Session 2125

Perception and vision are interconnected


”How Elias perceives us”
“Definitions of guides”
”Perception and vision are interconnected ”
“Once you are not opposing what you have created, you can move in other directions”
“The 11:11 beings”

Friday, November 17, 2006 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Luana (Ring)

ELIAS: Good day!


ELIAS: (Laughs) What shall we discuss?

LUANA: Oh, gosh! For the first time I don’t have a long list, my annoying pages of questions. I just decided to go free style today. (Elias laughs)

LUANA: So we might be all over the map.

ELIAS: Very well.

LUANA: Maybe it’ll be more conversational too, which I’d kinda like to get into today.

I’d like to talk a bit first about when you are interacting with our energies; and in particular, I’ve been reading some sessions recently where you’re talking to people who are having conversations with you, and they’re talking about actually seeing you in a different kind of energy form rather than visual, seeing through their eyes. And I’d like to know, when you are - let’s call it from the quantum physics - let’s call it entangled with our energy, what are you actually picking up with us? I know you’ve said in the past you don’t pick up our thoughts, but you must pick up certain things about us, and I would like to know what you perceive when you are interacting with us?

ELIAS: What I interact with is energy patterns. You each express vibrational qualities and energy patterns that can translate into actions or experiences or thoughts or feelings, but their origin, so to speak -

LUANA: Their what?

ELIAS: Their origin.

LUANA: Origin.

ELIAS: Yes. In a manner of speaking, is expressed in different configurations of energy, and in those different patterns there are messages, and those messages contain what you are doing. I also am connecting with more than you and your experiences in this focus. For figuratively speaking, were I to offer you some type of visualization of what I am interacting with when I interact with your energy, it may be presented as one main energy pattern in the foreground, which is you, and many, many, many, many, many other energy patterns that figuratively speaking may be placed in a position behind you, in the background. Those are all of your other focuses and therefore other energy patterns of you as essence.

And in that, as I tap into all of these energy patterns in relation to whatever energy configuration you are generating now, it presents information.

LUANA: So I’d like to use an example, if I may?

ELIAS: You may.

LUANA: So recently I’ve been doing a lot of different really interesting projects, but one of the projects I’ve been working on is working with codicils, and particularly using a fairly large crystal in order to transmit my wishes and desires and for anybody else who wishes to participate, that I open and widen my awareness into what Jane Roberts’ original codicils were, and I’ve rewritten those in my own words. So I do ritual work in moving this for myself. First I would ask, are you aware of me doing this?


LUANA: All right. So can you give me more specifically how you receive the information about the work I’m doing with this particular crystal and how it is reflected in some of my other focuses and how you receive that information?

ELIAS: As I expressed, that generates energy patterns just as any action you engage, any experience that you engage generates energy patterns which express information.

LUANA: You’re not specifically seeing what I’m doing?

ELIAS: That is not necessary.

LUANA: Okay.

ELIAS: To visually view what you are doing is unnecessary. Just as were you to be sitting within the same room interacting with myself in conversation physically, I do not incorporate Michael’s sight in association with my interaction with you. Therefore, I am not viewing a physical form as you, for that is unnecessary.

LUANA: So when in the more recent group session that you had, when one person talked to you about in our latest belief system that we are addressing, which is perception, would it be possible for us then to be moving more into the ability to see you as the ghost figure, as I think how it was put, and you laughed and you said, ‘You already see me,” and he said, ’I do? I don’t really see you,’ and you went on to explain that there is a kind of seeing that he’s doing with his energy, but he’s just not aware of it. Is that what you’re talking about?

ELIAS: Somewhat, but I also expressed that an element of your perception is not necessarily your physical vision.

LUANA: Right.

ELIAS: For in physically viewing a particular body form, you also generate somewhat of a distinction in recognizing the difference of energy. Therefore, the form becomes secondary, for as you are interacting you are interacting with myself and you are recognizing my energy, and in that, the form almost becomes irrelevant.

LUANA: So when we are in a conversation with you, not what I am doing right now, but when I’m by myself, when I am talking to you either out loud and/or when I’m just dialoging with you inside of my own head, are you picking up words at all, or are you just picking up my intent and my energy at that level, or in our conversations are you really understanding more specifically what I’m talking with you about?

ELIAS: I am understanding, and in the moment I am understanding specifically, and I am responsive in projecting energy to you also, but it would be a different type of awareness of the situation than how you perceive it.

