Session 202309291

Flow and Simplicity


“It’s All a Matter of Flow”
“You Being You”
“Using Intuition in Word Games”
“Reading Energy”
“The Clarity Exercise”
“Memory Never Disappears”

Friday, September 29, 2023 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Ann (Vivette)

ELIAS: Good morning!

ANN: Good morning, Elias!

ELIAS: (Chuckles) And how shall we begin?

ANN: How shall we begin? I have a lot of different things. None is really pressing, pressing, pressing as in coming to the top, but I’ll just kind of tell you about the state of the union and then maybe my questions from there. But I’m just now recovering. I feel like… from that long road to just now, I’m not having that pressure in my head anymore and the aches in my body are ceasing a little bit and I’m starting to feel better. So that’s good. And I guess that will lead to just being…

Mary and I were talking about simplicity earlier (laughs) and I’m like, “You know, I think maybe that will be the theme of this conversation, is how I am valuing simplicity and seeing, actually seeing its extraordinary value in different aspects.” And one, like you know, being back here, we’re here and we’re not traveling. (Let me just… Someone was calling in.) But we’re not traveling, we’re here at the house. I like being at the house, doing my little routines, whether it’s eating better or going to the Renoja where I am paying attention to my body more, or just having… Because we’re not like go, go, going so much. I think when we were on the road all summer, we maybe meditated once. So I’m starting to meditate again and I’m just starting to feel better. And I’m realizing I’m also living more simply, without a lot of things going on.

And then I was also thinking, okay, how else this simplicity has come up. Scotty had started his – what do you call that? Ankarrah system or whatever, and it’s this healing system and it’s this magical system, which obviously I love both of those things, healing and magic. And I’ve known about him doing it for a while and offering courses and stuff, but I never had been drawn to do anything with it. Because I remember taking my Reiki classes and learning their symbols or whatever, and yeah, I don’t want to do that. I just want to do my own symbols, doing my own way or like with my magic, like you know would be… You know the pentagram magic, when they’re doing, working on different ways in dissecting things or just in doing things weekly and I’m like, “That’s not how I do things.” So I think tied in with the simplicity is I’m also being okay with like okay, this is how I work. And I don’t—


ANN: Yeah.


ANN: And yeah, so I’m just really… It’s interesting because I was listening to this podcast with this guy who is writing this book and has done all kinds of things, but he was an alcoholic, you know. He’s been not drinking for nine years and he was… He said something about this trait, that I think he became an alcoholic because one, he enjoys extremes and living on the edge or whatever. And he has found ways, like in his job, to get that out. But then he also said that somehow he felt like being an alcoholic, he could endure things necessarily that he didn’t like. And he’s a writer and he says, “I sit in the room now for hours, and it doesn’t feel comfortable for my body but I endure it.” And the point of all this was you can have these characteristics and you can use them. You can actually take your characteristics and use them to do what you want to do. And I was thinking about that. I’m like, it’s just embracing who I am and how I like to move in the world.


ANN: And I know sometimes I have judged myself for, oh, maybe not having the stick-to-it-ness or I judge myself for not maybe being smart enough or not being so detailed-oriented or… I just have judged myself for that. So I feel like I’m at this turning point or just more of an acceptance, not maybe even a turning point but just more of an acceptance of who I am. And you know, I like things simple. I like to go with my flow. I don’t like to do the same thing over and over and over again or I don’t like to be committed to doing like let’s say a week even. It could be easy, like a weekly meeting. I don’t want to be committed to a weekly meeting, because one week I might not want to do it.

Anyhow, so that’s kind of what I… where the state of the union is for me and it feels… It feels like in that place… I mean it feels good, obviously, but it feels like no pressure on myself and it almost feels… It feels like expansion maybe. Like because I’m not pressing, pressing myself in, and I’m just letting things be, I feel like I can expand more into myself. Ah! Maybe that’s what I feel.

ELIAS: (Laughs) I would say congratulations, my friend. That is tremendous. Because in that, it’s acknowledging allowing yourself to be you, and also acknowledging your traits, your personality, what’s important to you and what isn’t important to you, and allowing yourself to move in your own direction and not comparing yourself with other people.

