Session 202310221

Accepting Different Realities: The Disappearance of a Small Baking Pan


“Accepting Different Realities: The Disappearance of a Small Baking Pan”
“Physical Manifestations in Relation to Not Expressing Feelings”
“Eating Healthfully: Say No to Deli Meats, Yes to Morning Protein and Super Foods”
“The Shining Ones at the Group Session”
“Conflict and the Point of Enough: Recognize That Everyone Is Right”
“Spontaneous Inner Landscapes”
“Expanded Energy of Self Requires an Outlet”

Sunday, October 22, 2023 (Private)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Bonnie (Lyla)

ELIAS: Good afternoon!

BONNIE: Good afternoon, Elias.

ELIAS: (Laughs) And how shall we begin?

BONNIE: It’s good to be with you!

ELIAS: And you also. (Chuckles)

BONNIE: Thank you. Well, let’s start with the small baking pan. Were you involved in its disappearance and remanifestation?

ELIAS: You were.

BONNIE: I did that, eh? (Elias laughs) Cool. (Elias laughs) You didn’t help at all?




BONNIE: No. No. I just…?

ELIAS: It wasn’t necessary. (Both laugh)

BONNIE: Now, was this a case where Wynn experienced something completely different? Because his memory is so different.




BONNIE: So in his—

ELIAS: But that doesn’t mean that it isn’t just as real.

BONNIE: Yes. In his—

ELIAS: Both.

BONNIE: He’s got this clear memory of me carrying food on that pan and taking it down to a party and… And I’m just, I’m not there. (Laughs) So it disappeared, and then we just – or I just – poofed it back?

ELIAS: Yes. (Bonnie laughs) You did.

BONNIE: I happened to poof it back in a position which validated his memory, his story? He didn’t remember having put it there, but…

ELIAS: (Laughs) He thinks that it validates, yes.

BONNIE: Okay. (Elias chuckles) Well, that’s so cool. I just love that. I love that. Well then, I’m going to do more of that.

ELIAS: Excellent! It’s fun to have fun!

BONNIE: It is! (Elias laughs) It is fun to have fun.

Well, on the flip side …


BONNIE: It’s no fun to have pain, so I would appreciate if you could talk to me about my kidney pain.

ELIAS: Ah. And what are you doing?

BONNIE: Well, I assume… I had a lot of pain there, and Wynn got excited. I ended up telling the doctor about it just because I had an annual checkup. And then I started transcribing Nuno’s session, and here it’s Nuno who had the kidney pain. So is that me picking up on Nuno? Or am I doing this in my own body consciousness? Well, obviously it’s in my body consciousness. What’s happening?

ELIAS: No. What I would say is you were creating that and then were connecting with him, in him creating something similar. And… But it wasn’t that you were pulling the experience from him.


ELIAS: No. You are creating your own experience and your own physical manifestation, and you simply were connecting with him doing something similar.

BONNIE: Okay. Then I am not getting the message from it. What can you tell me about this? I mean, I’m healing it. I’m clearly healing it.

ELIAS: And what have you been doing, and what has been happening in your reality?

BONNIE: Pretty much a lot of fun and ease and… I don’t think I’ve been… Well, you would say a kidney or a kidney stone, that’s got to be blocking something.

ELIAS: Not necessarily. Go on.

BONNIE: Things are going pretty smoothly with the kids and the grandkids, and… Oh, there’s been contention at the mountain place. Is it connected to the contention at the mountain place?


BONNIE: So is it like a stress reaction, or what?

ELIAS: Yes. Yes. But let me say to you, this is actually a good example also. And what I would say is there has been, in a manner of speaking, a type of wave of this type of thing happening more recently with many individuals, different types of imagery, but physically creating physical manifestations in relation to not expressing feelings, and not even recognizing feelings. Therefore not paying attention to the feelings about different situations and therefore not expressing that, because they’re not even aware that they’re having feelings, and instead creating physical manifestation.

