Session 202207131

Allowing the Body to Heal Itself


“Stop Fighting and Float”
“Allow Yourself to Rest”
“Healing Energy Happens Automatically”
“Being Busy Is a Learned Coping Behavior”
“I Am Always with You”
“You Are Worthy and You Are Deserving”

Wednesday, July 13, 2022 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Sandra (Atafah), with Sandra’s Sister

ELIAS: Good afternoon!

SANDRA: Good afternoon, Elias. (Laughs) Hi!

ELIAS: (Laughs) And how shall we begin?

SANDRA: Yeah, well that’s a good question, Elias. I was… It’s like a big swamp, so I would pull, go to the shore on one side and see what I could pull out. Okay?

ELIAS: Very well.

SANDRA: Unless you would like to start with me. I’m open to that too, Elias.

ELIAS: You can begin.

SANDRA: Okay. I developed a condition on Sunday where… I think it was blood sepsis. Would you agree with that? Blood infection?


SANDRA: Okay. Well, what it did was made me feel very bad, so my sister said, “Okay, what do think? Let’s go to an E.R.” And I said yes. I got in, admitted. The thing is, I had just started a week and a half of the Campath buildup and it was quite successful initially. Initially it wasn’t. They were concerned it would not work again, and then… I’ll start with what I did. I did this magic ceremony at my sister’s house. I used Karen’s sigils, increase-decrease transformation, and alchemy. And the entire 200,000 white cell count dropped to like 18,000 in 24 hours. But I also used a lapis pyramid to control the flow of tumor essence and to control the flow of removing the white cells very quickly. I’m not sure – were either of those processes successful, or necessary or unnecessary?

ELIAS: I would say not entirely necessary. What I would ask you is—


ELIAS: (Pause) Stop for a moment and express to myself. What do you want?

SANDRA: What do I want?


SANDRA: I want to finish my course of Campath and never look back again at this whole situation. (Pause) That’s what I want.

ELIAS: (Pause) I would say that you’re engaging an incredible amount of fighting.

SANDRA: Okay. That’s what you said with JF. Could you help me with that, Elias?

ELIAS: You’re struggling. You’re fighting with the dis-ease. You’re fighting with yourself. You are moving in this direction and that direction and not actually generating much clarity in any of them, and you’re fighting with yourself. You’re fighting with the physicians. You’re fighting with the dis-ease. You’re simply fighting with everything. And what I would say to you is: STOP. It’s enough. And what I would say to you is, I would encourage you to simply relax and allow yourself to, in a manner of speaking, float for… for a time.

SANDRA: Mm-hm? Okay.

ELIAS: Envision yourself in the ocean.


ELIAS: But you have a life ring around you and it’s holding you up.


ELIAS: And you don’t have to kick. You don’t have to swim. You don’t have to do anything. All you have to do is hold onto the life ring and relax and float.

SANDRA: Okay. Okay.

ELIAS: And in that, the more you float, the less turbulent the water becomes. And the more you float, the less interested all of the fish are in your presence.


ELIAS: Therefore that is what I would express to you first of all, that that is tremendously important. And then I would express to you the suggestion that you genuinely allow yourself to evaluate your position and what you want, because you’re fighting so hard at this point that you’re actually (sighs) exacerbating the dis-ease. You’re actually intensifying it.


ELIAS: And that’s the reason I’m asking you what you want. I know you want to relax. I know you want to be comfortable. I know you want to breathe.


ELIAS: In that, what I would say to you is you can do that now. And in doing so, it’s very likely that it will create a stall in the physical expression which then will give you the opportunity to genuinely evaluate what it is that you want and what direction you want to move in in.

Because at this point what I would say to you is that you’re not entirely certain.

SANDRA: Could you clarify— Mm-hm? Yes?

ELIAS: You’re pulling yourself in different directions. That you want to rest, but you’re afraid to rest.


ELIAS: And therefore it’s also a matter of you’re somewhat equating rest with dying.

SANDRA: Could you repeat that?

SANDRA’S SISTER: (Inaudible) with dying.

SANDRA: Oh, with dying. Yes, I am. Exactly.