And in that, at times you may see something in someone else that you admire and you can look at that and somehow in your own manner, you can apply it to you – but in your own capacity of what is a natural expression for you.

And in that, your simplicity may be different from someone else’s simplicity. What you think of as being simple maybe is perhaps moving in a direction of quietness and being less active. What another individual might think of as simple is engaging in something that they enjoy that you might think is complex and not simple. But in that, I would say that you are very correct. That it’s all a matter of flow.

ANN: Yeah. So then, I actually did get at least the first thirty ankarrah symbols from Scotty and I went onto his website and I’m like, “Oh boy. It’s kind of overwhelming.” And then he sent me a book, the ankarrah book with the symbols and words in it, and I’m like, oh boy. It’s just… I look at it and it’s like, oh boy. It’s all, to me it just feels overwhelming. So my question to you is… I mean, this is kind of what I feel like doing with these symbols, is just like talking, writing them down, is just writing them down and just seeing what I feel (laughs) when I write the symbols down. It’s like I almost don’t even want to read… It’s like okay, I’ll do… He’s done all this work and he’s got things—

ELIAS: You don’t even have to write them down. I would say that this is an excellent example of differences in flow. In that, for you, the complexity of what he does is something that is a flow for him. For you, that’s not necessarily how you flow. And in that, it may not even be a matter of writing it down.

What I would say to you is, an excellent example of that would be tarot. That you can incorporate a tarot deck and in that, you might be an individual that interprets the symbolism of the cards by certain images on each card. Or you might be an individual that interprets the meaning of the cards by the colors of the cards. Or you might be an individual that doesn’t do either, that pulls a card and then simply interprets it by your intuition, what you feel. And in that, it isn’t as much about what the image is or even what the directions express in relation to what each card traditionally means, that it may mean something different to you. Because in that, I would say that this is how people for many, many years, many generations actually, read playing cards. They didn’t even have a tarot deck. They were doing the same thing, but they were using playing cards instead of a traditional tarot deck. And in that, some people would be interpreting in relation to the color of the card and the number. Some people would simply be interpreting by what they felt or what they saw when they pulled a particular card or when someone else pulled a particular card.

Therefore it’s all a matter of you being you, and giving yourself the permission to do that. That it’s acceptable for you to be you and for you to move in your own direction with anything, with everything.

ANN: Yeah. It kind of reminds me, you know, going back to the simplicity, like also before the trip I had started to do this and then I stopped, and now I’m doing it again. Just in my flow, thinking about not what I should do in this moment but what I want to do in this moment, with simple stuff like even having this conversation. I thought oh, I want to… Why wouldn’t I want to sit in this one room that I have with this nice sunny window in the south over the ocean? But then I was like no, I feel more drawn to sit in this other room that doesn’t, for whatever reason. I thought well, I don’t know the reason but I just thought okay, let’s just go with that. I’m just going to do… Or if I say oh, I need to do the dishes. No, I feel like doing laundry. You know, just little subtle things like that. Like listening to myself and just going in the direction that I want to go.

Or like you say, when we go into a rock shop and you’re walking around, you like pick up a rock and you’re looking around and then there’s that one rock that you just don’t seem to let go of. That’s probably the one that is going to be the most beneficial for you, or for whatever reason, that you don’t even need to know the reason but you’re just trusting yourself. Okay, that’s why, I’m just drawn to this rock, I’m just drawn to this. Same thing as saying with the cards or anything, it’s like back to listening to yourself.

And the thing is, is sometimes I know even myself, I’m like, oh my god! Why can’t I just get this big neon bullet in light saying, “This is what to do, what to do.” But as you, you know, as you and Seth and everyone says, it’s the whispers, it’s the whispers. (Elias laughs)

It’s really… It just seems again the simplicity and the flow, just very quietly listening to this quietness in myself. Ah. Yeah. I’ll just do this instead of this. And not even getting in my head about it, thinking oh I should be doing this instead of this. Sometimes I might have to do that, if there’s a burning fire, well yeah, I should get out of the house. But (laughs) it’s just feels like such a breezy way to live. And I do think, I feel like I have this knowing this, at least for me, that that is like a very powerful way to live as well. But it seems so simple that I have—

ELIAS: I would say for everyone—

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: That is the point. And I would say that if everyone would actually allow themselves to genuinely move in their own flow, it would be excellent. It would be tremendous. And people would be happy and they would be content.

