Session 202502171

Stepping into a Different Reality: Part 7


“The Body’s Function: Maintaining Existence”
“Talking to the Subjective”
“Dream Imagery”
“Benefits of Many Siblings”
“Recognition of a Trailblazer”

Monday, February 17, 2025 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Nuno (Lystell)

ELIAS: Good morning!

NUNO: Greetings, my friend.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) And how shall we begin?

NUNO: Okay. Well, let’s see. Let’s start with this question. Is it correct that however I end up dying, that I’ll be going to Nova?


Now, why did you ask that question?

NUNO: It’s just for my own information, that’s all. I have nothing to do with that information at the moment. Just for reassurance, that’s all, in case—

ELIAS: Very well.

NUNO: — I get struck by lightning or something.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) Very well. (Chuckles)

NUNO: The next question is, what progress have I been making?

ELIAS: (Pause) I would ask, how bored are you?

NUNO: Ah, quite actually.

ELIAS: Then I would say you’re making progress and you’re close.

NUNO: (Laughs) Is that really all there is to it? I need to be bored to death, is that what it is?

ELIAS: (Laughs) In a manner of speaking. (Chuckles) The more bored you are, the more motivated you are.

NUNO: Ah. That’s true. That’s very true. Of course, there are (Elias chuckles) … There are a lot of other motivations as well. I can give you a whole litany of those.

ELIAS: I would agree, but I would say that this is somewhat of a measure of how much progress you’re making, is that you are actually letting go of most of this reality and therefore in doing so, it’s becoming more and more boring.

NUNO: And is that an assessment or an observation?

ELIAS: Both.

NUNO: The next question I have is: what is Deanna doing? I still engage her energy but it’s not like before, when I had physical sensations and was able to, I think, from that determine that something was going on. But I’m not sure if her energy is contributing to this in any way now.

ELIAS: It is, in support. It’s simply not as actively involved. That’s the reason you don’t feel it the same.

NUNO: So then the question is: what is the subjective doing and what is preventing it from releasing the body?

ELIAS: Very well. What your subjective awareness is doing is moving in the direction of following the objective instructions, and therefore moving in a direction of attempting to override the automatic and natural expression of the body, which is to maintain existence. And in that, the subjective awareness is moving in a direction of attempting to override that in the capacity of expressing that the body will be maintained, but in a different form. But this, as you know, is very unusual and therefore it’s something that requires somewhat of a constant instruction from the subjective awareness because the body consciousness doesn’t give up easily.

NUNO: That’s very interesting you say that. That actually was kind of my assessment of the situation, but I wasn’t certain because you had said in the past that the body consciousness does nothing without instruction from the subjective. So I thought it was simply a matter of the subjective to stop instructing, in which case the body would kind of stop functioning.

ELIAS: No. Because this is a built-in function. It’s a built-in function of the body in the same capacity as any of your organs functioning. This is part of the body’s expression. And in that, actually it would be more likened or more accurate to liken it to a part of the body, such as the skin. That with or without instruction, the skin performs a function. It’s an innate part of the body. And this part of the body of maintaining existence is very similar. It’s as much a part of the body as your skin is.

NUNO: I understand that and I understand your explanation of that. It was kind of something I intuitively thought, it was something of that nature. So, I have been having or attempting to have conversations with myself as essence, meaning the subjective. And—

ELIAS: Excellent.

NUNO: I think that you have an awareness of this. And I guess what I wanted to ask you is: am I succeeding in that? I seem to be. I mean, I’ve had actually some really good conversations with the subjective.

ELIAS Excellent.

NUNO: And what’s different about it is it’s not the same feeling. Subjectively it’s different than when I talk to an essence. If I have a dialogue with an essence, there isn’t necessarily an emotional piece to that. Unless perhaps the dialogue involves something that evokes some kind of an emotion. But beyond that, there isn’t like an emotional connection with the essence usually. But when I’m talking to the subjective, there is very definitely an emotional piece to that that’s independent of what the dialogue is about. It’s kind of a love and a recognition. I don’t know exactly how to put it, but it gets very emotional at times. Are you understanding?

