Session 2023

Cooperating with your Guidelines


“Cooperating with your Guidelines”
“Other-dimensional Energy”

Tuesday, June 27, 2006 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Paul G.(Paneus)

ELIAS: Good day!

PAUL: Good day! How are you?

ELIAS: As always. And yourself?

PAUL: (Laughs) As always.

ELIAS: Very well.

PAUL: Okay. By the way, a friend of mine, Michelle Yvelyn wanted me to say this to you: “Hey darlin’! Thank you so very much for your encouragement and playfulness. With deepest affection and appreciation, I love you.” She wanted me to say that to you.

ELIAS: Very well. And you may offer my greetings and acceptance.

PAUL: Okay. Well, I need some assistance in my movement toward college. Is the subject of greatest ease for me to practice or to study physics, earth science or some other topic?

ELIAS: And what is your preference?

PAUL: (Laughs) Well, I’m really stuck on this one because I believe, part of me believes, that to unlock some of the ideas of the concepts in dimensional energy flows from one dimension to another, that I need physics. But some of the… one of the course books that I would take to be at physics, when I read it this past couple of weeks is very, very uninspiring. So maybe I need to take a subject that is not as dry that. Maybe something that has some elements of it but not too much, and I’m thinking something like earth science, which is not quite as heavy in physics.


PAUL: Earth science?

ELIAS: That would be the easier direction. Yes.

PAUL: Cool. Presently, I have not created the choice of school yet. I’m thinking that may be because I’m not looking at the complete picture. Is the path of greatest ease for my energy one that will involve taking classes locally for a year and then apply to go to grad school, or to take a corporate job and work, like in Nashville for a year, and then go to grad school, or go directly to one of those schools on the coast?

ELIAS: And once again, what is your preference?

PAUL: (Laughs) I don’t know! It’s like… I feel that there is a part of me that is still unsettled with finances, so the preference would probably be for me to see if I create taking a job down in Nashville for a year and then apply to grad school and going for the fall of next year.

ELIAS: I would suggest to you that you listen to your preferences. For this allows you to not oppose your guidelines and that generates more of an ease. When you tempt to force energy, generally speaking, in some capacity you are opposing your own guidelines. And that creates more of a thickness and more difficulty in attempting to accomplish what you want.

PAUL: Well, then that would be going to take that job, like in Nashville, and working for a year and then going to school?


PAUL: You would agree with that then, right?


PAUL: Okay, that is kind of what I thought. (Laughs) Although, I was like I felt I let myself down by not taking a bigger leap and going directly to college on the coast.

ELIAS: No, for the leap is to actually listen to yourself and to cooperate with yourself in your guidelines rather than attempting to push yourself in a direction that is opposing of your guidelines, and therefore generating more difficulties and more obstacles for yourself.

Individuals express the tendency to view certain actions as greater leaps of faith, so to speak, for they are actions or directions that are significantly not natural for them to engage. And therefore, they attach a false sense of a greater expression of trust or a greater expression of spirituality in generating those types of directions or actions. But in actuality, what they are not recognizing is that those types of actions in many situations actually generate an opposing energy of their own guidelines. And in that, they generate many obstacles and difficulties and they thwart their own effort to create ease. You want to…

PAUL: That makes good sense. I think I understand that.

ELIAS: Individuals want to create ease, but they also generate this association that if they are creating some action that is more difficult or more challenging it is more spiritual. Not necessarily.

PAUL: Very good. So is this job in Nashville, this job opportunity, is that the most likely one that I will be taking? Or is there another one that may come up and I’ll be taking instead?

ELIAS: There are always many possibilities. It is a matter of listening to yourself and listening to your intuition, my friend. This is the point.

You are looking for and almost expecting some type of firework expression that shall obviously point you in a particular direction, when in actuality what you are presenting to yourself now is a different direction in motivating yourself to genuinely begin listening to your intuition and the subtle expressions, and your preferences to create those expressions of ease.

