Session 202210082

Breathing Exercise With Your Heart Energy Center to Alleviate Tension and Stress


“Breathing Exercise With Your Heart Energy Center to Alleviate Tension and Stress”
“Accepting Differences While Being Comfortable With Less Interaction”
“Guideline Whiplash”
“Configuring a Talisman”

Saturday, October 8, 2022 (Private/Phone)

PARTICIPANTS: Mary (Michael) and Scotty (Ashtaria)

ELIAS: Good morning!

SCOTTY: Good morning, Elias. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: And how shall we begin?

SCOTTY: I have a very hodgepodge mixed bag of questions, but then that's pretty typical for a Vold. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: Very well.

SCOTTY: Elias, I'd like to ask you for my partner Jonas, for Jeremiah, he's had this itching behind his right knee for some years, and there is no visible surface like eczema or rash or any visible sign of something. He's been to a nerve doctor, and they don't seem to be able to identify what it is. But it's especially itchy at night before bed – he's just scratching, scratching, scratching, scratching – and I was wondering if you would have an insight into what it is and how to maybe help him stop creating it.

ELIAS: Let me ask you, is it mostly something that he experiences at night?

SCOTTY: Mostly, yes.

ELIAS: Very well. What I would say is, this is a physical response to stress and irritation, and it's not something that is tremendously common. Most people don't necessarily create this particular type of manifestation, because most people create more significant physical manifestations in relation to stress, tension and irritation. What I would say is, the reason this is unusual is because it's not actually damaging. It's not a physical manifestation that increases. It's not one that actually creates some type of damage with the physical body; it’s simply a physical manifestation in relation to these expressions. And actually, I would say that he could continue to engage that for years and years and years and years and it would not actually increase or spread or create any physical damage – although it might create a discoloration; that’s possible.

SCOTTY: Yeah, it hasn't yet created anything surfacley, as I said, that's visible. It is mostly just during the evening, right?

JEREMIAH: It’s there right now.

SCOTTY: Oh, actually Elias, Jeremiah's here. He said it is all the time, even right now, but it seems to be exacerbated at night because… [to Jeremiah] why?

ELIAS: Because it’s quiet.

SCOTTY: It's quiet, yeah.

ELIAS: Because it's quiet, and because it's not a time of the day in which you can be or that you generally are occupied, or in that that you are distracted, but that it’s something that when you're not distracted it’s considerably noticeable.

But I would say that, what can you do in relation to it? First of all, at other times of the day, remind yourself that this is a nervous habit. In that, you think that a nervous habit doesn't necessarily engage a physical expression such as itching, but it does. In that, I would express that at night, what you can do is you can express the suggestion to yourself that you will allow yourself to engage this physical manifestation only for less than a minute, and then it will be done.

Now; what I would also express is that it will be exceptionally helpful to be genuinely reducing any stress or tension – which I know can be very challenging, especially when you don't even realize how much tension you’re actually holding, because you're so accustomed to it that you don't notice it. In this, what I would say is how you can notice it is to be generating a breathing exercise perhaps four to five times a day. Eventually you can decrease that to three, [then] to two times per day, but to begin with I would say four to five times per day doing a brief breathing exercise in which you are breathing in energy into your heart energy center and breathing out all energy of tension and stress and thinking; breathing out all energy from your head and from your torso. All that thinking energy breathe out, and then breathe in again into your heart energy center. In that, breathe in that calming, supportive, grounded energy.

I would say do that four times, and that's enough. And then do the exercise four to five times per day, and that will help because it will make it more obvious to you when you are holding tension and stress.

SCOTTY: Elias, when you say for him to allow that to maybe continue itching for a minute but then it must stop, should he say that audibly as if he's directing that instruction to the itch itself or the area?

ELIAS: That will actually have more power, yes.

SCOTTY: Yeah, because then both sides of his brain are engaged.

ELIAS: Correct.

