Abundance, Cooperating with Yourself, Perception
“Boat Imagery: Interconnectedness”
“Widening Awareness”
“Everything You Do Now Is Shaping the Future”
“Squirrel-Feeding Imagery: The Circle of Life, Creating Abundance, Interconnectedness, and Creating Different Realities”
“Cooperation and Acceptance of Self”
"Perception and Openness to Suggestions En Masse”
Tuesday, February 22, 2022 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Markus (Markus)
"Everything you are doing in your day is shaping the future…. Whatever it is that you want in the future, even if it’s tomorrow, is being created now. It’s being shaped now. That’s why what you do now is so important."
"The more you are willing to extend, the more you reap. Therefore, in that, it’s a matter of recognizing that if you hold back, if you attempt to control and if you withhold, then you don’t create as much. And when you are allowing yourself to be free and to not be moving in the direction of controlling, and when you’re not concerned about it, then you generate much more, and you keep generating more and more and more."
"[Cooperation is] finding a harmony in which there IS that factor of acceptance but that it is BEYOND acceptance, that cooperation is honoring and benefiting the whole. Therefore, if it is you, it is the benefiting and the honoring of the whole of you. If it is you in relation to other people, it’s definitely not compromising or acquiescing; it is the factor that everyone wins… [and] that everyone is honored and everyone is expressing benefit…. In this, it’s about that act of honoring yourself first, because it’s always a matter of whatever you are doing that you move in the direction of yourself first. And in that, if you’re NOT moving in the direction of yourself first, then you aren’t cooperating with you. And if you are, then once you are in that position in which you are cooperating with yourself first, then in that, it changes the importances. It changes how you perceive the other individual, the situation."
ELIAS: Good evening!
MARKUS: Good nowness, my friend. (Elias laughs) Eventually we meet again.
ELIAS: And how shall we begin?
MARKUS: I guess I’ll tell a few of my adventures.
ELIAS: Ah! Very well.
MARKUS: We’ll see where it goes from there. Let’s just chat. I’ve been exploring a few things and went down a rather unexpected rabbit hole. It has to do with the pandemic, and this pandemic, like I said before, it’s a gift that keeps giving. (Elias laughs) And… (Sighs) Well, let me see how I start.
Let me start with something lighter, with an easy one. I picked up painting again. I did oil painting a few years back. It’s like an on-and-off thing – sometimes more, sometimes less – and the last three or four years I hadn’t done anything. This time I just had a hunch to do another painting. Half the time I’m doing abstract paintings, which incidentally I find harder than figurative painting, because you start from nothing. It’s like in a podcast that I heard recently when the person who talked said that games are based on rules, like if you just go up to someone and say, “Let’s play a game,” and he says, “So, what are the rules?” and you go, “There are no rules,” it’s kind of hard to interact; it’s easier if you have a set framework and move within that. And with painting, it’s similar: If you have something you want to paint as a point of reference, it’s easier to start and see where you go, where the abstract paintings are a bit harder because you start from nothing and have a whole lot more choices to make.
I had the idea to express something that is like our blueprint here or our existence, how things flow from the subjective into the objective. And the fun thing about it is that I did for the briefest moment remember a few sessions back when I told you the story about the machine that took down the building, and we talked about the dinosaur —
MARKUS: — and interconnectedness and all the things the dinosaur could be connected with. I think you mentioned that I even might paint a dinosaur, or someone would be painting a dinosaur. I had the briefest recollection of that and thought "Oh no, but I don’t want to paint a dinosaur," so I just painted some abstract shapes. It looks like a horizon – for some reason almost all my paintings have some sort of horizon. Basically, often below the horizon is the sea, either a vertical cut like the sea down to the floor in the most abstract way, and above this, sky often. This painting is like you have a sea level, and down there it gets blue and darker and darker, and abstract shapes flowing towards a point that might in the broadest sense of the meaning be a volcano, and then the shapes fly out of that and fly through the, quote, “sky” in an abstract form, like let’s say a flock of birds or a series of birds. I was just playing with this and was inspired with the colors, and at some point I found that with these shapes in the sky I had painted a dinosaur. (Elias laughs) It was quite cool. I kind of liked that, because it was the briefest idea of an intention which I even then didn’t fully follow, and then I did follow my intention of an abstract painting and it turned out quite nicely with the colors and everything, and then I surprised myself with… like weaving this other intention into the painting. And this is quite a cool story.
ELIAS: (Laughs) Congratulations.
MARKUS: Thank you.
ELIAS: I would say that is excellent, my friend, and ending the painting where it began.
MARKUS: Yeah. Quite. Quite.
ELIAS: (Laughs) Therefore, generating a complete circle.
MARKUS: Oh, we have the complete circle again.
ELIAS: Congratulations!
MARKUS: Yeah, there may be… I’m getting my chills again. I think I have to look deeper into this little adventure because I’m probably seeing not even a quarter of what’s in there or what the symbols are. (Both laugh)
Also on a lighter note, I’m planning to do more paintings, and for some reason, this time I’ve considered a bunch of things like landscapes, horizons, sunsets kind of shapes or even animals, but apparently it turned out that I go into the direction of boats. And this is also a funny occurrence because I recently listened to the last session from Ann (Vivette).
MARKUS: And she mentioned that she might go back to the boat eventually, and I know the sessions that led up to that, that she initially, quote, “hated” the boat. And like for the last few weeks, one song kept returning to my head. I think the title could be "An Old Boat." The lyrics go like “Let’s sail down the coast of Spain…” and blah-blah-blah and “It could be an old boat.” [1] And I was wondering what the heck this song was doing in my mind, but I think there may be a connection with Ann’s boat project also, and even now I’m painting boats. So it’s an interesting kind of interconnectedness, probably.
ELIAS: I agree. (Laughs) And I would say that is an excellent example of that interconnectedness and how one individual is doing something in one area, and halfway across the world someone else is connecting with that and doing something else with the same subject.
MARKUS: Ah, yeah. And it probably hints at some sort of connection between me and Ann, because I wasn’t really aware of that except that I sort of follow her sessions closely, like she is one of the few people where I hardly miss any of the sessions they do. And I think in that session you also talked about the pandemic and the vaccinations, and she even mentioned that she listened to the Senate hearing from Senator Johnson where he had invited all kinds of doctors, etc., talking about the pandemic and the response to it and the vaccinations and the side effects and that kind of stuff. And incidentally, I know that Senate hearing because I also did watch the video, the full five hours of it. [2] So it’s an interesting parallel between what she does and what I was doing, probably at the same time even.