ANN: Yeah. Okay, so now I’m going to move in my own flow. Here again I don’t necessarily know why I want to tell you this other than it was kind of fun and I just… My whole thinking process, I thought, I just got a chuckle over it or I just… It makes me excited to think about it.

So I was watching, I saw on Netflix and I can’t remember the name of the show, but it was a 38, 39-minute show and it was by, I don’t even know how to say his name correctly, but it’s that Roald Dahl author, R-O-A-L-D D-A-H-L. I’ve never known how to say that. I’ve known about him forever, but I’ve never known how to say his name. But anyhow, so he writes this book, this whole book. At least on this show it’s him writing this book, that he is a story. They said this is a true story. It’s not like there’s a caption outside saying oh, this is based on facts or whatever. The story is saying this is a true story. And it talks about this man that comes in. He can bound up his eyes. He’s in this circus, bounds up his eyes, and his trick is that he can see with his… without his eyes. He can see with his eyes bound up. So I’m watching this and I think, well Elias has said we don’t need our eyes to see before us. So I was like oh, that’s kind of fun. That was a chuckling little coincidence.

And then he goes on to tell what… As the story unfolds, and I’m not going to go into the whole thing, but as it unfolds, this guru, this man found this guru once that could levitate and do all this stuff. And the man that found him says, “What’s the secret? How do I do this whatever?” and he says, “Well, you need to sit and meditate and think about an image. Pick an image, and you need to think about that image for three and a half minutes straight without thinking about anything else. And then you will have whatever, these powers and stuff.” And he says, “How long will that take?” and the guru says, “Well, maybe, some people can do it in twenty-five, twenty-six years.” And he’s like, “What!! That long?” (Elias laughs) And then he says, “Well then some people can do it maybe in five or ten…”

Anyhow, so to fast forward, the guy starts to do it and then he, when he does this, he can see through things. Like he has a playing card down and he can see through the playing card and sees what the other side is. So he starts to see this stuff. Oh! And one other thing in the meditation too was one of the tricks is looking into the flame. And I’m like, oh! Elias has talked about looking into the flame, too.

But then I even got more excited because one time – I don’t remember the name of the book, and this was years and years ago, it had to have been maybe fifteen, twenty years ago, I was reading this book. I remember lying at a pool lounge, in a pool, reading this book and it had like different things that you could try, you know, psychic things that you could try. And I… It said pick an object and then try to see through it or see what’s on the other side of it. And I remember picking this column that was in front of me. And so I did whatever the exercise was, the (inaudible) and I just saw this little dark blob. And I was like, oh! Whatever. So I just get up and I look at, it’s a white column and I looked on the other side of the column, and there’s this little dark blob there. I was like, oh my god! How cool is that? (Elias laughs)

So then when I was thinking, I was seeing this movie, I’m like, oh my god, you know they say it’s true, and I’m like, well, I’ve had an experience where I saw something, not with my eyes but through it. And I’m just thinking, the whole time, just kind of laughing. I’m like, they say it’s a true story. I fricking believe it’s a true story. And I was just tickled pink. I don’t know why the whole thing tickled me pink, but the whole thing tickled me pink and I thought I wanted to tell you about this. So… (Elias laughs) I think it was a true story.

ELIAS: I would say thank you for sharing. And I would also say that you can see many things with your eyes closed. I would say that if you close your eyes and attempt to focus on different parts of your body, you can express to yourself, “I want to see these different parts of my body and what color they are expressing.” And in that, with your eyes closed, the black behind your eyelids will gradually begin to generate a color. And in that, before many seconds have gone by, you will begin to see your field of vision will be flooded with that color. And it can be very bright or it could be more subdued and dulled. And in that, then it’s a matter of interpreting what that means.

