You Create What You Concentrate Upon
“You Create What You Concentrate Upon”
“Repeat Thinking Can Be Destructive”
“Circles of Energy”
“Being Present”
Session #2083
“You Create What You Concentrate Upon”
“Repeat Thinking Can Be Destructive”
“Circles of Energy”
“Being Present”
Thursday, August 31, 2006 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Jens (Renatad)
(Elias’ arrival time is 27 seconds.)
ELIAS: Good afternoon!
JENS: And bonjour, mon ami!
ELIAS: (Laughs) And what shall we discuss?
JENS: Well, I need encouragement from you—much! (Both laugh) Okay, let’s start first with a question from Gunnar (Ethan). He has now for two or two and a half years many troubles with his money and job situation, and he asked me if I could ask you for concrete notions or concrete suggestions for him. Do you have any ideas?
ELIAS: And what is the situation?
JENS: The situation is that he tries to accomplish certain things in his life but without any success. He gets an offer for a job, and just before the job starts it will be stopped or be refused. He has it now many, many times, and he got some…wait a second…it’s hard in English, with the tongue in America. (German conversation in background) Okay, I’m back. Acceptance is the key to all further, you said, and he tried everything and he doesn’t know how to come to a solution.
ELIAS: First of all, I will express to you once again, you create what you concentrate upon, and concentration is not necessarily attention.
Now; this is important. For your concentration is a strong factor in how your energy is directed. Therefore, if the individual is generating a continuous concentration upon lack and is continuously expressing an opposing energy with self, this will project an energy that will create the very actions that the individual does not want.
In this, as an example, if an individual incorporates an underlying constant association that they do not have enough money, the individual will express that type of energy and will create lack, for this is what they concentrate upon, and therefore that is what they create.
If the individual is continuously generating the association that they cannot accomplish, that is what they will create. They will continuously create situations and scenarios in which they do NOT accomplish, and that will continue to reinforce that energy, for what the individual is doing is continuously, in a manner of speaking, proving to themself that they cannot generate whatever they want TO generate.
The key in this is to interrupt that concentration and to generate the attention in a different direction. Therefore, the key to altering this type of cycle is to begin to acknowledge the accomplishments that are generated within each day—to stop projecting in anticipation of future, stop moving the attention pastly and repeating thought processes in association with failures, and to move the attention to the present, and in the present begin acknowledging, genuinely, accomplishments that are occurring within the day, regardless of what they are.
I am aware that when I express this to many individuals, initially the individual generates a response within themself that what I am expressing is too simplistic and will not be helpful. And the reason that they initially express in that direction is that, generally speaking, the individual has overwhelmed themself to such an extent and has reinforced this cycle to such an extent that they do not understand objectively how implementing this type of action can change their situation, but in actuality it does.
And each individual must generate a beginning point. I am aware that most individuals would wish for myself to express some miraculous expression or experience that they can implement that would immediately alter all of their situations, but in actuality the individual themself must alter their energy. And the more you generate an opposing energy with self, the more you generate experiences that are uncomfortable and unwanted, and the more you reinforce being a victim.
The manner in which the individual can interrupt that and change that is to begin actively, now, acknowledging any accomplishment that they generate within each day, and to be aware and notice when they are generating this action of thinking, thinking, thinking. For that can be damaging, for it can reinforce the energy of opposition.
As I expressed previously, in generating this action of moving your attention to thinking excessively, what occurs is you engage the mechanism of thought in an improper manner. And that can be very affecting, for it can also re-engage emotional communications that are not necessarily associated with now. But as the thought mechanism moves into repeat, it also re-engages the emotional communications with old information. And it can also affect the individual in immobilizing themself.
In this, it is important to notice when the attention is moving strongly to the thinking and the thinking is being expressed in repeat information, and to stop and interrupt that. For that influences the individual to continue to be immobilized, and it influences to be discounting and reinforcing the association that you cannot accomplish.
JENS: Was it that same situation with me, two of the last months, when I expressed strong resignation, and my impression was quite close to choose to disengage?
JENS: Okay.