ELIAS: Yes. And I would say congratulations. I would say that you are actually connecting very well. And this is significant because this is something that most people don’t do yet. They don’t know how to be connecting with that part of themself and therefore it appears to be very foreign to them. But this is actually the next step in self-awareness. Therefore I would say that that is tremendous, that you are engaging in that direction. And I do understand that emotional piece, which if you allow yourself to think about that, it’s very understandable because that subjective part of you is the part of you that has the communication of emotion.

NUNO: I thought that perhaps this was prompted because my attention is on Nova and in Nova this will become ordinary. It will become what—


NUNO: Yes.

ELIAS: You would be correct. But for now, in your reality, it’s not commonplace.

NUNO: I began this simply as thinking perhaps I can connect with myself as essence, just as I connect with any other essence. And that’s really how I began with that, was just with that premise, is that I am essence and I can connect with myself in that capacity.

ELIAS: And I definitely agree, and I would say that that is tremendous that you are being successful in that. And I would also say that it’s tremendous that you are allowing yourself objectively to be aware of engaging that part of you that is so much in the direction of its function of taking care of you, which would also include that self-love.

NUNO: What should I engage myself? What kind of dialogue would be helpful to me to engage? The reason I engaged it was of course for getting information about what we were just discussing, about the releasing of the body consciousness. But then also there was that other piece, is that ever since I had that experience with the virus last summer, that was actually an experience – this is the reason I got so angry, was because when that happened, my trust in the subjective, my trust in myself, just disintegrated. Because this was something that was very important to me, to stay healthy and to not manifest viruses and things like that. It’s something that I took pride in even and it was very important to me. And so after that happened, I tried to make peace with myself but it was difficult because I didn’t understand why is it that such a thing was necessary instead of, for example, notifying me or something like that. So I had this discussion with myself about that, because this was an important piece and I got an answer that was very reassuring. And even though the answer was simple, just having that dialogue just completely changed my perspective on that. And I felt that I could love myself again. I could trust myself.

ELIAS: And I express tremendous congratulations that you even took the time to move in that direction. Because I acknowledge to you being aware of how much you felt a betrayal, and you could have moved in that direction and not reaped the benefit that you have now.

NUNO: What would you say would be a topic I could engage myself in? Is there anything in particular that you would suggest that would be helpful to me?

ELIAS: For what purpose?

NUNO: Well, really the only purpose I have these days is to go to Nova.

ELIAS: (Pause) Have you engaged any other essences that might potentially be moving in the direction of being siblings?

NUNO: Siblings in Nova, you mean?

ELIAS: Correct.

NUNO: No. I did arrange to have a sibling there that’s going to be three years older than myself, my sister. And I have engaged the focus there a few times, but not the essence of that focus.

ELIAS: That might be something interesting for you to engage, and in that, to also be aware and perhaps observing some of the other focuses that you share together, other than this one.

NUNO: Mm. I’m not exactly following you on that. What do you mean by the other essences?

ELIAS: I would say that it might be interesting to you to be observing and interacting with the essences that might potentially be engaging as siblings other than the one, but including the one. Unless you chose not to have any other siblings.

NUNO: I didn’t explicitly choose to have any other one. It’s just I have not inserted that into the reality.

ELIAS: Very well. It’s something that you might contemplate and you can be also moving in a direction of observing the connections that you have with those other essences, or even with this one essence that is focusing as your sister.

NUNO: Okay. And what is her essence name?

ELIAS: One moment. (Pause) Essence name: Clara.

NUNO: Clara. Okay. Okay, I will do that. That sounds like a good thing for me to engage in. I’m actually looking for ways to engage that reality. Obviously in the past I’ve engaged it a lot in imagining it and various aspects of it, and engaging the parents. Well, not engaging the parents but observing the parents. I’ve done quite a bit of that. So I think that would be an excellent thing for me to do, to engage that essence.

