Defining Cooperation
”Defining Cooperation”
”The Value of Presence and Attention”
”Thought does not create your reality”
”What you believe vs. your beliefs”
Monday, July 24, 2006 (Private)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Jo (Anita) and Allen (Wong-Tu)
(Elias arrival time is 21 seconds)
ELIAS: Good Morning.
JO: Good Morning.
ELIAS: And what shall we discuss?
JO: Well, Ive known Allen for about a year, but yet we think weve known each other for eternity. Can you give some insight on our connection - well, all our other dimensional experiences or what you know that you can tell us?
ELIAS: You do share many other focuses together and also other dimensional focuses, but you show many in this reality also.
JO: Is there a purpose in this reality that we are destined to do together?
ELIAS: (Chuckles) There is no destiny. It is what you create. Is it purposeful that you have drawn yourselves together? Yes, or you would not have done so. In this, it is dependent upon you each what you want and how you proceed and what you create. But it is a benefit to each of you in creating this relationship between you, for it offers each of you an avenue to be discovering more of yourselves through the sharing with each other. For as you share with each other it offers you new insights into yourself and also allows you to practice expressing yourselves in your own freedom more fully.
JO: We live in separate countries right now. Can you give us some - I know its what we create but, the possibility or probability of us living in the same state or same town, living in the same space?
ELIAS: Once again, that would be your choice and your direction. It is unwise for any individual or essence to offer predictions. I can express potentials but with the recognition that there is always the variable of change, for there is always the variable of choice. I can express to you that you do presently incorporate a strong potential of generating the physical area in which you can occupy closely, but once again, that is your choice in what you choose to pursue and what direction you choose to move within, and it is not an absolute, for it is a matter of your own choices.
JO: I just thought it ought to have been -
ALLEN: Im not fully versed in your material, but you speak of the nine families, and Jo is with the family - not focus but...
JO: Essence?
ELIAS: Families of consciousness.
ALLEN: Yeah.
ELIAS: There are nine families of consciousness associated with this reality. Each of you incorporate an essence family in which you are belonging to, and in each focus an essence family that you align with. In this, the essence family that you are belonging to is for the most part the underlying qualities that are expressed in much of what you do, but they are more subtle. And the essence family that you are belonging to remains the same in every focus.
The essence family that you are aligned with changes with different focuses for the experience of the qualities of the other essence families. In this, the alignment family is expressed more overtly. That is more obvious in your expressions. It also, generally speaking, does not change within one focus, although there are exceptions to that. At times an individual may choose more than one, generally speaking, merely two essence families to align with in one focus, but that is not common. And occasionally an individual may alter the alignment family within one focus, but that also is somewhat rare. For you incorporate many focuses, and each one incorporates a different alignment, therefore you are experiencing all of the qualities of all of the families continuously and it is not necessary to alter one in one focus.
Now; this, the essence family that you are belonging to is Sumari. The alignment in this focus, Tumold. Essence family belonging, Sumafi. Your alignment does fluctuate. It fluctuates with Sumari and Gramada. In this, also recognize, as I have expressed many times previously, you all exhibit some qualities of all of the essence families. It is merely that you align with one and that shall be the overt expression and influence within your focus.
ALLEN: For here, we had a name as well, if you could tell us about it?
ELIAS: Essence names. That is actually a translation, a partial translation of the overall tone of the essence which also does fluctuate, but generally speaking it can be identified in a word which is designated as a name.
You are enquiring as to your individual essence names?
ELIAS: Very well. (Pause) Essence name, Anita. Essence name, Wong-Tu. W-O-N-G T-U.
ALLEN: Sounds like its Oriental? (Laughs)
ELIAS: Generally speaking, essence names can be associated with physical names within your reality and can be associated with cultures. And generally speaking, those cultures that the essence name may be associated with are preferred cultures of the essence in general.
ALLEN: I understand that I was a part of the Council Authorities Board that Edgar Cayce talked about. And from another source, it would be ten and a half million years ago or something. At that time I was an astrologer in Tibet, I understand. Was that my name then?