SCOTTY: Now, if it extends after the minute and he feels the itching and the inclination to want to scratch, should he just do that breathing variation to see?


SCOTTY: Okay. Okay.

ELIAS: Because it's a nervous habit; therefore, it's something that because it's a habit, it’s going to attempt to persist.

SCOTTY: Yeah. Okay.

ELIAS: It’s something that you address to in a similar manner to any other habit. And in this, by giving yourself that allowance of approximately a minute, you're not expressing a complete denial in relation to what the body is accustomed to. But this is something that is not dangerous, it's not going to create any other type of manifestation. Actually, I would acknowledge him that he chose to create something that is so noninvasive and that is not creating any other type of physical manifestation or difficulty. As I said, if it wasn't bothersome to him, he could continue to engage this for years and years and years and it wouldn't do anything damaging.

SCOTTY: So, is it helpful –

ELIAS: But - but, what I would say is that any type of habit that is indulging of stress and tension is not beneficial, because it does actually encourage the body to continue to create that type of manifestation to keep holding that energy of stress and tension.

SCOTTY: Is there a message that his body is telling himself that might be helpful for him to be aware of? For instance, like anytime he's feeling the itch, that's essentially his body saying that there's some stress being held and to do the breathing?

ELIAS: Yes. Precisely.

SCOTTY: The body is a magnificent thing – it tells us what to do. (Laughs)

ELIAS: That IS what the body is communicating in this habit. Every time that itching is occurring, that’s a statement about tension.

SCOTTY: Okay. Thank you so much, Elias. Jeremiah's waving at you. (Laughs)

ELIAS: (Laughs) And I would express I’m waving back. (Scotty laughs)

SCOTTY: He's also requesting that I ask you a question, and I wasn't really going to ask you about this today, but I seem to be particularly triggered by people who are self-absorbed and narcissistic, maybe more so than ever any other time in my life right now. (Chuckles) We recently had a visit from Jonas's sister Samara, and Samara has been going through a lot of things, a divorce and all of that sort of stuff. I find when somebody just talks about themselves and talks about themselves, which I identify as being self-absorbed, and doesn't include anyone else – meaning asking, “How are you?” or “What are you up to?” – given that I have a guideline that in order to be friends with someone there needs to be sort of a reciprocal interest and a reciprocal desire to include the other person. So when I'm around someone that doesn't do that, I just find I have a very, very low tolerance for being able to be the brunt of them talking at me about themselves.

Now, I had an experience where I sort of snapped at Samara this past weekend. I just couldn't put up with that any longer. I think it's just to do with that. But Jeremiah's question is, is there something more like a past life or connection where we are bringing forth that now to exacerbate this experience?

ELIAS: Now, let me clarify. When another focus is involved in an energy that is similar to what an individual is experiencing presently, it is yes, exacerbating the situation, but it's not causing it.

SCOTTY: Oh, I know.

ELIAS: Therefore, allow me to be clear with that. Now, I would say, do you have other focuses in which there are similar situations? Yes, but I would say that yes also, that does exacerbate the present situation. But what I would say in relation to the present situation is that it's twofold: One part of this has to do with difference and moving in a direction of learning how to genuinely express acceptance of difference – a GENUINE acceptance of difference.

Now, let me explain: In relation to that, that doesn't mean that you will agree with that difference.

SCOTTY: Yeah, absolutely.

ELIAS: But what it means is that that difference won’t be so bothersome to you, and therefore, what it does mean is that you won't be reactive to it.

Now; it also means that you don't necessarily end off, in your terms, being comfortable with that difference, because you DON'T like it and you DON'T agree with it – and you don't have to like it or agree with it to be accepting of it. Now, in that genuine acceptance, what that does is it creates a situation in which you are not bothered to the point of being reactive, but that you also are moving yourself in comfortable directions in which you don't put yourself in the situation of having to interact with these individuals as much.

SCOTTY: Yeah, that was my suggestion.

