Victim and Perpetrator; Smoking Tobacco
“Extending Guidelines to Others”
“Victim and Perpetrator”
“Who Do I Want to be Today Exercise”
“Counteracting not Enough”
“The Cumulative Effect of Smoking”
Saturday, January 28, 2023 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Ben(Sumarian)
ELIAS: Good evening!
BEN: Good evening, Elias. Nice to be back.
ELIAS: And what shall we discuss, my friend?
BEN: Elias, I have a list of my own curiosities, but I'm going to start off with something that my brother's wife wants to ask you. My brother's wife has been struggling with various health issues for an ongoing time framework, and I asked her if she wants to ask you anything. And she sent me a question in the first person, so I'll read it and perhaps you can address to her directly.
ELIAS: Very well.
BEN: And her question is, what is it inside me that cannot find peace?
ELIAS: And did she offer any assessment?
BEN: Not directly. She has certain impressions that it may be because of events during her growing up, during her adolescence, but it's not clear enough that she gave me as a definite impression.
ELIAS: Well, I would agree with that to a degree. I would say that over time that has created influences that create difficulty for her to relax. And in that, it's hard for her to accept herself. And when I say that, many times, it's difficult for people to accept themselves and they display that in not being able to accept other people. And in that I would say that she has judgments in relation to herself, in relation to expectations of herself, and that she has judgments of other people that she can't seem to find peace with, that she can't seem to move in that direction of acceptance. And that's what creates this unsettledness. I would say that she's definitely not alone in that, that most do with differences and that that is very difficult for most people to be accepting of.
People move in the direction of their own guidelines. But the problem with that is that they extend those guidelines to other people. They expect other people to follow their guidelines. And that creates difficulty and discord and conflict and unrest. And it leads people in directions of not being settled and therefore not expressing that peace. In this, it's always about not enough. Not enough is not only expressed in relation to money, not enough is expressed in many different capacities, and one of them is about differences. That it's about those differences not being good enough. Or not being acceptable enough. And in that creating conflicts and irritations and anger in relation to what is not good enough.
BEN: So these issues that you are talking about are affecting, for example, her inability to sleep for many years and also the illness that is occurring now in her bones.
ELIAS: Yes. When you don't address to situations, when you don't address to issues, what you will do is you will eventually move that in the direction of a physical manifestation. That's what you do with energy that you don't release and with issues that you don't express addressing to. What happened is when you carry certain energy for ongoing periods of time, what you do is you begin to create physical manifestations and you do things with the body consciousness, because you're not listening to your own communications and addressing to situations, and therefore you move in directions that are louder.
BEN: Okay. Could you offer any suggestion that could help her begin to move in that direction of addressing to those elements?
ELIAS: First I would say, look at the experiences that you had when you were younger, whether it be as a child, an adolescent or even as an adult. Look at the experiences that you've had. And in that, whatever it has been that you were a victim to, stop fighting with it. Stop being that victim. And remember that whenever you are a victim to any situation or to another individual or any experience, whenever you have the experience of being a victim, eventually the influences of that will move you in a direction of then being the perpetrator, which means that then you will move in a direction of expressing in some manner the opposite. It's not necessarily going to be the exact same as the experiences that you may have had in being a victim. But in some capacity it will turn your experience and you will be a perpetrator in some capacity. And in that, that's what is so difficult to move beyond.
It's a matter of breaking this automatic circle and stopping that and then empowering yourself. In this, it's about looking at differences, understanding that any individual that has expressed experiences with you in which they've been a perpetrator and you've been the victim of that, they're also a victim. It's not a matter of excusing their behaviors. But it is a matter of accepting that they didn't know differently at the time, which is difficult to understand. I very much acknowledge that. But you don't have to understand to accept. You don't have to agree with.
You don't have to like it. You don't have to excuse nothing. You don't have to understand to accept something. In that, it's a matter of looking at your life and expressing what choices do I want to engage that will allow me to be more content, to be more satisfied? And what directions do I want to move in? Not everybody else. Not concerning yourself with everyone else and what they want or what they do or how they express themselves. But what do you want and how do you want to express yourself?
I would very much also express an encouragement to do the exercise of Who do I want to be today? Now, in that recognize that when you answer that question, I want to be this today, the word that you insert into that sentence, that statement, it is important that that is an action word, something you can do, not something that you wish for, such as abundance. No, it's something that you actually do. An action word. I want to be fun today. I want to be silly today. I want to be listening today. I want to be attentive today. I want to be serious today. I want to be not serious today. Whatever the word is, it should be an action word and don't use the same word every day. Change the word every day. Therefore, sometimes for some individuals, it is beneficial to write down a list of words that can be inserted into that statement, and then you have something to refer to.
I would also express the exercise of every time you are thinking about or doing or expressing anything, anything that has to do with not enough, to place a quarter in a jar. I don't care how many times a day you have to put that quarter in a jar. Every time you express something, anything, that's not enough. Including anything such as: There's not enough ice cubes or there's not enough bread. It doesn't matter what it is. There's not enough time. There's not enough patience, there's not enough energy, there's not enough of anything, anything. It doesn't matter what it is, because everything is interconnected. Therefore, everything that you express not enough in is affecting everything else. In this every time you express that, you put money into a jar. And you're not allowed to touch the money in that jar.
