New Career Direction; Being Consistent
“Sherlock Holmes Exercise”
“New Career Direction”
“Focus Animal: Howler Monkey”
“Definition of Consistency”
Thursday, March 17, 2022 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Jonathan (Sobini)
ELIAS: Good morning!
JONATHAN: Good morning, Elias.
ELIAS: And how shall we begin?
JONATHAN: Well, I haven’t had much time to really do much Sherlock Holmes homework (both laugh) but there is something I wanted to ask about. There was an incident that happened when I was, I would say, around twelve, maybe thirteen, anywhere from maybe eleven to thirteen. But I was on an overpass and there was a group of us, and we… I think we were tossing stones over the overpass onto oncoming traffic. And we hit a car and the guy got out of his car and chased us, I think screamed first and then chased us. And we were down along a shoreline, and there was a lot of fear for me there. And this has been coming up into my attention, and I’m wondering if there is a relationship to trauma with that, or the second trauma even?
ELIAS: The relationship is not direct.
ELIAS: I would say that the relationship that it has is that feeling of doing something wrong and having a considerable amount of fear in relation to that.
ELIAS: That sense of having done something wrong, and what that does inwardly with you and how it affects you.
JONATHAN: Okay. In this session today, Elias, do you feel it would be beneficial to maybe assist me in going into connecting the feeling with the memory? Or do you recommend that I do more homework first?
ELIAS: I would say, I would express that it would be more beneficial for you to be exploring more and attempting to connect more before we (inaudible).
JONATHAN: Okay. Okay.
ELIAS: Because the more that you move in directions of it not being successful, actually that moves in a very counterproductive direction. It actually creates a situation in which it’s harder to connect to the actual memory. Therefore it’s, in your terms, better to wait and for you to be moving in the direction of what I expressed to you first. And then when we have something slightly more to move in the direction of to connect with, then we can move in the direction of the exercise. Because each time you do the exercise and it isn’t successful, that creates more difficulty in actually being successful with it at all.
ELIAS: Because each time you aren’t successful, the brain throws up more shields.
JONATHAN: Okay. I understand. So it’s beneficial to be very ripe, ripe for the exercise.
ELIAS: (Laughs) I would agree.
JONATHAN: Okay. And I have like a reality question, Elias. When we were talking about my mom, in her reality, did she have sexual relations with this priest?
ELIAS: I answered that.
JONATHAN: Okay. I thought maybe you… it was just in relation to my reality, and that hers could be different.
JONATHAN: Okay. Interesting. Well, I’d like to shift gears a little bit today, Elias, into the topic of my new career direction.
ELIAS: Very well.
JONATHAN: And basically, I’m in a unique place right now, in that I have launched things and I have… I have gone public with things and I’m really curious as to what energy I’m projecting. Because for example, I don’t have a paid client other than my brother that I work with, and we’re running out of money in our bank accounts. And I’m just wondering what energy I’m projecting in terms of generating more money and actually generating clients?
ELIAS: And your assessment, before I answer?
JONATHAN: Well, I would say prior to me launching, I was generating a fairly beneficial energy in that I wasn’t expressing… You know, it certainly wasn’t predominantly an energy of lack. It was an excitement. I was believing very much that this would be successful and generate money. And you know, as time goes on that gets a little shakier, although I’m also, I’ve also got some awareness there as well and some determination to project an energy that would be beneficial. So that’s where I’m at.
ELIAS: I would say (pause) what is it that you are actually shaky with?
JONATHAN: (Pause) Good question, Elias.
ELIAS: Because you can be very excited about something, and the excitement can overshadow what you actually might believe, or what reservations you might have, and you might not necessarily be thinking about those. But I would also say that there’s also the factor that initially the excitement can actually move you in a direction in which you are successfully overriding any doubt or any reservation. But then as you move closer to engaging, it can be a situation in which then the doubts may surface in relation to… you may be confident in what you’re expressing, but you may not necessarily be confident in relation to other people.
Which is what I would term to be a normal manner of thinking, but it’s also contrary to what I have expressed in relation to being self-directed. Normal meaning that that’s how you are accustomed to expressing, because that’s what your society expresses, but that doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily the greatest benefit to you. Are you understanding?
JONATHAN: Uh, I think so. So the… It’s a matter of bringing my attention back to myself and where I’m directing myself, as opposed to for example thinking that money is something separate from that, coming from other people. Is that kind of the right track?
