Session 2204

Connecting with Focuses in Dreams


Session 20070217 (2204)
“Connecting with Focuses in Dreams”
“Table Tipping and Levitation”
"Job Location Choice"
"Contacting Probable Selves"
"Being Present in Conversations With a Daughter"
"Reasons For an Attraction"

Sunday, Feb 18, 2007 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Paul (Paneus)

PAUL: Hi, Elias!

ELIAS: (Laughs) I perceive –

PAUL: I always have to ask this one question: How come you don't refer to me as Paneus when we talk?

ELIAS: It is not necessary.

PAUL: (Chuckles) Okay. I'll take that as a good answer. (Elias chuckles) Do I have a focus as a man on the Titanic that sank?


PAUL: I thought so. Did he die on the sinking?

ELIAS: Yes. (Pause) You are correct.

PAUL: I had a dream. One night I had two Ancient Egyptian-type dreams. In the first dream I was some type of architect that was being asked by the pharaoh to look for some hidden chambers. Was that one of my architect focuses in that dream?

ELIAS: No. That would be another individual. That would be a slave.

PAUL: It was a slave focus?

ELIAS: Yes. You are correct.

PAUL: Why was he being asked by the pharaoh to look for hidden chambers?

ELIAS: As what you would term to be a measure of security; an individual that was trusted not to be a thief and trusted to incorporate secrets.

PAUL: Interesting. The other dream on Egypt that night had a scene where I was a type of archeologist, or with archeologists, and the question I have is, we found this one device that I immediately recognized when the others couldn't figure out what it was, and I remember it was something quite unusual and amazing. What was the device?

ELIAS: It was a device incorporated for the use of preserving.

PAUL: Like mummification?

ELIAS: Somewhat different, for it was a device incorporated for the use of preservation of organs.

PAUL: Hm. Is it a device that’s commonly recognized in archeology today, or is it a device that had not been recently discovered?

ELIAS: The latter.

PAUL: Interesting. Also in that second dream, a specter, or ghost, came down these steps. The head of our team sort of shied away, but I didn't have any fear and I went to the ghost and we had a nice conversation that I thought was really important. Who was the ghost, and what was the conversation about?

ELIAS: And your impression?

PAUL: (Laughs) The ghost was a focus of mine, and the impression is, that particular focus was relating an openness to communicate or exchange information with me.

ELIAS: Correct.

PAUL: Was that Ashani, or was that one of my other past focuses?

ELIAS: The one you have identified.

PAUL: Ahh, okay. Why do focuses that are on the Elias forum choose to access this material, this remembrance, methodology compared to many other focuses in a world that are choosing not to have as accurate information available for them?

ELIAS: It is a matter of preference and resonance. Each individual will provide themselves with information in conjunction with their preference and what resonates with them.

PAUL: I feel so special sometimes. (Both laugh)

Hey, this table tipping exercise I recently read a few sessions about: Why do we need to put our fingers on the edge of the table to get it to levitate?

ELIAS: That allows you to generate an actual contact and connection with the object itself, and that allows you to physically merge your energy with the object. In actuality it is not necessary, but it becomes a focal point and it allows the individual to direct their attention and their energy very specifically. And in that action, it allows more of a success in actually connecting with the object and allowing in that connection to merge with it and therefore move it.

PAUL: So looking at the spot where your fingers are placed on the table is beneficial.

ELIAS: Not necessarily, for merely the physical touch creates that association. Therefore, it may not necessarily be necessary to physically look at the area in which you are placing your fingers, for you are feeling the object with your sense of touch.

PAUL: Oh, that makes sense. That makes sense. Let me ask you something: When I do the levitation of an object for the first time, I assume it makes no difference what type of object I choose to levitate. I know time is relative to my perception, but what type of time would I expect to levitate an object for the very first time?

ELIAS: Are you questioning how much time it will incorporate to accomplish the levitation, or are you enquiring as to how much time you will CONTINUE the levitation?

PAUL: No, just how much time until I get it to levitate for the very first time.

ELIAS: You are correct, that is relative, but generally speaking, it may incorporate approximately between 7 to 15 of your minutes.

PAUL: Oh, so my first time I can expect it to run about that long. I was trying it a couple of times where I had about 5 or 6 minutes, and I was in an office where I was teaching where no one was at, and I tried it a couple of times and I didn't quite get in the comfort zone because I thought I'd be interrupted. And I didn't have any success after about 5 or 6 minutes; I kept stopping.

ELIAS: That would be a factor also, in which you allow yourself to engage the action when you are comfortable and relax and you can focus your energy very specifically without being distracted.