When you’re not paying attention to what you might be expressing in a feeling, that will alert you to an emotional communication, and it’s not unusual to create a physical manifestation that will create a feeling, which is uncomfortable, and you will pay attention to that.

BONNIE: So paying attention to it, I recognize that I’m angry and frustrated with the way things are unfolding, but we’re already addressing that. We’re doing everything we can to…

ELIAS: It’s not a matter of that. It’s a matter of expressing those feelings.

BONNIE: Speaking it. Saying it. Ah.

ELIAS: And yes—

BONNIE: I do bottle it up. Yes.

ELIAS: Actually allowing yourself to express what you’re feeling. Especially – this is what has been being expressed significantly commonly recently – is people not expressing those feelings of being angry or frustrated.


ELIAS: Because “being angry is not a good thing to express,” and some people are afraid of being angry. Other people are expressing that it’s inappropriate or they don’t want to be expressing angry feelings and that those are not good, and you shouldn’t be expressing angry—

BONNIE: So verbalizing? When you say expressing, you mean verbalizing?

ELIAS: That’s one, that’s one avenue. Yes. It depends on the individual. Some individuals express it by generating some type of physical action, and others may simply express it verbally in words. But the point is, regardless of what method you use or how you choose to express it, it’s important that you do express.


ELIAS: And that irritation is simply another feeling. It’s not good or bad. It’s simply another feeling. And in that, feelings are important. It’s important not to follow them, but it’s important to acknowledge them and to express them. They’re designed for a purpose. And in that, pushing them away then results in your body expressing in a different manner. It’s because feelings are coming from your body.

BONNIE: The body. Yes.

ELIAS: Therefore if you don’t express them in one manner, your body will create a different manner for you to express it.

BONNIE: So then this particular manifestation, if I go to cause and effect, is there anything I can remove from my diet, from my vitamins, is there anything related to that that will help the kidney heal and function?

ELIAS: What supplements are you taking?

BONNIE: (Laughs) That was my impression. (Laughs) I take a multivitamin, I take glucosamine chondroitin, Vitamin C, but I also take Vitamin D. I stopped taking the calcium but I’m still taking the Vitamin D.

ELIAS: Add in cranberry and zinc.

BONNIE: As a supplement? I drink the cranberry juice, but add it as a supplement? (Elias nods) Okay. Is there a particular amount?

ELIAS: You don’t have to incorporate an exorbitant amount. Therefore I would say whatever is readily available to you in your shops.

BONNIE: Okay. I will do that.

ELIAS: Generally speaking, they don’t incorporate a wide variety of either of them.


ELIAS: Zinc, I would say 50 mg.

BONNIE: Five-zero? Fifty?



ELIAS: But with the cranberry, they generally don’t offer much of a variety of amounts.

BONNIE: Okay. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome. And in addition to that, what is your general diet? What do you consume on an average day, for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

BONNIE: I’ve been playing around with breakfast. For quite a while I was having a boiled egg on toast. Recently I’ve been having applesauce, a bit of toast and orange juice. Lunch, we usually—

ELIAS: Why did you stop with the egg?

BONNIE: I thought it was… Well, I thought it might be contributing to the discomfort I was starting to feel in my abdomen. (Pause)

ELIAS: Continue.

BONNIE: Then for lunch we usually have some sort of sandwich, often with meat and lettuce, and we would have a fruit. We’d share an apple or a pear or something like that for lunch, drinking water. I drink lots of water. And for supper we’d have meat, potatoes and a vegetable, a tossed salad. And I don’t usually eat much of sugar, no desserts. That’s about it.

ELIAS: I would say protein in the morning is good.

BONNIE: Protein. Okay. So go back to the egg?

ELIAS: I would.

BONNIE: Okay. It wasn’t causing the problem anyway apparently, so…

ELIAS: No. And I would say that it’s significant to incorporate the protein in the morning.

Now; in relation to your sandwiches, what type of meat are you incorporating with your sandwiches?

