Maintaining Whole Body in Health; Bringing Qualities of Another Focus into This Focus
“Kombucha, Sauerkraut, Raw Fruits and Vegetables, Meat and Hard-boiled Eggs”
“Restless Legs”
“THC Gummies, Psilocybin and Mushrooms”
“Maintaining the Whole Body in a Healthy Capacity”
“Bringing Qualities of Another Focus into This Focus”
“You Don’t Need a Map”
Tuesday, April 5, 2022 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and John (Arry)
ELIAS: Good morning!
JOHN: Good morning, old friend.
ELIAS: (Laughs) And what have you been engaging since our previous conversation?
JOHN: Interesting imagery. I kind of want to stick to the general pattern. I have a few more diet questions and then some substances questions, and then some other interesting things. (Laughs) But we’ll start here, with diet again.
You had said a while back that kombucha would be good for me. I love kombucha, so just really this is kind of more some validations and some refinements. I’m still not doing my ideal diet with being here and living in my car. It’s just not super feasible and I recognize that, and that’s fine. I’m compensating and it feels okay. But in relation to kombucha and fermented foods in general, which I generally try to incorporate, I have basically got into the rhythm of I wake up in the morning and I drink probably maybe like eight ounces, a cup, I don’t know, a couple mouthfuls (laughs), I think it’s about a cup of kombucha in the morning, kind of first thing, and then drink a lot of water. So I was just curious if that’s a good thing. Should I be doing less? Is a cup in the morning a good amount? What would you say about that?
ELIAS: That’s entirely acceptable.
JOHN: Okay.
ELIAS: What I would say to you is, what is actually more significant that you’re doing is following that with the water. I would say that incorporating a significant amount of water first thing in the morning is an excellent practice.
JOHN: Yeah. I’ve been doing that for quite a while. I try to drink at least a half-liter, but usually I try to finish my full first liter in the morning before I eat any type of solid food or anything. I’ve been doing that for a long time and it does feel very good.
ELIAS: Excellent. Excellent.
JOHN: All right, so I will stick to that in terms of the kombucha. I’ve also tried to mix it up with sauerkraut. I’m not able to make sauerkraut anymore unfortunately, so I just bought a little jar of some really good, high quality organic stuff that looked good, and it tastes really good. So I probably have maybe a spoonful, a couple spoonfuls throughout the week. I’m not eating a ton of that. So is that a good relative amount?
JOHN: Okay. Is there too much of that for me? Because when I was making sauerkraut more regularly, I can eat a lot. I can eat a substantial amount pretty much every day. And I remember a while back when you were talking about apple cider vinegar and fermented foods, and that whole conversation kind of started among people, I think you told somebody that one serving of sauerkraut a week would be sufficient. And I wonder if that’s kind of more for that person or…?
JOHN: Because I feel like I can eat a lot, and I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not. I mean, is…?
ELIAS: I would say that that was for that person.
JOHN: Okay. So if I had maybe a spoonful or even a couple of spoonfuls of sauerkraut a day in addition to the kombucha, that would be totally fine?
ELIAS: Oh, yes.
JOHN: Okay.
ELIAS: You could have more than that if you chose.
JOHN: Okay. So there’s no negative effect of eating more amounts?
JOHN: Great. Okay. The main reason I’m not is honestly just cost. I mean, making it myself is very cheap, but buying it in the store, at least for the quality that I want, is very expensive. So (laughs) I’m kind of focusing on the kombucha and just sparingly a few spoonfuls of sauerkraut every week. So that seems to be doing well.
ELIAS: I understand.
JOHN: All right. I also followed your suggestion from last time about just eating more raw fruits and vegetables, which is still kind of shocking to me. I didn’t even really think about that, but I really like raw carrots, so it’s really easy to get. At the grocery stores I go to, they have loose organic carrots, so I just go and I’ll get one carrot or maybe two carrots and I’ll try to eat that throughout the day, just as a snack. And then I’ve been getting apples once in a while as a snack. I’ve also been just getting a big salad here and there, so I just put some chicken in and some dressing and mix it all up and eat a salad. So I feel like that’s been helpful to get just more actual fresh food in my diet. So I feel like that’s been going well. So thank you for that suggestion.
