Safe Explorations
“Safe Explorations”
Thursday, September 14, 2006 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Leela B.
(Elias’ arrival time is 21seconds.)
ELIAS: Good evening!
LEELA: Good evening.
ELIAS: And what shall we discuss?
LEELA: Well I think you already know what we are going to discuss but I want to discuss it on an objective level. (Both chuckle) I have a few questions and I want to read them in this order.
The first question is: do I have another focus as the daughter of Ahnapol in Egypt?
ELIAS: A daughter.
LEELA: A daughter. Mm-hmm. Yes. And was this my first focus?
LEELA: No. And it’s also not the first designated focus like the first focus in a chapter or something?
ELIAS: Correct.
LEELA: That is the point. It is the first focus in a chapter?
ELIAS: No it is not.
LEELA: Okay. Was I Tumold, Vold there?
LEELA: Okay. And I would like to know the family and the essence family; the alignment of Ahnapol.
ELIAS: That has already been offered.
LEELA: Tumold, Milumet.
ELIAS: It has already been offered. You can access that information with Michael if you are so choosing.
LEELA: Okay. In the forum?
LEELA: Okay. And also the essence name has already been offered?
LEELA: Okay. Is this Ahnapol from the same essence as a man I recently met and his name is Holmes?
ELIAS: No that would be an observing essence.
LEELA: That’s observing. Okay. And what is the essence family and alignment of Holmes?
ELIAS: And your impression?
LEELA: Tumold, Milumet.
ELIAS: Correct.
LEELA: And his essence name?
ELIAS: Essence name, URI (YOUR-ee), U-R-I.
LEELA: Uri. Mm-hmm. Okay. Well this is my main subject for this evening. I’ve met him a few weeks ago for the first time in this focus and I have had and still have very mixed feelings about this person. Both extreme connection and love and on the other hand extreme fear. I’m not sure what to make of this and this is the main reason why I’m checking this with you. And I think my most important question is whether his intentions are pure, if I can trust him?
ELIAS: And what is your assessment of the fear?
LEELA: The most important fear is that I’m afraid that he’s playing a mind game with me. And I feel like that, at least part of the fear is automatic responses from other focuses. But that’s the confusion. Also I am not sure whether this is something about the feeling in the here and now, or are these automatic responses stemming from other focuses or other experiences maybe.
ELIAS: Partially but that is being expressed as an emphasis of what you are experiencing now.
LEELA: Mm-hmm. So I am correct in not trusting him entirely?
LEELA: Okay. Can you say something more than this or…?
ELIAS: Your guidelines are different. When you express the question, “Can I trust this individual?” this is somewhat of a precarious question.
LEELA: Yeah. I understand.
ELIAS: For it is associated with your own guidelines and your own associations and your own beliefs. Therefore in relation to that I can validate your intuition and your hesitancy. And in that I can express to you that you are correct.
As to the literal question of whether this individual is to be trusted or not, that may be somewhat different. For that implies that the other individual is in some manner being deceitful or dishonest and honesty is not as absolute as it may appear. It is a matter of perception. And therefore it can be a variable. It is not as black and white as it can appear.
But in association with your own communications and your beliefs and your guidelines and your direction, that is a different question. And in that, I would express that you are correct in the communication that you are offering to yourself and to be listening to your intuition.
Recognizing that it is not necessarily that the other individual is being deceitful but that the other individual is expressing from different guidelines than your own. And that can create confusion and it can be interpreted in manners that you would deem to be uncomfortable.
Therefore I would express that you pay attention to your own communications. But also recognize that you express differences. And how you interpret what the other individual is expressing may be at times somewhat different from his intention.
LEELA: So now I’m still having exactly the same…I have to make a smart question so that I get a good answer because now I still have the same difficulty. I am not sure what I feel, okay wait a minute.
ELIAS: What is your direction with this individual?
LEELA: Well the confusion I think is about is that I am looking for a certain kind of relationship.
ELIAS: Which is?
LEELA: Which is I am seem to be looking for some kind of physical appearance, like an older man with a beard and I can really trust him and we would work… we are going to work together and I presume that this would be Nicholai and I seem to be attracting a man in my life that I mix up with this relationship and I think Hans may be one of these mix-ups.
ELIAS: Ah. Perhaps your confusion is stemming from somewhat of a rigid classification of relationships and attempting to fit an individual into a particular box, rather than allowing for the relationship to develop and present itself in whatever direction is the most beneficial and comfortable for you.
Rather than attempting to classify the relationship, it may be more beneficial for you to allow yourself to be present, listen to your intuition and pay attention to what you are actually creating with the individual rather than attempting to fit the individual into a particular pre-conceived role.
For you incorporate the capacity to generate many types of relationships. Even in association with romantic relationships or intimate relationships, they can be expressed in many different manners.
In this also, in relation to the type of project that you are engaging in creating with your intention for your centre; this can also serve as another avenue for you to practice in discerning different energies and allowing yourself to evaluate how to interact with different energies without automatically categorizing them and attempting to fit them into pre-conceived directions or expressions. Which will be valuable to you in interacting with other individuals also, for you may be interacting with another individual that may express similarly to a different individual and if you are generating these pre-conceived associations, you may not necessarily accurately assess the individual’s energy. For you may allow an influence of some other association that may not necessarily apply to the individual that you are interacting with. It is important that you allow yourself an openness and allow yourself to generate a flexibility in which you can offer yourself information and move with the interaction without categorizing it beforehand.
