The Power of Repetition; Inner Landscape for Everything
“Raw and Cooked Vegetables”
“Repetition, Perception and Energy”
“The Subjective, the Objective and the Body Consciousness”
“Use of the Inner Landscape Exercise beyond the Body Consciousness”
“Inner Landscape Imagery Interpretation”
Monday, June 19, 2023 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Nuno (Lystell)
ELIAS: Good morning!
NUNO: Thank you! Yes, and it’s always a pleasure to speak with you, my friend.
ELIAS: (Laughs) And you also. And how shall we begin?
NUNO: Well, I wanted to actually start with a few quick questions, so we get those out of the way before we go on to some more in-depth matters. I wanted to start with – this is kind of an odd question – but is my youngest daughter’s essence name Michael?
ELIAS: (Pause) Michelle.
NUNO: Ah! Pretty close. Okay. I got that in a dream and it was kind of strange, so I thought I’d ask. On the subject of nutrition, you suggested I eat more cooked vegetables, which I have been doing and it has been making a good difference. I was wondering, in terms of cooked vegetables versus raw vegetables, is that a matter of balance or is there a preference? Should I have a preference for the cooked vegetables?
ELIAS: I would say it’s a matter of actual nutrition, that vegetables that are raw don’t release as much nutritional value. In fact, most raw vegetables don’t have a lot of nutritional value at all. What happens is when you warm them, when you cook them, they release their nutritional value and then YOU absorb that better.
NUNO: Okay. That makes sense to me. So I should probably be de-emphasizing my salads and going with the cooked vegetables instead?
ELIAS: I would say that if you like to consume salad, that is entirely acceptable, but as to nutritional value, I would express that the cooked vegetables are better.
NUNO: Okay. Excellent. I was talking to somebody, oh I don’t know, last month or something, I can’t actually recall, and they had had a conversation with you about longevity and you expressed to them that for them the longest longevity that their body consciousness could sustain would be 900 years. But you had expressed 400 to me, so I’m wondering why the difference?
ELIAS: I would say that that would be that person.
NUNO: Oh! So this is not, this is not a generality. This is specific to each individual?
ELIAS: I would say it IS specific to each individual, although if you wanted a generalization at this point, I would say that most individuals would likely fall into a category around two to three hundred.
NUNO: Okay. That’s all the quick questions I have. I had kind of a realization, perhaps in the past few days. It’s kind of related to my use of repetition to address to the blood pressure, which has been going very well and we’ll talk a little bit more about that later. But then I realized after what you said that actually what I’m doing is communicating with the subjective awareness, and the subjective awareness is then instructing the body consciousness. I came to a kind of realization that that is something I actually have done in the past, actually a very long time ago I think might have been the first time, to instruct or communicate with the subjective awareness to indicate what I want. And so I wanted to confirm this with you.
It’s kind of a long story, so I will try and keep it short, but feel free to jump in with questions or comments.
About thirty years ago, approximately in 1992 or something like that, I got a job. And the reason I got the job was because I had been doing freelance work at the time and the freelance work dried up and I was feeling quite concerned about paying the bills and so on. So I got this job and I absolutely hated the job. I hated the environment, I hated the kind of work I was doing, and above all I hated the commute. And I decided that what I really needed was a lot of money. I needed a lot of money in order to not have to have that kind of lifestyle. I much prefer to work on my own at home.
So on the commute, as I walked from the train station to the office building where I was working, I would repeat to myself, “More money. More money. More money.” And I would do that for the entire time I was walking, which was perhaps 25, 30 minutes, something like that. And I guess the reason I did that was I knew enough from reading Seth that I created my reality and was attempting to instruct myself to manifest more money, so that’s what I did.
And sometime later, things improved and I was able to quit the job and work from home, but that’s only really the first part of the story. Sometime later after that, I got this phone call from somebody who I’d never known before, a business person who wanted to start a new business. What they wanted was a new electronic device designed to enable the business. And I said yeah, I could do this for you. So we started working together. Eventually they liked me so much that they hired me, and the end result was this was the most successful achievement in my life. I’d got a lot of money as a result of working for that company and I attribute much of my present financial freedom to that.
So I guess my question is, how did I achieve that? Was it because of that repetition? Was that a key element in that?