BONNIE: If we don’t have leftovers from the roast that we made the night before, whatever we made, it will be a purchased, sliced meat like sliced ham.


BONNIE: Don’t do that?


BONNIE: What about from the deli counter? There’s—

ELIAS: That’s precisely what I would say no.

BONNIE: No to deli and no to purchased, sliced meats?

ELIAS: Correct.

BONNIE: It has to be something we’ve cooked ourselves?



ELIAS: Because at the deli, that meat that you can purchase, even though it looks like a piece of meat, it’s not. It’s processed. And even the meats that are something such as turkey breast, even in the shape of the turkey breast – which will you will notice none of the other meats are in a shape of an animal, they are generally in an oval shape or a round shape – they’re all processed. And in that, there are different components in that processed meat that can contribute to manifestations also in relation to bladder and kidneys, because your kidneys are purifying your blood and those processed meats affect your blood.

BONNIE: Okay. That’s good advice. So we’ve got the eggs and we’ve got the protein. I like cheese too. Is that…?

ELIAS: That’s fine.

BONNIE: That’s fine. Okay. That sounds good. I’ll do that.

ELIAS: Excellent.

BONNIE: Other than that, how about the regeneration report card? What do you think?

ELIAS: I’d say other than that you are well. And I would say you are somewhat glowing at this point.

BONNIE: Thank you.

ELIAS: Therefore congratulations. (Chuckles)

BONNIE: Thank you. I agree. And is that connected to my longevity report card?


BONNIE: Do you have any recommendations along those lines?

ELIAS: (Pause) I would simply express to you, because you already engage a fair amount of mental exercising and you do physical exercising and you are definitely socializing (Bonnie laughs), which is very good, and I would say my only recommendation would perhaps be to add into your diet some super food spinach.

BONNIE: And I presume you want that to be—

ELIAS: Cooked.

BONNIE: Really cooked? Or do you mean shriveled?

ELIAS: Either.

BONNIE: Either shriveled, okay. Super food spinach.


BONNIE: Which means organic spinach? Or what do you mean? Just spinach?

ELIAS: It doesn’t matter.

BONNIE: Just spinach.


BONNIE: Raw spinach, yeah, and cook it.

ELIAS: Correct.

BONNIE: Okay. I’ll do that.

ELIAS: Excellent.

BONNIE: I’ve been putting it in the salads, but I knew that would… I was supposed to be cooking it. (Both laugh) So I was cheating!

ELIAS: (Laughs) Onions and garlic are also super foods.

BONNIE: As cooked or in…?

ELIAS: Cooked. Yes.

BONNIE: Cooked. Onions, garlic. Okay.

ELIAS: They are also excellent super foods.

BONNIE: Okay. I like those.

ELIAS: Excellent.

BONNIE: That’ll work. (Elias chuckles)

Oh, Brigitt wants to know if she was one of the Shining Ones.

ELIAS: (Pause) Yes.

BONNIE: And so she was like me, she was one that did the breeding. (Elias nods) Now I’ve got a fun question. I was looking around the group at the group session yesterday. Can you tell me what number of those people were Shining Ones, including me?

ELIAS: (Pause) Seven.

BONNIE: Seven of the fifteen! (Laughs) And were all the rest at the group session bred?

ELIAS: (Pause) Yes.

BONNIE: (Laughs) I just had that idea. (Elias laughs) More people will like to hear that. (Both laugh) Someone was bugging me about it before the session.


BONNIE: And I said well, we just love to share our superior genes. (Both laugh) I like that story.

Okay. Here’s Wynn’s question.

ELIAS: Very well.

