Session 202202052

Energy Exchange with Laszlo


“Other Essences Participating with Laszlo”
“Many Constructs Reinforce Judgments”
“Thinking Can Be Very Destructive”
“Shared Focus with Alexander the Great”

Saturday, February 5, 2022 (Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael), Scotty (Ashtaria) and Jonas (Jeremiah)

ELIAS: Good morning!

SCOTTY: Good morning, Elias. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: And how shall we begin, my friend?

SCOTTY: Well, I have been re-reading your sessions from the beginning again. And I've done that several times over the last, I don't know, 16, 17 years, but I'm reading again from the beginning with a fresh perspective, let us say, and I'm very much enjoying the discovery of a lot of your concepts and material again, along with Lawrence and everyone that was participating. So that's been fun.

ELIAS: Excellent. And with the fresh perspective, what have you been noticing?

SCOTTY: That even from the onset, there was, well, lots of things I've been noticing - but I think what hit home the most was everyone creates their reality individually. That's been definitely something I would say I noticed even from the beginning, when people were asking about certain things and certain answers you gave, which, you know, are as informative as possible, but without stating sort of certain absolutes, I would say. And boxing things in as it's one way or the other. So, I found that reassuring in current times.

ELIAS: Excellent.

SCOTTY: But yes, so can we talk a bit about Mr. Laszlo?

ELIAS: Yes (laughs)

SCOTTY: Well, I was wondering, see I’ve never really even considered, but I know you have obviously 12 essences that engage with you with your exchange with Michael. And does Laszlo have any essence friends, any other essences supporting and helping in what the exchange that him and I had all of last year?

ELIAS: Oh, yes.

SCOTTY: The only couple that I've been able to clearly ascertain, is I know Rose is participating in that.


SCOTTY: Okay. And yourself.




SCOTTY: Oh, and the essence Lyle.

ELIAS: Correct.

SCOTTY: Who is that essence that I connected with, I don't know, a year or two ago, and asked you briefly about. But you had said that he was encouraging me towards awareness of interconnectedness and of just general shifting.

ELIAS: Correct. And would also be a part of the support system with this.

SCOTTY: Are there other essences there that would be kind of in this more intimate circle that you would offer for me to be aware of?


SCOTTY: And those are?

ELIAS: Very well. I would say in addition to those that you've already named and been aware of - one moment – very well, other essences that are supportive and involved with you and Laszlo in this endeavor would be Juna, J-U-N-A, Alister, Caia, that would be C-A-I-A, and Troassa, T-R-O-A-S-S-A.

SCOTTY: So, those four additionally?


SCOTTY: Is the essence Jessik actually contributing to that although not necessarily in the same role?

ELIAS: At times.

SCOTTY: At times. Okay.

ELIAS: Therefore, yes supportive but not always involved.

SCOTTY: Right. Now those essences we just listed, are they in any way related by fragmentation with Laszlo?


SCOTTY: No, okay. So, they come from other walks of life, so to speak.

ELIAS: Yes. (both laugh) But all are supportive and moving in the direction of the same information.

SCOTTY: Right. Okay. The same information that Laszlo’s sort of presenting?


SCOTTY: Okay. Is there like an agenda with what Laszlo was moving towards? I know he introduced this spectroscopic integration exercise and process, and we never really got back to that because I just jumped into sessions for other people for the whole year. Would you say that there was like a kind of a plan, or you know a continuation, because originally you and I talked about maybe he was looking at certain constructs as a focus of his information.

ELIAS: Yes. And I would say that that remains. You can engage more specific information with him yourself. But I would say that he definitely moves in a direction of, in a manner of speaking, not in invalidating constructs, but to a degree, deconstructing them.

SCOTTY: That's what I was - yeah, I was like, ‘what's that word?’ – deconstructing. Okay.

ELIAS: That, in that, as I've expressed, your constructs are all your reasons why for everything. Your explanation for everything. And in that, what I would say in relation to what he is addressing with that is, like I said, not necessarily invalidating them, because you, in a manner of speaking, need reasons for things. But he is calling into question those constructs to encourage people to think about them, and to encourage people to move in directions in which they aren't simply blindly following those explanations, but rather moving in the direction of evaluation in relation to what is important. And that also moves you or aids in moving you in directions of being more accepting. Because many times the constructs that you have, those reasons why for certain things, are actually reasons that

reinforce judgments and reinforce you to not necessarily be accepting.