ELIAS: You are welcome.
JOHN: And I guess the only other thing that I would ask, I’ve noticed… There was a sale at the store and I ended up getting some… I mean it’s not ideal quality, directly from a farm, which is I what I would like, but it’s like some better-quality organic canned chicken and I also got some canned tuna. And I’ve been trying to incorporate more meat throughout the week, so I’m not just relying on the protein shakes as much, as we talked about.
ELIAS: Excellent.
JOHN: So I do still do the protein shakes. I’ve kind of altered when I do it, because I think I used to have a protein shake after my workout, but I’m usually at the gym until very late, like right before bed, and I feel like the type of protein that I was eating – and I was usually putting honey in it, so I stopped doing that – and I’ve been doing one before my workout and not after. And then after, I’ve been trying to eat either some fish or some canned chicken or something like that. And I feel like that’s definitely more beneficial, and helping with the restless leg and just kind of feeling more… less stimulated at night.
ELIAS: Excellent.
JOHN: But I guess the main question really was around the meat. I know it’s not ideal and none of this is really ideal, but I’m accepting that I’m not in an ideal situation, so would you—
ELIAS: I understand, and I would say that moving in the direction of adjusting in relation to what you can be doing, and incorporating more into your diet in a manner that is doable in your situation, I would say is very good. And the piece about expressing more meat in your diet is important. Whether it be fish or chicken or whatever, these types of proteins are different and it is very advantageous to you. Another thing that you might consider is eggs.
JOHN: Yeah. So I used to eat a lot of eggs, and the main reason I’m not right now is really because of the cooking and storage aspect.
ELIAS: What I would say is, what you can do is if you were to have a means to incorporate, let us say, a fairly good amount of hard-boiled eggs, actually that wouldn’t be difficult to be storing and I would say that this is something that is also a very good fast food.
JOHN: Yeah. I thought about that and I guess I just never really pursued it, and I got a little more focused on the chicken and fish. But I’ve been thinking more about eggs, and I’ve kind of honestly missed them. And I love hard-boiled eggs, so I might just have to shop around at a couple of different stores and try to find… Maybe they have some type of prepackaged hard-boiled eggs, which would be great. Yeah.
ELIAS: Excellent.
JOHN: I will look into that.
ELIAS: Very well.
JOHN: So yeah, I mean in general, again not ideal but I feel like I’m making, I’m adjusting to kind of this current lifestyle (laughs) and ways to make it a little more functional in terms of food, like with the extra vegetables and fruits and the extra meat and stuff. So yeah, it feels generally pretty good. I generally feel pretty good in terms of you know, my workouts and how I feel throughout the day. I don’t feel some type of major shift like I’m lacking things. And I know it’s temporary, so I think I just have a generally pretty accepting attitude about this is where I’m at and this is what I’m doing, and that’s fine. I’m doing my best.
ELIAS: Excellent. Excellent. And how has the situation with the restless legs been?
JOHN: So, it’s actually been a lot better. I’m going to get into this a little bit with the substances piece, but yeah. So since the last conversation, I’ve made some changes. Like I said, I think the protein shake honestly was a big one. I guess I didn’t really think about how much that could be adding to that. So I think that change was pretty big. And then in general, yeah, I’ve tried to just be much more mindful about things that I eat before bed that might have sugar in them. I do still eat certain things, like I think the cereal I have has a little bit of sugar. I have switched the nut milks. I’ve been alternating between the macadamia and the oat milk, and I found that… I’ve just been very specific to get the unsweetened varieties that don’t have added sugar. So I think that’s been helping as well.
ELIAS: Excellent.
JOHN: Yeah, in general it’s been a lot better. I’ve been more mindful about kind of doing a walk before I settle down in the car for the night, which has helped. I’m just doing a little more stretching in my usual routine. Like I said, at home before I was in the car, I would just kind of have a general routine that I would do in terms of working my legs and stretching and all that, which would usually help a lot. But I almost feel like it’s maybe even a little better right now, because I’ve taken the dietary suggestions you made. So yeah, basically the short version is it’s definitely a lot better.
