The Cycle of Thinking, Thinking, Thinking
"The Cycle of Thinking, Thinking, Thinking"
"The Guideline of Consideration"
“Drawing Individuals to Yourself that Precisely Reflect the Energy You are Projecting”
Saturday, July 2, 2006 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Yinka (Adriana)
(Elias' arrival time is 20 seconds)
ELIAS: Good afternoon!
YINKA: Hello, old ghost.
ELIAS: (Laughing)
YINKA: Hi, Elias, how are you?
ELIAS: As always, and yourself?
YINKA: I'm fine, thank you.
ELIAS: (Chuckles)
YINKA: I want to go straight to my questions now. The first question is this: you know I've created so much drama. And I love, I like to create it because I do think I'll probably create it anyway, BUT I'm just thinking what is the shortest form of acceptance that I can do?
ELIAS: (Pause)
YINKA: Hello?
YINKA: You know all the dramas I create and I have all these headaches and all (Inaudible) because I lack of belief or that I am not accepting of myself, right? I'm just thinking because I go on so much and it just affects me for many days. I'm just thinking, what is the shortest or easiest way of accepting myself in situations I create like that?
ELIAS: (Pause while thinking) The shortest method…
ELIAS: (Pause) The shortest method would be to remind yourself of what you are actually doing NOW, rather than dwelling upon an experience that has previously occurred; rather than continuing to replay…
ELIAS: …the old experience and being caught in the cycle of thinking, thinking, thinking…
ELIAS: …and therefore triggering emotional communications, remind yourself of what you are actually doing NOW, regardless of what it is.
ELIAS: In that, perhaps you may question yourself and express to yourself, “What am I doing now?” And your response to yourself may be as mundane as, “I am sitting in a chair.” BUT sitting in the chair is not participating in the experience that occurred previously.
YINKA: Yeah…yeah…
ELIAS: You are not engaged in the previous experience.
ELIAS: Therefore, reminding yourself that that is not occurring NOW.
ELIAS: It is unnecessary to continue to replay the experience…
ELIAS: …for in doing that you are distracting yourself OUT of the now.
YINKA: Yes, I mean I listened almost like a month I've been doing this quite a lot and I actually did watch myself inside it and I noticed that when I said to myself stop, I just immediately stopped. My mind picks it back up again, even when am meditating, I mean it just spirals over and over and over again and again and I can't seem to get out of it.
ELIAS: Let me express to you…
YINKA: Yeah.
ELIAS: …this is what you would term to be a problem with MANY individuals. You are very accustomed to turning your attention to thought, BUT the difficulty with that action…
YINKA: Yeah.
ELIAS: …is thought is a specific mechanism.
Now; listen to this. (Continuing slowly) Remember, thought is the mechanism for translating and interpreting input associated with where your attention is directed.
Now; this is important, for thought does not create; it translates and it can only translate what is being fed to it by your attention. Therefore, if your attention is MAINLY focused upon…
ELIAS: …thought, what occurs is repeat, repeat, repeat.
YINKA: Yeah.
ELIAS: For it is translating its OWN information. You have offered it input with an experience BUT subsequently your attention moves mainly to the thought process. And in that you are not offering any new information. Therefore it can only process what you have already input.
ELIAS: In this, figuratively speaking, allow yourself to see your thought mechanism as (Pause) a machine…
YINKA: Okay.
ELIAS: …as a computer perhaps.
YINKA: Or a radio that plays music.
ELIAS: The mechanism can only process what YOU express to it. Yes, if you choose you can view it as a radio.
Now; in similar manner to the radio, if you turn the radio to one specific channel it shall play one specific type of music over and over and over.
ELIAS: If you turn the radio to a specific channel that talks it shall continue to talk and talk and talk, until you change the channel.
ELIAS: It will only generate the output that you place on the channel. Therefore, your thought mechanism is very similar. Your attention is the channels. If your attention is focused mainly upon the mechanism itself it moves into the mode of repeat…
ELIAS: …and it continues to repeat.
Now; let me also express to you, thought being a mechanism in similar manner to your electronics in your reality, if it is on continuously it can malfunction.