ELIAS: I agree.

NUNO: That is one thing I’ve identified that would be I think helpful to me, to engage that reality in some manner.

ELIAS: Yes. I would agree with that.

NUNO: I have a couple of impressions that I’d like to validate. They’re just for fun. They’re not really anything that’s of any significance, but Helen’s essence name, is it Eileen?

ELIAS: Correct.

NUNO: And this one, this second one here, I’m not really sure about it, but I’ll ask anyway. A while ago, you had told me that my female energy was something like 63% I think at the time. This was some time ago. And I asked myself as to what it was currently, and I presented myself with the number 72%.

ELIAS: For female energy?

NUNO: For female energy.

ELIAS: (Pause) I would agree.

NUNO: Oh, really? That’s a lot of female energy. Which is good, which is very good.

ELIAS: It is, and that is evidenced in relation to how intuitive you are.

NUNO: I wasn’t even sure if the female energy was something that changed through a lifetime.

ELIAS: It can. Yes. And I would say that especially now, in relation to the movement of this shift, it can definitely be developed.

NUNO: I created a new exercise for myself in this, and I’m not really sure if it’s effective or not. I haven’t actually noticed much from it, but what it is is, it’s kind of a breathing exercise. I tell myself that I am taking in more of Nova’s energy and I am expelling Millennium energy. And Millennium is the name I’ve given to the present reality, because I needed a name for it.

ELIAS: Very well.

NUNO: So that’s the exercise, taking in Nova energy and expelling Millennium energy. Is that useful?

ELIAS: Yes. I would definitely agree and I would say you can also include that in your meditations.

NUNO: My dreams recently have been quite abstract. Not abstract so much, but very inscrutable. And they have symbols that are ordinary, ordinary symbols from physical reality, but it’s just kind of very difficult to understand what they were all about. So a lot of them I don’t even pay attention too much. I’ll bring up two of them anyway.

I had one actually last night, so that one’s kind of fresh in memory. And the scene was I was in some kind of classroom, some kind of educational environment, and something is being taught. I think the subject is kind of software-like, but I’m not really sure. And I found myself struggling to understand. There was an exercise assigned to me to do, and I was struggling to complete it because I just didn’t have the knowledge to do that. I just didn’t even know where to begin. And that was basically what that dream was about, and it… My impression was that my knowledge of whatever technology or whatever that was being discussed – it was some technical thing – was just out of date, and it just didn’t apply to what they were teaching. So obviously in Nova, the technology is going to be far different than what it is here, so that’s not really surprising. So I don’t really understand what the point of the dream was.

ELIAS: Ah! The point of the dream was what you’ve been discussing with myself, encouraging you to move in directions that involve that time framework and therefore investigate. Remember: you have all that knowledge. It’s simply a matter of tapping into it. Therefore, actually the technology and the equations would be irrelevant for now, but they are relevant for then.

NUNO: That’s interesting. I had thought, because I’m entering as a child, that that is just something I would acquire along the way and I expect I will have an interest in technology when I get there. I mean, eventually.

ELIAS: I would say actually very similar to small ones now, but in a manner of speaking more so, children in that time framework are engaging technology as infants.

NUNO: Yeah. I’m not surprised. I’ve kind of constructed that reality to be heavily technological and in part that’s the reason that it’s so easy for things to get done there without money. It’s because everything is so automated. It frees up everybody to pursue what they really want to do, to be more creative without having to be concerned with everyday tasks and chores.

ELIAS: Which is very understandable, and therefore also understandable that you would present this type of dream to yourself and this type of imagery to yourself, to give you something more to focus on.

