Session 2139

Attention, Perception and Energy Centers


“Attention, Perception and Energy Centers”

Monday, December 4, 2006 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Jean-Baptiste (Araili)

ELIAS: Good evening!

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Good afternoon, Elias. How are you?

ELIAS: Ha ha! As always, and yourself?

JEAN-BAPTISTE: As always, my friend.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Very well!

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Well, I have many questions about perception. I’ve been exploring some of the stuff you told us with every class time, and I have some questions to ask you about my experiences.

ELIAS: Very well.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: But first, I want to ask you about Eric’s essence name. I had the impression of Valerian.

ELIAS: (Pause) Congratulations!

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Really? (Laughs with Elias) Because I had so much difficulty to translate essence terms that I wouldn’t believe I could have this one. Thank you. And for his essence family, I was feeling like actually Gramada.

ELIAS: Alignment.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: And maybe Milumet, but I’m not sure about this one.

ELIAS: Sumafi.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Sumafi, okay, that makes sense. I have the impression of political focus for him.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: And a continuing focus?

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Okay, thank you. I had the impression about my numbering of focuses, that it has increased a lot. I had the impression of 4232 or 33.

ELIAS: Thirty-three.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I have the impression also that currently I have more future focuses than past focuses.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: What would be the ratio?

ELIAS: The percentage would be slightly more than half, perhaps five-eighths.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Thank you. Now I’ll speak about the experience I had two days ago. I was trying to practice with the exercise you gave us to raise the vibrational quality of our perception. I was wondering if I was actually doing it, like really focusing on my perception and raising its vibrational quality. I had this shift of perception, and it was like all the colors, all the past feelings and all that were changing.


JEAN-BAPTISTE: So I am on the right track to actually do what you were telling us last time about putting our hands through objects or stuff like that?

ELIAS: Yes, which also can be an addition to your curiosity in altering shapes. For...

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Yes, I was thinking of that also, because I connected shifting shapes and healing the body consciousness. It’s the same, isn’t it?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: I was curious about the connection between attention, perception and energy centers. Can you clarify what the difference is and how they connect?

ELIAS: The energy centers naturally radiate energy that you are continuously expressing. In relation to what energy you may be expressing in one moment or another moment being stronger than another energy, different energy centers will radiate more strongly. These all contribute to the energy field that surrounds your physical body consciousness, and they generate fluctuations in your body consciousness.

Now; in association with perception, perception can influence how the energy centers radiate, for attention is very strongly associated with perception. In this, what you pay attention to influences what you create through perception. Therefore, perception can also be affecting of the energy centers, in which energy centers are radiating stronger than other energy centers and how that is affecting of your energy field.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: So, the energy centers are, in a manner of speaking, indicative of the perception in this, physical reality for their creation. It’s not perception that creates energy centers, but we use perception to perceive them.

ELIAS: And to affect them, yes.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I thought that attention was strongly connected also to energy centers, that when you move your attention, you also, in a manner of speaking, move your energy centers.

ELIAS: Yes, but the energy centers radiate and function regardless of whether you are paying attention to them; but your attention can be affecting of the energy centers depending upon how you are directing your attention. For remember, attention is very strongly associated with perception, and therefore, your perception can very well be affecting of the energy centers.

As an example, the energy centers are very strongly associated with your physical body consciousness. In that, your subjective awareness, in a manner of speaking, uses or instructs the energy centers in relation to the body consciousness and its functioning. Therefore, if you move your attention to some physical manifestation that you may assess as some type of malfunction and you continue to hold your attention in relation to that malfunction, you are influencing perception to send different messages to these energy centers and instruct them in different manners, and therefore create some physical manifestation that may be some type of a malfunction.

In this, the more you pay attention, the more you reinforce concentration. Concentration is strongly associated with your beliefs. Therefore, the more you pay attention to some expression or manifestation, the more you engage the concentration element of yourself, which engages whatever beliefs will be associated with what you are paying attention to.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: In relation to blueprints of body consciousness, what or how can we connect it to perception and energy centers? Are you understanding my question?

