Session 2039

Experiencing Another Focus


“Experiencing Another Focus”
“Associations with Fictional Characters”
”Manipulating Energy Centers”

Tuesday, July 11, 2006 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Jean-Baptiste (Araili)

ELIAS: Good evening!

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Good afternoon, Elias. How are you?

ELIAS: As always, and yourself?

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Very fine, as always.

ELIAS: Ha ha! And what shall we discuss?

JEAN-BAPTISTE: We will discuss many things. I have many questions since the last time I spoke with you. I would like to begin with some stats about a friend that I met on the forum.

ELIAS: Very well.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: His name is Hanza, and he gave me an impression about his essence name. He thinks it’s (inaudible).

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: He thinks also that his essence family belonging is Gramada. Is that the case?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: He thinks his essence alignment is Sumari.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTIST: His orientation, he thinks it’s soft.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: His numbering of focuses in this dimension, he thinks it’s 821.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTIST: He also thinks that he has some whale focuses. He gave me the number of 34.

ELIAS: (Pause) Yes.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: He thinks also that he is a final focus.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: He thinks that he has more female focuses than male focuses.


JEAN-BAPTISTE: He thinks also that he has many lesbian focuses and some with Iona.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTIST: His essence color or focus color, he has the impression of a deep red or a sort of blue. Which one is it?

ELIAS: Dark red.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: This is the essence color, right?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: And for his focus color?

ELIAS: (Pause) Dark orange.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I want to check with you some of my stats also, because I think that actually my numbering of focuses has increased. I have the number of 1452.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I also had the impression that I have currently 751 focuses in the future.


JEAN-BAPTISTE: I sense many fluctuations in my energy recently. I wanted to know if my essence name has also been fluctuating.

ELIAS: At times, but for the most part remains the same.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Okay, thank you, because I’m quite fond of my essence name now. (Elias laughs) I think also that I have more female focuses than male focuses.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Now I go into the focus hunting. I had several impressions and several experiences, one with a young man whose name, I think, is Jeremy. I don’t know any location or time period. I think he’s slightly in my future. Is this correct?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: I had the impression that he was here to help me accept myself more and also ease my own experience in this shift.


JEAN-BAPTISTE: I also had impressions about a focus that I call John, but actually it’s like he doesn’t really incorporate any name. I saw him walk in the mountains or in the Sudan or through countries, and it was like he was wearing (inaudible) clothes.


JEAN-BAPTISTE: Can you give me a time framework where this man exists? It is in the future or in the past?

ELIAS: This would also be a future focus.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Yes, I thought so. Maybe 2300 years or...?

ELIAS: Approximately, yes.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I also have impressions that I have focuses during the Second World War. Is it the case?

ELIAS: Yes, you do.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I have focuses on both sides of the war?

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I also have an impression of a focus of mine recently. It was a very, very strong experience that made me wake up. It was like I was threatened by this focus or by the energy, but the joy I felt during my dream experience... I could stop the experience whenever I wanted, so I wasn’t afraid, but I was still a little bit afraid because I felt helpless or powerless. The focus felt very, very strong actually, and it was like he was a tyrant of some type or he wanted to accumulate power for himself and to control other people or everything around him. It was like he was snagging me out of my body, and we had this little merging experience together. I presented myself with several choices of do I struggle with him, or do I accept him and try to incorporate him in me, or do I just withdraw myself from the experience or something like that. It was very, very strong. I just said the reply of Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings when he said to Balrog, “You shall not pass,” and that was sufficient for me to incorporate my body. Actually, when I was quote ”struggling” unquote with his energy, I also was aware of my body consciousness, and it was like I couldn’t move my body. I was seeing him and seeing my body having... I don’t remember how you say it in English, but we were trembling and just like... What was this experience all about?

ELIAS: This was not merely dream imagery. This was an actual projection to another focus in which you merged with that other focus, and in doing so, experienced some of the other focus’s identity and his experience.

This can be an interesting experience, but it can also be somewhat unnerving at times. For it can be a valuable experience in allowing yourself to experience differences that you would not experience yourself in this focus, and in that action, it can offer you a greater understanding of differences and the strength of them and the conviction of other individuals in the strength of their expressions. But in another capacity, it can also be somewhat unnerving at times, for it can somewhat threaten or incorporate the potential to threaten your own identity in your own individuality; but knowing and being aware that you are generating a projection and allowing yourself to experience another focus can be helpful in alleviating that potential to threaten your identity. Experiencing another focus rather than interacting with one or viewing one is quite different.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Yes, that is very, very strong. I wanted to know if I translated accurately that he was wanting to control other people and do evil things, or was it my fear that I could be absorbed by the experience or that I lose my identity during this experience?

