Session 202501211

Stepping into a Different Reality: Part 6


“Angel of Death”
“Different Ways to Interact with Essences”
“Mastering Body and Mind at the Same Time”
“Slowing and Weakening the Heartbeat”
“Dream Imagery”

Tuesday, January 21, 2025 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Nuno (Lystell)

ELIAS: Good morning!

NUNO: Greetings, my friend.

ELIAS: And how shall we begin?

NUNO: Ah, that’s always an interesting question. Let’s start—


NUNO: Okay, let’s start with this. I have only one concern or major concern – or I’d even call it a fear in all of this, and that is that I create a probable self and I’m the one that gets left behind.

ELIAS: Meaning?

NUNO: Meaning that other one goes to Nova and I’m stuck here.

ELIAS: Ah! Mm. I would say that that is highly unlikely. Of course, nothing is impossible but it’s highly unlikely.

NUNO: Well, it’s definitely not what I want, but…

ELIAS: And that’s the reason that it’s highly unlikely.

NUNO: Okay.

ELIAS: That’s not the direction you’re engaging.

NUNO: No. It wouldn’t be, but the last time I created a probable self I kind of ended up on what I call the wrong side of that, so… But that was a different situation.

ELIAS: This is very specific, my friend. You’ve been very intentional with all of this and very specific in relation to what you’re doing, what you want, your preparation, your engagement, your participation, all of it. You’ve been very, very detailed and paying attention in one specific direction. Therefore, that would prevent that from happening.

NUNO: All right. Well, I’m glad you say that because I suddenly was thinking about that last night and I went into a panic on that. So, I was thinking oh, maybe this has already happened and…


NUNO: That would be very disturbing. Okay.


NUNO: Good. I’d like to talk about an essence called Deanna. And what happened is I asked All That Is, I guess, for assistance from an essence that would help me release the body consciousness. And the next morning I presented myself with the name Deanna. And so I’ve been connecting with this essence and she’s been extremely helpful I think. I mean that’s my impression, is that she is doing things in my body, I’m not sure exactly what, but I think it’s helping me a lot. Are you aware of this?


NUNO: And what is your assessment of that?

ELIAS: I would say that this is an interesting presentment. Let me express in this manner. There are essences that move in different directions obviously, and have different agendas in relation to interacting with individuals in physical focus, such a myself and my agenda. There are essences that have many, many, many different types of agendas, let us say, which is simply meaning that they have a direction that is important to them and that they engage with individuals in physical focus.

Now, some essences move in the direction of the subject of death. Which, let me say to you that in like manner to every other idea, let us say, of some manifestation such as angels or archangels, there are also the concept or the idea of death angels, that even have forms that you attribute to them as you do with angels. And in that, these essences obviously don’t take the form of the angel of death but there are essences that specifically interact with individuals in relation to helping and facilitating that movement of death. Therefore, you are correct that this is the function that this essence has chosen and that this essence is being significantly helpful in relation to that, in association with the body consciousness.

NUNO: It’s actually interesting that you mention it as an angel of death because I asked you about this in thought and that’s what I got back (chuckles), was something along the lines of an angel of death, and—


NUNO: — pretty much what you just expressed. The other thing in this which is kind of a curiosity piece is, I have the impression that I knew of a focus in this lifetime that was the focus of this essence. Is that correct?


NUNO: Would that be Ida?

ELIAS: Correct.

NUNO: Ah. That is like so strange, because well first of all, one of the other things that you told me in thought was that this essence was actually rather fond of me, and Ida was rather fond of me and I knew that. And that makes it very interesting. I mean, I’m not sure it adds any additional energy to what I’m trying to do, but it is an interesting curiosity. When did she transcend?

ELIAS: Meaning?

NUNO: Well, she died in 2019 and so at some point… Is she still in Regional Area 2? That focus, I mean.

ELIAS: That focus? Yes.

NUNO: Oh! She’s still in Regional Area 2. How interesting. Okay. I thought she had transcended.

ELIAS: Not yet.