ELIAS: Let me express to you, my friend: thought is a very effective and efficient and purposeful objective mechanism that you all incorporate. But it is a mechanism, and it can only function properly in the manner that it is MEANT to function as, with whatever information you offer to it.
And if you are not offering new information, it shall automatically move into repeat information. It will move into the expression and translation of information that it already contains, which may not be accurate in association with what is actually occurring. And it is not offering you any new translation of information, for it is not being offered new information.
For your attention is focused upon the thought itself rather than allowing any new input. That can be, in your terms, quite destructive. It can generate difficulty in your movement. It can be unmotivating. It can be immobilizing. It can be overwhelming. It can even affect your physical body consciousness, and it can influence the body consciousness to also malfunction.
JENS: Okay.
ELIAS: This is the reason that it is important to understand the mechanism of thought and to engage it in the manner that it is meant to be engaged, and to recognize how destructive it can be when the individual is generating considerable time frameworks in repeat thought.
It is also important to be paying attention to what you are actually physically doing, for that also offers you new information and allows you to more clearly recognize how you yourselves are projecting energy and creating the situations that you do not want or that are uncomfortable.
If you are projecting an energy of defeat, or comparison, or defense, these are all opposing energies. And as the individual continues to oppose, they continue to create uncomfortable situations.
Now; also, another strong factor which is expressed by many individuals, yourself and this other individual also, is the association with money, the ongoing association that there is not enough money. And in that association, there becomes this underlying expression or perception that you incorporate no money. This is significant to pay attention to, for as you continue to generate this association of not enough or of none, you create a thickness in energy, and in projecting that thickness you generate more difficulty in creating money.
I have expressed many times to many, many individuals, money is one manifestation that is one of the easiest physical manifestations to create. And I shall express to you as I have to other individuals, even an individual that you would perceive as homeless, with no employment and little or no possessions, generates money each day, with little or no effort.
But most individuals that do incorporate employment move into this perception that they do not have money, or that they do not have enough money. And as they continue to reinforce that each day, they continue to create that.
That is the example of concentration. Not that the individual is actually paying attention to money physically in every moment, not that they are thinking of money in every moment, but there is a continuous association and a continuous concentration that there is not enough, or that there is none. And that concentration creates a thickness in energy, and it continuously reinforces opposing energies within self, and it continuously reinforces a discounting of the individual’s abilities, in which the individual expresses that they cannot accomplish.
This is the reason that it is important to interrupt that concentration, and the manner in which you begin to interrupt it is to be acknowledging of what you are accomplishing, regardless of what it is.
Even if it is an acknowledgement that you allowed yourself to sit in a chair and not engage any action rather than forcing yourself to engage an action merely to be expressing some type of production, it matters not what the accomplishment is. What is important is that it is acknowledged, it is recognized. And in doing so, that begins to reinforce your confidence within self that you actually DO accomplish and that you actually DO incorporate abilities to accomplish what you want, and it stops that automatic association that you cannot or that you will not.
JENS: Okay. Thank you. There have been times when I expressed more and more acknowledgement and more acceptance and appreciation of self. I remember when I asked you in Vienna at the group session what would be a realistic time framework for acceptance of self for me, and you said two years or sooner. And I have expressed (inaudible) as acceptance but only for moments, and then I forgot, or…what happened? What did I (inaudible)?
ELIAS: This is a matter of practice, my friend, and genuinely paying attention, for it is quite easy to move into familiar expressions and projecting your attention futurely or pastly, and being forgetful to pay attention to now and be present. Not merely paying attention to now, but also being present. Genuinely expressing a presence with yourself in which you are acutely aware of what you are doing and whatever process you are engaging in any particular time framework.
It is easy to move into that automatic pilot and not be directing, and when you notice is when you generate some action that is uncomfortable. But whatever experience you generate that is uncomfortable, it did not merely occur in that moment. There has been energy building to that, that create(s) that type of outcome.
For this is what you all do. You engage processes. You do not necessarily pay attention to the process that you are engaging. You notice when you generate an outcome, and the outcome may not be what you want, but there was a process that created that outcome.