ELIAS: I agree. And I would express that temporarily you actually have begun a parallel counterpart action.
MARKUS: Mm-hm. I was kind of suspecting that, or if I had had to guess, counterpart would kind of have been my first choice or guess or whatever you might call it.
ELIAS: Which is actually, I would say, somewhat unusual, because – not that it’s unusual to engage a parallel counterpart with another individual, but it’s unusual to be aware of each other.
MARKUS: Mm-hm. Basically, we would, quote, “never find out” if we wouldn’t have those sessions and if she wouldn’t have shared hers.
ELIAS: Correct.
MARKUS: And of course I will share mine, so she will probably also find out. Maybe we will even see what she takes from this or if she had maybe some experience with dinosaurs maybe (both laugh) that parallel mine. But it’s quite cool. It’s also cool how those sessions intertwine, because even just today, leading up to this session, I’ve listened to the first part of Jean’s (Lyla’s) last session where she was talking about the probabilities of becoming the queen, and that even partly answered or added depth to a few topics I’m currently exploring. We will talk about that also later, because those two things, like the Senator Johnson hearing and the dialogue with Lyla about —
MARKUS: — perception and reality and official reality ties into what I was planning to do for our talk also. And it’s very nice to become aware of those things which I would have probably missed previously. (Elias laughs)
And there’s another thing in Lyla’s session; I think it was about choices. I think you were talking about generating a reality but this not necessarily being what you want, like the abandoned animals or an abused child. And you said that we are basically in the process of becoming more aware of how we make these choices and that this “becoming aware” – this ties into what I said earlier, becoming aware of these connections with Lyla and Vivette – that this was widening awareness. And this is an interesting point, because it’s something that occurred to me recently over the recent weeks or months even, that the term “widening awareness” is what I’m doing now, and how I’m widening awareness and what it means is so different from what I had initially thought it would be.
ELIAS: Ah, yes.
MARKUS: It’s like when I found your material and read it, and the term “widening awareness” and “the Shift is widening awareness,” this sounded more like an esoteric concept, although it encompasses these things like the connection, the counterpart action with Ann —
MARKUS: — or seeing the parallels or the interconnectedness with Lyla or with other things. Although this has this esoteric quality, what most of it actually encompasses is becoming aware of the everyday, mundane things. I mean, you will probably chuckle or laugh, because it’s of course what you’re saying from the very beginning, like “Notice what you are doing,” etc., etc. But this stuff, even if it’s just becoming aware of drinking tea or drinking a cup of coffee, or becoming aware of the motivation behind whatever choice one makes, or becoming aware how in the flow of things you repeat some things, it’s like the widening of awareness is closer to, quote, “psychological” things, like becoming aware of oneself in what could even be described in a psychological class or in a psychological book. A great, great part of that in my experience now is that I’m becoming more aware of even, let’s say, conventional things or in a psychological manner and not in an esoteric manner, although those things also happen.
ELIAS: I understand, but that is the point. And in that, I understand what distinction you are making about what you thought previously, or what something meant to you previously and what you think and what something means to you now and how different that is, and in that, being aware of the significance and the importance of those mundane expressions and what you do with them and how you engage, because that’s what you’re doing most of the time. And in that, it occupies most of your time and energy.
And therefore, also I would say what has become something that you become more and more aware of as you ARE widening your awareness is that now you might see genuinely how everything you do now, everything you are doing in your day is shaping the future. Therefore, this is tremendously important, because this is what people are asking about and thinking about so much of the time, in which they are concerning themselves or they are engaging in the direction of what they want in the future, what they are moving towards, what they want to have happen in the future. What they haven’t been paying attention to, until now, is whatever it is that you want in the future, even if it’s tomorrow, is being created now. It’s being shaped now. That’s why what you do now is so important.
MARKUS: I agree. I mean, I’m sure I’m seeing just tiny bits of it, but yeah, it’s kind of connecting the dots. But it’s kind of funny, how I thought that this widening awareness thing was more important or more consistent with becoming aware of other focuses and becoming aware of Framework 2 and 3 and Framework Whatnot, and how in fact – at least in my current understanding – this is almost the opposite direction in becoming more intensely aware of every moment in the actual daily life and how, let’s say, if I meditate, this basically takes me even a step away from the most important area of things that I could become more aware of. Because I could just do the dishes and become aware of each movement I make or how warm the water is and whatever we have, and adding more awareness to that is widening awareness, and not so much becoming aware of every other focus where I also did the dishes.
ELIAS: (Laughs) Correct. I would say that you, my friend, may learn quite a bit from your excursions in the cemetery feeding the squirrels.
MARKUS: Oh, when I went there, when entering the cemetery I went there also with the intention of being self-aware or doing the, quote, “exercise in clarity” – or like I rebranded it, the “exercise in presence” – for the time, because I was not so distracted and also because I, quote, “had no control” over the fact if there would be any squirrels appearing and wanting to be fed, and like just modifying and watching myself and managing my expectations – or, I would say, energy – in order to even in such a mundane action like going there wanting to feed squirrels, in producing the desired outcome and seeing also at that time the connection to something else. Because during that time, while I did that I was intensely speculating in the stock market, and for myself I created the idea that the abundance that I expressed there versus the squirrels, like basically, quote, “the squirrels making a windfall of nuts out of nowhere” would be similar to myself making a windfall of profit in the stock markets. And I was trying to maintain a constant energy of give and take and interconnectedness, like the great circle of life, like what I give to the squirrels and how they provide for insects and whatever, the whole thing and the circle of life maybe. This has been an incredibly enlightening experience in so many ways.
ELIAS: (Chuckles) I understand. And it does actually illustrate to you how interconnected you are, because you are a part of all of that.
But what I would say is, I agree with you that you have no control over whether the squirrels come to be fed or not – I agree with that, because it’s not about control – but you ARE creating your reality and directing it. And in directing it, in being connected with the squirrels you likely would be projecting an energy that invites them.
MARKUS: Yes. That was practically what I was practicing, like expressing an intention and the trust, and putting the attention on myself and allowing existence, or myself – which is not two different things, which is essentially the same – to produce the outcome and sometimes in surprising ways, like I would find them not in the place where I, quote, “expected” them or where I went last time but went to another place and found even more squirrels. And all the wonder of existence in such a small, let’s say, sandbox.