NUNO: It’s just a curiosity. That’s pretty much my assessment. She presents herself to me frequently without me even having to access that energy and… Which I find really convenient because she seems to know the right time, the best times to do that.

ELIAS: I would say that you’re correct, that this essence is definitely observing and paying attention to your movement and then moving with you, which is very advantageous. And I would also say that there is an element of (pause) affection that is manifest, let us say. Because it’s obviously not something that is expressed naturally non-physically, but that there is a point to that in relation to the direction that has been chosen. Therefore, this essence does generate not the feeling but the energy of affection and compassion.

NUNO: Yeah. I was aware of that actually in my interactions.

ELIAS: Congratulations. That is impressive, that you are aware of that manifestation. I acknowledge that tremendously.

NUNO: Thank you. So a question in that would be: how do I engage this essence most effectively for my purpose?

ELIAS: I’d say first of all to pull in that energy into you in a similar manner that you do with the pearl energy, but being aware of this being an essence energy. Therefore, I’d say to somewhat, if you can, visualize that energy. Give it a form and then pull it into your body. And as you do that, feel that energy of affection and compassion and allow it to fill you. As the other essence, not as yourself.

NUNO: Okay. That sounds like excellent advice. I will do that. Out of curiosity, what exactly…? Like I connect with essences frequently, I guess you might say, and I access their energy and I feel their energy and with you as well. What is the difference between doing that and what you just described, and an energy exchange?

ELIAS: A very good question. The difference between what you naturally do with other essences is that you’re not necessarily pulling them into your body. You’re aware of them. You’re aware of their presence. You’re aware of their movement, if it’s moving towards or even into your body, but you’re not pulling it. You’re simply allowing it to be what it is and move how it does. In relation to an energy exchange, it’s very similar.

Now, with an energy exchange though I would say that you, again, you don’t necessarily intentionally pull that energy into you. You allow it to come to you and to interact with you and to even merge with you, in a manner of speaking. But you’re not pulling it. Therefore your participation is different.

With this, although it is similar to an energy exchange, you’re pulling that energy into you but you’re also not engaging an output. Do you understand?

NUNO: Yes.

ELIAS: Very well. Therefore, you’re not actually creating that type of circle, in which you’re allowing that energy to come through you and then you’re allowing it to move outwardly, and then you’re moving again in allowing it to come in. You’re not creating that type of circle. You’re creating a different type of circle that’s only between you and that essence. And what you’re doing is you’re pulling that energy into you. You’re, in a manner of speaking, absorbing it into your energy and then you’re allowing it to circle back with the other essence and then repeat. In that, it’s a very personal engagement and it doesn’t involve anyone else except you.

NUNO: All right. I think I understand that. So with Deanna… And first of all, did I get the name right? I was very specific about this name when I presented it to myself.

ELIAS: Yes. Yes. You are correct.

NUNO: Would you say then with the help of this essence that I really don’t need to do anything else but engage the essence in order to complete this?

ELIAS: I’d say it would be very helpful to that essence if you continued to express the exercise in relation to breathing. But I would say that yes, if you are continuing to engage your meditation and you are expressing that significant relaxation with your meditation, that that will be sufficient, yes.

NUNO: I have been practicing that exercise with breathing that you suggested.

ELIAS: Excellent.

NUNO: Should I be doing it in conjunction with the energy of this essence or at separate times?

ELIAS: You can do both. But if it’s too distracting to do while you’re engaging this essence, then don’t be concerned about it. But I would say it’s also something that is similar to Tai Chi, learning how to focus on your breathing or the lack of AND other things at the same time. It’s a matter of mastering your body and your mind at the same time.

NUNO: The way I have been doing that with breathing is I, as you suggested, I first start by establishing a slow breath. And what I’ve been doing to do that is a kind of an elongated breath. It’s a long inhalation and a long exhalation, and I establish that. And then on the exhalation I then pause for a time. And I pause until the body consciousness starts to react or I feel the body consciousness is reacting and then I take the breath in. I don’t do that on every breath. Typically, what I do is I do two normal cycles, an inhalation and an exhalation, and then on the third I will stop. And is that effective?