BONNIE: It was longer, but you’re likely aware of it. I hope you are. He refers to the global pandemic recovery, but the cycle of perceived injustices and territorial disputes to this point that it feels like it would take a miracle to end the cycle on our planet. And he’s also talking about new belief structures that have become almost religious, replacing religions in nature, relating to gender, race, sexual orientation, disability. And he feels they’re defining victims and it leads to potentially supporting authoritarian regimes and continuing in a cycle. So what he says is, “My question is not about how to turn our attention, but Elias, what are the indicators that globally the collective human experience is moving in the direction of what the “Course in Miracles” words as recognizing that what you thought your brother did to you has not occurred to you, and that we can somehow set aside historical grievances and appreciate our racial, gender and cultural differences?”

ELIAS: Now remember: with your mass event, your global mass event with the pandemic, that there were three components of that. Do you remember?

BONNIE: Structure?

ELIAS: That’s one.

BONNIE: Self-structuring. Accepting of differences?

ELIAS: That’s one.

BONNIE: Hm. Nope, can’t get the third.

ELIAS: And self-directing.

BONNIE: Yes, self-directing, of course. Yes. Okay.

ELIAS: Therefore the acceptance of difference, I would say, is the most challenging of the three. The other two, most people have been moving in that direction and generating that, of self-directedness and self-structuring, and that actually in some capacities it has become more obvious that people are doing that more. The acceptance of difference, this is something that as of this point is most likely going to be expressed and won through conflict.

That when people move in a direction of being considerably uncomfortable and in tremendous conflict, eventually they move to the point of enough. And that’s what you’re pushing now, is that even individuals that listen to myself and ask questions with myself and have benefited from the information that I have offered, in this present time framework are incorporating significant difficulty in listening and accepting what I have expressed in relation to this, these very subjects. That people have such strong opinions and such strong perceptions that it’s very difficult for them to accept the simplicity of what is actually being expressed.

The conflicts that are occurring in your world presently, the wars that are occurring in your world presently, are being tremendously complicated philosophically. People want to move in the direction of their own philosophies and their own principles of what is important. And they are complicating the situations and the conflicts with tremendous constructs. And in doing so, there’s no listening happening. There is only screaming. There is only the projection of rightness. And whenever there is the projection of rightness, there has to be making someone else wrong. And there is a lot of that “making someone else wrong” happening.

In that, it’s not only in wars. And I’ve already expressed that the wars that are happening presently, very simply expressed, are being expressed in relation to land. It doesn’t matter what the philosophies are. It doesn’t matter what the principles are or what the constructs are. The baseline of all of it, the simplicity of all of it, is land. This is what all wars are fought over: land and the acquisition of it and who it belongs to. And that’s what these wars are being fought over also, regardless of what they add to it in complication of it.

Now; in relation to the other subjects that he has expressed – in relation to genders, in relation to race and cultures – it’s all about differences. And what is coming to the surface is centuries and centuries and centuries of conflict and lack of acceptance, and the justifications of the lack of acceptance of difference of any kind, justifying in what is right and what is not right. And that even being expressed in relation to races, that one race is better than another race, therefore they are right. But then the underdog race, so to speak, whichever one that may be at any given time, is expressing their rightness in that they are being oppressed.

All of it is about how threatening it is to have differences in any capacity. All differences are threatening. Everyone wants to be part of the group. Everyone wants to be the same. People don’t want to be different. They don’t want to be outside of the group. They want to be included. Why? Because when you are the same, when you are included, you validate each other. When you are different, when you are outside of the group, there is automatically that judgment that something is wrong with you because you’re not fitting. And if there’s something wrong with you, then that’s a threat. Because if there’s something wrong with someone, then that could infect the others.

BONNIE: So that’s a description of what we’re experiencing. Do you have any… anything hopeful about how this is going to untangle itself, for Wynn?

ELIAS: What you’re witnessing globally is, in every direction, the presentment of difference.


ELIAS: Therefore what you’re witnessing is, in a manner of speaking, the bubbling up to the surface of what has been writhing underneath for centuries – centuries upon centuries upon centuries. Now it’s coming to the surface. Think of it as an enormous boil. Eventually that will either burst or it will be lanced. But in either case, it will be dissipated.