YINKA: Ahhh…
ELIAS: What occurs when you put an electronic device on and do not turn it off? What shall occur?
YINKA: Well, it would burn itself out.
ELIAS: Correct. Thought generates a very similar action. It is a mechanism within you and in that it CAN create malfunction if it is never allowed to be turned off. (Yinka laughs) In this, it can actually even disrupt and create malfunctions in your physical performance.
ELIAS: It can interrupt sleep.
YINKA: Oh, I know.
ELIAS: It can interrupt dreams.
YINKA: Oh yes (Laughing).
ELIAS: It can PHYSICALLY drain energy AND it can create confusion to the point in which there is interruption of the subjective instruction to the body consciousness, for it can hold attention so strongly that attention is diverted from the physical functioning of the body consciousness.
This is the reason that I discuss quite often this mechanism of thought and offer explanations to individuals as to what it actually is. In that, you can understand what it is and therefore engage it in a more efficient manner. You all engage thought considerably but you are also accustomed to thinking more than is necessary.
YINKA: (Groaning) I over-analyze, is that it?
ELIAS: Thinking to the point of, yes, over-analyzation.
YINKA: Oh no.
ELIAS: Thinking to the point of repeat of experiences (Yinka sighs); thinking to the point of projecting in anticipation future experiences or potentials, and in that not paying attention to what you are doing now; not paying attention to other inputs; not paying attention to the body consciousness and its response to the continuous thinking.
In this, the manner in which you can divert your attention from the thought process is ONE, to question what you are actually doing in the moment. AND another manner in which you can distract from thinking is to engage your physical senses.
YINKA: How? What do you mean?
ELIAS: To move your attention to your physical senses - your hearing, your sense of smell, your sense of touch, your sense of SIGHT, your sense of taste. SIGHT can be a powerful distraction from thinking, for visualizing or imaging does not engage thought. This is how you interrupt sleep or DREAM imagery, for dream imagery is created by the objective awareness…
ELIAS: …engaged in the sleep activity. In that you create imagery. You are not actually thinking.
ELIAS: You are engaging imagery in a visual manner and creating images and participating with images. You are not actually thinking. If you engage the thought mechanism it shall interrupt the imagery and can even STOP the imagery.
YINKA: Maybe that's why I've had a problem with my dreams recently.
YINKA: All right!
ELIAS: For that mechanism can override. And in this, THINKING does not necessarily create images. It is processed through language. Therefore, thinking engages words. Images do not engage thinking. In this it can be accomplished in both manners. You can interrupt images with thought or you can interrupt thought with images.
Therefore, in engaging your physical senses you move your attention in a different direction and you move it away from thought. I'm not expressing that thinking is bad, BUT…
YINKA: I know. It is a big distraction for me at the moment.
ELIAS: BUT there can be an excess of thinking that is unproductive.
YINKA: Yeah.
ELIAS: And in that lack of production it opens a significant window for discounting and opposing yourself.
YINKA: Yes, is that why I don't feel you around when I'm doing that? Awesome, I do feel you around but sometimes I know I don't as well, when I move into that thinking…
ELIAS: Yes, for you are engaging your attention in a different direction. You are engaging your attention with thought.
YINKA: Well, does it then mean you're then judging me?
ELIAS: I continue to be present (Yinka laughs) with you but you may not be AWARE, for you are not paying attention.
YINKA: Ohhhh…
ELIAS: Your attention is focused in thought.
YINKA: Yeah. But then you know, this morning while I was lying down in thought, still thinking… (Inaudible) the old ghost, this man.
ELIAS: (Laughs and begins to cough)
YINKA: But then I don't know if you're a man, that's why I'd rather say old ghost!
Okay, Elias, can I ask you another question now?
ELIAS: (Coughing) Yes.
YINKA: Good. You know I had a little dream in which I'd gone into my thoughts as I said, as we've just discussed now. And I told myself that I think the only way I'm going to stop is just maybe I should just engage a different dimension of myself. And at night I slept and I had a dream in which I was talking to some people and all of the sudden I was called a name. Now I would like to find out what that was, that name exactly, what it is really? Something like Orimoha or Orimover, and it was supposed to be deep in the sea. I don't remember the form I took there but what happened is, I go into a trance state but I can only engage that trance state or go into that mode from time intervals, it’s not continuous, what dimension is this please?
