Session 2046

Turning Attention to Self


“Paying Attention to Energy”
“Turning Attention to Self”
“Energy, Group Session Attendance and Topics”

Friday, July 21, 2006 (Private)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Terri M. (Uliva)

ELIAS: Good morning.

TERRI: Good morning, Elias.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) And what new adventures are you engaging?

TERRI: Many! (Both laugh) I completed my move up here and it’s still going really well. I got things straightened out with Shawn and I think that… I didn’t create going to the wedding, but I think that was because I put a deadline on it. And I wanted to talk to you more about it, because what you had said was don’t push your energy and I was trying not to, but I thought maybe it had to do because I had assigned a deadline to when we would resume our relationship. Is that what the problem was? So is that part of pushing your energy? I’m not sure if I understand.


TERRI: Okay.

ELIAS: For that is not allowing and generating a free flow. It is generating an expectation. And therefore, you do push in relation to the expectation.

TERRI: So just kind of holding the expectation is a manner of pushing. Because as soon as that date passed, the next day… so I figured that that had a connection with it, because that energy was removed once the date came and went. It was that? Okay.
And then the Sunday before, I was at a movie. We left the movie and I felt… it was like in the parking lot and I felt like a switch was flipped. And I’d seen two pickup trucks that reminded me of Shawn, and I just felt like something happened that night to change, just like a switch had gone off and that something had happened, I don’t know, that changed his mind or… I just felt that that was a significant time. Was something going on there?

ELIAS: A release. That is what you noticed. A release of energy.

TERRI: On my end or his?

ELIAS: Both.

TERRI: Was there something special about that night, or…? It was just so weird, the way it happened.

ELIAS: Not necessarily. But at times you may notice an alteration, for the energy changes. And in stopping the pushing and in allowing, that shifts the energy. In YOU doing that, that creates a relaxed effect, which is responded to, and there is an alteration with the other individual’s energy also. And therefore, you notice a change but it does not appear to be some overt change. But it is noticeable. And in that, what you are noticing is a shift in energy.

TERRI: Oh. So I’m just becoming more sensitive or more aware to that?


TERRI: When we finally got together that night and he was talking, it was so weird because I just felt like we were living in two completely different places for the last month. He was here the whole time and I kept, in my mind, putting him on the road, because of what he had told me, that he had two trips for the rest of the summer. And the entire time, he was circling right around me but I never created seeing him. He kept saying he was at the gym a lot and he was at the marina a lot. And so was I, but I never created him being there. And even that Thursday night, when I was telling him about the car driving across, he was practically standing next to me, when that was happening, and I never created him being there. So it was like… It was just so weird. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around it. It was like we were living in the same place, but like two different dimensions of it, and we just weren’t intersecting. So that’s what you mean by “everybody creates their own reality.”


TERRI: So, maybe if hadn’t taken what he said to heart, that he was going to be on the road all that time, then I might have created him; I might have allowed myself to see him?


TERRI: Okay. But because I took that so to heart, I just couldn’t see him. I had him, I had placed him somewhere else.


TERRI: It was such a weird experience (both laugh) because so many times we were like, “Wow! You’re lying,” or “You couldn’t have been there.” But being able to notice that, how it works…

ELIAS: It is a matter of perception.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: And what you perceive is your reality. Your perception creates that reality. Therefore, if you are generating perception that another individual is not present, you shall not create the image of that individual. And in your reality, the other individual shall be in some other location, regardless of whether the individual themself is creating standing right before you. In their reality, they may be in the same location as you, but in your reality they are not.

TERRI: Yeah. So that was a good example of that. And the same with… I imagine he was doing the same thing, because he kept saying, “Well, I did think I’d run into you at the marina or we’d cross paths.” But I kept sending him the text messages that he never responded to, so it was like he wasn’t ready to create me yet either, or he needed to build that desire more. Because he never brought it up. He never brought up the things that I had left for him. So basically he wasn’t creating me, either.

ELIAS: Correct.