ELIAS: To a degree, yes. Yes, it is. Because in that, it’s a matter of recognizing that this is what YOU are creating. This is what YOU are doing, what YOU are creating, and therefore that YOU are moving in a particular direction. Yes, you are involving other people, but it’s a matter of maintaining that perception about what you’re doing and the significance and how much YOU appreciate what you are doing.
JONATHAN: Oh, okay.
ELIAS: And how much you value it. Because the other individuals will value it in relation to what you value.
JONATHAN: Okay. And that automatically changes the energy I project. I can see that.
JONATHAN: Yeah. Okay. Yeah. And the other thing is, you know in this line, Elias, so I’m generating content. I’m trying to do this consistently and sometimes I get confused about what type of content to create and share. Because part of me gets excited when I, for example I’m learning a new concept or something that you’ve taught, but yet I’m not yet experienced and an expert in it. So that when I share from that perspective, it comes across as it’s just a different energy from let’s say, for example, if there was just something that happened throughout the day that I found beneficial and it was from a place of experience, and then I shared that. And so…
ELIAS: Now; express how you are differentiating them.
JONATHAN: Well one would be, let’s say for example, I was reading up on belief systems and what it meant to change your beliefs and create a new perception, and I created a podcast episode about that. Well I’m not… I wouldn’t consider myself an expert in the area, and I would… I just… Yeah, I wouldn’t share from the same energy. Whereas if I went through an experience like for example was in an argument with my wife and shifted my energy and it transformed the situation, and if I shared that, for example, I would have a very different energy of sharing because of the experience. And…
ELIAS: Then what I would say to you is, if it gives you more confidence if you can be sharing an experience, then find an experience that matches the concept.
JONATHAN: Yeah. (Laughs) Okay. It just seems quite easy when you say it like that, but yeah (both laugh) that makes it (laughs)… Yeah, okay.
ELIAS: I would say that actually it IS easy, because in that, it’s simply a matter of thinking about the concept and then thinking about your experiences and simplifying, and then moving in a direction of what you can offer as an example of the concept through one of your experiences.
JONATHAN: Yeah. Okay. And do you still think, Elias, that my predominant target market is an age group around their mid-twenties, for what I’m offering?
ELIAS: Yes. But I would say that I would definitely encourage you not to limit yourself to that.
JONATHAN: Okay. It’s just interesting because it’s a market I don’t… I don’t really interact with much, or even my location, I was thinking about doing presentations at businesses and things like that, and I was thinking well, there’s not a lot of this age group here that I could do that with. So do you have any recommendations on where to find that age group and connect with them?
ELIAS: What I would say is, I would reiterate about not limiting yourself to that. And therefore, begin with what is around you and then you can expand as you continue.
JONATHAN: Okay. Yeah, I understand that.
ELIAS: And beginning with what is around you, that allows you to also build experience.
JONATHAN: Right. Okay. I made a note here, Elias, about my neck pain. So interesting, in the last two or three days, I have this. It started in my ju-jitsu class, but I have an injury and it’s kind of a reoccurring one in my neck. And it’s quite painful. I was wondering if there’s a relationship between that and me exploring this second trauma?
ELIAS: Yes. (Inaudible)
JONATHAN: There is. Okay. Pardon?
ELIAS: Tension.
JONATHAN: Tension.
ELIAS: Therefore, what I would say is stop anticipating. Relax. You’re not going into the experience again.
ELIAS: Therefore, don’t anticipate and in that, simply be focused on what I expressed to you. Look at it as an exercise.
JONATHAN: Okay. So was my neck injured in this particular experience?
JONATHAN: No. Okay. Just like how the yelling example wasn’t related?
JONATHAN: I understand.
ELIAS: Yes. Precisely. And that is excellent, actually, that you’re giving yourself that example as an experience. Because in that, that is actually beneficial to help you to move in a direction of seeing that you can translate certain things into certain manifestations and that doesn’t mean that it’s literal.
JONATHAN: Right. Okay. Um… My focus animal, Elias, would it be a monkey?
ELIAS: Yes. What type?
JONATHAN: (Laughs) I don’t know. I don’t know enough about monkeys. Can you tell me that?
ELIAS: (Laughs) I would say yes. I would say this is a rather large monkey in South America that is commonly referred to as a howler monkey.
JONATHAN: Oh. (Laughs)
ELIAS: The reason being is that they can draw tremendous attention to themselves by emitting a very large, loud sound. But they also use that to repel predators.
JONATHAN: Oh. Interesting. And could you share a quality or two of this particular focus animal that would be qualities similar to mine?
