Session 202308261

Contentment; Allowing Feelings to be Experienced


“Incorporating More of Self into This Focus”
“Contentment and Satisfaction”
“Statements for Repetition”
“Reading Glasses”
“Euthanizing a Pet”
“Conceptualization Exercise”
“Grieving Process”

Saturday, August 26, 2023 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Nuno (Lystell)

ELIAS: Good morning!

NUNO: Good morning.

ELIAS: And how shall we begin, my friend?

NUNO: Ah, let’s see. I would like to begin by asking you: how am I proceeding in my direction of incorporating more of myself into this focus?

ELIAS: (Chuckles) I would say very well. What would you say?

NUNO: I’d say my assessment is that for the past few months I’ve not been moving as quickly as I had previously.

ELIAS: Meaning?

NUNO: Well, I guess what occurred was, if you recall, I had discussions with you about my blood pressure back a few months ago, and at that time it became very difficult for me to engage my energy exercises. So I stopped doing that, simply because of the blood pressure. I would still engage my energy throughout the day, but in less intensity. I, as you know of course, I have addressed the blood pressure and things are back to normal. I began re-engaging my exercises in, let’s say, a more formal manner. It still triggers the blood pressure, but I can address to it quickly so it’s not so much of an issue anymore. I just was feeling that I kind of did not progress too much during that time because of that.

ELIAS: I would disagree. I would say that that’s only one piece. And in that I would say even with that piece, that the factor that you can address to that as quickly as you can and alter it is significant. And in that, as I said, that’s only one piece. That’s not necessarily an entire general gauge of how you’re proceeding. I would say it’s more a matter of looking at your overall state of being and also your daily expressions. And how are you engaging in everything that occurs in your daily life?

NUNO: I would say that there’s definitely been improvement in that, especially I’d say in the past month or so.

ELIAS: I would very much agree. I would say that your patience has increased, your understanding has increased, your movement with yourself in whatever you engage within your day. You’re much more content, more even, more balanced. Would you not agree?

NUNO: Very much so. Yes.

ELIAS: Very well.

NUNO: Okay. Well I just thought I would ask a professional (both laugh) for an opinion.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Excellent. (Laughs) And the assessment has been rendered. (Laughs) Excellent that you agree with it. (Chuckles)

NUNO: A little while ago I listened to John’s discussions with you, that’s essence name Arry, and what… Two things struck me in that. First of all, one that – I’m going to ask you this again (laughs) – but is he…? Am I counterparts with that individual?


NUNO: Is there anybody I’m not counterparts with?

ELIAS: Oh yes, many. (Both laugh)

NUNO: That was just a joke. (Elias laughs) I guess the part in your discussion with him that I thought was most significant to me was about contentment. And he asked you whether that’s the missing piece and you said yes. And I feel that that is a missing piece for me as well, and I guess I’d like to ask you if you have suggestions for me to improve that?

ELIAS: Let me ask you first: how do you define contentment?

NUNO: I would say it’s a kind of satisfaction, but that it’s deeper and broader.

ELIAS: Mm. And explain what that means to you.

NUNO: That means being at peace with myself, not being concerned about future events, not being discounting of myself, being more appreciative of what I have and just generally being at ease.

ELIAS: I would say that I would agree with all of that, but what I would express in relation to that is that that doesn’t mean that that’s a constant state of being. That it doesn’t mean that you don’t have periods of time in which you’re impatient or you’re frustrated or irritated or dissatisfied. I would say that all of these pieces are normal because you are emotional beings. And in that, it’s a matter of recognizing that contentment is that underlying factor that is always present, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t overlaying factors at times that are expressing in different emotional capacity. Because contentment isn’t an emotion, it’s a state of being. And in that, it is that factor that at times it’s very obvious and it may be the overlay itself, and at times it may be the underlying, depending upon what is happening in your reality and what is happening in your world.

I would say that it does affect you in relation to those overlaying expressions. Meaning that most of them are not as intense as they could be, if you are expressing that underlying contentment. Therefore it does help you at times in which there might be some other overlaying expression that could generate an extreme and it might not, because you already are expressing that contentment. Therefore it’s not, the first thing, a feeling. And the second thing is that it’s something that doesn’t take away emotional expressions.