ELIAS: (Pause) It would be an other-dimensional focus. As I have expressed to other individuals, they do not necessarily incorporate a name.
YINKA: Oh, but I was called a name, which is what took me aback.
ELIAS: That is the translation of the identification of that focus.
YINKA: All right!
ELIAS: Not necessarily the dimension - but the translation of the IDENTIFICATION of that focus.
YINKA: And is it in the sea?
ELIAS: That is a translation also, but close.
YINKA: Sorry, I didn't hear that.
ELIAS: That is also a translation, but it is close. It is not necessarily a sea, but it is fluid.
YINKA: Ah, all right. Do I have any dimensions in the sea?
ELIAS: In this reality?
YINKA: Yeah.
ELIAS: (Pause) One.
ELIAS: A whale.
YINKA: What did you say? I couldn't hear you.
ELIAS: A whale.
YINKA: (Sigh) All right. Well I didn't hear that, so… Do you hear me, Elias?
YINKA: Good. You know some time ago, that's about two months now I think, not long after I spoke to you, I had a strange feeling of being… of something holding my hand for two weeks you know. I knew I was alone at that time but something held my hands. Why was something holding my hand? It was as if there was something in my hands, I was thinking there was something in my hands but there was nothing there but something was holding it… something, I'm not sure what it was, it finally left and then it repeated itself. What was that?
ELIAS: Another essence being supportive.
YINKA: Oh, but it wasn't you?
YINKA: Who was that then?
ELIAS: Otha.
YINKA: Otha.
YINKA: Who is that? I don't know that person.
ELIAS: That is another essence that participates in the facilitation of this exchange.
YINKA: Oh really? So does it mean you're not the only one who stands with me sometimes then?
ELIAS: It offers you a supportive energy.
YINKA: Hmm, I need to thank you for that.
ELIAS: (Chuckles) Yes, it is already known.
YINKA: Oh, oh, anyway…
ELIAS: It is an expression of gentleness.
YINKA: Yeah, that's very sweet of them, wasn't it? (Elias chuckles)
Let me ask you a different question now. You know when I hold the truths and I am going to use the truth that I know that I hold which is consideration. I like to be considerate or I want consideration as well. Now when I am dealing with other people, if I draw people that are not considerate to me, it really makes me mad and I really go into this is not fair, being a victim.... you know, those kind of things that might make me discount myself. How do I hold the truth of consideration and also still expecting it of others, or not expecting it of others, please?
ELIAS: In recognizing that this is YOUR guideline, therefore it is the manner in which YOU express and you behave but other individuals incorporate different guidelines and therefore they may not necessarily express in the same manner or even similarly…
ELIAS: …and in that, it is important for you to begin to recognize your influences of this guideline; how it influences you in every action that you do, regardless of what it is. In some capacity there shall be some association with that truth. And in that…
ELIAS: …as you become more and more familiar with the influences of that truth, you also will become familiar with what triggers it. And in that as you recognize what is triggered by other individuals you can generate different choices yourself that allow you to express your guideline, but do not generate expectations of other individuals. Let me offer you a mundane example.
YINKA: Yeah.
ELIAS: I am aware in your time framework and your societies, that the action of smoking is somewhat controversial and can also be a trigger for many individuals’ truths.
ELIAS: Now; your core truth and guideline is consideration.
ELIAS: In that, if you are engaging an interaction with another individual that is smoking and if that individual is smoking within your home and that individual chooses to drop its cigarette upon your floor and extinguish it upon your floor, your automatic response will be what?
YINKA: Oh, I wouldn't like it.
ELIAS: Correct. And your automatic association will be that the other individual is being inconsiderate.
YINKA: Yes, definitely.
ELIAS: And therefore you shall generate an automatic response of irritation.