Rather than the enormous bang that is quite obvious and you express to yourself, “Ah! This is what I should do.” No. It is not matter of what you should do or should not do. It is a matter of what your preferences are and what your guidelines are, and honoring those, not opposing them, cooperating with yourself and therefore allowing yourself to generate that ease without the obstacles.

PAUL: I understand. (Laughs) And when you said either coast, does that include New Hampshire? Or is that too far from the coast?

ELIAS: That would be included.

PAUL: How about a school on the Gulf Coast down in Alabama?


PAUL: That would be okay?


PAUL: Mm. I’ve still got a year to sort of ponder this one. I still haven’t figured out which school best resonates with my energy.

ELIAS: And that is associated with listening to the subtleties, listening to your intuition, paying attention to your energy.

PAUL: Okay. I will try to tune up the listening piece. (Elias laughs)

In our last chat, you mentioned that I would lean into exploring other areas of interest besides other-dimensional focuses to those of extra-terrestrials. Does this mean I have a strong potential for a notable discovery on extra-terrestrials or that you just see me incorporating that search in my overall research?

ELIAS: What I view in your energy is that there is a strong potential for a marked interest in that direction. And yes, there is a potential that you could generate what you would term to be, a type of breakthrough in that field.

PAUL: Extra-terrestrials?


PAUL: Not other-dimensionals?

ELIAS: You incorporate potential in that direction also. But this would be another direction that there is also a strong potential and interest.

PAUL: And I am walking down that path presently that best moves to manifest that?


PAUL: Well, thank you. (Both laugh) And I wish I knew what you could see right now in that regard.

ELIAS: (Laughs) But this is YOUR adventure.

PAUL: Oh, I know. Well, one thing I haven’t noticed too much is normally I get some very specific clues in my dream state. And regarding extra-terrestrials, I have not known or recognized any contact lately.

ELIAS: I am understanding. But this is also what you would term to be a stronger future potential than present.

PAUL: Future as in more than a few years down the road?

ELIAS: Perhaps.

PAUL: (Laughs) You are being coy. (Elias laughs)

PAUL: Is my currently written cross-dimensional paper accurate?

ELIAS: In what capacity?

PAUL: You know, this sense in me that it is overall on the right path, but there is something not tied snugly. Not that it’s wrong, it’s just maybe that there is an association in there that is not clear enough, or just tied the wrong way.

ELIAS: I am understanding. Re-evaluate, but do not dwell.

PAUL: I haven’t been. (Laughs)

ELIAS: I am understanding. But in generating what you would term to be too much concentration, you may actually block your ability to view what can be altered.

PAUL: Hm. Okay.

ELIAS: Therefore, I would suggest that you re-evaluate, but not in intensity. Allow for flow and in your re-evaluation, allow yourself to visualize. And to pay attention to what you are visualizing.

PAUL: I can do that. Does the electric field that scientists expect in the plasma and the ionosphere exist because it is caused by the other-dimensional surge of electrical magnetic energy or is the entire manifestation of Northern Lights caused by something else, and not by this manifestation of a parallel electric field?

ELIAS: (Pause) It is a combination of other-dimensional energy and energy in this dimension.

PAUL: So it does set up an electric field that scientists expect to see in the plasma?

ELIAS: Somewhat. It is not complete. It does not solve it.

PAUL: Well, let me ask: the electric field is not solid?


PAUL: The term solid, does it mean it is not fully manifest in our dimension?

ELIAS: Correct.

PAUL: Okay. So if the surge is electromagnetic and… I guess you are going to say that I could figure the rest out in my own research. (Both laugh) That would make sense. Okay I won’t ask it. You said that….

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, my friend, visualizing in simplistic terms, were you to visualize this field as a belt, a physical belt that you incorporate in association with your garments, that type of belt incorporates holes, correct?

PAUL: Yes.

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, that would be similar to this field.

PAUL: Why would this field have holes in it, though?

ELIAS: (Chuckles) For it is influenced by other-dimensional energy.

PAUL: You mean those holes serve a different purpose than attaching the strap?


PAUL: I’ve got to ponder that one. (Elias laughs) I had a dream of many math difficulties in wanting to hold this quiz or test and not turn it in until I fully understood it. Was that dream imagery or just my overall fear of a course being too complex?