ELIAS: Excellent. Excellent.
JOHN: Yeah. So I mean yeah, that just kind of leads me into the next topic, which is substances. But the first piece of that that I’ve been wanting to ask about is I, for all of my life, I’ve never been… I’ve never been into marijuana. I’ve never smoked weed or anything like that. I’ve never really drank either, much either, so I’ve kind of just avoided substances most of my life for various reasons. And I think that’s been mostly a good thing, but I’ve relaxed that a lot over the years.
And one thing in relation to the restless leg and just general getting good sleep, I started using CBD maybe a couple of years ago, just kind of as an experiment, and it worked really well. But what I noticed was I would build up a tolerance, literally within two or three days, and then it almost felt like it was not doing anything in terms of helping me relax for sleep. So it just kind of felt like a waste of money.
So at some point in a different scenario, I ended up trying a THC gummie, an edible, with my sister a couple of years ago. And that was the first time I’d ever done it, and I actually really enjoyed the sensation and I enjoyed the feeling. And so over the years I’ve kind of done that periodically, more just kind of as a… like if I’m on a climbing trip or sleeping in a tent, just to kind of help me sleep and relax. And I’ve generally had really good experiences with it. So, long story short, since I’ve moved here, when I was in the car at first, I had a bunch of gummies left over and I started taking them pretty much almost every night. A very small dose, like not even the full serving that you would get. I would cut the gummies into halves or quarters. I’m very sensitive to it, so I don’t need a lot. But yeah, I was taking it pretty much every night and I noticed that I was not building up a tolerance to that in the same way that I was with CBD and it just really, really worked extremely well to help me sleep and relax my body and I would wake up feeling very refreshed, like I got really good quality sleep.
And I guess the short question is just is there any issue with me doing that more regularly? Especially right now, since I’m in the car still? I took maybe two or three weeks off because I ran out, but I just got more yesterday and I took one last night for the first time in a few weeks. And again, I had a back tweak that was really bothering me and I slept horribly for a couple of nights, and last night I slept fantastic. And I wake up and I feel great right now. I feel refreshed. So I’m just curious about that substance in general for me. Is doing something like that even daily – I don’t necessarily want to do it all the time daily, but for right now in the car?
ELIAS: I understand.
JOHN: It seems beneficial, so I’m curious of what you’d say.
ELIAS: I understand. And in that, I would say that it’s entirely acceptable and that does this have any lasting negative effects? No.
JOHN: Perfect. (Both laugh) Cool. I mean, that’s kind of basically what my intuition was. It’s been a surprisingly positive experience, incorporating that into my life. So yeah.
So moving on from that, it’s been interesting imagery over the last say month. I had some friends invite me to a camping trip where they were going to do a mushroom trip with psilocybin. And I’ve been curious about psychedelics in general over the last few years. I’m actually reading a book right now about psychedelics, which I’ve been wanting to read for a long time. And my overall attitude towards it has shifted pretty dramatically and I definitely feel open to it now, at this point in my life. And so I went on the trip with my friends. I didn’t partake, but I was curious just to kind of see their reaction firsthand because I’ve heard lots of stories. And they had a really pleasant, very relaxed, wonderful evening in nature and it was great.
And then a couple of my other friends in Charlotte just ended up doing the same thing. They had a much more intense experience. Kristin was one of them and she described her experience in detail. She had a whole, almost like a spiritual journey (laughs) in her experience. So theirs was definitely more intense, but also overall very positive. And so I guess it’s just been interesting, the last few weeks, I’ve been seeing a lot of imagery in my life around psilocybin in particular and I’m curious to try it. And I guess I’m curious what you would say about that. I guess to be specific first about potentially taking psilocybin, if you would have any recommendations or suggestions or just what you would say about that.
ELIAS: Mm. What recommendations in relation to what?