First of all, let me express to you I do not incorporate perception. Perception is an objective instrument, so to speak. It is a function that creates physical reality, therefore if you are not participating in physical reality it is not necessary to incorporate perception, for you do not incorporate an objective awareness.

Now; in the incorporation of the objective awareness and perception, you engage many different actions and avenues of communication that are associated with physical reality, such as all of your senses. These avenues of communication allow you to input considerable and significant information, but it is configured in manners that you understand in association with the design of the physical reality, just as I expressed to you that I do not engage physical sight in interaction with you, for that requires more energy that is unnecessary to be expressing.

LUANA: Would you say then that where our connection is then with my subjective awareness is, where we’re really communicating is at the conceptual level rather than the perceptual level?


LUANA: So sometimes when I’m dialoging with you and I receive like an insight or a kind of like a direct knowing or an idea or something that pops in and I’m thinking to myself, ’Oh, that’s interesting, I wasn’t thinking or associating along those lines,’ that must be something that Elias maybe has passed on to me as a kind of impression but not a visual impression but an idea of how I may grasp this thing from a different conceptual level?

ELIAS: Yes. And that is my energy connecting with you, configured in certain energy patterns that you will translate in certain manners. I am aware of your energy and what is occurring with your energy, each of you, and therefore I am also aware of how you naturally configure energy. Therefore, I can manipulate energy in certain patterns, knowing that you will configure that energy into the information that you present to yourself and it will be accurate.

LUANA: Are you talking about a particular sense, like you would send it as a visual impression versus a thinking impression, or are you talking about some other level?

ELIAS: No. I project specific energy patterns to you, knowing how you naturally will configure the energy, and in that, whether you configure it in an impression that you also translate into thought or whether you translate it into a feeling which subsequently you will translate into thought, it matters not. I am already aware of what is the natural direction that you will engage and how you will translate that energy. Therefore, dependent upon how I configure it, you will receive it in the manner it was intended, and you will receive and translate that energy into the message, so to speak, in the manner it was intended.

LUANA: Mm hm. So is this always the same with me, or if I have a different aspect or something else that’s happening with me, do you actually change the methodology of the sending the message to me, or is it always the same?

ELIAS: No, it is not always the same.

LUANA: Mm hm. So depending upon the circumstance or what’s happening with me or my own energy, you may reconfigure it in a different way. It may be sent one way one time and a different way another time.

ELIAS: Correct.

LUANA: Mm hm.

ELIAS: It is dependent upon you and the movement that you are generating and the direction that you are engaging in any given time framework.

LUANA: Mm hm.

ELIAS: And it is also dependent upon what may be the most influencing factors with you in any given time framework.

LUANA: Mm hm. Okay. And you could read all that out?


LUANA: With each individual person?


LUANA: Okay, so when I’m interacting with you, is there a difference that you perceive in my energy, whether my conversations with you are out loud or it’s inner dialogue work?


LUANA: Is speaking out loud more energized, and you could pick that up easier, more intense?

ELIAS: It is more directed.

LUANA: More direct if I speak it out loud?

ELIAS: Yes. Therefore, it is less scattered and there is less energy patterns to filter through.

LUANA: I understand.

ELIAS: For when you are actually engaging conversation, when you are actually speaking, you engage more of your awareness than you realize. You actually even engage more of your physical body consciousness than you realize. Therefore, in association with speech you are more directed when you are engaging conversation in words, in actual verbalization, for in what you term to be inner dialogues there is considerable distraction, and that creates interference and it creates scatteredness. And therefore, in any given time framework, in generating that type of dialogue you may perceive one subject matter to be the most important, but in the inner dialogue it becomes the same as any other subject. And they all flow together, and in that, there is more to sift through, in a manner of speaking, in the energy patterns, for they overlap each other and they become combined with each other.

LUANA: I think one of the things I came to a conclusion about was that the way to tell the difference between when it’s just your own thinking going on rather than it coming in from anther source, how to tell the difference between the two of them is that when it’s just my own thoughts that are rambling around and they’ve got the beliefs attached to them, whatever, there seems to be a lot of association that jumps from thing to thing to thing and it’s all over the place; and it’s usually not just one subject matter, it changes and shifts all the time. But when this aha or this direct sort of impression or intuition comes to me, insight comes to me, it comes in sort of out of the blue and really isn’t attached to anything; there isn’t anything that comes before it and after it other than the thoughts I may have, but suddenly it just occurs to me this kind of a fresh thought that came in. And I thought maybe that’s how to tell the difference between my own inner dialog thinking process and receiving information communication messages from outside of myself. Is that correct?