And in that, you don’t have to have a book. You don’t have to have a method. It’s simply a matter of asking yourself, “If I were to put a meaning to red, what does red mean to me? If I put a meaning to blue, what does blue mean to me?” Not what is the meaning of it in relation to your energy centers. Not in relation to any type of philosophy. What does that color mean to you? What does it make you think of initially? What is the first thing that you think of, in relation to a particular color? And then, what does that image mean to you? And in that, there you have your own flow of your own meanings and interpretations that you can use for your own healing method.

Because in that, then you can look at any part of your body with your eyes closed, simply bring up into your thinking a particular part of your body, or even simply targeting it with your awareness, and then allow your vision with your eyes closed to be flooded with a color. Then if that color is something that you have interpreted in a positive or in a manner that is exciting or enjoyable or simply good, then you know that whatever area of your body that you’ve targeted is fine. If it comes up as a color that maybe is not necessarily negative but that brings up an image for you that means something that you would be responsive to, such as let us say that very simply you close your eyes and you see the color red and red floods your visual. And in that, you ask yourself, “What does red mean to me? What is my first image with red? My first image with red is fire. What does fire mean to me?”

Now; to one person it might mean alarm. To another person it might me beauty. It’s all a matter of what your own interpretation of that particular image means. And then you know what to do with it. Therefore if fire, let us say, means clearing to you, then if you target some aspect of the body and your field of vision floods with a different color that perhaps means concern to you, then you can use flooding your vision with red to address to it, to clear it. Do you understand?

ANN: Yes. Yes.

ELIAS: And that’s all about your own images, your own language to yourself and how you can use your own flow to be moving in a direction of something such as healing.

ANN: And can I do that with other people’s bodies too?


ANN: Okay. I like that, Elias. That sounds right up my alley.

ELIAS: I knew it would be. (Both laugh)

ANN: I also… I love it. This is why I like also simplicity, because I feel like I pay attention to more nuances when I’m living a simpler life, or when I’m in a more quiet stage. Like in the morning, I play these word games on my phone, and I’ve been noticing… Like a word game, you have, it’s a five-letter word and you start with a word and then you get so many chances to pick out the right word, and then it’ll let you know what letters are in the right place, what letters are in the wrong place or what letters aren’t even in the word. And I noticed I don’t… This is what I noticed, that when I pick the first word. I mean, sometimes I’m in my head and I’m like okay, I’m going to pick this word because it has the most vowels or something or whatever, but sometimes I’ll notice when I’ll pick a word, I will have a feeling. Well, I pay attention to my feelings. Sometimes I’m like ah, and throw out whatever word, and I’ll use it. But sometimes I’ll get excited about a word. I’m like oh, oh yeah, yeah, I like this word. And usually when I’m excited about a word, that’s a good word.

And the one time that I did it on the very first try, I remember I was so… I’ll think “Oh, man! This is a great word! This is like a perfect word!” is what I felt like, when I came up with it. And it was an odd word for me to come up with, too, and it was the word on the first try! So the thing I am noticing is if I were to try to think of, for myself, oh, what is the word? What is the word? That to me seems to be going about it backwards. It seems like you have to have a feel for it. And I can’t, you know, get a feel… I guess I am just noticing how I’m feeling about a certain word before when I use it, it usually turns out to be kind of an indication of how the game is going to play out. So that is pretty cool.

ELIAS: And that’s also—

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: And that’s also using your intuition.

ANN: Yeah. The intuition, like a feel for it.

ELIAS: I would say congratulations.

ANN: Yeah. It’s like this subtle thing. And it’s also the difference between controlling and allowing, too. For me, I feel like for me to try to say okay, to try to guess the word, kind of feels in a way like controlling. But then to let a word come and feel the word, that feels like it’s on the backside of it. You know what I’m saying? Instead of me trying to force it, I just let it happen and then respond to it. Does that make sense?

ELIAS: Yes. Yes.

ANN: So, okay. So anyhow that is where I’ve been, loving this simplicity and now I also, in my flow, you know me, I’m just curious about curious things. (Elias laughs) And you know when I asked you about if they put all of your sessions in a ChatGPT or whatever and then someone asked questions, they would come out with probably answers or very close to answers that you would answer, because there’s so much material. But… And I said one of the most alluring things about it was because you read energy in it. And you said that until AI becomes sentient, it won’t be able to read energy. So then the flip of that: can all sentient beings read energy?