ELIAS: Was it a key element? Yes.
NUNO: So I was communicating to the subjective awareness? Is that correct?
ELIAS: No. No. What you were doing was, in that repetition, in that recitation, you were affecting what you were paying attention to. And in that, you were also allowing yourself to be open to what you were drawing to yourself.
Now; in that, no, that’s not about the subjective awareness. That’s about perception. And in that, perception is about what you’re paying attention to. Perception is an objective awareness mechanism, and in that, many times when you are expressing repetitions – this is the reason that many individuals engage mantras – because that repetition affects what you’re paying attention to.
You don’t necessarily always notice how it’s affecting what you’re paying attention to, but it does. And in that, it is also how you’re projecting energy, which is also what you draw to yourself.
Now; if you’re paying attention to a mantra or something that you are repeating over and over and over again, then you’re projecting that energy outwardly and you’re likely going to draw to yourself things that are associated with that mantra, or whatever it is that you’re repeating. And therefore you’re going to notice changes in your reality, such as seemingly out of the blue someone contacts you and wants you to help them or wants to hire you. And in that, you weren’t actually even applying for a job, but the individual wants to hire you. And in that, why? Because you’re projecting that energy to draw to you, in relation to what you want.
NUNO: Okay. I understand that. I was under the misunderstanding that the subjective awareness is what directs the projector, perception. But it’s actually the objective awareness that directs the projector?
ELIAS: Correct. Correct.
NUNO: Okay. That’s significant. Now I have kind of a related question. The inner landscape exercise you described as being a communication from the objective awareness to the subjective awareness to indicate what is it that, for example—
ELIAS: No, no, no, no, no! No, no, no. No. The inner landscape, what I have expressed is that it is the opposite of dreams. That dreams are the objective expression of imagery about what the subjective awareness is doing. And in the inner landscape, it’s the opposite. The subjective is creating the imagery about what the objective awareness is doing. And at the same time, simultaneously, the subjective awareness is generating, in a manner of speaking, the opposite instructions. Because that’s what you’re expressing objectively in your intention, that you want the subjective awareness to communicate differently to the body consciousness, or that you want to change something objectively in relation to what you are expressing in the objective awareness.
But generally speaking, it’s most commonly used in relation to healing expressions and therefore what’s happening is that the subjective awareness is taking that intention that you have expressed when you generate the inner landscape, and it’s expressing the imagery about what the objective awareness is doing, and then at the same time it’s moving in the direction of creating the opposite action in relation to the body consciousness and how it’s instructing the body consciousness.
Understand that the subjective awareness is moving hand-in-hand with the objective awareness. And therefore in that it’s, in a manner of speaking, taking cues from the objective awareness in relation to the body consciousness. Therefore if you are generating stress or tension, the subjective awareness translates that into physical manifestation. If you are generating significant contentment and satisfaction, the subjective awareness translates that in relation to different physical manifestations.
NUNO: Clearly from what you’ve described in this and in the past, it is that the subjective awareness is what instructs the body consciousness in all manners.
NUNO: And I find this curious in that the body consciousness is a physical projection as well, and since – and you just confirmed that the objective awareness is what creates the physical projections – then why is it that the subjective awareness is managing the body consciousness?
ELIAS: Because most of the functions of the body consciousness are actions that require a constant input of instruction, and that would be very tedious for the objective awareness to do. You are already occupied with your objective awareness in many, many capacities and your attention moves in many directions and is occupied in many directions at the same time, all the time. Therefore to add to that the maintenance of the body consciousness would be rather overwhelming.
NUNO: Okay. Now if I understood you correctly, what you said just previously regarding the inner landscape exercise, if the intent is something that is not concerning the body consciousness, I guess that’s the first question: can it be used for an intent that is objective but not concerning the body consciousness?
ELIAS: Yes. Therefore you could use that for moving in a more successful direction with business, or you could use it in moving in a more successful direction with your creativity, or you could use it to be helpful to you in association with being more successful with your relationship. You can use the inner landscape for almost anything.
NUNO: So in those cases where it’s not concerning the body consciousness, what is the role of the subjective awareness in that?