LEELA: Okay one of my questions was if Holmes is offering me to explore in the direction of other realms and dimensions? I feel attracted to these directions but I’m not sure if I cannot trust someone should I go in that direction, yes or no?
ELIAS: I would express to you, you can engage this action in listening to your desire and your curiosity and your want to be exploring of other areas than this reality. And in that interaction remain focused upon you and generate the allowance of the interaction with the knowledge that you are doing this for your own curiosity and your own exploration.
And do not attach the other individual to that as the facilitating element. Rather than you will be incorporating a sharing of an experience with another individual but you are quite directing of yourself.
LEELA: But you are saying you can explore this, of course I can but that it’s safe to explore this with this other individual? Or, I’m not sure what you’re saying.
ELIAS: Yes. Yes.
LEELA: Okay. I will be safe.
ELIAS: Yes. I am expressing that and remembering that he is not facilitating.
LEELA: So why should he be present then, I can do it by myself also.
ELIAS: For you can engage this action in sharing and that may generate more fun.
LEELA: But dangerous fun though.
ELIAS: Not necessarily that is dependent upon you and whether you allow the other individual to be manipulating or whether you continue to be directing of yourself.
LEELA: Okay.
ELIAS: It is a matter of practicing in your strength and your directedness.
LEELA: Okay. So one of the main issues is that he claims to see spaceships or UFO’s as he calls them and I feel somehow a connection with him, like I felt like he is seeing my soul family or my original, I don’t know. I feel like there is a connection there.
ELIAS: Yes. And you are recognizing that familiarity.
LEELA: Okay. And does that have a connection with what he calls light people, the geometric forms?
LEELA: And is he from the same origin?
ELIAS: It would not necessarily be designated as an origin, but another dimension and yes you both incorporate other focuses in that dimension. You are correct.
LEELA: So what you are saying is its okay to work together with this individual but be mindful about some of his, maybe his tending to manipulate; I can balance it, I am strong enough to balance this tendency to manipulate me.
LEELA: Okay. So is Nicholai in some way connected to this interaction or is this something completely different?
ELIAS: It is all interconnected my friend. All that you do is interconnected and in that, surfacely it may appear to be different or unrelated but in actuality they are all interconnected in association with your direction and your exploration.
Therefore whatever you generate in sharing with this individual and exploring enhances your knowledge and information and awareness and sharpens your abilities and therefore that also is interconnected with the other individual in the interactions that you engage.
LEELA: Okay.
ELIAS: For it is all associated with energy.
LEELA: Of course. And it’s smart to keep some information for myself or can I be open about this; to work with Holmes or should I see for myself what I can share and what I cannot share?
ELIAS: That would be my suggestion, that you genuinely listen to your intuition and allow yourself to share what you are comfortable with and allow yourself to discern what would be an encouragement for manipulation.
Which I may express to you in acknowledgement of you, you are quite adept at viewing and interacting and manipulating energy and you are quite accomplished at listening to your impressions and your intuition. And you offer yourself considerable information with that. And you are aware of different energies. Therefore trust yourself, listen to yourself and you can discern what you choose to share in incorporating a fun exploration and what you choose not to share in recognition that that can be received as an invitation to be manipulating.
LEELA: But this is also about being aware and not aware, so I guess that in the future he becomes more and more aware of his own beliefs and maybe accepts them more and more and that balances this tendency to manipulate maybe a little?
LEELA: Yes. Okay. Is it wise to give him a place in my own organization at this point or is this like the Trojan horse?
ELIAS: I would suggest that you incorporate more time.
LEELA: More time.
ELIAS: I would express presently the factor of timing would not be the most effective.
LEELA: You mean not to start that organization at this point in time?
ELIAS: No. Not to include this individual presently but to incorporate more time with this individual.
LEELA: Sure and maybe I can concentrate now more on the Egypt project first?
LEELA: Okay. And also on my project of Crete?
ELIAS: That is another quite viable avenue, yes.
LEELA: Okay. So maybe we can keep this relation with this individual for now just exploring this other dimensional and spaceships thing and things?
LEELA: Okay thank you very much. I have one other question and that’s Nicolas Rulie, I’m not sure if I’ve pronounced the last name correctly but what’s his essence name?
ELIAS: Essence name, NIALLA (nee-ALL-ah) N-I-A-L-L-A.
LEELA: And is he also Tumold, Milumet?
ELIAS: Tumold belonging, Sumari aligned.
LEELA: Sumari?
LEELA: Okay. And do I have some connection with this individual also?
LEELA: Okay. Our time is up so I would love to talk more but we are out of time.
ELIAS: (Laughs) Very well my friend, as always I express great encouragement to you and great supportiveness in your direction. I shall be offering my energy to you continuously as always. In great appreciation and tremendous affection, au revoir.
LEELA: Au revoir.
(Elias departs after 30 minutes)
Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.