ELIAS: And in that, I would say that you are affecting in relation to the people that are actually collecting those food sources and packaging them and distributing them, and the people in the shops that you purchase that, or in that also connecting with other people that are actually doing perhaps the opposite. You want to be inviting the squirrels TO you, and another person may be wanting to RID themselves of squirrels.
MARKUS: (Chuckles) That’s good.
ELIAS: And in that, you are inviting what they are repelling, and therefore it all moves in harmony. And in that, I would say that then you could be connecting with an individual – and you actually are, because you don’t even realize, but because you have entered into a parallel counterpart action with Vivette, indirectly you are actually being helpful and lending energy to another individual that consistently interacts with Vivette, in direct association with these creatures.
MARKUS: Hm. Okay.
ELIAS: Therefore, what I would say to you is in this, you continuing to do what you do in a relaxed and welcoming manner in inviting these creatures to come to you may be actually instrumental in aiding someone else to have them go away. (Both laugh)
MARKUS: That would suit me fine. (Elias laughs) I’m good with that. (Both laugh)
Well, as I was mentioning the stock market in relation to that – this was summer last year – and we had been talking about the stock market before with this little adventure where I had briefly, for an hour, manifested a specific number in the top of my computer monitor —
MARKUS: — when showing my stock portfolio, and last year with this trade that I had pursued for almost two months. I actually manifested this number and this time for good, like it remained there. So I made a great windfall last year. It was not quite easy; there were a few bumps in the road, but there were a lot of very good lessons to be learned along that adventure back then. And I’m just bringing up this because it came up with the squirrels, and I don’t want to go into too many —
ELIAS: I would say it’s excellent, and I would be congratulating you in seeing the connection. Because this is what I have been expressing to people for quite some time, in relation to so many people want to move in a direction of creating a windfall, let us say, and then they move in the direction of the lottery because it’s the only direction that they can think of that will generate large sums of money in a short amount of time – but it doesn’t. For most of them, it doesn’t. There is a long, ongoing time framework that they actually produce nothing, and in that, I have been expressing from the onset: If you pay attention in relation to what you’re doing, and you are doing in harmony with that abundance…
You can’t simply think about abundance. You can’t simply express that you’re thinking about abundance constantly and therefore you’ll create it – no, you likely won’t. Because thinking, first of all, does NOT create your reality. And secondly, it doesn’t matter what you’re thinking. How much of the time are most of you thinking in contrary manners to what you’re DOING? And therein lies the rub, so to speak. (Both laugh)
And in that, expressing to people repeatedly and ongoingly that the key is simple: The key is what you are paying attention to within your daily life, and in what you are paying attention to in your daily life, is that in harmony with that expression of abundance, if that’s what you want?
And in that, this is an exquisite example of that. Sitting in the cemetery, in a plethora of graves (Markus laughs), with a multitude of squirrels that are so willingly clamoring around you, and you have an abundance of food for them to feed them. And in that, you are watching them collect that and store it. Not only do they eat it, but they also collect it, and they store it, and they keep it, and they go back to it. And in that, you’re watching this whole process, and you’re making that connection of the circle of life, so to speak. And you’re making that connection of how you are a part of it, and you’re doing it in a very easy, relaxed, pleasant and enjoyable manner.
ELIAS: And then you create these other expressions in an easy and fun and enjoyable manner also. Because that’s what you do: you always create more of what you pay attention to, and that’s what it means. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll create more nuts.
MARKUS: (Laughs) No. And even like then, in being present and asking myself, “What am I doing?” I found, let’s say, expressions of myself that were… let’s call it hidden in plain sight.
MARKUS: Like I noticed at some point that I was kind of rationing the nuts that I was giving way, as if I didn’t have enough and as if I couldn’t shower the squirrels with nuts. I was giving out a single one here and a single one there and “No, you already had some,” (Elias laughs) until I kind of recognized that it’s like watering the garden and standing on the hose.
MARKUS: It’s like I wanted to express abundance, which in a way for the squirrels, they were nuts which they didn’t have to, quote, “work for,” but there was no infinite supply, because I was holding that back. And I connected that with kind of how the stock market had worked for me for a long time, where I made my profit with a series of smaller profits for which I had to kind of, quote, “work.” And then I basically changed my behavior with the squirrels, and some of the bolder ones, they even climbed up my leg (Elias laughs) and looked into the box where I kept the nuts, and I just allowed them to go there. Some didn’t dare come close so I threw them some nuts, but the bolder ones, they basically made the full windfall. Like, they made their choices, they took their risks and they reaped the rewards. So even in the sense that a squirrel is a squirrel, they created entirely different realities from this situation depending on what choices they made. And I saw that this also of course applies then to me, based on if I’m trusting myself to make a bolder move, I may make a bigger windfall, depending on how I do it. And this was also kind of interconnectedness and reflecting back and these kinds of things.
ELIAS: Precisely. Precisely. And I am exceptionally acknowledging of you, that you paid attention and that you made the connection, that you understood what it means about what you’re paying attention to, and that you understood what it means to be connecting and to be making more of what you’re doing and what you’re paying attention to, and how that interconnectedness – even with these animals – is helping you to be creating what you’re creating in what you want. You’re watching the bold ones take more and create that windfall.
And in that, let me also say to you, this is excellent because it’s also an example of, as you said, the more you are willing to extend, the more you reap. Therefore, in that, it’s a matter of recognizing that if you hold back, if you attempt to control and if you withhold, then you don’t create as much. And when you are allowing yourself to be free and to not be moving in the direction of controlling, and when you’re not concerned about it, then you generate much more, and you keep generating more and more and more.
MARKUS: This is basically a good example of why I was bringing this up, because basically becoming aware of how I hand out nuts – not just that I do it, but HOW I hand out nuts — is a greater awareness than I had before.
MARKUS: And this is basically an act of “widening awareness,” and it has absolutely nothing esoteric in it.
ELIAS: Correct. Correct. It’s very practical. It’s not conceptual, it’s very practical. And the abstract part of it is that it can be expressed in many, many, many different manners. Therefore, all those different colors, all those different shapes can come together unexpectedly and create the dinosaur.
MARKUS: (Laughs) Yeah.
ELIAS: And in that, THAT is connecting also, because what is the dinosaur? Very big.
MARKUS: Hah! Yeah, it’s a bigger picture.
ELIAS: And therefore, it represents the largeness and the more. And in that, there you have the free distribution of the nuts that create the windfall for the squirrels that create more and bigger, and that creates you moving in directions of creating more and bigger in relation to your own windfalls. I have individuals that I have been engaging conversations with for years and years in relation to this very subject, and have been expressing to them in this very manner for all of that time, and they still don’t understand.
