all of that?

ELIAS: I shall express to you that your effort has been accepted and helpful, although it was unnecessary, for this has been presented to you as an objective presentment of your own belief systems and addressing to them and therefore also moving you into the area of feeling a necessity to be helpful, for you are holding the belief system of responsibility for creating this situation. Therefore, you also hold the belief system that you must be affecting of the subsequent situation. In this, you offer yourself the opportunity to view belief systems that you have not completely held an objective awareness of, thinking within your thought process that you do not hold this belief system and expounding upon your very wideness that you do not hold this belief system, and offering yourself objective imagery that in reality you DO hold this belief system, and also continuing with this in conjunction with your personal responsibility issues. VIVIEN: There are several good lessons here.

ELIAS: Quite, for in actuality.... (Vivien starts cracking up)

VIVIEN: I’m sorry! (Vic is snoring quite loudly)

ELIAS: (Humorously) Lawrence is subjectively connecting!

VIVIEN: I know! She’s listening somewhere else. I wonder if this is going to come through on the tape! (Yes, it did!) I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt you. (Still cracking up)

ELIAS: As I was expressing, in actuality, were you not holding this belief system and not offering yourself objective imagery, the creature would not have engaged this action in cooperation with you.

VIVIEN: Poor puppy dog....

ELIAS: There is no necessity for this expression! It is a willing expression. Therefore in this, if you had been not holding this belief system....

VIVIEN: I wouldn’t have drawn it to me in the first place.

ELIAS: Correct; or the creature may have chosen to engage the action of allowing itself to be bitten, and no response would be occurring.

VIVIEN: Gotcha. Makes sense. Okay, next. Ah! Just an off-the-wall one here. An art forger from World War II ... I can’t remember the first name, but his last name was Van Meegeren, and he was a very good art forger. Does he have any connection with Adolph Hitler, as a counterpart or even family relationship?

ELIAS: Not family.

VIVIEN: Okay. Is there some connection with them? I felt very strongly that there was.

ELIAS: This would be a counterpart situation.

VIVIEN: Okay. They even looked alike. Counterparts. Now that we’re on that, counterparts that I know ... are there any that I know personally? Is Mary one ... Michael?

ELIAS: Michael holds counterpart action with yourself. So does also your partner.

VIVIEN: Ah! Alright. Are there any others that I’m aware of, that I know or have met?

ELIAS: You hold a close friendship with another individual.

VIVIEN: Male or female?

ELIAS: Female.

VIVIEN: Would her name be Lois?


VIVIEN: Oh. Anita?

ELIAS: Holding similar physical appearance to yourself.

VIVIEN: Would this be Elaine? (Pause)


VIVIEN: I’m running out of people who look like me! A close friend?

ELIAS: Becoming a close friend.

VIVIEN: Anita!

ELIAS: (Grinning) The individual has engaged this forum ...

VIVIEN: Melinda?

ELIAS: ... and holds connections with partner to your partner.

VIVIEN: (Light bulb!) Oh, Jan! Okay, Jan. Well, that’s a surprise to me! How interesting! Thank you. As counterparts then, she expresses one part of a direction I guess, and I express another, but we both share within that information.

ELIAS: Correct.

VIVIEN: And interesting that she is married to my husband’s dear, dear friend.

ELIAS: You shall be becoming....

VIVIEN: Very close.

ELIAS: Correct.

VIVIEN: Yes, I can see that would happen. Now I’m getting something. Is my husband also very close in counterpart to his friend?

ELIAS: Correct. VIVIEN: Okay. But I’m not counterpart with Jan’s husband Jim?


VIVIEN: Okay. Well, that makes a lot of sense, it really does. Okay. I asked my husband if he had a question to ask you, and I’m sure he has many, but he wouldn’t admit to them. He’s not really ... well, I won’t say "not into this stuff." I think he has a very natural metaphysical ability or understanding.

