How to Do Magic
“Extinguishing a Candle Flame with Magic”
“Summoning a Wind”
“Levitating an Object”
Sunday, August 7, 2022 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Denise (Azura)
ELIAS: Good afternoon!
DENISE: Hello, hello! (Laughs) So—
ELIAS: (Chuckles) And how shall we begin?
DENISE: Well, Ann called me Thursday after talking to you, very upset because she had such a wonderful session with you but it didn’t record (Elias chuckles) so she was wondering why that happened.
ELIAS: I would say, for a reminder to be paying attention while we are engaging conversation and not leaving any of it to the reliance on the recording.
DENISE: Okay. I think I’ve had a similar experience. (Laughs)
ELIAS: I would express yes, you have. (Both laugh)
DENISE: That sounds familiar. (Both laugh)
So, new topic. I found a video on Tiktok of this witch who was able to extinguish a candle flame with magic. So I want to learn how to do that. I tried it. Nothing happened. And I, you know, obviously got frustrated because I didn’t even know where to start. And so I started digging through some of our past sessions and I had found about a year ago you were giving me the steps to levitate an object in my hand (laughs) and we only went through the first step because we got derailed. That’s when my channeling/funneling thing came up.
And so there’s three magic things I would like to learn from you today. One, to extinguish a flame of a candle, the levitation thing and then teleportation. And as far as the steps, the first piece that we went through on the levitation was about summoning magical energy, and there was the analogy of reading a book versus exercising versus… and then another analogy with flying a kite, so that you pay attention to the kind of energy but that you also said that like the difference between reading a book and exercising, your body knows the difference. So you don’t have to overthink what kind of energy you need to tap into. You just need to do it with intention. Okay. So I’ll let you pick up where you left off. (Laughs)
ELIAS: Which that is all correct, and I would say that do you understand that part? (Pause)
DENISE: Is that a question or were you saying I do understand?
ELIAS: I’m asking you the question.
DENISE: I… No. (Laughs) This is… So, no. Like when… To focus on my magical energy…
ELIAS: No. Think about different actions. Think about reading a book or flying a kite.
DENISE: Yes. I get that, the calm versus the, with the kite, the—
ELIAS: It’s not necessarily calm because in that, you could be very calm when you are flying a kite. But your energy is very different with both of those actions.
DENISE: But with the kite you said you have to run to get the flight aloft, and it’s important not to run into the, in the wrong direction, because you want the wind to catch the kite.
ELIAS: Correct.
DENISE: So it’s… You can’t sit in a chair and fly a kite. So that was the example of the difference between the calm energy of reading a book versus something that would need a more active energy, like flying a kite. I think I get that.
ELIAS: Yes and no.
ELIAS: I would say that in relation to that, it isn’t necessarily the difference between a calm energy and a non-calm energy because you could be reading a book and depending upon what type of book it is, your energy could be very intense. You could be very excited.
ELIAS: Or you could be actually frightened and therefore your energy wouldn’t necessarily be calm.
ELIAS: It’s different in that you’re not physically engaging an activity with the rest of your body. Therefore you’re not physically exerting yourself or physically engaging and participating in an action. That’s one part.
The other part is that with a book, you’re focused on what you’re reading but you’re focused on the description of scenes and scenarios. Therefore what you’re doing is you are imagining the descriptions of what you’re reading. And in that, the book is actually in a manner of speaking dictating to you. Therefore your participation with the book is somewhat indirect, because you’re receiving what the book is telling you and then you are being responsive to that by visualizing or imagining what you are reading. Therefore your participation with the book is to be translating what it’s telling you into your visualization or your imagination of the scenes and the scenarios.
With the kite, you’re directly involved with the action of the kite and whether it’s successful or not. The kite won’t fly if you aren’t participating and involved with it correctly. And how are you correctly involved and participating with the kite directly? What do you do?
DENISE: You hold the kite. You run with it until—
ELIAS: No. No. Begin at the beginning. You have to put the kite together.
ELIAS: The kite didn’t manifest itself. You put the kite together. And either you make it yourself or you purchase it and it’s in pieces, and then you put it together. Then you also have to make the tail.