MARKUS: Hm. It’s kind of counterintuitive, and I’m glad I’m making my way forward. It’s like in many of our sessions where I’ve tried to kind of showcase that those very basics, the appreciation and the noticing, how important they are although they sound like “Yeah, what should this be good for?” Counterintuitive is not the right word, but it’s counter to what we believe how the world works.
ELIAS: It is NOT counterintuitive; you are correct. It is actually intuitive.
MARKUS: I know. Yeah.
ELIAS: It’s not counterintuitive at all. What it is, to a degree, is counter-logic.
MARKUS: Aha. Okay.
Let me bring up another question that ties into one of my last sessions, and I found the word again in Lyla’s session. You said when we were talking that the next step like, quote, “beyond acceptance” would be cooperation and guidelines. And a bunch of people have even reached out to me, and we were loosely talking about this and what this could mean. One thing I’m wondering about is if I so far up to now may have misunderstood “cooperation,” because you’re saying it is not compromise. You’re saying it is not teamwork, although in Lyla’s session you were using the word together with the Super Bowl and like the outcome of the Super Bowl would be a cooperation of millions of people or something like that. But I had the impression when you used it in my session – and I listened to it a couple of times since then – that cooperation doesn’t even involve another person. And I may only be getting parts of that, but I had the impression that cooperation is mostly cooperation within yourself.
ELIAS: Correct.
MARKUS: Or like it’s… The word “endpoint” is also not quite correct, but in sort of conventional terms it’s like the endpoint of acceptance of self.
ELIAS: I would agree.
ELIAS: And I would say that is the endpoint and the beginning point. Because in that, I would say that cooperation is the action that you engage with yourself and then you CAN with other people.
MARKUS: Ah. Yeah, because I had mostly initially understood it as a sort of, let’s say if you take the word "teamwork" as a neutral word to describe two persons, let’s say two focuses doing something together, and previously I had understood it that compromise is like doing it in a way together where each of both gives up something, while cooperation is another form of teamwork where everybody gets what they want without compromising.
ELIAS: Correct.
MARKUS: But from my session it appeared to me that cooperation basically begins with acceptance of self and basically is an action that even occurs if you’re not interacting with another person, just merely by acting within yourself in acceptance of self.
ELIAS: Yes, because that’s where it begins.
MARKUS: Aha. Okay.
ELIAS: But when you are generating cooperation with yourself, then the natural byproduct of that is that you would be able to generate cooperation with other people or with other beings, not necessarily only people.
MARKUS: Ah, okay. Hm.
ELIAS: In that, it is finding a harmony in which there IS that factor of acceptance but that it is BEYOND acceptance, that cooperation is honoring and benefiting the whole. Therefore, if it is you, it is the benefiting and the honoring of the whole of you. If it is you in relation to other people, it’s definitely not compromising or acquiescing; it is the factor that everyone wins.
MARKUS: Hm. Automatically.
ELIAS: Yes, that everyone is honored and everyone is expressing benefit. This is the piece that is so very difficult for most individuals to understand or to even recognize, because when they are asking about cooperation, it’s generally because they are in some type of conflict or stalemate with someone else, that they cannot seem to find a solution to a problem with someone else. And in that, they don’t want to give up anything, but they do want the other individual to give up something.
In this, it’s about that act of honoring yourself first, because it’s always a matter of whatever you are doing that you move in the direction of yourself first. And in that, if you’re NOT moving in the direction of yourself first, then you aren’t cooperating with you. And if you are, then once you are in that position in which you are cooperating with yourself first, then in that, it changes the importances. It changes how you perceive the other individual, the situation. Because in that, when you are expressing cooperation with yourself first, and you are putting yourself genuinely in that primary position, what so many people don’t understand about that is that is not placing yourself above anyone else. It is honoring yourself, placing yourself in a primary position to then have the ability to see every situation from a very different angle.
When you are in that primary position, and when you are comfortable with that and comfortable with you, and you are cooperating with you – which is what creates that comfortableness and that contentment with yourself – and when you are in that position, there is no defending, there's no preaching, there's no convincing, there's no competition, there's no fixing. And in that, everything then comes from that point of cooperation. Therefore, helping is genuine and it actually does help.
MARKUS: And it’s even rewarding for oneself.
ELIAS: Yes. Yes. And it IS a benefit for those parties, because YOU, in helping, are generating considerable satisfaction, which also helps you. And you are helping the other party in which they benefit. They don’t discount, they don’t perceive themselves as less than but that you are freely giving, and therefore they receive in a manner of recognizing that they must be deserving that to be receiving it, rather than being beholden to or perceiving themselves as less than and therefore in the position of what you term to be charity.
MARKUS: It’s interesting because as I’ve said, I had initially not understood that the word cooperation would start with oneself.
MARKUS: But I had noticed over time, when I listened to your sessions with myself and with other people, that a lot of your intent seems to be aiming first and foremost at improving or creating or increasing self-acceptance.
MARKUS: And this is what you said about endpoint and start point, because this is something I had previously underestimated, and then just finding how self-acceptance and let’s call it confidence, genuine confidence —
MARKUS: — arising from genuine self-acceptance allows a lot of other movements, like even a few of those, let’s say, esoteric widening-awareness things. Because I remember one or two years ago, in one of the web sessions I think, someone asked you, “Elias, what are the things after the Shift? What will be different?” and you described that for example if you have an experience within your daily life, you may remember an experience from another focus and become aware of that, and become aware that this IS an experience from another focus and integrate this remembrance into this present experience.
MARKUS: Or I think you said another aspect would be that if a person would tell of an experience they had, you might tune into this experience and, quote, “co-experience” that while listening to the sharing. And these are things that now have a couple of times happened to me also.
Okay, I have to create a wider circle to explain that, or a little detour. Previously when I ingested your material I preferred to read sessions, in the past. And also in the past I kind of at times had to get away from people because I had expressed within myself that while I’m together with people or around people I forget who I myself am, and in reading a transcript, compared to listening to it, it also put a barrier between me and the person in the transcript. And over the last year I found myself preferring to listen to sessions. I also found myself preferring to listen to podcasts compared to reading an article. And I kind of figured out that I’m in a position where I’m creating more confidence within myself and more acceptance within myself so that I’m in a more solid position to allow other experiences close to me, or let them influence me.
