Session 2060

Seeing Sentences or Phrases in Dreams


“Seeing Sentences or Phrases in Dreams”
“Nazca Lines”
“Subjective Movement and Time”

Thursday, August 3, 2006 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Paul (Paneus)

ELIAS: Good Morning!

PAUL: Good Morning, good buddy! (Elias Laughs) How are you? No, never mind, don’t answer that; I already know - as always. (Elias Laughs)

You can help me out on something if you’d be so kind. Last night’s dream: I was seeing a couple sentences real clear and the wording with them, and I remember I kept wanting to wake up and tell someone so they could write it down. And I don’t remember the full jest of all the words but it opened up with the words ‘in the midst’ and that’s all I can remember presently of it. Can you relate to me what was being translated or finish the sentence or sentences?

ELIAS: That is not the point. This occurs semi-frequently with many individuals and, subsequently upon awakening, the individual, in a manner of speaking, becomes somewhat fixated upon the sentences or phrases or what was said or what was written and that is actually not the point of these types of dreams. These types of dreams are a translation by the objective awareness of an action that is being generated, and in that, the action will be translated into actual imagery and experiences, generally speaking, within a time framework of approximately one or two of your days. When you generate this type of dream it is a signal, so to speak, to pay attention to what is occurring in that waking day and perhaps the day after.

PAUL: So all the actions and events around me?


PAUL: Does that tie into what I’ve been noticing the last few days of falling down off of a stool; stool (inaudible) breaking and falling down; smashing my thumb with a hammer; dropping things; almost going off the road in my car. Does that tie in also?


PAUL: So it’s really not an issue of losing control; it’s more of pay attention and, basically what this dream is saying, pay attention from this day forward for a few days.

ELIAS: Approximately, yes.

PAUL: So now, for today, and possibly tomorrow as well?


PAUL: And notice the imagery of the actions and events around me?

ELIAS: Yes. And your responses and how you are interacting.

PAUL: (Laughs) I’m sensing there’s something quite noticeable, in that wise; that will end up occurring in these next day or two.

ELIAS: That is quite likely.

PAUL: (Laughs) All right, I’m pretty excited! Is it something that... is it associated with the truth wave or the potentially upcoming science wave or something else?

ELIAS: The potential is that it will be more associated with guidelines and also associated with triggers.

PAUL: Oh, I don’t know if I’m going to like this one, huh?

ELIAS: That is dependent upon you and whether you are paying attention or not.

PAUL: Well...

ELIAS: It may be quite...

PAUL: I can suck it up for the next day or two then. Avoid processing my triggers and try to be flexible.

ELIAS: It may be quite validating to you to be presenting yourself with potential triggers and generating choices that allow you to move smoothly and easily, rather than generating difficulties.

PAUL: You mean like auto responses… of like anger or frustration?

ELIAS: Yes, and noticing and allowing yourself to engage different choices. It may be an opportunity for you to be validating yourself rather than tripping yourself. (Laughs)

PAUL: Well, (Laughs) I will try to stay attune to allowing other people to chart their course, while still charting my course, and not trying to pull their course into the same path that mine is.

ELIAS: Very well.

PAUL: The other dream that I had last night was dealing with a sense of ‘one more action left’ before some type of success. And it was so close; I kept thinking it was done, but it wasn’t quite. Is this just symbolism of patience?

ELIAS: Yes; allowing. And that in allowing you can accomplish much more, much more quickly, much more effectively, and much more successfully.

PAUL: Okie Dokie (Laughs) Okay, let me ask this question. The Nazca Lines, which are areas in Peru that you can view symbols from up in the air, and they are quite ancient. And they couldn’t figure out why the ancient people made these designs that can only be visible from the air. And in an earlier session you allude to them as being markers of other dimensional bleed-trough’s. And something about... I’m not clear on this, that’s why I’m asking. Is the material of the Nazca Lines actually other dimensional residue that’s left behind? (Pause) Did you hear the question?

ELIAS: Yes. Define what you are associating by residue?

PAUL: Is there matter that is from another dimension that’s left behind in our dimension?