LUANA: Mm hm. Okay. So following along these same lines, I’ve just gotten interested in trying to understand primary directing essences and secondary essences that are involved in your life and how this can shift and move around, and also I want to talk a bit about “guides,” because I’m involved with three of my friends who are adamant about telling me that they’re getting messages from their guides or my guides or other people and telling me what to do, and it’s somewhat of a dance I have to do in order to get around this to not be disrespectful of them or not tell them that they’re wrong and also not to do what they tell me to do. You know, it’s sort of like a dance I do. But there are times, I would guess, when outside essences, the secondary essences that are observing essences, when there are other essences that are interacting with you that are giving you ideas and all that, I’m having a little bit of trouble sorting out all this thing about when it is a perceived essence that is entangled with me, or you can use some other word, connected or communicating with me, and it’s a true connection versus when it is somebody else’s perception or it’s some other thing that I can’t quite figure out what it is. I guess I’m asking, are there guides, are there nonphysical persons who actually come into your life and do interact with you? Do they direct you in any way? Are they simply there for offering you energy, or how much interaction does a person do with persons that are not in physical reality?

ELIAS: Very well.

LUANA: Do you understand what I am saying?


Now; understand that although I have expressed that there are no guides, the reason that I express that is associated with that term and the definition of it and the association with it itself, for that implies that there are other essences that can be more effectively directing of you than you.

LUANA: Right.

ELIAS: Which is very incorrect.

LUANA: Right.

ELIAS: And it also implies that there are other essences that are more powerful or above you.

LUANA: Right, I understand that.

ELIAS: Therefore, I express quite definitely there are no guides. But this is not to say that other essences do not interact with individuals within physical focus and that that is not a common occurrence, for it is, and in association with different individuals’ beliefs, they may label those essences as guides, which I continue to caution individuals in that direction, for in doing so you forfeit or discount your own power and your own strength and your own abilities in choice and you allow yourself to be more suggestible than you already naturally are.

LUANA: Right.

ELIAS: An Individual may identify myself as a guide. In association with their beliefs labeling what they view as some entity that is not physical but is interactive, the individual may.

LUANA: How extensive is your interaction? I’m asking this because one of my friends, her thing is her guides on not only a daily basis but sometimes an hourly or minutely basis are, she thinks, saying to her, ’Do this, do that, go here, go there, don’t do this, don’t do that,’ and I presume that that’s what you’re saying is not true, so I would like to know what kind of interactions an essence personality would have with us.

ELIAS: Very well.

Now; understand also this individual is filtering through her beliefs.

LUANA: Right.

ELIAS: That is not to say that what is occurring is not accurate; it is merely her definition of it that is not accurate, for what she is labeling as a guide that may be expressing direction to her in an hourly or minute-by-minute experience, that is her. That is her essence.

LUANA: That’s like her intuition.

ELIAS: Yes. But in association with her beliefs, she labels that as another entity, but in actuality it is her own essence and she trusts that, and therefore she allows herself to follow that.

LUANA: Right.

ELIAS: Which is effective. Therefore, it is not wrong and it is not inaccurate; it is merely inaccurate in how it is being defined, but that matters not.

LUANA: Mm hm.

ELIAS: For it allows her an avenue to accomplish.

LUANA: Mm hm.

ELIAS: As to interactions with other essences, the interaction that you may directly experience with other essences is not instructional. You may interact with other essences and may offer yourself information through the energy that they project, you may actually physically feel a nonphysical essence, you may be aware of the presence of another essence, you may be aware of the energy, you may be interacting and offering yourself information; but the interaction with the other essence in what it is projecting is not configured, or will not be configured, in a manner in which they are expressing instruction to you of what you should or should not do, for that negates choice.

LUANA: Is that the same for suggestion? Does instruction and suggestion have the same connotation here?



ELIAS: For a suggestion may be offered, but it is your choice of whether you engage that or not. And the suggestion being offered with another essence would be offered with the energy of recognition of your choice and also recognizing that whatever your choice is, it is connected to your value fulfillment and it is merely a choice.

LUANA: So whatever the suggestion would be, would be a reflection of your choice, not guiding you towards a choice.


LUANA: That makes sense.

ELIAS: Just as a hypothetical example: If an individual approached myself in conversation and was engaging tremendous difficulty with himself in association with a relationship, and the individual is expressing issues that are being exacerbated by their choice to continue in the interaction of the relationship, I may express the suggestion that the individual consider disengaging that relationship even if temporarily, but I also express to the individual that they can accomplish addressing to the issue whether or not they choose to disengage the relationship, but in continuing the relationship it may be more difficult.