And in this, when you are not paying attention to whatever process you are engaging, you are not steering the ship. And if you are not steering the ship, it may collide with an iceberg. (Jens laughs) This is the reason that it is important to be paying attention to what you are actually doing and engaging.
You all generate an idea or an intention of what you want in any scenario as an outcome to any situation. It is not necessary to continue to concentrate upon the outcome, and it hinders your movement in accomplishing that outcome, for in not paying attention to the process, you are not directing. And in not directing, you do not generate precisely what you want. And in that, one of the directions that you all want is to be intentionally creating what you want in your reality, and to know that you are creating it. And this can be accomplished quite simply in paying attention to what you are actually doing.
As an example, a very simple example, let us say that you may place yourself in a wagon. Now; you may be upon the top of a small hill, and you are sitting in the wagon. You move your body to engage the wagon to begin rolling. It begins to roll down the small hill. At the bottom of the hill is a very large stone.
Now; if you are not paying attention to how you are steering the wagon, it shall move in its own direction. You are in it and therefore you are moving with it, but if you are not paying attention to steering it down this small hill, it is quite likely that dependent upon how you shift your weight in the wagon, it can very likely collide with the large stone. And in that, you may even injure yourself.
But in that process, you were aware that the stone is in front of you at the bottom of the hill, you were aware that the wagon is rolling, you were aware that you may be shifting your weight within the wagon and that may generate the wheels of the wagon to turn in different directions, which you were also aware that there was a significant likelihood that you would collide with the large stone. But in not taking hold of the handle that steers the wagon, you allow yourself to collide. Your intention may be to avoid the stone, but in not paying attention to the process of rolling down the hill, you do not prevent yourself from colliding with the stone.
It is genuinely that simple. Although in that simplicity it is difficult, for it requires paying attention to what you are doing and paying attention to what type of energy you are projecting. For what you project, you draw to you. If you project lack, you will create lack. If you project opposition with yourself, you will draw that type of energy and situations to you. If you are continuously discounting of yourself, you will draw to yourself situations in which you are discounted. In this, if you are projecting your attention to the rock, if you are projecting your attention to the outcome and not paying attention to the process, it is quite likely that you will create precisely what you do not want.
JENS: What I don’t understand is, I think I have tried out many, many aspects or many, many truths or core truths of myself—many, many aspects of some image. I have recognized how much expectations I create of myself. If I am successful on this side, how can I [not] pay attention in the same moment? So this is difficult for me to understand.
If I wouldn’t pay attention, I wouldn’t create such a movement. I wouldn’t find out these many things about myself, about my preferences and what I really want. I think I’m a big step further, but on the other side I create (inaudible) also, so…
ELIAS: I am understanding. And I am acknowledging of you in what you have offered yourself in information and the movement that you have generated. What I am expressing to you is that you pay attention to yourself in some directions, and in other directions you may not. You may be paying attention and recognizing your core truth, and that is significant and that is quite valuable, for that can offer you significant information, and it can actually generate much more ease in your movement, for you can recognize when you are opposing your own guideline and when you are not. And you can choose to move in expressions that do not oppose your own guideline, and that generates much more ease in what you do. But there are also many actions that you incorporate within a day in which you are not necessarily present and not necessarily actually paying attention to what you are doing.
JENS: Can you give me an example? Which time, actually?
JENS: I do many things automatic, but…
ELIAS: Correct.
JENS: …even if I do it automatic, I try later to find out what happened, to be better prepared for the next time I do the same automatic thing.
ELIAS: Yes. And I am acknowledging of that, for that is a valuable action to engage, and it does allow you to generate more clarity in relation to what you are doing.
I am not expressing that you must be intensely aware of every action that you incorporate, but that you are present. And in that presence, you can notice when you are generating an action that is not present and that may be moving in a direction that contributes to energy that you do not want.
I can express to you that you can notice within a day that there are time frameworks in which you may be interactive with your partner, and you may be discussing some subject with your partner, and you may not be present. You are projecting in anticipation, or you are projecting your attention and concentrating that upon your partner and her expressions or what she is doing, and you may not be aware of what YOU are doing. And were you to be interrupted, your response would most likely be, “I was doing nothing. I was engaging a discussion with my partner. I was listening to what she is expressing. I was expressing my opinion of the subject matter.” Were you aware of what type of energy you were projecting? No. Were you aware of what you were actually doing? No.