ELIAS: In various capacities, yes.

ANN: Yes. Like when you said a plant, if you are going to cause it harm, that plant knows that, right? It’s reading the energy of the person.

ELIAS: Correct. Correct.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: I would say that plants and animals read energy much more effectively and accurately. People used to be able to read (chuckles) energy as well as plants and animals, but you’ve somewhat lost that ability. And in that, it’s a matter of finding it again and developing. But yes, the more you practice and develop it, the more humans can become very efficient and accurate at reading energy also. But yes, anything that is sentient can read energy.

ANN: Yeah. I’m thinking about, I was going to go off in the sentient direction but now I think I want to go off in the reading energy direction. (Laughs) So practicing it, it’s like… Like if I pass a plant and I’m like oh, I think that plant needs water, without thinking, oh, it’s time to water it, that’s me reading the energy of the plant, right?


ANN: Wanting the water.


ANN: Or…

ELIAS: Or it may not be something so obvious. It may be that the plant is not necessarily content in the position that it’s in. That it might want to be in a different location. But you don’t necessarily know what that location is. Therefore yes, it would be a matter of reading the plant’s energy to place it in the correct location.

ANN: So, first step obviously with everything is paying attention. And when I notice something, because obviously I go about and I notice. You know, sometimes things will just grab you for whatever reason. And so then you notice it, and then the second step then – or not the second step, but then to hone this reading energy more, maybe would be that ask either myself or it? Or just stop and pause and allow more information to come in? Or…?

ELIAS: Yes. Yes.

ANN: Yeah. And… Yeah. And it will come as kind of a knowing, for me anyway, I think?


ANN: Yeah. Yeah.

ELIAS: You’ll simply give yourself an answer.

ANN: Yeah. Like your intuition.

ELIAS: And you’ll know that that is the direction to follow.

ANN: It’s kind of like me just following my flow of what I want to do, too. It’s kind of like everything’s connected. It’s just me paying attention and listening to other people, things… Hm. (Elias chuckles) But tell me about before people lost their ability to read energy as well, because obviously there was once upon a time we were really good with that. What was it like? Like… like just…

ELIAS: I would say that—

ANN: Let me—

ELIAS: Go ahead.

ANN: No. I was just thinking like if I, in myself, if I could read energy maybe 100% better than I can read it now, what would my…? What would I be like? I just want to like have a feeling of what I would be doing or could do.

ELIAS: It’s (pause) not necessarily about that. It’s more about that you’re more sensitive to everything around you. And therefore, you are aware of what you’re connected to, which is everything. And in that, that doesn’t mean that you’re always focused on everything around you, but that when there is some change in something around you, you do notice.

ANN: Mm. (Pause) And is reading—

ELIAS: Therefore—

ANN: — energy different than using your intuition?

ELIAS: Repeat.

ANN: Is reading energy different than using your intuition?

ELIAS: Yes, because your intuition is always answering questions. It is a mechanism to answer questions. That’s what it does. But reading energy isn’t always answering questions. As I expressed, you might be simply aware of a change or a fluctuation in something around you. And in that, it may or may not influence you to do something different in a moment. It may influence you or it may simply be something that you notice, that something changed. Very similar to temperature. That temperature is something that you could be much more aware of, but even in relation to how you are aware presently, you’re aware enough that if there are significant variations or changes in temperature, you’ll notice it. You’ll feel it and you’ll be aware of it, in that it may or may not affect you in a capacity in which you might make a different choice. You might. You might not. It depends on how much the fluctuation is and what it’s about. But in that, in like manner to temperature, it’s not something that is necessarily going to change your life. It could, but it isn’t necessarily. But in that, it is something that you’re aware of and it’s something that you’re aware of on a daily basis. And in that, you don’t think about it much.