ELIAS: (Pause) Yes.
JO: We both believe we do a lot of - we meet when we dream. I dont recall my dreams. He has more elusive recall than I do, not everything but most things. So is there - will I be able to remember or be more lucid?
ELIAS: You can, and you can practice and develop that also. One effective suggestion in association with dream imagery is to alter your sleep patterns. For in this, recognize that dream imagery is created by the objective awareness, therefore it is the objective awareness participation in sleep state that creates the dream imagery. Individuals very often create very familiar sleep patterns. In creating very familiar sleep patterns, many individuals move their attention almost entirely away from the objective awareness. In altering your sleep patterns, even temporarily, what that creates in effect is an alert to the objective awareness, for you are generating a different action. And the objective awareness wants to know what is occurring differently. When you alter your sleep pattern and you alert the objective awareness, it is more participating in the subjective activity that is occurring.
Now; do not misunderstand. Regardless of whether you recall sleep activity or not, the objective awareness continues to be in harmony with the subjective awareness. But you may not be objectively aware of how it is in harmony, and you may have less awareness of what is occurring subjectively and be less familiar with the subjective activity. In generating that objective involvement in sleep state, you create imagery. As I expressed in our group discussion, this does not involve thinking. This is actual imagery that is being created, and that imagery is less abstract than your waking state, therefore it appears unusual or different or even more flexible. In actuality, it is more precise than your objective waking state, for it is not as broad as your waking imagery.
But in this, the manners in which you can alter your sleep state are, you can incorporate a nap within your day, or you can intentionally awaken yourself at some point, or at more than one point, within your night hours. It is not necessary for you to continue in the waking state once you awaken yourself. It is merely a matter of interrupting that sleep pattern. It may require merely a minute, which is enough to interrupt that familiar sleep state and alert the objective awareness to participate. And in that, I may also suggest initially that you allow yourself immediately upon awakening to incorporate a paper in which you can write whatever you recall. But in that, do not attempt to understand what you are recording, merely express whatever images you recall; for whether that incorporates any understanding to you in the moment or not, it likely will subsequently, especially if you are generating connection with another individual within the dream state, for you are incorporating other energies. And in that, you may incorporate a word, and the other individual may understand what was occurring in relation to that word and can elaborate upon the scenario, which will also encourage you to incorporate more recall of the imagery that you participated with.
Some individuals also may not actually generate a word but may express a simple picture that they do not necessarily objectively understand, but in connection with another individuals participation they may generate an understanding as the two share the information. You may also, if you are so choosing, inquire of Michael; for Michael and Lawrence engaged this type of activity together, and Lawrence did not generate clear recall of the activity that they generated together, but they did generate a sharing which enhanced that recall with Lawrence that may offer you a practical example of what I am expressing.
JO: Ok, all right. I have questions about my business. Can you see me? As Im kind of stuck, and simple things arent getting done that would, you know, bring...return, you know, money to me. You know, as far as I set something up for production, and it can be one small little thing has to be done before it creates money for me, income, and it doesnt. It just seems to not happen. The last little piece seems to go on for a long time before I can get it connected and running.
ELIAS: In what capacity?
JO: Well, I dont know if its - I guess its me creating...
ELIAS: Offer an example.
JO: Well, let’s say I have to put electricity to a machine that will create income, and it takes months to get the electricity, the wire connected, which should only take an hour. And it seems to go on for days and weeks, and then months pass, and the people I have to help me with this its like, ok tomorrow, next week. Im - well, I guess I have to ultimately blame myself because I am creating my world, but I have issues with not having enough money. Im always - I hate to say it, verbalize it, but every check I get for the production that my business creates is just enough to cover my bills and then get a little bit more done. And I seem to be just running ahead of red ink - and not even, just right on it. And I guess is it just my disorganization, or am I self-sabotaging myself so that things that could be making me that extra easy income just dont get turned on. Theyre so close - I mean, the investment to get them as far as they are is the big investment; the small little effort it takes to get them going is just the hard part for me. It just - I just need one last thing to get it done. Im so frustrated. Ive gotten used to it, so its like of course its not happening. And I dont know if you see it in my, you know, in my subconscious why this is happening, why Im sabotaging this, or is there some conspiracy around me?