It kind of ties a bit into what Lyla said in her last session about the sensitivity, —
MARKUS: — because I believe I’m an extremely sensitive person, and if I’m around other people I’m picking up all these impressions and traffic and intentions and whatever, and this used to kind of drown the "me" in me under all those impressions. With this development of increased self-awareness and the resulting self-acceptance and the resulting, let’s say, solid foundation on which my experience is resting, I can allow myself to let those experiences come closer and they don’t affect me as much. And I found that even like a remembrance of another focus, I can allow these now more readily because it doesn’t kind of create the, quote, “fear” of washing over me and making me forget myself.
MARKUS: But instead I know I can integrate this experience and this is still within me and it’s still myself experiencing that. So this self-acceptance – or this is the way I’m interpreting it – does allow me to widen my awareness in this direction where previously I, quote, “had to block these out" in order to not influence myself unduly.
ELIAS: I understand.
MARKUS: Yeah, okay.
ELIAS: And I would say that this is actually very understandable. And then you have the connection with the opposite, with other people that are looking for all of these different focuses of themself and hunting to find them and to identify them to define themself, that they are uncertain of themself and that they are also afraid of losing themself or their identity, and they move in the opposite direction of connecting with other focuses to validate themself.
And in that, you all, in that interconnectedness, are generating examples to yourselves and to others of how to be expressing that cooperation with self, to learn how to be more OF yourself. (Pause) You move in the direction of that acceptance, and then it’s a matter of moving in this direction of cooperation, which then emphasizes your importance and your value.
MARKUS: And in my case then this allows me to avail myself to more experiences or more information about myself without having to fear that this is overwhelming.
ELIAS: Correct. And I would say to you, my friend, whenever you are questioning or whenever you are doubting, remind yourself of the squirrels. (Laughs) THEY don’t; they simply move in the direction of what they want.
MARKUS: (Laughs) Yeah – the windfall of nuts.
ELIAS: Yes! And in that, some are content to be expressing what they want in the moment and what they can use in the moment, and some are not content with that (Markus laughs) and want more, and that is acceptable also. AND let me express to you, those that want more, they are still interconnected and they’re still moving in the direction of benefiting the whole. How? Because those that want more and take more of the nuts, they can’t eat them all at that present time. Therefore, what do they do? They hide them.
MARKUS: They bury them, and they plant new trees.
ELIAS: No, some of them plant new trees, but they bury them and then they don’t remember where they buried them. They find them with their nose.
MARKUS: Ah. I noticed that they must have sense of smell like —
ELIAS: They have a very acute sense of smell. And in that, they don’t remember where they bury all of their nuts. And in that, because they don’t remember where they bury all their nuts, they’re not always the ones to find them.
MARKUS: (Laughs) Yeah.
ELIAS: The others that didn’t take them and that have what they want in the moment and are concentrated on what they have in the moment, then later they will be sniffing for those buried nuts as much as the ones that buried them. (Markus chuckles) And they ALL find them.
MARKUS: Hm. Hm. (Pause)
ELIAS: Therefore, once again, the whole benefits. And in this, when you generate a windfall for yourself, you also generate that energy of confidence and satisfaction and contentment. And that pours out in energy, and it encourages other people to be generating in their own fashion but in similar expressions of trusting themselves, of moving in their own direction and of creating their own windfall in whatever form that may take.
Therefore, in a manner of speaking, my friend, you help me to do my job. (Both laugh) Because my job is to give people information and answer their questions, and in that, you provide an example of what I am expressing to them. (Laughs)
MARKUS: Okay. So let me provide more questions.
ELIAS: Very well!
MARKUS: In the last session or sessions we were talking about the vaccinations.
MARKUS: And I was expressing that I was being kind of in the middle, like not really wanting to take it but if the situation would be different or more inconvenient there wouldn’t be much of a problem taking it. And I think I was even expressing that the people who really, really, really don’t want to take it were coming from as much a fear-based position as the ones that were desperately taking it in order to protect them from the virus.
I even said that I’m kind of surprised that I hadn’t taken it so far, because if I was really, really in the middle with it, even the small inconveniences could or would have provided a bit of impetus to take it. I was attributing this to my stubbornness, because if someone like kind of tries to force something on me, it automatically creates a pushback. But what then happened is that I kind of started to look into the people that were critical of this specific vaccine, and was looking into —
ELIAS: And what motivated you to do that?
MARKUS: I actually have no idea. (Elias chuckles) Curiosity. Curiosity – or I was nudged. It was like one of those doctors we have in Germany which is advising specifically against taking these vaccines. The name came up and in the, let’s call it "mainstream media" he’s described as a nut job and a conspiracy theorist. And it was one of those situations – it’s happening in the U.S. as well – where you have a few names of scientists which oppose the mainstream view, like Professor Ioannidis in the United States, and if this name comes up people just wave and say, “Ah, yeah, he’s nuts. You don’t need to take him seriously.” And I stumbled upon this name, and I just was curious and thought okay, let’s look at a video from him and what he explains.
And whoa, this was quite a rabbit hole, because what he explained sounded quite logical and plausible, and the ways he explained why this specific vaccine would be detrimental or would have far more side effects than are officially admitted sounded quite reasonable. Then I started looking for more, and this is where I came to the Senate hearing I was mentioning, with Senator Johnson and two doctors which did large interviews with a very popular podcaster, Joe Rogan. He did three-hour interviews with Dr. Malone and Dr. McCullough, and all this sounded extremely reasonable and logical to me.
And so I read articles and even studies, forty-page scientific papers about the workings of the immune system and all that kind of stuff, and now I kind of place myself in the camp of the vaccination opposers or vaccination critics. What it basically did was that I decided myself, come what will I will not take at least these specific vaccines that they are currently distributing in Europe and the United States, like the Pfizer and Moderna and the Johnson & Johnson.
And all of that created all kinds of branches, like this coincided with the discussions here in Germany about vaccine mandates, like being legally required to have the vaccine, not just for jobs or to enter specific places but generally, and also a lot of things around these discussions. And these things made me aware of so many other things that I didn’t accept, like at one point I think I discovered a core belief, and oh boy, is it painful to neutralize or let go of a core belief.
Then the whole thing brought forward the idea of perception, like how perception creates reality. I already thought I had a good understanding of what perception means, as we talked a few sessions back where I said reality is like a coloring book and perception is like you put the colors into the outlines and you have basically free choice of how you color that which we call reality. This is a bit of a problem because I’m really lacking the words.