In that, in actuality all of this is a matter of perception. All of it. Therefore how can you be involved and helpful in relation to that is to put your perception in check. What is your perception? Because if your perception is either taking sides that one is right and one is wrong, regardless of what it is, whether it has to do with gender or race or culture or wars or conflicts, regardless of what it is, if it has to do with difference and you are taking sides, or you are not taking sides but you are distressed or depressed or feeling hopeless about your world because it is in such disarray, any of these things, you’re lending energy to the very things that you disagree with. You’re lending energy to the conflict.

Now; how do you not lend energy to the conflict? You can have opinions. You have guidelines, your individual guidelines. Therefore you have opinions. You don’t have to like what is happening in your world. You don’t have to agree with it. But it’s a matter of not involving yourself with it and expressing that acceptance, that you recognize everyone is expressing in their direction and they’re expressing what they believe is right and their perception of what is right, and you recognize that everyone is right.

BONNIE: I like that.

ELIAS: That no one is wrong. And to remind yourselves that all of you have been in positions in other focuses in which you would likely define yourselves as bad guys in other focuses: murderers, rapists, abusers. All the things that you hate now, you have done also. Therefore in that, to genuinely be able to move into a real and genuine expression of acceptance, that for you these are simply experiences. You might not like them. You might hate them. But that doesn’t make them right or wrong. Everyone is right in whatever they believe, because that’s their reality. And it doesn’t matter if you agree with them or not. They don’t agree with you.

BONNIE: That is very helpful, Elias. Thank you.

ELIAS: I would say that your partner could be viewed as a passionate but passive individual, that he values peacekeeping. And in that, there are tremendous numbers of individuals in your world that would view that as abhorrent. They would hate that because they would look at that as being weak and not being decisive and not taking a stand. I would say that there’s nothing wrong with how he expresses. He is a passionate, peacekeeping man. I would also say that there are passionate, warring men that are, in your terms, equally as good. (Pause)

BONNIE: That’s good. I like that. Thank you.

ELIAS: You’re very welcome.

BONNIE: It all comes back… In my mind, it all comes back to the baking pan.


BONNIE: That’s a good analogy.


BONNIE: It is.

ELIAS: Precisely. And that what is in one individual’s reality may not be at all in someone else’s reality. And in that, which one is right?


ELIAS: Both of them.

BONNIE: They both exist.

ELIAS: Precisely. And they’re both right.

BONNIE: It’s pretty riveting, but hard to get our heads around.

ELIAS: And in that, an excellent example of how easy it is to fight over something such as that.

BONNIE: (Laughs) You got that right. (Laughs) Okay. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

BONNIE: I’d like to talk a little bit about some inner landscape experiences, or maybe they’re not that.

ELIAS: Excellent.

BONNIE: It wasn’t intentional. I had told you before about an Inuit man and then a bear, and I had said, “Stop! Stop! Stop!” and you advised me not to interrupt an inner landscape, even when it’s violent. Well I wasn’t thinking about it, but I was doing yoga and I was right into the stretches and the yoga part of doing the yoga exercises, and an image popped into my head out of nowhere of the Inuit man, the same, old Inuit man. And this time an Inuit boy walked out and was walking beside him, a young boy, in the snowstorm. And he turned him around and walked him back out of the snowstorm towards their igloo, as the polar bear was observing them. And the older man then died quietly, surrounded by his family inside this snow hut. And the young boy came out of the igloo and I had an “Oh, no!” feeling but I remembered what you had said. And didn’t the young boy make friends with the polar bear. And I… First of all, I’m wondering, well, is this an inner landscape that happens when you’re not sitting still and meditating? It can just pop into your head?


BONNIE: And was this still about regeneration then, this particular one? (Elias nods) Awesome!

ELIAS: Not fighting with what is.

BONNIE: Oh yes. There we go again.

ELIAS: Therefore not fighting with your body.