TERRI: Yeah. So that was… it was just such a vivid example. (Laughs)

ELIAS: This is what I have expressed many times. This is quite real. It is not a matter of one official reality. Each individual creates their own individual reality.
You do intersect with each other, but even in your intersection with each other, many times your version of the reality is somewhat different from the other individual’s version, which EACH is quite real and EACH is the reality of that individual. This is what generates conflicts and confusions with many individuals many times, for it can also create suspicion, as you have expressed. For your reality is so real that it is difficult to entertain the idea that there can be any other version. This is the point of also recognizing guidelines, for they are so absolute and real with each of you that it is difficult to view that they are not universally absolute.

TERRI: Right. Which if I had met Shawn a year and a half ago, I wouldn’t still be talking to him, because I would’ve perceived him as being a waste of time. He doesn’t have any money. He doesn’t have any really ambition or goals. And being able to look at him now and just offer him supportive energy in whatever he’s creating, and being able to say, “Well, I can still create my reality how I want,” is a completely different view.

And it’s what I wanted. I wanted to be able to see the inner workings behind the curtain. And that’s what I feel I’m creating now. It’s so much easier to accept other people and just offer them supportive energy, and not get wrapped up in how they’re going to affect you.


TERRI: Because I know I don’t have to… they’re not going to affect me. And it’s the same way with the kids. I don’t have to create them affecting me. So that’s been very enlightening. (Laughs)

ELIAS: Congratulations.

TERRI: Yeah. And just much easier, to enjoy life. You still have that feeling that you want to help the other person. But you can say, “Well, he is not asking for my help. He’s creating exactly what he wants to create right now, and when he wants to do something different, it’ll…” But I can also look at him and see the tension building. I can see the energy building. And something’s going to happen, either one way or the other, because it’s getting to the breaking point. And I guess that’s his process. And I guess all of us, because I was trying to really pay attention to my process, and it feels like the tension builds and then it releases into a solution. But there doesn’t have to be a lot of worry or fear associated with it.

ELIAS: Correct. And it is a matter of recognizing what your natural movement is, and accepting that. And not struggling in opposition with it, but recognizing that you may generate in a particular manner, which is a natural flow for YOU, to be moving in a particular direction for a time framework in building energy and then creating some event occurring, and recognizing that you do offer yourself considerable information in this method of how you naturally move. Another individual may express very differently. But the point is recognizing your own expression and accepting that as efficient, that you naturally generate in a particular manner. And in actuality, it is also somewhat effortless, for it does not require you to be concentrating in your attention upon what you are doing. You merely naturally do it.
TERRI: Right. Because I seem to create faster if I just think, “Okay this is what I want,” and then I just let it go, instead of trying to keep dwelling on it; keep recognizing it. The last weekend with Shawn, it was such a strange day that day. My brakes went out in the morning and then my iguana died in the afternoon and then Shawn texted me that evening. So after Buffy had died, I just kind of took a nap for a while and I was kind of coming out of a sleep wondering why those things had happened that morning. And I just got a message of letting go. That the brakes let go, Buffy let go and I guess I let go, allowing Shawn to contact me. So it was kind of like a strange way of the container blowing up. (Both laugh) But I was wondering what the message was to… why Lynda was present for that; how that… what the importance of or the significance of her being there… Because no things are a coincidence, right?

ELIAS: Correct. Offering a supportive energy.

TERRI: To me?

ELIAS: Yes. Generating a supportiveness in energy and somewhat of a nurturing.

TERRI: Did the full moon have anything to do with that day?

ELIAS: In significance to you.

TERRI: Right.


TERRI: Just because it brings more energy.

ELIAS: Correct. For you generate more intensity and more of an expression of energy in relation to that cycle.

TERRI: Okay. This whole… Everybody’s been talking about this whole Mercury in retrograde. Is that an actual thing or are we just all choosing to hold this belief?

ELIAS: As I have expressed previously, yes, these are actual movements, but it is the reverse of the philosophy of astrology. For in that, it is expressed that the movement of the planets or the alignments are affecting of you. In actuality, you collectively generate certain movements in certain cycles, and that affects your planets.