You may be engaging an interaction with one of your children. They may be asking you a question, and you may be engaging a different action. You may be engaging some action within your home, and one of your children may approach you and may inquire of some subject and you may respond, but in that moment you may actually generate an element of annoyance that you have been interrupted.
Are you aware that you are generating that type of energy? No. You merely respond and answer the question, and then continue to generate whatever action you were involved with previously.
In that moment, you are not present. You are paying attention to the project that you are engaging, but you are not paying attention to you engaging the project. You are aware that your attention is distracted with the child’s question, but you are not aware of what you are actually doing and engaging in your response.
This may appear simplistic, my friend, but in actuality, within a day many of these actions occur in which you are not present and not paying attention and therefore are unaware of what type of energy you are projecting. And each time that occurs, you place energy in that hypothetical container [1], and that energy accumulates. And that is the same energy that creates these situations or experiences that are uncomfortable or conflicting or unmotivating or irritating or discounting, for it generates an opposing energy that you do not notice.
JENS: I am aware that I express this annoying energy quite often, because the whole situation in my life is all about I don’t want to participate in so many things in so many areas. I want to relax, I want time for myself and I don’t get it, or I don’t allow myself to have it.
ELIAS: THAT is more the point. You do not allow yourself, for you generate these expectations of yourself. And in not allowing yourself, you generate more annoyance. And the more you generate the annoyance, the more you are opposing yourself and the more you continue to create situations in which you are annoyed.
This is what I am expressing, in relation to you and to the other individual, is that you create these circles of energy that continue to perpetuate. And the more you concentrate in that direction, the more you create precisely what you do not want and what is annoying or disturbing to you, for that is what you are concentrating upon.
You are continuously disturbed or annoyed, and therefore you project that type of energy and you create that type of reality. Whereas if you interrupt that—which you have done—you know that it does generate success, for you have offered yourself experiences and evidence that it does create successful results. It is a matter of continuing and not slipping into that automatic pilot in which you are not directing and you are not aware of what you are projecting in energy.
It is a matter of catching yourself, so to speak, such as in the hypothetical example of the child expressing a question and interrupting you. In noticing in that moment that you are expressing the annoyance—and it may be mild; it may not be an intense annoyance, but it is expressed, and in noticing that, you can alter that. But if you are not altering it and allowing it to continue and allowing it to continue to be expressed repeatedly, you perpetuate and reinforce that concentration.
In this, in noticing, you can stop. You can momentarily—almost instantaneously—evaluate within yourself, “What is generating this annoyance?” And you can question yourself, “Am I genuinely present in what I am doing?” The reason you generate the annoyance is that you are not present in what you are doing. If you WERE present, the child could interrupt you and divert your attention and it would not annoy you, for you would be present with that also.
JENS: Any other energy expressions I do prominently or very often? Discounting of self I know, I know. I have so many reasons to discount myself.
ELIAS: Comparing. This is an…
JENS: Comparing?
ELIAS: Comparing. This is an action…
JENS: Comparing, yes.
ELIAS: …that you incorporate quite often. In noticing that you are comparing in any situation, allow yourself to stop and acknowledge your own abilities. For comparison generates a very strong opposing energy, and that generates a strong discounting of yourself, which is not necessary.
JENS: Okay. I wanted to discuss my core truths and my preferences, and I don’t think that we have time for it now. I had even a feeling that perhaps ten minutes ago I have bent the time so it was…somehow the time was going faster. (Elias chuckles) So I don’t have time during the session to ask all that I want. (Sighs)
Now, there are two things I want to discuss at the end of the session. One is my job situation. We have briefly discussed this writing thing. I could now better imagine how it could work. I feel that I’m still far away from it, and in this situation I got a job that would perhaps solve money problems, but I had to sacrifice the time I have for myself. And I think it’s a similar situation (inaudible) of a few years ago. It’s a situation in which I could find out what would be if I would take this job or it was really offered to me, or…I don’t really want this job, but on the other hand I should take it.