ELIAS: Yes. How long do you allow the breath before you breathe again?

NUNO: Well like I said, it’s until I sense that the body consciousness is reacting.

ELIAS: I understand, but approximately how long would you estimate that that is?

NUNO: That varies. It depends obviously on how much oxygen I’ve taken in on the other breath. That’s a big piece of that. But I would say somewhere, it could be anywhere between three seconds and maybe ten or twelve, something like that.

ELIAS: Very well. I would say you can lengthen that by relaxing deeper.

NUNO: All right. I’ll do that. The relaxation piece is of course quite important.

ELIAS: Yes. It’s very important. It’s an essential piece.

NUNO: My mother in my new reality, her name is Samantha. Is she Borledim?

ELIAS: Meaning aligned or belonging?

NUNO: One or the other. My impression is that she is belonging.

ELIAS: Correct.

NUNO: Ah. That’s good. I think I would have preferred aligned, but—


NUNO: Because I think you said at one point that it’s expressed more strongly, the alignment than the belonging.

ELIAS: That’s correct. But what I would also say is that with the belonging, the… Even though the expressions of that family are, in a manner of speaking, more subdued, they’re also more constant.

NUNO: And the father? I haven’t actually looked into the father. This is something somehow I overlooked. What is the father belonging and alignment?

ELIAS: And your impression?

NUNO: (Pause) I’d say he’s Sumari aligned.

ELIAS: Correct.

NUNO: I’m kind of inclined to say that he’s Borledim belonging as well.

ELIAS: Correct.

NUNO: Ah! Okay. Well that’s even better. Okay. Good. Because I was very concerned about that, because that was a piece I thought I had overlooked. It’s very important to me that the parents be Borledim in some aspect, so that’s good. Okay.

In. meditation, I think you’ve said that in the meditation that a word or a phrase can be used as a focal point. Is that correct?

ELIAS: Yes. Most definitely.

NUNO: Then can that word or phrase be the intent?

ELIAS: It could. It doesn’t have to be, but it can be.

NUNO: Wouldn’t that make it more effective?

ELIAS: Mm. Not necessarily, because the word or the phrase becomes what you identify as a mantra and in that, it can be equally as strong as the intention but it also helps to focus the individual.

NUNO: Because I’m kind of inclined towards going in that direction, but I haven’t been doing that because I wasn’t sure whether that was actually going to be more of a distraction in the meditation.

ELIAS: No. Actually, I would say that it moves in the opposite, that it’s something that can actually help to focus you more because it helps to keep your thoughts in a particular direction, in the direction of the mantra and not in the direction of a grocery list. (Chuckles) Although as I’ve expressed, when your thoughts wander that’s not necessarily something to be concerned about or that it’s bad. It’s simply something to move towards instead of something to push away, and as you move towards it, allowing yourself to relax into it and therefore then it will dissipate.

NUNO: I think that that’s going to actually be quite effective for me.

ELIAS: Excellent.

NUNO: My intent in this was to begin with simply what you said, which was “Leave.” I found that kind of lacking in… you know, kind of too general. So I’ve changed it to: “Go to Nova.”

ELIAS: Excellent, my friend. You are evolving. That is tremendous. Yes, I very, very strongly agree with you that it is a matter of being more specific and more intentional with your choices.

NUNO: Well, you were the one who originally suggested simply saying “Leave.”

ELIAS: Because that was, at the time, the most effective. Now as you are evolving with all of this and increasing that self-awareness significantly – not that it wasn’t significant before – but you continued to expand that, and that is important. And as you do, then your meditations likely will change and become more detailed and more specific.

NUNO: This reality that I created, I think of it as waiting for me. Of course you’d say it’s not waiting, but I don’t know how else to express that. Is there like an expiration date for this thing or do I have to be concerned?

ELIAS: (Laughs) No. (Chuckles) I would say no, there is not (chuckles) an expiration date, my friend. (Chuckles) But I understand the question.