ELIAS: You may be quite surprised!

VIVIEN: Yeah. But the question that he came up with is, "When will man, human nature, humanity, when will we become aware and understand what infinity is?"

ELIAS: When you are non-physically focused!

VIVIEN: (Laughing) I knew you were going to say that! I’m going to wait a while, but not too long!

ELIAS: Within physical focus, within even your wider awareness within the action of this shift, you shall continue to hold to physical focus, and in this you shall not hold the awareness of all that is.

VIVIEN: But closer, in our terms.

ELIAS: Quite.

VIVIEN: Alright, next. My mother; one question for her. She’s had bad health or she believes she’s has bad health all her life, and one of the most crippling for her is migraine headaches. I wonder if you can tell me so that I can tell her why she created these terrible headaches that she has had and is continuing to have, and also the leg problem that she’s having now. It’s kind of thrombosis ... thrombo-phlebitis.

ELIAS: The headaches are a creation to be blocking thought processes.

VIVIEN: Of an emotional nature?

ELIAS: Partially, but not completely. There are elements that this individual chooses not to address. Therefore, [she] blocks thought processes and blocks avenues of openings of neurological pathways, and in this creates the situation of painfulness within head.

VIVIEN: So the elements that she’s blocking, what do they have to do with? ELIAS: This would be in the area of not wishing to hold thought processes in addressing events and experiences in conjunction with this individual’s partner and children.

VIVIEN: Hurtfulness that she has experienced? I see her as a person who is very critical. She criticizes herself; she criticizes others easily. At the same time, she has a very loving personality, rather a vulnerability around her, and also holds very high ideals about proper behavior or how people should behave in kindness toward each other. Is it involved in all of this kind of thing too, of criticism and how she should be treated?

ELIAS: This, within the context of the individual’s belief systems, is a tool. It draws attention and it may be quite effective in influencing and manipulating other individuals within their belief systems.

VIVIEN: Yeah, it worked very well for me when I was young, and probably with my father as well, if I look back and examine that. Thank you. I don’t know whether she’ll want to hear that or not, but I’ll see if I can rephrase it in a way that will be acceptable.

ELIAS: Very well. We shall break, and you may continue with your questions.

VIVIEN: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome.

BREAK 4:49 PM RESUME 5:19 PM (Time was three seconds)

ELIAS: Continuing.

VIVIEN: Hi! Okay, I’m going to make a guess. My husband, I’d like to know his family and alignment, but I’m going to take a stab that his family is the same as mine. Sumafi, aligned Zuli?

ELIAS: Correct.

VIVIEN: Oh! I got one! Great! And my son, I think also Sumafi, aligned ... I’m not sure. I’m just pulling this one up ... Gramada. (Elias shakes his head) But did I get the family right?

ELIAS: Correct.

VIVIEN: Okay, Sumafi family, aligned Milumet?

ELIAS: Aligned Milumet and Vold. VIVIEN: Oh, Milumet and Vold. So he shares with me Vold alignment. Cool. That’s interesting, because I thought that last week. I was focusing on it and I came up with Sumafi/Vold, same as me. That’s interesting. But I got my husband’s right! My husband’s essence name?

ELIAS: Beard. (Pronounced as rhyming with dared)



VIVIEN: Oh, weird! And my son’s?

ELIAS: Kashel. K-A-S-H-E-L. (Accent on first syllable)

VIVIEN: Kashel. Thank you. I’d like to ask some questions about my dreams. I have recurring dreams. The themes have a lot to do with trains and elevators. Weird elevators, elevators that don’t go just up and down but go sideways, that fly through open kinds of constructions like buildings, often coming from what I’ve perceived to be some kind of a hotel where I’m staying. If we could start with the elevators ... also with the elevators, sometimes in the dreams I get into the elevator, not necessarily through a door, but sometimes through a compartment in the wall on the staircase. There’s all kinds of odd ways that I can get into these elevators. Could you tell me a little bit about those?