ELIAS: Ah! The shoulds!
JENS: (Laughs) This time I recognized it. (Elias laughs) The thing is, I have still much trouble with the career thing, which is obviously not in my direction, not in my intention. But there are so many mass beliefs and so many strong beliefs around it. If I have no alternative, or if I don’t allow myself to see a real alternative right now, not in ten years or in two years, it’s quite a heavy thing. Perhaps you can give me some helpful information.
ELIAS: Remember: all of your choices are not black and white. Therefore, you can evaluate what you want and engage your creativity and your imagination to allow you to express in a direction that is more comfortable.
And the manner in which you do that is to first of all not be viewing each situation in a manner of negativity, not approaching the situation with an anticipation of what will occur before you engage it. For in generating that type of projection, of anticipating “If I incorporate this employment, I will certainly not incorporate the time that I want to generate for myself”—in generating that type of absolute anticipation you create a strong potential that that is precisely what you will create.
Whereas, if you are moving in the direction that YOU have created this position, YOU are directing, in that you can create in the manner that you want to create. You can create the money, and you can create the time. But if you are moving in this direction with the perception that you are not directing this, you are not creating this, then you become victim to the situation and you generate uncomfortableness.
But remind yourself, my friend: you also created the opportunity. You drew that to yourself.
JENS: Yeah, it was quite strange how I got the job offer, and that’s why I was—I know this is how…
ELIAS: And you may have—
JENS: For me, it was this thing and this house, and there’s my car and there’s other things, and so I…it was always successful. But on the other side, I can’t imagine many things. I had many problems of imagination during the last month.
ELIAS: Perhaps it is a time framework to re-engage it. You have engaged imagination quite well, previously, and have allowed yourself considerable inspiration in that direction. Perhaps it may be beneficial to you to allow yourself to re-engage your imagination and be more playful. (Jens chuckles)
And in this also, remember: in your evaluation of what you want and what you engage, allow yourself to relax and recognize that you may have drawn this to yourself as an opportunity to challenge yourself, to re-engage your imagination and to be directing of yourself, or you may have drawn this to yourself to be directing of yourself and to emphasize your preferences.
JENS: What about bursts of passion, the typical bursts of passion? Would you discuss those in a session?
JENS: And I have like a burst of energy, and I have recognized that many times I don’t allow [myself] to express this energy. And I don’t allow [myself] to create situations to express it, and…
ELIAS: And that can—
JENS: Especially of the preferences.
ELIAS: That can create a significant thickness in energy, not allowing yourself to express in your natural movement and natural qualities. That can be quite hindering and create significant obstacles and discomfort. For generating many expectations of yourself and not allowing yourself to naturally express yourself, and to express that passion, creates a type of dam with your energy. And remember: energy will be expressed. Therefore, if you are holding to it and not allowing it to flow naturally, it will be expressed in some other manner.
JENS: That’s the reason I want to CHANGE my situation. I have discounted in the past having these bursts, and now I understand it better and I WON’T express it. Perhaps I have not found the right direction or the right area to express it, or the right…
ELIAS: And this is also associated with your preferences, which many times you do not allow your own preferences.
JENS: Uh-huh.
ELIAS: And that would be a factor.
JENS: There is a chance to change it?
ELIAS: To notice when you hesitate in relation to your own preferences. And when you notice that you are generating that hesitation, question yourself: what prevents you from allowing yourself? And when you respond to yourself the answer of what is preventing you, question yourself again as to how important that blocking element is. How important is it to you to allow that block and deny your preference? You may surprise yourself.
Many times you may be hesitating in regard to your preferences and your natural expression in habit and in automatic familiarity, but not necessarily that whatever would be preventing you from expressing your preference is actually important to you.