ELIAS: Now; what choices can YOU generate that allow you to continue with your guideline BUT do not place expectations or demands upon the other individual and AVOID your automatic response and irritation?
YINKA: Well I don't...god....if without telling them? ...I might tell them to stop go to in their own space? I will tell them I don't like it or something or give them an ashtray. Before ...oh, I don't know, Elias.
ELIAS: Simple answers. The choices you can generate are simple. You are aware of you; you are paying attention to your guideline; you already incorporate the information and know that the other individual engages the action of smoking. Therefore you generate choices that create actions that avoid YOU triggering yourself in relation to the other individual's actions. You can choose to move outside.
ELIAS: The other individual shall follow. You are not demanding or requesting that they move outside but if you are engaging interaction the other individual shall naturally follow you outside.
YINKA: I may tell them to stop.
ELIAS: Ah! But that is generating a demand...
YINKA: Yeah (Laughs)
ELIAS: ...and also an expectation.
YINKA: Good...well what do I do? I would expect them to be considerate because I am considerate of them by example.
ELIAS: Which that is your guideline and therefore you shall naturally generate what you perceive to be considerate. In this a simple solution to that scenario would merely be to move yourself outside and the other individual shall naturally follow you. Therefore you have AVOIDED the confrontation, you have AVOIDED the irritation, you have avoided your own TRIGGER, and you have allowed yourself not to oppose yourself but to honor your guideline, being considerate to yourself…
YINKA: Yeah.
ELIAS: …and the other individual naturally follows. Or you CAN offer the other individual an ashtray. It… there are many different actions that you can incorporate that are simple choices that avoid potential conflict. (Pause) But it is not a matter of focusing upon the other individual and expecting the other individual to express in a particular manner. It is not a matter of demanding from another individual. It is a matter of YOU generating choices that do not lead you into situations that are conflicting or irritating.
YINKA: Mmmm, hmmm. Oh thank you, Elias.
ELIAS: You are welcome.
YINKA: Elias, can I also ask, the last time I spoke to you, you told me that sometimes I generate relationships with specific people. Please talk a little bit about what you mean by specific people.
ELIAS: (Pause) You ALL do this. You choose specific individuals in any time framework that will reflect the energy that you are expressing.
YINKA: What does the word specific mean in that (Inaudible) situation now?
ELIAS: What are you engaging?
YINKA: Well the last time, when we talked about this specific issue we were talking about my relationship, the one I had, you know.
ELIAS: Correct, and your frustration and your irritation with the two individuals.
YINKA: Yeah.
ELIAS: And I expressed to you that you DRAW these individuals to you in association with the energy that you are expressing, for they shall REFLECT in some capacity precisely what YOU are projecting.
YINKA: I see - I like the word precisely. I understand that better. All right!
ELIAS: Therefore it is PURPOSEFUL and it is quite effective, for this is the manner in which you generally offer yourself information concerning what type of energy you are projecting through the reflection of other individuals. And you very precisely choose, or draw to yourself other individuals, and CREATE situations and scenarios that shall EXPRESS and DISPLAY what your energy is and what you are doing. It is a matter of becoming familiar with your own energy and with your own language of actions.
YINKA: Well, you know I don't understand actions sometimes. Other than the fact that… you know before I (Laughing] spoke to you today Mary and I had cancelled and cancelled our appointment you know and here was one the day in which everything got blocked powerfully in imagery for me and I don't try to stop everything around me, I just throw it on the floor because I had had enough of it. The computer refused to work, you know my phone went dead… I mean, GOD! (Laughing)
ELIAS: And in these time frameworks can you STOP and intentionally allow yourself to relax and move your attention away from thought?
YINKA: Yes. Let me just ask you, you know what happens is, am wanting to for example go ahead and do something my energy thinks, “No, I’m not going to allow you to do that.” Oh, is that it? And I try to say (Emphatically), “NO I AM GOING TO DO THIS.” So every time I’m going in that way, everything's just falling down. Even my electrical… I touched my electrical device on that day, do you know IT EXPLODED and caught fire.
(Both laughing)
ELIAS: Which is a brilliant display of how STRONG your energy is and how STRONGLY it was being projected.
