Session 2070

Why Did I Create Those Difficulties?


“A Great Capacity for Sensitivity”
“Why Did I Create Those Difficulties?”

Tuesday, August 15, 2006 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Alicia (Tisara)

ELIAS: Good morning!

ALICIA: Good morning! How are you, Elias?

ELIAS: As always, and yourself?

ALICIA: I am fine. I had set aside with Michael four sessions, because one of the things I want to try to do, knowing that I have these sessions, is try to stay on one topic, which is hard for me to do with each one. This one I want to focus, if I can, on relationships and regarding my core truth of respect and the influences. Before I get into this, I am confused regarding how you define influences. Are influences the beliefs around the core truth?

ELIAS: They can be, yes.

ALICIA: Could you define what you mean by influences? I mean, they can be beliefs, but they can be other things as well?

ELIAS: They may be a variation of the core truth, in which they are an association that involves the core truth but they may not be expressed in every situation. They may be associated with certain situations or certain expressions; therefore, they are not constant. They are consistent but not constant.

ALICIA: As an example of my core truth of respect, would you say that some of the influences might be my sense of obligation, protection, accomplishment, and beliefs about accomplishment?


ALICIA: As being connected? That is one of the things that I was thinking about a couple weeks ago. One of the things that dawned on me especially is I never clarified in my mind that the beliefs or issues that I have about obligation, protection and accomplishment would fall into my core truth of respect and that they are kind of connected.


ALICIA: The other thing is, because I’ve had such a huge ordeal for the last couple of years of exploring my beliefs about lack and expressing lack, it dawned on me, I wondered if one reason why I’m expressing so much lack is – again, it ties into my core truth of respect – that what happens is I will make a choice in a certain direction that I think will be giving other people respect, but the result is that for myself I will express lack.


ALICIA: The other thing is I had a period of a week or so where I had a lot of dreams, and I was wondering: do dreams not just illuminate what the issues are, but within the dreams themselves are they a reflection of essence and guidance in terms of how a person could resolve the issues?

ELIAS: They can, yes.

ALICIA: I wanted to share with you some dreams I had, because I think that they really illuminate my core truth around respect. I am sort of obsessed with each of them in a general way, what they represent but not specifically. So, I was wondering maybe if you could help me understand them more specifically in translation.

ELIAS: Very well.

ALICIA: One dream I had was I found myself in France, and I was attending a very expensive sort of couture fashion conference – and I’m not into fashion at all. I forgot to change my American currency into French currency to pay my restaurant bill. The maître d’ approached me to help in making the exchange, but first he wanted me to communicate what a good price deal I got, something like I say the salad was worth 25 dollars but it was for 12 dollars on the menu, then he could sort of brag about what a good deal I got in terms of this being a great restaurant. Well, instead I said it was like five dollars, and he walked away.

Then the scene switched to my realizing that I had forgotten to complete my payment for the very expensive hotel room I had booked earlier but only partially paid for. The hotel clerk tried to downgrade my room without me knowing it, and when I caught on to what he was doing, I felt disappointed with the situation and with myself. Then some strange man, who also worked at the hotel, rescued me by lying to the hotel clerk that I was going to receive so much business during the day that I needed the fancier room so I could get a good night’s rest, and that kept the clerk from continuing switching the rooms.

As I was making my way to the room – which I thought was kind of odd in the sense that it was so detailed – the room number was 1723 and I got completely turned around and lost, and I kept losing my way. I would see the signs for 1723, but then as I got up closer, it would say 1623, and I’d say okay, that’s the wrong room. Also, when I would approach a room in a hallway, from behind a wall another strange man would make a mad dash and run in front of me from out of the blue and stick his key in the lock, and that would keep me from being able to explore that room as possibly being 1723.

ELIAS: And your impression in association with this dream imagery?

ALICIA: I saw that there were some elements of protection and obligation and accomplishment, and also something about the fact that this guy or a different man would make a mad dash for the room – some pressure that I put on myself to accomplish things by sort of, as you put it, making something out to be a race or being impatient or feeling like time is up.