ELIAS: Yes, for it is strongly associated with perception, for perception creates the actual physical reality. It creates the physical expressions and the physical manifestations.

Now; it also generates associations with expressions and manifestations. In this, in relation to the blueprint of the physical body consciousness, as you are aware [and] as you can obviously view within your reality, generally speaking for the most part you incorporate a basic design of the physical body consciousness. You incorporate two genders, but the actual design and physiology of the physical body is very much similar, other than the elements that distinguish gender. But beside those differences, you generally create the body consciousness to be basically the same.

You all incorporate the same organs. You incorporate teeth and bones and nervous systems and brains and two arms and two legs and one torso, and generally speaking, five fingers and five toes, two eyes, two ears, Therefore, the basic design of the body consciousness is the same. That would be the blueprint of the physical manifestation of the body consciousness, but perception can be quite influencing of that basic blueprint and can alter it. If an individual perceives themself to be manifest with a twisted spine, that is what they shall create rather than creating in alignment with the entirety of the blueprint. They generate a deviation of that blueprint. Therefore, perception creates very strong influences in what can be altered in association with the physical body consciousness.

Another very common and easily expressed alteration of physical body consciousness is associated with weight. The blueprint of the physical body consciousness would be that in which the physical manifestation would incorporate what you may term to be a streamlined appearance, not too thin but not too heavy, either. This is an alteration that perception creates quite frequently in association with body consciousness, that you may recognize many different shapes and individuals that may appear very thin or individuals that may appear very heavy. They appear in that manner for that is their perception, and therefore, that is what they actually create.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: And when you relax your perception about your body consciousness or your beliefs about what weight is or what you weigh or your size and things like that, your body consciousness is actually changing to a more streamlined body consciousness, manifestation or...?

ELIAS: Yes, for perception actually creates the reality. Therefore, incorporating the perception that you may be heavy is very real, and that is what you project, and that is what you create. But in altering the perception, you can alter the physical manifestation, in actuality quite quickly.

But in association with that, if you are genuinely dramatically creating alterations of your physical body consciousness and are not questioning of it and are confident in the alteration to the extent that you solidly project that energy, and other individuals receive it and therefore also alter their perception of you and view you in the manner that you view yourself, that can be in some situations quite dramatic and at times even disturbing to other individuals, for they incorporate difficulty in understanding how that is possible without there being some malfunction within your body consciousness.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: What do you mean by alterations of perception? Is it more like a change in the vibrational quality of the perception, like adding new qualities or changing some of them and stuff like that?


Now; remember this would also be associated with your beliefs, such as with an example: Lawrence altered the body consciousness significantly in a relatively short time framework, which generated concern in the individuals that Lawrence interacted with. But the success of that alteration was generated in conjunction with, not opposing of, the beliefs that were expressed: that if certain movements were generated, certain physical movements, that this would alter the body consciousness. In not incorporating any doubt or questioning, Lawrence allowed this tremendous alteration of physical appearance and was not actually incorporating any malfunction of the body consciousness. Regardless that other individuals questioned that, there was no malfunction of the body consciousness. There was a strength in perception and not questioning what was being created and altered, and in that, there was no opposition to beliefs concerning the body consciousness and how it functions and how it can be altered in association with Lawrence’s beliefs. Therefore, the accomplishment was successful and quite dramatic.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Yes, we spoke about that with Mary a few sessions ago, when we spoke about shape shifting and stuff like that. She told me that she was feeling that there was some dramatic change in Lawrence’s appearance, and she wasn’t able to tell what it was but she was really feeling it.


JEAN-BAPTISTE: I have another question, but this one is about my essence tone. I feel that it is altering, and I was wondering if it is still Araili or if it is more like Arailius.