In that, placing the money in the jar is an act, a physical act of appreciation for yourself. It's counteracting that not enough in a physical action. I would say that these two exercises are excellent to begin with and in that to definitely pay attention to your behaviors and your expressions in relation to those dynamics of being a victim and being a perpetrator. In that, that's very important. When you can let go of being a victim you'll stop creating physical manifestations. When you can let go of being a victim you'll empower yourself to move in intentional choices that are creating what you want rather than what you don't want.
BEN: Okay. Thank you for all of that. That was very interesting.
ELIAS: You're welcome.
BEN: Thank you Elias. We'll move into my slightly lighter topics. More about curiosities. In a recent conversation, you told an individual that tobacco is an accumulative substance. I didn't understand. In what sense is it different than any other substance like salt that you ingest and it accumulates?
ELIAS: Not many substances actually do accumulate in the body. Some, but not many. And tobacco, with or without chemicals, but especially with chemicals, is a substance that is accumulative. And in that I would say that this also obviously has to do with your beliefs. Not what you believe in this case, which is generally the opposite of what I express to most individuals. But in this, it's not about what you believe. It's about your beliefs in relation to this particular subject and this particular substance. That in this, this has been something that has been expressed since the discovery of tobacco by individuals, Europeans, namely, in relation to Native Americans. Now, in that I would say that the Europeans’ use of tobacco moved in certain directions, that they attributed certain effects to the tobacco itself, which then created an influence, created a belief in relation to the cumulative effects. Therefore, then that's what you created, cumulative effects, and you have been doing it ever since.
Now, in that what they observed was an effect of discoloration of their teeth, but what they attributed was not simply the discoloration of their teeth, but the decay of their teeth, which actually wasn't associated with the tobacco, but associated with other eating habits that they had at the time. And in that they attributed it to the use of tobacco instead. And that that was an accumulative expression that eventually led to the loss of teeth, which led to a degeneration of health. Now, in that this is a fine example of how you collectively move in directions of generating beliefs about certain things that then you actually create and how you perpetuate it, which you have in significant directions.
BEN: What about the accumulative effects, for example, on the lungs? It's been said that people that quit smoking their lungs after a time period regenerated partially. Is that true?
ELIAS: For some individuals, yes, it is. Not everyone. For some individuals, they move in the opposite direction and after they stop smoking, they may actually generate more effects than they were when they were smoking. It depends on the individual. I would say that in this, some individuals, many individuals do regenerate their lungs and they regenerate other systems in the body consciousness. Most people, though, don't regenerate heart in relation to whatever effects they have generated in relation to their heart. They don't generally regenerate that automatically. Now that doesn't mean that they can't. It simply means they don't do it automatically.
BEN: So for myself, I occasionally smoke for longer periods, shorter periods, I don't inhale the smoke, at least hardly any of it. I feel like it's more or less neutral for me because I'm sort of managing it in a manner that's my preference. Would that be accurate or am I not aware of certain affections, affectingness?
ELIAS: I would say it's not actually accurate because that is what you wish, not what's actually happening in your body consciousness. What I would say is that this is what many individuals express, that they are immune to the effects of smoking because they don't believe that it's affecting them in the manner that it affects most people. Now, this is what I was expressing, that difference that generally speaking, I do express to individuals about what they believe because what they believe is what they trust. And therefore, generally speaking, that is stronger and more affecting then what you would identify as a belief, because what they're doing in relation to what they believe is they are choosing a different influence of the belief that may be stronger or weaker depending on the belief itself in relation to its affectingness.
Now, this is what I was saying earlier in this conversation, that in this situation it's the reverse, that people might believe that they're not being affected accumulatively by this substance, when in actuality they are, because this is an accepted mass belief and in that the individual is not immune to it. Now, what I will say is that you and like manner to other individuals that believe that they are not being affected by a particular substance, it's not that you're not being affected, but that you're being less affected because of what you believe. Therefore, because of what you trust, you are generating less of an effect of that accumulation and therefore you are generating some difference in that. Not that you aren't being affected at all, but that you are being affected less than someone that would wouldn't necessarily believe that same direction. Do you understand?
BEN: Yeah, I understand. And I think it's probably similar with alcohol, right?
ELIAS: Yes. Now, with that, I would say some people do generate a significant accumulative effect with that and some people don't at all.
BEN: And that depends on what? On genetics and on what they trust.
ELIAS: It depends on what they trust.
BEN: Okay. So that can actually change. But you're saying that beliefs are quite strong.
ELIAS: Correct.
BEN: Hmm. All right, Elias. I still have more stuff, but we will do it the next time so we can let Mary come back. And it's been very interesting. And I will relay the information to my brother, hopefully with good results. So thank you for everything.
ELIAS: You are very welcome my friend, and I shall greatly be looking forward to our next meeting.
BEN: Me too.
ELIAS: I express tremendous encouragement to you and great love and affection, my dear friend, as always.
BEN: Thank you, Elias.
ELIAS: Until our next meeting, Au Revoir.
BEN: Bye bye.
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