TERRI: Because I just felt completely agitated all week. (Laughs) And again I got a rental car on Monday, and it had no brakes. And then we kept seeing… Mary Ellen was with me and we kept seeing signs that said, “Be prepared to stop,” and then all week on my street had been these signs “Be prepared to stop.” So the message… I thought that the Sunday was letting go, but it seems to be a different message now, or an extension of that message?

ELIAS: And what is your assessment?

TERRI: Well…

ELIAS: Of NOT stopping, but generating the imagery of preparing to stop.

TERRI: So, caution; that I need to be more cautious?

ELIAS: Not necessarily caution, but paying attention. Paying attention to timing, paying attention to what is being generated, and paying attention to the evaluation of when it is the timing to stop, when it is the timing not to stop. And in that, noticing the process. For in the process, that is what offers you the information of whether to proceed or whether to stop.

TERRI: Which is what was going on with the appointments, because I knew Monday, like we were talking before, where I kind of tuned in to something that is coming up and I want to know if I had time to stop at the Starbucks or whatever. So I kind of tune in, and figure what was going on.

And I knew by what was going on that day that that appointment was not going to take place. It felt like I just kept checking in and checking in. And the same thing happened last night. I knew by the way the day was going. I kept checking in and checking in, and I’m like “That appointment’s not going to happen, either.”
And that’s my process, to kind of keep checking in with the energy. And I know I chose to go through with both of those drives, but I did feel I was aware.

ELIAS: But this is significant, also. For many times when you are becoming familiar with energy and becoming familiar with genuinely listening to impressions and your intuition, you may understand the message that you are offering to yourself, but you also may choose to validate that.

TERRI: Which is what I was doing.

ELIAS: Correct.

TERRI: And I knew that. So I was like, “Okay, well I’ll go along for the ride here.” (Both laugh) But it wasn’t really… Well, the first one I was more upset with myself. It was like, “I knew I should’ve called.” (Laughs) But it worked out okay anyways. But yeah, I guess it comes down to still not completely trusting. Trusting more, but not completely trusting, or I wouldn’t have made the drive at all.

ELIAS: Yes, but do not discount yourself in that. For these are practice actions. They are a manner in which you can prove your intuition and your impressions. And that actually does reinforce your trust in listening to yourself. For the more times you prove to yourself, in evidencing to yourself that your impressions and your intuition and your recognition of energy was correct, the more you trust yourself. And eventually it will be unnecessary to generate that evidence or that proof. For you shall trust what you know.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: But in this, you are practicing becoming familiar, practicing listening, what to listen to, and what to be paying attention to. And that is shifting. For you are generating a difference in perception and you are paying attention differently.

TERRI: Right, because when we were at Mary’s house and I was telling Mary Ellen, “You know I’m going to call up there and they’re going to say, ‘I’m so glad you called.’” It was almost like I was tuning into the conversation I was going to have later. Because that’s exactly was she said. (Laughs) So that’s kind of getting easier, too. But there’s holes… It’s really everything I said that I wanted at the beginning of the year is really coming to fruition. You know, as far as my job, this job I’ve just got the feeling that I’ll be very successful at. I just need to keep paying attention to how much I love the sunrooms and how much I appreciate the company and not worry about the details. And it’ll all fall into place. Because the appointment I had the other night, it just seems so much easier when I know what a great product I have and how great, and I just appreciate how great it’s going to look in their home and how much they are going to appreciate spending time in it. It seems like they picked up on that energy.

ELIAS: Correct.

TERRI: Okay. So that would just be the way to keep them being… like that.

ELIAS: Yes. What YOU appreciate and what YOU express in fun, other individuals become attracted to also. For what they are attracted to is the energy.

TERRI: Which I guess is kind of what I’m doing with Shawn. I’m really trying to pay attention to myself, just being like the little sapling and just letting him observe what he can accomplish, what is possible for him. Because I don’t want to get caught up in telling him how he should be or how he should do it. But you do… I do have to pay attention to my energy, because sometimes I can catch myself (laughs) going down that lane. I just want to be there.