LUANA: Mm hm.

ELIAS: Therefore, it remains the choice of the individual. I can recognize in that individual and in their energy what is creating and will continue to create more difficulties, but it is their choice in how they proceed.

LUANA: Mm hm. I understand.

ELIAS: And in association with myself, whatever their choice is matters not.

LUANA: Mm hm.

ELIAS: For they shall generate their value fulfillment and it shall be beneficial to them in some manner, regardless of what choice they engage.

LUANA: Of course. Well, maybe I will engage one of your suggestions right now. (Elias laughs)

To change the subject matter just a little bit: Sometime ago, about a year and a half ago, I chose to engage some vision therapy. The reason I did that at the time was I’ve had nearsighted vision and some astigmatism problems and double vision problems for quite some long time, most of my life, but I’ve been able to wear glasses when I needed to up until recently, about a year and a half ago, when I put on my glasses and all of a sudden the prism work in my glasses to give me singular vision rather than double vision was no longer working. And I was driving a car and I had two cars coming down the highway, and I couldn’t tell if somebody was in my lane and I was going to have a head-on collision or what was going on, so I decided to engage doing some investigation to see whether I could correct this rather than have to go get an operation which is available.

And I chose to do my own therapy work for a lot of different reasons. Number one was that I really wanted to focus myself on accomplishing something and having discipline in my life and persistence in my life, because I recognized for a long time that I really want to have that feeling of accomplishment within myself and doing something that is difficult. And I also wanted to work with another person in accomplishing something like this, so I have a really wonderful doctor therapist that is working with me along these lines. And indeed I have managed already to mostly correct this double vision and bring it into a singular vision for myself, but there are other problems now that have cropped up, including a cataract on my right eye that is also very difficult to work with, and I would like to explore with you the reasons why I have created these different things. I have nearsightedness, I have double vision, I have a cataract and I have astigmatisms, and I’d like to talk with you about why I created these things and my movement into accomplishing having good vision for myself.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) Let me express to you, my friend, desire is a powerful expression, and in association with desire, individuals create many, many, many different types of manifestations that you generate judgment in association with, such as this is a good experience, this is a bad experience, this is annoying, this is fulfilling. You generate these judgments in association with what you create, but what you create is associated with your desires.

Now; also, desire can change. Generally it does not entirely change, but it can move in different directions, so to speak. In this, you have incorporated throughout most of your focus a very strong desire to become more aware, to genuinely become intimately familiar with yourself, with your abilities, with your power, with your expressions, with you as essence. With most expressions that you do not quite understand, you incorporate almost an insatiable desire to know and to be genuinely connected and aware. And in that, vision at times can be, in a manner of speaking, deceiving.

For vision is an interesting and can be a tricky sense. For it very strongly influences perception, but perception also influences the manner in which you intake information through that particular sense. Therefore, they move somewhat in conjunction with each other and they can influence each other.

LUANA: Can you give me a definition of the difference between perception and seeing? Just quickly.

ELIAS: Perception is the mechanism that actually creates your reality.

LUANA: Okay, and seeing is just one of the senses that helps do that.

ELIAS: Seeing or vision is one of your outer senses. It is an objective avenue of communication.

LUANA: Okay.

ELIAS: It offers you input of information.

LUANA: Okay.

ELIAS: But that input of information can be distorted.

LUANA: Okay.

ELIAS: For perception can influence how you see.

Therefore, your desire in association with the least amount of distortion, which I am aware is quite strong, and your meticulousness in that has created an avenue in which the distortion of vision is obvious. Therefore, it also accomplishes you not entirely relying upon what you see to be correct, or to be real, or to be absolute, and therefore in conjunction with your desire this has actually been quite effective in moving your attention in other directions more strongly than relying upon sight as your absolutes, and I may express to you, most individuals do rely upon sight as absolute.

LUANA: How can I bring them into non conflict so that I can have both good vision and continue on a pathway of perceiving things with the least amount of distortion?

ELIAS: You are already beginning that, my friend. You have already begun. I may express to you, this is also the reason that you have presented that subject presently, for you have already begun, and this was an opportunity for you to validate yourself that you are not deviating from your desire, you are merely choosing another avenue in conjunction with your desire, for now you are moving in a direction of playing with your abilities, in a manner of speaking, testing the waters and challenging yourself, which you are quite accomplished at, and in challenging yourself to engage in new action that is unknown to you and a new discovery and a new opening of how you can manipulate energy, and a new avenue of trusting yourself and acknowledging yourself to enhance what you have already built in your foundation. The foundation that you have established in the desire for the least distortion is solid.