ELIAS: This animal is, in a manner of speaking, somewhat ambitious. Meaning that it’s very curious and it likes to experiment with different activities, which is unusual because most monkeys don’t do that. They are, many of them are very curious, but they are not necessarily inclined to be individually engaging in new activities. They much more so follow each other.
ELIAS: And move as groups. I would say that the primates that are not monkeys, that are such as chimpanzees or gorillas, these animals are much more likely to singularly move in directions of following their curiosity and of learning how to engage certain actions because of their curiosity. This particular monkey does some similar behaviors, not to the degree of these primates, but it does move in directions of following its curiosity and it will do that on its own, rather than simply following the group. Which I would say is very similar to you.
I would also say that it fluctuates between the expression of being bold and being afraid. Even though it is a larger monkey, it still moves in directions because it is a prey animal, it fluctuates. It has a sense of itself and therefore it at times expresses itself more bravely and more boldly, which is what it uses its voice for. But in other times, it uses its voice in fear.
ELIAS: I would say that in that, it does do something that many of the smaller monkeys don’t necessarily do, and that is that it keeps itself fairly comfortable in a position that is usually significantly away from predators. Not always, but usually.
JONATHAN: I can see some similarities there as well. (Both laugh)
ELIAS: Now; I would also say that this particular monkey also doesn’t always move in troops. It does form strong family bonds, but it doesn’t always move in the direction of a troop, which most monkeys do.
JONATHAN: Okay. Well, thanks for that. That’s interesting.
ELIAS: You are very welcome.
JONATHAN: I was wondering, Elias, if we could expand a little bit on consistency, what that means and in particular, ways that I can apply consistency in a very beneficial direction for me?
ELIAS: And what is your definition of consistency?
JONATHAN: I see it as a form of repetition. You know, a type of repetition that builds on itself.
ELIAS: (Pause) I would agree. (Pause) But it doesn’t always have to be repetition. It means that you hold to a particular direction. That doesn’t mean that you have to move in a loop—
ELIAS: — but that you are more predictable, let us say, rather than unpredictable.
ELIAS: And therefore, are more dependable rather than undependable.
JONATHAN: Okay. I understand that.
ELIAS: And from that, can you not recognize why that would be a significant benefit?
[The timer for the end of the session rings]
JONATHAN: Yeah. Yeah, I do. I mean… (Elias chuckles) In every—
ELIAS: I would say that it’s definitely a quality that is something that people value.
JONATHAN: Okay. (Pause) Well, I don’t think you really have to say much more, because that holds a lot of deep meaning to me, the way you phrase that. (Laughs)
ELIAS: I know. (Laughs)
JONATHAN: Okay. (Both laugh)
ELIAS: I would say that in this, my friend, that it’s something that you definitely would appreciate and would be valuable to you.
ELIAS: And those around you.
JONATHAN: Right. Okay. Well, any final thoughts, just in relation to this new career and direction I’m in, Elias? I think this consistency piece is huge for benefiting that. But yeah, like for example, do you… Do you recommend I look for another job? Or is it… Or perhaps just stay in the direction that I’m going and continue to create content and work on projecting an energy that attracts abundance and people? (Laughs)
ELIAS: I’d say it’s not an either-or situation. What I would say to you is to genuinely evaluate for yourself what you feel more comfortable with and what you feel safer with. That is important, because you could easily move in the direction of setting your sights only on your direction in your new business, and—and there would be nothing wrong with that – but also, you could be doing that and be feeling anxious or tense because you’re automatically looking at the money situation and continuing to look at the money situation, even when you tell yourself not to. In that situation, I would say that it might be beneficial for you to move in a direction of incorporating some other income temporarily to allow you to feel safe and therefore not be taking that energy of anxiety into the direction of the new business, because that will simply be counterproductive. Or it could be a situation in which you decide to be engaging a temporary job and you’re so focused on that that you’re not devoting enough time to your (inaudible).
Therefore, it's a matter of balance, my friend. It’s a matter of looking at the situation realistically, assessing what you feel more safe with, and moving in that direction. But whatever it is that you do, to be doing it in a capacity of balance.
JONATHAN: Okay. Yeah. And—
ELIAS: And knowing that one direction isn’t better than another direction.
JONATHAN: Right. (Pause) Okay. Yeah. Thanks, Elias.
ELIAS: You are very welcome. I shall greatly be anticipating our next meeting, and I shall be offering my energy to you consistently (Jonathan chuckles) and in tremendous support.
JONATHAN: Thank you.
ELIAS: In great love and in dear friendship as always, au revoir.
JONATHAN: Au revoir.
(Elias departs after 34 minutes)
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