ELIAS: I am understanding. And this is also an element of guidelines. For that is what generates most of your automatic responses with other individuals. For guidelines, as we have discussed, are for the most part unquestioned. They merely are. And in that, there is an underlying constant that other individuals should perceive in the same manner. And therefore, they should do the same expressions as you. And they should see.

TERRI: Right. (Laughs)

ELIAS: And in that constant, it is easy to not notice. And it is easy to move into those automatic responses. But I am acknowledging of you, for you are paying attention. You are noticing.

TERRI: And it’s getting easier. (Laughs)

ELIAS: And it does.

TERRI: Yeah. And Mary Ellen was kind of thinking maybe we were counterparts also, or we had a lot of focuses together.

ELIAS: Both.

TERRI: I remember you talking before, but I can’t remember exactly what the difference was. There are two different types of counterparts?

ELIAS: There are several.

TERRI: Several. What type of counterparts are we?

ELIAS: Complementary.

TERRI: Complementary. So that would mean that we complement each other? Or that it’s easier for us to help each other?

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, yes. And remember, counterpart action is an action that you receive and assimilate experiences that the other individual is generating without actually generating it yourself.

TERRI: Is that part of the agitation that I’ve been experiencing all week? Picking up on some of hers?

ELIAS: Somewhat. But also, your own energy and your own responses to energy. This is also not unusual. Remember, the collective is generating the movement. Therefore, if you are generating an openness in energy, you may quite easily be reflecting or participating in that collective expression of energy, such as with your retrograde.
In that, the collective energy of many, many, many individuals generates a certain type of energy. And they are all generating that simultaneously. Therefore, that energy becomes quite strong. And in generating an openness, you may be participating in that or you may be reflecting it.

TERRI: Is that…? I wanted energy in another aspect, as far as the practice of feng shui because I always notice the difference in energy when I move things or when I put them in accordance to what I’ve learned in that practice. Is that just my beliefs or is the placement of things in your home, does it actually change the energy of the home? I think it does.


TERRI: It does.

ELIAS: But that would not be an expression that would apply in the same manner with each individual. The principle holds. But the placement of the objects would vary from one individual to another. For the principle of it is to be arranging the objects in your environment in a manner that is compatible with your energy, and how your energy flows. You all create energy deposits in many, many areas of your environment, and especially within your home. You also each generate an energy field, which you are aware of. In certain areas of your home, your energy field fluctuates. In that, it expands or it contracts. In certain areas of your home, if it is a room that your energy expands, it is helpful, not necessary but it is helpful, to place the objects in that room in a fashion that allows your energy to expand and not be colliding with objects.

TERRI: You can kind of feel that. Like the house I’m in now, I feel that everything that I’ve done has enhanced the energy. I just love the way it feels. So that would be… But I don’t love the way the basement feels. (Laughs) What can I do to get a better feeling about the basement? It does seem to have dried up. But I still don’t like the feeling of it. How can I change… How can I make that energy down there better?

ELIAS: Place yourself in that area…

TERRI: Which I keep avoiding. (Laughs)

ELIAS: … and allow yourself to FEEL the energy in that area. Move in different spaces of it. Allow yourself to engage imagination. And in that, manipulate your energy in a manner that creates more of a lightness in your energy.

Engaging imagination is important, for it shall allow you to disassociate with what is already familiar in that room. For you already generate an association with heavy, dark and uncomfortable. Therefore, engaging imagination in that room shall allow you to disassociate with those expressions that you are already familiar with. And in that, you can inspire yourself to generate some action that shall change the manner in which you perceive that area.

TERRI: When I’m moving around Mary Ellen’s house - when I was helping her set it up - and I get different feelings in different rooms, is it strictly my energy or am I tuning into hers as well?


TERRI: I’m tuning into hers as well?


TERRI: Like her bedroom right now; I have a better feeling of how we’ve moved things, but I just feel like her bed is floating in the middle of an ocean and it’s not anchored. Is that kind of how she’s feeling about herself, too? Okay.
So do I do that a lot with a lot of people? Because when I walk into a house I just feel like… Like Mary’s house, out in the woods, I felt so… Like I couldn’t settle in that house. It was so disjointed and… It was pretty but it was just kind of chaotic and… So am I picking up on other people’s energy too?