ELIAS: Both, for the experiences of that individual you have assimilated and experienced correctly. In this, you offered yourself a presentment of an intensity of difference, but the valuable aspect of that is that in that experience, you also offered yourself the awareness of the other individual’s perception that his actions are justified and that he does not perceive them to be bad. Although you perceive them to be bad, he himself does not.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I’ve been dealing with these differences in experiences recently when I interacted in a French forum about how telepathy or empathy or different realities are normal things. They were thinking about reincarnation, and I shared my experience of simultaneous time and communicating with past and future focuses. There was this individual that answered me and that was quite, in my perception, opposing me, but I was actually presenting myself with this to offer myself the experience of not to be teaching. It was energy that I could feel myself, and I chose not to be teaching but just to express it in another way. I chose the analogy of clothes in the expression of this or different ideas or philosophies. It was the opinion of myself also, because I had, with this analogy, something that could help me manipulate or perceive other ideas or philosophies as not threatening and just being different clothes with different shapes and colors and textures and flavors also. It is like you can wear any clothes that you want. You can have clothes that are very close to your body or in which your body can almost swim. It’s just a question of preference and of how you want to be expressing yourself.

ELIAS: Yes. I would be acknowledging of you in your allowance of yourself to perceive in a different manner and offer yourself an analogy that allows you to view differences in another manner that does not trigger that automatic response to defend or to instruct in relation to other individuals. I am acknowledging of you.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Yes, and when I came back from my work today, I was feeling all these diversity of ideas and aspects and expressions of different individuals and different focuses of consciousness. It was very varied and very lively. It was very beautiful, and it was like, wow, we can express in all these manners and all these colorful experiences, and it was very, very... It was good.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Congratulations, my friend! Acceptance of differences can be quite liberating. (Break in telephone connection and subsequent reconnection)

ELIAS: Continuing!

JEAN-BAPTISTE: There are disruptions in the communication.

ELIAS: (Pause) And shall you not delay the communication now? (Chuckles)

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Is that your advice?

ELIAS: Ha ha! That would be my suggestion.

JEAN-BAPTIST: What is it about all this, the delay and this difficulty in communications?

ELIAS: Experimenting with energy, my friend, that is what you are doing. That is what you have been doing, experimenting with energy, and in that, at times you may interrupt yourself in that experimentation. (Chuckles) It is harmless.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Yes, it’s quite funny, actually. (Elias laughs) So, maybe we’ll try to go on?

ELIAS: Very well.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I was telling you about how it felt when I came back from my work. It was just very cool to feel all the different ways in which individuals could express themselves, and it was very colorful and lively and full of new fields of explorations.

ELIAS: Which can be quite fun!

JEAN-BAPTIST: Exactly, yes.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Discovering new manners in which you can play with differences rather than oppose them.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Exactly. I have other questions about impressions, and it’s about different books that I’ve read recently. One about the vampire Marius by Anne Rice, and I felt that the vampire Bianca is my friend Anu.

ELIAS: A translation, yes.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I read in another book of the Valdemar dimension – and I was attracted by this book first because I felt that it was connected with me – maybe a reflection of a focus of myself in this dimension. It’s a robber, actually, and he’s called Skif. He eventually became a hero in Valdemar, and his companion was named Cymry. I have the impression that I was or I could be translated with this character of Skif.


JEAN-BAPTISTE: And that my friend Anu could be translated by the companion, Cymry?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: I have also different impressions when I read the last book of The Tawny Man, a book dealing with the kingdom and different individuals. One was trained as an assassin, and one was called the Fool and he was called the White Prophet. I felt very different translations and different energies attached to different characters when I was reading the book, and I felt that the character of FitzChivalry was a translation of Opan.


JEAN-BAPTISTE: I felt also that Queen Kettricken was a translation of Iona.


JEAN-BAPTISTE: I felt also that Prince Dutiful was a translation of Hanza.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: And I felt also that my boyfriend could be translated as the Queen’s counselor, Chade.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: And that I could be translated as the Fool.


JEAN-BAPTISTE: I also had different impressions that I, at times, could be translated by FitzChivalry also, and at times I felt the energy of another of my friends in the Fool. It’s my friend, Ishmael.

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: So, I have the impression that actually the different characters in the book could be composed of different energies of different focuses and that they can be perceived by different people at different times, but not always at the same time. Is that correct?

ELIAS: Yes, in a manner of speaking, for the characters are representations. Therefore, any individual may incorporate a focus that can be represented by the characters, and more than one individual may be associated with any particular character.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Yes, and at different times we can associate different individuals to one character. As an example, maybe I can read the book later and I could feel other energies in the character.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I had a name just popping in my head when I woke up a few days ago. It was Kadeel. What is it? Is it an essence name or a focus name or another...?