NUNO: Okay. I’m… Yeah. So that’s good, because I was concerned about that too. Another question: Seth’s method that we talked about last time, about focusing on the energy. I tried that a few times and it’s actually reasonably challenging because it requires the entirety of my attention to be on the energy of that reality. But I did feel some… I did get some sense that I was going somewhere with it.

ELIAS: Meaning?

NUNO: Oh, meaning I started to feel a little bit dissociated from this reality. Not greatly, but to some extent.

ELIAS: That is encouraging. Continue.

NUNO: I believe in consistency and I think you’ve expressed consistency is important in almost everything we do. So really there is that method and there is what we’ve been just discussing, working with Deanna and the breath and all of that. So I would like to just go with one method, but would it make sense for me to alternate? I don’t know. What would you say about that?

ELIAS: What I would say is: move in the direction that is the most comfortable for you. Whatever it is that is significant to you, meaning that it allows you to actually feel what you’re doing. Do you understand that?

NUNO: Yes.

ELIAS: Very well. That you can move in a direction in which you feel what you’re doing and therefore your concentration can be more focused in that direction because that’s what you’re paying attention to. That is what I would suggest. If it is difficult for you to focus your attention, it’s… it’s divided, then don’t do that. It’s not that if your attention is divided that something bad will happen or that you will end up in the incorrect place. That’s not a factor. It’s a matter of timing. The more focused you are, the more quickly you’ll move. The more divided your attention is, the more time it will require.

NUNO: Okay. Then in my meditation, as we’ve discussed, there is what Deanna is doing and then there is also my breathing exercise. Would that be a division, by incorporating both of those?

ELIAS: Not necessarily. This is why I mentioned the Tai Chi, because it’s very similar, in which you are engaging several actions at the same time but they’re all bound together. It seems as if you’re doing a pose and you’re doing a movement and you’re concentrating on breathing and you’re concentrating on the philosophy of the discipline. Therefore, on the surface it seems as if you’re doing several different actions at once and that they are all separate, but they’re not. Therefore, actually they become one, and that’s the point, is that in that discipline that everything you’re doing is one thing. This would be very, very similar. That you may be engaging different actions, but they’re all bound together. They’re all one movement together. Therefore, both the essences that you’ve been engaging, the breathing, the movement in relation to your intention, being aware of the grander picture, meaning the whole of the reality that you are going to, making this reality less and less and less important, all of these actions are all one.

NUNO: Okay. Thank you.

ELIAS: Now do you understand?

NUNO: I understand. Yes.

ELIAS: Good. Excellent.

NUNO: So as part of that, one other thing I’ve been doing in the meditation is having an intent to make the heartbeat weaker and slower.

ELIAS: Ah! Very well.

NUNO: And I think I’ve had some success with that. The slower seems to be… That’s actually difficult. It doesn’t seem to slow very much, but definitely the weak, the weakening of it is being effective I think.

ELIAS: And how are you distinguishing the difference?

NUNO: One is about the heartrate, how many beats in a minute would be what I call the speed. And the other would be how strongly the heart beats.

ELIAS: And how are you measuring that?

NUNO: Mm. I’d say subjectively. I did get a heart monitor and I could do that electronically but I have a sense for it.

ELIAS: That’s what I’m asking, is do you sense it being less strong? Can you feel it being less strong?

NUNO: Yes, to a point. I can feel it being less strong. And the heartrate though, I haven’t really had a lot of success in getting it down much below 54 or something like that.

ELIAS: I’d say that is actually considerable, to be acknowledged. 54 is a considerably low number. I know you started with a low number anyway, but that’s still a number to be acknowledged.

NUNO: It’s beneficial to do that in conjunction with everything else I’m doing, yes?

ELIAS: Yes. Yes. Definitely.

NUNO: I’d like to talk about a few of my dreams recently. Last time I asked if you were aware of them. Actually, I asked you the wrong question. I asked if you knew what I was calling the dream, which is something totally different. You have the ability to be aware of my dreams, yes?

ELIAS: Yes, but I would also say that for you, or for anyone in physical focus, the significant part of your dreams are the imagery and the feeling.