ELIAS: And that doesn’t necessarily mean that if you rest, that you will die. But I would also say to you that that’s not bad either. That that direction is not bad. It’s not frightening. It’s not a failure. It’s only a choice. It’s only a choice.

SANDRA: Mm-hm?

ELIAS: But at this point presently, you’ve been fighting so hard that you can’t clearly evaluate what it is that you want. You can’t clearly evaluate a direction, because you can’t allow yourself to rest and create some clarity.


ELIAS: Do you understand?

SANDRA: I’m going to attempt to make that clear. Let me run this by you. When I think I am resting and enjoying my – let’s say my house or my space – I drift into a river where I’m floating sometimes, and feel very good. And I can feel that that’s very similar to… really, dying. It feels so good. So, when you said that before, I got that right away. On the other hand, after I come out of those states where I feel very relaxed or I feel flowers or beautiful dandelions flying by me in the air and gently landing on the water, I feel like life is beautiful and I’d like to stay. So are you telling me that there still needs to be more clarity in that decision?


SANDRA: Okay. Okay.

ELIAS: And that you’re teetering.

SANDRA: Yes, I feel that.

ELIAS: At this point presently, you’re teetering back and forth and you’re not actually making a choice to disengage. That choice is made in the moment. But you’re—


ELIAS: But you’re teetering with that direction.

SANDRA: Yes. Yes.

ELIAS: And in that, I am aware that you’re moving back and forth, and that sometimes – I agree with you – you could easily move in that direction. And then – but you’re not making that choice yet.

SANDRA: Right.

ELIAS: And then you have other time frameworks in which you’re still curious about your physical reality, and that’s very real. But—


ELIAS: The difficulty with all of this is that you have created a definite, let’s say exit avenue.


ELIAS: And you’re in a position presently in which you’re exacerbating that exit avenue.


ELIAS: You’re fighting with it so much that you’re actually creating that avenue being closer and closer and closer.

SANDRA: I hear you. I hear you.

ELIAS: And in that, that’s not bad. I simply am expressing to you the identification of what you are doing—


ELIAS: — and that in either direction, either way, giving yourself the opportunity to simply relax is – and rest – is what will be the most beneficial. Because regardless of what you choose – and I support you in anything that you choose—


ELIAS: — will be with you continuously in everything that you choose, but in either direction of what you choose, resting in it is the most important key, regardless of whether you remain in physical focus or you choose to blink in.

SANDRA: Okay. Okay. All right. Now that’s very clear. I understand that. Now—

ELIAS: Very well.

SANDRA: Yeah. My next question would be, what would… what would an average restful day look like, then?

ELIAS: (Laughs) That’s an excellent question, my friend. (Laughs)

SANDRA: What did you just say? A what question?

ELIAS: I said that is an excellent question. (Laughs)

SANDRA: An excellent question. Right! Because I, even with magic, attempt to manipulate all kinds of things related to this disease and maybe I should just throw all that out the window. So—

ELIAS: Presently, I would agree.

SANDRA: Okay, good. So that’s one thing. Yeah.

ELIAS: Presently, what I would say to you is—


ELIAS: — what is the appearance of resting? I would say first of all, it would be set down all of your expressions and experiences of magic. They can wait.

SANDRA: Okay. Thank you. Good.

ELIAS: And I would say that beyond that, what is soothing to you? Do you enjoy someone reading to you?

SANDRA: I like hearing books on YouTube and I love watching YouTubes about the history of the Celts or, you know, the history of Europe. I love that. So—

ELIAS: I would say that—

SANDRA: Mm-hm?

ELIAS: I would say that watching something that allows you to relax and rest and not think—


ELIAS: Or listening to someone read to you—


ELIAS: — whether it be automated or an actual individual, it doesn’t matter, or both.

SANDRA: Okay. Okay. Okay. Like Audible—

ELIAS: I would encourage you in that direction—


ELIAS: — with stories. Not non-fiction, because that will encourage you to think.

SANDRA: Okay, because that’s all I do. Okay. Good. All right. Okay.

ELIAS: If you are listening to stories that are precisely that, stories, then whatever you’re thinking is going to be using your imagination.