JENS: I’ll think about it. (Sighs) I just wonder why is it so very difficult for me. I have created so many interesting things, so unusual and basically impossible things. If I’m correct, I’m observed by billions of essences. I have fragmented from trillions. And even from me or from my essence, trillions of essences have fragmented. Sometimes I have a few hundred focuses, sometimes I have billions of directed (inaudible) focuses. I’m so unusual and exceptional in many different areas, but…
ELIAS: But you will not allow yourself to express that exceptional energy in what you do, for you generate exceptional expectations of yourself. (Both laugh)
JENS: True. That’s true. Yeah. For example, in relation to my thesis, this is completely true. (Elias laughs) On the other side, if I have so many connections and I am aware of them, that must be a relief. If I have billions of future focuses, there must a bleeding-through or help from that. And sometimes I have a little help, or I am aware of a little help from one of them or the other, a future focus, but it’s not what I would expect (both laugh) in such a surrounding or in such a situation.
ELIAS: I am understanding. But those expectations create a type of invisible fence around you, and whatever could be offered to you in supportiveness is blocked out by this fence of expectations that YOU express with yourself.
JENS: (Sighs) Then it would be better if I had never noticed all these connections and all this… In this case, I wouldn’t expect so much from me.
ELIAS: (Laughs) Once again, expecting much from yourself. (Both chuckle)
JENS: Okay. Even during this session I express a resignation and…
ELIAS: I am aware. Pay attention, my friend. This is precisely what I was expressing to you. You generate an expectation. and you concentrate upon a particular outcome such as “I will incorporate a conversation with Elias this day. I will engage this subject and this subject and this subject, and I want to accomplish all of these subjects in discussion with Elias this day.” And your concentration moves so much so to that, that you are not engaging the process of the conversation.
JENS: Yeah. In my experience, if I give up control, if I don’t control a situation everything goes worse, and that’s why I try to control it that way.
ELIAS: Which is unnecessary. And what do you do? You create disappointment. Rather than being present and acknowledging what you are doing and what you are accomplishing, that you are accomplishing engaging a conversation with myself and you are offering yourself information that is valuable, you generate the outcome of disappointment.
JENS: Thank you. Thank you very much. (Both laugh)
ELIAS: Be playful! (Laughs)
JENS: Sometimes I am. (Chuckles)
ELIAS: I am aware. (Both chuckle) And you generate it quite well. Therefore I am encouraging of you to continue. (Laughs)
JENS: Okay. Thank you very much.
ELIAS: I express great appreciation to you, my friend, and genuine lovingness in our friendship. (Chuckles) I shall continue to be with you and be encouraging, even when you are not. (Chuckles)
JENS: Last question. If you are… If I hear your voice in my mind, I translate it as thought, but what kind of communication is it?
ELIAS: It is a communication in energy which is being expressed through impressions that are being translated into thought.
JENS: Ah! Impressions. Okay. And I’m quite good at impressions.
ELIAS: Yes, you are. (Both laugh)
JENS: Okay, thank you very much, Elias. Yeah. What should I say?
ELIAS: (Laughs)Very well, my friend. I express great acknowledgement of you. And I shall be anticipating our next meeting, but I shall be with you regardless and projecting a playful energy with you. (Chuckles)
JENS: Thank you.
ELIAS: To you in great lovingness, my friend, au revoir.
JENS: Au revoir.
[1] Elias is probably referring to Session 1904 (January 17, 2006) where he says: "In each day, each of you, figuratively speaking, pulls beside you a significantly large container, and each time you engage one of these mundane, small actions, in your perception, that require no thought, you may be placing that energy in that container that you pull beside you throughout your day. You continue to place that energy in that container over and over repeatedly throughout a time framework. Eventually the container begins to overflow. At that point you turn, you notice, and you create some action or some event that shall match all the energy that has been placed in that container. And you create a significant disruption in your experience, one that shall be confusing or discounting or uncomfortable or conflicting. You create a type of concentrated projection of energy that matches all of that contained energy. But if you are paying attention, in each day, and you are aware of your energy and how it fluctuates, ever so slightly in different actions that you incorporate, and if you are aware of what motivates each action that you incorporate, what your automatic association is with the action that you are engaging, that offers you the indication of what type of energy you are projecting."
(Elias departs after 1 hour 17 minutes.)
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Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.