Session 202312301

Blood Types


“Blood Types, Personalities and Inclinations”
“Influence of Blood Type on Depression, Energy and Food Preferences”
“RH Factor and Population Control”

Saturday, December 30, 2023 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Lynda (Ruther)

ELIAS: Good morning!

LYNDA: Good morning! We all threw in a couple of bucks and now we’re going to have a group-funded blood type session. And we wanted to ask you about, well, several things. I want to just give a quick overview of what we’re thinking about here and then have you pick out what you think – or let me just get going here and we’ll do it.

Some of the questions were:
Why did we incorporate different blood types in our blueprint?
Is there a geographical influence, like eye colour and degrees of the sun has?
Why did the RH positive-negative blood typing come into being?
In a session with Jason, Spensar, you mentioned the importance of blood type and exercise and you also talked about bone marrow, and they’re kind of related – or not. But one of the… one well-known author did a fifteen-year study of people with different blood types and noticed a pattern in how they respond to stress, what foods work well, what are neutral, what are not recommended.

I just… We just wanted to know if… What are the different qualities of each, including the positive-negative designation? I was just going to, just read the list, and let you do whatever you want with it. And that’s O positive, O negative, A positive, A negative, B positive, B negative, AB positive and AB negative. If there is such a thing as AB negative, but… There it is. Can you comment?

ELIAS: And what are asking?

LYNDA: Well, what are the different, are there different qualities in relation to…? Okay, what the first question is: why did we incorporate in the blueprint different blood types?

ELIAS: (Pause) They’re more specific designations of differences in the makeup of individuals. And I would say that you’ve done that in many capacities in relation to different designations in association with your individuality. You have your designations with your astrologies, and – which those are very much associated with the individual, not simply in relation to qualities such as personalities but that are designations of differences in the individuality of people. But it’s not only people. Animals have blood types also.

LYNDA: Oh! Mary and I wondered about that. Interesting.

ELIAS: Therefore in that, any type of animal – which you are also classified as --- any type of creature has a designation of a blood type, which then further designates their differences and different qualities about the individual.

LYNDA: Which leads into my next, our next question: Why… so the RH positive-negative blood typing came into being for the same reason? To be even more specific? I say that because a woman having a baby for the first time, it doesn’t matter what the blood type is, but the second time if the RH factor is either positive or negative, it does matter. Why did we do that? And when did we do that? Has that always been the case? Oh, that’s always been the case.


LYNDA: Okay.

ELIAS: Yes. Which in earlier time frameworks in your history, and in some places in your world still to this day, serves as population control.

LYNDA: Oh. I thought that. That came into my head. Interesting. Thank you.

Would you comment on the different qualities of each blood type? Meaning… Or are there, in relation to foods that are more, that are better for the body, foods that are neutral? You know, this study that this doctor did, he did a whole book on it, (See Note 1) and can you corroborate any of that? Are there definitely different personality or stress factors with one blood type or another, or foods that are better? Exercise that might—

ELIAS: There ARE foods that are better. And therefore, I would (pause)… I would say yes, that the study is valid.

LYNDA: Really.

ELIAS: And that yes, different blood types do designate that the individual would be (pause) more inclined to certain types of foods and less inclined to others. And (pause)…

Now; what I would say is that – don’t misunderstand. I’m not about to say that one blood type is more inclined to depression than another. That would not be correct. But there are blood types that are less inclined to naturally be consuming significant amounts of protein, and that can have an influence in relation to depression. That protein is a significant factor to, in a physiological capacity, stave off depression. People that don’t consume a lot of protein and have a propensity or an inclination towards depression, if they add in protein, more protein into their diet, that can actually be considerably helpful. It doesn’t mean that it will entirely eradicate that, because depression isn’t entirely a physical expression. Therefore in relation to the physiological aspect of it, adding in more protein to an individual’s diet can help. But as I said, it’s not going to eradicate the propensity to depression if the individual is inclined in that direction.

But in relation to blood types and people that don’t incorporate as much protein in their diet, that can be affecting in other manners also than only expressions such as depression. But what I would say is, in actuality you don’t need a study or a book to tell you about blood types and diet because most people automatically naturally will move in a direction and will consume foods that are in alignment with their blood type. They’ll naturally do that. They’ll naturally like certain things. Some people like fruits and vegetables more. Some people like meats and proteins more. Some people like grains more. And in that, those automatic leanings and what you automatically are drawn to consume, other than things such as sugars, because that is something that is unnaturally introduced to you when you are very small.