ELIAS: This would be imagery to yourself, imaging the building as the containment of you within the focus and the elevator as being the image of the movement within consciousness and your ability to maneuver within consciousness in unconventional methods, not necessarily within the officially accepted reality, but that consciousness moves in other directions than merely forward and backward, up and down, but that this moves in many other directions. Your accessing through what you consider to be unconventional methods would be your imagery to yourself of accessing other areas of consciousness, not through objective waking state, but entering into these areas of accessing through dream state and altered states, therefore not necessarily moving through the door.

VIVIEN: Little secret passages, secret passages of the mind! Great. And the other, the trains. I’ve been thinking about this one. I thought, "Okay, trains. Obviously it’s movement of some kind again." Trains also have symbolism perhaps to do with training, as "in training." I’m always around train stations, massive train stations. Sometimes I get on the train and go somewhere, sometimes I’m looking for the train, and other times I meet somebody on the train, and often that personality is well-known. Once it was Deepak Chopra, but I didn’t go with him, but there was a connection there, I felt, with the field that I’m in with hypnotherapy, and also with metaphysical interests. Sometimes my husband and my little boy are with me, but it’s like they’re waving me off, they’re not coming with me. But it’s always to do with trains and traveling, and often going through unusual terrain.

ELIAS: This also would be imagery of movement within other areas of consciousness. This is a symbolization to yourself of the movement that you hold a desire to be accessing and moving into areas of subjective awareness and accessing different areas of consciousness in this design, therefore also at times meeting other individuals that you may perceive hold the ability to be moving within other areas of consciousness; and also, within your belief systems, your immediate family waving you on, in imagery that you believe that you shall be moving beyond their abilities.

VIVIEN: But it’s not necessarily true that I will.

ELIAS: Correct.

VIVIEN: It’s just my perception.

ELIAS: Correct; but this be your imagery.

VIVIEN: I have to learn not to trust that imagery too much!


VIVIEN: What? Did I say the "trust" word? (Laughing)

ELIAS: I shall be expressing to you that you image reality! Therefore, you shall be trusting of this merely being aware of your own symbolism to yourself!

VIVIEN: Oh, sure. Yeah, I think that’s what I meant, not trusting myself. I’ll back out of that one! (Both Elias and Vivien laugh)

Okay! I have been visualizing or seeing a house, and I think it’s a house that we’re going to be building. I see water around, rather blue water, I think perhaps too blue for northern California but I’m not sure, or even southern California. My feeling is that this house, which I feel is going to be my house but I’ll be living there with my family, I believe that it will exist or does exist. But I’m wondering if I’m just ... I know making it up is not making it up, but whether this will become, in all probability, a reality ... the house that I perceive inside here. (Indicating inside herself) I see water right there, and the house as a new construction, and I’m wondering if it is California. The only other place that comes to mind recently is Larnaca in Cyprus. (Pause, with Elias grinning)

ELIAS: This would be your choice, although I shall acknowledge that this is not imagination. You hold a likely probability of creating this element, although you also hold probabilities presently which you may be altering of; but within this present now, you also hold probabilities that may be deflecting this particular probability.

VIVIEN: Moving from America, you mean, to Cyprus? As in those two probabilities?

ELIAS: Not necessarily. The actual creation of this location; you may be deflecting of its actualization.

VIVIEN: My own choice, of course.

ELIAS: Correct. Therefore, I express to you, this be your choice.

VIVIEN: Okay. Thank you. The pendulum -- I’ve been using the pendulum for quite some time, and I feel that I’m getting very valid results from it, and my feeling is that the answers that I get are quite pertinent and quite correct within my questioning. And what I would like to ask you is, how reliable is it for me?

ELIAS: It is a tool, and as a focal point you may be accepting of this, in that you shall be offering yourself acknowledgment and answers to your questions within the framework of using this tool.