ELIAS: What you are noticing is a fluctuation. This is quite common. This occurs quite naturally. Your essence tone fluctuates dependent upon what you are doing, such as merging with other essences and generating an action of fragmenting with other essences. That can alter the translation of the tone and create these fluctuations. You are correct, and it is not unusual for it to fluctuate between these slight differences of translations of it.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: And the action of fluctuation is different from the action of fragmentation?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: I was thinking about fragmentation with Awan and Iona a few days ago, and I’ve been wondering about this action and what it could feel like or something like that. I was wondering if I was also creating this action, or if there is a possibility that I may, just for the experience, create it maybe for a short amount of time in my focus or something like that.

ELIAS: You could; it is possible. That is not what you are engaging presently, but this is not to say that you cannot generate that action.

I would express to you, fragmentation is an action that is occurring continuously in relation to essences. Generally speaking, whether it is an action that is occurring within essence or whether it is a focus that is fragmenting and creating a new essence, the individual generally does not experience much, if any, difference within themself.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I was wondering if I could feel it happening if I decided to, maybe in the vibrational quality.

ELIAS: Yes. If you are generating those exercises of raising your vibrational quality and allowing yourself to generate a different awareness and allowing yourself to pay attention to the energy that is occurring, you can be aware of fluctuations. You can also be aware of the action of fragmentation, and you can actually allow yourself to experience that process.

Generally speaking, most individuals do not move in that direction of moving their attention to that type of an awareness in which they are paying attention to that type of energy and the fluctuations that occur with it. But it is quite understandable that you would have a curiosity associated with that, for you incorporate a strong curiosity in relation to energy and alterations of energy and of form.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Yes. I am curious about the essences I fragmented from. I had the feeling of five of them, maybe, or seven.

ELIAS: Five.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Okay, so I shall investigate the tones.

ELIAS: Very well!

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I’ve been having much contact with a white energy. I don’t know who it is. Is it one of my focuses or another essence?

ELIAS: Another essence.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Can you give me the name?

ELIAS: Shall you investigate first?

JEAN-BAPTISTE: (Laughs) Okay. I also have the name Cecelia yesterday, I think, or two days ago, and I was wondering if it was the focus I have in the future that I translated as Salome in one of my writings when I was young.


JEAN-BAPTISTE: Cecelia is a time traveler, and she also can alter form?

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I also had some contact through (inaudible) with the name Deborah, and I was wondering if it was the essence name of the future daughter of my sister.


JEAN-BAPTISTE: Now I have another question about the issue that I am creating with my teeth. I had the feeling it was associated with the dramatic soft creation of scenario that you talked about in the soft session.


JEAN-BAPTISTE: It is also associated with my strong absoluteness in my beliefs about my teeth and about my perception.

ELIAS: Yes, which is the point. For creating these expressions is a manner in which you can emphasize the strength of perception and how absolute it can be and how rigid it can be, but also how you can generate considerable flexibility with perception.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: So, it is actually possible for me to just relax my perception in association with my teeth and just let them regenerate or stuff like that?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: Is there a way I can practice with creating of vibrational quality rate and stuff like that and also change my perception of my teeth?

ELIAS: Yes, just as you have been practicing with that action and noticing that what you perceive seems considerably different and how you view your reality appears very differently, you can also incorporate the direction of focusing that more specifically in relation to any particular manifestation such as teeth. Recognize also that they are not as solid either, and therefore, it is merely a matter of redirecting the energy and not incorporating the concentration upon the absoluteness that teeth will respond in a certain manner, or that you have no control in relation to what your teeth are doing.