ELIAS: (Pause) Yes and no.

PAUL: Ha Ha! You got to explain that one!

ELIAS: For there are some of what you may term to be particles that can be identified as not belonging to this physical dimension but, as a bleed-through, it is reconfigured to fit the design of YOUR physical dimension. Just as when an individual discovers some object that is not consistent with your physical dimension that can be labeled, so to speak, as belonging to another physical dimension; the object itself contains some element and energy of the other dimension but it has been configured in a form that is consistent with the design of YOUR physical dimension.

PAUL: I thought you related that... let’s say if you have an object - let’s say a big metal object - and it’s moving from one dimension to another, that it would not remain stable. In fact, you even used the term of like a hundred years that’s... in other words it becomes to the point where it would not be stable. And I got the impression that if it only has roughly maybe a hundred years that it would dissipate from this dimension.

ELIAS: Yes, and that is associated with attention in YOUR dimension. If there continues to be a collective attention which creates an awareness of the object, it shall continue to exist. BUT, as the attention dissipates, the object itself also begins to dissipate and can disappear.

PAUL: Is there any way for us to look at the Nazca Lines - the material - and determine that some of the particles there are other dimensional from a source?

ELIAS: Is there a manner in which you can accomplish that now?

PAUL: Yes.

(Transcribers note: Static begins to intermittently occur.)

ELIAS: (Pause) Perhaps, but that would involve a greater awareness of consciousness than is scientifically held and it would involve what you would term to be new break-trough’s in association with your technology which, I can express to you, that your scientific community is moving in that direction but is not quite at the point presently to be incorporating THAT type of awareness or rather THAT type of allowance to generate the inspiration to create the type of technology that would identify different dimensional elements. For you continue to filter your reality through the perception associated with your OWN dimension, with what is KNOWN. Just as you may incorporate an object that may express or incorporate other dimensional qualities but you may configure it as a stone, for the stone is an object that is known to you. The form of it, the physicality of it, is constructed in a manner that is known.

What is being explored now, which is and will be, in your terms, paving the direction and creating the foundation for an openness to actually NOT be reconfiguring energy into known manifestations but this is a very unfamiliar action for any of you. It is being explored now, which can be quite inspiring and exciting for you in generating new discoveries but it is also challenging, for this action of configuring energy into known manifestations is very familiar and very strong. Therefore, deviating from that can be somewhat challenging, for that is an action of allowing the essence of the energy to be expressed in its own configuration, in its own form or without a form.

PAUL: Elias, so this is’re alluding to the science wave?

ELIAS: Not necessarily, I am expressing what is actually occurring now.

PAUL: So, if I look around me personally are there several objects that I can figure the energy to something known that actually the nature of the object itself is other dimensional?


PAUL: Okay, let’s do a test then. Is there an object that I have configured a certain way that I could change and allow it to resume its true nature, true form?


PAUL: Did you hear the question?

ELIAS: Yes, and I responded. I expressed to you, yes.

PAUL: Oh. Do you care to give me an object (Laughs) near me that is not... that is other dimensional that I have configured?

ELIAS: And in your test what do you FEEL?

PAUL: What do I feel in this present moment?

ELIAS: In association with the objects around you.

PAUL: You mean the feel as in a sense or feel as in the touch feel?

ELIAS: As in sense.

PAUL: Which...

ELIAS: Do you feel the energy of different objects?

PAUL: Okay, so you’re not going to tell me the object; I just have to pay attention to see which object feels different.

ELIAS: This may be an element of your dream; of paying attention.

PAUL: So you are saying that there is an object in one of my dreams that...

ELIAS: No, I am expressing to you as we discussed your dream and paying attention within this day and perhaps tomorrow; this may be an element of that. To be paying attention to energy and what you notice in slight differences of energy.

PAUL: Hmm… okay. By the way, why am I creating some static on our connection?

ELIAS: That is associated with scatteredness.

PAUL: Say - that just got cut off. That is associated with what?

ELIAS: Scatteredness.

PAUL: What’s the last word?

ELIAS: Scattered!