ELIAS: A focus name.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Is it a focus maybe in Nigeria or in these areas?

ELIAS: Yes, in that general area. Saudi Arabia.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Okay, thank you. I find that I may investigate. (Elias laughs)

I’ve been completely changing my perception recently. I’ve been seeing beliefs and resistance as atoms of energies or like they are a current of energies, like maybe a great river at times, or they can be rigid or smooth or soft. It depends on the belief and on the moment in which I express them. Each one has its own flavor or its own feeling.


JEAN-BAPTISTE: Is it an actual translation of beliefs in my perception?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: How can I associate the neutrality of beliefs in this perception? Because currently I perceive this, but I’m not really sure of how I can change or modify my perception. Maybe I’m just beginning to feel how it is and how I can modify my energy in this.

ELIAS: When I express to you that acceptance neutralizes the belief, that is not to say that it disempowers it or that it removes the element of duplicity. Duplicity is a belief system also, and it is not being eliminated any more than any other belief system. But in this, in the acceptance of beliefs, you recognize that they are the influences to your perception and that they are not actually absolute and that there are many aspects of each of them. Therefore, they can be expressed in many different manners, for you can choose different influences of the same belief that will alter how that belief is expressed and therefore alter your reality.

In this, you continue to incorporate your preferences and your opinions, which, without duplicity, you would not incorporate preferences or opinions, for associated with preferences and opinions are the expressions of good and bad or right and wrong.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: So, in this case, it’s just a matter of recognizing and knowing which one we are expressing and how we are expressing it and how it influences us in our creations and our projection of energy.

ELIAS: Yes, and knowing that if you are generating an expression that is uncomfortable or distressing or conflicting, and if you are moving in expressions or exchanges that you do not necessarily prefer, that you incorporate choices in relation to those beliefs to choose different influences that allow you to maneuver and manipulate within your experiences more easily.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: That was kind of a problem with me in this shift when I was thinking of neutralizing beliefs. I was telling myself that if they are neutralized in the way I was perceiving the neutral idea of belief, it would remove all these contrasts and flavor and stuff like that. I was perceiving also that it was really a part of the sum of this reality.

ELIAS: In actuality, you are correct, for these are the expressions that do offer you diversity and exploration and fun and interest and even curiosity.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I assume that I am becoming more and more curious about what is happening currently. (Both laugh)

I am completely involved in an exploration of my body consciousness and the energy centers for a few weeks and about the exploration of the colors and qualities and how I can use them to facilitate or give me different flavors in my experiences. I wanted to ask you some questions about that, because it’s like I’m removing myself from really expressing my abilities in many areas. I understand that it is related to some expressed beliefs and also fears, and I wanted to know if you had some insights about the direction I may use in my exploration to facilitate these explorations.

ELIAS: Offer an example.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: When I try to do the energy center alignment, as I tried it twice with Dale, it was very, very intense. I could feel the differences in her energy in where she was focusing it and how she was focusing it. When I tried to incorporate this exercise myself, I have some difficulties to actually express my energy or allow my kind of intensity or maybe a kind of direction. It’s like I’m blocking my energy not to overwhelm myself, maybe, or other people.

ELIAS: And how do you perceive that you would overwhelm yourself in association with manipulating the energy centers?

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I had the impression that it is like I fear to exhaust my body or to create some fatigue, because I am aligned with the belief that my body is not strong enough maybe to incorporate such intensity of energy or to incorporate this kind of exercise for a lengthy time framework.

ELIAS: First of all, what is your objective with manipulating the energy centers, and what are you attempting to generate in this manipulation?

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I think I’m trying to become more familiar with my body consciousness, because I denied it for quite a lengthy time framework when I was young. Currently I am trying to become familiar with it and trying to manipulate and allow myself to create changes in my body, like with the exploration of shifting shapes. I think it’s associated with the manipulation, in a manner of speaking, of the energy centers.

ELIAS: Yes. In this, it is not necessary to generate an overwhelmingness. You can express a manipulation of your energy centers in a manner of gentleness and accomplish infusing them and manipulating them in different manners without overwhelming yourself and without fatiguing yourself. It is merely a matter of becoming familiar with the energy of each center and how it is affecting of the physical body consciousness and allowing yourself to interact with those energies in an expression of gentleness. Relaxing allows you to focus more clearly upon any particular energy center or all of them.

In this, you can experiment in generating an alignment of them first and subsequently experiment with different energy centers to create different desired effects.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Would it facilitate the energy center alignment to listen to the sounds that are available in the Internet site of Dale?

