Session 202501301

The New Trump Administration


“Snow Globe Analogy”
“The Importance of Not Reacting”
“He Doesn’t Have That Power”

Thursday, January 30, 2025 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Karen (Turell)

(Audio begins partway through session)

KAREN: I’m sure you’ve had people talking to you quite recently about the new president of the United States, the old president returning. And I don’t really want to spend a ton of time on this. It’s more about I feel like this is his coming in and he’s doing this, what he calls “a shock and awe tactic,” making many, many changes, some of which go against the constitution of the U.S. And then there’s, in a very quick period of time, there’s pushback, and then he rescinds things. Like he cut off all funding to 2,500 agencies and then he got pushback, and then he’s like, “Well, I’m gonna… I’m not gonna do that.” And then there’s like… he did something else. Oh! Immigration. He was going to do a big push on immigration and deport everyone. Then he’s like, “Well, okay, I’m gonna…” and so there’s this destabilizing effect that he is effecting in the people. And there was this big plan called Project 2025 that was written over the past number of years by ultra-right wingers that basically is the blueprint of what they’re doing right now, is removing people from office, putting new people that they want in, and disrupting government.

And so part of this, you know, I see as the destabilization of what we see as authority or institutions which have been in place for hundreds of years, or institutions that have been a certain way for decades. Continuity, I guess you could say, the destabilization of continuity. But as someone who doesn’t espouse a lot of his beliefs and the beliefs of the ultra-right wing, although I’m able to pick and see where “Oh! That’s actually a pretty good idea.” You know what I mean? I’m able to get out of my polarized thinking a slight bit (laughs), not a lot. But I get concerned about things like the environment, where all of the rules that have been put in place, and they’re precious few rules, are now being completely destroyed in the interests of, say, corporations and billionaires. So again kind of the raping of the land, if you will.

What…? I would love some commentary on what’s going on right now. But also, what is the best thing for an individual such as myself to do? There is… I can see there is a bit of a groundswell. I can see the people are mobilizing a little bit, kind of scratching their heads but also mobilizing in a way that I have never seen in my lifetime, and where they’re like, “Okay, we’ve got to do something, and what are we going to do?” Which is very interesting to me. But do you have thoughts on this?

ELIAS: Yes. First of all, I’d say that what can people like yourself do? The first thing is to not be reacting. That’s important. And then it’s about being present and paying attention to you. What are YOU doing? What are YOU participating in and how? And in that, I’m not expressing to you to ignore what’s happening or to not pay attention, but if you’re going to pay attention then what are you going to do with it? And moving in a direction that is based in you and to your greatest benefit.

I would also say that this has been coming for a considerable time. What’s happening is he’s, at this point, not actually changing anything. He’s simply shaking the snow globe, and he’s shaking it hard. And the particles are flying all around. And most of the people are either cheering him on, even though they’re not quite sure what he’s doing – and that is actually the truth. The people that support him are somewhat puzzled and are not quite certain as to what he is doing. And therefore in that, they’re somewhat blindly simply being cheerleaders but they don’t actually know what they’re cheering.

And in that, there are those people or there are the people that are almost literally running around in circles – and there are some people that are literally running in circles – and flailing their hands and expressing, “Oh my! Oh my! Oh my! What’s happening? What’s happening?” and “Everything is being destroyed!” No. Everything isn’t being destroyed. Everything is being shaken in a considerable manner, but I would also say that it’s not only the conservatives that have been expressing for quite some time that your government has been in need of an overhaul.

KAREN: Right.

ELIAS: It’s all of you. And in that, that may or may not happen, but it definitely is being expressed as an opening for it to happen, or for something to begin to happen. Which I would say in relation to what the people en masse want, that appears to be good because that’s what you all want.

I would say that it’s considerably confusing to the rest of the world.

KAREN: Sure.

ELIAS: They don’t know what to think or what to pay attention to, in relation to your country. But they’re riveted (Karen laughs) in watching and observing and, in a manner of speaking, they’re watching a cliffhanger that they don’t what to expect and what will come next. I would say actually presently your country and observing your country is likely better than any program on your television. (Karen laughs) It’s quite fascinating. And with all the twists and turns, there’s no predicting what will occur next.

