Evoking a Response Through Writing
“Evoking a Response Through Writing”
“Whatever You Want to Contribute Is Sufficient”
Thursday, June 30, 2022 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Adam (Furgus)
ELIAS: Good day!
ADAM: Good day, Elias.
ELIAS: (Chuckles) And how shall we begin, my friend?
ADAM: Yes. I think you may be aware, but this session was scheduled a few months ago and then it was delayed a few times. And I had the feeling that for some reason I was postponing or just not yet… not yet being receptive to the information that I planned to ask about. So—
ELIAS: Which is unusual.
ADAM: It is unusual as far as I know, but I… First of all, I have been planning for a while to ask about my essence name and I remembered you had said that essence name, when you tell us, it helps identify ourselves but it also introduces an element of separation. And I thought maybe I’m currently engaging some fragmentation or mergence and I didn’t want subjectively to get a name until that was complete. Do you know whether that impression was correct or not?
ELIAS: I would agree, and express yes.
ADAM: All right. So I have a few different questions I’d like to ask, but the essence name is the first. What would you—
ELIAS: Do you have an impression?
ADAM: I… No, not really of a name. I have an impression of a feeling, but I’m not sure how to put sound to that.
ELIAS: Very well. One moment. (Pause) Essence name: FURGUS (FUR-gus).
ADAM: Fergus? With an—
ADAM: All right. Thank you.
ELIAS: You are welcome.
ADAM: Yes? Yes. Thank you. And for the essence color, my impression was a kind of a purple or lavender. What I’m envisioning right now is probably closer to lavender, but you could also call it purple, with maybe just a tinge of red. Is that accurate as to my essence color?
ELIAS: Yes, it is. I would express that that color can be identified as orchid.
ADAM: Orchid. Okay. Thank you.
ELIAS: You are welcome.
ADAM: (Pause) And previously when I had my friend ask about it, you indicated that my essence family was Gramada belonging, Sumafi aligned. And regarding my father, I thought it was likely that he shared at least one of those and possibly both, but the other way around, Sumafi belonging, Gramada aligned. Is that an accurate impression?
ELIAS: Yes, it is.
ADAM: Okay.
ELIAS: Congratulations.
ADAM: Yeah. I thought some of the disagreements I’ve had with him over the years were because given how we tend to incorporate things, adversity related to our aligned family and then the belonging family tends to happen by itself, we were both frustrated with those elements of our own challenges with each other’s challenges.
ELIAS: And differences.
ADAM: Yes.
ELIAS: And I would also say that some of those differences also are associated with having different guidelines.
ADAM: Yes, that is definitely true as well. Certainly.
ELIAS: That can be very challenging with people at times, depending upon the significance or the severity of the differences. Especially in relation to family members, it can be very challenging and also confusing.
ADAM: Yes. Absolutely. I think I’ve learned some of the importance to have explicit guidelines and to understand an allowance for differences, with my conversations that I’m alluding to. Then my father’s orientation I believe is common, and my mother’s soft. Is that correct?
ELIAS: That would be correct, yes. Congratulations again.
ADAM: Yes. And my step-father’s orientation is also soft?
ELIAS: Correct.
ADAM: Okay. Then I believe that my mother is Borledim aligned and this is less of a clear impression, but I think that her belonging family is Tumold.
ELIAS: Correct.
ADAM: Okay. (Pause) And then my younger sister, I believe she is Ilda, but I’m not sure if that is belonging or aligned. I would guess belonging.
ELIAS: Correct.
ADAM: Okay. And for the alignment family, is that Sumafi? Or Sumari, would be my other possible impression.
ELIAS: Sumari. Yes.
ADAM: Okay. That makes sense, yes. (Pause) Then my great-uncle, after he disengaged I had a dream where I was leading him to kind of a seminar that you were teaching. And he was somewhat interested in that, although not extremely so. And is that an actual interaction that took place subjectively? Between our essences, I mean?
ELIAS: It is an actual interaction, although not necessarily precise in the imagery.
ADAM: Certainly.
ELIAS: That’s a translation of the imagery, but in that, I would say that it’s a fairly accurate translation in the imagery. And the actual interaction is definitely real, yes.
ADAM: Yes. So he was actually interacting in a way as to learn some of your material with me as an intermediary, but that more specific details of that dream image were not necessarily correct?
ELIAS: It’s not to say you aren’t correct. It’s simply that they are a translation of what was occurring between you.
ADAM: Okay. And for my great-uncle, I believe that his… I believe that his families are Sumafi belonging, Ilda aligned. Is that correct?
ELIAS: Reverse those.
ADAM: Okay, Ilda aligned, Sumafi belonging.