SANDRA: Yeah, like Harry Potter.

ELIAS: Yes. Yes. Precisely.

SANDRA: Right.



ELIAS: I would say that that is an excellent direction.

SANDRA: Yes. Okay. Great.

ELIAS: And that will allow you to rest and to actually move in a direction in which you’re not expending a tremendous amount of energy, you’re not thinking about your condition.

SANDRA: Right.

ELIAS: You’re not—

SANDRA: I’m overwhelmed with it. Yes.

ELIAS: Precisely. You’re not moving in the direction of repeat loop thinking.


ELIAS: You’re not moving in the direction of being concerned and then over feeling.


ELIAS: But you’re simply allowing yourself to relax and to rest, and THAT is healing.

SANDRA: Yes. Yes. Okay. Okay.

ELIAS: And that’s what you want to achieve.


ELIAS: That direction of healing energy, which happens automatically, your body automatically moves in that direction if you allow it to. If you let it, it will do it.

SANDRA: Okay. Okay. Okay. Well, this information about listening to books is wonderful. Fantasy books or myths or anything like that.



ELIAS: Yes. Yes. (Inaudible)

SANDRA: Wonderful. Wonderful.

ELIAS: It’s entertaining, and it allows you to use your imagination, which is excellent. And using your imagination is also very healing because it’s, in a manner of speaking, the same type of action as engaging the inner landscape exercise.

SANDRA: Yes. Okay.

ELIAS: Therefore in that, I would say that it can be tremendously beneficial to simply allow yourself to imagine in any capacity. And fantasy books such as your Harry Potter—


ELIAS: They have the hero and they have the villain.

SANDRA: Right.

ELIAS: And the villain is a metaphor for the dis-ease.

SANDRA: Right. Right. (Laughs)

ELIAS: And the villain isn’t always put down. There are struggles.

SANDRA: That’s right.

ELIAS: And sometimes the villain has the upper hand (Sandra laughs) and then there is the struggle between the villain and the hero, but you’re automatically moving your energy in the direction of the hero.

SANDRA: Yes. Right. Right. Okay. Great. Great. I love to watch British TV murder mysteries that are lightweight. You know, kind of silly almost? (Elias laughs) You know. Would you feel that those would be okay, too? They’re kind of easy to watch and you don’t think much about them.

ELIAS: Yes, if they’re not actual fact.

SANDRA: Oh no. These are all just silly, silly things that are quite imaginative actually. Okay. Great. Great. Okay. This is such wonderful advice.

Elias, I just feel everything shifting right now. I don’t even know how to explain all this, this phenomena of everything shifting. I did, from the last session, begin the process of relaxing but my method of solving things is winding myself up intellectually and it’s not always easy with the people around me to just ignore the whole thing and, you know, listen to Harry Potter, which I would love. So… Okay.

ELIAS: Precisely. And that’s not ignoring.

SANDRA: Right. That’s—

ELIAS: It’s choosing a different method.


ELIAS: A method that is more beneficial because you’re not concentrating on something negative and you’re not concentrating on what you don’t want.

SANDRA: You’re correct. And I did the same exact thing last year, and you explained that to me, to stop doing that.

ELIAS: Correct.


ELIAS: And therefore I would say that at this time, it’s very important. Actually, it’s more than very important. It’s crucial—


ELIAS: — for you to move in a direction in which you can concentrate on something outside of your body.

SANDRA: Ah! (Laughs) Okay. I’m laughing ‘cause it’s so obvious, but I… I didn’t see it. So thank you, Elias. Thank you.

ELIAS: But that is very understandable also, because you’re in a constant situation with your body and that has become very usual for you.

SANDRA: Yes. Yes. Yes.

ELIAS: It’s automatic.


ELIAS: And in that, it’s difficult to not pay attention to what your body is doing or what you are doing with your body, especially if it’s uncomfortable. Therefore, it requires some other action.


ELIAS: And in this, it would be actions that are not encouraging you to pay attention to your body, but to move in other directions. Something else. You’re accustomed to distracting yourself by using your hands.

SANDRA: Yes, I do that all day long. Yes.