JOHN: So if I was to take psilocybin, would you say that most likely would be a generally positive experience in my life, would be beneficial? I know it’s very conditional, but if I—
ELIAS: It IS conditional and that I would acknowledge to you, that it’s a matter of what direction you’re moving in. I would say for you, it likely could be a very beneficial experience, and that you likely would have an interesting interaction with it. I would say that I would simply express to you not to do it if you are in an agitated state. If you are in an agitated state or if you are having a difficult experience in the week prior to doing it, then I would suggest that you not do it and wait until you are in a frame of mind that you can BE genuinely you, and simply be open to the experience and enjoying yourself. But it definitely can be difficult if you are in a distressed frame of mind or if you are not even in a distressed frame of mind, but that you are agitated or tense or expressing anxiety or tension. That’s not a good fit.
JOHN: Right. Yeah. And I’ve talked with my friends who had much more experience with that recently and yeah, that’s the very common recommendation for sure, is to make sure you’re in an environment you feel comfortable and safe, with people you feel comfortable and safe, you’re not in a stressed, anxious place. Like the setting is very important in an experience like that, so I feel very aware and very cautious in that. But yeah, I’m not sure when the opportunity will present itself—
ELIAS: Other than that, I would say, other than that I would say that it is something that you likely would significantly benefit from, and that you could be very much enjoying the experience.
JOHN: Yeah. And I see it, I don’t know, maybe (laughs) I imagine that assuming my first experience was good that I would probably try it more. It’s not something I want to do regularly at this point, but I think of it in terms of more quote-unquote “spiritual” experience I guess.
ELIAS: And many people do.
JOHN: Yeah, I can see potentially trying to do some connecting with Austin through that experience, which I think would be interesting. But yeah, I might have an opportunity in the next few weeks, and I’m not totally sure that that will be the best scenario so I think I’m going to play it out, play it by ear, play it moment by moment. And if I’m feeling in a good place in a good scenario… I’ll be going up to the Grand Canyon and Sedona, which I really love those places I’ll be visiting. I’ll be in nature. So it seems like there’s a potential that that could be a good time, but I’m going to have to play it out because it’s actually with Kristen’s coming to visit and I’m hoping that will go very well and be smooth and be a positive experience but again, that could go differently and I definitely don’t want to add that into the mix if I’m not feeling (laughs) very comfortable. So I’ll play that out by ear.
ELIAS: Excellent. I understand, and I’m very acknowledging of you that you are taking all of that into consideration.
JOHN: Yeah. Definitely. I guess just to kind of go a little deeper into this topic, basically I’m not that interested in anything else. I have no interest in LSD or something like that, and ayahuasca is just a whole other thing that just sounds way too intense for me personally, at least at this point in my life. So I just kind of feel like yeah, psilocybin seems pretty easily accessible. It seems rather tame. It seems more manageable. It seems like a very good way to kind of dip my toes in the water of psychedelics and just see how I… what I experience and if it’s something that I like and maybe want to incorporate in my life in the future in a more, you know, for lack of a better word, in a spiritual way. But yeah, I guess, is that…? Is my intuition pretty spot on, I guess?
ELIAS: I would definitely agree. Yes.
JOHN: Yeah. Okay. Perfect.
So slightly related to that in relation to substances too, I was just curious because I was talking to my friend Carl about this, the psychedelic aspect but also just mushrooms in general. And he has gotten more into taking mushrooms regularly, like medicinally, various types. I haven’t spent a lot of time researching this, but it’s always been something I’ve kind of been curious about. I know there’s a lot of different types of mushrooms out there and supplements, and I guess I would just ask if there is something in particular that you would recommend, if at all? Maybe there’s not, but I know he takes like Lion’s Mane regularly and then Reishi is popular, but is there a recommendation you would have of some type of mushroom that would be good for me to take regularly?
ELIAS: Not necessarily. I would say that it’s definitely a matter of you experimenting. If this is something that interests you and that you want to experience that, and you want to move in that direction, that is entirely acceptable. But I would say experiment and decipher in relation to your body and your experience, because every individual is different. And your experiences will be different in relation to whatever condition you are in when you do it, and not only in relation to an emotional condition, but physical condition. And in that, I would say that it’s a matter of experimenting, because it’s expressed differently in relation to each condition of your body consciousness. I would definitely express that my one suggestion would be if you want to move in a direction of doing something such as this on some type of regular basis, I would not suggest you do it while you are living in your vehicle.