Therefore in that, it also isn’t an expression of satisfaction. If it were, then you wouldn’t need the word “satisfaction.” I would say that being satisfied is different than being content. Being content doesn’t always automatically, as I have expressed, mean that you will be satisfied. And in that, I would say that that is important because satisfaction or the lack thereof, both, is a very motivating expression. That you want to be satisfied and therefore you would be motivated to move in those directions in relation to different expressions.

In this, this is also the reason that contentment doesn’t mean that a person would be complacent or unmotivated. Because then there is that other expression of satisfaction that would be motivating in relation to your movement and what you’re doing and perhaps what you have.

And in that, I would say that it’s a matter of looking at the general theme of your life and the general expression of your life, and then you can assess whether you are actually satisfied or not. If there are many things in your life that are still uncomfortable and are bothersome to you, then I would express that it’s likely that you’re not very content. But for you, I would say that at this point in your life there may be things that you want to improve, there may be things that you want to change, but for the most part I would express that you are a generally satisfied individual.

NUNO: Oh! I never thought of myself in that capacity.

ELIAS: I would say that for the most part you are a content person and that you are generally satisfied, but that you also move in directions of not being entirely satisfied with one thing or another and that motivates you to explore more, but that doesn’t mean that you’re not content. I would say contentment is the expression of not necessarily how you see or interact with the world. Contentment is how you see and interact with you. And in that, I would say that you have moved in a direction of becoming significantly more and more content with yourself.

NUNO: I think with that definition, I would agree. Yes. (Elias chuckles)

I would like to ask a question about the manner in which I direct… well mostly it’s the body consciousness, but it could be other things as well. Usually what I do is I pull in my energy, increase the volume of it, and then repeat a statement to myself. And what I would like to ask is: in that statement, should it be statement of action or should it be a statement of want? In other words, let’s say for example if what I want to accomplish is regeneration and healing, should I be repeating to myself some statement that indicates I want to regenerate and I want to heal myself or should I be repeating a statement of simply directing the body consciousness to heal and regenerate?

ELIAS: First of all, I would say that it depends on the subject matter and the situation. Sometimes it may be a statement of action. Sometimes it may be a statement of want. Sometimes it may be a statement of being. In relation to your example of regeneration, I would say that that would be something that you would express a statement of action. This is not something that you don’t have and you want to acquire. It’s something that you are instructing the body to do. Therefore that would be a statement of action. If you are engaging something in which it’s something that you want to acquire futurely, then that might be a different type of expression. And then there are situations in which you are expressing not actually a want and not actually a statement of action, but rather something that is merely about being. Therefore I would say it depends on the situation and the subject matter.

NUNO: Okay. Thank you. I understand that explanation.

ELIAS: Very well.

NUNO: I would like to ask you about my eyesight and the use of reading glasses. I want to improve my vision and the difficulty is that I’m farsighted so things that are up close, they are out of focus. Now at times I need to do work and it requires vision at short distances; for example, working on the computer or something else. And so I use reading glasses for that purpose, and my sense is that these aren’t really beneficial in the sense that although they are effective, that they tend to actually worsen the situation with the eyesight. Would you agree?

ELIAS: At times, yes.

NUNO: And therefore if you could give me some guidance on that, that would be appreciated.

ELIAS: Very well. I would say that if you are working in a situation in which it requires you to be looking at things up close and that you can see better with reading glasses, I would say use them for a certain amount of time, such as use them for, let us say, fifteen minutes. And then stop and look at varying degrees of distances, (inaudible) something. Then look at what is in front of you that you would require the reading glasses for – and without squinting, because squinting actually makes it worse. Without squinting, holding your eyes in a relaxed position, look at whatever it is that you are viewing up close and allow yourself to attempt to see it clearly for a minute or two before you resume with your reading glasses.

This type of exercise can be very helpful in strengthening your eyes in relation to your vision with not only up close things that you are attempting to see, but also what I would say is that yes, reading glasses can actually be detrimental because they weaken your eyes. Your eyes become dependent on that lens to help your vision. And what it ultimately also begins to do is weaken your eyes in distance.