ELIAS: That would be a choice, my friend. If you express within yourself that generating the tones or the sounds with the energy centers would provide you with a focal point to allow you to focus more clearly, then I would encourage you to engage that action. It is not necessary, but if you choose, it can be a manner in which you can focus, and that may be facilitating. Or you can incorporate visualizations, also, and in the visualizations, focus your attention upon each color. Generate the energy center in the visualization into an object, and in that, it shall allow you to focus more clearly upon each of them also.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I read in several sessions that the energy centers are more intermingled, that there are more aspects of them that we don’t see currently or that we don’t perceive.


JEAN-BAPTISTE: I wanted to know if we can actually move them from around us, maybe, or maybe if I want to have one in my hand or...

ELIAS: That would be the expression of your energy field, which is created by the energy of your energy centers. In that, as they project outwardly, they create your energy field and the fluctuations in it. And yes, you actually can touch that and manipulate it and see it. You can actually engage that energy physically, if you are so choosing.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Is it, in a way, a similar experience that I was creating once when I was laying in my bed and my boyfriend entered the room, and when I opened my eyes, I saw him? There were millions of sparkles around him, and there were like different stars, each at the same distance from each other.


JEAN-BAPTISTE: I was seeing his energy field?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: That was very beautiful and startling.

ELIAS: You can also experiment with and play with concentrating your attention upon one particular energy center and generate that in a strength, and you can view your own energy field. As you concentrate strongly upon one energy center, your energy field shall become predominately that color.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I’ll try this exercise. I was also wondering about energy centers and energy fields. If when I project an aspect of my consciousness to a friend or to a location, are the energy centers, in a manner of speaking, attached to my body and remain with my body, and the aspect that I project to another individual does not incorporate the energy centers? Because there is no space, actually. Is it the same?

ELIAS: The amount of energy that you project to another individual shall proportionately incorporate the energy of each of your energy centers, for they are not separated from you. Therefore, in energy in any projection, the energy of your centers would be also associated with that projection.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: That’s very interesting. But they are also associated with this physical dimension?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: In other areas of consciousness, there is no necessity of the energy centers...

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: ...or the different kinds of energy centers?

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I also want to speak about my job and the way that I want also to create my own job of using my abilities that I am exploring currently, like energy projection or manipulation of energy centers or focus hunting, like playing games with different people. I wanted not to know if I can do it, because it is a matter of choice, but is there a way that I can ease my tensions and my oppositions of myself creating this job? Do you understand?

ELIAS: Yes, I am understanding. Allow yourself first of all to relax and reinforce yourself in recognizing yes, you can generate this type of action and create money, and allow yourself to engage imagination to inspire yourself. In this, also allow yourself an openness to draw other individuals to you that incorporate similar preferences and similar directions, and in pooling energy with other individuals, it may generate more ease in actually accomplishing.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I also wanted to ask you a question for Anu. She wanted me to ask you about her kidneys and how she can actually heal her kidneys. I was wondering if she can also incorporate practicing with her energy centers.

ELIAS: Yes, that may be helpful, and it may be helpful also to enlist the energy of a future focus to be helpful in reinforcing her trust of her ability to actually manipulate energy.

In this, it is significant to be evaluating what she created the manifestation for. For the obstacle with many individuals that create physical manifestations and want to uncreate them, so to speak, is that they are not necessarily clear or familiar with what they have already created and what motivated that. They become distressed or perhaps fatigued with the manifestation, but it may be continuing to offering them a payoff, although it may be uncomfortable. As I have expressed many times previously, value is expressed in many different manners, not necessarily always in comfort. Therefore, it is significant that this individual evaluates what is being created and what motivated that.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I’ll tell her. Can you give her a clue about which future focus she can have interaction with?

ELIAS: Very well; one moment. (Pause) A future focus, female, time framework 2400s. This individual incorporates the physical naming of Eliza. This individual is quite experienced in energy manipulation of body consciousness and manipulating organs and blood circulation through energy expressions.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Do I also incorporate such a focus that can help me in my own exploration of these energy centers?

ELIAS: (Pause) Yes.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: So maybe I’ll investigate.

ELIAS: Very well.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: You have a clue about...? I think it’s a male.


JEAN-BAPTISTE: Maybe in the time framework of 3200?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: His name, I have the impression of Robert.

ELIAS: No, that is another focus. His name is Phloyn (FLOIN).

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Could you spell it?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: Thank you very much. I let you go now, and I thank you a lot.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: It is very, very interesting to feel your energy that I felt easing and facilitating my experiences, and the communication of what you are saying.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) You are quite welcome, my friend. I express great encouragement to you, and I shall be offering my energy to you continuously. Until our next meeting, to you in great friendship and great appreciation, au revoir.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Thank you very much, and my boyfriend tells you hello.

(Elias departs after 1 hour.)

Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.