JOHN: (Laughs) Yeah. No, definitely not.
ELIAS: The only reason that I express that is because, as you and I have been discussing, this is not an ideal situation for your ideal health. Therefore, you’re not eating in an ideal manner. You may not be sleeping in an ideal manner. And therefore I wouldn’t suggest that you be doing something such as this with any of them on any type of regular basis while you are living in your vehicle, because of those factors. Even if you are in a frame of mind in which emotionally you feel well, you’re not optimally physically expressing in your greatest capacity in relation to your consumption and even your sleep.
JOHN: Yeah. I hear you. (Laughs) Definitely. All right. That’s enough of that for now. I feel pretty clear in where I’m at, but—
ELIAS: Very well.
JOHN: Your input is appreciated. All right. So a little bit about my training and general physical activity these days. I pretty much already know the answer, but I would be curious if you have anything else to say about it. But one thing that I’ve come to again recently is I… The one thing I don’t do a lot of is what people term cardio, so I don’t run regularly, I don’t really go hiking regularly unless it’s maybe on the weekend to climb. But mainly I’m in the gym, I’m climbing, I’m lifting weights. I do some form of cardio in terms of body weight circuits where I do (inaudible) circuits and intervals and then almost kind of like a jump rope type thing, but I just kind of feel like, especially right now and – I hate to use the term “as I’m getting older – but (laughs) where I’m at in my life right now, at this point in my life physically, I feel like incorporating that regularly would be very beneficial and is not even so much beneficial but just really important for my overall balance of my health.
So what I’ve been doing is getting back into, just because it’s super hot and it’s kind of hot to do outside unfortunately right now, I have been doing the treadmill, where I do like a full incline on the treadmill and walk at a brisk pace, and I do that for twenty, thirty minutes and then kind of progression there. And I might even start jogging on the treadmill some, but I just have this intuition that that’s important for me to start doing again now, and to be consistent with that. And I’m curious if you would agree with that?
ELIAS: I would definitely agree.
JOHN: (Laughs) Yeah. I’m not surprised.
ELIAS: I would say that you knew that I would express that. I would say that is definitely very important and beneficial, and I would be very encouraging for you to be moving in that direction. I would say that it is important in relation to the maintenance of your heart and lungs.
And in that, I would maintain that it’s not necessarily significant or important for you to be engaging in what you identify as cardio exercising in a formal capacity, but I do understand what you’re expressing in relation to where you are and the heat, and therefore I would agree with your choice. But I would say that generally speaking, I would be advocating for you and most people to be generating an activity that is more natural, such as hiking or running or swimming or biking. Any of these activities are – especially hiking – are very good in relation to maintaining your heart and lungs, your circulatory system and your respiratory system, and in that also incorporating the whole body.
JOHN: Yeah.
ELIAS: Because it’s not simply a matter of your heart and lungs, but that it is a matter of your circulatory system and your respiratory system, which is a matter of the oxygen that is being expressed in relation to your whole body, your muscles, your organs, your brain. And in that, it is a matter of maintaining your whole body in a more healthy capacity.
JOHN: Right. Yeah. And I feel like that’s kind of really the only missing piece. I mean, I feel like I feel very aware and very knowledgeable about fitness and training, and obviously that’s what I want to do for a living. I’m just aware that that has been kind of the missing piece. It’s hard for me to feel more motivated for that. It’s incorporated regularly, compared to climbing or lifting or everything else I do. But I just, yeah, recently I’ve just reached a point, especially being in the car and working in the office. I actually am a little more active in the office because I do get up and go interact with people much more, and running up and down stairs. Our office is in the basement, and so I always take the stairs. I don’t take the elevator. So I’m actually generally getting, I think, more quote-unquote “cardio” in general right now, since being back here. But I just feel like doing something a little more formal in terms of going to the gym and incorporating that more formally into my training is definitely a good thing at this point, and to keep that up going forward.