TERRI: Okay.

ELIAS: As I have expressed, you generate energy deposits in many, many areas of your environment, especially your home. And in that, you can, if you are paying attention and if you are generating an openness, quite easily tune into the energy of the individual that dwells in that home. For their energy shall be being expressed in each room. And each room shall feel different to you. For it is dependent upon what type of energy they express in each room, what associations they generate with each room, whether they are comfortable in certain rooms and less comfortable in other rooms, whether they generate consistent actions in a particular room, as opposed to a different room.

As an example, many, many, many individuals, without thinking and without noticing, if they incorporate cohabitation with another individual, generally speaking, if they engage conflict in any time framework with the other individual, it will generally be in one room.

TERRI: That’s interesting.

ELIAS: They shall generally choose a particular room in which the conflicting interaction occurs and generally speaking, they shall incorporate one room, or more, in which conflict is not expressed. In a manner of speaking, figuratively, it is energetically an expression of designating neutral areas and a boxing ring. (Chuckles) And you can occupy another individual’s home and move from one room to another and feel the energy in each room, and assess a considerable amount of information concerning the individual in relation to the energy in their rooms, and how that energy is expressed. And you can generate assessments in relation to other individuals in relation to rigidness or free-flowing, structure or flexibility, in association with how they decorate.

TERRI: Right. Like Mary Ellen. I just got a sense that she had never committed to living here. Like she had never really moved in. And now that she’s starting to take out some of her personal things, it’s like she’s coming more into the home. Like Shawn, I feel very comfortable in his bedroom, but he doesn’t sleep well there at all. He says he sleeps better in his truck. Does he feel…? Is it because he feels like he’s doing more to…? If he’s sleeping in his truck, he’s working. And if he’s working, he feels more…

ELIAS: Accomplishment.

TERRI: Right. So, I don’t feel that the space in his bedroom is necessarily uncomfortable, he’s just not comfortable there, because he feels like he’s not doing anything.

ELIAS: Correct.

TERRI: That’s interesting. (Laughs)

ELIAS: There is much that you can assess and offer yourself in information in relation to an individual’s home.

TERRI: But some people that would do that would tend to put more of their energy on top of it. You could also easily walk in there and say, “Well, we need to do this, this and this.” But they’re more trying to make it comfortable for themselves, not for the person that lives there.


TERRI: I think it’s easier for me to look at it and see how it would be more beneficial to them. I don’t feel like I’m trying to impose myself on top of them. Okay. That’s interesting. It’s all very interesting. (Both laugh)

I wanted to ask… Today’s my birthday and I’m forty. And to me…

ELIAS: Congratulations!

TERRI: Thank you. To me, it’s like the next half of your life. Is that just me, or is that something that’s… Is the energy there? Does it kind of move into the next step? Or…? Do you know what I mean? Is forty like a big point for everybody or is it just my perception of it?

ELIAS: Many individuals. It is your perception of it, but many individuals generate that type of association and perception also.

TERRI: So there’s not necessarily more of a… I guess there’s more of an energy around that time frame because we create that.

ELIAS: Yes. And generally speaking, although it is not a rule, most individuals begin to allow themselves to genuinely become familiar with themself.

TERRI: Around that time period?

ELIAS: Yes. For there is less distraction. Generally speaking, in most of your societies, individuals in younger years incorporate considerable distraction from themself, for they place significant demands and expectations upon themselves, in relation to school and career and family. And in that, these are directions that significantly distract from paying attention to yourself. They easily override paying attention to yourself. Generally speaking, within many of your societies, at this age you begin to loosen those distractions. Your association with responsibility to them becomes more relaxed. In association with family, with career, it begins to change. You begin to pay more attention to your preferences and your priorities begin to change. And in that, in paying more attention to what YOU want, significant shifts begin to occur.

TERRI: Yeah. This year’s been significant. (Laughs and Elias chuckles) Still, it’s just all kind of coming together. I do feel I’m really happy living up here.
But I wanted to ask, I’m still having that issue with the bleeding and I went to an acupuncturist up here. And I know there were a lot of other things going around on the same time framework. I know there was a lot of tension and that’s part of it. But again, I guess I’m just exploring in this session different types of energy and the way it moves.