I have been in business with someone who really tried to drive me out, and this was like two or three years ago, and I survived that, I think. I mean, theres still that element of you know ”ruthless takeover” from the outside. Can you give me any insight on whats happening with me? And heres - ultimately, it would be really nice - I wish, although I dont get this message, I feel like the message I keep getting is that you have to do it yourself. You have to take charge; you know, line out the details, do the details, get it done. Thats - but theres a lot of it that Im not particularly skilled to do. I can see it from the management point of it, but not on hand, actually doing the physical work.
So what I would like to know is, is it possible I can find someone to manage all these details for me and be able to trust that they wont be - because I came very close to losing my business, because I did that in the past. Because I would like to do other things besides attend to everyday, you know - keeping an eye on it, physically keeping an eye on things, the people working with me. Can I delegate all that to a second person and relax, and I can go off and do other things that interest me?
JO: (SIghs) Ok, thanks.
ELIAS: First of all, I shall express to you one of your challenges is in association with struggle and value -
JO: Right.
ELIAS: - that if you struggle, the more work you generate for yourself, the more valuable the outcome will be. That whatever incorporates more difficulty is ultimately more valuable. This is actually not the situation, but this is not an uncommon association that individuals generate., that the more work that you do the more valuable the outcome of the product is. It is not a matter of how much work you do. In that philosophy and that association, for the most part what you generate is frustration, inefficiency, ineffectiveness, and fatigue.
JO: Right.
ELIAS: And all of your actions become a chore rather than fun; and rather than generating a doing of what you want, it becomes a doing of what is necessary and a chore, and that is what creates work. You can incorporate a job, in your terms, that is not work, for if it is an action that you enjoy and you prefer and that you can incorporate fun in the doing of it - it is not work and it is not a chore. Therefore, first of all, that is a strong association in relation to value. Recognize that that is not true.
JO: Ok.
ELIAS: Also another factor is attention. If you are continuously projecting your attention futurely in anticipation or pastly in association with past experiences you, figuratively speaking, lose considerable amounts of time, for you are not paying attention to the now and you are not paying attention to what you are doing now. Therefore, what you are doing now is expressed inefficiently, for your attention is divided. And rather than focusing your attention in what you are actually doing presently in the moment, you are physically engaging an action, but you are projecting your attention futurely in anticipation of an outcome. This is also a very common expression and a common action, but especially in this time framework it does not fit any longer into the design of your reality.
For whether you recognize what you are generating or not, you are shifting. And in shifting, some old familiar actions do not fit any longer in your reality; and in that, it creates an ineffective expression in what you do, and that generates frustration. Focusing upon the outcome of what you are doing or the product or the finality of what you are doing is inefficient, for it distracts you from what you are doing now.
Focusing upon the process that moves you to the outcome is much more effective and does fit in the reality that you are creating now, and generates much more of an ease and natural flow. The outcome is not necessary to be focused upon. You already create the intention of what you want. You already know initially what you want to produce. It is not necessary to continue to focus upon that. It is necessary to focus upon what you are actually doing to allow yourself to accomplish that outcome effectively. Even in interaction with other individuals, it is important to not be projecting futurely in anticipation in what they may or may not do. It is important for you to focus your attention upon what you are doing now.
It is also important to understand cooperation. Cooperation is not an action that you engage with other individuals. Your definition of cooperation is skewed. The definition of a cooperation that generally individuals incorporate is that of between individuals if you are moving in the same direction in the same time framework and you are generating an interaction that is to your preference - that is an action of cooperation. No; it is not. Generally speaking, it is an action of compromising, and that is an opposing energy. Cooperation is an action that you generate with yourself in not opposing yourself. It is a recognition of your own guidelines and your own natural flow of energy, what you naturally do, becoming familiar with that and not opposing it.