Now; the tail is the part of the kite that is very important and it, if you purchase the kite, it doesn’t come with the tail. Therefore whether you make the kite yourself or whether you purchase a kite, one piece of the kite that you have to make yourself is the tail. And how you make the tail is important also: how long it is, what material you make it out of, how you make it, because people make the tail differently. In that, some people believe that the more knots they have in the tail, the more steady the kite will be. Some people believe that the more free-flowing the tail is, the higher the kite will fly. Therefore all of this is important because all of this is your participation in this manifestation, and you’re making it all happen.
There is a point of allowance and that is significant also. The point of allowance is when you run in the direction of the wind. You don’t run against the wind. You run in the same direction as the wind, to allow it to catch the kite. That’s the allowance part.
And in that, all of this is significant because it’s the identification and the recognition of the differences in energy and the differences in actions, that some actions require definite involvement and active participation, physically active participation, and some don’t involve that but they involve imagination and visualization and translation. Flying a kite doesn’t involve translation and it doesn’t involve visualizing or imagination. It’s all physical concentration and interaction.
Therefore the reason that this is important is because different types of magic or different spells involve different types of energy and different types of interactions. And in that, it’s also a matter of different types of actions. If you’re doing something different, if you’re moving in the direction of teleportation, then you’re doing something that’s more similar to flying the kite. Some forms of magic are also similar to flying the kite, but it’s a matter of looking at and discerning what you’re doing and how you want to do it.
Therefore, what do you want to discuss?
DENISE: Ah, let’s start with extinguishing the candle flame, because I—
ELIAS: Extinguishing a candle flame is a physical action. This doesn’t require visualization. It doesn’t require imagination. This is something that is similar to the kite. This is a physical action. It’s a physical projection of energy. It’s simple. It’s a simple push of energy and it doesn’t even have to be a strong push. But remember how I was expressing to you about – you meaning not only you, but plural you – about projecting your energy, about pushing your energy out from yourself to touch someone else?
ELIAS: It’s the same action. This is the very same action. It is the action of directing your energy and pushing it, pushing it out from yourself in the direction of the candle. And in that, just as if you’re pushing your energy outward it can physically touch another individual or it can actually push them, in relation to the candle, it can extinguish the candle. (Pause)
DENISE: Would it be… You said with the person it’s either a touch or a push. With the candle, would it be a touch or a push?
ELIAS: It can be either. Yes.
ELIAS: Even a touch with the candle would be enough to extinguish it.
DENISE: Okay. I was thinking a touch would maybe flicker it and then a push would extinguish it.
ELIAS: It can, but that depends. If it is a very light touch, then it likely would flicker it. But if it is a slightly stronger touch, then it would likely extinguish it. (Pause)
DENISE: Now thinking of a campfire with a larger amount of flames, is that just a bigger push?
ELIAS: That would require a very large push, yes.
ELIAS: Because that’s a large fire.
DENISE: Correct. And then the aspect of the coals, the hot coals, they would not be extinguished by that, correct?
ELIAS: No. They would not be extinguished.
Now; with a fire that is that large, you could either summon a large push of your energy or you could summon elements. You could summon wind.
DENISE: Yeah, I was thinking about with that with the candle, how you would use elements if it was like pulling moisture out of the air.
ELIAS: You could.
DENISE: For the wind—
ELIAS: Or you could simply, or you could simply summon a slight wind or breeze, which would be enough. (Pause)
DENISE: I’ve was about to ask you how to summon a breeze (laughs), I just did it this morning outside actually. I was on a walk and it was hot and sticky, and I repeated a spell Ann and I do for comfort and this wind kicked up immediately.
ELIAS: (Laughs) Congratulations.
DENISE: And I’m like, “Hey, Ann! This shit really works!” (Laughs and Elias chuckles) Ah, but, but… so what I’m saying is I did it, but I don’t know how I did it. So if I wanted to summon a wind intentionally without a spell…?
ELIAS: It would be very similar. It’s simply a matter of definitely expressing that intention. You see that when you are uncomfortable, you can direct yourself more intently because your intention is very definite.
ELIAS: Therefore, that also gives you a clue.