ANN: Well, let me ask you this. So I feel like… I know you say we’re not as good at reading energy as we used to be. If… I guess what I want to… Like okay, we can walk into a room, especially walk into a room of people and you immediately, you can feel that there’s tension. I would think that would be reading energy. Or you know if it’s happy, or you could even walk into a safe and have a feeling of like somberness or happiness or… Or if you’re talking to someone and they don’t like you, you kind of feel that they don’t like you. You know, you feel that. So I feel, I would think all that is reading energy. So I’m just wondering what more information we get—

ELIAS: That IS reading energy, but not everyone does that. You do it.

ANN: Yeah. (Inaudible)

ELIAS: But not everyone.

ANN: Because it seems like he could feel it.

ELIAS: There are people that can walk into a room and feel nothing.

ANN: Really.

ELIAS: There are people that can be standing in front of someone that doesn’t like them and not know it, because they’re simply not paying attention.

ANN: Yeah. So it seems to me, just paying attention and actually I feel like – I know you’ve been preaching this forever, and you… Actually, Denise and I were having this conversation about meditation. It’s like oh, there’s so many helpful things about mediation. Why are we not doing this all the time? And I feel like also the more we meditate, the more we would read energy. We would read energy more. I think it would… And we would know things and we would be able to go with our flow more and I would be able to see without my eyes more. (Laughs) Just like in that show. (Both laugh) Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh my god. (Elias laughs) So I do… I mean, I think this is all really exciting. I liked…

Let me see. Okay, so speaking of practicing some stuff, I listened also to Christoph’s session, when you were talking, when he was talking about using two senses and then maybe using them or harmonizing them or using them differently, and how that was different than the clarity exercise when we just do one sense. And I’m like oh my god. Now this, this to me seems like a huge challenge. Just the clarity one. I’m not even going to go on the other, the other one yet. The clarity one seems challenge enough for me.

And so I was, I was (inaudible) so I thought okay, well I think hearing may be the easiest one for me to practice with. Because you know, I can at least close my eyes and you know, and then hearing, you can just listen. You just listen, listen, listen. I don’t want to use the “I” word, but (laughs) I also feel like it’s fucking impossible to turn off your other senses. Is there a trick to it? Or is there just practicing? I’m like, how the hell…? Well, I know one thing that might be hindering me, is because I have this little tiny fear that if I turn off a sense, I might not be able to turn it back on again. (Elias laughs) So I cheat.

ELIAS: That won’t happen. I guarantee you that that won’t happen. (Both laugh) It will be challenging enough for you to turn it off, even for a short (chuckles) period of time, let alone have it be turned off forever. (Chuckles)

ANN: (Laughs) That sounded like my little fear in teleporting. If I ever manage to teleport, I would be afraid that I wouldn’t be able to teleport back.

ELIAS: And you would be. (Laughs) I would say that in this, yes, it’s a matter of practice. But actually, the trick to moving in a direction of turning off one or more of your senses is not concentrating on turning it off, because the more you do that, the more you pay attention to that sense.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: It’s more a matter of paying attention to another sense almost exclusively. Therefore it’s making one sense very important, and making another sense not important. And that, you actually do many times and you don’t realize it. In that, I would say that that actually many times happens even in relation to flow, because you are so concentrated in relation to your flow that you can at times actually be tuning out certain senses, or you can be focusing certain senses in a manner in which they complement what you are doing in your flow. In that, generally speaking, your sense of sight is for the most part, for most individuals, the one sense that they concentrate on the most.

Now; that changes. Let us say if the individual is listening to or writing or composing something such as music, in that it may be their sense of hearing that they are very focused on and they may actually tune out their sense of sight because it’s not necessary.

ANN: Mm. Okay.

ELIAS: But in that, it’s also an interesting experiment to be recognizing and intentionally sharpening one sense when you are, or more than one sense, when you are turning off other senses.

ANN: Yeah, what I was trying to do or what I am practicing doing, like when I go to that place, there’s one room with a red light bed and you sit in there for fifteen minutes and your eyes are closed or whatever. But the bed makes like a “ah!” Like little noises. So I’ve been practicing listening to the noises of the bed, but also in the distance I can hear voices murmuring and so I’m practicing listening to the voices to see if I can get it sharper, so I can increase my hearing so I could understand the voices.