SCOTTY: I understand, because the constructs - we're used to being, in a way, boxed in by the constructs in our perception of their absoluteness. And, like many things, and many components of this reality, constructs are also fluid.

ELIAS: Yes. Yes.

SCOTTY: Yeah, that's where I saw he was going with a lot of the - his idea of that. Last time I asked you Elias, you said that Laszlo hasn't disengaged the exchange, and I still feel that he hasn't. And I'm still sitting with his energy and connecting, as I said, in this new format, now of me sitting upright, which is very different. And I'm relaxing, as you suggested, for a period of 20 to 30 minutes before. And the main thing I notice is, rather than a very abrupt, and I'm going to say wild, uncontrollable energy, which is quite tough on my body, it's very gentle and very gradual and very soothing. So, I'm not really putting any expectations on it now, for him to come through and speak. I'm just allowing myself to continue connecting with his energy and feel the gradual, gradual ease into it. And it definitely feels better, as I don't have the headaches, I don't have the body shakes in my joints snapping and all of that sort of stuff, which wasn't fun and turned me off. So, I think at the moment, that's where I'm just going with it to, to allow it to just continue in that direction.

ELIAS: Congratulations. I would say that that is tremendous. And I would be exceptionally encouraging of you, my friend.

SCOTTY: Oh, thank you.

ELIAS: I would say that is actually a considerable leap in allowance.


ELIAS: And that you have moved in a direction of experimentation and being more comfortable because that is the point. It's all about you and being as comfortable as possible.

SCOTTY: Yeah. Four months ago, when I had that episode, trying to incorporate far too much of Laszlo’s energy and my blue center totally went out, I actually connected with Laszlo yesterday or the day before and sat with his energy and it was the first time since then, in four months, that I feel my blue center was finally back in alignment and bright. Would you agree with that assessment or suggest something different?

ELIAS: I would, and I would say congratulations.

SCOTTY: So, thank you, and I think maybe in terms of the exchange moving forward, that was a necessary component, obviously, for that to come back in and be aligned and back where it should be. (both laugh)

ELIAS: I would agree.

SCOTTY: I, you and I, oh sorry - actually, you had spoken with Rogert - he and I had spoken about this black onyx pyramid. So, I've been using that focal point to visualize around my physical body when connecting with Laszlo. And I'm not sure if it's really something that's going to be necessarily in the long run, but for now, it's a focal point, and that's fine. But when I did--

ELIAS: That is correct.

SCOTTY: Yeah, but when I did that, and then I came to or stopped engaging the exchange, this lamp beside my bed just turned off for about 10 seconds, and then turned back on again. So that was maybe a signal of encouragement to continue doing that for a little while. Would you agree, or would you say it was just--

ELIAS: I would.


ELIAS: I would agree.

SCOTTY: Is there any benefit that I would need to necessarily adjust in what I'm doing? Because I had been picturing my body in the pyramid in Northern Africa where it was situated 14,000 BC, but now rather than that, I'm actually picturing and imagining myself within that black onyx pyramid where I'm sitting in my house. And I feel like that's better.

ELIAS: Yes, yes. I would very much agree.

SCOTTY: So that it's not so much the idea of me transporting my awareness elsewhere. It's more about being comfortable where I am--


SCOTTY: Now. Yeah. Okay. So, you would say--

ELIAS: I would very much agree and be very encouraging of you - yes.

SCOTTY: Okay. Um, thank you again for all the blue orbs. (Both laugh) And now, I've been seeing this other essence orb, which is very distinguishable from your blue orb. But this one is kind of a sparkly crystal white in the center with blue on the outside, and the color kind of fades from this brilliant sparkle white to the outer blue. But there's also like a ring of a black circle defining the inside white and the outer blue. Who, who is that essence?

ELIAS: And you're impression?

SCOTTY: Well, I feel like it's a conglomerate of a few.

ELIAS: I would (inaudible).

SCOTTY: You would agree?

ELIAS: I would agree.

SCOTTY: I would say Lyle is in there.

ELIAS: I would agree.

SCOTTY: And…let me just feel into that now - oh, you mentioned one Casa or starting with--

ELIAS: Caia.

SCOTTY: Okay, Caia is in there. Otha?


SCOTTY: And yourself.

ELIAS: Correct.


ELIAS: Wait, there's one more.

SCOTTY: Okay. Oh, did you say one starting with L?