ELIAS: It also gives you something tangible that you can practice. And what I would say in that is that you simply pay attention to what you have. Pay attention to what you do. You already have the actions and the formula in a matter of speaking for all of these things. It’s simply a matter of paying attention to what you naturally do, which you don’t usually do. Even in that situation, you have a prime example of actually doing it, of summoning a wind – and that’s what you did, you summoned a wind. And how did you do that? It’s not about some tremendously complicated formula. You already have the formula. All you did was be very direct and intentional. Why? Because you were uncomfortable.
DENISE: Yeah, I wasn’t thinking wind.
ELIAS: Precisely. What you were saying was you wanted to be less uncomfortable.
ELIAS: And in that, you were very definite and had that determination in that moment. That’s the point of what I was expressing to you in the examples of the book and the kite, is to be aware of your energy and what you’re doing with it and how you are manipulating it, because you ARE doing something with it and you’re manipulating it. And you’re doing very different things with your energy, dependent upon what you’re engaging and what you’re doing. It’s manipulating your energy very differently.
But you’re always engaging your energy. You’re always manipulating your energy. You simply don’t pay attention to it and therefore you don’t know what you’re doing with it.
DENISE: Yep. (Both laugh)
ELIAS: Therefore in that, I would say that it’s a matter of beginning with something small such as a candle because that’s something easy. It’s something small. It doesn’t require much of a push. And in that, you can practice with something such as that and acknowledge yourself when you are successful. And it shouldn’t be tremendously difficult to be successful because it’s a small push.
DENISE: Can I ask out of curiosity the girl that I saw doing it in the video, she was very intense and clenching her fist and it looked like a lot more effort than what I—
ELIAS: Because she (inaudible) believed that she required all of that to push that energy out.
DENISE: Okay. So she was essentially pushing—
ELIAS: You might think you need that type of action to push that energy out the first time or the first few times also. You don’t need to, but you might think or feel that that might help you, that intense concentration, that that might help you to push that energy out.
What I would say to you is you don’t need to do that if you are familiarizing yourself with your energy, which you can notice your energy. I would say if you can affect anything in your environment, let us say another individual, without speaking, simply through what you’re feeling and what your intention is, if you can project an energy – and you might not even know that that’s what your doing – but if you can be, let us say you don’t know anything about any of this and you have an experience in your life in which you were very angry at someone and you didn’t use words at all. You don’t say anything to the individual, but you are so angry and you’re thinking how angry you are at this individual, and you might even be wishing what you think of as bad things to happen to this individual or even if you’re not thinking in that manner, you’re thinking that you are very angry at this individual and you’re feeling very hateful towards them. And the other individual cries, or they move away from you and they’re definitely almost afraid of you momentarily. That’s you pushing an energy out in such an intensity that the other person is emotionally feeling it.
DENISE: Is that where the phrase “if looks could kill” comes from? That, that—
DENISE: — intensity of energy being pushed out where people feel it?
ELIAS: Yes. And that the other individual feels it so intensely that it can actually influence the other individual to make their own heart flutter. Therefore perhaps not as intense as a heart attack, but it can actually influence the other individual to have that type of a reaction. I would say that these are examples of people pushing out an energy that has a force with it. And in that, that’s much more intense than what is required to blow out a candle.
DENISE: Okay. Can we talk about levitation then? Because that’s…
ELIAS: Levitation.
DENISE: A small… Does it matter the size of the object? No?
ELIAS: It does not matter—
ELIAS: — the size of the object, although I would suggest as (inaudible) would as with the candle, I would suggest that you begin with something small because that doesn’t necessarily defy your beliefs entirely.
ELIAS: Because the problem with levitation is that you hold a very, very strong belief about gravity.
Now; what is entailed with levitation is not suspending your belief in gravity, but rather focusing on whatever it is that you want to levitate and moving in one of two directions. One, either concentrating on that object as not being solid. Therefore if it’s not solid, it doesn’t incorporate weight and therefore it can float. Or that whatever it is that you want to levitate IS solid but once again, that it doesn’t incorporate weight. That it is lighter and lighter and lighter until it’s light enough to float.
DENISE: When you say concentrate, that’s not visualizing or imagining, or is it?