ELIAS: And what associations are you generating with obligation and accomplishment and protection?

ALICIA: The obligation I saw in how badly I feel in disrespecting myself when I don’t follow through on my obligations. Because I had partially paid for the room and forgot and thought that I had paid for the whole thing, or just blew it off, when it came to getting a key to the hotel, it was going to be downgraded. So, I didn’t follow through on my obligation.

ELIAS: Very well, and what of the protection?

ALICIA: The protection has to do with needing the maître d’ to help protect me, to sort of see my way through exchanging the American currency into French currency, but because I didn’t please him, he didn’t offer protection. I lost his protection and became unprotected then. Somehow part of my issue about pleasing other people seems to be connected with protecting myself, ultimately.

ELIAS: I would agree that this dream imagery is associated with your guideline of respect, and in this, what is clearly this theme in this dream imagery is the lack of respect that you express with yourself, which then generates all of these obstacles in your direction. In not expressing or allowing yourself to generate your own natural guideline in respect of yourself, you create situations in which you devalue yourself, and in that, you also discount yourself.

In this, the dream imagery that you generated is an offering to yourself in being aware of actions that you may incorporate that are not following your guideline of respect in relation to yourself, and therefore offering you information in the expression of how you can alter that by generating that respect and acknowledgment of yourself and therefore not creating these obstacles for yourself.

ALICIA: Boy! (Laughs) I’m sitting here, and what’s running through my mind as I’m listening to you, and saying “what are my guidelines,” which makes me feel kind of dumb.

ELIAS: Your guideline is respect, and in following that, it is not as much what you do for other individuals, it is more so what you do in relation to yourself. This is what I have explained in relation to your core truth.

Your core truth is your guideline. They are synonymous. In that, it serves as a guideline in all that you do with yourself and in relation to other individuals. You automatically generate in the direction of your core truth, for it is your guideline. It can create obstacles and difficulties and conflicts if you are not aware of your natural direction with it and if you are opposing it and not allowing yourself your natural expression.

In opposing it, you would be moving in the direction of denying yourself, and that creates difficulties. This is the reason that many individuals generate the association that their guideline is bad or that it should be different or that it is hindering them, for those are the expressions of it that they notice. What they are not necessarily noticing is all of the actions that they engage each day that also are being influenced by that guideline in a beneficial manner to you.

But when you oppose it, you create difficulty, and you create a thickness in energy, which generates more difficulty in your movement. It also creates somewhat of a cloudiness in your perception. You do not view your choices and your expressions as clearly as you can if you are aware of what you are doing and how it is associated with those guidelines, recognizing that the main point in this is to be accepting and recognizing and honoring the benefit of your guideline, that it is not your enemy, and in that, allowing yourself to move more effectively in whatever you engage in your actual interactions with yourself and with other individuals in any situation, generating cooperation with yourself.

ALICIA: I think where I am stuck here is that I don’t feel entitled to self-respect, and part of what I need clarification on is that I don’t quite understand why I chose this, because it seems like what I chose was just obstacles. When I was born into my family, I became… My parents would say that I ruined this or I ruined that or my emotions where too strong. I became the quote-unquote scapegoat in the family, and everything became my fault. Then I started puberty at age nine, which back then was kind of freakishly young. By the time I was in fifth grade, I was so tall compared to everybody else, etcetera, that every day people would make fun of me. Now, with those and other powerful memories, it is so hard for me to say that I deserve self-respect. I don’t know how to get past that. I was thinking that maybe if I could understand why early on I chose those two experiences of being born in the family that I did and also choosing that experience in fifth grade where for an entire year every day I was made fun of, maybe that would loosen up some of my grip. Because I do feel like I hold tightly to this “I don’t deserve respect.”

ELIAS: First of all, remember, each individual incorporates their own perception, and therefore, they create their own reality, which is real. But in association with perception, what holds meaning in one manner to you may incorporate an entirely different meaning to another individual. What appears wrong or hurtful to you may appear to be neither to another individual. This is also associated with each individual’s beliefs and their guidelines.