The only thing that is predictable is that your present president is unpredictable, but he’s also being predictable in his action of attempting to do something and then rescinding it. He rescinds them because he can’t do what he is initially expressing. This is what I was expressing to all of you before the election, when so many people were so afraid that he would win and he would be in the office of the president, and all of the things he said he was going to do. But he can’t, because he doesn’t have that power. He wants to think he has that power, but you have a constitution in place. And there are a lot more people that are dedicated to upholding that than only him.

KAREN: Right.

ELIAS: And in that, you have two other branches—

KAREN: Exactly.

ELIAS: — of your government to ensure that.

KAREN: Right.

ELIAS: And in this, this is what I was expressing to everyone before the election, that people have forgotten what your constitution of your own country says.

KAREN: Well, this seems to me… As you’re talking, I’m like, “Oh!” As he goes through and attempts to wrest power from various agencies or branches for his own use and gets thwarted, and this all gets, you know, obviously reported on, it’s a moment for all of us to be like, “Oh! Yeah. That exists, and that exists.” It’s almost like a remembrance of or a refreshing—

ELIAS: Yes. Yes.

KAREN: So it’s almost like air and light coming into the areas that we kind of didn’t even know existed or forgot existed, and that is a very beneficial thing.

ELIAS: I agree. I very much agree. Because in that, it’s prompting you to become more aware.

KAREN: Right.

ELIAS: And to pay attention, and—

KAREN: Do you think— Go on.

ELIAS: This was, this was what your country was founded on: freedom. And this is something that I would say all of you in your country value tremendously, but you’ve also taken it for granted.

KAREN: Yeah.

ELIAS: And now it’s being pushed in front of you, and it’s a matter of what will you do with that? What is important to you? Your freedom IS important to you, and anything that threatens that you’re likely not to be accepting very well.

KAREN: Well, is it…? One of the things, and I’ve been reading up on it recently, is how few people actually follow the news. You know, there’s like, I think there’s some stat that like only 15% of the population reads media platforms more than once a week, if that.


KAREN: And so there’s a great deal of people not—

ELIAS: It’s the case, I would agree. And that has been the case since the mass event. [Referring to the global coronavirus pandemic]

KAREN: So is it really, is this…? Like a couple of days ago, he stopped all funding to agencies. And so it’s 2,500 agencies. So for twenty-four hours, there was no money coming in and things shut down. Is it actions like that that will get people’s attention, rather than reading the news?


KAREN: Okay. That makes sense. That makes sense.

ELIAS: Most definitely.

KAREN: Okay. Because I thought to myself wow, you know that is such a disruptive event that It doesn’t matter if you watch or listen to the news. (Laughs) You’re going to see the impact of that immediately.

ELIAS: Yes. But also, it’s one day.

KAREN: Right. Yes. I know. That was so interesting, that it was only like twenty-four hours.

ELIAS: Yes. This is the point. He cannot do what he proposes to do. He can initiate it and therefore do what? Initiate scare tactics. And what is the greatest control tactic is fear.

KAREN: So in terms of probabilities, could this action potentially lead, his presidency and the destabilization and people becoming more aware, could this potentially lead to things that people have been talking about for years and nothing ever happening? Like a more-than-two-party system or the end of the electoral college?


KAREN: Are these some things— Okay.


KAREN: Well that would be great. (Laughs)

ELIAS: This could (inaudible) discussing for decades, and do nothing about. But now you have someone who is definitely stirring the pot.

KAREN: Yeah.

ELIAS: And stirring the pot hard enough that the stew is flying out. (Karen laughs) And it’s hitting everyone. (Karen laughs) And everyone is in shock expressing, “Oh my! You spilled stew on me.” And he is stirring harder. But in that, I would say that it’s a matter of literally what you do with it.

Because you can whine and you can be angry and you can move in a direction of doing nothing except grousing about what is happening, and you’ll be miserable. And you can stay in that miserable state for the next four years, which is only four years but if you’re in that type of state, that could be a long four years.

Or you can pay attention to YOU instead of paying attention to how much this person wants to create chaos, and remind yourself of what’s actually important and move in that direction.

Or you could simply be astounded, watching and confused, and mesmerized that how chaotic this individual can be – which could be interesting also. (Karen laughs) It depends on what’s important to you.

KAREN: Mm-hm. Well, I thank you for that, weighing in on that. (Elias laughs) It’s very good. If I put—
ELIAS: I would say not to be too concerned. He only has four years and the things that he thinks he can do are, in your common vernacular, considerably out of his pay grade.

(Excerpt ends after 20 minutes)

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