ELIAS: Not necessarily a fear but an apprehension.

PAUL: It’s just imagery of apprehensions?

ELIAS: Yes. Apprehension of your abilities and somewhat discounting yourself.

PAUL: Okay. Well it’s kind of reinforced most recently by reading that electrodynamics book that proved to be challenging and not very much fun.

ELIAS: Which also is a factor of not offering yourself the credit that you are due in your abilities. You generate the perception that your abilities are limited and that your understanding or your intelligence is limited. And that creates the outcome of generating struggle or difficulty or challenge with certain subjects. In actuality, if you allow yourself to not struggle and you are not incorporating certain actions as a chore and discounting yourself, you may surprise yourself that the understanding that you do incorporate.

PAUL: So maybe I can just go through the book and read the sections that are most appealing and not the other sections?

ELIAS: That may be a manner in which to begin.

PAUL: What are the auroras that we see manifest only over the Polar Regions?

ELIAS: We have discussed this.

PAUL:(Laughs) I must have forgotten that. It must be because of the alignment of the magnetic fields?

ELIAS: This also is associated with other-dimensional energies.

PAUL: Well, would cross catching, the process that I sort of termed, be less prevalent over the poles? And that’s why it is mainly over a region in the South Atlantic anomaly area? Or does it even make a difference?

ELIAS: Not necessarily. It would more be associated with collective attention and awareness.

PAUL: Collective attention and awareness?

ELIAS: Yes. For what you allow as displays within your reality, involving other dimensional energy or activity is expressed in degrees in association with the collective attention within YOUR dimension and the awareness. Therefore, there is less collective attention and awareness of activity associated with your poles than with other areas of your planet.

PAUL: Why is it that cross catching is partially involved in aurora formations?

ELIAS: Explain.

PAUL: We were talking about cross catching as a mechanism for alignments for energy to cross dimensional boundaries, sort of like a portal-type mechanism. I asked if it was involved with the aurora formations and you said partially.

ELIAS: Correct.

PAUL: Why is it only partially involved?

ELIAS: For this is associated with what you allow and what is expressed within the other-dimensional energies. In this, there are many expressions that can be incorporated as portals. Therefore, this can be expressed as a portal but generally is not necessarily recognized as one.

PAUL: So it is like a partial portal.

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, yes.

PAUL: Hey, do I have an OE as Tamerlane?


PAUL: Am I moving along the path of greatest ease in creating my aurora documentary being successfully televised a year from now?

ELIAS: Presently, yes.

PAUL: Presently. Thank you. (Laughs)

ELIAS: You are welcome.

PAUL: Oh. I don’t want to stray from that path. (Both laugh)

PAUL: Was was the woman – and I think her name in my dream was Lorenzia or something like that – was she a focus of mine?

ELIAS: Future. Yes.

PAUL: Future! What the heck? Why was this…? Tell me what was going on. Was she trying to make objective connection with me?

ELIAS: Somewhat.

PAUL: For what purpose?

ELIAS: To acknowledge the presence.

PAUL: Because I had something associated with some type of imagery of her body being, like you could take it apart and look at it atomically, almost robotically, and how at one point in time it was thought that it was male but then when she uncovered her internal organs, she found out it was female. Did it have some bearing or meaning for me?

ELIAS: Quite simply, that what you view is not always what it appears to be initially.

PAUL: Hm. Also, in that same dream I had a job interview scene and my voice being constricted. But I sort of viewed it in imagery of my body not wanting to take a corporate job. Was that just meaning some type of apprehension in general?

ELIAS: Partially, yes.

PAUL: Partially in apprehension?

ELIAS: Partially.

PAUL: What was the other partial then? (Laughs)

ELIAS: It is associated with a partial apprehension and hesitation and acknowledging that. But you also incorporate the expression of your guideline. Therefore, it is a matter of recognizing your guideline and not opposing that, but also recognizing your own hesitations or apprehensions in wanting to generate certain directions but in honoring your guidelines, moving in an expression that allows you not to oppose yourself to create the direction that you ultimately want.