Now; in that, in relation to your perception and how you translated what occurred in the interactions between yourself and these other individuals, you express a great capacity for sensitivity. Children generally express a greater openness for their own natural expressions; therefore, an individual that naturally expresses a capacity for sensitivity as a child would express a greater openness with that.

In not objectively recognizing that individuals generate different perceptions, in not understanding objectively that other individuals may be expressing in a manner with an entirely different intention than is being configured by yourself, that sensitivity can be triggered, and there can be automatic comparisons in relation to how you would express and how you view other individuals to be expressing. And as you are aware, comparison generates an opposing energy. In that, that opposing energy can be quite easily expressed with yourself. For the most part when individuals express opposing energy, it is more affecting or damaging to the individual themself than however it is being reflected by other individuals.

In this, you, in like manner to many other individuals, present yourself with experiences that you generate associations with, and you may not necessarily objectively understand in the moment when they are occurring. This is not limited to childhood experiences, but generally speaking, it is more emphasized in childhood experiences, for children express more of an openness and more of an allowance of themselves to express in whatever manner they choose.

Therefore, if a child expresses a type of personality and guideline which influences them to be more expressive outwardly, that shall be more emphasized in childhood years. There is a tremendous potential and likelihood that that will change and will become less as they grow older, for there are what you perceive to be societal guidelines, which in some manners are influencing of how you each view yourselves and what is acceptable and what is not acceptable behaviors. A child that is more focused upon themself and perhaps is not as outwardly expressing, that you would identify perhaps as shy, as they grow older may move in the direction of being more expressive to fit the societal guidelines of acceptable behavior. In a manner of speaking, what occurs in many of these situations is that as the individual grows older, they force themselves to generate different behavior, for they do not understand how to channel their natural direction in a manner that they perceive to be acceptable in association with the societal guidelines of behaviors.

Many times individuals, such as yourself, choose to be involved in a particular family, which may appear to be uncomfortable to present themselves with those experiences purposefully. In a manner of speaking, you enter physical focus with a pool of probabilities. These are not fate, not destiny; they are potentials associated with the direction that you choose for that particular focus, which is strongly associated with your intent in each focus, your theme. In that, as a child when you are expressing more of an openness, generally speaking, with rare exceptions, what individuals do is purposefully create a type of foundation. In this, remember: each focus is an exploration. Figuratively speaking, you enter this physical focus and you enter it with a figurative puzzle. The puzzle is completely put together. It is a tremendous mosaic that creates this interesting, vast picture, which is you, and upon entering into physical focus, figuratively you scatter the puzzle almost immediately upon entering physical focus.

Now; the puzzle is broken into millions of pieces, and in that, as a child you begin to fit the foundational pieces together. That, in a manner of speaking, sets your intent. It sets the direction, the theme of your focus. Many individuals generate what they perceive to be disturbing or uncomfortable or frightening or conflicting experiences in that openness as a child, for the pieces of the puzzle that the child is not yet aware of is that of perception. In that openness, there is a tremendous allowance for suggestibility. It is not that you enter this physical focus, in a manner of speaking, as an empty slate with no beliefs. You incorporate all the beliefs, but as a child in relation to that openness and suggestibility, you begin to choose which beliefs shall be the expressed beliefs. That is very strongly associated with suggestibility, and that is in relation to your experiences.

In this, another element of the scattered puzzle that is not yet objectively recognized or fit into place is that of directing self. This is an element that also influences the suggestibility. For pastly, the suggestibility that the child is not directing themselves and that the parent is actually directing them is very strong. You shall notice in this time framework now children are expressing much differently, for they are aware that they are directing and they are becoming aware more quickly of the factor of perception and the differences in perception.

Now; in association with your experiences, you allowed yourself to emphasize your sensitivity. That may have generated painfulness in your experiences, but it also was valuable.

ALICIA: The valuable part is where I’m stuck.

ELIAS: Value is not always expressed in comfort. Many times in discomfort you emphasize value more, for you are more present.