That is a very strong factor, my friend. For in relation to any physical manifestation associated with your body consciousness, most individuals generate the perception that creates a separation between what they identify as themself and an element of their body consciousness. Therefore, they generate the perception and the association that certain parts of your body consciousness can create by themselves independently of you: that the teeth are creating the manifestation, or that a bone is creating the manifestation, or that the blood system is creating a manifestation, not you, for these are independent of you and function independently of you, Which is quite incorrect, but nonetheless very real, for you create it to be so. For you create that perception and generate that separation, and that creates obstacles in how you interact with different elements of your body consciousness to alter the expression of them.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Okay, I have much to explore! (Both laugh)

A few weeks ago, I had a dream about the geography of Atlantis, and I also had the impression that it was related to the functioning of the body consciousness, with the river being the veins and stuff like that. In the dream, I was going to the toilet, because I said to a friend of mine that was there that I already knew that part, and I could come later and see what was new. But it was really about the geography of body consciousness and also connected to Atlantis or...?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: After that, I also had many, many imageries, and I continue to have many, many imageries of Atlantis. I downloaded some movies like Aquaman and Stargate Atlantis and The Man of Atlantis, a very old series, and all that stuff is related to ancient technology and information that is quite associated with this shift in consciousness.

ELIAS: I am understanding. But as I have expressed previously, although Atlantis exists, it is not a part of your physical reality. It is other-dimensional.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: But is it connected to a focus of mine in this dimension, or is it connected to another thing that I translate through Atlantis?

ELIAS: It is connected to you, and yes, you are offering yourself information that you can translate into your physical dimension. This is the reason that there is such a fascination with Atlantis throughout your world, for there are similarities, and it does fit in many capacities in association with the blueprint of your reality. It is very closely associated. Therefore, the bleed-through is easy, and you can offer yourself...

JEAN-BAPTISTE: So there is no particular information that I want to give myself through these imageries or...?

ELIAS: Yes, there is, for in that you are offering yourself information through these imageries. For the information that you offer to yourself in associating the physical body consciousness with the physical environment or area of Atlantis is quite significant, and your correlation is quite accurate.

In this, that expands your awareness of you, for you can easily translate that within your reality and connect yourself to your physical environment, which may also offer you clues and offer you a reinforcement in trusting your abilities to manipulate and alter the configuration of the body consciousness, just as you can alter the configuration of your environment. You can alter the configuration of rivers; you can alter the configuration of forests or deserts or even seas.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: That’s very, very, interesting. I have a question about the number 12 that I seem fascinated with. What is it related to?

ELIAS: And your impression?

JEAN-BAPTISTE: We discussed about that with Eric, and he told me about the mathematics with the base 12 of calculation. He thought it was connected, and I also think it is connected.

ELIAS: Some...

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Actually, it is connected to my interest in science and how we may investigate our consciousness and translate it in new mathematical language, or not so new but adapted and not so absolute as is the current one. I’ve been reading books that Eric’s lent me about mathematics, and I was feeling how I was associating absolutes with this and how it can’t be overruled or something like that. I realized that that was my main difficulty when I was studying sciences and physics. I was perceiving it too absolute, and I was, in a manner of speaking, rebelling against this limitation of my reality and of my curiosity.

ELIAS: I would agree, and I would also express to you – which perhaps you and your friend may be incorporating fun in investigating – you may perhaps allow yourselves to play with and explore elements of numerology. The significance...

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Numerology?

ELIAS: Yes, and how it can correlate with mathematics. In this, your fascination with the number 12 is not surprising, and I would express to you that it is significant. For I may express to you, much of consciousness, very much of consciousness in how designs are configured in relation to the expressions of consciousness, the manifestations of consciousness, in a manner of speaking, are governed by the number three. Much of what is expressed in consciousness is generated in threes. Blueprints are generated in threes, manifestations, components; factors that create generally are expressed in threes. Twelve is not merely a multiple of three – which is significant also, for in threes being the base, multiples of threes are natural – but twelve is not merely a multiple of three but it can be configured itself INTO a three.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: There is much investigation in this direction.

ELIAS: I would express yes.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: So, the exploration also of numerology or maybe of calculation in base 12 may be a good direction.