PAUL: (Laughs) Thank You. (Elias Laughs) Okay, the potential for the science wave: if we do choose this, will some people experience a wave before others will or do we all sort experience a wave at about the same time?

ELIAS: You experience it in the same time framework but you experience it differently.

PAUL: Is there going to be a most probable of that that will herald the start of this wave?

ELIAS: Not necessarily.

PAUL: Mmm. Interesting. Okay. I had a dream a while back where I was working at this university and this NASA person and military intelligence person gave me a letter asking for my research assistance on Extraterrestrial Arrays. Arrays being like some type of structure antennas. Is this a potential future probability?

(Transcriber’s Note: Static increases)

ELIAS: (Pause) It is a potential, as we discussed previously.

PAUL: Okay, part of you got cut off. Did you say that it’s a future… potential?

ELIAS: I expressed it is a potential as we discussed previously.

PAUL: Okay, well that’s a good thing then.

ELIAS: In your terms.

PAUL: What is with my not getting head pains anymore? Does that mean my neuron pathways have already been developed enough or is there more to come?

ELIAS: That is a possibility. It is a temporary action, as I have expressed previously. That is not to say that that may not occur again BUT when you are engaging that type of action it is a temporary action and it does eventually dissipate and in that...

PAUL: It’s really just imagery.

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, yes.

PAUL: I had a dream of German... of being with some German commandos masquerading as what I think were British soldiers in World War II; meeting up with U.S. GIs or U.S. soldiers in Italy. Is this a focus of one of my German soldiers?

ELIAS: (Pause) No, it is another focus but it is associated with an Italian soldier.

PAUL: An Italian soldier?


PAUL: Elias?


PAUL: Did you say I had a focus as an Italian soldier?


PAUL: I thought we went through my list of soldiers in World War II; I only had German and British.

ELIAS: AND what have I expressed to you? THAT is associated with any particular time framework. You fluctuate in how many focuses you have in any time framework. You can, in your terms, add or subtract focuses in any moment.

PAUL: Hmm… okay.

ELIAS: Any number...

PAUL: I had a dream about going down to this vestibule in a basement of this church and receiving some type of, like, conformation for... some form of acknowledgment. And then having to flee from a government agent that was purposely chasing me down and somewhat threatening, or whatever; I had to flee him. Was that just symbolism of my increased awareness, or something else?

ELIAS: It is imagery associated with the restrictions and the threat of authority.

PAUL: Of what?

ELIAS: Authority.

PAUL: Okay, that’s getting cut out. Of…?

ELIAS: Authority.

PAUL: Oh! In my life or just in general for everyone?

ELIAS: In association with you and your movement; that authority expressed in certain manners may be restricting to you. And in that, the significance of you directing yourself and not moving in the direction of allowing yourself to be directed by others.

PAUL: Oh, I like that! (Both Laugh) What’s this dream I had a while back of relocating to Toronto; of taking a job up in Toronto, Canada.

ELIAS: (Pause) That is associated with flexibility in movement within yourself and physically. Generating an openness within yourself and a flexibility to be allowing yourself to move in physical areas that you prefer and that you want, rather than holding yourself in ONE area in association with obligation.

PAUL: So you are saying I would be offered a job in Toronto that may appear to be appealing to me?

ELIAS: Not necessarily. It is about flexibility, not necessarily a particular area.

PAUL: Oh, so it’s being general, not necessarily Toronto.

ELIAS: Correct.

PAUL: Did you say yes?


PAUL: Okay. Based on my changes I did the other day on my dimensional reading paper; is it now correct and ready to be published or should I be tweaking it further?

ELIAS: I would suggest that you continue in your process with it.

PAUL: Okay, (Laughs) tweaking it, huh? (Elias Laughs)

Okay, I had a dream with a... the other essence Opan contacted me and showed me how subjective communication can flow independent of time. We were talking about you and he was relating about his subjective communication; how it flow independent of time. Was that the whole message or was there more to that dream than what he mentioned?

ELIAS: That in itself is significant for that is accurate. Subjective expressions or movement is not necessarily associated with time in the manner that objective expressions are.