YINKA: Oh, god. Elias laughs) Then how can I understand it? I want to study myself, you know.
ELIAS: I am understanding. BUT one of the most significant OBSTACLES, or struggles, with YOU is that in these moments when you are expressing such intensity there is an attraction to that intensity. And in that, whether you are INTENSELY happy or INTENSELY sad or INTENSELY irritated, in a manner of speaking you almost revel in the intensity of the experience.
YINKA: Oh, my god.
ELIAS: (Coughing) Therefore if you are in a moment and allow yourself to genuinely (Coughs) examine this with me (Coughs) - if you are experiencing a time framework, such as the day that you have offered as an example, (Coughs) the more that occurs the more irritated you become.
ELIAS: And that continues to build, which creates more occurrences.
YINKA: Yeah.
ELIAS: (Coughs) IF that were interrupted by an expression of gentleness you would…
YINKA: (Deep Sigh) That would be the most difficult part.
ELIAS: …likely dismiss it.
YINKA: But you gave me this exercise to do. You know in that moment I find it hard to turn to myself and say I love myself.
ELIAS: I am understanding, for in those types of moments being accurate with you...
YINKA: Yeah.
ELIAS: You WANT to be irritated.
YINKA: (Laughing) Good god all mighty! Ha, ha, ha, ha.
ELLAS: You become irritated and you build upon that irritation and you generate the irritation until it becomes an INTENSE irritation and were you to be faced with another individual, or even an energy from myself or another essence, you WOULD likely reject it.
YINKA: Oh yeah I mean to think that… I mean sometimes I’m annoyed with you as well.
YINKA: (Laughs) Do you know that sometimes?
YINKA: Oh god, so do you get angry with me?
ELIAS: No. (Both Laughing)
YINKA: Well what I noticed is that you just disappear… and I’m like, oh that old ghost!
ELIAS: (Laughing) I'm not actually disappeared. (Laughing)
YINKA: Oh you haven't...
ELIAS: You merely...
YINKA: (Inaudible) what does he do? What is he doing?
ELIAS: You merely remove me from your attention. (Laughing)
YINKA: Well I told myself I think you're in my stomach, that's what I told myself.
ELIAS: (Laughing)
YINKA: You know why, because you see sometimes when I’m just doing something and I just say something and there you appear and I feel that. I ask myself how do you know if you're not in my stomach, are you?
ELIAS: At times.
YINKA: (Laughing) I couldn't help it, (Laughing) I swallowed you up.
ELIAS: (Laughing)
YINKA: Now can I ask you something about the moon? You see, when I see the moon I am very happy and I want to know how does it affect my energy? I'm not as efficient how can I capitalize on the cycles of the moon.
ELIAS: By allowing yourself to move with it. You resonate with that energy. Every manifestation in your reality incorporates energy, and that energy is generated by collective energies. In this, with any manifestation within your reality, be it objects, be it planets, be it stars, be it environments, physical locations, other individuals, creatures, plants it matters not, you resonate with certain forms of manifestations in relation to the collective energies. In that, if you allow yourself to be aware of what you naturally resonate with…
YINKA: Yeah.
ELIAS: …that allows you more of a lightness in your energy and it allows you to move more effectively, more efficiently, and more easily in whatever you do.
YINKA: So, how do I do that then? I just view it, or I just go with the feeling I have, which is one of happiness?
ELIAS: Yes, allow yourself to follow the cycle and move with it. In recognizing that in the time frameworks of the cycle in which it is bright or fuller, that is a stronger expression of energy. It is a brighter and powerful expression of energy. When it is less full or darker it is the energy of resting and peacefulness, calm, and allowance.
YINKA: Mmmm. Very good.
ELIAS: In this, if you are allowing yourself to follow that cycle as you naturally resonate with it, it can be helpful to you in generating more balance.
YINKA: Mmmm. Um, you know when you talk about balance, in my energy it always stands out at the top of my head, I always feel… I feel a lot of tense energy there, the one on the top of my head, which one is that the white one the 'Som' that is affected, which one?
ELIAS: Purple.