One thing I think I discovered is that probably my initial hesitancy of not wanting to take the vaccine, which I ascribed to my, quote, “stubbornness,” was actually a deeper understanding of what I think I now objectively understand about these things and within myself a constant impression or nudging myself to not take it because it would be possibly harmful or detrimental – which opens a whole different can of worms.
Does a vaccine like this have an objective mechanism of operation, like how it objectively works? And how does that then affect my body? Like, let’s say by an exaggerated explanation, if they decided to distribute rat poison and inject me with rat poison, does rat poison have an objective mechanism to hurt my body? Or is it all my own perception, my own creation of reality? And… yeah. I’m not even sure where to go from there, but I went down quite an unexpected rabbit hole in "Alice in Wonderland."
ELIAS: And what was your conclusion in relation to that? In relation to perception?
MARKUS: The interesting thing is that I went through a few phases, like when they discussed the mandates I saw the world and myself and this whole issue differently basically on a daily basis. And it made me aware of how much one's self influences the view of the world. I mean, I had glimpses of that, but it’s like the coloring book. And the problem is that perception creates reality. It changed my idea of what reality is, because reality is that which I experience and which I perceive.
The problem is, on the other hand, in conventional terms we would say “truth.” But you have defined truth as being absolute, so even the idea that the sun will go up tomorrow isn’t an absolute truth, because overnight we might be hit by an asteroid and there may be no planet tomorrow. So truth is a bit, let’s say, far down [toward] the absolute, and reality and perception is meanwhile, for myself, quite individual and subjective. And I’m kind of looking for something in the middle, like I’m using the word “fact” as a working title for that.
Essentially what it boils down to – this is the long shot and we will probably have to have a complete session or multiple about it – is the question of the Zen koan [that] if there’s the forest and the tree falls in the forest and nobody observes it, does it make a sound? So the question is, is there even a tree and a forest if nobody observes it? Like, do we have a domain that is tied to our blueprint, to this planet, where certain expressions – like a tree, a house, a river, the sun – exist without anybody observing it? Like I go to the forest and observe this tree standing, and the next day I go to the forest and the tree is lying on the ground, so I assume it must have fallen, but did this actually happen? Is this a fact? Not quite a truth, because, let’s say, truth is too much in the absolute direction.
And this is the ideas I’m currently experimenting with. Like in the same sense, we have these vaccines and they have an operating mechanism, and is this mechanism something objective? Like in the extreme form, if you take rat poison or plutonium and inject it into a body, is it a fact that it will do something to 99% of the population? Or is it 99% times the same perception that is not based on something that is beyond the individual person?
ELIAS: What I would say to you, my friend, is in the aftermath of this mass event, this pandemic, you are showing yourselves more and more the evidence that reality is precisely what I have been expressing that it is from the onset: that reality is created – in YOUR reality or in any physical reality it is created by perception. And in that, it is highly individual.
[The timer for the end of the session rings]
ELIAS: Now; that doesn’t mean that there is no interconnectedness, that there is no, in a manner of speaking, cooperation in relation to creating reality. But it isn’t absolute. It isn’t exact. You each create slightly differently. You agree to be creating this reality within the parameters of the blueprint of it, therefore you look up and you see a sun, and another individual in Japan looks up and sees a sun that appears very similar, and someone in South Africa looks up and sees a very similar sun. They are not exact, but they are very, very, very similar. And in that, there are, in a manner of speaking, guidelines of what you create in general, let us say, of your reality.
Now; in that, you will create very similar expressions to other people – for the most part. Not always, though, because sometimes you may be in the same place at the same time with another individual and they may create something entirely different, and it will be equally as real.
And in that, when you present these esoteric questions of “If that tree falls in the woods and there is no one to perceive it, will it make a sound?” it won’t fall. If there’s no one to perceive it, it won’t fall, because it isn’t being created. That tree exists in those woods because you and other people have created it to exist in those woods. And when you are in a very different direction in what you are creating in your perception, in your reality that tree may not even exist any longer; in someone else’s reality, it does exist.
Therefore, when you return to those woods let us say ten years later, they will actually appear to you very similar to how they appeared ten years prior – unless you change your perception, and then you might return and those woods may not exist at all.
But it’s all about perception. Every aspect of it is about perception, and every aspect of it is about each individual person’s perception of what reality is, and it isn’t always the same.
MARKUS: I get the point that it’s not always the same. I even get the point, like looking at the pandemic and how people reacted, and I’ve talked to a couple of people, they are creating entirely different versions of that.
MARKUS: And I found that I’m not even —
ELIAS: And they create entirely different versions of the vaccines! And they create entirely different versions of their responses or reactions to the vaccines. Some people create a response in which a vaccine has no effect whatsoever. Some people create a reality in which the vaccine has created an entire immunity. Some people create a reality in which the vaccine itself creates the virus, even though the vaccine does not contain any live culture of the virus; but they will create the virus because of the vaccine. Because everyone is creating their own reality, their own version of reality.
And in that, you are giving yourselves displays and evidence of that more and more. This mass event didn’t end with the virus.
MARKUS: That’s like… I mean, what this leads to is… Let’s take the question where the virus originated from. And I’m not asking does it come from here or there.
ELIAS: I understand.
MARKUS: But the question is, is there, let’s say, a factual basis to one of the various theories? At the moment, like currently, nobody knows. We don’t have proof, we don’t have even a consent, we have nothing – or we have opinions about this. We have what people would call indications or ideas about it, or let’s say –
MARKUS: — they analyze the DNA of the virus and there are indications in one direction or another. And everybody is picking from this large bowl of theories and let’s say “factlets,” is picking their ideas and are creating their perception of it. And these differ vastly – like, VASTLY. And I completely understand that.
My question is more is there a domain like energetically, not even physical but an underlying domain, where at some point you would say… or if I asked you, “Does this virus originate in a laboratory or is it like a natural mutation from an animal?” and is there a domain where you could even —and I’m not asking you to answer it, I just want to —
ELIAS: I understand.
MARKUS: I’m just trying to find out: Is there a domain in the energetic world or somewhere where this question even makes sense?
ELIAS: Yes. Yes. I know what you’re asking, and I can answer your question with a definitive yes.
ELIAS: And why can I answer your question with a definitive yes? Because of the wondrous element of suggestion. THAT is what ties you together with perception – that it is a matter of which suggestion is accepted en masse, and that’s not something that you do objectively.
Now, what that means is that you may not even have information objectively, but that doesn’t mean that you’re not participating in the subject with the suggestion. And in that, collectively you will create a type of… It’s not quite an agreement but more actually of a cooperation, in which you will generate a specific direction that you accept.