ELIAS: You can. Yes, you can. This would be the type of interaction more similar to the book, in which you can be visualizing or imagining. And in that, think about a feather. A feather has a slight amount of weight but it also can float. You can place a feather in front of yourself and you can blow on that feather and you can keep blowing on that feather and it will keep floating in the air. It doesn’t necessarily immediately fall to the ground, even with the factor of gravity.
Therefore your strength of your belief in gravity can be circumvented in relation to weight or the distribution of weight. In that, if weight is distributed differently then something can float or it can fly. Therefore in this, with levitation it’s not concentrating on suspending your belief in gravity. That likely won’t work. But that you can move around that by concentrating on something different, reconfiguring how you see whatever it is that you want to levitate, whether it’s a body or whether it’s a pencil or whether it’s a block of wood. It doesn’t matter. It’s how you concentrate on that and how you see it, reconfiguring your how you see that object as not incorporating the type of weight that keeps it anchored in relation to gravity. Light as a feather.
DENISE: Yep. I was thinking of a feather earlier (laughs) with the pushing—
DENISE: — exercise.
ELIAS: And— Precisely. And this is the reason that that exercise that people can lift an entire body with fingers, with simply their fingers – and they can and they do, which is a parlour trick but it can be successful. “Stiff as a board, light as a feather.”
DENISE: Mm-hm.
ELIAS: What are they doing? The individual that they’re lifting isn’t doing anything. They’re simply being still and not moving. What the people are doing around that individual is they’re changing their perception of that body. They’re concentrating on that body being stiff as a board but light as a feather, and that allows them to levitate it.
DENISE: Okay. How about teleportation? I know it—
ELIAS: Teleportation. Teleportation is (pause) somewhat of an action of both the book and the kite, because it’s definitely something that you are actively participating in. It’s a physical action. It’s one step farther than moving in the direction of projection. If you are practicing with projections, teleportation is simply one more step beyond that. (Pause)
DENISE: I’m not practicing with projection. (Laughs)
ELIAS: That can, I will express that can be very helpful.
ELIAS: If you are actively participating in projecting, that can be a very helpful forerunner to teleportation because you’re already familiar with moving and going to a different place or a different time. You’re already actively doing that. Then teleportation is simply one step farther in incorporating not only your objective awareness but your subjective awareness also.
Now; in relation to teleportation of an object, not yourself, that also is one step farther than projecting because you can easily generate a projection in which you are projecting an object and you see it move and you see it go to wherever your destination is, wherever your target is. Then teleportation is simply one step farther than that. It’s now not simply projecting the object, but it is also including the matter, the actual physical aspect of the object.
DENISE: Could you go over how to do projecting as well?
ELIAS: Projecting, that is a matter of beginning with tremendous relaxation. That’s the first element. Then—
Now; the method is slightly different in relation to an object or yourself. With yourself, it’s a matter of moving yourself farther and farther and farther into a very deep relaxation. It’s very similar to self-hypnosis. In that, you’re still very much objectively aware. You’re awake. You’re simply in a tremendously, tremendously relaxed state. And in that state, then it’s very similar to dreaming while you’re awake. And in that, when you’re dreaming you suspend many of your very strongly-held beliefs. Therefore, they don’t necessarily apply when you’re dreaming. But being awake, those beliefs are very strongly held and they are not suspended and they’re difficult many times to move around. But if you move into a very, very relaxed state, you’re not holding to those beliefs as strongly, which allows you then to move and move through space and time. And you can validate that you actually DO that because you can set target places to be and then you can verify through other people that you actually did accomplish going to that place in relation to what you did, what you saw.
You can even, if you are becoming very familiar with projecting, you can actually even be concentrating your energy and move something wherever your destination is, which also is another manner in which you can validate, because you can return and express your description of what you saw and where you were and then you can also express, “And I moved this object.” You likely won’t move something very far, but it’s far enough to be noticeable. And in that, that’s, you move to that point, then moving in the direction of teleporting is much easier because you’ve already moved to the point in which you’re physically interacting. You’re not simply observing your environment wherever you go. And bringing your body is simply the next step.