Now, what I access is the energy. That’s the reason that I prompt individuals to relay the dream imagery.

NUNO: Okay. Let me do that for you. These are quite brief, so this won’t take too long. The imagery was of a bridge, some kind of a bridge going into the clouds, and the bridge was colored green and white. And the color green has become kind of my color for Nova, for that reality. So when I see green now, that tells me that this has something to do with that. And in the dream, I was told that there was something wrong with the bridge. It needed to be rebuilt. And I go off and find the tool for doing that, but then when I awakened from that dream, I was very upset about this because I thought well, that means I’ve got to start over again with everything and this is just a horrible mess. So in that moment, I actually called out to you and asked you what is it that’s being rebuilt, and the answer I got was trust. So that makes more sense. I had to rebuild the trust. Is that correct?

ELIAS: Yes, that is correct.

NUNO: So I’ve been addressing to that. Actually, Tingua was the one that brought this to my attention originally, was that I need to have trust in myself, I need to have trust in the process and I need to have trust in the essences that are assisting me in this.

ELIAS: Correct. That’s very important.

NUNO: Okay. So that was that dream.

ELIAS: And I would ask you: knowing that, what would you do and say to how you would address to that and how you would be building that?

NUNO: I’ve been talking to myself. I’ve been saying that, you know, the essences I trust. I don’t have difficulty trusting essence. That’s very easy for me to do.

ELIAS: Correct.

NUNO: The processes are something that’s provided mostly by essences and so therefore they’re… I trust that too, because that’s the source. For myself, it was – that’s the piece that was most difficult – but I just kind of talk my way into that.

ELIAS: Talk your way into what?

NUNO: Trusting myself.

ELIAS: Very well. And what does that mean?

NUNO: That means saying to myself that I have the ability to do this, that I have been very thorough with this, that my… my intuitive sense of this is that it is actually moving in the direction I want it to.

ELIAS: And final question in relation to this: does that produce a feeling?

NUNO: It produces a feeling of being calm.

ELIAS: Very well. That’s enough.

NUNO: This dream actually occurred some time ago. So I began addressing to that immediately after that. Like I said, Tingua also said the same thing to me, so it obviously was important.

ELIAS: Yes. Very well.

NUNO: Let’s go to the next dream. So the next dream, I’m in some kind of an office, some kind of a business setting. And I’m going through there and I pick up two or three things that I think are going to be useful to me, to take along. I can’t remember what they were but I collected two or three things. But then I come across these shoes. They’re kind of athletic shoes. People call them running shoes. And they’ve got green laces so obviously this has got to do with Nova. And so I start putting the shoes on and I notice that the shoes are feminine. They’re a style of shoe that would be more appropriate for a woman. And I’m thinking well, okay, that’s not usually the kind of shoe I would wear but this is what I have available so I’m going to use it. And that’s, you know, that’s the end of the dream. And my impression is that that aspect of it being feminine was urging me to be using my intuition?

ELIAS: I agree.

NUNO: Or maybe more generally my female energy?

ELIAS: Both. And that in preparation for Nova, it would be important to be expressing more of that feminine energy, being more intuitive. And you already move in the direction of trusting your impressions. Therefore that’s not an issue. But I would say being aware of the masculine energy and what I’ve defined with that, and not simply automatically moving in that direction of expressions and choices. Therefore, you would be employing more of the feminine energy. And I would also express that this is something you also can incorporate into your meditations, in relation to balancing and being more aware of the masculine energy and how it affects your choices, and being able to intentionally choose differently. And do you understand all of that?

NUNO: I do. Yes.

ELIAS: Excellent. Good.

NUNO: And in another dream, I was at the airport and I was on my way to catch a flight and then suddenly I notice I don’t have my wallet with me. And so I turn around and start searching all over for the wallet. And it’s one of those dreams where I just endlessly search for something. Of course, I never find it. My impression of what that dream was about was about money and I had to… I let go of that. And that’s my impression.

ELIAS: Now, this is interesting. (Sighs) Let go of it how? How are you holding onto it?