PAUL: Will I get sensations in my energy centers vibrating at a higher rate during the levitation?

ELIAS: That is quite possible, although it is not a rule. Not every individual experiences that, but it would also be a matter of what you are paying attention to. If you are paying attention to your energy centers when you are generating this type of action, you might actually notice a difference in the vibrational quality of those centers. Many individuals become so surprised and fascinated with the action itself and accomplishing it that they are not paying attention to any other expression than the object itself. And I will express to you, generally speaking, within the first few attempts at accomplishing this action, the object generally will not continue to levitate for an ongoing time framework. Generally it stops quite quickly, for this is associated with individuals’ energy, and once they begin to see that they are accomplishing, their energy changes, for they become excited, and that, in a manner of speaking, breaks the concentration and breaks the focus of their energy, and subsequently the object returns to its original state.

PAUL: I think I would be more successful doing it in my bedroom when it's quiet. Is there an object that would be more, for my attention, easier for me to focus on in my room? I think about that other-dimensional rock that I have in my room.

ELIAS: An object that is smaller, such as this, in actuality for most individuals presents more of a challenge. It is somewhat interesting in the phenomenon of it, but with an object that is somewhat larger, such as a small table or a bench or a stool, these objects incorporate more mass. And in the incorporation of more mass, it is actually easier to focus your attention and your energy with that mass. It is not necessary to streamline that attention so fully, and therefore you generate success more easily. With an object that is smaller, it requires a stronger concentration of focus, for the area is smaller.

PAUL: Interesting.

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, your energy in these types of activities could be likened to a light being filtered through a tube, so to speak. The smaller the object, the narrower the tube would be; therefore, the concentration of light must be more to filter through the narrow passageway of the two. Whereas, if the object is larger the tube can be wider, and therefore the concentration of light is not necessary to be so intense, for it will filter through the tube to its target – and your energy moves in a very similar manner. And as most individuals are unfamiliar with concentrating and streamlining their energy to such an extent and focusing so intently in one direction, it becomes more challenging and more difficult with smaller objects.

PAUL: Elias, would you be willing to offer some supportive energy if I sit down today and try levitation?


PAUL: Thank you.

ELIAS: You're quite welcome.

PAUL: I have a job question: If my energy resonates in the United States most around Seattle, then why am I creating a job opportunity seemingly somewhere out on the East Coast?

ELIAS: Let me explain to you, my friend, individuals incorporate, generally, several different areas within your physical reality in which they resonate strongly. This is not to say that they always connect with those particular areas. And, it is also not to say that any individual cannot function quite effectively and efficiently in other areas that they resonate with but may not resonate as strongly as certain other areas. It is merely a matter of choices and paying attention. And also, in association with you in relation to an employment opportunity, in actuality it would not be as important for you to be intensely paying attention to how you resonate with an area, for your intention is not to be engaging that action permanently but to be engaging that action temporarily. And therefore, in a manner of speaking, in your terms, you're not actually entertaining the idea of planting yourself in a particular area – yet – and therefore, knowing that the direction that you are moving in presently is a steppingstone, the area is somewhat less important.

PAUL: You know me pretty well, huh? (Both laugh) Hey Elias, this one job that I'm in discussion with presently, here’s what I think: I believe I am choosing that employment that moves me somewhere on the East Coast, and you are right that I intend not to work there more than a year or two and then go back to school. Is that kind of how my choosing self is maneuvering right now?


PAUL: So it makes sense, if I do accept the position, not to buy a house or rather rent a house.

ELIAS: That would be a choice.

PAUL: (Chuckles) Yeah, I know. [Inaudible]

What is the best way for me to contact one of my probable selves and sort of like discuss their views and their sense of their reality, like compare notes?

ELIAS: I would express for you, the most effective manner would be within dream imagery.

PAUL: Mm, yeah. That's about the only time I've really met many of my probable selves.

Here's what I believe: I am still on a path of getting my documentary accepted by a major production company. The question I have is, at this moment am I more selecting it to be adopted as a series or a single show?

ELIAS: In this moment you are generating more of a potential for it to be a single presentment.

PAUL: Mm-hm.

ELIAS: But, as I have expressed previously to you, my friend, you can alter that.

PAUL: I would like to! (Laughs)

I had a zeppelin dream the other day, and I know the dream carries a lot of imagery about movement. The question I have is, the individual that was on that zeppelin, was that a focus of mine?


PAUL: Well, I am kind of puzzled, because it seem like the zeppelin dream started out during World War I, and then during the one scene where we went on a raid in France, as we were returning to Germany one of the individuals that was with me said, "Well, I don't see why it's important to rush back because it's 1922," and that was several years after the war was over. So, what was going on in that dream?