(Transcriber’s Note: Static increases)

PAUL: (Pause) Elias?


PAUL: Could you repeat that sentence again?

ELIAS: Subjective movement is not necessarily associated with time in the manner that objective imagery and expressions are.

PAUL: I agree. Okay, so there’s nothing else beyond that message?

ELIAS: But that in itself is a significant message.

PAUL: (Laughs) Well, I hope I can process that. I mean, I basically understand that... yeah, I understand it intellectually.

Okay, job location... am I choosing to get a new job in the next couple of months that’s out of state? Or am I on a path to choosing to get one in the next couple of months out of state?

ELIAS: That is a strong potential.

PAUL: Any hints about any particular state? (Laughs)

ELIAS: That would be your choice, my friend.

PAUL: I want to try to get one near one of those universities.

Okay, let’s go on. I had a dream of discussions at Fermi Lab on how not only the graviton decay into the photons but that this process is also reversible. Is that really true and are there any objective examples that I could look at or explore that would hold a clue or validation to that reversible process?

ELIAS: Is it possible? Yes. (Pause) Are there resources within your reality to examine? Yes.

PAUL: Hey, Elias?


PAUL: I need you to restart your answer there because the static keeps cutting you off.

ELIAS: Yes, it is possible and yes, if you are investigating; there are resources available to you that you can evaluate and examine.

PAUL: Is there any naturally occurring process that they can look at that would show the reverse process of a photon decaying into gravity? Oh! Well let me get to the other part of the dream. There was an association with the Latin terms for the planet symbols of Venus and Mercury and each one represented either the photon or the graviton. Like, I think Mercury was representing the graviton and the last symbol for the planet Venus represented the photon. (10 second Pause) Are you there?


PAUL: Did you hear what I said about the Latin planet symbols?


PAUL: Is there a relation to this photon and graviton situation?

ELIAS: Yes, but is your question associated with your planet or is it associated with these other planets?

PAUL: What was the first part?

ELIAS: Is your question associated with your planet or with these other planets?

PAUL: Well, the reason I had these last symbols in my dream must relate to this process and so maybe this process is reversible on these two planets, Venus and Mercury?

ELIAS: Yes. But...

PAUL: Or is there another reason why I have these… the symbol for these two planets in my dream?

ELIAS: The reason for the symbol of the planets in your dream imagery is symbolic of advancement. And in that, the ability to access these planets in your expansion and allowing yourself new exploration of unknown expressions and unknown actions. In that, as you generate the advancement to incorporate more accessibility to these planets, you also generate more of an awareness and more of an ability to expand what you know in relation to your own reality and your own planet and the movement of these elements. (Pause) The dream imagery is centered around the theme of what you term to be advancement.

PAUL: Advancement?


PAUL: Okay. So in summary, the process is reversible and I can discover naturally occurring process here on this planet.


PAUL: Boy, I’ve got to think about how that would actually work. (Both Laugh) Okay…

ELIAS: Ah, but these are the challenges, my friend, to be exploring and generating NEW discoveries.

PAUL: Yeah, I keep thinking this new science wave that I’ll have a nice opportunity to participate in a fairly significant way.

ELIAS: Perhaps.

PAUL: Hmm. I had a dream of this woman who had contact with this famous celebrity - Oprah Winfrey’s publisher - and I talked to her about my kids book, “World Kingdom” and I wasn’t worried about her spewing my story. Is this a probably reality… potential?

ELIAS: It is already a probable reality BUT there also is a potential that you may create in a similar direction.

PAUL: Okay, so my probable self has this reality and I can create a similar situation for myself?


PAUL: Okay. Would I create that better by (Laughs) starting the action and then sitting back and allowing it to occur?

ELIAS: And paying attention to the process, generating the intention, incorporating action, and being involved in the process.

PAUL: Okay, you got cut off. After you said being involved I didn’t hear anything else.

ELIAS: In the process, rather than continuing to concern yourself with the outcome.