SCOTTY: No. Hang on. Let me get this. Hm, one more. I'm not getting that last name.

ELIAS: A- Alistair.

SCOTTY: Oh, Alistair. Okay, Alistair. So, so is that an encouragement in terms of the exchange with those five, I think it was.

ELIAS: Yes, but beyond that, I would say definitely an encouragement to you personally that includes that action. And in that, it's an encouragement to you in relation to being centered, and in what you are doing. But not only the energy exchange.

SCOTTY: Right. Yeah, no. It's interesting, it becomes very apparent in my objective vision when I'm rolling over and over and over in my thought process, and I can't seem to snap myself out of it. And it's like it's jarring and jolting in a way. Arresting to be like, ‘Oh, hello.’ And it, it takes me back to not pushing in thinking.

ELIAS: Ah, tremendous.

SCOTTY: Yeah. So, thank, thank guys!

ELIAS: Then you are getting the point.

SCOTTY: Yeah. Because sometimes it is, it is just so hard to bring yourself out of that continuous rolling thought, especially when things are going wrong, and you're trying to rationalize them. And so that, so thank you, all of you, for that, because it's, it's very helpful.

ELIAS: The thinking can be very destructive, my friend.


ELIAS: In that, it is important to be able to stop it and center yourself.

SCOTTY: Yeah, I have been doing that a lot more. I've been spending a lot more time not thinking and a lot more time listening to rain.

ELIAS: Excellent.

SCOTTY: And the easiest thing that I can equate it to is, Gail (essence William) told me that when she wakes up and before she has her coffee, she has this period of time where she's able to be quite subjective. And, you know, it's almost like you haven't woken up enough yet to have all your thinking processes kick started. And so yeah, I mean, it's very much connected to all of the inner communications and imagination and impressions and intuition. And that's what I think the pausing the thinking is, is one of the, one of the best benefits perhaps, is because you're able to then listen to all of your other communications to self.

ELIAS: I very much agree. Yes.

SCOTTY: Okay, great. So, is there anything I do with that orb? Or just notice it and feel the support from all of that?

ELIAS: I would say isn't necessarily a matter of having to do with it. That it’s a matter of accepting it, and allowing yourself to move in the direction of allowing it to help you to center and relax.

SCOTTY: Yeah. Okay. That, I do understand that.

ELIAS: Excellent.

SCOTTY: Elias, I tried a couple of times as, as he told you, to be, to have Rogert on the other end of the phone line with me while I'm connecting with Laszlo. And just because, you know, I know sometimes with additional essences around, it's able to be a type of an anchor. And we've done that a couple of times. And I actually had an idea, the impression that it's still not at that point yet of where Laszlo would be speaking. So, I think it's helpful and it's definitely great because he was, Rogert was also now feeling this expanded head space and this ringing in his right ear, which I also have. Do you think, I mean, it's not it's not hurting anything, but do you think it's still - what other ways is it beneficial? I think just for us both in connecting in interconnectedness, right?

ELIAS: Yes. Yes. And I would say that it's basically the element of support. And, once again, you don't have to do anything with it. He doesn't have to do anything with it. It's simply a matter of being.

SCOTTY: Yeah. Yeah.

ELIAS: Eventually, as you continue, then you might develop in directions of doing something. But that for now, it's not necessary.

SCOTTY: Yeah. Yeah, it's, it's mutually supportive. And me supporting him in his energy work and awareness. And, and then with this exchange, it's, yeah, as you said, it doesn't even have to like have an outcome. It's just a supportive piece. So that feels really nice.

ELIAS: Excellent.

SCOTTY: The shared focus of myself and Rogert that he asked you about, these two dudes in Africa, in Chad, I had a little bit more specifics about that. And it's interesting, because at this point, in focus impressions, I don't really need to ask you Elias, but I like to for validation. (Both laugh) Well--

ELIAS: I understand.

SCOTTY: So, it's interesting, because I was like, ‘oh, 14,000 BC,’ but actually, I was looking at 14,007 to 14,001BC was the time that these two shared focuses were in Northern Africa in Chad, using this black onyx pyramid. Is that correct?


SCOTTY: Yep. And they didn't really have names these two, but they did have sounds that they were able to get each other's attention with. And so, Rogert’s focus was M(uh). Which I guess it's just like, M - it's just the letter M really, but M-U-H, I guess if it's spelled phonetically.

ELIAS: I understand.