ELIAS: Not meaning not at all, but not as much. And in that, you're genuinely making that choice in a comfortable manner, in which you and your body consciousness and your feelings are all comfortable in making certain choices to be engaged less, and that you have actually chosen other directions and other activities and other actions to be engaged with, and not putting yourself in a position in which you would be having to engage with an individual that expresses in that manner. But let me also remind you that it definitely is also a matter of recognizing that this is a difference that doesn't meet with your guidelines, and that in that genuine acceptance, stop being reactive.

That is one of the tremendous benefits of acceptance, in its genuineness, is that the individual isn't reactive any longer to the expression of other individuals – or situations, even. That you can genuinely recognize that expression of difference, and in that, you can genuinely see your guidelines, and you can genuinely engage recognizing that the other individual has some very different guidelines from your own. You don't have to understand them, and you don't have to agree with them, but that it doesn't bother you any longer because you actually can be accepting of that difference.

It's challenging; I will definitely give you that. It can be tremendously challenging. But I would also say that you are putting yourself in a position of being an example in relation to your healing modality, and in that, you're also placing yourself in a position of, in a manner of speaking, standing out. And THAT puts you in a position of emphasizing your expression of shifting, that your direction in shifting is being brought to the surface, in a matter of speaking, and is being somewhat exacerbated because of your position.

In that, another individual might be expressing just as much irritation with this type of individual, but that it isn't as much a push with them to be addressing to that and be moving in the direction of acceptance as it will be for you – which means that this is the reason that it's so difficult for you to tolerate, that it’s so difficult for you to not be reactive and that it's so irritating to you; that’s because of your position.

SCOTTY: My position in moving in towards engaging people in a healing modality and that obviously meaning that, yeah, these people are going to be coming to me and talking about themselves, and how can I expect to be doing that if I'm not already prepared in an accepting manner? That it doesn't matter if they just sit there and talk about themselves and talk about themselves, because that's how I give myself information on how to be able to be helpful for them.

ELIAS: Correct. You are correct. Congratulations, yes, and I am exceptionally acknowledging of you, my friend, that that is correct. And in that, if you were someone else, this may not be as much of an issue, but because you're you, it IS an issue, and it’s what you might think of as big one, because it IS difficult. When you present such blatant differences to yourself, it can be very challenging. And in that, this is not about words; this is not about talking about acceptance that many, many, many people do. This is about actually moving in the direction of expressing that, and that’s challenging.

SCOTTY: It's also challenging because it's tied in to personal associations of not being enough and not worthy, because when somebody is talking and talking at me about themselves, in my mind my perception is saying, “They don't think that I'm interesting to ask me, ‘How are you?’ They don't think that I'm even worthwhile to say, ‘What are you up to?’ They don't think that I'm even interesting or valuable enough to be interested in me. So that's what I'm hearing every hour that goes past; if somebody's talking about themselves and talking about themselves I'm thinking, ‘Wow, I'm completely irrelevant to this person.’ So it's all kind of also looped into with that layer of processing this lifelong, you know, being told I'm not good enough and I'm not worthy, all of that sort of stuff, so it's bringing that into the limelight as well.

ELIAS: I agree. I definitely agree. But in that, you also know that.

SCOTTY: Yeah, I know that, but I'm just trying to understand it. It's interesting –

ELIAS: I know. And in that, what I would say to you is I would definitely acknowledge that, but I would also acknowledge that you know that and that you have enough awareness to express to yourself and to remind yourself that that's not true – and that it's not true only because it's not about you. Because actually, you're correct: This type of individual, when they are expressing about themselves and they are “self-absorbed,” as you say, I would agree with you, they DON'T care enough about you to ask about you, because what they care about is themself. And in that, it's not about you. It's not personal about you; it's a matter of recognizing that this person expresses in this manner to everyone, because that is their direction, that is what they pay attention to, and that is what is important to them. It's not that you personally are not important to them, it's that NO ONE is important to them except them.