ELIAS: And therefore, this is different, and it is something that’s not entirely familiar. And you’re accustomed to being busy.

SANDRA: Oh yeah.

ELIAS: And this is a matter of resting but being busy in a different manner, not physically.

SANDRA: Yes. Okay.

ELIAS: Therefore, being busy in occupying yourself with different facets of imagination, but not ones that you have to conjure, but rather—

SANDRA: Right. Like writing a book is work, so it would be just listening to somebody’s Audible book that’s already written and wonderful.

ELIAS: Yes. Precisely, because it’s about you not doing.

SANDRA: Yes. Now…

ELIAS: Rather than you doing, which is what you are accustomed to.

SANDRA: Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Okay. That’s beautiful. I get it. The other… Clarity would be great, if you could help me with Danny and the sculpting? I find that if I can do three or four hours a day, it’s not overwhelming, it’s pleasant. It’s getting, certain parts of it, somewhat boring because they’re repetitive but I just finished a very nice project I’m very proud of, and I took my time doing it. It was beautiful. and I’d love to do Queen Elizabeth’s head for… I don’t know. The joy of it, I guess. I mean, I thought it was wonderful. And what would you say about that whole part of my life, which is, I’d say, at least a quarter to a third of what I spend my time doing?

ELIAS: I would say eventually—


ELIAS: Not now.


ELIAS: Eventually, you can potentially move back in that direction.

SANDRA: Oh, okay.

ELIAS: But what I would say is now, at this point, it is much more important for you to rest and not being doing.

SANDRA: Okay. All right. Okay. Then I’ll have to make some arrangements to… yeah, spread my work out for the future, not…not address it. I have to do some work, because I do still pay a mortgage, but I can get around that too. I can find a way to, you know, hold off. I would say two, three months of just really chilling out, would you agree with that?


SANDRA: Okay. Okay. Good. All right. So—

ELIAS: Then you can—


ELIAS: Then you can move in a direction of re-engaging. I would say that at this point, at least one to two months.

SANDRA: Okay. Great.

ELIAS: To simply rest and not engage any actions. Then—

SANDRA: Okay. Okay.

ELIAS: Then you can re-evaluate and then you can move in a direction of what is important to you.

SANDRA: Okay. Okay. My… My next point would be that I do have to go three times a week to, you know, do my Synthroid. I can even, in the process – I mean, to do my Campath – I can even set that up where I’m listening to a wonderful fantasy audio tape while I sit there and do that, and just relax.




SANDRA: Okay. ‘Cause I…


SANDRA: I will do this. I don’t know. I’m making the choices we’re talking, to address this and stay. I can feel it happening as we’re talking and I’m very thankful for that. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

SANDRA: I have one other question that… The house. My house overwhelms me at times, because what happens in that place is it always needs work. (Laughs) And yeah, I’m a little bit upstate and I spend a lot of time there on my own, okay? So… and I do talk to everybody in our pyramid, in the pentagram group and my family, but I’m wondering how would be, in your opinion, be the best way to handle that whole process now in the next month or two? I don’t do any work for my daughter, moving anything anywhere, like I used to all the time. I really changed that substantially, which felt really odd for me. But when a thought of oh, I should fix the flashing or the back stairs or trim all my plants, what would you suggest I tell myself instead, Elias? (Pause) Relax?

ELIAS: I would say yes, I would say rest and relax, and that there’s nothing so urgent that it has to be tended to immediately.

SANDRA: Okay. That’s perfect. It’s the same thing—

ELIAS: That—

SANDRA: Mm-hm?

ELIAS: And in that, I would also say to you, at this point in your life—


ELIAS: (Pause) It might be acceptable for your children to help YOU, instead of you helping them.

SANDRA: Ah. Okay. Well, one doesn’t live in America, so that might be a challenge. What would it look like, Elias? I don’t even know what that would look like, help from my kids. Is that crazy or not?

ELIAS: I would say, think about what things are important to you that you would like to have some help with, perhaps with something with the house or your plants, and in that, to express that you request some help from your children in relation to some of these things that you can’t do.