VIVIEN: So it’s okay!

ELIAS: Correct.

VIVIEN: So I can do that. My brother; are he and my mother counterparts?

ELIAS: (Accessing) Not presently.

VIVIEN: But they have been?

ELIAS: Correct.

VIVIEN: I also was wondering if they’d held focuses together where they had been married?

ELIAS: (Accessing) One.

VIVIEN: One. With my mother as the female again, as the wife?


VIVIEN: Ah! She was the husband. That explains to me a little bit, I think, of the conflict that they have with each other right now. Is that why they have this ... not really conflict, that’s probably not the right way to phrase it, but difficulties with each other’s personalities?


VIVIEN: Oh, it’s not. It’s present time?

ELIAS: This would be influenced by another focus futurely within a different capacity of relationship; not partners, but within reverse roles of parent and child within a future focus.

VIVIEN: Oh. With my brother as the father or the mother?

ELIAS: Mother.

VIVIEN: As the mother to the son or the daughter?


VIVIEN: That makes sense. Is this going to be far into our future?

ELIAS: This is relative terminology!

VIVIEN: I know, I know. Shall we say within the next hundred years?

ELIAS: A little farther. (Grinning)

VIVIEN: Okay, I’ll leave it at that. I’ll let them get on with it themselves! I’d like to ask a question for a friend of mine, Mary Rose. She’s a lovely girl, full of fun, but she gets herself from one pickle into another and doesn’t seem to be able to get herself out of these dramas that she creates. She’s not happy in her work, and really doesn’t know where to go with it. Is there anything that you can tell me that I can tell her that would help her understand?

ELIAS: This individual may be what you term to be classified as a very old soul, so to speak, holding many manifestations within this dimension and others also. In this, this essence has created that focus as the final focus. In this final focus, holding many experiences in other focuses, this particular focus becomes defocused ...

VIVIEN: (Laughing) That describes Mary Rose! Scattered!

ELIAS: ... and is allowing for random experiences and experiencing the extremes of other experiences to be within the final focus, experiencing the depths of certain elements of physical focus; therefore, quite adequately, as you have expressed, creating much drama. VIVIEN: Oh, yeah, a lot! So she has more dramas to look forward to!

ELIAS: Quite!

VIVIEN: I don’t know whether I’m going to tell her that or not! It may help her to understand though, so I think I’ll couch it in terms that will soften the blow a little bit to her. As to final essence focuses; for myself, my main feeling is that this is my last focus, in our terms. But then at the back of my mind, I think, it’s like I’ve kept an option open for maybe one more.

ELIAS: This being designated, as within the framework of essence, as the final focus, but I express to you that each focus holds the choice and may be altering of that probability if so choosing. Therefore, you hold the recognition of the final focus, as do many other individuals, but also recognize that you may be choosing otherwise, for elements may be intriguing to you that you may be choosing perhaps to be experiencing a little more.

VIVIEN: A little bit more. One more act to follow! Okay, let’s see. Another question. It doesn’t seem terribly important, but this little dog that came to me, I’m intrigued by her. There seems to be an extra message in her appearance at this time, and I’m wondering ... I think it may tie in with a dream I had involving you. I dreamed about a week or so ago ... actually it was the end of August. I dreamt that I was here to see Mary and to have an audience with you. I was talking with Mary, and we were just chit-chatting. The camera wasn’t set up, nothing was going on, and Vicki and Ron were somewhere else. It was just Mary and I talking, but you came through spontaneously and we started talking about things. I was concerned that the camera wasn’t rolling, and I was also concerned for Mary -- did she know that you would come through so spontaneously? -- but we continued to talk. Then it seemed to me that a great deal of intimacy occurred, and I felt that it was more an interpretation of learning about love -- its expression, how we interpret it as human beings, and how love really is what Seth termed a "rock bed reality" -- the truth of love rather than our exchanges of love that we often hold. The dog arrived around that time, who is a complete, wonderful expression of pure unconditional love, so I think perhaps it ties up somewhere, and I would like you to help me out.