SCOTTY: And that's where I get triggered, because that's where it conflicts with my personal guidelines.

ELIAS: Yes, I understand. I very much understand, and I very much acknowledge that. And I have expressed this is the reason that I recognize the challenge and how difficult that can be, because it IS very conflicting.

In that, it's something that requires you to be making that not important, because it's definitely something you cannot change. Therefore, it is significant that you make that not important; otherwise, you're going to continue to want that to change. Even if you tell yourself that it can't change, or you can't change it – even if you tell yourself that – you're still going to inwardly want it to change, and that's going to be what frustrates you and what irritates you.

SCOTTY: Elias, Jeremiah has a question –

ELIAS: There is that conflict that is occurring between what you want to happen and the intellectual part of you that knows that you can't change it.

SCOTTY: Right. Jeremiah has a question on that, Elias.

ELIAS: Very well.

JEREMIAH: Hi, Elias. First of all, I want to acknowledge –

ELIAS: [Inaudible]

JEREMIAH: I want to acknowledge the information that you already put out because it's very similar to what I had told him before, as well as what he brought up about his feeling of inadequacy, because I know that that triggers a lot for him. But I feel like he has not exactly explained the full situation so that he can really figure out why this is affecting him. He hasn't mentioned the fact that this person has been going through big trauma for last two years.

SCOTTY: I did.

JEREMIAH: And that this has been her way for the last two years. It's not who she is as a person, and yet he seems to be very offended. The things that pop in my head as a Jeremiah, is if there are similarities between his mother's divorce and her. The second thing that comes up to me is, because of the divorce she's going through her husband has isolated her from all her friends, which I know is something that Scotty went through with childhood, and I wonder if he's distancing herself from her and empathizing with her because it goes to that hidden trauma. Those are things that go through my head because I feel like even how he explained the situation seems rather cold and resolute as opposed to the nuances, which is why I really think that it IS triggering him, those nuances that he’s left out.

SCOTTY: Just to tag on, it isn't just Samara; it's everyone who's self-absorbed. And it's Tracy and Lynn-Ann and all of these people that I notice that.

JEREMIAH: But Samara you've acknowledged was not like this before the divorce, and yet you've lost any empathy for her.

SCOTTY: You want to respond to that, Elias?

ELIAS: Very well, yes. This is actually an excellent example – an example of differences in perception, an example of differences in guidelines, and differences in individuals and how individuals can change.

Now, in that, I would say that these are all excellent points that are being expressed in relation to previously being more compassionate, in relation to some similarities in association with the subject of divorce and different associations that, yes, are present. I would say that, is that tremendously affecting of the situation? Actually, no. What is more affecting is that the situation is that you, my friend, have changed.


ELIAS: And in that, because you've changed you've become more, in a manner of speaking, hyper-aware of your own guidelines.


ELIAS: In that, what do people automatically do with their guidelines? And I would express, it doesn't matter how much self-awareness a person has, until they move to that point of acceptance, the automatic direction that everyone engages in relation to their guidelines, and especially the more hyper-aware of them that they are, is to project them onto other people.

SCOTTY: Exactly. They expect others to adhere to their guidelines.

ELIAS: Yes, precisely.

Now; then there is the other side of it, which creates even more conflict. The other side of it is being aware of your own guidelines and then projecting them onto other people creates a whiplash, in a manner of speaking, in which then the individual – you – incorporates an expectation of themself to conform to OTHER people's guidelines: “Why can't I do that?” “Why am I having so much trouble with this?” “Why can't I simply go along with what other people do?” And then it creates this struggling monster, in a manner of speaking.

SCOTTY: Yep. (Laughs)

ELIAS: And in that, then what happens is, your thought mechanism moves in all different directions: “It's because of this, it’s because of that, it's because I've been triggered” and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. That's what your thought mechanism does. But what's actually happening is this tremendous conflict between your guidelines and other people's guidelines, and in that, you wanting other people to conform to yours but then you wanting you to conform to theirs also. It creates a very big ball of tangled string.


