Session 202209131

Queen Elizabeth II’s Disengagement and Significance


“Queen Elizabeth II’s Disengagement and the Shift”
“A Strong and Loving Presence of Female Energy”
“Power in Quietness: Consistency and Nurturing”
“The Most Probable Probability: Space Travel But Not Abandoning This Planet”

Tuesday, September 13, 2022 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Jean-François (Samta) with Jean (Lyla) and Jeff (Rogert)

(Audio begins partway through the session)

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Hey, good day!

ELIAS: Good day!

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Or good eternal now, rather. (Both laugh) Yeah, this was very interesting. And since we’re on the subject of eras and public figures, I would like to ask you: what would you say is the significance of Queen Elizabeth II’s passing, disengagement, in relation to world culture and the shift perhaps?

ELIAS: Excellent question. I would say this is tremendously significant. It is not only affecting of the Commonwealth, but of people, masses and masses and masses of people throughout the world. And in that, I would say that it’s also more than simply the passing of a monarch. It’s also the passing of another one of those individuals that, although she was slated, in a manner of speaking, to ultimately be a queen, she wasn’t expected to be a queen. Even though she was in the line of succession, she wasn’t (chuckles) expected to be actually taking that role.

It would be very similar to expressing that (pause) in the line of succession now, Prince Harry is actually somewhat in the line of succession, but he is so far removed from it that no one ever expects that he will be king. In this, no one ever expected that Elizabeth would be queen either. And in that, she wasn’t entirely groomed to be the queen. Therefore, in a manner of speaking you could place her in the same category as these individuals, the same situation in which as a leader personality, she didn’t necessarily expect herself to be in that role – but then took it on with total commitment.

And in that, generated more than (pause) a symbol. That generating that role as a queen and moving in the direction of holding that role as the queen for as long as she did, which is quite notable. And in that I would say that she established a presence in your world that genuinely no other royal has expressed, other than her very distance ancestor of Henry VIII. And his was a very different legacy. (Both laugh) And a very different presence.

What I would say in that is that her presence was very large. And in that, it was a very nurturing and (pause) a very supportive and genuinely loving presence. Strong and loving. I would say also that her presence will definitely be felt as missing, because she was definitely a significant part of this shift in consciousness in the expression of that female energy, that shift of that female energy, in not being screaming, not being an activist, not being so demanding but rather being tremendously strong and constant, and being that exceptionally nurturing constant for almost a century.

I would say that recognizing the energy in your world presently, the absence of that energy is definitely being felt and experienced considerably.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Would you say it’s on a par with the world energy responding to Princess Diana’s death?

ELIAS: More.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Really? (Pause) You know, when the Notre Dame Cathedral burned down in Paris, it was the telltale sign, in a manner of speaking, of the end of the religious wave, correct? I’m wondering if the disengagement of Queen Elizabeth is another such marker, in a way, like that it signals something in relation to world movement?

ELIAS: (Pause) It does. But I would say that it is more of a marker of reflection and moving in a direction of paying attention to what is important, and the tremendous importance of consistency and the strength that is expressed in cooperation and not in opposition. Not in proving strength, not in expressing power in relation to opposition, but strength in consistency and the strength and power in that quietness. That you don’t have to prove to be strong, and that you don’t have to prove your rightness to be strong, but that consistency is more important, AND that nurturing is more important.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: You know, I’ve seen and heard a lot of comments with regards to yes, such things as what you’re saying, but also that those qualities were at the helm and at the service of an institution that, you know, really is living off the backs of people and that has been engaged in exploitation and dominance and colonialism. And I guess all these things can coexist, right?

ELIAS: I would say yes, but I would also say that that is also somewhat a matter of perception. That (pause) the idea of the monarchy being built on the backs of the people is somewhat of an antiquated perception. (Pause) The people choose to continue and further the monarchy because it’s a symbol. And in that, the people actually appreciate and even love the monarchy, not only the people of the Commonwealth but throughout your world. There is a tremendous energy of that throughout your world, and the people choose that and choose to continue to further that and to carry it on.

And in that, the monarchs know that they are not controlling the country, that they are a figurehead and that their position is to serve. And in that, there are separate individuals and expressions that are actual governing. And in that, this is something that the people of the world have chosen to continue to further as a symbol of something that they treasure. Otherwise you wouldn’t have them anymore. And you notice that the only ones that are actually recognized and noted throughout the world are those of your British royal family. And the world continues to support that.

And I would say that the reason that the world continues to support that is because it is a symbol to the world of something that sparkles, and people like sparkle.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: (Laughs) And it very much ties into individual identities too, right? We identify with the symbols. I think a lot of the mourning that we’re witnessing is because people’s identities feel affected.