Such as, an individual may naturally generate a natural expression of energy which motivates them to express within their day and their environment in a very organized manner. Perhaps this individual places objects very specifically in different locations and they shall never be moved. And in that organization they may incorporate a strong preference for tidiness and they naturally generate that, BUT that same individual may notice these qualities of themselves and generate an association that they are being too rigid or that they should incorporate more flexibility or that ”it is not good to be compulsively tidy”. Therefore they may oppose their own natural flow and their own natural guidelines. In doing so, that creates frustration and conflict and a thickness in energy in which it becomes more difficult for the individual to function, for they are opposing their own natural flow. They are not cooperating with themself.
Cooperation is an action that you generate with yourself in recognizing what you naturally do and allowing yourself to incorporate choices to allow yourself to do what you naturally do and appreciating that. It is important for you to be aware of yourself and your motivations; to be aware of your own hesitations and evaluate what motivates them and to be PRESENT with yourself.
As I have expressed in example previously, most individuals are unaware or find it difficult to express or define what is the meaning of being present with themselves and aware of their existence. For most individuals do not pay attention to their own existence. This is significant, for being aware of your own existence and presence, it heightens your clarity. It heightens all of your senses. It heightens your awareness, and it generates more clarity in all of your avenues of communication and allows you to listen to yourself more effectively.
I have expressed the example previously: Most individuals shall be the most present and aware of their existence in a moment in which they experience physical pain, for your attention becomes clearly focused and directed at the physical pain and you are quite aware that you exist in that moment and you are very present. You are not distracted, you are not projecting, you are very present in the now in the moment with yourself and that pain! BUT you do not require pain to be present and aware of your existence. In actuality, in allowing yourself to be present and aware that you exist, it can be quite an exhilarating experience, for it is a very opening experience in which you are clearly aware of yourself, of your environment, of what you are doing. Paying attention to what you are doing in the moment, regardless of what it is, is important. It offers you tremendous information and it opens tremendous freedom for it allows you to actually discover choices.
Most of what an individual does within a day is not recognized as choices; it is merely what you do. You do not recognize that every action that you do is a choice and that there are other choices that can be incorporated in each moment that would change what you are doing. This is the reason that it is significant to be paying attention to what you are doing. Whether it be opening a door, placing a glass in a cabinet, washing a dish, emptying your garbage, reading a book, it matters not.
Every action that you engage is a choice, and every action that you engage is motivated by some association. Every action that you engage, you engage it in the manner that you do in relation to certain associations that you generate with the action. Even the manner in which you comb your hair or dress yourself, if you are paying attention [to], generally speaking, the manner in which you comb your hair, you shall begin in a particular area in a particular manner. You shall even hold the comb in a particular manner. The manner in which you dress yourself, you shall do this action in a repetitive manner. You are motivated to generate these actions by associations that are connected to your guidelines, how you naturally flow.
If you are paying attention to what you are doing in the moment you can catch yourself projecting, and you can interrupt that projection by moving your attention, once again, to what you are actually doing in the moment. Which also dissipates worry and fret and frustration and anxiety or, generally speaking, whatever you are doing in the moment does not incorporate any of those expressions.
JO: Does that affect my memory? I am noticing my memory is not - Im like forgetting where I put stuff or...
ELIAS: That is a scatteredness. You are not focusing yourself. You are not centering and focusing your attention, and in not focusing your attention you become scattered. And that can affect memory and it can affect what you are actually doing, for your attention is moving in all different directions, and it can affect thought also; for it can confuse your thought mechanism for you are offering many, many messages but none of them are clear.
JO: Yeah, thats right.
ELIAS: And therefore your thought process becomes confused, which also affects memory. For if your thought process is confused, it becomes confused as to what to recall.
JO: Right. Okay, is this affecting my health? You see, I have a couple of health issues. I dont know if you can give me any insight on this. Is there something I should be paying attention to health wise?
ELIAS: In relation to what?