ELIAS: What I would say is, this is the reason that I'm expressing about acceptance, because it's not actually about these old associations. It's not actually about old traumas or about this struggle, which is very real, and very difficult.

In that, the first piece is to actually look at what seems to be the second piece but it’s actually the first, is to remind yourself that you can't conform to other people's guidelines any more than they can conform to yours. No matter how much you try, no matter how much you know, you can’t force yourself to comply with other people's guidelines – it simply doesn't work.

And in that, then allowing yourself to relax and to know that you can't do this, then to move that concept of how much you can't do it and extend that to other people – first to you, then to the other people. Because when you can extend that to yourself first, then it's easier to extend it to other people and recognizing, “If I can't do it, other people certainly can't do it either” – because you always have greater expectations of yourself than of other people.

SCOTTY: Okay. Elias, I mean, I would love to continue this discussion. Is there anything just on that right now that I should continue with or, I think if I go back and re-listen to all of this conversation that’d be super helpful, and then I can come back with some more questions next time?

ELIAS: I would agree. And I would extend it to your partner: Your role in this, my dear friend, is to be the in-between, to be the compassionate individual that you are and to express that compassion and that loving energy that allows the other individual to BE self-absorbed, and to move in that direction and to express in that manner, and to know that this is how you are helping – and you are.

SCOTTY: He is, yup.

Elias, another question. Your buddy, this essence Alister: Is the spelling of Alister's essence name A-L-I-S-T-E-R?

ELIAS: Correct.

SCOTTY: Okay. It's interesting, because normally Alister is T-A-I-R, but this is as we just agreed.

ELIAS: Correct.

SCOTTY: Now, Alister is also a Dream Walker essence, correct?


SCOTTY: And my impression is that his part was in designing the function and the application of the human brain – or actually the brain of all species that have a physical brain.

ELIAS: Correct!

SCOTTY: Okay. Yay! (Both laugh) And it's interesting because I've been showing myself certain imagery – like a building I drive by regularly, I don't know if they changed it, but I looked up and I saw the name of this building, it says “Alister” on it and it has “AI Integration.” I thought, “Oh, that's to do with the brain,” so I was like, “That's a pretty clear message of Alister being involved with the brain.”

ELIAS: (Laughs) I would say congratulations! That was very creative of you to interpret.

SCOTTY: Good. Yeah, I'm more about the obvious these days rather than the cryptic, Elias. (Both laugh)

And then in terms of the energy exchange with Laszlo, Alister's role is in part to do with – given that he's one of the eight of you, Elias, one of the other eight essences in supporting roles – his part is helping to regulate my brain for this energy exchange. Is that correct?


SCOTTY: Okay. I think that's going well. I don't feel the same left frontal lobe pressure that I had for about a year. I think something's kind of moved into having been reconfigured in a way.

ELIAS: Congratulations!

SCOTTY: Thank you. And Laszlo came through yesterday and delivered some information. I'm still moving in that idea of just bringing him through to speak and me recording it, and that feels fine, so that is the current state of that. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: Excellent, excellent. I would say congratulations, my friend.

SCOTTY: Thank you, Elias! (Laughs) We only have 10 minutes, and I just wanted to tell you about this little project that I'm embarking on. We spoke briefly about how creating a talisman might be a simple, magical endeavor that would suit me well because it doesn't involve a lot of ritual and spell casting.

ELIAS: Correct.

SCOTTY: I have this gold chain that I got when I was a teenager, and my idea was I was going to melt that chain down – well, not melt it; I was going to have a jeweler melt it down and make a sort of an amulet or a… what's it called? Just a round thing. But I was also going to have him carve the final nine Ankarrah symbols onto that talisman to be a type of healing talisman that I can wear as a necklace around my neck.