ELIAS: I would very much agree.
JOHN: And I think once I get to Oregon, when the weather is much more manageable, I think getting outside to do regular morning runs, which I’ve done at various points, would be definitely my preferred way. And biking, I do want to get back into biking. I do like biking around town as a form of commuting, but also a great exercise. So…
ELIAS: I agree. And I would also say that it’s important, because this is the direction that you want to move in as your business. And in that, it’s important that you not only can provide yourself as being an example, but also that you can be engaging with other individuals and you can be expressing to them from experience why these expressions are important. Not simply conceptually, but experientially why this is important in maintaining the body consciousness. And especially in relation to anything in the direction of climbing, as you already know, because you want to be expressing optimal health in general, all around in relation to the whole body in association with climbing, to express optimal safety.
JOHN: Right. Yeah. Well, for now I will be rocking the treadmill (both laugh) a couple times a week. But yeah. It felt good. I did a session last night and it felt really good. I got a good sweat. And I mean another nice thing, at least in the gym, is I can watch a YouTube video and learn things or be entertained or listen to sessions with you or… That’s really helpful to kind of keep me motivated. It’s kind of boring to just do it, especially in a gym. I mean if I’m outside, that’s different, but if I’m in a gym I don’t want to just sit there jumping rope or walking on the treadmill with nothing to do. So yeah.
ELIAS: I understand.
JOHN: I knew you would say that, yes, but it’s helpful to validate. I’ve got a couple of other questions. I’m not quite sure which direction I want to go at this point. (Pause)
I guess because it’s kind of related in a tangential way, I have this question from a couple months ago. And I think as we’ve been talking about the Shining Ones focuses and people that are involved in more of those conversations that we’ve talked about, they’ve been sharing information with me too, related to that. But it just kind of got me thinking in more of a general way. Is…? I don’t even have a specific, articulated question, but something along the lines of if I want to access certain qualities of another focus and sort of bring that into my focus, for example I mean if I have the Shining One focuses and they have these super genetics (laughs), so to speak, and these qualities and these attributes, is there a way for me to sort of tap into those focuses and bring those qualities in sort of a physical, tangible way into this focus? Maybe that’s the question. (Pause) Like for example, if I become aware I have some focus who is super strong, just to throw out an example, and I’m like him, is there a way for me to tap into that focus in a specific way and sort of glean some of that extra strength into this focus, into this body from that focus? Does that make sense?
ELIAS: Yes. It would be very much the same as being a musician and wanting to pull energy from another focus that may be a very accomplished musician and composer, into what you are doing with your own music now. It’s the same type of expression. Anything of that type. Any quality or any action that you are doing, that you’re already expressing in your focus, and you may know of some other focuses of yourself that are doing similar but more, or are expressing a greater capacity with it, and you want to glean some of that energy and some of that expression, yes of course you can do that. It’s simply a matter of tapping into that focus.
Now; what does that mean? That means that you would be connecting directly with a particular focus. And in that, what I would suggest is that first of all, you connect with the other focus in a capacity in which it allows you to experience some of what that other focus is experiencing. It gives you an experiential knowledge in this focus of what they’re doing. And then you can connect with that other focus energetically and by doing so, that will allow you to very easily or almost automatically pull in that energy into now, into this focus.
Now; also how you do that is then in any situation in which you are doing something that you want to enhance, let us say using your example of strength, then whatever it is that you’re doing that you want to enhance your strength with, then at the moment that you are doing something that involves that, you focus on that other individual and you allow yourself to connect with that individual’s energy and their experience. Sometimes it can be as simple as while you are doing your activity to generate a visualization of the other individual. Have a picture of them, in a manner of speaking, in your mind and therefore that allows you to connect with that energy and pull it into this focus.
JOHN: Okay. Yeah. That’s kind of the direction I was going in, wanting some specific recommendations.
ELIAS: It’s not, it’s not a difficult action. It’s simply a matter of remembering that the most effective time to be doing that is when you’re actually engaged in some activity that you want to enhance.