ELIAS: Ah! The role of the subjective awareness in that is still to be overseeing and instructing the body. Because remember: first of all, not only is the body incorporating many, many functions that require being constantly maintained, but the body is also creating all feelings. And therefore it’s a matter of how the body is being maintained to help you rather than hinder you in relation to whatever direction you’re engaging.
Now; let’s take a hypothetical situation in regard to relationships. In this, the body consciousness creates all feelings. Therefore, depending upon what you’re doing, if you want to be generating more productive or healthy relationships in whatever capacity, then it would be a matter of the subjective awareness being in harmony with that and therefore aiding you in not being so reactive.
NUNO: Okay. And so if I was to, let’s say, engage the inner landscape for that purpose, that would be what the subjective awareness would be instructing to the body consciousness?
ELIAS: Yes. The subjective awareness is maintaining the body consciousness. Therefore it would be instructing the body consciousness to be more balanced and to be moving in a more even capacity and not being as reactive.
NUNO: And in my case, I’ve already been moving in that direction for quite some time now in being less reactive and it’s much less common with me now that that occurs. So I guess what I’m asking is, if I was to do that exercise then is it so much a benefit to me or is there something…?
ELIAS: Yes. It helps you not only in relation to feelings, but your body affects you in many different capacities that you don’t necessarily even tremendously pay attention to. You pay attention to your blood pressure, but many people don’t. And in that, there are other factors of the functioning of the body that you’re not necessarily paying attention to or that you wouldn’t be paying attention to if you hadn’t been engaging conversations with myself, such as what you’re consuming.
In that, how the body is functioning affects how you function. The more the body is functioning optimally, the easier it is for you to do anything. (Pause) If you’re having difficulty with anything – and you may not even be objectively aware of the difficulties that you might be expressing…
Now; what I mean by that is you might be objectively aware of some sluggishness or that you’re not functioning optimally, but you don’t necessarily know why, because you don’t know all of the subjective communications in how it is maintaining the body consciousness.
Now; in this also, what I would say to you is that many times you’re not even aware of what may be not functioning optimally because you’re not paying attention to it. Many, many, many people become very accustomed to their body not functioning optimally and they don’t think about it. They don’t pay attention to it. They don’t even notice, until it IS functioning optimally and then they notice. But as long as it’s not functioning optimally and they’re accustomed to that, they don’t necessarily notice what is happening with the body. And therefore they’re not actually aware of how that affects their performance in their daily life. (Pause)
NUNO: Okay. So in order to address to those, let’s say, areas of the body consciousness that are functioning less than optimally but I am not objectively aware of, that would be a … I’m supposing you’re going to say that the inner landscape would be most appropriate to address to that?
ELIAS: Yes. Yes, it would be. And therefore it would help you to become more aware of what is happening with the body and you likely would become more aware of feeling more of what isn’t necessarily optimal with the body.
NUNO: And if I use the inner landscape for that purpose, what would be the intent that is used to that end?
ELIAS: I would say you could express that you want to be expressing physical and overall balance and centeredness, and to be aware of whatever may not be balanced, or that you want to be aware of whatever is not optimally functioning properly in your body. And in that, it is merely a matter of what is important to you and what do you want to do. If you want to be aware of all of the functionings of your body, not necessarily specifically but the functionings of your body in relation to how it affects you and moving in a direction of generating a balance with your body – and remember: balance is not something that you do in pieces. You do it in the whole. And therefore with the body, in relation to balance, that would be an expression of the whole body.
NUNO: Okay. I understand. I guess there are two central importances that I have generally in this focus. One is naturally, as I expressed before, the maintenance of the body consciousness and in health. And the other one is, I want to be moving in the direction of not only the direction I have been moving in, which is to incorporate more of myself into the focus, but also to be able to intentionally manifest my objective reality. And that is something that is of considerable interest to me presently, is intentional manifestation. And what would you say would benefit me the most, to move in that direction?
ELIAS: (Pause) What type of intentional manifestation?
NUNO: I would say definitely having to do with more financial freedom and outside of the body consciousness, it would be moving more in the direction of my desire.
ELIAS: You’re always moving in the direction of your desire.
NUNO: Okay, let’s say moving in the direction of my desire in a way that’s more satisfying to me.
ELIAS: Very well. (Pause) I would say that that’s definitely something that you can set as an intention with the inner landscape. And then what will happen is, you will begin to create the moving picture part of the inner landscape, which is the subjective awareness telling you in abstract imagery what you’re objectively doing that is contrary to that objective.