ELIAS: Very much so. VERY much so. This is something that people have connected with, many, many, many people have connected with throughout their entire life. And in this, this individual, she has been a symbol for all of you for generations, and in that, has endured for many people for longer than they’ve actually been alive. This is a very enduring symbol—


ELIAS: — and a constant, and something that has been very consistent in your world for a considerably long time. And in that, people have, even not objectively being entirely aware of it, had that as an underlying constant that doesn’t change in their lives. And now it’s gone.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Yes, and there’s already so much volatility and instability into world affairs now, that I’m sure she… Yeah, she must be very missed for that very reason.

Now, all of this being said, it is still a monarchy and this is the shift. And are we not poised to move into directions globally where we create different symbols for ourselves, that is not part of an institution that… You know, we all look outside of ourselves. But I mean, I guess that’s part and parcel of a public figure anyway. We look up to people, to symbols. But—

ELIAS: I would say, I would say—


ELIAS: Actually, this is an individual as a symbol that was a tremendous symbol of this shift, not only in relation to the feminine energy and that part of the shift but also, you as humans will always look to someone to be a leader. Whether it’s a government, whether it’s some other type of expression, you always look to someone to be a leader in some capacity. That’s natural for your species.

It’s the same as wolves, and having a group and having the alpha pair of the group, or elephants that have the matriarch of the herd. You are a species that looks to leaders to guide you, not necessarily to tell you what to do, especially in this shift, but even in this shift you’re not going to move in a direction in which you have no leaders.

You are reconfiguring your reality and therefore you are moving in a direction in which you’re reconfiguring your expression of governments, and THAT you might move in a direction of expressing as obsolete eventually. But that doesn’t mean that you are abolishing the idea of leadership, of leaders to help you to organize and to guide you and to move in directions in which they help provide a cohesiveness to the group.

And what I would say to you in that is that this is an individual that expressed a tremendous example of being a leader that doesn’t tell you what to do. A leader that is in the role of leadership, that has been placed in that role of leadership and accepts that, but that isn’t dictating to you.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Hm. Yeah. That’s interesting. Good point. I’d like to fit in— and thank you for all that, unless you wanted to say something else about Queen Elizabeth? I would have another question, but did you want to share something else?

ELIAS: You may move on.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: (Laughs) Last time we spoke in these conversations, we were ending on how we would be perceived in the future, people of the shift. And you were saying that in a thousand, in thousands of years, we would be known for our technological revolution. And that’s very interesting but in a way I would have thought that we would have been known for the shift in consciousness itself. Not that technology is not a part of that or a noticeable expression of that, but won’t we be known for the revolution in consciousness itself and that that is at the root of what is remarkable at this time in this century?

ELIAS: Partially, I would say. I would say that it is a part of what you will be recognized for, but I would also say that it’s possible that in the future they may actually perceive this as something that has been coming, in a manner of speaking, for a very long time and therefore that you weren’t the only generation or the only timeframe that was involved with this shift in consciousness. It’s possible that they may simply express that this was inevitable.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Hm. And they may not see it as—

ELIAS: Now; I will say—


ELIAS: — that within hundreds of years, not thousands, that would be different, and that that would be expressed as a significant movement for the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Hm. Yes. We will look back from whatever planet we’re on, right? (Laughs) Good ol’ earth and the shift in consciousness. Too bad we trashed it.

ELIAS: From THIS planet. (Laughs)

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: But aren't we going out into space, Elias?

ELIAS: I would say that is definitely the most probable probability, yes. But that doesn’t mean that you won’t still be residing on this planet also.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Ah! So you were not meaning, when you were speaking about that a couple of years ago, you were not necessarily meaning that everyone leaves, and that because the planet is inhospitable?

ELIAS: No. Definitely not.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Oh! It’s an expansion, but we still keep earth?


JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Ah. Okay. Well, some people are going to be happy about that. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: I definitely express that you are continuing in the direction of this planet, and that I am not in the direction of expressing that this planet will eventually become inhospitable, but that you will have to adapt to it.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Mm-hm. Hm. (Pause) And – well, it’s kind of hard to fit in another question. I can just hear the buzzer ringing (Elias laughs) just about now. (Elias laughs) Oh no, it didn’t. (Laughs)

Well, what about Charles?

[The timer for the end of the session rings]

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Well, there you go. See? (Both laugh) Well, Charles will have to wait.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Very well. (Chuckles)

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Thank you. Thank you so much. I really appreciated this conversation.

ELIAS: You are very welcome, my friend. And I express tremendous, tremendous acknowledgement to you in everything that you are doing and all of your directions.


ELIAS: In great love and tremendous support to all of you, and in tremendous friendship to you each, au revoir.


JEFF: Au revoir.

JEAN: Au revoir.

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