SANDRA: Okay. So the boy in London, the man in London, has his cars and all kinds of stuff in my house. Could I perhaps ask him to start unloading these things and…?


SANDRA: Okay, good. As far as my daughter goes, she makes meatballs and wonderful things for me to eat, and gives me care packages. So that kind of thing is the kind of thing you’re talking about, is that correct? They gave me—

ELIAS: Excellent!

SANDRA: Yes, they gave me a couch. And my sister has been amazing with… I can’t even begin to tell you how much help I’m getting there. I can’t even begin to tell you. Yeah. And she’s sitting here, and she’s offering a question, too. She wanted to ask if down the road there might be a potential of living together.

ELIAS: Actually, that IS a potential.


ELIAS: And I would say that that might actually be beneficial to both of you.

SANDRA: Yes, and I can see how. It would certainly help me financially. It would certainly help her in her life, with her friendship and social life, and having a sister that she just hangs with. Okay. All right.

ELIAS: I would say that it would be a definite benefit to both of you. Yes.

SANDRA: Okay. Okay. It’s a little—

ELIAS: And I would also say that if you were to move in that direction—


ELIAS: — you could actually offer your house for sale and then you would also have some other income.

SANDRA: Oh yes, that would be what… That’s exactly what I would do, Elias. The only challenge would be, it’s completely full of stuff that would have to be removed, and that’s where the children could help me.

ELIAS: It also could be something that would be an excellent project for your children.

SANDRA: Yes. That’s right. Yes. Okay. Now—

ELIAS: (Inaudible) you.

SANDRA: In terms of a time frame, could we look at this in the next year or two, perhaps? Maybe three? Or are you talking about something much more imminent?

ELIAS: I would say more immediate.

SANDRA: Oh, okay.

ELIAS: Not entirely immediate, but I would say within perhaps six months.

SANDRA: Oh, okay. Six months, put the house up for sale and move?

ELIAS: Correct.

SANDRA: Okay. All right. Okay. Well, that’s going to be a big change. All right.

ELIAS: Which would—

SANDRA: And where to go next. I might—

ELIAS: —also be —


ELIAS: — something to look forward to.

SANDRA: Yes. The only thing is, my sister’s in an apartment, so…

SANDRA’S SISTER: Oh no, everything is fine.

SANDRA: Oh. Okay. Because—

SANDRA’S SISTER: I have a – No excuses! I have a total bedroom and a private bath.

SANDRA: No. Right. I under… My sister has a separate like room, in her apartment. The only thing would be, I would never then be able to do my sculpting work there, or any of the projects that I do love, Elias. So perhaps I could rent a space down the road or… find a way to solve it. I think I can solve that. What do you think?

ELIAS: And I would say that now is not the time to think about it.

SANDRA: Okay, so what would you suggest? I live with my sister more of the time?

ELIAS: That would likely be an excellent direction.

SANDRA: Okay. Well, that certainly would change my life completely. I have to say that. All right. That would cause me (chuckles) not to be thinking about work in the house or work anywhere, I’ll tell you that. Okay.

ELIAS: Precisely.


ELIAS: And in that, I would say that especially now—


ELIAS: — it would be beneficial for you to not be engaging, and encourage you to be resting.

SANDRA: Yes. Okay.

ELIAS: Relaxing.

SANDRA: Yes. Okay. All right. I mean, this is very surprising. (Laughs) It’s not surprising to my sister, because she’s offered this, many times. But it’s surprising to me because I think I’m stuck in my patterns, Elias, and pushing and being busy has always been a part of my personality. And in order to go through this part of what we’re discussing, it requires a whole different mindset, and I can… I can feel that.

ELIAS: I understand.


ELIAS: But let me also express to you—


ELIAS: It’s not part of your personality. It’s what you’ve learned.

SANDRA: Oh, okay.

ELIAS: It’s what you have learned through your life, and it’s also a factor in relation to how you have learned to cope.

SANDRA: Oh, to cope. All right.

ELIAS: This is how YOU have learned to cope with life, is being very busy.


ELIAS: And it has served you, to a degree.

SANDRA: Right.