NUNO: Okay. Thank you. I find that instead of squinting actually, sometimes what I do is I open the eyes wide. Is that also not a good thing?

ELIAS: No. That can be, that can be beneficial, although I would say that it’s important for you to notice how that’s affecting your vision.

[The connection is disrupted and re-established]

ELIAS: Continuing.

NUNO: Yes. I believe you were, we were discussing eyesight. And did you want to—

ELIAS: You were expressing that you, rather than squint, widen your eyes. And I expressed that that can be effective but it’s important for you to pay attention to how it’s affecting your vision. Sometimes it’s not as beneficial to widen your eyes more because in that, what you’re encouraging your vision to do is you’re encouraging your vision to let in more light and that can be counterproductive.

Therefore what I’m saying is, as a general rule of thumb it would be more advantageous to simply relax your eyes and holding your eyes in a relaxed position to look at different things at different distances. Hold your vision at one thing at a certain distance. Then look at another thing that’s farther away. Then look at another thing that’s farther away than that. Then move your eyes back to whatever is close to you.

NUNO: Okay. Thank you. I will attempt that and that should help.

ELIAS: Excellent.

NUNO: I have a theory on attention I would like to validate with you.

ELIAS: Very well.

NUNO: And I call it “Threads of Attention.” So my theory is, is that first of all you have expressed previously that focuses only can pay attention to one thing at one time. Is that correct?

ELIAS: No. That’s not correct. Actually, quite the opposite. I have encouraged people at times, when they feel scattered, to attempt to focus on one thing at a time. But generally speaking, your natural state is to be paying attention to many things at a time. You’re paying attention to everything that your sense input is expressing, which means all of your senses at the same time, and you might be directing one or more of those senses in more than one direction at one time. Therefore no, naturally you have the ability to be paying attention to several things at once.

NUNO: But in that, that’s all physical sense information?

ELIAS: Not entirely. No. It depends on the situation, but because you have the ability to pay attention to more than one thing at one time, it could be things that are not physical in addition to physical things.

NUNO: Okay. That’s very strange, because I was certain that you had said that humans can only focus on one thing at a time. But anyways, okay, I don’t need to discuss that any further then.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Very well. (Chuckles)

NUNO: Scott has a question on saturated and unsaturated fats. He would like to know what the optimum balance between the two is for dietary purposes.

ELIAS: Repeat.

NUNO: Scott would like to know what the optimum balance is between saturated and unsaturated fats in his diet.

ELIAS: I would say for him, in relation to his body, I would say a ratio of six to one in relation to the saturated fat being the lower number.

NUNO: Okay. I think he might be surprised by that. Another question: cucumbers are fruits. Are they nutritious raw?



ELIAS: They actually are.

NUNO: And I have a question on rose quartz. There seems to be two types of rose quartz, one that is somewhat translucent and another type that is opaque. Do they both have the same properties in terms of energy?


NUNO: Okay. A few hours after Cattwo died, I saw an image of a cat walking through the house, briefly. And it was… It was not like an image that was physical. You might say it was kind of a ghost-like image. I would like to know if that image was actually the creature’s energy? Or was it simply a projection of mine?

ELIAS: No. It was that animal’s energy.

NUNO: Okay. And then some days later, I got on my phone a photo album which Google sends to me every now and then. It goes through my photos and then puts together a photo album for me on some theme. And then a few days later, I get this photo album from Google which was all about Cattwo. It was just entirely pictures of that creature. And I was wondering if this was something you instigated?

ELIAS: No. That would be a combination of you and that aspect of energy that was configured as the cat.

NUNO: Okay. Did I betray the cat?

ELIAS: Did you betray the cat? Most definitely not. Why would you ask that question?

NUNO: I had him euthanized.

ELIAS: And are you not privy to what I have expressed about that?