BONNIE: Okay. Not fighting with your body. Well, I had another one surprise me. And this one – I’ve been doing repetition, and the regeneration repetition has to do with skin, with regenerating skin with elasticity, muscles with tautness, bones with strength. And I was doing some of the arm yoga poses and all of sudden there were a whole lot of wee, free men from… like Irish little guys from the Terry Pratchett novels, on my arms, on my muscles. And they’ve been back several times during yoga, and they just pop out of nowhere. Sometimes they’re running up and down the muscles. Sometimes they’re jumping or dancing, doing that Irish kicking dancing right on my muscles, and sometimes they’re pulling the muscles tight like a trampoline and tightening at each end. (Elias chuckles) It is funny! I laugh. And I guess that’s just the same thing? This is my—


BONNIE: — muscles with tautness? (Laughs)


BONNIE: Because I didn’t want to say, “Get out of here, you little (laughs) little guys!” (Elias laughs) Okay. So they stayed.

And then something else I’ve been doing is I notice that some women of my age start noticing they’re getting shorter. And it doesn’t help when you go to the doctor and they measure and say you’re getting shorter. And people are starting to say, “Oh, our spines get shorter,” and I thought no, I don’t want that. So I’m now stretching my spine and doing different things and just saying no, I don’t have to do it that way. Well this one, again doing yoga, doing a spinal stretch, all of sudden red, round flowers as deep as roses started popping and growing in between each of the bones in my spine.

ELIAS: Excellent!

BONNIE: Is that what’s happening there?

ELIAS: Yes. I would say that’s excellent. That is actually tremendous. Congratulations.

BONNIE: And is that why, when I got measured at the doctor’s when I was there, I was a half-inch taller than I was last year? (Elias nods) So this is physically real? This is…?

ELIAS: (Laughs) Oh, yes. (Laughs) It is definitely physically real.


ELIAS: Yes. How much evidence do you need?

BONNIE: I know. It was just hard to believe.

ELIAS: You grew an inch.


ELIAS: How much more evidence do you need?

BONNIE: That is awesome. (Elias laughs) And I don’t… It just pops into my head. I don’t have to create it. It creates itself.

ELIAS: Precisely. You already established the inner landscape. And I would say this is excellent, that you’re open to having that happen spontaneously. And you don’t have to orchestrate anything. Your subjective awareness is doing it itself.

BONNIE: It’s just so… That’s so wonderful. That’s so much fun. I just love that! (Elias laughs)

Well sometimes now, usually it’s my friends who say I look younger and I don’t see it in the mirror, but sometimes now I catch myself off guard and I can see a younger me in the mirror. And it looks a lot like Joni Mitchell in her younger days. Is she a focus of mine? Or what’s my connection to Joni Mitchell?

ELIAS: Observing.

BONNIE: Observing. Is she connected to my sister-in-law, Wynn’s sister?

ELIAS: Also observing.

BONNIE: Also observing. That’s cool. That’s really cool.

And [name removed], I would like to do his statistics.

ELIAS: And your impressions?

BONNIE: I’ve turned these over several times, but I do think he’s Tumold, Sumari, thought, intermediate.


BONNIE: All of them?


BONNIE: Wow! (Elias laughs) And what’s his intent?

ELIAS: That, he would have to express himself first.

BONNIE: Oh, okay. So I’m going to tell you what I think his intent is. Is that okay?

ELIAS: Very well.

BONNIE: And you can tell me whether that’s a useful tool for me to use or not or…?

ELIAS: Very well.

BONNIE: Because he behaves very differently from other young adults, and it helps me to understand if I can figure out what the intent might be. I think his intent might be exploring creativity through technology, or connecting the two somehow.

ELIAS: (Pause) Not creativity. Exploring reality through technology.

BONNIE: Oh, that makes sense! Ah. Okay. That’s very helpful.

Is the bookshelf exercise that you gave to Nuno a good one for expanding my brain? Or is there another one?


BONNIE: That’s a good one for me?