Let me express to you, it’s very much the same as what you do with substances, that there is a suggestion that is generated in relation to the affectingness of certain substances, what they do.
MARKUS: Let me just interrupt you. This suggestion like even if I don’t know what it is objectively it exists —
ELIAS: Yes. Yes.
MARKUS: — within Framework 2 and this makes it somewhat real? It doesn’t make it absolute, like I could deviate from it if I wanted to, and some even do —
ELIAS: Correct.
MARKUS: -- but it exists as, as you say, an energetic agreement or agreement in consciousness in the focuses or essences which participate in our blueprint, that this substance or this chemical structure has a certain effect on body consciousness?
ELIAS: Yes, in a certain manner, and will produce a certain effect.
ELIAS: And in that, you don’t have to know that objectively.
ELIAS: And if you visit a physician, and they give you a particular medication and you don’t know what that medication is, and you don’t know that that medication may produce certain effects, and the physician doesn’t tell you, therefore you have no objective information about this particular medication. And you return home and you ingest the medication and you have a very strong reaction to it. And let us say you don’t have an allergic reaction to it; let us say you have somewhat of a euphoric reaction to it. You didn’t know that that particular medication had that potential to create that. And then you phone your physician and you say to them, “I had this profound experience while I was taking this medication” and the physician says, “Yes, yes, I know, and it’s not surprising."
And in that, why did you have that response or that reaction to that medication when you have no information about it? Because there is – and already was – a suggestion that was created when the medication was created. And in that, just as you do something with the squirrels and you create abundance and you invite them to you, and another individual halfway across the world is moving in the direction of attempting to get rid of the squirrels but they are directly engaging, you are directly engaging each other in energy and you have no boundary as to space and time, neither do suggestions.
And then you accept them, and most people do. This is something that I have expressed from the onset, that while you are creating your reality every day automatically, without even knowing that you are creating your reality or what you’re doing, you automatically express an openness. You are not automatically cut off from other people in your reality; you actually do the opposite. You are automatically open, and you automatically receive energy. You don’t know that you’re doing that. You think all of your ideas, all of your thoughts, all of your directions are entirely yours and that they are all of your own invention.
MARKUS: No, not quite. Like if you take physical effects like, let’s say, the most profound of them, gravity: I don’t want to make an absolute statement, but I don’t think many people will think that this is an original idea of themselves. Or do they?
ELIAS: No. No. But, but – they don’t think that that’s an idea. Therefore in that, something such as gravity or the sun or the universe or your planet, or even a building, or even a room: People in general are not going to think about that as being something that they thought. It simply is; it exists. They don’t think about that.
MARKUS: Ah, but that is probably… What I meant was a domain in energy is like a painted picture and—
ELIAS: [Inaudible] Yes.
MARKUS: I create it energetically and I place this into the domain of, let’s say, Framework 2.
MARKUS: And if someone enters this room, this room has an energetic representation or an idea representation, and this painting has a representation —
MARKUS: And the person picks up the basic, let’s say, corner points from that —
MARKUS: And fills out, like I said, with a coloring book – at least picks the outlines of the whole thing, and then let’s say —
ELIAS: But in that, what I would say to you my friend is yes, I agree with you and I validate what you are saying, but the coloring book does not exist before. They’re not picking up the already existent coloring book; they have their own. And therefore, —
MARKUS: Okay. Like I create a template for a coloring book and they make their copy and then they put in their colors.
MARKUS: And the picture more or less is so that if we communicate, we can reach an agreement and even the illusion that we are looking at the same picture?
ELIAS: Yes. Yes. And therefore, will there be – there already is, but will there be an answer to the question of the origin of the virus? Yes, there will be. There is already, but there will be one that is expressed and accepted.
MARKUS: Hm. This was something I wanted to ask, because I heard you say we “will” create this. Like at the moment the question already exists, so is there already an agreement about what did happen versus —
MARKUS: And I think I understand that -- I’m speaking in conventional terms because language escapes me here – we, quote, “agreed” on what did happen, while at the same time, in five years our official reality explanation may even differ from that. [4] And then on a factual basis nobody can even determine, but we may even accept a narrative that is different from what, quote, “actually happened”? Or is what we agree on at some point objectively, is there a difference between what, as I said, quote, “actually happened,” while I’m aware that once an explanation enters the domain of the objective, like our newspapers and whatever, we re-perceive that explanation and create our reality from that? Because some people may say, “This is what actually happened” while others say, “Oh, this is just a conspiracy theory and propaganda, and the governments just created this official explanation while what actually happened is this and that.” These are the concepts I’m currently playing with. I don’t even have answers, just a lot of questions which are even hard to ask because we haven’t even made words with the right definitions to ask them.
ELIAS: (Laughs) I understand. And I would say to you, my friend, in relation to what actually happens in history versus what is speculated to be what actually happened in history, what I would say is that what actually happens in history is what the majority agrees on and accepts, and that creates the official reality and explanation. [5] But – I would say to you very genuinely, that does not mean that some people can’t create an entirely different reality, and that is just as real.
MARKUS: I’m aware of that.
ELIAS: Therefore, what I would say to you is, as an example, officially in your terms in relation to a mass event that would be very obvious but also has been the subject of many conspiracy theories would be —
MARKUS: I think I know what you’re aiming at, but go ahead. [6]
ELIAS: Would be the falling of the towers in the United States.
ELIAS: Now; in that, you have objective evidence of jets flying into and colliding with these buildings. You have motion pictures that are evidence of this event. And in that, the official reality is that these jets caused these towers to fall. But there are people that genuinely have created a reality in which no, that wasn’t the reason that the towers fell; the reason that the buildings fell was that there were explosives planted at the base of each of these buildings and that they were detonated at the same time and that that was all coordinated by that particular government. That also is a reality. Is that the official reality? No. But it is A reality.
MARKUS: I completely understand that. But basically my question would be, since this is a term you’ve used a couple of times, like it goes kind of near the idea of “fact,” is if someone said the fall of the towers was caused by the airplanes, or someone else says that the fall of the towers was caused by explosions, is there – except from our officially accepted explanation in hindsight even with the pictures, etc. – is there a domain where you can say, “One of these two explanations is more realistic, is closer to what actually happened”? I’m not saying that either is wrong, because people have their reasons for their perceptions and their perceptions create their reality, but the question is – like you said last time in my session, I think – that when you take away the beliefs or the truths you have a more realistic view of what happens outside in the shared world.
MARKUS: So, is one of the two more realistic?