ELIAS: Be noticing of this creature, for it has appeared before you to be helpful to you in a cooperation with you in helpfulness for your identification of your belief systems and elements of yourself, and also in the area of allowing you objectively to be noticing the action of acceptance.

VIVIEN: Of love.

ELIAS: Of acceptance. VIVIEN: Total acceptance?

ELIAS: Correct.

VIVIEN: Okay. Acceptance of myself?

ELIAS: And of others.

VIVIEN: And of others. Total acceptance of myself and others, without condoning, without condemning.

ELIAS: Correct.

VIVIEN: Just accepting.

ELIAS: Correct.

VIVIEN: I can have my preferences, but I don’t have to project my projections of what’s good or what’s acceptable onto others.

ELIAS: Absolutely; for this creature holds this ability and may be instructional to you.

VIVIEN: She has been so far. The other thing I would like to ask you about her ... I tried to find out where she came from. So I went inside, and the imagery that I came up with was that she was six years old, that she had been with an older woman who was rather confined to a house, a house something like this, actually. This comes to mind. I saw she had longish, gray, frizzy kind of hair, a little bit overweight, but my feeling was that she had died and that the dog was now on its own. I was wondering how close I came, if at all.

ELIAS: It has been presented as a gift. (Pause) Mary Elizabeth is this woman’s name within physical focus, and you are correct. This individual focus occupies the area of transition presently.

VIVIEN: Alright. Was she in her seventies or eighties?

ELIAS: (Accessing) Sixty-seven.

VIVIEN: Sixty-seven. And was she alone? Was there nobody to claim her house? No children?

ELIAS: Correct.

VIVIEN: Okay, and did she live in South Bay in California, south of where I live?

ELIAS: Correct. VIVIEN: Alright. The dog then, I feel, was dumped at the park.

ELIAS: The creature....

VIVIEN: Found me?


VIVIEN: So she came all the way from....

ELIAS: The creature was not dumped!

VIVIEN: Well, that was an expression, but people do it!

ELIAS: The creature merely has sought out a new home, so to speak, with an intention.

VIVIEN: And she found me. I’m glad she did.

ELIAS: You have been instrumental in drawing this to yourself also.

VIVIEN: Sure. It has to be my choice too. I understand. The dog had been running around for maybe two or three weeks, I think. Is that when Mary Elizabeth was in transition? Was it at that time?

ELIAS: And continues to be.

VIVIEN: Oh, so she’s still physically focused?


VIVIEN: Oh, okay. She’s still in transition. Interesting. And the dog, is she six years old?

ELIAS: Slightly past.

VIVIEN: Okay, that’s good to know, just for the vet. Well, I think I’ve covered everything I would like to cover for today, unless there’s anything that you can offer to me that will be helpful.

ELIAS: (Grinning) You may investigate for yourself, and you may be helpful to yourself!

VIVIEN: I know! Thank you very much.

ELIAS: (Chuckling) You may focus upon what we have discussed this day, and this shall be offering you some helpfulness.

VIVIEN: A great deal.

ELIAS: And if you are wishing audience once again, you may feel free to be calling upon this essence ... Elias! (Still teasing because of my request for Elias to be identifying himself more clearly)

VIVIEN: Thank you, Elias.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome. I shall bid you a very affectionate au revoir this evening! Au revoir, Siman!

Elias departs at 5:43 PM.


(1) When Elias uses the term "transition," he isn’t talking about dying. He is talking about an action of engaging belief systems, which he says can be, and quite often is, entered into while a person is very much alive. He is also talking about an action of moving from subjective to objective awareness, and vice versa. A person can be in transition for their entire lifetime, according to my understanding of Elias’ definition. There seems to be much confusion regarding this terminology, so I plan to ask Elias to clarify this in the near future.

