Session 202202121

Extraterrestrials Near Proxima Centauri


“Extraterrestrials Near Proxima Centauri”

Saturday, February 12, 2022 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and John (Rrussell)

(Audio begins partway through session)

JOHN: You know, there was a new planet discovered near Proxima Centauri that’s about the same size of the earth, just days ago. And I have a suspicion that IS the planet that you had described previously, with respect to the extraterrestrials.

ELIAS: That is not that particular planet, but that IS a planet that they visit.

JOHN: Oh, interesting!

ELIAS: To observe.

JOHN: Okay.

ELIAS: That IS a planet [audio cut off] choose for observation purposes.

JOHN: Interesting. Interesting. I had read somewhere in… maybe it was "The Amendment." It’s a funny channeling site, but their so-called Committee had talked about how in the universe, beings tend to be in sort of neighborhoods, if you will, and they tend to have similarities within their neighborhood. So we would be in the same neighborhood as these other beings, and therefore have certain similarities, which you’ve already talked about. Is that basically true? We’re in the [audio cut off]? Is that a reasonable conceptualization of how beings tend to cluster, overall in the universe?

ELIAS: Mm… (Pause) Not entirely.

JOHN: No. Okay.

ELIAS: I would say that… (Pause) No, (chuckles) that beings don’t always appear similarly.

JOHN: Ah. Now here’s a fun question: I assume I have a focus over there with these beings. Would you describe my concurrent focus over there?

ELIAS: And your impression?

JOHN: I have the impression of these beings that… I believe they’re a little smaller than us and sort of docile, and they have a lot of hair on their head. And I have this image of this guy who has really long, sort of straight hair that’s below his shoulders, plus beard. And their beard hair is the same as their head hair, and it’s like fine and long, and they have sort of beady eyes. And I see him near water, and he’s in sort of a kitchen-type place and he does things in relation to maintaining the land. But he has a wife, and he is part of a small community. I think he has kids, but maybe they’re grown.

ELIAS: I would say congratulations!

JOHN: Uh-huh. They seem to have —

ELIAS: That is considerably detailed in relation to impressions that you have about these individuals.

JOHN: Yeah.

ELIAS: That’s significant, and I would concur. I would say that that is accurate. The hair is not hair that is similar to your own; it’s different. But I would express a validation that it is much finer, yes.

JOHN: Oh. So it’s made of different material than our hair? Or it’s just sort of —

ELIAS: Yes. Yes. Yes.

JOHN: Ah, but it’s finer. Interesting. Is it made from the same material that our fingernails are?


JOHN: No. Okay. But in overall composition, their physical bodies are similar to us in chemical and material makeup?

ELIAS: Similar, yes.

JOHN: Okay. Okay. Almost if they were to come here and dress up like a human, they would look like a human but with birth defects?

ELIAS: (Laughs) That is an interesting evaluation. (Laughs) Similar to a human; I would say that that would be a recognition of some significant birth defects. (Laughs)

JOHN: Oh, I see, I see. But they stand upright, they have hands, and –

ELIAS: Yes. Yes.

JOHN: If I were to look at a shadow of them and not be able to see any features, I would think it’s a human, right? As a shadow?

ELIAS: You might. You might.

JOHN: Okay. I might, but I might not?

ELIAS: You likely would, because you wouldn’t be paying that close of attention.

JOHN: Oh, I see.

ELIAS: Therefore, you would make an automatic assessment.

JOHN: Oh. But they don’t have tails.


JOHN: I mean, they’re pretty much like humans otherwise. Yeah.


JOHN: And their eyes are kind of the same size, but a little more beady and round?


JOHN: Okay. And they speak, I think, in a higher pitch than we do?

ELIAS: Yes. Yes.

JOHN: Okay. And their hearing is more like a dog’s hearing?

ELIAS: Correct.

JOHN: Okay. And their sense of smell is actually not as good as ours?

ELIAS: I would agree with that, yes.

JOHN: Interesting. Their thought mechanism is… they use it better than us, but it’s also more sharply focused than ours?

ELIAS: Mm… (Pause) That would be challenging to express, simply because they don’t actually think in a capacity as you think.

JOHN: Okay. They have a thought mechanism?

ELIAS: It’s not actually… No. It’s not actually a thought mechanism.

JOHN: Okay. Because I see them… Things that we need a calculator for – what’s the square root of 644 and then take that to the power of 75, right? – I have a feeling they would be able to do that kind of thing more in their head than a human would be.

ELIAS: They simply automatically know.

JOHN: Okay.

ELIAS: Yes. But it’s not a matter of necessarily calculating in their head.

JOHN: Got it. Got it.

ELIAS: That's [inaudible], or that’s the association that you would make, but that’s not necessarily what they’re doing.

JOHN: Our complexity with the thought mechanism; with our soft, common orientation; the focus types; the range of personality and so forth: you’ve always talked about us as being one of the most complex in the universe. They are not as complex?

ELIAS: Correct.

JOHN: And you could say that they have experienced less separation than we do? Currently?

ELIAS: Correct. Yes.

JOHN: Okay. Okay. And what stops them from… Clearly they haven’t figured out how to do interstellar travel the way that sci-fi… They’re not at the Star Trek level, either. But given their lack of separation, their different way of not thinking but how they… Well, okay, I gave the calculator example before. Their strengths have enabled them to go a little bit further than we have in terms of technology currently, but they’re not much further beyond us and they lack a lot of the stuff that we do?

ELIAS: Correct.

JOHN: Okay.

ELIAS: Therefore, they are different.

JOHN: They’re different. Right. Right. And do they have a name for themselves? We’ve talked about them enough, can we put a name to them that…?

ELIAS: You can create a name for them.

JOHN: Oh, okay. But they don’t… Okay. Well, they must have a name for —

ELIAS: They have a name for themselves, but it wouldn’t translate in your understanding of language.

JOHN: Yeah. They speak in, like, whistles and like [whistles].

ELIAS: Correct.

JOHN: Yeah.

ELIAS: Yes. That is actually correct.

JOHN: Yeah. Okay. All right. We’re done, but this is fascinating.

ELIAS: Very well.

JOHN: Thank you.

ELIAS: I am tremendously encouraging of you, my friend.

JOHN: Thanks.

ELIAS: And congratulations on what you accomplished in relation to your job.

JOHN: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

I shall greatly be anticipating our next meeting. In great love and affection, and in tremendous support as always, au revoir.

JOHN: Au revoir.

(Audio ends after 12 minutes)

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