YINKA: The purple one?
YINKA: Gosh.
ELIAS: And that also is quite influenced by the thinking, thinking, thinking.
YINKA: So does it mean if I try and realign it will it help?
ELIAS: Yes. And it will also be helpful IN realigning it to be aware of the thinking, thinking, thinking.
YINKA: Yeah you're right, you're right and that is also my essence color isn't it? That's my purple.
YINKA: So that's why it’s affecting, because it's my essence color?
YINKA: All right! So why, if it affects me, does it mean it wants my essence color to show? Or why does it affect?
ELIAS: It is the reverse. You are affecting it.
YINKA: Ah! All right, so I’m affecting my essence color because I'm not showing brightly… I'm not doing what I should do, so it's spinning around in the way that I wouldn't want to. Very good, I understand that, good.
Um, you know I forgot to ask you, you know that at times when I meet some people and I don't like them I don't like… now I will try and explain this to you because I really judge myself for doing that and I say maybe I don't like the way their teeth looks or their height or the way their body is. And I’m telling myself that I shouldn't be doing this. How can I resolve this? For example, some of those people are strangers - some of them are even friends. And gosh! I just don't like them. What am I trying to tell myself when I'm doing this? I think I should try and not be that way…
ELIAS: It is not a matter of expressing to yourself that you should or should NOT be this way.
YINKA: Well, I'm talking about the belief in differences then.
ELIAS: It is…
YINKA: (Inaudible) difference.
ELIAS: It is not necessarily an expression of a lack of acceptance of differences. It may be more associated with preferences.
YINKA: So I mean, for example, if I meet two friends and I find that maybe I don't like their teeth or maybe just their hair, which has nothing to do with me, god help me, am I I'm trying to tell myself that there's something about them I don't prefer?
ELIAS: It is perhaps an expression of noticing some physical expression that you do NOT necessarily prefer. That is not necessarily to say that you do not like the individual…
YINKA: Yeah, I know, yes.
ELIAS: …BUT you may also incorporate some preferences that will influence how you perceive the other individual. And in this, let me express to you, my friend, you can generate acceptance and also NOT LIKE another individual. Liking or agreeing with another individual are not requirements of acceptance AND, remember, duplicity is what?
YINKA: So, what are you saying, increasity?
ELIAS: NO DUPLICITY. What is duplicity?
YINKA: Ah… duplicity is judgment about comparing and all those things I think I (Inaudible).
ELIAS: NO! Duplicity is (Yinka laughs) the belief system that attaches the good, bad, right, wrong…
YINKA: Oh, I know, I know…
YINKA: …I got it wrong, I know…
ELIAS: LISTEN! (Yinka laughs) Duplicity is a belief system. IT IS NOT being ELIMINATED.
YINKA: Ah, yes.
ELIAS: AND I have expressed from the onset of this forum, you shall continue to incorporate your preferences and your OPINIONS regardless of how ‘shifted’ you become, for duplicity is a belief system and it IS NOT being eliminated.
You cannot incorporate preferences without the association of good and bad. You cannot incorporate opinions without the association of right and wrong. Therefore you are not ELIMINATING your associations with good and bad and right and wrong. What you are doing is RELAXING that in association with other individuals. Your truth is NO LESS ABSOLUTE than it has ever been and it shall continue to BE quite absolute with YOU, for it is your guideline.
BUT in relation to other individuals and THEIR expressions, you RELAX that judgment - NOT THAT YOU ELIMINATE IT, but you relax that to the point in which YOU are not triggered yourself in defense or irritation or conflict, or YOU are not triggered yourself in opposing yourself in relation TO the expressions and choices of other individuals. You relax that judgment to the point in which you recognize that other individuals generate different guidelines from yourself and other individuals are not necessarily expressing in the manner that they do to BE a personal affront to you.
YINKA: Yeah, yeah.
ELIAS: They are expressing in the manner that they are expressing in association with THEIR guidelines. It is not necessarily a personal affront in opposition to you, or to be hurtful to you. And that YOU present those situations to yourself in order to BE objectively aware of your guideline, your preferences, and how you respond to them - and how you CAN respond to them.