ELIAS: Very well. I will very briefly express to you that as a human, you wouldn’t even have the idea to do that unless the animal was projecting that energy to you. Humans, I will say to you very genuinely, for the most part are much too selfish. That you wouldn’t move in that direction if the animal wasn’t prompting you to. In this, when they’re ready, they will prompt you in that direction. It’s more likely that you won’t listen and that you will continue to express a lag time than it is that you would engage the action. I would say that no, it is always, always a situation in which the animal is projecting an energy to you which then creates that idea in your mind that is about euthanizing. They are, in a manner of speaking, asking you to help them. And therefore your response in that is anything but a betrayal.

NUNO: Okay. Thank you for that. It’s kind of more along the lines of what I received from Lawrence.

ELIAS: Excellent.

NUNO: Has the creature reconfigured already?

ELIAS: No. Generally speaking, they don’t immediately. And when I say immediately, I mean within the first month or two after they disengage. Sometimes they don’t for a considerable amount of time. But if they are inclined to reconfigure because you’re inclined to be doing that, then generally speaking it would happen approximately at about six months to a year. Generally speaking, the human – such as you – will hold onto that energy for a while.

NUNO: Okay. Very well. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome.

NUNO: I would ask you now about the conception inner sense exercise. You discussed this many years ago, and I’ve tried to find information on that and I wasn’t very successful in finding a concise statement of how to do that exercise.

ELIAS: In relation to conceptualization?

NUNO: In relation to an exercise which you expressed some… well, a long time ago, to the group, to do what you just said then, to practice that.

ELIAS: (Pause) In relation to that, I would say that the easiest manner would be to engage an exercise in which you focus on some element of philosophy. It doesn’t matter what it is, anything that piques your interest. And in that, then you attempt to experience the action of that. It’s easiest to do it with some factor of, or some expression of, philosophy because that’s somewhat conceptual anyway. It’s a concept. And in that, then when you focus on that and you focus on the action of it, that can, in a manner of speaking, transport you into a very different type of experience. It’s not that you would necessarily have ideas generated by concentrating on the action of it, but rather it moves you in the direction of an experience with it.

NUNO: And would this exercise be beneficial to me?

ELIAS: (Pause) Yes. Because I would say that it moves very much in harmony with what you’re doing in relation to becoming more objectively aware of yourself as essence. I would say that it also can aid you in many different directions in relation to action, and how action in many situations is more effective than thinking.

NUNO: Okay. Thank you for that. I will experiment.

ELIAS: Very well.

NUNO: I sometimes, when I’m preparing for these discussions with you, I’m not really sure what directions to move in and what questions to ask you. What is the most effective way, or rather what is the most beneficial way for myself to engage you in these conversations?

ELIAS: I would say there are two directions that you could move in. One is to be more spontaneous, and in that, not necessarily tremendously prepare at all. And therefore, that allows for you to engage a conversation and perhaps even a discussion, which can be very beneficial. Or the second direction would be, in the interim time between our conversations, to be actually making notes then about whatever strikes you in the moment as a curiosity, as an inspiration, whatever is presenting itself to you in the moment that you’re curious about and that you might want to engage a conversation about. And in that, you can use that as a guideline in either direction, either to use that as your notes rather than preparing before our conversation, to simply have those notes and refer to them as subjects that are of interest to you and that you want to engage conversation about, or that you simply have them as very loose guidelines that will allow you to engage if you happen to be less focused during our conversation, if you are being more spontaneous. But both of those directions can be very beneficial and enjoyable.

NUNO: I do some of the latter. I make little notes when something presents itself to me.

ELIAS: I would say that if you are doing that more frequently, that it may be interesting what you present to yourself.

NUNO: Okay. Very well. So my next question is: do you have any questions for me?

ELIAS: Actually, I do. I would say I would ask you how you’re proceeding in relation to your energy exercises, and I would also ask you how you’re proceeding—other than your visions – in relation to your animal companion?

NUNO: With Cattwo, I actually am proceeding quite well. The first four or five days were challenging to me. The first day was very, very challenging to me. What I did is, I used my method for addressing to those kinds of triggers and energy to release energy, and it was very effective. And so I released the energy of guilt. I released the energy of loss. And I’m doing very well right now on that subject.

ELIAS: Very well. And how are you proceeding with your exercises?

NUNO: That’s kind of how we started our discussion today. I’ve been wanting to resume formal sessions of that and I’ve begun to do that. I’ve begun to clear some space in my day for that purpose.