JO: I have a valve - you know, its where blood flows, and I put it off for years. Do I have to worry about anything there as far as the circulation of blood through my system? Because I have a valve - its like a groin area valve that leads blood from my left leg. Its like I have more pain issues there. I havent seen a doctor in years. I dont really like doctors so, I think if I just think, if I hold a healthy state in my mind that thats what Ill create.
ELIAS: Not necessarily. Remember, thought does not create your reality, therefore you can think and think and think, and it may not necessarily effect ANY of what you do or what you create. It does not create reality. This is the reason that I do not express the advocation of ”the power of positive thinking,” for that is thought and it does not create your reality. Perception creates your reality, and perception is influenced by what you concentrate upon. What you concentrate upon you do create, and concentration is not thought.
JO: Ok.
ELIAS: And it is also not attention. Concentration is what is being expressed within you in association with your beliefs.
Now; you express that you do not incorporate physicians and that you actually do not like them. There are many individuals that express similarly. This creates an example of a difference between a like and a dislike, and perhaps even a preference and not a preference in what you believe, versus your beliefs. What you believe is not necessarily what you express as beliefs. You may not ”like” physicians, but you do incorporate the belief that physicians incorporate knowledge that you do not.
JO: Yes.
ELIAS: And you may BELIEVE that it is unnecessary to interact with physicians, but your BELIEF expresses that they incorporate the ability to fix. This can create conflict and difficulties, for individuals may generate physical manifestations and the belief is expressed, whether you incorporate thinking of it or not, the concentration is seated in the belief, and therefore that is what influences perception and that is what is created. Therefore, if you generate a physical manifestation you may not necessarily generate any affectingness of it merely by thinking in association with what you believe. For the expressed belief is what is actually influencing perception and the creation.
In this, in acknowledgement of your actual beliefs you can generate more choices. In ignoring the belief you limit yourself to black and white, and you limit your choices and you limit your effectiveness with yourself. If you offer yourself more information and recognize that you do incorporate certain expressed beliefs and cooperate with yourself, not opposing your belief, you can also recognize that you do incorporate many different choices in association with physicians or medical professions and that there are many alternatives that you can engage.
Recognizing that what you are doing in those engagements is not offering your power to another individual. You are merely engaging an interaction with another individual to support YOUR action of changing the physical manifestation. You are actually changing it, not the other individual.
JO: Right, right. Thats what I think.
ELIAS: And in that, it matters not what method you choose. Choosing a method of enlisting the supportiveness of a physician is no less ”spiritual or enlightened” than manipulating energy yourself and altering it, -
JO: Ok.
ELIAS: for they are all methods. The point is to choose the method with the least effort.
JO: Ok, and I could do that with my business as well.
JO: Ok. (To Allen) Do you have any more questions? We are winding up the hour, and I wanted to make sure Allen could get another question in.
In my business, I dont know if you can predict this within probability, but in the next year or so I have been told that it would be best for me to sell by the summer of 2007. Do you see me still being in my business or that I will be - that I would sell profitably, you know happily, or possibly be ruthlessly overtaken or... Is there anything you could give me probabilities on that I should - I can change if I pay attention, like you say?
ELIAS: This would also be a choice, my friend.
JO: Ok.
ELIAS: Predictions are dangerous, for they set into motion suggestibility.
JO: Ok, then I wont -
ELIAS: And in that, when individuals or essences offer predictions -
JO: - it’s of this moment and really it could change tomorrow.
ELIAS: Yes, but it also expresses a suggestion, and within your reality this is a quality that you all incorporate of suggestibility. Therefore, if you have expressed that a certain action will or will likely occur, or it is expressed that you ”should or should not” incorporate a particular action, that creates a suggestion which you receive and incorporate more likelihood that you will actually create -
JO: Ok, so saying that, we wont ask again. Allen, ask a question!
ELIAS: Therefore do not concern yourself with the next year. Concern yourself with now.
JO: Now. OK.
ELIAS: And allow yourself to move in your own direction, directing yourself and discovering what YOU want to do.
JO: Ok, all right. Im in charge. OK.