ELIAS: Correct.
ADAM: (Pause) Then my [other] friend, I believe that he is Sumafi aligned, but I wasn’t sure of his belonging family. Or it’s possible that he’s Sumafi in belonging, but I… My impression was that it… What I consider precision or a direct correctness was important to him, in a similar way that it is important to me, and that’s why I’d say aligned.
ELIAS: Correct.
ADAM: Okay. And then for his belonging family, is that actually Sumari? Or maybe Ilda?
ELIAS: Sumari.
ADAM: Sumari. Okay. (Pause) Okay. Thank you, Elias.
ELIAS: You are very welcome.
ADAM: So I have a few questions here about the direction I’ve been manifesting for the past few years. Whereas I would think from a conventional standpoint I’m definitely financially successful, but I’ve found that the things that I intend to do creatively, I always end up starting something and then stopping. And my impression at one point was that I am continuing that movement in a probable reality but not here, and that maybe I don’t need to. But I also feel frustration, which I know is an indication that there is a possibility that I’m not moving towards. What would be the best way to allow myself to move towards those possibilities that I’m not reaching as far as my creativity writing or designing?
ELIAS: What do you genuinely want to do, my friend? What do you genuinely enjoy and want to do?
ADAM: I want to write and I want to inspire people with the things I write, towards particular emotions. There’s a kind of yearning, but it seems like once I actually have something down, it sometimes inspires different emotions than the emotions I wanted. And sometimes I get very concerned, because of particular criticism. But okay, you asked what do I actually want, not the difficulties, so yes, I want to write things that inspire yearning or otherwise create things that inspire the feeling of wanting to be… I don’t have the words to express it very well, but I know what I’m trying to express, that there’s a kind of becoming that I am evoking. And I want to share that with other people. It’s not sufficient, even though as an intermediate it should be sufficient not to create physically, but it’s not sufficient just to do this in my own thoughts and then to discard it. I’d like to be heard by people.
ELIAS: And you want to do that through writing?
ADAM: Through writing, yes. It means more if I can depict a story that might be objectively happening somewhere and… I mean that it’s not objectively happening, but in another probability it might be, and have people follow along with that. And in some ways, that’s helping me affirm the reality of those physical experiences that are not here, that are not part of official reality.
ELIAS: And what form of writing are you wanting to engage or are you already engaging?
ADAM: I’m writing stories that are sometimes called self-insert fiction, where usually a character who’s a lot like myself is put into a situation with magic or with some kind of supernatural things going on. And of course they’re not exactly me, but someone who responds in the way that I would expect myself to respond, and then putting them in that general kind of situation and then a story takes shape from there. Usually but not always that means maybe they end up entering a gate to another world or something along those lines, where either magic happens or something different from this physical reality occurs.
ELIAS: I would say that’s actually excellent. And actually though, what I was asking you is what type of writing are you engaging. Are you attempting to engage a book? Or are you writing on the computer? And—
ADAM: Yes. Yes, it’s on the computer. I’ve been trying to publish these stories on a website where people generally post stories, individual chapters of stories on a web forum, and then others would leave comments and that’s the way that I’ve been expressing these. Usually it’s considered something like a serial novel but as structured as a novel in having a defined length or expectation of a certain amount.
ELIAS: Therefore, this would be some type of blog?
ADAM: It’s not the same as a blog. What’s meant by a forum site is actually a site where you have a large number of different threads which individually they appear like a blog, but anyone can post them. But the convention on this particular site is that authors will post their own chapters, which is the longest contribution to each thread. And then individual readers will post their comments and such between them.
ELIAS: Very well. And in that, you’re doing that but you’re expressing that you’re not receiving the type of response that you want?
ADAM: It’s less that I’m not receiving the type of response that I want, although I would say that that’s true, but that I’m receiving a response that indicates maybe I am going in the wrong direction. I continue to question myself. But also it’s true that I’m not receiving the response that I want.
ELIAS: Very well. Then in that, perhaps it is a matter of changing the story somewhat to be conveying the emotional expression that you want to convey more clearly.
In this, I would say that you can be expressing through your characters emotional expressions of yourself that are important, and simply generating that – which you already know – in some type of fictional expression that is, in a manner of speaking, almost somewhat exaggerated to be connecting with other people in relation to invoking a response in their own experiences. Are you understanding?
ADAM: I’m sorry, I’m not entirely sure. I understand that you would like me to express emotion more freely and emotion that connects with the others who may be reading it, but not sure I understand what specifically that means.
ELIAS: Very well. What type of emotional expression would you like to be conveying?
ADAM: Maybe—
ELIAS: What would you like to express to connect with other people?