ELIAS: Yes. Yes, I would say. And I would say that you already exercise your brain considerably, and that you puzzle things and you have a significant concentration, especially in relation to transcriptions. That also definitely helps, because it requires so much focus. And… and your games are excellent in keeping your brain exercised. Therefore I would say that you’re moving quite well in that direction.

BONNIE: When… Sometimes when I’m transcribing, is that getting in the flow? It feels like it.

ELIAS: Yes. Yes. And you can use that as one of your examples of being in flow. Yes.

BONNIE: Yeah. The trick is to transfer that to our mountain home. I know. I get that.

ELIAS: Or to anything.

BONNIE: Yeah. (Both laugh) Or to anything. (Both laugh) Yeah.

Wynn had a dream of [name removed]. And unsurprisingly, I have a different memory of what he first told me to what he told me today. (Elias laughs) I thought originally Wynn had told me that [this person] had appeared to him warning him to be aware. This is a boss that he very much admired and learned from. And I thought he had said that they had appeared and said to be aware and not to be deceived. But Wynn says no, that’s not what they said, that he said that they had appeared to him simply to say good-bye. And [the person] did die the next day or two. So this is to answer Wynn. What was this about? And his impression is that they were telling him they were dying and they were saying good-bye.

ELIAS: I would say you’re both correct.


ELIAS: And yes, [the person] did say good-bye. And I would also say that there was an energy involved that was about being aware.

BONNIE: Was it in relation to any particular subject?

ELIAS: Himself and how he interacts or expresses in relation to anything, everything. “Be aware”: That’s “Be aware of what you’re paying attention to. Be aware of attention.”

BONNIE: Okay. I will tell him that. Thank you.

Now here comes Katrin’s question.

ELIAS: Excellent!

BONNIE: I’d better read it.

“Hello, Elias. It feels good to connect with you through Bonnie. I would like you to comment on reoccurring experiences I repeatedly have. I would like to know how to act or to create with my increased self-awareness more beneficially. I know my self-awareness has noticeably increased recently, but this increase brought along also unpleasant experiences, mainly in my usual manner through body signals. It’s not a specific body signal. It’s some place in my body consciousness. It’s more all-encompassing. I call it stage fright.

“Many simple actions of the day I take start with uncomfortable restlessness. I sometimes feel so restricted that I shy away from actions, and when I do act on impulses I can’t fully enjoy them because I am consumed by my uncomfortable nervousness, which I make so important.

“In between such episodes, I am in a state of being where I am calm, content, relaxed. That can stretch for weeks until I create my next go-on, experiencing this stage fright. I am aware instantly when I get nervously restless.

“I could, figuratively speaking, switch the acceptance button at this point, but I don’t. I take quite a bit of time, sometimes days or occasionally weeks, before I direct my energy more beneficially or before I focus my attention on my knowing.

“I would like to learn how to accept the stage fright quicker. What keeps me away from it? I don’t think I have a lack of trust in my expansion and attached new experiences, and also I don’t feel completely overwhelmed by it anymore. I have been having too much practice with it. I’m just at a loss by the reoccurrence of the same story again and again, which is rather boring and it is not joyful.

“What makes it complicated for me to direct my attention to my lightness, which I have also, as experiencing with my increased self-awareness?”

I hope that makes sense to you.

ELIAS: (Pause) You’re not expressing or generating enough outlet.


ELIAS: That I agree with all of the assessments about the significant increase in self-awareness and directedness, and I would say that in that, what comes with that is a greater expression of energy. You’re being more and more fully yourself, which increases your energy automatically. And if you have no outlet or you don’t provide yourself with enough outlet for that, it creates this restlessness and this overwhelming – not overwhelming in the matter that you might automatically think of – but meaning entire being expressing that (pause) tension, or I would say it’s not actually even a tension. It’s… (pause) restriction.

BONNIE: So are you saying it’s a physical outlet she needs? Or—


BONNIE: Yes. A physical—


BONNIE: Such as?