PAUL: Okay. I’m not sure if you answered this history question before about the pyramids, but is the Giza complex omega iron generators and if so, who or what are they supposed to be using (inaudible)?

ELIAS: No, they are not.

PAUL: I’m sorry, what?

ELIAS: No, they are not.

PAUL: Am I still on a path of getting my centaur screenplay developed within the next couple of years and will I best accomplish this by not contacting Lucas Animation anymore until they contact me?

ELIAS: (Pause) There is a potential. It is not a strong potential but that can change.

PAUL: Ok, you got cut off. You said what?

ELIAS: I would express that there is a potential but it is not a strong potential but that can also change.

PAUL: (Laughs) Okay, the first part again because the static cut out the first part.

ELIAS: (Said slowly) It is a potential, but it is not a strong potential.

PAUL: A strong potential?

ELIAS: No! It is NOT a strong potential.

PAUL: Oh, NOT a strong potential.

ELIAS: Correct.

PAUL: Aww....

ELIAS: But that can change.

PAUL: Well, what action... I was trying to think that it would occur with allowance, that I don’t think it is putting forth pressure to serve the type of the intention out there; just let it occur?

ELIAS: Partially, but also it is a matter of you genuinely appreciating your creativity and what you are expressing, and in that, genuinely projecting an energy in association with your creation that generates an attractiveness in it. If YOU are genuinely appreciating...

PAUL: Okay, so maybe I need to refresh myself on a screenplay and then call up Lucas Animation and just tell them how cool my story really is. (Both Laugh)

ELIAS: I would be encouraging. It is a matter of YOUR expression of confidence, my friend.

PAUL: Okay, it would be a matter of my what?

ELIAS: Confidence.

PAUL: So call Lucas with confidence. (Elias Laughs) I will choose a day that my confidence is very high. (Both Laugh)

I had a dream of a scene of a microscope surrounded by plastic and the target area is viscous fluid trying to catch these other dimensional particles. Is this imagery of protection, the fact that protection or what you associate with contamination from other dimensions, or is this other (Inaudible)?

ELIAS: Partially, but it is also partially imagery associated with YOUR movement and YOUR direction and YOUR curiosity in relation to other dimensional expressions and not distorting them.

PAUL: Boy, I can’t wait to hear the other tape because I’m not getting much in the way of responses because of the static is cutting you off frequently. So the second part was dealing with what again?

ELIAS: It is associated with YOUR direction and YOUR curiosity in relation to other dimensional expressions and not distorting them.

PAUL: Distorting with the discoveries?

ELIAS: NOT distorting the discoveries.

PAUL: Oh, I’m a little confused (Inaudible) the discoveries are not getting distorted?

ELIAS: It is associated, in a manner of speaking, with protection BUT in association with YOUR curiosity, YOUR direction, and not wanting to distort whatever information you offer to yourself in relation to the purity of other dimensional expressions.

PAUL: Okay. I think I got the sense of that even though the words are chopped off. (Both Laugh) What’s the symbolism of this heat wave that the United States is going through presently?

ELIAS: Do you incorporate NO impression?

PAUL: Well, of course I do! I would say just like if you’re cooking something in the oven, you are heating it up until it’s ready, and so this heat wave to me is a figurative change of state, if you will, that’s related to the onset of the science wave.

ELIAS: It is not related to the science wave. It is a reflection of collective energy in unrest, uneasiness, irritation, and conflict.

PAUL: Elias?


PAUL: You got cut off again. I heard the, ‘It’s not the science wave it’s related to uneasiness, irritation’ and I didn’t hear anymore.

ELIAS: It is a collective energy which it is not limited to your country but it is being expressed somewhat in extreme in your country for it is reflecting the energy of the masses in your country in unrest and in irritation and dissatisfaction.

PAUL: With the government?

ELIAS: With many expressions of your country.

PAUL: Oh. I had a dream of meeting this large butterfly about two feet - wing span’s about two feet in diameter - and when I was handling it, its wings fell off. And I remember I was working with someone else to put the wings back on it and I physically could tell the butterfly was gripping my arms as we were trying to put the wings back on and it was a sense a recognition of acceptance on my part that we were working to help it and not to harm it. Is that a connection with an extraterrestrial focus of mine?