Viv’s Appendix: (Viv’s note: I thought it might be helpful to add a few notes for anyone interested)

When Elias first brought it to my attention that my issues of personal responsibility create my lower back pain and that I should focus on self to heal it, I thought it would be relatively easy to uncreate it ... you know, loosen up and let rip a little! NOT! In fact, the more I "try" to focus on self, the worse the pain gets. Trying is lying, as the saying goes. Trying implies difficulty. Accomplishment comes with effortlessness. As I’ve delved into all the events and my perceptions of my life, I can see that this is an issue that goes WAY back.

I was born in England shortly after World War II. In those days, the English were very much caught up in doing one’s duty and getting the country back on its feet again. I can "hear" my mother’s voice saying, "Now Vivi, no playing until you do ALL your chores! We must always do our duties first!" And of course, because I didn’t want to do my chores, I’d take forever to get anything done, by which time there was no time to play! I grew up watching my mother dutifully and grudgingly play the housewife, and resolved that I would NEVER get married and certainly NEVER have children! Ha! Double HA!! I "found" myself getting married at the age of 32 years to a man who also never wanted to get married and who also didn’t want children. Pretty safe, huh? NOT! Ten years later AND on the pill, we found ourselves presented with James (now 5). Interesting how we really DO get what we focus on. A negative focus is just as effective in creating as a positive focus. And of course, Elias is absolutely correct: The only way to "reverse myself in mid-air" is to focus on myself and what I want, not what I don’t want. (Not that I would change my husband or my son for anything in the world! Although they COULD pick up after themselves a bit more!) For me, it’s back pain; for my mother, it’s migraine headaches, accidents, and general ill health. She was brought up with very Victorian parents and was the third child of four, all her siblings being brothers. Being the only girl, helping their mother with the household duties fell to her, while her older brothers went off with their father to do "manly" things. (Pubs and things!) She told me it was even one of her duties to polish their shoes for them, which she heartily resented. My grandfather seems to have been a pretty selfish individual. He left my grandmother for another woman, having neglected to tell my grandmother, my mother (who at 20 years old lived at home still) or their youngest son (then 15 years old) that he had taken out a second mortgage on the house. Off he went with the money and his lady friend, and grandmother and her children soon found themselves homeless. Grandmother was over 50 years old in poor health -- migraines and thrombosis -- and was in no shape to go out to work. My mother’s wages were not enough to cover all the bills. Desperate days. Enter my father (14 years senior to my mother) to the rescue, stage left! He proposed, and she accepted on the condition that her mother could live with them. (The younger brother went to live with his eldest brother) My mother soon found out that she had jumped from the frying pan into the fire. My father was not an unkind man, but he was thoughtless and saw no reason to change his lifestyle just because he was married. My brother was conceived on their honeymoon, and my mother tells me she spent the full nine months throwing up! My father spent his evenings the full nine months at the pub! So mother was left at home to cope with an ailing mother, a small baby son with asthma, and not too long after, me. Throughout their marriage, he controlled the finances and only gave her what he thought she should have. When my father died in 1982, my brother took over the management of the family business, and being of similar mind to my father with regard to money, he now does exactly the same thing with her. Well, I won’t go on about all the hurts and humiliations my mother has related to me over the years, (there are a lot!) but I can see why she would want to "block certain thought processes," as Elias put it. She’s played victim all her life, and doesn’t know how to change. I gave her Seth’s "The Nature of Personal Reality," but she had a really difficult time understanding it and cannot accept the "you create your own reality" bit. The habits of a lifetime can be very hard to change, as I’m finding out! I’ve also "bought in" to my mother’s perceptions, of course. I’m thankful now though, that at least I’ve recognized them and can begin to change my beliefs. From now on, it’s gonna be self, self, SELF! (And I’ll "try" not to feel guilty!)

© 1997 Vicki Pendley/Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved

Copyright 1997 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.