ELIAS: But I would say at this point, it’s not serving you. And at this point, it’s actually moving in a direction of being more harmful than… than beneficial.

Unless you are looking at the other direction. If you are looking at the situation from the perspective of disengaging, then it’s serving you well still.

SANDRA: Ah. (Laughs) Oh my gosh. This is such an interesting, choice-making place, Elias.


SANDRA: It’s extremely empowering, you know?

ELIAS: It’s definitely bringing into focus the subject of choices and the importance of them AND the involvement of directions, in relation to choices. That in relation to certain choices, they have the ability to change your direction in life entirely.

SANDRA: Wow. Wow. Wow. Mm-hm. Oh boy. There’s a lot here, Elias. Wow.


SANDRA: So, when we discuss… I had all lined up which drug would work, which wouldn’t. It doesn’t matter anymore? Everything could work, with a change of attitude, a change of heart?


SANDRA: And a willingness to release all of the mentation, that I am very good at?



ELIAS: That is the point. Yes.

SANDRA: Okay. One other point. My sister wanted to know, was she Sharon in mythology, bringing people over the River Styx? Is there anything in that imagery for her?

ELIAS: (Pause) Yes. Was she THAT individual? That wasn’t actually a historical individual.


ELIAS: But was she an individual that did that type of action? Yes.

SANDRA: Okay. Because she can feel that now in her work and in her whole, I guess, demeanour. Yeah.

ELIAS: Yes. Yes.

SANDRA: Yes. Okay. Okay, because she works with older people. (To her sister) Do you have another question, honey?

ELIAS: Very understandable.


ELIAS: I am merely expressing that that’s very understandable.

SANDRA: Yes. Yes. Elias, as far as my dog goes, that could represent a bit of a challenge because my sister— (To her sister) What was that? Oh. What would you suggest with the dog? Do you think the dog could be integrated in some manner? Or do you think it would be better to… I don’t know, give the dog to my daughter?

ELIAS: Why would there be a problem with the dog?

SANDRA: Oh. Well, I guess the two dogs would have to adjust and then get on the same schedule and do their thing together. Would you agree?

ELIAS: And that can happen.


ELIAS: Yours is very young—


ELIAS: — and therefore he is still considerably adaptable.

SANDRA: Okay. Okay. Okay.

ELIAS: And I would say that I wouldn’t necessarily encourage you to be giving the dog away, because he is very comforting to you.

SANDRA: Yes, he is. I do love him. Yeah, I love him very much. Yes.

ELIAS: I would say that because of that, he serves a very definite purpose and that he’s very bonded to you. And I know that you derive a tremendous amount of comfort and soothing in his presence, and that is actually what he is in your life for.


ELIAS: I know, I know you partially acquired this dog in relation to your magical pursuits, but in actuality this dog came to you for this reason, to be comforting and to be soothing.

SANDRA: Ah. And that he is. Yeah. I love him very much, yes.

ELIAS: And… I know, and therefore I would definitely encourage you to keep your dog and to simply know that he is very young and he is very adaptable.

SANDRA: Okay. Okay. Elias, do you see this movement from one physical location to another like in the next week or two? Or do you see it in a month? I mean, I just need a little help with the time frame here.

ELIAS: I would say it’s simply a matter of what is comfortable for you. I would say that it’s not necessarily a permanent situation yet.


ELIAS: But that it would be helpful to you if you were not alone when you leave hospital.

SANDRA: Oh, okay. For sure. Okay. Okay, that’s great. I get the whole picture now. I am so grateful for this session, Elias. And now I understand what you mean by stop fighting.


SANDRA: Which you, which you delivered to JF. And because what the fighting does is creates an internal war, which gets projected out.


SANDRA: Yeah. I was… All right. Well, I’m ready to have some fun.

ELIAS: And let me express to you, if you ever are wondering—


ELIAS: — why your white blood cell count spikes up—


ELIAS: That’s why.

SANDRA: Because—

ELIAS: It’s—


ELIAS: — fighting.

SANDRA: Ah. Okay.

ELIAS: That this is physical imagery of how much you’re fighting.