JOHN: I see. Yeah. But I hadn’t actually thought of that. That’s a helpful suggestion. But really, it’s just more a matter of being intentional, setting that intention, being open to it and allowing. And it’s kind of that simple.
JOHN: Okay.
ELIAS: But it is important to make a connection first.
JOHN: So maybe in terms of meditation or something? Let’s say I’m looking for some particular attribute, kind of being open to connecting with other focuses of mine that already express that in the way that I want?
ELIAS: Yes. Yes.
JOHN: Yeah. Okay. All right. That’s very simple.
This is kind of a fun question, but just kind of related to this. I’ve kind of always wanted to ask, I’ve never written it down, but I’m curious if I’m… if I have other focuses as more quote-unquote “professional” kinds of famous climbers. And there’s one in particular. He’s kind of one of the most famous American climbers of all time, but I feel some type of connection with him. His name’s Chris Sharma. And I’m curious. I don’t quite… I don’t know that I think that it’s another focus or maybe a counterpart or maybe we just share other focuses together so I connect with him in a personal way, but there’s some type of connection. But I’m curious what that is.
ELIAS: I would say it IS a counterpart action.
JOHN: Counterpart. Okay. Yeah, I’ve had like three now very… very intense, vivid dreams where I’m literally visiting. He lives in Spain at this point, but I’m like visiting him for like hanging out and climbing like we’re friends, and meeting his wife and kids. And I thought that was very interesting, that I’ve had these repeated dreams with him in particular, all with a very different energy also, which is interesting in terms of how the connection felt in the dream. But anyway, yeah, that’s always been a curiosity.
ELIAS: I would say I would be very acknowledging of you that you are making that subjective connection with this individual in relation to that counterpart action.
JOHN: Yeah.
ELIAS: Congratulations.
JOHN: (Laughs) Thank you.
ELIAS: (Inaudible)
JOHN: Say that again?
ELIAS: That is significant.
JOHN: Yeah. Well, I don’t really have any big topic for today beyond those. I do have some other questions written down, but I guess maybe it’d be helpful to just kind of go over where I’m at. Kind of an update in terms of this whole path.
I have, I’m in a really good groove with work and climbing and just kind of my routine at this point. I feel really comfortable in my routine. I’ve really acclimated to being back in Tucson really well. It is getting hotter, which is annoying, but it’s manageable. I have friends visiting. Kristin’s coming to visit in a few weeks. My friend Lars might visit after that, and then I have some more friends visiting in late May. And my rough plan at this point is to basically, after my friends visit in May, so sometime late May, early June, I kind of feel ready to move on from here. That’s been my intuition for a while, and that’s kind of only strengthening. For multiple reasons, I just kind of feel I’m reaching a point where I can tell that I’m kind of ready to move on. I also feel like the weather will be getting really hot here and really uncomfortable, and also getting quite beautiful in Oregon. So I kind of want to be there for that, as my reintroduction to being in Oregon. So yeah, all signs point to that general time framework. So…
ELIAS: I would say congratulations, because in that, you are accomplishing what you wanted to accomplish and you’re doing it well. And you’re moving ahead of schedule, in a manner of speaking. And I would say that it’s quite an accomplishment and it’s worthy of your acknowledgment—.
JOHN: Yeah. Thank you.
ELIAS: — in relation to that success.
JOHN: Yeah. Success was a very applicable word. It does feel like I came here with this kind of vision of what I was planning to do here and what I wanted here. And I feel like I’ve basically done that, and have been doing that, and it’s gone really, really well and really smoothly. All things considered, it’s gone pretty amazingly well. And I feel very accomplished in that and I think I can tell I’m kind of on the cusp of like okay, yeah it’s been nice here and it’s been great, and I see that end coming and I feel excited and just kind of ready for the next step. And I think that that timeframe feels really right. So yeah, yeah, I do acknowledge that. It does feel good.
ELIAS: I would say congratulations my friend. That, that is tremendous, especially I would say to you, given what you were experiencing and what you’ve come from, that you allowed yourself to move forward. You’ve allowed yourself to acclimate. You’ve allowed yourself to accomplish and be successful in a very short time framework. I would say that that is a tremendous accomplishment. I know that you had a strong drive and a strong goal to begin with, but when you began, you were somewhat on shaky legs.