LYNDA: Across the board.


LYNDA: Yeah.

ELIAS: Now; that doesn’t include fruits, but sugars that are refined sugars, in that, those foods that are incorporating refined sugars, those are introduced to you as children. Many times sweets are introduced to you as rewards or as gifts. And in that, if a child is never introduced to refined sugar, they will gravitate towards sweets in the form of fruits. And in that, they might also gravitate towards grains, but they wouldn’t miss it, if it was never introduced to them.

LYNDA: Right. Interesting. What about honey?

ELIAS: That’s also very natural.

LYNDA: I thought that. I feel different when I eat honey than when I eat table sugar, in like a cup of tea. I feel completely different. I feel energized with the honey, not with the sugar. I’m discovering that. So that’s good to know. Interesting. Wow.

ELIAS: I would say that different blood types also have a tendency to affect people’s energy expressions.

Now; that also is something not to be black and white about, and it’s not something that is an extreme by any means. There are slight or subtle differences in the energy expressions of different blood types. When coupled with an individual’s personality, it can appear to be more pronounced, but that’s not because of their blood type. That’s the combination of their blood type and their personality.

LYNDA: Right.

ELIAS: Therefore as an example, as two examples, I would say an individual that is an O blood type, they would have more of a propensity for let’s say a higher energy. Not tremendously. It’s not an extreme. When coupled with a particular type of personality, it can be much more pronounced and the individual may be very busy.

An individual that has an AB blood type would perhaps have less of a propensity for considerable energetic-ness. And once again, it’s not an extreme. But then coupled with a personality type, that person could appear to be very lazy or could appear to be lethargic. And in that, it’s more the personality type and then the blood type somewhat emphasizes that.

LYNDA: What about the positive-negative designation? That doesn’t really affect it?

ELIAS: In relation to energy?

LYNDA: To what you just said, yeah.


LYNDA: I didn’t think so.

ELIAS: Not necessarily.

LYNDA: Or food type. Or food, maybe foods? No, not really.

ELIAS: No. It doesn’t necessarily affect that. There was a specific designation for that in relation to your genetic code and association with blood type. That basically is more associated with mass expression and population control.

LYNDA: That’s really interesting. Thank you. Wow.

ELIAS: I would say that you have generated very specific directions and expressions in relation to how you have controlled population in your world from the beginning. Most of that in different time frameworks has been associated with conflicts, with wars.

LYNDA: Right, war. Yes.

ELIAS: But there are many times in your history, lengths of times in which you’re not engaging wars. And there are many places in your world that even when there might be a war happening, such as now—

LYNDA: Right.

ELIAS: — you have two wars that are occurring, but they are occurring in very specific places in your world and the entire rest of your world is not at war. Therefore throughout history, the rest of your world that wouldn’t have necessarily been involved in a conflict or a war would require some type of population control other than war. And this was, it always has been and still is a very effective and efficient manner of population control, and it doesn’t target one gender.

LYNDA: It doesn’t, does it. Wow. Wow.

ELIAS: Therefore in that, it’s more equilateral, in a manner of speaking.

LYNDA: Wow. That’s very interesting. Thank you. Wait! Let me see what time it is. Oh my, it’s twenty minutes. There you go. Well, could I ask you for a quick two or three maybe word comment on O, A, B and AB, as far as their natural propensities? You did say energetic. Well, I guess you’ve already said O is a little bit more, a lot more energetic.

ELIAS: That was simply an example.

LYNDA: But that’s a good example. I know somebody who’s… two people in my life that would definitely say that. I’m A+ and I’m less energetic but not lethargic, I don’t think. And okay, I’ll use me as an example. I, the food choices that you’re talking about, I don’t eat a lot of protein but I actually have been incorporating more because I get tired, because of the nature of my work. I’m on my feet all day. So that definitely makes me feel better, stronger. So I concur with that. But I don’t eat a lot of vegetables and fruit, and I felt really guilty about that because you know, there’s a whole thing on balanced eating. You should eat a little bit of everything, which I know is true, I guess vitamin, mineral-wise. But I see my own propensity, so I guess it’s pretty easy to figure out—


LYNDA: — what blood type I am, without too much trouble.

ELIAS: Correct.