NUNO: In the sense that it’s still important to some extent, not like it used to be. But you know, for example, if my partner goes and spends money on something, I kind of say, “Oh, did we really need to do that?” That kind of thing. And obviously there’s no rational basis for that, given the direction I’m going in, but that’s what I thought it was and I addressed to that.

ELIAS: Very well. I would say that that is actually very good, because in that, that type of expression, that type of direction as cited in your example would be something that you are holding onto in relation to money. And in that also, it’s not only that you’re planning on moving to a time in which money won’t be an issue, it won’t even be a thing, but also that you are choosing to go to this time framework as an infant. Therefore money will have no meaning to you whatsoever. That’s a significant reason to let it go, because it puts you more and more in the direction of what you want, and moving in the experience of the other reality. That’s important.

NUNO: Yeah. I recognized that piece, but I didn’t realize how important it was. And one final dream, which this one is baffling. This one I don’t know what it means. So the situation is I’m looking for my wristwatch. I don’t actually wear wristwatches but in the dream, I was looking for my wristwatch. Apparently I’ve lost my wristwatch. And I’m looking around and I find many wristwatches but none of them are my wristwatch, and I keep looking for my wristwatch and I never find it. I have no idea what this means.

ELIAS: This has to do with energy and identity. The wristwatch is symbolic imagery for identity. That you’re searching for your specific one. And in this present time framework, that can be somewhat in a state of flux, because your identity in the new time framework is not going to be exactly the same as this one. First of all, it will be more self-aware than you are now, which actually is significant. Because I would acknowledge that you’re significantly self-aware now, but you’ll be more so then and that affects your identity.

I would say that you have different influences, meaning your parents in that time framework. Therefore, that also has an effect on who you are or who you perceive yourself to be.

I would say that it’s actually simply giving you more information about you and about what to pay attention to and what to address to. And addressing to identity is not the same as addressing to anything else, because it’s not an exercise and it’s not difficult. It’s simply a matter of allowing yourself to feel into the different parts of you that are changing, because they’re already changing. Therefore, you should be noticing differences in yourself already.

NUNO: I am.

ELIAS: Differences in your identity.

NUNO: Yeah. Definitely. I had attributed a lot of that to the meditation, but I think now that you mention it—

ELIAS: Oh, definitely that is helping.

NUNO: Very well, my friend. I have to say what’s most challenging for myself in all this is the uncertainty.

ELIAS: Ah, yes. That I would express that you can move through with your meditations, now that you are doing them consistently. And I would say that you can also, as you do, as always, tap into my energy. It’s steady and holding course with you.

[The timer for the end of the session rings]

NUNO: And I do that simply by allowing your energy to mingle with mine?

ELIAS: Yes. And I will express that if you want to move in a direction of being more aware of your dreams and the subjective movement, I can engage with you also with Deborah in addition, because this is her gift and she requires practice.

NUNO: Could you repeat that name please?

ELIAS: Deborah.

NUNO: Oh. I was not aware of Deborah.

ELIAS: Yes, you are. You simply aren’t aware of her being referred to you as that. But, you know her well –and also, Michael’s new partner.

NUNO: And I know her well as an essence, correct? Or in other focuses? I know her well in other focuses?

ELIAS: In this focus.

NUNO: In this focus!


NUNO: Oh, that Deborah.


NUNO: (Laughs) Well, that’s interesting. (Chuckles)

ELIAS: Ah, and the idea blooms. (Laughs)

NUNO: Okay. Well, I wasn’t privy to any of this.

ELIAS: This is her gift, and I am working closely with her in relation to this gift. And in that, that she can be expressing the opposite of Michael. Michael expresses connecting with all of you in relation to objective imagery and experiences and being able to relate with all of you. And Deborah will be engaging that in the opposite direction, of the subjective experiences and explanations, interpretations let us say.

NUNO: Very well. Thank you for that.

ELIAS: You are very welcome. I shall greatly be looking forward to our next meeting, in whatever form it takes. (Chuckles) I express tremendous, tremendous love to you and dear affection. As always, in deep friendship, au revoir.

NUNO: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 57 minutes)

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