NUNO: Oh, okay. That’s excellent. I did have another dream and I think it’s about Nova. I think probably almost everything I’ve got these days is about Nova in some way. So in this dream, I have a passport and somebody tells me that there is information missing in the passport, that there’s… In other words it’s like there’s blanks in the passport that need to be filled in with information. And I say, “Oh, okay. No problem. I’ll just write it into the passport, the information that’s missing.” Then I’m told, “No, no, no. You can’t do that. You have to write out the information on a separate piece of paper and fill it out that way.” And what does that mean?

ELIAS: And your impression?

NUNO: I don’t have any on that one. That is like one of these things that is not really something I… I don’t have an impression.

ELIAS: Very well. The reason that you’re being instructed to incorporate an additional paper that you have to write out on is because what you’re presenting is physical documents that are more associated with now than then. And therefore what you’re being instructed to do is to produce an additional document that will essentially take the place of the previous one.

NUNO: Okay. But in physical terms, what does that mean? I mean, what am I being prompted to do here?

ELIAS: The same as with the other dream. Focusing on the other time framework and in that, noticing when you are presenting things that are more attached to this time than that. Therefore being able to translate that into the other time.

NUNO: Mm. Okay. I mean a lot of things that are present in this reality just don’t exist in that reality because they’re no longer of any use, like a passport for example.

ELIAS: Correct. Which would be why it’s something that is questioned.

NUNO: Okay. I think I understand that, but that’s kind of along… Like you say, it’s along the lines of the other dream. It’s prompting me to start thinking about how that reality is structured in terms of its society and how things are done there and how they are different from how they are here. Which I have done, to some—

ELIAS: Correct.

NUNO: To some extent.

ELIAS: I would say you have done to significant extent.

NUNO: And on this subject of dream interpretation, I thought, you know, the subjective could give me answers on that.

ELIAS: It can. But remember: the imagery is objective. Dreams in themselves are objective, because they are the objective interpretation of what the subjective is doing. Therefore in relation to these dreams, the subjective awareness is attempting to move in directions of translating and in that, moving you more into that reality than this reality. And the objective awareness is translating that into imagery. Do you understand?

NUNO: Yes. I understand that piece, yes.

ELIAS: Good.

NUNO: I always thought that dreams were actually generated by the subjective. Is that not correct?

ELIAS: Mm… Yes and no, because dreams are the interpretation of the subjective action. Therefore in one manner of speaking, yes, but the actual generating of the dream itself is a (pause) direction and an action of the objective awareness. Which is the reason that they are symbolic, because they’re abstract.

NUNO: Oh, so you’re saying it’s the objective that creates the dream, as a translation?


NUNO: Okay. All right.


NUNO: I see. Another question: I have done this focus-hopping three times before and what I’d like to know is, this piece of releasing the body consciousness, how did I do that previously? Like for example with the most recent one, in going to this reality, what did I do?

ELIAS: Actually, what you have done in association with moving to a different reality was intentionally disengaging the body consciousness in the previous reality. That’s why you’re having a slightly more difficult action with this transition, so to speak, because you’re not doing that.

NUNO: Yeah. And that was my impression, that that’s what I had done. I had a conversation or a dialogue with you concerning that outside of an energy exchange. I had it in thought with you, and the information I received was that if I did that this time, because I am taking the focus with me it would cause trauma. It would cause trauma for the focus and it would cause trauma for the people that are left behind. Is that correct?

ELIAS: That would be correct. Yes.

NUNO: Okay. It’s not a direction I want to go in, and—

ELIAS: I understand.

NUNO: It’s definitely not a direction I want to go in.

ELIAS: I definitely understand, and I would say that what I will express to you is that it’s always an option. It’s a choice, but I acknowledge that that is not the choice that you want to make or wanted to make in this experience. (Pause)

Now, I will say that your awareness of trauma is different now. And therefore you do have the awareness and I would say the tools, in a manner of speaking, to actually address to trauma immediately and therefore not carry it. That is another piece that is significant for you to remember.

NUNO: Now those tools for addressing to trauma, are you speaking presently—


NUNO: — or in the other reality?


NUNO: Presently.