Now; in that, it’s in a manner of speaking a matter of reverse dream interpretation. Just as dreams are symbolic and in order to interpret dreams, it’s a matter of recognizing that that symbolic imagery is abstract, it’s the same with the inner landscape. It’s simply the other awareness that’s creating the imagery. Therefore in that, what I would say is what one difference in the imagery is that the imagery of the subjective is going to be somewhat less – not entirely, but somewhat less – abstract than the objective imagery is in dreams. Let me give you a hypothetical example.
Let’s say that an individual is doing an inner landscape and they are expressing the intention that they want to be healing some physical manifestation, and in that, they have imagery in the inner landscape of some large man that is appearing on the scene and being destructive to the landscape.
Now; in that, in a dream that man could be imagery for any number of things that might not be a human at all, and it may not be associated with a man, but it has to do with some sort of association that the individual has. In relation to the inner landscape, that type of imagery likely is more realistic. That the actions that the man is doing obviously are symbolic, but the factor that there is the presentment of a large man in their landscape likely is more associated with that the individual has experiences and strong associations with men and the reason that they’re generating the image of a large man is because they are generating the imagery of the issue with men and that it’s a significant issue. Therefore there is more of an expression of realness or less abstractness in relation to the imagery with the subjective than there is with the objective. Therefore it’s more likely to interpret the imagery of the subjective imagery as being less abstract than dream imagery.
Now; that doesn’t mean that it’s entirely literal, but that it’s more so than dream imagery. Therefore for many individuals, it may be easier to interpret the imagery in relation to an inner landscape than it is to interpret dream imagery.
NUNO: But it’s not really necessary, from what I understand.
ELIAS: No, it’s not. It’s not necessary, but there are many individuals that automatically want to analyze whatever imagery they’re being presented with. And some individuals might want to interpret that imagery to give themselves more information about what is being expressed objectively, because depending upon what they are intending with that inner landscape, it might be helpful in relation to what they’re addressing to.
NUNO: Okay. Very well. A quick question here. I seem to have a natural aptitude for manipulating energy. Would you agree with that?
NUNO: And is that something that has to do with my alien origins?
ELIAS: Meaning what?
NUNO: Meaning, as I understand it, I come from another dimension.
ELIAS: (Pause) Explain.
NUNO: Okay. Well, maybe this question isn’t really relevant or make sense. I was wanting to know why it is that I have a natural aptitude with energy manipulation, but maybe that’s just the way I am.
ELIAS: I would say that it’s a gift, and that every individual has their own individual gifts and this is one of yours.
NUNO: Okay. Now on the subject of releasing energy, my understanding is that it’s not necessary to be specific about the energy you’re releasing. For example, to express that I want to release all unwanted energy, is that effective?
NUNO: Okay. And that would, for example, release energies of unwanted anticipation?
ELIAS: (Pause) That’s not simply an energy. That’s also an action, because anticipation is something that you do. It’s not only an energy that you might be holding that you want to release, but it’s also a matter of stopping an action which is that of anticipation, which is projecting your attention futurely.
NUNO: So what is the most effective way to address that?
ELIAS: That would be a matter of – are we still engaging the inner landscape?
NUNO: Yes.
ELIAS: Very well. Then in that, it would be a matter of setting an intention to be expressing more presence and holding your attention in the now. Therefore you would automatically not be projecting your attention in anticipation of something because you would be addressing to being present and being now.
NUNO: Okay. What is the difference between attempting control and directing?
ELIAS: (Pause) Control has an element of force. (Pause)
NUNO: Simply that?
ELIAS: Yes. Control always has an element of force.
NUNO: Whereas directing has an element of allowance?
ELIAS: Correct.
NUNO: Okay. I’ve been kind of curious about my alien origins. I guess the question is, is this of any significance to me in this focus? Would more information on that be of any use to me?
ELIAS: (Pause) What I would ask you is to explain that identification.
NUNO: Okay. We had this discussion a long time ago.
ELIAS: I understand that, but what I’m asking you is what your interpretation of that is.