ELIAS: Are you meditating?

NUNO: Not enough. (Both laugh) Which is a statement of not-enough. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: (Inaudible) (Both laugh)

NUNO: I do have an intent to begin meditating in the morning when I get up, so it’s a matter of discipline to do that.

ELIAS: Ah! Excellent. And remind yourself: you don’t have to be generating a meditation for an extended period of time. You can begin with even five minutes. Eventually, you likely will want to be engaging more time but sometimes when you’re beginning it can feel somewhat daunting to be thinking about meditating for twenty minutes or half an hour, and therefore it’s not necessary. You can engage, as I said, even five minutes is beneficial.

NUNO: I tend to think that my energy exercises to some extent are a kind of meditation. Would you disagree with that?

ELIAS: Repeat.

NUNO: I tend to think that my energy exercises are a kind of meditation. Would you agree or disagree with that?

ELIAS: It is a type of meditation, but I would say that it would be very beneficial for you to be engaging an actual meditation that isn’t necessarily your energy exercise. Because you can be engaging meditation for many other reasons and you can be expressing that meditation and accomplishing many more actions than only that. (Pause) And I would say that another reason that it would be very beneficial for you to be engaging meditation is because it can very strongly help to move you in the direction of balance and in that, being more stabilized, in a manner of speaking. And it will strengthen you in every direction. It can also help you with your eyesight.

NUNO: Sounds powerful.

ELIAS: It is. This is the reason that I am so advocating of meditation, because it IS very powerful and it can be effective in so many different directions. And in that, very beneficial AND it’s tremendously beneficial with very little effort.

NUNO: Okay. You have presented that to me very well. Thank you. (Elias laughs)

And one other question here: what energies am I stifling?

ELIAS: Why do you ask that question?

NUNO: It’s just a question. Perhaps there are none.

ELIAS: (Pause) What energies are you stifling? (Pause) I would say the energy that you most consistently or commonly or frequently stifle or attempt to stifle is any energy associated with feelings. Not emotion, feelings.

NUNO: As a feeling which is a communication from the body consciousness?

ELIAS: Feelings are signals. They’re not communications. And in that, I made a distinction of saying not emotion. That would be the communication. You’re not inclined to stifle that, but you do have an inclination to stifle or attempt to stifle the signal.

NUNO: Can you give me an example?

[The timer for the end of the session rings]

ELIAS: Anything that you perceive as uncomfortable, you are more inclined to move in a direction of attempting to immediately express some direction that will terminate that feeling.

NUNO: And instead, I should be acknowledging it?

ELIAS: Most definitely. And with some feelings, it’s actually more beneficial to actually allow yourself to experience them and sit with them, in your terms.

What I would say to you in that is: grief is one of those, because the feelings in association with grief are different than other feelings. That those feelings are not necessarily meant as signals to alert you to a message or a statement. They are feelings that are designed to prompt you in directions of expressing certain energies. And in that, there is a definite purpose to that process, because what it does is it moves you in a direction of slowly allowing you to express everything that you have experienced and felt in relation to whatever it is that you’re grieving, or whoever it is that you’re grieving. And in that, what that process does is, is eventually it moves you in a direction in which you then can express recall of memory and more than that, in an actual joyful capacity. That’s what the grieving process is meant to do. And when you don’t allow that to happen or when you attempt to rush through it – and I would say to you that you’ve done this in other capacities in the past, in which you may have been feeling something significant and you have tendency to rush through them, because you’re uncomfortable and therefore you want to move in a direction of stifling that energy as fast as possible.

But in this time framework, what I would say to you, pastly it has not been tremendously important but in this time framework in this situation with this subject matter, it is important.

NUNO: Okay. I will therefore engage that.

ELIAS: I would definitely advise that.

NUNO: Okay. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome. I shall greatly be looking forward to our next meeting, my friend. And I will very much acknowledge you that you are accomplishing considerably well.

Until our next meeting, in tremendous love and great affection, in tremendous comfort and dear friendship, au revoir.

NUNO: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 1 hour 59 minutes)

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