SCOTTY: Is that correct?

ELIAS: Yes. Yes.

SCOTTY: Yep. And, and mine was Sa(l), but going towards S-A-L, but the L is not pronounced. It's just Sa(l).


SCOTTY: Okay. Were they brothers?


SCOTTY: Ah, okay. And they're both, they both don't have hair, but not that they had hair and went bald. They just didn't have hair.

ELIAS: Correct.

SCOTTY: Okay. Okay, thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome.

SCOTTY: Another focus that I've been connecting with, Elias, like most, well, I would say all of my focuses that I've asked you about to now have been general run of the mill normal people. But I've always had, and so I've never really asked you about anything that would have been really discoverable within history. But I've always had this incredible fascination with Alexander the Great. And I was looking around his, what would you call it, ‘posse’, his group of friends, and there was a character called Perdiccas who was a Macedonian nobleman, and he's the one who Alexander the Great gave his ring to when he was dying. Is that a focus of my essence Ashtaria?

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.

SCOTTY: Okay. Now, I saw on Wikipedia, it says that Perdiccas was born in 355BC, and that did not sound correct to me. He was born in 356BC.

ELIAS: Correct.

SCOTTY: Yeah. And he was also a lover of Alexander. Correct?

ELIAS: Correct.

SCOTTY: All right. That's really all I got from that. Um, but thank you for that confirmation.

ELIAS: You are (inaudible)

SCOTTY: I can add that to my list of as an almost famous dude focus. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: I would say that this individual was notable.

SCOTTY: Yeah. Well, because he became king for a while until he was murdered by all of the others who didn't get given the ring. Okay.

ELIAS: That’s generally how they did that.

SCOTTY: Yeah, I don't know how they got by, I don't know how they slept with all of the murder. And I mean, you got to watch your back constantly, right?

ELIAS: I would agree, but then I would also say that many of them had tremendous confidence in themselves.

SCOTTY: Yeah. Yeah. Almost like a superhuman confidence in a way because the, that's what they were told in being revered so highly.


SCOTTY: Do I have any other intimate focuses with Alexander the Great?

ELIAS: Meaning?

SCOTTY: There's a female there that I can connect to quite easily. Let me get information about that. And then I'll ask you.

ELIAS: Very well.

SCOTTY: Elias, so I think I've asked you this before, but honestly, I couldn't find it in my session transcripts. I'm seeing the number 11:11 all the time now. And I don't generally look at the clock, look at my watch, often for the time. But I tend to be seeing it all the time now or I'll see it on signs around the roads or posters and things. What would you, I know generally the relevance - if you look on Google it'll tell you they’re angel numbers or whatever - What's generally that relevance for me right now with seeing those numbers and creating that imagery?

ELIAS: I would say that the imagery for you is about other essences. Therefore, it's generally about your relationship with Laszlo.

SCOTTY: That's, that's what I wrote down here. Okay, now with Laszlo in terms of fragmentation?

ELIAS: No. With your relationship with Laszlo now.

SCOTTY: Okay. But why those numbers, just as something for me to take notice of, or do those numbers have some - was it 11 essences we counted?

ELIAS: No, it's not about that. It is significant because, generally speaking, these numbers 11:11 are identified with what you term to be other worldly beings. Now, that doesn't necessarily mean other beings such as heavenly creatures, so to speak. It simply means other worldly other than your world. And therefore, in relation to metaphysics, people have that association with extra-terrestrials and with other expressions of what you think of as spiritual expressions. It can be associated with the idea of God or angels or heavenly bodies. Or it can be associated with other-dimensional expressions. But for you, it is about other essence. And it is actually more specific than that. It's about Laszlo. And in that a constant reminder of that presence. A constant reminder that that essence is present. That it is with you. That it is interactive with you. It's a constant reminder.


ELIAS: Therefore, I would say it's also a constant reminder to you, you are not alone. Ever.

SCOTTY: Yeah, that's great, because I can, I mean, I had that idea already. But I can be associating that more directly with every time I see those numbers.

ELIAS: Yes. Is an encouragement and a reminder.

SCOTTY: Is the essence that was fragmenting from Ashtaria and Laszlo, Laszhlario, is that essence -last time I asked you about it, that essence wasn't, I don't know, fully fragmented or completed with that. Is that completed now?


SCOTTY: Okay. And that's actually somewhat to do with why there's been this four month pause and why my blue energy center is back in place.