ELIAS: (Pause) It could be anything that she enjoys. What I would say is this definitely moves in the direction of what we were discussing yesterday, in relation to flow and relation to sometimes moving in a direction of being in that to excess, alone. And therefore it creates the opposite of what you want to create in flow and creativity. Partially it has to do with that, and partially it has to do with the increase of energy that is automatically happening, which you ALL automatically have in occurrence.

As you expand your self-awareness, you allow more energy. You also increase your brain function. And in doing so, you’re increasing your neurological function. Therefore your entire body can feel that agitation because it hasn’t generated an outlet for that energy. You cannot contain energy. It will be expressed. And therefore it’s being expressed in an uncomfortable manner.

And in that, I would say that perhaps generating a walk that she is placing herself intentionally in that state of flow while walking, that would be a good outlet. In that, I would suggest walking for at least… (pause) three and a half to four kilometers. And in that, being able to incorporate that movement in flow while she’s walking. Or generating some type of physical activity in her home, if she is so choosing, perhaps dancing. But if that is the choice, then it would be for twenty minutes. It’s something that she would require doing actively to allow that release of energy.

And I would say in either expression, that would be an everyday action.

BONNIE: Okay. An everyday action.

ELIAS: Yes. Because she IS incorporating more energy and at times is moving in that flow but then crossing that line and moving into that excess. And that is not good.

BONNIE: Okay. I will tell her. Thank you.

ELIAS: And it’s important that she is incorporating other people.

BONNIE: Oh yes. Yeah, that’s good advice for her.

ELIAS: She cannot be isolating. (Pause)

BONNIE: Thank you. She will appreciate that.

ELIAS: You’re very welcome – or you are BOTH very welcome. (Both laugh)

BONNIE: When you were talking about walking and being in the flow, this is just a Sumafi question. So when I’m driving and I’m listening to classical music or something and I’m lost in it and I’m really enjoying it, and I’m driving and—


BONNIE: — all of a sudden, I notice all of the lights have been green for the last few blocks, is that the flow?




BONNIE: I like that feeling.

ELIAS: That would be.

BONNIE: That is an awesome feeling.

ELIAS: And I would say that it’s an interesting phenomenon, that people do this when they are driving and it’s an easy avenue to move into that state of flow in which then they actually don’t recall a lot of the process of that driving. And they arrive at their destination and they actually might say, “I don’t know how I got here.” (Both laugh)

[The timer for the end of the session rings]

BONNIE: Yeah, that’s what it feels like.

Okay, another quick question because the timer has gone. Thank you for that.

Finou asked you what his focus square feet was, or square meters, whatever you want to give it in. What’s mine and what’s Wynn’s? Physical area.

ELIAS: Of energy?

BONNIE: Uh, he says, “Do you know your focus square meters?” That’s all. Focus square feet, whatever. Whatever you told him, I guess. Is that energy?

ELIAS: (Pause) I would say in relation to the energy that you emit, I would say… (pause) for you… (pause), seven.

BONNIE: Seven square feet or seven square meters? Seven…

ELIAS: Square feet.

BONNIE: Seven square feet? Okay. And for Wynn?

ELIAS: For… (pause) Six and a half.

BONNIE: Six and a half. That’s so cool. I don’t know what we’re going to do with that. (Both laugh) But that’s fun.

Is there anything else you’d like to say to me, Elias?

ELIAS: Congratulations in everything you are accomplishing. And you’re doing very well with the regeneration, tremendously.

BONNIE: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

BONNIE: I really appreciate it.

ELIAS: And you can tell your partner he’s not doing too bad either (both laugh)—

BONNIE: He will like to hear that.

ELIAS: —and don’t worry so much.

BONNIE: Okay. That would be good advice for him.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) Yes.

BONNIE: Yes. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: Very well. I shall tremendously be looking forward to our next meeting, as always.

BONNIE: And I will, too. I love you, Elias.

ELIAS: I express tremendous love and affection to you, and dear, dear friendship. Au revoir.

BONNIE: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 1 hour 1 minute)

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