For an object, it’s slightly different. For an object, it’s a matter of first becoming familiar with projecting. Then to physically teleport the object, the next step would be to recognize genuinely that whatever the object is, it actually isn’t solid. Nothing is. It looks solid. It feels solid, but nothing is actually solid. Everything is in motion. The more solid something appears to be, the denser it appears to be, the slower the movement is that it’s engaging. Therefore, in that, whatever the object is, if you increase the speed of the molecules that make up that object – and you don’t have to know about physics. All you have to know is that this object is comprised of many, many, many thousands, millions, billions of molecules or atoms. And in that, they’re all moving. And all you have to do is visualize them moving faster. And the faster they move, the more that solid object becomes not solid and breaks apart and disappears.
DENISE: And then it goes wherever our intention is?
ELIAS: Yes. Unless your forgot to set an intention. (Both laugh) It goes wherever it goes. (Laughs)
DENISE: So then, so then let’s say we do that. It disappears. How would you reappear it?
ELIAS: You do that frequently when you disappear objects.
DENISE: Yes. Unintentionally.
ELIAS: Correct. Unintentionally. And then you also unintentionally reappear them. Generally speaking, with an object that you are teleporting, that you are actually meaning to make disappear, if you don’t (laughs) have an intention of a target where it’s going to, then it will simply disappear. And eventually that energy will slow itself again and it will come back together and it will reappear in your reality. (Denise laughs) It likely won’t reappear in the same spot that it disappeared, but it will reappear.
DENISE: That sounds almost as fun as teleportation. (Both laugh). Well. Okay, so to do it intentionally, just visualize it, the atoms slowing down so that it forms again? Yes?
ELIAS: You don’t have to do that. You can simply set the target of where you want it to go and it will go and the atoms will automatically begin to slow again and reappear.
DENISE: Okay. Okay. So even if we’re just trying to disappear and reappear something, like teleportation except that it’s… Okay. I get it. Thank you. (Laughs)
ELIAS: What I would say is to validate yourself and generate an easier practice, I would suggest that you choose something small and choose a target of teleporting it not far from where it is, therefore perhaps a few feet away from where it already is. Therefore you can disappear it, but then it will reappear in front of you somewhere close that you can see.
DENISE: When we levitate something and we want to move it, like say out, just to start out I want to levitate something above a table and then set it down somewhere else, what… What moves it, once it’s levitating? Intention or (inaudible)?
ELIAS: Your – No. No. No. No. No. No. Your energy. Once again, it would be that push.
DENISE: The push. Yes, yes. That’s how I was going to say…
ELIAS: The push is what moves it.
DENISE: And even if it’s moving it closer to us, it’s…?
ELIAS: Then you’re pulling. You can do either action. You can pull in energy or you can push out energy.
ELIAS: What you can do is go to a park or go to anyplace around you where there’s a tree. Stand approximately two or three feet away from the tree and then concentrate on pulling the energy from the tree to you. Concentrate on pulling, pulling, pulling the energy from the tree. The reason I say a tree is because it’s a very large being. It’s a large, living entity. And in that, because it’s large, it also has a large energy which is easier to pull. Or you could go to a body of water. If it’s a large body of water you can do the same thing. And that’s not a living entity, but it will do the same thing. Something that’s large is easier to practice with in the beginning.
But in that, you can simply stand in front of the tree and you can concentrate on the energy of the tree and pulling it from the tree into you. Use a target area of yourself, either your solar plexus or your stomach or your legs. I wouldn’t suggest that you target your head. That might be disorienting. Therefore, using some other part of your body and pull the energy from the tree into you.
Or you could actually use something smaller. You won’t feel it as much, but you could use something. Stand in front of a plant or a flower and concentrate on pulling the energy from the plant or from the flower into you. Depending on how strongly you do that, you might even see that plant or that flower move slightly towards you.
DENISE: And so there’s no… Other than not doing it with your head, there’s no concern for overwhelm?
ELIAS: No. No.
ELIAS: I wouldn’t suggest that you do it with your head, but other than that, no, there wouldn’t be any reason to be concerned about being overwhelmed.
DENISE: Excellent! Whoa!
Okay. We’re getting close to the end and I’ve got some other quick questions I want to get in here, but I am very, very satisfied with the conversation so far. (Laughs)
ELIAS: Excellent. I am very happy to hear that. (Laughs)
[Personal material removed; audio ends after 53 minutes]
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