ALICIA: I know, but here’s my problem with the thing as valuable. I don’t see it as valuable currently, because even though it was painful, it is making it so difficult for me to feel that I deserve respect because of all these experiences where I reflect that I was unlovable. Where is the value in that?

ELIAS: It is not that you were reflecting that you were unlovable. You were reflecting opposing energies with yourself that you were uncomfortable with yourself. The value in this is that one, you can recognize your own capacity for sensitivity, which can be a very beneficial discovery. Also, it emphasizes the difference in perceptions.

The other individuals were not necessarily expressing the perception themselves that you were unlovable or bad or wrong, but more so expressing their perception of their direction and expecting you to comply. If you were not complying, in association with their beliefs, that dictated with them how they should force you to comply for that is their job, for this is the direction that is incorporated with the role of parents. As to…

ALICIA: That I can understand. The other part is with my other classmates.

ELIAS: As to those experiences, in that situation, generating the uncomfortableness that you had already become uncomfortable with and the opposing of yourself that you had already established, generating early physical manifestations is somewhat of a byproduct of that opposing energy. In that, as you retreat into that opposing energy, you presented more strongly to yourself.

Now is the time framework in which you can genuinely be moving into allowing yourself your own new freedom, recognizing that it is not necessary for you to retreat, that in actuality you are worthy of your own respect and other individual’s respect, for you are valuable. This is the reason that I strongly emphasized to you to be generating those acknowledgments of yourself and your accomplishments each day and to be appreciating of yourself each day to practice and become familiar with acknowledging yourself rather than discounting yourself continuously and reinforcing that association that you are not worthy of your own respect, for you are.

ALICIA: Maybe I should go back to that exercise.

ELIAS: It is a matter of interrupting that familiar expression, and that is important, for you have been expressing that familiar direction for an ongoing time framework. Therefore, it is automatic.

ALICIA: Expressing opposition to myself.

ELIAS: Yes, and discounting yourself and therefore creating obstacles. For when you are discounting yourself and opposing yourself, you generate an even stronger energy in opposition, and you begin opposing outside of yourself also. That becomes one enormous circle of opposition, which can become quite destructive and defeating. Therefore, it is important to engage expressions that will interrupt that and allow you to move in different directions to reinforce yourself and feed the small dog, rather than continuing to feed the large dog.

ALICIA: So, is part of what I’m exploring by going through all of this is cooperating with myself?


ALICIA: But that in itself is an exploration, which is why I ended up opposing myself early, early on in my focus? Because obviously, I mean, I think from what you’re saying is that I was really opposing myself all along, and it was reflected outside of me so it seemed like other people were opposing me.

ELIAS: Correct.

ALICIA: But that was something I was doing to myself?

ELIAS: But remember, you did not begin in that manner. The beginning was more associated with that openness that you expressed, which allowed for the suggestibility.

When an individual does not objectively understand an expression or an action that another individual generates, you automatically draw upon yourself and what you know within your perception in any moment. Therefore, when you do not understand objectively what is being expressed by another individual, you shall automatically configure and translate the other individual’s expression in association with yourself and with your own guideline. Your guideline being “respect,” if you do not understand objectively what the other individual is doing and you do not understand that perceptions are different, you shall automatically associate the actions of the other individual as a personal affront to you. That is an automatic association. This is the reason that individual’s core truths, their guidelines, are so very important, for they are very affecting.

ALICIA: Now I want to share another dream with you, because it seems it has such a different feel to me when I woke up. I’m wondering if there is sort of a counterbalance message here. I dreamt that a student of mine was going to jail, and she gave me a bracelet that was blue and green. I was trying to comfort her regarding her fear of the jail experience, and I wasn’t sure if I was getting through to her. Then the director of the school came in and told me that I was being chosen to go to Baton Rouge, Louisiana to attend a physical education conference where my friend Dura would be. I felt very happy and trusting, because our time together would break down the stranger-danger fear in me – that’s how it translated in the dream – and if I would get a chance to become more familiar with me, our relationship would develop.