ELIAS: I would express yes. For you view numerology less absolutely, therefore, it can create a balance with the absoluteness of mathematics.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Yes. Thank you for that.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I was also wondering about perception. I had a manner in which to translate the functioning of perception as like maybe I’m a big room of gas or something like that, and energy imprints itself in this gas that in some manner is solidifying. Do you understand what I mean?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: It’s not absolutely alike but more like a representation of what I feel actually, like perception is more like imprint of some energies or blueprints.

ELIAS: Yes. It is the projector that creates the hologram.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: And energy centers are the furnishers of energy.


JEAN-BAPTISTE: When you say that we create the representation of another individual energy or another essence energy or something like that, actually there is no separation between this energy and our energy. But through the difference in tone, it is like it is coming from outside or elsewhere or something like that, and we just incorporate and project it with our own energy.

ELIAS: Correct, and configure it in association with the blueprint of your reality, which is to configure physical manifestations.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Yes. I was also wondering about perception. It is an objective mechanism, you said before, and actually subjective, as I understand it. There is a subjective consciousness associated strongly with the objective consciousness...


JEAN-BAPTISTE: this reality. There is like other subjective consciousness associated with different areas of consciousness. Maybe it is not useful to call it subjective consciousness, because it is really different from the subjective consciousness that is associated to this objective consciousness in this reality.

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: So, the subjective consciousness that you speak about many times is the one associated with our reality.

ELIAS: Yes, generally speaking, unless I am specifically speaking of other areas of consciousness that are nonphysical, which as you are aware, generally speaking, I do not offer tremendous information in relation to nonphysical areas of consciousness, for that is extremely difficult to translate into what you understand.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Yes, and it would be not so relevant to our current action in this shift.

ELIAS: You are quite correct. But generally when I am incorporating the terminology of “subjective awareness,” I am speaking of that which is associated with you in this physical reality and the correlation between the objective and the subjective awarenesses.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Have you something to add about the blueprints and the perception and something in relation to this wave of consciousness?

ELIAS: In what capacity?

JEAN-BAPTISTE: In the same direction of exploration if you were (inaudible) direction currently.

ELIAS: (Laughs) I would be suggesting that you all be paying attention, for as I have expressed, although you have offered yourselves considerable information in relation to the wave addressing to truths concerning perception, and you have become much more aware of perception and the differences of perception, now actually addressing to perception may be challenging if you are not paying attention.

But also recognize, as I expressed initially, the individuals that are belonging to or aligning with the Tumold family are expressing a very encouraging energy, and whether they themselves view themselves to be engaging any particular action that they would assess as a contribution or not matters not. For in generating their own addressing to perception, they are naturally radiating a rippling energy, which is generating a contribution to other individuals to be generating more of an ease in understanding of perception.

But also, unlike the general automatic tendency with any of these waves of individuals to be looking for the negative or the trauma associated with this wave, I may be encouraging of you all that in associating with perception and playing with perception, you generate tremendous potential to be engaging new fun and surprising discoveries, just as you are beginning to do. For although perception can be expressed very rigidly – and you may begin to notice that more – it can also be considerably flexible. And if you are engaging that flexibility with perception, you may actually amaze yourselves in what you discover.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Okay. That’s a great one. (Laughs with Elias) I just want to ask you a last question before we let Mary come back. In relation to Basil, Reece told me that it could be associated with the essence Malhai.

ELIAS: (Pause) There is a frequent merging of those energies.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Okay, but it is not the same essence.


JEAN-BAPTISTE: So I shall investigate more. (Elias laughs) Thank you for all, my friend.

ELIAS: You are very welcome. I shall be anticipating our next meeting, and I shall be as always offering my energy to you in encouragement. And you may express my greetings to your sister.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Okay, thank you. (Inaudible) to you, too.

ELIAS: To you, my dear friend, in great appreciation and tremendous lovingness as always, au revoir.


(Elias departs after 1 hour, 1 minute)

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