In regards to acupuncture changing energy within your body, did he trigger something that released more of it and I just need to go see him a couple more times to get things in line? How does acupuncture…? How does that relate to changing energy within my body? Because it just seemed like after my appointment, I started bleeding the next day. And it just keeps going on. And I’m like, “Well, did he hit something?” (Laughs)

ELIAS: (Chuckles) These are methods that are all associated with your beliefs, as is any expression within your reality. Therefore, in association with YOUR beliefs, what you engage in any method shall generate an action in association WITH your beliefs. Therefore, in relation to the acupuncture, it is not actually what the other individual is doing TO you, it is more how you are associating with what the other individual is doing. And in this, you incorporate an association that acupuncture creates release. And therefore, you allow that to occur.

TERRI: That’s true, but I’m guessing that it’s the release of blockages and I’m just trying to come more into balance.


TERRI: Was part of it also because of my… I had a hard time communicating with him, and I was maybe doubting that he knew how to really handle the problem, so I just need to relax? (Laughs)

ELIAS: Yes. For you are interacting in association with energy. Therefore, language is not necessary.

TERRI: Because I had a great feeling while I was laying there. But I also know that night I had gotten together with Shawn and I was almost feeling like the sex triggered part of that, too, because it was more intense. So I think a lot of this is just absorbing the intenseness of a couple of different things lately. Okay. That’s good. (Both laugh)

Let’s see. What else do I have here? Oh! I was driving last weekend. I left early in the morning to an appointment and I looked in my rearview mirror and it was like the trees on both sides of this narrow opening and right between it were two hot air balloons. And as I was sitting there contemplating the balloons, a hawk flew up into the tree. Which, I know we’ve talked before about that reminding me of my power, but I was trying to figure out what the balloons meant to me. And they’re kind of magical. They kind of have like a magical meaning to me. So I was just wondering what that whole experience was about. It was really cool, but I just didn’t feel like I’d gotten the entire message.

ELIAS: And the freedom in power.

TERRI: The freedom. Ah! Okay. Which was the hawk going up, flying up. The freedom of power. Yeah.


TERRI: Because I definitely felt that. Yeah. And then my whole roof collapsing at home again, I thought part of it… I guess I just don’t know why it’s the roof again. You know, I thought all of that had been resolved. I’m glad it wasn’t the foundation (laughs) because I feel like I have a pretty strong foundation.

Is the roof kind of connected to limitations? Or…? I don’t know. It was in MY room again (laughs) but it was at a time when I was coming back to leave, so maybe something about maybe I shouldn’t leave because there’s going to be problems here? Maybe it was just like a tension about leaving my house there with my son? No? Okay, I give up. (Laughs)

ELIAS: It is more associated with your WANTING to leave and your DESIRE to be generating that change and more associated with an energy of (pause) finish.

TERRI: Well, I guess I don’t quite understand that, because it seems like it opened an old wound, and I have to do it again. It doesn’t feel like it’s finishing anything. (Laughs)

ELIAS: Not finishing. Finish.

TERRI: Oh. With being there.


TERRI: Okay.

ELIAS: That…

TERRI: Like these two last real estate deals, I’m like so done. I was so done with them.

ELIAS: Precisely.

TERRI: I really appreciated the way I created losing my phone yesterday afternoon. And it was so interesting, when I was listening to all the messages, how all the troubles were created and then all the troubles were resolved, and then I found my phone. So I didn’t have to deal with any of them. (Elias laughs) They all took care of themselves. That was so cool! (Both laugh) I was like, “Oh, look at that! It took care of itself. I like that.” (Both laugh)

ELIAS: Quite efficient.