ELIAS: Generating associations in connection with a great war but tapping into a focus that incorporates experiences with that war but in retrospect.

PAUL: Oh, so that focus actually did fly on a zeppelin during the war?

ELIAS: Subsequent; not during. You were tapping into a combination of informations in relation to one focus in which you were tapping into some memories of that focus in relation to their experience in the war, but you were also tapping into a subsequent experience of riding within a zeppelin subsequent to the war.

PAUL: Okay. Did this focus actually go on a zeppelin during the Great War?


PAUL: Ahh. That's kind of weird.

Okay, I believe that most of my difficulty that I seem to present myself with my daughter is when I seem to project energy in various forms.

ELIAS: Such as?

PAUL: Well, I may ask her a question that I consider not a big deal and she'll kind of like explode loudly in her reply, and when that happens I believe I am projecting energy that she is reacting to in some form or fashion.

ELIAS: Correct.

PAUL: Is there an exercise that would work best for me to pay attention to how I seem to be projecting my energy?

ELIAS: Yes. For generally speaking, when you engage this individual you are not necessarily present. You are generating automatic pilot in what is familiar to you – although, I will express an acknowledgement that you are paying MORE attention than you have previously.

I would express, when you approach the situation in which you are about to engage this individual in some manner, allow yourself to pause momentarily and to evaluate what is occurring within you. Are you being present? Are you expressing automatic pilot? Are you motivated by an expectation or a demand, or are you approaching in another manner? And in that, also pause for a moment and allow yourself to genuinely pay attention to her energy.

For, these actions have occurred so consistently that she automatically anticipates generating an opposing energy. Therefore, for a time framework it may be very beneficial to you to genuinely pause and evaluate, and in that pause you know what you want to express but pay attention to her energy, for it is generally on guard. Therefore, when you pause, allow yourself to relax and evaluate how you can present what you want to express in a different manner that will not be expected.

PAUL: That sounds like good advice there.

ELIAS: For she already has developed a familiarity and her own expectations of how you engage her, and therefore she is already constantly upon alert and therefore ready to strike. Therefore, if you pause and you evaluate her energy, and you allow yourself to reevaluate how you shall express, and express in a manner that is unexpected, that will generate a pause with her also.

PAUL: Almost like if I sometimes present something maybe more playfully?


PAUL: That sounds like some sage advice from a sage.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Thank you.

PAUL: You're welcome. (Elias laughs)

Elias, I guess one more point before we end our enjoyable discussion: I have a friend of mine, Lauren, and I'm trying to understand why there is this continued attraction to her energy. It's like she's on my mind almost every day to some extent, and I imagine what I'm thinking about her, that is a projection of my energy, which may in fact turn her off.

ELIAS: I would express there are two factors. One is that you generate a strong familiarity with this individual and that is attractive; and the other is that you perceive her to be somewhat unattainable, and that generates an even stronger attraction.

PAUL: What does she feel in association with my energy?

ELIAS: That is actually dependent upon the situation, for it fluctuates.

PAUL: Hmm. What is her essence name?

ELIAS: Essence name: Takashi, T-A-K-A-S-H-I.

PAUL: Interesting.

Last question: I've given her a short blurb on some Elias material and she hasn't, at least to my recognition, expressed interest in seeing more of it. Why is that?

ELIAS: Timing. This is an interesting factor with many individuals, my friend. You can offer information but there is a factor of timing, and if an individual is not ready, they will not generate an interest.

PAUL: Oh, 'cause yeah, I noticed that she doesn't seem to be ready yet and I've offered repeatedly, so I guess the best way is wait for her to ask.

ELIAS: That would be an excellent suggestion. (Both laugh)

PAUL: Well, I may tell her what her focus name is without telling her what it is. (Elias chuckles). Just to sort of trigger a sensation within her.

ELIAS: I would be mindful of your motivations, my friend.

PAUL: Ahh, okay. Okay.

Elias, our time has come to an end. I do appreciate your great insights, as always, and I'll look for your assistance on my dresser-tipping exercise later today.

ELIAS: Very well. And I shall be present.

PAUL: Thank you, Elias.

ELIAS: You are very welcome, my dear friend. I shall be anticipating our next meeting, and I shall be offering my energy in considerably encouragement in your movement

PAUL: Thank you, Elias.

ELIAS: To you in great appreciation and in great lovingness my friend, au revoir.

PAUL: Au revoir.

Copyright 2007 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.