YINKA: Could I ask a quick little question?
YINKA: Well, it's about money. I love to have money and it is something I want to continue to have.
ELIAS: (Chuckles)
YINKA: Is it something I will continue to have?
ELIAS: (Chuckles) And shall I answer your crystal ball question?
ELIAS: It is your choice. (Laughs)
YINKA: I know (Inaudible) I'll keep having it. (Elias laughs)
You know my parents… I had discussed some problem with you last time and I'm just wondering right now. You know I had a dream with my Mom and often when I see my Mom in my dreams she I see double of her. Is it because she’s a twin? There's another woman who is there when I see my Mom in my dreams?
ELIAS: No. You image this double as symbolic of two sides.
YINKA: What does that mean?
ELIAS: That the way that you perceive this individual…
ELIAS: …you perceive her as incorporating two sides; an underneath side and an above side. In that, you view this individual as expressing in one manner inwardly but and in another manner outwardly.
YINKA: Can I ask you, do we both have different orientations? Because we don't speak the same language at all. What's my mother's orientation?
ELIAS: And your impression?
YINKA: (Deep sigh) Common.
YINKA: But it's the same, so why do we have so much problem together?
ELIAS: That is more associated with differences in beliefs and differences in guidelines. That can generate considerable difficulty.
YINKA: Well, you know the last dream I had of her, she had snakes for hair and the snakes were going to bite me while she was talking to me. I had to move aside.
ELIAS: And your interpretation?
YINKA: Well it definitely seems like she is going to bite me any minute.
ELIAS: (Chuckles) And the difficulty in interaction.
YINKA: Yeah, now if I just don't want to do what they want me to do. I think it's my own expectation I think, my own expectation of myself, I know, I know.
ELIAS: And also…
YINKA: Responsibility?
ELIAS: …generating opposition, for you are generating the association that they are not expressing consideration of you…
YINKA: (Deep sigh) Yes.
ELIAS: …and attempting to instruct you as to what you should or should not do.
YINKA: Yeah.
ELIAS: And in that, what are you doing? You are projecting your attention to the other individuals rather than paying attention to what you are doing and rather than generating being considerate to YOU.
YINKA: I want to go by this again. Thank you very much, Elias.
I think we are now at the end of my session, but could I just quickly ask you for a friend of mine? He wants to know what he's creating with the pain in his arm, which has been continuous for some months now. Peter. (Pause)
ELIAS: And what is the assessment?
YINKA: Hmmm, now because I don’t… I think he's trying to be pay attention to himself, that is just me because I don't really know OR he's trying to like push his energy to do something he probably doesn't want to because I think that's the way he is. That's my honest opinion, I have no idea. At the same time acquiescing with the other people I think. I'm not sure.
ELIAS: Yes, and in this forcing energy in opposition to himself.
YINKA: So, in other words, what he needs to do is probably to listen to what himself… what he wants to do or what he wants.
ELIAS: Yes and preferences.
YINKA: All right. Okay, thank you very much, Elias.
ELIAS: You are quite welcome.
YINKA: You know, how come I’m not feeling your energy… (Elias coughs)…you know, like the one in my dreams… in which your energy just swirls around? You've not been doing that again in my dreams. (Elias continues to cough) Is it because I've had said something about it in one session like that?
ELIAS: I have expressed, I am present. (Coughs)
YINKA: You know the one where your energy just swirls around I don't know back…
ELIAS: It is…
YINKA: like when I first saw you…
ELIAS: I am aware. It is merely a matter of allowing yourself to RELAX (Coughs) and not interrupt yourself.
YINKA: All right, well I will work on that. (Both laughing)
Thank you very much, Elias.
ELIAS: You are very welcome, my friend. REMEMBER…
ELIAS: Allow yourself to move your attention and turn off the thinking.
YINKA: I'll try. (Both laugh)
ELIAS: Very well, to you in great appreciation, my friend, and tremendous encouragement.
YINKA: Cool.
ELIAS: Until our next meeting, au revoir.
(Elias departs after 65 minutes, 37 seconds.)
Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.