TERRI: That was very efficient. I love that. (Both laugh)

Talking to Curtis lately, I almost have a feeling like his energy’s changed a little bit, that maybe his energy’s starting to create that he doesn’t necessarily have to go to jail. I feel like his… I guess I feel when we talk about it, there’s like more of a lightness there, that maybe he’s creating that he doesn’t need to go to jail, that he’s going to get out of this. Is that…? Because the last time we talked, you said that at that point he was creating needing to, but I almost feel like that’s starting to change or it’s changed a little bit. Is that true, or is that just me making stuff up? (Laughs)

ELIAS: No. The energy has altered. There is a potential, but it is dependent upon him.

TERRI: Right. So just keep supporting him. It’s cool being able to notice those subtle changes, though.


TERRI: Yeah. And you really get out of your own… And I noticed it with Alan, too. He was getting… I was picking up on his frustration with being up here and noticed that he kept it building and building and then he got the job yesterday. And then you could just feel it dissipate, because he was like, “I got the job now. Once I get my car…” So I felt more of a lightness in him yesterday, too. So his process, he was generating that tension, that tension and then it kind of released into what he wanted to create?


TERRI: Yeah. Cool! Okay. (Elias chuckles) And then, so is this whole Mercury in retrograde thing, is that what’s affecting the group session this time; with not as many people coming?

ELIAS: It can be, but it may also be associated with the subject matter.

TERRI: Oh! Well that will be fascinating. (Both chuckle) Because I always feel like whatever is going on around the session, it’s like the whole session addresses it. Yeah. And I don’t know if it’s kind of like… Are we creating those things? Coming up to the session? Kind of like we have… So we can look back and say, “Oh that’s what was going on” so we grasp it better? Or…?

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, but also I generate certain topics in association with the movement that YOU are generating in that time framework. What is the most significant movement with the most individuals in a particular time framework is what I choose to be incorporating as the subject matter.

This is the reason that you notice, in sharing with each other surrounding the group interaction, that you are experiencing commonalities and that the subject matter of that particular session is relevant to all of the participants. For I am aware of what you are generating in energy and whatever is the most significant expression of energy or action that individuals are incorporating in that particular time framework is what I address.

TERRI: Okay. I was thinking, Mary Ellen was travelling last week and I was trying to contact her one night, and I got like a flash of a coat hanger with hooks and like a tile floor. Was I tuning into where she was? Or maybe something that we had experienced together before?

ELIAS: Another focus.

TERRI: Another focus that we had shared?


TERRI: How many focuses have we had together?

ELIAS: Twenty-six.

TERRI: So she drew me to her because to me it seems like she’s ready for a big push forward and I can help her with that. Is that accurate?


TERRI: Yeah. That’s neat. I mean we just… As soon as I met her, I just like, “Wow! We’re going to be great friends for a long time.” (Both laugh) So it was also interesting, I was thinking about Shawn the other day and I was kind of getting frustrated that I felt like I was creating the same thing I had created with Jeff, with would he… He had sent me… I had asked him out for dinner and he had sent me a text saying, “Well maybe Sunday night.” And I just got this instant feeling that I was starting to create what I had created with Jeff, with kind of waiting for him to dictate how our relationship was going to go. But I caught it and I texted him the next night about driving by the place where it changed before. And I think it kind of changed the energy. I think when I caught that, I changed the energy back.


TERRI: Which is good, because I’m realizing quicker when I’m starting to project my attention onto them. I can bring it back to myself and change it…


TERRI: …right away. So that’s cool.

ELIAS: I am acknowledging of you.

TERRI: I like that. (Both laugh) It’s just so amazing how we slip back into that without even catching it sometimes. (Laughs)

ELIAS: That would be associated once again with guidelines.

TERRI: Yeah. Good. Well this has been a great session. And any final words or anything I haven’t caught?

ELIAS: Great encouragement. I express that you are accomplishing quite well and you are genuinely paying attention, significantly. And I am very acknowledging of you.

TERRI: Thank you. (Elias chuckles) Until tomorrow, I guess. (Laughs)

ELIAS: Very well. And I shall express my happiness to your emergence day.

TERRI: Thank you. (Both chuckle)

ELIAS: To you, my friend, in great appreciation and genuine lovingness, au revoir.

TERRI: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 1 hour 4 minutes.)

©2006 Mary Ennis. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.