NUNO: Now. Yeah, I think I recognize that to some extent, but I mean that kind of trauma would be kind of a little too late, wouldn’t it? To be addressing to it? It would have to be done on the other side.

ELIAS: Precisely. But why would that be too late? That would be literally a blink.

NUNO: Which actually goes to my next question, which is – I’ve been meaning to ask this question for a long time – it’s: what is my objective awareness? What is going to be my experience at the time that this occurs, the transition? And also, I’m being inserted at conception, which I think that means I’m an embryo basically in that reality. So what is my objective awareness of that and what, anything, do I remember of my past existence here? Can you speak to that please?

ELIAS: You wouldn’t have an objective awareness yet. That comes slightly later. And I would say that your experience, yes, would be beginning at conception which would be as an embryo, yes. But in that, there’s no necessity for an objective awareness yet. What is important is the subjective awareness at that point.

Now, that doesn’t mean you don’t have an objective awareness at all. It simply means that it’s not developed and it’s not activated. Therefore in that, it’s a matter of that fetus becoming slightly more developed and in that, what is being developed first is the neurological system. And once that is begun, then you begin to develop your objective awareness. And in that, you’re developing an awareness of your environment and yourself first.

NUNO: Okay. So in that, I think you said at one point previously that I would be taking the objective awareness with me, that that is not—

ELIAS: Yes. But it will be somewhat… It would be somewhat dormant initially.

NUNO: Yes, but then when it starts to develop, it will be influenced by my past life? Otherwise, what’s the point of taking it? Why don’t I just start with a new one?

ELIAS: You could, but you wanted to have the knowledge that you already have.

NUNO: And I do. And I do, very much. So it basically stays dormant, as you say. Then I guess what I’m asking, is that development that would naturally occur of the objective awareness, will it be somewhat different because I’m starting with an objective awareness that already exists.

ELIAS: Correct. But let me also express to you that that won’t necessarily be accessed initially, because initially what you are developing with the objective awareness is the awareness of yourself and your environment. And therefore the knowledge that you carried through with you likely won’t be accessed until after your birth. It’s possible that you can access it before that, but I would say that it wouldn’t necessarily serve any actual, practical reason to be accessing any of that information before birth.

NUNO: And when I access it after birth, let’s say as a young child, will that access be like a memory?

ELIAS: Some of it. Some of it will seem as a memory that you are accessing. I would say some of it will likely simply be knowledge that you have.

NUNO: I will just recognize that as being knowledge I have. Okay. I understand.


NUNO: So going back to the very early stages before the objective awareness is developed, does that mean that I will be in a purely subjective state? I will be basically essence?


NUNO: That’ll make an interesting experience.

ELIAS: I would agree.

NUNO: Wow. That’s very interesting. (Elias chuckles) This whole thing is so appealing to me, and that’s why I feel kind of frustrated that I’m not there yet. Because it’s… It’s just fascinating and absolutely everything in that reality is better than it is here. (Elias chuckles) And it’s just… Yeah, that’s why I’m a little…

ELIAS: Take that frustration and rather than expressing it in frustration, use it as motivation to be exploring what we’ve been discussing.

NUNO: Mm. Yes. Good. Yeah, I’ll do that.

ELIAS: That would give you a considerable amount of energy to play with.

NUNO: I’m looking for energy that will propel me into that reality. That’s really—

ELIAS: And that will.

NUNO: This is something I’ve been thinking about, is I need to be more focused on Nova. I need to… It’s just it’s a difficult thing for me to do because it’s kind of abstract right now. It’s kind of just imagery.

ELIAS: I understand. And that’s the reason that I would encourage you to be focusing on the things that we’ve been discussing. Because that gives you less abstractness to address to.

NUNO: I’d like to ask you if you have any questions for me.

ELIAS: (Pause) I would say one of my questions for you would be: in focusing on this future family, would you say that you would be potentially happier and more content with a larger family or the small family?