ELIAS: Excellent.

ANN: So that… and that’s like an easy thing kind of to play around with. And that’s a doable thing for me, right?

ELIAS: Yes. Most definitely.

ANN: So that’s kind of fun. And I don’t know if this has to do with senses or not, but I kind of want to bring this up because it’s kind of odd to me on one… not on the sense, in the respect that one might think it’s odd to me (laughs), but it’s odd to me that it doesn’t seem to be bothering me. (Laughs)

But you know – and I know you have said this. I know, you know, everyone creates their own reality and it seems like as we shift, more and more of this stuff may happen. But oh my god! I’m having conversations. Like it’s always, my whole life, you have a conversation, you talk about oh, when I was a child this happened, and someone says, “No, no, no, no, no, this happened.” You know, that seems to have been going on forever. But now I’m having conversations and someone’s like, “Oh, remember when you did this or that?” and I’m like, “I have zero recollection.” I’m like, “No, I don’t.” And it happens more and more.

One part of me would like to say, “Oh my god. Am I getting old and getting senile?” But I don’t… I don’t feel like I am. One part of me says well, I guess that just wasn’t important to me, or maybe it wasn’t in my reality. Or… it’s weird. And especially my little half-sister has such a different recollection of me, and she’ll even tell stories about me and people go like, “That doesn’t sound…” And I’m like, “I have zero recollection of some of these things.” I’m like, “Wow.” But so, I don’t know if I have a question on it. It’s just more and more of a comment that I feel like—

ELIAS: And sometimes it’s… It’s definitely not that you are becoming senile. Sometimes it is that a particular experience becomes over time less and less and less important to the point in which it becomes not important at all. And in that, then your recall of a situation or an experience becomes very difficult. Because what happens is then, when something becomes irrelevant to you, your brain then stores that memory in a similar capacity to the memories of other focuses.

ANN: Wow! So you know what I just—

ELIAS: And the memories are not easily accessible. They ARE accessible, but not as readily and you don’t have an automatic recall of them.

(The timer for the end of the session rings)

ANN: It almost feels like the more that I expand, the more awareness that I come, the more I’m getting to know myself and wanting to create the self that I am, you’re right, these other parts of my experiences that no longer have… It almost seems like there’s more and more that are no longer becoming important, because all this other stuff is becoming important to me, stuff that I’m much more excited about.

ELIAS: Correct. Correct. And therefore, your actual, physical brain moves those memories in a capacity in which they are not as easily recalled. You still have the memory. It’s not that the memory disappears. Memory never disappears. But you don’t necessarily have that automatic ability for recall for certain memories because they’ve become entirely unimportant to you. And therefore, they’re not relevant.

ANN: It’s like… It’s kind of like, like life itself. Like every… Okay. Everything exists, right? We’re always told everything exists, everything exists. But our life becomes what we choose and what we focus on, and what we concentrate on. That is how we create our life.


ANN: That’s how it all works. It’s like the memories are all there, but what I’m… And it’s like everything in the whole earth or whatever and all the realities, they’re all there. But how I’m creating my reality, it’s like…

ELIAS: Correct. Because all of your other focuses are not necessarily relevant to what you are experiencing now and what you are choosing in your life. Therefore, it’s not necessary for you to have that readily available recall of those memories, because they’re not relevant to your life.

ANN: Yeah. Huh. (Elias laughs) Yeah. All right. Well, there is actually more to dive in on that, but the bell rang. (Elias laughs) (Inaudible) a while.

ELIAS: Very well.

ANN: Elias, I enjoy our conversations so immensely. (Making kissing sounds) Mmuh! Mmuh! Mmuh!

ELIAS: (Chuckles) And I shall be anticipating our next conversation soon.

ANN: Yeah, it’s very soon. Oh! I don’t know if we’ll get John to have a conversation with you or not, but the opportunity is there if he so chooses.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Very well. (Laughs) I shall be looking forward to engaging conversation with you.

ANN: Thank you.

ELIAS: And I will be offering my support constantly. In tremendous love to you, my dear friend, as always, au revoir.

(Elias departs after 1 hour 2 minutes)

Copyright 2023 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.