ELIAS: I would say that's an EXCELLENT idea – an excellent plan!

SCOTTY: Yeah, now do I need to be there as the jeweler is carving these Ankarrah symbols onto the medallion?

ELIAS: Not necessarily, no.

SCOTTY: Okay. Do I need to provide him with the names of the symbols as he's carving them? Or I can do that intentional charging of the talisman once I receive it, right?

ELIAS: Correct.

SCOTTY: Okay. Then –

ELIAS: You would be the one that would be imbuing the talisman with the energy and the energy of the symbols. Therefore, no, he doesn't need any of that.

SCOTTY: Okay. Now… um, so these last nine symbols, as you and I discussed previously, they don't necessarily need to be placed on a particular manifestation in the body to be affecting. Now I also thought for these nine symbols on the front of this gold talisman, I'm thinking about the configuration to be most effectively projecting the energy of the symbols and the action of that healing quality. So I've been doing a bunch of drawings on how to configure them, given that there's nine symbols, and if we look at, say, eight directions – top to bottom, left and right, north, south, east and west – and then in between those, that makes eight points on the surface, like there are eight points on a compass. So I was thinking one symbol should go in the center, and then there's eight symbols around it. What do you think of that idea?

ELIAS: I would say that's excellent! Yes.

SCOTTY: Yeah, I don't really see how to fit nine in, in a configuration, unless they're sort of like stacked in a line from the bottom to the top.

ELIAS: No, I would say that actually, in making a type of octagon, you are making a type of circle, but you're making the circle with points. And that's excellent, and then you have one in the center. I would say that that’s very balanced.

SCOTTY: Now, the Ankarrah symbols all have an orientation, meaning like a top or a bottom or a north and a south – would that mean that it would be better for the south to be facing outwards as it goes around the circle? Or to just have them all in an upright position, even around the circle?

ELIAS: I would say more the latter. And what you will do is, as I said, imbue them with that certain energy and direction once you have had that created.

SCOTTY: Yep. Do the symbols need to be connected somehow, like one corner being actually touching the next symbol?

ELIAS: That I would say would be a personal preference.

SCOTTY: I think it's hard, given that some of them don't really have a pattern that might be easy to connect on particular sides. Do you think having an additional line of like a circle on the inside connecting them all is a powerful addition, or that's not necessary?

ELIAS: Once again, I would say that that would be a matter of personal preference. It's your talisman; therefore, it's a matter of what you want in relation to the design, because it's what you will work with the most easily and the most efficiently. Therefore, think about once you have this talisman, will it be easier and more efficient for you to work with it if you have that connecting line? Or does it matter?

SCOTTY: It doesn't –

ELIAS: If it does matter, if it would make it easier for you to be connecting all of the symbols without thinking about it because you've already connected them, and in that, you've already imbued the talisman with all that information, therefore I would say that it's a matter of recognizing that and expressing what you prefer in relation to how you're going to use it.

SCOTTY: I think it doesn't require it. I was looking at an example of a Viking medallion, and it does have a line going from the center connecting all of the outward symbols. But as you said, I've already connected the symbols in their relation to the body, and I know that they do that and are connected, so my intuition says it doesn't really need that additional visual connecting.

ELIAS: Very well!

[The timer for the end of the session rings]

SCOTTY: My final –

ELIAS: I would agree, and I would encourage you in that direction. And it’s also dependent upon how large the medallion is. You might not want to crowd it with additional lines.

SCOTTY: Exactly. Perfect. Thank you so, so much, Elias. And Michael isn't feeling so well, so we're right on time and I’m going to let you go.

ELIAS: Very well! I shall be greatly anticipating our next meeting, and I express tremendous, tremendous love and affection to you – and you can extend that to your partner also.

SCOTTY: Thank you, Elias. Same to you.

ELIAS: In dear friendship, as always, until our next meeting, au revoir.

SCOTTY: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 56 minutes)

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