NUNO: I’m inclined to say a small family. That’s why I didn’t bring any other siblings into the imagery.

ELIAS: And why?

NUNO: I don’t know. I think it’s a carryover from this reality, in the sense that I don’t want my importance in the family to be diluted, I suppose is probably the way I’d express it. But you’re asking about this, so obviously you probably think it might be a better idea to have more siblings.

ELIAS: I would say it definitely would give you a more diverse experience AND I would also say that it could very easily enhance your emotional experience AND give you more avenues to explore that you wouldn’t necessarily do on your own.

NUNO: Okay. And let’s say I choose a second sibling. Should this sibling be older than me or should the sibling be born after me?

ELIAS: I would say that it matters not. I would say actually I was posing the idea of having many siblings as opposed to only one.

NUNO: Many, as in four or five?


NUNO: That’s a lot of siblings. (Both laugh) Okay.

ELIAS: (Laughs) It’s simply something to entertain. And I would say that in that, it’s something to think about in a different capacity. That I would say that actually that type of experience would do the opposite of what you were thinking. Rather than diluting the attention and the direction of your focus in the family, it could very well move in the opposite direction and enhance it, and give you a very different experience than many of them that you are accustomed to.

NUNO: I understand. There’s a couple questions in this. One question is, unless I arrange that I am the youngest sibling and have all the other siblings already there when I’m born – I can insert that into the reality right now, but if it’s done afterwards, that would be kind of the… That would be a choice made by the parents.

ELIAS: Correct.

NUNO: I mean I’m open to it, but you’re suggesting I discuss this with the parents?

ELIAS: I would say. And I would simply encourage you to ponder the subject.

NUNO: The other piece in this though, which is more of a social, more of a global thing, I had envisioned that the population of the world actually has diminished in this timeframe because currently the world is rather overpopulated, in this present reality. And therefore people were less inclined to be having more offspring.

ELIAS: In some places. Not everywhere.

NUNO: Am I not correct in that the population of the world has actually diminished slightly?

ELIAS: Yes, it has.

NUNO: Because that’s generally a good thing, because today the world, my assessment, it’s quite overpopulated. And I think that Seth said that, or maybe even you have said that.

ELIAS: To a degree. The difficulty with the population is that it is unbalanced, that there are vast areas in your world that are unused and then there are areas in your world that are overcrowded. Therefore I would say that in one sense, yes, there is an overpopulation in your world. But it could also be dispersed and balanced, and then it wouldn’t be an overpopulation. But how it stands now, it is.

NUNO: Right. I’m thinking more of the impact on the planet that this large population has. That’s my concern.

ELIAS: I understand. But I would also say that if humans learned to use and access their resources in a more balanced capacity, that it wouldn’t be a drain on the planet. But just as people populate in certain areas and unbalance the planet, they also move in directions of over use of resources in certain areas, therefore once again being in an imbalance.

[The timer for the end of the session rings]

NUNO: Okay. I understand. If you could give me just a quick answer to this one question, then. Why is Helen still so discontent?

ELIAS: Repeat.

NUNO: Why is Helen so unhappy and discontented?

ELIAS: Have you asked her?

NUNO: She won’t say.

ELIAS: I’d say she’s, in general, disappointed with her life.

NUNO: Meaning me?

ELIAS: Wishing that it had moved in a different direction.

NUNO: Meaning because of my involvement in that or…? Has this got to do with me or has it got to do with just other things?

ELIAS: I’d say that it has to do with everything. Therefore you would be part of it, but not the cause, obviously. She is the cause.

NUNO: Okay, my friend. Thank you. I really appreciate your information today. I’m sure I will—

ELIAS: You are exceptionally welcome. And I shall greatly be looking forward to our next meeting, my friend. In tremendous love to you, in great friendship, and in very strong appreciation for you and all that you’re doing. A trailblazer, my friend! (Chuckles)

Until our next meeting, au revoir.

NUNO: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 57 minutes)

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