Once I got to the conference, I found myself attend a workshop that taught grammar school athletic dancing to physical education instructors, so a man and a woman, who were also married to each other, asked me to come up front and be the music accompaniment for the demonstration on my violin. At first I played very well, and I was very pleased with myself and was just really kind of basking in the flow. But then the G string on the violin kept slipping, making me out of tune, so I found myself struggling with tightening the strings until I realized the A string was off and needed a different kind of adjustment. Also, they were giving gifts at this conference, and everyone received a pink cable knit sweater. When I woke up from this dream, I felt full of patience and confidence and very trusting.

ELIAS: I am understanding. For in this, you are presenting yourself with imagery of acknowledgment of yourself: one, that you do incorporate a great capacity for sensitivity, which can be encouraging with other individuals; also, you generate in an allowance of yourself to be participating with other individuals in a manner in which you were once again acknowledging of yourself and therefore generating that comfortableness. In association with the musical instrument, this is encouraging imagery also. For, this is associated with your energy. It is associated with your energy centers and imagery of recognition that if energy is been expressed through any of your energy centers out of alignment, you can adjust it and you can continue.

ALICIA: So the A and G string that I was adjusting are a translation of certain energy centers in me?

ELIAS: They are a translation of the expression of energy centers being out of alignment in any particular moment and that you can adjust that and continue. 

ALICIA: Somebody said to me, about two days before I had this dream, that she got the impression somewhat psychically that I was going to receive a gift, and I wouldn’t have to do anything to receive a gift. It would either be in the form of a dream or sort of like my consciously drifting. So when I had this dream, I associated it with what she had said. Is that true that this was the gift that she was talking about?

ELIAS: It can be translated that way.

ALICIA: And who gave me this gift? Was it my essence?



ELIAS: (Laughs) In encouragement. 

ALICIA: And what was I encouraging? To acknowledge myself?


ALICIA: Continue doing that, and feeling better about myself?


ALICIA: Was there any message that I was giving myself regarding Dura, since he was in the dream, or was he just a by-product of feeling good?

ELIAS: It was not imagery specifically associated with that individual, but that was the representation that you can create successfully in relationship with another individual.

ALICIA: That’s where the confidence came from, when I woke up.


ALICIA: One last thing before we end; the time has just flown by. However, my son Daniel wanted me to ask you whether or not he has any focus connection with the Romanov family or Rasputin.

ELIAS: Observing essence in both.

ALICIA: Which of the Romanov family is he observing?

ELIAS: One of the daughters.

ALICIA: Thank you very much for that. The other thing, quickly, is I’m sort astounded. I have a very good, dear friendship with Opan, and I am astounded at how freakishly – I know it’s not freakish, but it feels that way to me – how similarly we move in experiences. When he is depressed, I’m depressed; when he gets a big chunk of money, at the same time I am getting a big chunk of money; when I am feeling my depression lifting, he is feeling his depression lifting. One time recently I had this – and this might go back to my sensitivity – I had this impression that something was happening to him. I emailed him, and it turned out that it already happened. I’m wondering if you could enlighten me about that closeness that we have.

ELIAS: Parallel counterparts.

ALICIA: Counterparts? I have other counterparts, but what is it about counterparts where...

ELIAS: This is a parallel counterpart. Parallel counterparts generally do incorporate very similar experiences in the same time frameworks, which...

ALICIA: My friend Barbara is also probably a counterpart of mine, parallel counterpart. She got divorced about the same time I did, and that surprised me. The timing of it did. Is she a counterpart also?

ELIAS: Yes. I would also express that this can generate an enhancement or more of an affinity between individuals in the expression of parallel counterparts, for it generates an ease in sharing.

ALICIA: Right, I see. That makes sense. All right, well, I have just begun this exploration with relationships, etcetera, but I have three more sessions I set aside with you, with Mary/Michael, so I will be talking with you again next month. I look forward to it. 

ELIAS: Very well, my friend, and I shall continue to be encouraging of you and offering my energy to you.

ALICIA: Thank you.

ELIAS: In great appreciation of you and in genuine lovingness to you, au revoir.

ALICIA: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 58 minutes.)

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