SCOTTY: Okay. I think I understand that without a lengthy explanation further.

ELIAS: Excellent. Excellent.

SCOTTY: Elias, this black onyx pyramid, can I just ask you, I know there's a gazillion explanations of black onyx. And I can see why I was connecting to that when I was connecting with Rogert and his arm. But what would you say the properties are of black-- Oh, and I also just bought this little beaded bracelet of black onyx. So, I just wanted to ask you about that, if I'm wearing it as something helpful. What are the properties of black onyx that you would say are helpful to me to be aware of currently?

ELIAS: For you, I would express that it has an effect of aiding you in focusing.

SCOTTY: Aiding in focusing. Okay.


SCOTTY: Is there a grounding component to that as well?

ELIAS: I would say that you could say that because it aids you in focusing and therefore, yes, I would say that you could express that also.

SCOTTY: Okay. Great. I was also drawn to two other stones there as little, you know, bracelet things. One of them was blue sodalite. And would you say that that's also - I mean, I know we've discussed that a little bit with the ANKARRAH symbols, but just more generally, blue sodalite - what are the beneficial properties that I could be aware of, of why I'm drawn to that stone currently?

ELIAS: As it aids in healing.

SCOTTY: It aids in healing. Okay. Yeah, we had talked about it aiding in the gathering of energies in relation to healing, but as you said, so aiding in healing. Then I will continue to wear that. The last one was aquamarine. What would you say the beneficial properties are of that that I'm attracted to wearing that currently?

ELIAS: For you, I would say that aquamarine is helpful in being expressive, aiding in being expressive.

SCOTTY: Aiding in being expressive, you said?


SCOTTY: Okay. Great. I had also bought a citrine, a light citrine, little wristband of beads. Unfortunately, the yellow dye came off on my wrist and so I found out it wasn't really citrine. It was painted glass. (Elias laughs) So, you gotta watch out when you buy these stones, Elias. (Both laugh) I know, I was like, seriously, my wrist was all stained with yellow. And then after a couple of days, the little beads were just kind of clear with bits of patched yellow dye on them. So not a real citrine, let's put it that way.

ELIAS: Ah but, you learned something.


ELIAS: And also, what I would say to you, that is actually more beneficial than you realize, because regardless of what properties a particular stone actually has, I would say that it is more about what you project that generates an effect.

SCOTTY: Yes, yeah, of course exactly.

ELIAS: For you might be experiencing an effect and it’s because you are generating that. Many times, even though different stones do have different properties of their own, many times the person is what is generating those properties as being something that are affecting of them.

SCOTTY: Exactly, exactly. The stone essentially being a focal point for the allowance of that affectingness.

ELIAS: Correct. Correct.

[section omitted]

SCOTTY: I just quickly wanted to have you, I wanted to introduce you to essence Jeremiah, my partner, Jonas.

JONAS: Hi, Elias.

ELIAS: Welcome, my dear friend.

JONAS: I think I learned something during your conversation today.

ELIAS: Ah. Excellent (laughs)

JONAS: I heard through the bathroom wall that Scotty was talking about that he keeps seeing 11:11.


JONAS: Well, I think Scotty mentioned to you that I always see 9:11.


JONAS: And I think, despite the fact that 9:11 also might be a trigger of something exciting, because every time I see it, it excites me. I also think it also is teaching me a lesson about perspective. Because when I used to see 9:11, I used to think it was something, a warning, like 9:11, you know, 911 or 9/11/2001. But instead, now every time I see 9:11, I get excited. I even tell Scotty. And I think maybe the lesson I learned is that you can change your perspective on anything. I always saw 9:11 as a negative, scary thing. And now I see it as something celebratory and exciting.

ELIAS: I would say congratulations, my friend. That is tremendous. Excellent. And you are correct. You can change your perception about anything.

JONAS: Yay. Thank you, Elias.

ELIAS: You are exceptionally welcome.

SCOTTY: Well, thank you so, so much today, Elias. And it was wonderful to connect with your energy, and exciting to talk about some stuff that we haven't quite covered yet.

ELIAS: I would be tremendously, tremendously encouraging, my friend. And I anticipate our next meeting. I express great encouragement to your partner, and tremendous love to you both.

SCOTTY: Thank you, Elias. Love to you as well.

ELIAS: In dear friendship, as always. Au revoir.

SCOTTY: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 46 minutes)

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