PAUL: Okay. I had a dream a few nights back, about going through a time portal to a World War II city and pick up artifacts there that would be considered valuable in this present time for this present self. And one of the key things that I picked up was a string of diamonds that I directly thought, in the dream, of how and when to send it back to this present probable self. Is that a specific action, that that version of myself or that individual of myself is actually sending to this present probable self?

ELIAS: Figuratively. (Paul laughs) Yes, that is an actual action that is being generated. But the communication in that is not necessarily associated with objects that are valuable but the subject of value.

PAUL: Will that communication be one that is done in the dream state? Or is it actually a specific, objective object that he is going to use to communicate with me? Like a letter or… You know.

ELIAS: No. This is what I am expressing. It is not the object. It is the subject. It is the subject of value, and the object is the imagery of that subject.

PAUL: How is he going to be communicating that? Via the dream state only? Or actually communicating some document for me to view, dealing with the topic of value?

ELIAS: It would be more associated with dream interaction.

PAUL: Okay. I’m looking forward to a string of diamonds. (Both laugh) Because actually, there was a scene in that dream where I actually felt I should also consider sending something to a future self. But I don’t know which future self to send it to.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) That would be for your continued investigation.

PAUL: (Both laugh). Is Christine Finn, a 50’s actress, a focus of Iona’s?

ELIAS: Counterpart.

PAUL: Okay. I had a dream a week or two ago about playing with these… they were like a coiled firecracker, pop-type object, a thing was about the size of a pea pod that was tanned colour and you would squeeze it. It was coiled up on one end, you’d straighten out the coil and you squeezed it and a pulse of blue light would shine out. And we would use it for some type of… almost like game of tag. The blue light would not really harm anyone. What was the imagery of?

ELIAS: And your impression?

PAUL: Well, because of the game I was kind of puzzled. I mean, the blue obviously related to information of… life- type information, like increased awareness and stuff like that. But why was it involved in a game I wasn’t really sure.

ELIAS: (Laughs) I would express, my friend, that this is quite obvious, to be encouraging of you to be playful and to be viewing your reality as a game, not so very seriously.

PAUL: (Laughs) Are you saying that I view it very seriously? (Laughs)

ELIAS: Many times. (Chuckles)

PAUL: Well, I don’t doubt that. Well, it’s probably an element of, as I tell many people, it’s like I feel I have… The game of life is a journey to go to a certain destination. And I feel like I had a map to a well-paved, beautiful shortcut. But I am having trouble reading the map, so sometimes I get frustrated because I can’t figure it out quick enough.

ELIAS: (Laughs) And this would be the point of listening to your intuition, rather than waiting and anticipating your anvil to drop upon your head.

PAUL: Well…(Both laugh) Of course. What is up with the changing or dynamic fields inside of an electron? Why are they so variable? (Elias chuckles) Or why are they so shifty, if you will? There is something I would kind of like to understand better in that process.

ELIAS: To intrigue you, that all is not always what it appears and not as predictable or as stable as you expect. Even within chaos there is order.


ELIAS: There is much to be discovered in your reality, my friend. There is much to be discovered in how you create your reality and what you create in all that you do create. (Chuckles)

PAUL: I would agree. Oh! One real quick one before I go. I had a nightmare, waking up the other day, of a sensation of no distance or no separation between things. Was that imagery of just no separation and how we’re all connected? Or was there something else associated with that nightmare?

ELIAS: That was associated with consciousness and no separation, and how different reality may appear without the incorporation of what is known within your reality and the element of separation.

PAUL: (Laughs) It took me quite a while to get comfortable to go back to bed. (Both laugh)

Well, Elias, we’d better go, since our time is now up. And I do appreciate this short little discussion that we had. I do appreciate all the discussions that we have.

ELIAS: You are very welcome, my friend, and I extend my appreciation to you also. I shall be anticipating our next discussion.

PAUL: So shall I! (Both laugh)

ELIAS: To you, in great encouragement and supportiveness, in great affection, au revoir.

PAUL: Au revoir, Elias. Bye!

(Elias departs after 40 minutes.)

Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.