SANDRA: Wow. Wow. Well, I plan to stop that. I already did. (Elias laughs) I’m laid back on a bed and I’m just sucking up some good energy here with you (Elias laughs) and I’m smiling at my sister, who feels (chuckles) very good, you know, because she’s (Elias laughs) very sweet. She’s stood by me through everything. It’s been wonderful. All right. Well.

As far as my dog goes, Elias, just a quick question. Both dogs might be together for a time period. Could they share the same food habits? I know, but I mean is the same food good for them?

ELIAS: I would say as I expressed that your dog is very young. He’s very adaptable.


ELIAS: And even in relation to food, he can be adapted to the same food and be in the same schedule of feeding, or—

SANDRA: Yes, and walking, and walking and so forth. Yes.

ELIAS: Yes. Yes.

SANDRA: Okay, great. Great.

ELIAS: And that might be also something that is very helpful to you. If you are with your sister and you are walking dogs together and you’re not alone, it may be also another avenue that is encouraging to you.

SANDRA: Wonderful.

ELIAS: You can relax if you don’t have to do everything alone.

SANDRA: (Sighing) Ah. You are correct, Elias. Ah.

ELIAS: Therefore you can share with her and the factor that you’re sharing with her means you’re not all alone. You don’t have to be responsible for everything, alone by yourself.

SANDRA: Okay. Got it.

ELIAS: Therefore it changes something even as simple as a walk with the dog. It changes that from being a chore and an obligation and a responsibility to something that is a shared, enjoyable action.

SANDRA: Okay. Okay. Wonderful. Her dog gets up at 5 a.m. Any suggestions on…? Do you think he might be influenced by…? (Laughs) My dog sleeps until 11! (Laughs)

ELIAS: It doesn’t matter.


ELIAS: They’re not in the same room.

SANDRA: No. Okay. I hear you. Okay, great. Okay. Well, we have some adjusting to make, but I will take you up on this right away. I leave the hospital tomorrow and I go directly to her house, and we’ll see how it goes, Elias.

ELIAS: Ah! And that is excellent, that you are leaving hospital so soon.

SANDRA: Oh yes. I’m already… I can’t even believe how much energy this shifted here, just in the hour talking to you. It’s been really interesting. Wow. (Elias laughs) All right.

ELIAS: I am always, always projecting my energy to you.

SANDRA: You know and I feel it, Elias. I, in my quiet moments, feel your loving energy around me. That is coming through without a doubt and it’s been very sustaining, because I have created quite a bit of pain and turbulence on my side and my body has had enough. You know? But you’ve been there with me, so I thank you very much.

ELIAS: You are exceptionally welcome, my friend. I am always with you and it is always a pleasure—


ELIAS: — to be engaging with you. I would say in that, this is one of those expressions that I will encourage you to acknowledge and accept, that you are worthy and that you are deserving.

SANDRA: Okay. Wow. Okay. Well, the terrain and the landscape looks entirely different at this moment, Elias. (Elias laughs) Is there anything else that I might just look at? I mean, I think we’ve covered everything. (To her sister) What do you think?

SANDRA’S SISTER: I think so.

ELIAS: I agree. And—


SANDRA’S SISTER: Except for one thing. One thing.

ELIAS: You don’t need anything more to think about.

SANDRA’S SISTER: Except one thing. Sorry. And that is, to also take care of Mary.

SANDRA: (Laughs) Yeah. (Elias chuckles)

SANDRA’S SISTER: Make sure you’re taking care of Mary.

SANDRA: Oh, they’re bonded. Yeah. All right. That’s my sister.

ELIAS: Very well.

SANDRA: All right.


SANDRA: Thank you.

ELIAS: I express tremendous encouragement to both of you and great energy of support for you, my friend, to be RESTING.


ELIAS: Very well.

SANDRA: I shall. Thank you.

ELIAS: And do not make excuses why you can’t be resting.


ELIAS: Everything can wait.

SANDRA’S SISTER: That’s what I say.


ELIAS: Very well.


ELIAS: I express tremendous, tremendous love to you and great friendship as always. Until our next meeting, au revoir.

SANDRA: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 47 minutes)

Copyright 2022 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.