ELIAS: It is a connection with myself.



PAUL: You want to explain that one? (Laughs)

ELIAS: It is imagery that you expressed in association with acceptance and my energy in allowance, in cooperation with you...

PAUL: (Inaudible) I pick up this fully subjectively because objectively I’m not hearing you because of this static (Inaudible) (Laughs) So basically, just a recognition of our connection and energy between us?

ELIAS: And cooperation and allowance.

PAUL: The last word was allowance?


PAUL: So I should not focus so much on the end result. Just try to relax and go through the process.

ELIAS: Yes! But also it is associated with the interactions that can occur and the allowance of one in receiving helpfulness from another.

PAUL: Between you and I?

ELIAS: Yes, and that that can be translated also by you in association with other individuals.

PAUL: Okay. I can’t wait to hear this on a regular tape and it’s not all cut off. (Laughs) I feel like (Inaudible) scattered this today. (Laughs)

ELIAS: Distraction.

PAUL: The Auroras in light flashes; is that the same process of how energy crosses essence or is it different?

ELIAS: (Pause) There are similarities but there are also differences. This is a translation, as I have expressed.

PAUL: Well, they both are translations.


PAUL: Well, so I guess what the mechanisms are different (Inaudible)

ELIAS: (Pause) Mechanism.

PAUL: Okay, all I heard was the word mechanism.

ELIAS: Correct. It is more associated with the projection of energy.

PAUL: (Pause) Elias?


PAUL: I guess I got to wait because I can’t hear you very well. (Laughs) Hey, Elias?


PAUL: Okay, could you repeat what you just said?

ELIAS: It is more associated with the projection of energy than an actual mechanism.

PAUL: Well, I’m going to have to listen to this at a later time when I get the other tape. I got a couple of minutes left here. Am I on a path to do an energy exchange with the essence (Inaudible)? (Pause)

ELIAS: It is a possibility. I would express in this moment, or at this point, it is also not a strong potential, but it is possible.

PAUL: Well, I guess I’ll just keep the possibility open and see how I feel in the future then.

ELIAS: Very well.

PAUL: Okay. Is there anything else you want to close with, in the way of comments associated with today and tomorrow? (Laughs)

ELIAS: Pay attention! Notice what you are doing NOW and what you HAVE BEEN doing in this conversation.

PAUL: I… I’m still not, I’m sorry...what do you mean… what I have about this conversation?

ELIAS: In this scatteredness and what you have been creating.

PAUL: (Pause) Elias?


PAUL: I guess I got to wait for the scatteredness (Inaudible) down. (Elias chuckles) Are you still there?


PAUL: Pardon me?


PAUL: Did you say focus?


PAUL: Okay, let me get through this scatteredness (Inaudible). Okay, now what did you say now?

ELIAS: I expressed to you to FOCUS and to notice your own scatteredness and you can begin NOW with that noticing.

PAUL: Okay, focus now, scatteredness, and what was that last part?

ELIAS: BEGIN NOW! (Laughing)

PAUL: (Pause) Okay. I feel really bad about asking you to repeat but...notice the now?

ELIAS: (Chuckling) No my friend, BEGIN now. (Pause) Or perhaps not. (Chuckles)

PAUL: Wow, I’m not hearing anything. Well, Elias, I guess I should let you go - I’m getting all this bad tape. (Inaudible) as much as possible for the next two days.

ELIAS: Very well. (Laughs)

PAUL: I don’t know if you could say what you were trying to say real quickly right now I because I can hear you.

ELIAS: (Laughing) I express to you to begin now! (Laughing)

PAUL: Wow, whatever it is, that scatteredness is crazy! (Inaudible) (Both Laugh)

ELIAS: Very well, my friend. I shall be anticipating our next meeting and perhaps you may be more focused in our next discussion.

PAUL: I hope so. (Elias Laughs) Au revoir.

ELIAS: To you in appreciation. Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 65 minutes)

Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.