NUNO: Okay, my interpretation of that is that instead of creating a new focus for this reality, this focus, what occurred is that the focus was basically moved from somewhere else, a different dimension, into this reality. (Pause)
ELIAS: Very well. Continue.
NUNO: Well the question is, first of all, is that correct?
ELIAS: Yes. THAT is correct. I was simply, in the manner that you were expressing that, it was somewhat sounding as if you were expressing that you were born of alien origin, meaning that aliens were involved in your birth in this physical reality, which would be very incorrect. But continue.
NUNO: That is not at all what I was thinking.
ELIAS: Very well.
Now; in that, I would say you’re asking if that would be beneficial for you to explore?
NUNO: Not so much to explore as – well, potentially yes, but more would information on that be helpful to me in some way such as understanding myself, as understanding my motives, or is it simply that it’s not important?
ELIAS: I would say more the latter, because once you are moved into a dimension, you are assimilated in energy in that dimension. Therefore just as with individuals or groups that we have discussed previously that have blinked out of this dimension and into some other dimension, in the same capacity they immediately assimilate their energy and reconfigure it into that dimension to fit, and therefore anything associated with this dimension would be irrelevant to them. Therefore the same holds for the reverse.
NUNO: Okay. Very well. I won’t concern myself with that anymore.
ELIAS: Very well.
NUNO: For instructing the body consciousness, let’s say I have multiple things I want to instruct the body consciousness with, like regeneration, like healing, like altering my appearance, things like that. I think you expressed to someone at some time that the body consciousness will become overwhelmed if too many things are asked of it at the same time?
ELIAS: It can happen, yes.
NUNO: So would you say for me that I should only express one direction each day?
ELIAS: (Pause) You can, and what you can do is, you can in that intention express that you don’t want this to be accomplished simply for that day, but that you want this to be accomplished in general, always.
NUNO: Okay. And I was wondering if this repetition that I’ve been using to address the blood pressure, which has been extremely effective, could I use repetition for that, for other purposes too with the body consciousness?
ELIAS: Absolutely. Yes.
NUNO: Okay. What would you say is the most effective thing I can do presently to be moving more in a direction of intentional manifestation?
ELIAS: (Pause) I’d say either use your repetition or your inner landscape to be expressing being more present. That in itself is the one expression and the one direction that affects a multitude of expressions.
NUNO: And self-awareness is not the same as presence?
ELIAS: No, it’s not the same but presence will definitely help to influence the expansion of self-awareness.
NUNO: Because I thought I had actually been making very good progress with self-awareness.
ELIAS: I would agree.
NUNO: Okay. And all right then. That answers that question. What would you say are the strongest influences affecting my choices?
[The timer for the end of the session rings]
ELIAS: (Pause) The strongest influences affecting your choices would be (pause) what you’re paying attention to, but not simply in general what you’re paying attention to but what you’re paying attention to in relation to what you want and then becoming somewhat fixated on those subjects.
NUNO: So perhaps I should not become so fixated?
ELIAS: I would agree. I would express that it would be more beneficial to be more relaxed about the subjects that are important to you, and not being so intense.
NUNO: Okay. I think I understand that. That’s quite clear.
ELIAS: Excellent.
NUNO: I think this is the end of our discussions for today.
ELIAS: Very well.
NUNO: And I, as always, thank you for your assistance.
ELIAS: You are tremendously welcome, my friend. And I shall be offering my support in relation to your inner landscapes and I shall be encouraging you in association with your repetitions also. That appears to be being very effective with you.
NUNO: Yes, it is indeed actually. That was supposed to have been the main topic of discussion today, but I was confused about the role of the subjective awareness in that.
ELIAS: Very well. But I would say that you are accomplishing quite well with that repetition and I would be very encouraging to you in it, that that can be very successful.
NUNO: And you’re speaking generally, not just with respect to my blood pressure?
ELIAS: With respect to everything with you. Whatever direction you want to use it in, I would say that it likely will be considerably successful (pause) for the reasons that I expressed in the beginning of our conversation.
NUNO: Yes.
ELIAS: Very well, my friend. I would say congratulations.
NUNO: Thank you.
ELIAS: I shall greatly be looking forward to our next conversation, and I express tremendous love and friendship to you. Au revoir.
NUNO: Au revoir.
(Elias departs after 1 hour 1 minute)
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