LUANA: It is solid.

ELIAS: Yes. And therefore, moving into new avenues will not shake that.

LUANA: Mm hm.

ELIAS: It merely will encourage you in more new adventures of your abilities and new discoveries.

LUANA: Cool! I really like that a lot. (Elias laughs) Mm hm.

So one of the things I’m doing with my therapy now that is very interesting, the woman that I have as a therapist - I have shied away from doctors all my life because they are strictly into western medicine and I like approaching things from my own ability to create my own reality - but she is right there with this, and she’s just as woo woo as I am! (Elias laughs) And willing to experiment in whatever. So she listens to me and I try different things, and one of the things I’m trying right now, particularly with this cataract in my right eye which I wanted to talk to you about, is my understanding from another session that you talked to somebody is that the inner and the outer work together in harmony.


LUANA: And if I express or stress the idea objectively that my right lens is as clear and unclouded as my left lens and that it’s not even necessarily a miracle that this happens but suddenly I can see perfectly clear, and then I distract myself and give myself the power to do that and then just move on with my day and trust that my body consciousness and my subjective self is going to work to make what I’ve desired in my objective awareness come true, and then what happens is in this kind of an inner process, I guess, with this blinking on and off, there are times when I do not have the cataract and times when I do have the cataract and times I don’t have the cataract and times I do have the cataract. And my question is, as as I work with this more fully and trust in myself that as I’m giving myself the strength and power and the information that I can create this other reality, this other self of myself that does not have the cataract problem, that over some time that I don’t have the cataract is more prominent than I do have the cataract until finally that becomes a reality, I will have manifested that for myself. Is that kind of a correct direction for me to be pursuing?


LUANA: Mm hm.

ELIAS: And quite accurate.

LUANA: Am I accomplishing in that at all so far?

ELIAS: Yes! And you are quite correct and accurate that any physical manifestation is not a constant. When you create some physical manifestation that is some type of a malfunction of your physical body consciousness and is not a natural state, it is not a constant; it fluctuates. At times it is present, at times it is not. It is more present the more you concentrate upon it and the more you oppose it, but this is the key: acknowledging that you have created some manifestation, acknowledging that and incorporating the want and the desire playfully to experiment and create a different expression as a challenge to express the validation to yourself of what you can accomplish.

LUANA: Right.

ELIAS: Many individuals become stuck in that aspect of the process, for they incorporate difficulty in understanding how to not be opposing what they have already created.

LUANA: Right.

ELIAS: And once you are not opposing what you have created, your concentration upon it dissipates.


ELIAS: Which allows you to move in other directions.

LUANA: Yes. It’s like when I don’t pay attention to it, sometimes I think it’s not even here.

ELIAS: It is not! That is the point, that in time frameworks in which you are NOT concentrating upon it, it IS not present.

LUANA: Right! And the objective is to make it more not present.

ELIAS: Correct!

LUANA: But I fight with it to not do that, to play with it.

ELIAS: Correct; and in that, to lengthen the time frameworks in which it is not present.

LUANA: You know, sometimes when I’ve done other things to correct situations like my back - I had a really bad back at one time - what I did was I adopted a song, a singsong that I use to go down the street and play like a kid with cracks in the street and all that, and I’m thinking that one of the playful ways to actually activate one of these things is through song and music. It seems to have another component part to it that helps not only getting over the seriousness but actually does something in itself, the music or the song or whatever, actually helps with the process. Is this true?

ELIAS: Yes. You are correct, for it creates a different vibrational quality.

LUANA: Mm hm. Mm hm.

ELIAS: And it alters...

LUANA: One of the things I wanted to discuss before the end of the hour: I’m doing some really, really interesting things recently. I’m having so much fun doing a lot of different things, and it’s too long to go into in this session - I’m going to have another session with you next month and maybe I’ll cover it more - but one of the things is I am using my - maybe you even know about it, I don’t know what you know about what I’m doing or not (Elias laughs), so that’s one of my earlier questions: What do you know about what I’m doing here?

But one of the things I’m doing is that I’m engaging my imagination and trusting that at some level this is a reality just as much as my physical world out here is a reality, and the more energy that I put into this idea that I have about manifesting this particular thing, the more energy I pour into it - not just myself because I’ve found other people now who are also engaged in this and want to do this and they’re beginning to pour energy into it - that it becomes more and more real.