JOHN: Definitely.
ELIAS: And therefore, moving forward in such a tremendous trajectory as you have, and accomplishing as much as you have in such a short amount of time is genuinely to be crediting yourself with. That is genuinely to be congratulated.
JOHN: Thank you.
ELIAS: You are very welcome.
JOHN: Yeah. So yeah. I mean, to be honest it’s interesting, I haven’t really spent much time at all what I would call visioning, in terms of Oregon and the business and all of those things. I don’t know if it’s partial… I think at first maybe I was a little apprehensive to or nervous to, but now I also kind of feel a sense of it’s not really necessary. I guess I’ve moved more into a state of trust that I don’t need to figure it out. I don’t need to have these big revelations. I don’t… I just trust that it will unfold, and that’s fine and that’s enough. And yes, I can vision and yes, I can be open to things and I can kind of start moving in that direction, but I certainly don’t have to have it all figured out by any means, and I don’t have to have some very specific end vision. I just know the essence of what I want to do, and I do feel more and more trust that it will unfold as it will and it will be glorious and I can just trust that and take it one step at a time, and that’s it. It’s that simple.
ELIAS: And I agree, and I express tremendous, tremendous acknowledgment to you, my friend. That in itself is a huge step in trust.
JOHN: Yeah. It feels like it.
ELIAS: Especially considering that when you began, as I expressed, you were on somewhat shaky legs and were wanting a map.
JOHN: Yeah.
ELIAS: (Laughs) But this is a tremendous, tremendous testament to precisely what I have expressed to you: you don’t need a map.
JOHN: Yeah. I kind of just feel like I trust my passion, I trust my ability, I trust just putting myself on the path and the people that I… The people that are in harmony with that will find their way to me and I will find my way to them, and it will just unfold. And that’s it. It’s that simple.
ELIAS: And that’s enough.
JOHN: Yeah.
ELIAS: And that, my friend, I will express to you a genuine thanks, because THAT will ripple out – it already is – and move in a direction of other individuals that are still looking for that map, that can perhaps look at your experience and your example and see that genuinely, it isn’t something that they have to have.
As long as you have that trust and you have that confidence in yourself, you are enough.
JOHN: Yeah. Yeah. It feels good to reflect on that and feel that right now (laughs) at this moment especially. (Elias laughs) I feel like a lot of these conversations we’ve been having are an objective way for me to express these things and to be validated in it, but just the act of expressing these things out loud with you has been huge.
ELIAS: I understand. And what I would say to you, my friend, since you are sharing with (chuckles) your friend that is also a Shining One (laughs), and that she IS somewhat still struggling with this idea of not having a map, this may be an excellent example for her also.
[The timer for the end of the session rings]
JOHN: (Laughs) Yeah. Yeah. Well, I hope it helps her.
ELIAS: I would suggest it likely will, because she does genuinely pay attention to what other individuals are doing, and especially when other individuals are being successful with something, she pays attention to that. Therefore, I would say that this is an excellent example, my friend.
I would say you have genuine reason to be proud of yourself.
JOHN: Thanks. I feel that. I really do. (Laughs) Yeah.
Oh yeah, I feel like maybe probably by our next conversation next month, I might want to talk more logistics in terms of Oregon, business and all of that. Maybe between now and then I will do a little more visioning and see what comes up.
Yeah, I guess as I’ve said before, if there is anything you want share at the end or suggestions or anything you have to share, as we conclude?
ELIAS: I would merely be expressing a genuine congratulations to you, and the encouragement for you to genuinely recognize the significance of what you have accomplished. Take some time and credit yourself tremendously, because you deserve it.
JOHN: All right.
ELIAS; (Laughs) And I shall greatly be anticipating our next meeting. In wondrous love to you, as always, my dear friend, and in a reiteration of tremendous congratulations to you. It is well deserved. Until our next meeting, in dear friendship, au revoir.
JOHN: Bye for now.
(Elias departs after 1 hour 1 minute)
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