ELIAS: Yes. (Chuckles)
ALLEN: I have two questions. I wonder if you can give me any further insights for the architecture Im working on in addition to the ones you gave Friday, or give me some clues that I can pursue? And the other question is, Ive had a lot of dreams the last couple of nights. I dont actually remember them right now, but I wonder if you could maybe highlight one or two of those and help me interpret them. And maybe point to the comments you gave to me on Friday, you know, on surrealism and things like that... opening that channel.
ELIAS: As to your first question, in what capacity are you incorporating questioning in relation to your designs?
ALLEN: Well, there was shifts in how to interpret entities and how entities interact and things. And did I get that basically right?
ALLEN: Ok, then I can build from that then?
ALLEN: And Im sure Ill hear other suggestions as we go on...
ELIAS: And practicing with allowing and not distorting what you present to yourself, but merely allowing that.
ALLEN: I noticed that before, that its a problem when you are building a framework you tend to build everything through that framework.
ALLEN: (Inaudible) (Laughs)
ELIAS: It is also beneficial to incorporate distraction periodically to allow yourself an interaction of the framework and therefore allow yourself an openness to new images -
ELIAS: - and not to dismiss them even if they appear nonsensical initially.
ALLEN: I see.
ELIAS: As to dream interaction, be paying attention. For the reason you are incorporating difficulty in recall is that you are generating new, unfamiliar imagery. And that is associated with that expression of surrealism, in a different capacity from images and words, but more in association with consciousness and essence, which is very unfamiliar in your terms. Therefore there may be some difficulty initially in translating that, but you will! And also remember that you can move that imagery of dreams into your conceptualization sense rather than necessarily objective thought. In that, you generate the experience of the action. And in generating the experience of the action, that can also distract from the construct and allow new inspiration.
ALLEN: I have a set of Tarot cards that Salvador Dali made. Would contemplating them help in some way? I didnt actually see them in accurate expressions of the Tarot, but -
ELIAS: It may. You may incorporate that as a focal point. Individuals incorporate many different types of focal points that allow you to focus in a different manner. And they allow you to filter out some familiarities and therefore open to unfamiliar avenues of expression.
ALLEN: Is what Im saying is, each of the dreams in terms of the symbology and the story line that was generated and translated was extremely mundane, but you know, Im missing the content. Its almost like I need to provide a new language to be able to at least comprehend them (inaudible).
ELIAS: Offer example of the mundane.
ALLEN: Well, I think there was a dream where it was some security organization, you know, and I had something that I had to carry somewhere and it was a bit like, or not quite, a James Bond movie, they were shooting guns at me, which was a bit bizarre, in some sense, you know. And Im not sure how to interpret that kind of thing symbolically in terms of the message or whatever it is Im carrying or the organization Im carrying it from. You know, theres many levels of interpreting these things.
ELIAS: Correct, correct.
ALLEN: But when I actually see it, I guess this supports what you were saying earlier about dreams are so - the translations are so narrowly and tightly focused, that there were very little objective things that I could relate to. But how to actually see what happened, what was really going on...
ELIAS: And in that, remember: The message, so to speak, is generally much simpler than you tend to think about. In this type of imagery in association with you, this is an example of how you complicate with the complexity of simple structure. The design of structure of ”To accomplish an action there must be all of this structure and steps in which that can be accomplished”. The simplicity of it is merely the noticing of the complication of imagery in the simplicity of the structure. (Pause)
ALLEN: You think that will make sense sometime? (Laughs)
ELIAS: It will! (Laughs)
ALLEN: Thank you very much.
ELIAS: You are very, very welcome, my friend. (Chuckles)
JO: Thank you.
ELIAS: I express great encouragement to each of you and great supportiveness and an encouragement that, in potentials, you each incorporate significant and strong energy to accomplish quite well in what you are choosing. And I shall be offering my energy to you continuously. I am always available.
BOTH: Thank you.
ELIAS: (Chuckles) In great appreciation to you each and in dear lovingness, au revoir.
(Elias departs after 66 minutes, 15 seconds.)
Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.