ADAM: A sense of belonging or a sense of being valued, and also a sense of wanting to connect to others, but—
ELIAS: Very well.
Now; you want to be invoking a response from other people, correct?
ADAM: Yes.
ELIAS: And you are doing this through fictional characters, correct?
ADAM: Correct.
ELIAS: Very well. Then what I would suggest is you do the opposite. Create a scenario in which your characters are having difficulty connecting, and that is generating emotional expressions from them because they are having difficulty. Perhaps they are lonely or alone or they are experiencing not fitting in. These types of expressions, many other individuals understand. And it likely will invoke a response from other people in relation to how they themselves understand that and perhaps even expressing ideas in how to be connecting more freely, in relation to your character. But however the other people respond, it likely will be in directions of connecting with you.
ADAM: Yes. That makes sense.
ELIAS: Therefore, what is significant is that you present that vulnerability with your characters. Therefore, this is what other people will connect to, is that expression of vulnerability that many people are afraid to express because they’re afraid of being hurt or being rejected or being disappointed, and therefore they can relate. And what you will be doing by making your character vulnerable is you will connect with people in the capacity of encouraging them to be connecting with their own experiences of similarity, in which they might feel not connected or as an outsider or disappointed or not understanding in association with different types of relationships and expressions.
Therefore, they will be responding in relation to their experiences and sharing those experiences with you. The more vulnerable you make your character, the more likely people will be to be responding because it invokes empathy.
ADAM: Yes. So that having the… having the difficulties and then the vulnerability allows people who’ve experienced that to relate to it. More so—
ADAM: Yes. That makes sense.
ELIAS: Precisely. And that then will be a manner in which you can connect with them, and begin a dialogue.
ADAM: Yes. And then, moving through that vulnerability to the kinds of emotions I want to express will connect more than simply beginning with those emotions.
ELIAS: Correct.
ADAM: That does help quite a bit. Thank you, Elias.
ELIAS: You are very welcome, my friend.
ADAM: So, I notice there’s one question here I was going to ask but did not, earlier. The alignment of my younger sister, or rather the orientation, sorry. I asked, my first impression was that she is soft, but later I thought she might be intermediate like me.
ELIAS: I would agree.
ADAM: Intermediate? Or…?
ADAM: Okay. Yeah, that, that was my more recent impression.
ADAM: Okay. (Pause) And we covered most of the things I had written down to discuss, but there’s one concept I wasn’t sure if I would get to that in my own thoughts I called the frontier, which is just these places or metaphors for places, usually it’s somewhere on the internet where people are working with ideas that seem to be very new and cutting edge, and perhaps this is the kind of thing that essence is creating with the shift or just that I get that impression. Now I know that everywhere is in truth like that, but when I have the impression that somewhere I’ve found this kind of frontier and I want to contribute to that, but I don’t know that I myself am sufficiently insightful or sufficiently inspiring to do that.
ELIAS: I would say whatever you want to contribute would be sufficient. It doesn’t matter. You don’t have to measure to any particular standard. That whatever it is that you are inspired to do or to contribute in any capacity, it is definitely worth the expression of doing it.
ADAM: Okay. And in conjunction with that, I know in the past you’ve stated that all possibilities are actualized but not all possibilities might be actualized in conjunction with the official reality of this particular physical dimension. And it seems to me that part of that is that essence can only create what essence knows to create, so if we are creating something entirely new then that may be a possibility that did not, was not available before. And if I interact with those kinds of possibilities that are forming, what I’m taking from what you’ve now said about (inaudible) that it’s not, that means I don’t have to worry about making a wrong choice regarding the possibilities, that what I can contribute, what I’m going to contribute is sufficient.
[The timer for the end of the session rings]
ELIAS: Definitely. And I would say that it doesn’t matter that something might be entirely new, because that is what consciousness is constantly doing, is expanding and therefore yes, generating entirely new. And you ARE consciousness as essence, and therefore you would be participating in that type of expression also. Meaning that at times you might be discovering something entirely new and that would be contributing to that expansion of consciousness.
ADAM: Yes. That makes sense. Thank you.
ELIAS: You are very welcome.
ADAM: And we just got the timer, so I think I’m supposed to say farewell to you now. But thank you so much for your insights, Elias, and I appreciate your time.
ELIAS: You are exceptionally welcome, my friend. And I would express to you it has been a genuine pleasure to be interacting with you.
ADAM: Thank you.
ELIAS: I shall be anticipating our next meeting, and I will be offering my energy to you continuously in support and encouragement in your creativity.
ADAM: Thank you.
ELIAS: In wondrous love to you and dear friendship, au revoir.
(Elias departs after 32 minutes)
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