MARKUS: Or are they just merely arbitrary?
ELIAS: No. One of the two IS more realistic.
MARKUS: Okay. I’m not even asking which it might be, but the thing about the bombs, I just want to know if there’s a reference point where you say this is more realistic than the other?
ELIAS: Yes. There is. And in that, I would say that this is what creates your account of your reality, which then becomes your history.
MARKUS: Hm. Although we say history is written by the survivors, so the official history may be even less realistic than the account that those who are forgotten would give.
ELIAS: That is possible. But it also is, that is the expression of what is the account of your reality. Therefore, that is what you view as the official account of your reality, which then becomes your history.
MARKUS: Hm. Okay.
ELIAS: And that is the point, my friend, is that what is tremendously important to remember is that that’s not ALL of it. That’s the MAJORITY of it, but it’s not ALL of it, because all of it takes into account that every individual is creating a different version.
MARKUS: Hm. I think I’m genuinely coming closer to that. I’m creating ample evidence with what people describe to me, how they see the pandemic and what happens there and what is propaganda or what is trustworthy information, and this differs so vastly. And I believe I’m genuinely not trying to camouflage the new word “more realistic” as “better.” Maybe I will find out that I do, but at the moment I don’t genuinely see “more realistic” as better. I was just wondering—
ELIAS: [Inaudible] I definitely agree with you, and I would definitely acknowledge and validate that.
MARKUS: And I also basically see that if we even say the coloring book is this reference point, like you have just these few lines and within these lines you can do with your colors whatever you like and even overpaint lines, you can create vastly different experiences, and this is what people are reacting to. This is, I think, one of our greatest misunderstandings as humans on this planet, that we believe that our perception is identical with what is, quote, “out there.”
MARKUS: Like that we believe our color book is—
ELIAS: Yes. Yes. Because you believe there is an official reality in addition to your own, and that that official reality is what you want to match your reality to.
MARKUS: And it’s like the right way of coloring the book would be the official —
ELIAS: Yes. Yes. Yes. [Inaudible]
MARKUS: While the coloring book is just, as I said, the cornerstone, and within these – and you can even ignore them, but mostly you don’t – but within these there’s so much leeway and you’re putting so much into it that even two versions are entirely different. And you can’t say my version of putting red in this place is more reflective of the official right, correct way than putting green in this place, while actually there's neither red nor green, and… yeah.
ELIAS: I understand. Yes. And I also acknowledge that this is confusing for most people, and it is very difficult to accept.
MARKUS: Yeah. Let’s say this is what this pandemic is, this is a gift that keeps giving. And I even wake up in the middle of the night and have an insight that I forget the next morning; I just remember that I had something where I said, “And this gift is continuing to give,” and it’s so amazing. (Elias laughs) And these insights, especially hearing people describe what they see and being in a situation where it doesn’t trigger or threaten me, where I can just listen to people describe what they see and not have the impulse to impose my idea of the same onto them —
MARKUS: — because it’s more correct. It’s like, let’s say, a coloring book and giving it to ten people, and just see what they come back with and not say “Oh, this is better” or “This is worse.” It’s just “Oh, interesting how you can combine things, and this is how you’re reacting, and this is the assumption of reality upon which you are then acting.” And… Yeah, it’s awesome. It’s awesome.
ELIAS: And in that, my friend, then you are surprised that you create this wondrous and beautiful abstract painting and there's a dinosaur in it!
MARKUS: And someone else might even see a crocodile or a bird in it, or… Yeah.
ELIAS: (Laughs) Yes. (Laughs) They may see a dinosaur also, but a different TYPE of dinosaur.
MARKUS: Of course. Or even not at all – it’s like an inkblot. (Elias laughs) Or looking at the clouds and say “Do you see a dog?” “No, but this is a horse.”
ELIAS: (Laughs) Precisely.
MARKUS: Okay. Let’s —
ELIAS: And that is the wonder of it all, my friend. It is tremendous, and surprising, and wondrous, and magical.
MARKUS: Oh my. It is. And as I said last time, I mean I’ve come all this long way and I see all these things, and it will be interesting to see what’s all the stuff that I’m not seeing (Elias laughs) when I look back in five or ten years and say, “Ah, yeah, you knew nothing!”
ELIAS: (Laughs heartily) Ah. But you do know, but you can always know more. (Laughs)
MARKUS: Yes, widening awareness.
ELIAS: Ah, yes. (Laughs)
MARKUS: Okay. Let’s wrap this up. We almost have a Joe Rogan podcast time, like over two hours. [7] (Elias laughs) This is nice.
ELIAS: I express tremendous, tremendous love to you. Let me express, my friend, this has been tremendously stimulating and fun.
MARKUS: Ah, for me too, for me too – and insightful. I mean, I’m still coming, obviously. These things come from the interchange, and even sometimes when I say things I surprise myself by how I put things in a new perspective for myself just by expressing them, and then your ideas to incorporate in my coloring book. This is totally awesome, and I am so grateful and appreciative of having the opportunity to do this.
ELIAS: I express exceptional love to you and great, great encouragement. I’m always supportive, and in that, greatly anticipating what we shall discuss in our next meeting.
MARKUS: (Laughs) I’m curious what that will be (Elias laughs), but it will be great fun, I’m sure.
ELIAS: I have no doubt.
MARKUS: (Laughs) Okay.
ELIAS: And you may convey my greetings to all of your squirrels.
MARKUS: When I see them again. Here in winter I didn’t see any, but I hope they will recognize me, or new squirrels.
ELIAS: I expect that they will.
MARKUS: Yeah, they know where the food is. (Both laugh)
ELIAS: Very well, my friend. Until our next meeting, in dear friendship as always, au revoir.
MARKUS: Bye-bye.
(Elias departs after 2 hours 8 minutes)
Markus’s Notes
[1] Actually, the song is called "Any Old Boat" by Jadea Kelly.
[2] Google “Covid 19: A Second Opinion.”
[3] This refers to his previous answer, where he said, “Yes, there will be.”
[4] This is also in reference to [3] where he said there “will” be an agreement. So I’m trying to clarify that while there is (in Framework 2) already an agreed version of how this transpired, five years from now, “objectively” (like in newspapers or history books) we might even agree on a different version.
[5] This is interesting, because essentially (I believe) here he says that typically the “objective” accepted explanation matches the Framework version.
[6] Actually, I didn’t. I thought he’d go for the JFK assassination.
[7] I had agreed with Mary up front that I could do more time, depending on how the session went.
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