And I just had an incident when I was talking to you on the phone just a second ago because I’m walking around from one place to another and I happened to look at the clock on the stove to see, okay is my hour up or not, and I see Oh, there’s my clue, it’s the 11:11 clue. This is part of this imagination thing I’m doing, so what I would like to ask you before I stop for the day is - I went into the sessions, because I remembered reading somewhere way back about you talking about somebody with this 11:11 thing, and this is in regards to some blessings that I’m giving the ocean right now. I would like to have more information about this 11:11. I understand from the session that you talked about that the 11:11 was a symbol for a kind of what we would interpret as a reproduction of this particular existence on this other planet or this other plane, that this is the way these energies kind of clone themselves, in a way. And what I would like to find out, I would like to find out a little bit about my focus involved in that particular existence and what their form or their energy or their expression is, if they’re physical or non physical, and I wish you would fill me in a little bit on the 11:11 beings.

ELIAS: They are physical. Their form is different than what you incorporate, and in that, they also generate the ability to alter form.

LUANA: They can alter forms.

ELIAS: Yes. Therefore, it may be somewhat difficult to describe the form of focus within that dimension, for it is quite changeable.

LUANA: Are you saying their forms are changeable, or they’re able to change forms?

ELIAS: Both.

LUANA: Both.

ELIAS: Yes, and in this, that presents a difficulty, for whatever form you would attach to this other focus would be associated with some known element within your reality. And within your reality, their form may be at times likened to a parasol.

LUANA: A parasol?


LUANA: Is that what you said?

ELIAS: Yes, or it may be likened to a snake.

LUANA: Okay.

ELIAS: Or it may be likened to a type of ball but with many extensions. Or at times it could be likened to a plant. That of the snake form generates a very easy movement through environment. The form that could be translated - remember these are translations -


ELIAS: - as the parasol is a form that is more efficient in non movement, physically.

LUANA: Is any one of their forms more present when they reconfigure other forms?

ELIAS: (Pause) Perhaps that of the parasol.

LUANA: Mm hm.

ELIAS: For that is a form that is of entire display and openness.

LUANA: So I want to connect up with my focus that is connected to that place. Are they on a planet?


LUANA: A physical planet?

LUANA: If I want to connect up with my focus on that planet, is that possible for me to do that?


And let me express to you, it is not necessary that you incorporate a visualization of any of the forms that I have translated to you. You can configure the energy into whatever form is most comfortable to you.

LUANA: Do they have a name? Do the individual energies there, their expressions have names?

ELIAS: (Pause) In a manner of speaking, for they have identities.

LUANA: The name came to me while I was working with some of these energies, I’m not sure it’s connected to this at all, but Belarus or Belarius. Does this have anything to do with the 11:11 at all?

ELIAS: The latter would be a translation, yes.

LUANA: The Belarius?


LUANA: Is that a translation of a name or some other quality?

ELIAS: It is a translation of what you would express as name as the identification of the identity.

LUANA: Of my focus that’s connected there?


LUANA: Or just another entity that’s there?

ELIAS: No, of your focus.

LUANA: Of my focus that is there.


LUANA: Mm hm. All right, I’m over my time. (Laughs) I have a zillion more questions to ask. This is really interesting, what I’m doing with this concept and this imagination too, and in actuality it’s imagination but it’s actual at the same time.

ELIAS: Yes, you are quite correct, and I am very encouraging of you.

LUANA: Yeah, it’s lots of fun, so… (Elias laughs) Anyway, I’ll talk with you next month and maybe I’ll get into more about it. Do you know what I’m doing with the 11:11? Do you have any idea about that or any concept of what I’m doing with that?

ELIAS: In what capacity?

LUANA: That I am doing these ocean ceremonies, these ocean blessing in order to bring wholesomeness and health and healing back to our oceans on the earth.

ELIAS: Ah! And that may be an effective avenue for you to generate in connecting with that energy.

LUANA: Yes. It’s all happened very magically and very wonderfully, so it’s making my life just full of light and joy and excitement and all these other things.

Thank you very much, my friend. I appreciated talking to you today.

ELIAS: You are very welcome. I express my appreciation to you, my genuine encouragement in your new adventures, and I express dear, loving friendship.

LUANA: The same to you, my friend.

ELIAS: To you, au revoir.

LUANA: Au revoir.

Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.