LYNDA: And I appreciate that, really. Similar to the Indian ayurvedic designation of different personality types. It sounds kind of similar, but… Another story. Maybe another session. (Both laugh) I won’t go there. (Elias laughs)

What about bone marrow? I know you and I are talking a lot about bone marrow, as far as my—

ELIAS: That doesn’t have to do with blood type.

LYNDA: It has nothing to do with blood typing? Okay, here’s one. What about blood type and exercise?

ELIAS: That would move similarly in the direction of the energy levels of individuals.

Now; that can create difficulties, because if you are an individual that is somewhat less energetic (pause), you might have to, to a degree, push yourself to be more active. Because if you are one of those types of individuals with a blood type that is expressing less energy and then coupling that with a personality that is less inclined to be generating exercise or being busy, then you’re moving in a direction in which you could somewhat easily express difficulties with weight, obesity. And in that, it’s not that a blood type in itself would be more inclined to certain health issues, but when it’s combined with other factors, then the individual could be in more of a direction of health factors.

And therefore I would say that it’s beneficial to know what your blood type is and to know simply by observing yourself naturally what you’re inclined to, in relation to foods, in relation to exercise, and then to move in a direction of balancing that. A person that doesn’t require as much protein in relation to their blood type doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be paying attention and consuming protein to balance out energy.

LYNDA: Yes. I agree.

ELIAS: Because otherwise, that individual can move in directions of difficulties and problems. An individual that perhaps has a higher energy with a particular blood type, that individual may benefit from paying attention to how much activity they engage because they might be inclined to not sleep as well or as much. And that—

LYNDA: That’s interesting.

ELIAS: — is something that is important and is beneficial. And therefore, it’s simply a matter of looking at yourself individually, looking at what you are naturally gravitating towards in relation to foods, looking at what you naturally do in relation to movement, exercising and how busy you are, looking at your sleep patterns not associated with trauma.

LYNDA: That’s a good designation. Thank you very much.

ELIAS: Because that, if you have that component, then you can’t necessarily accurately gauge in relation to your sleep patterns.

LYNDA: That’s helpful. Right.

ELIAS: I would say that otherwise, it’s not tremendously difficult to make assessments in relation to yourselves individually in regard to your blood types. But remember that your blood types do make certain designations, but they’re not extreme.

LYNDA: That’s good to know.

ELIAS: They’re going to be subtle differences. They’re not going to be overtly obvious and extreme differences. The overtness or the extremes come from personality.


ELIAS: Not necessarily from blood type.

[The timer for the end of the session rings]


ELIAS: But there is something to it, that—

LYNDA: Good.

ELIAS: — there are differences in relation to blood types, and yes, there are differences in relation to your bodies and foods and exercising and different automatic inclinations in relation to what you might express. And—

LYNDA: Thank you.

ELIAS: — as I said, don’t move in a direction of thinking that someone with a type O blood type would never be depressed. That is (Lynda laughs) absolutely incorrect.

LYNDA: Or someone with an A type personality would be a stress case twenty-four hours a day.

ELIAS: Correct.

LYNDA: Correct. (Laughs)

ELIAS: That has to do with personalities and… and many other influences, not necessarily the designation of a blood type.

LYNDA: Well, my final question is: is the designation of blood type the same in canines and felines: A, B, AB, O – or is it a different alphabet? (Laughs)

ELIAS: It’s a different alphabet. There’s a different designation for that, that you as humans have developed.

LYNDA: Right.

ELIAS: And (pause) you have four different blood types.


ELIAS: Animals have seven.

LYNDA: All animals? Horses, cows, chickens, ducks, elephants? Wow!


LYNDA: Thank you.

ELIAS: Therefore there is a difference in relation to that.

LYNDA: (To dog) I don’t know what your blood type is, Mimi, but it’s a lot. (Both laugh)

Thank you very much.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

LYNDA: This has been very informative and we all appreciate it.

ELIAS: You’re very welcome. (Chuckles) Very well. I shall be looking forward to our next interaction.

LYNDA: Thank you, Elias.

ELIAS: You are very welcome, my friends. In tremendous love as always and dear friendship, au revoir.

LYNDA: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 33 minutes)

Note 1: D’Adamo, Peter J. and Whitney, C., Eat Right 4 Your Type (Revised and Updated): The Individualized Blood Type Diet Solution, Penguin Publishing Group, 2016.

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