Session 202202041

Risk, Giving Up Control, and Changing Perception


“Risk, Giving Up Control, and Changing Perception”
“You Can Weather It”
"Trusting the Flow"
“Difference Between Tumold Belonging and Tumold Aligning”
"Tumolds, Magic, and Perception"
“Evaluating an Allergy”
“Mass Expressions and the Allowance of Differences”

Friday, February 4, 2022 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Ann (Vivette)

ELIAS: Good afternoon!

ANN: Well, good afternoon!

ELIAS: (Laughs) And how shall we begin?

ANN: Well first, I would just like to share with you, if you don’t know already, that frickin' miracles are happening everywhere. There are just like little starbursts going off here, here, here – everywhere! It’s so incredible. And the second incredible thing is I’m acknowledging myself for these. I’m aware of them. I don’t necessarily think I need to go into detail, because there’s so many of them (Elias laughs), and some may come out during our conversation or some may not. But holy shit, Elias. It’s like something is happening. I don’t have words for it, but something is happening, and it’s incredible.

ELIAS: (Laughs) And something is shifting.

ANN: Oh my god, it really is. (Elias laughs) Yeah. Oh my god!

ELIAS: And shifting in what you would term to be a good direction.

ANN: Yeah, that’s exactly what I would term it to be. Even though it’s interesting, because I was talking to Sandra this morning and she was feeling the energy and all this stuff. And obviously we could be in for some tumultuous ride, but I said – saying it out loud for myself as well as for her and as well as the whole world – just to remember if a fear comes up, just to think about everything that we thought maybe that was bad or horrible, some really good stuff happened that we couldn’t have even imagined. So just hold that in, because I think at this point the most destructive [thing] would be fear.

ELIAS: Very much so. I agree.

ANN: Yeah. So it’s just, you know, let’s hang on. I do like taking the position as an observer, even though I like to participate too and I am definitely participating, I’m here in focus participating, but I do like to sit back every once in a while and just be the observer from… Like, "Oh wow! Look at this stuff that’s going on." (Elias laughs) It’s amazing. But I don’t think that I have any expectations that it’s all going to be smooth sailing, but frickin' stuff is happening that’s just… I can’t even tell you, Elias. It’s amazing.

ELIAS: (Laughs) It doesn’t necessarily have to be smooth sailing, so to speak, but when you are in a direction in which you are trusting yourself, and when you are paying attention in the capacity of having and being enough, rather than not enough, it doesn’t matter. Whether it’s smooth sailing or choppy seas, you can weather it.

ANN: Yeah, I get that, and I’ve been noticing many examples of that. And I keep thinking – and actually, it’s a nice place. Obviously I don’t understand it yet, but I do believe it, even though I don’t understand it. But I keep telling myself, "Okay, that outside world is me." They say, “Why would you hurt yourself?” I mean, obviously people do hurt themselves, but I’m like, "Oh, that’s me out there. Why would I hurt myself? I’m not going to hurt myself. It will just…" Me figuring things out. We’re all in this together kind of thing – good, bad. I might not understand it; I’m much better now if I don’t understand, because it used to frighten me when I didn’t understand how people could do something or think something or believe something that I didn’t. I’m much better. It’s okay if I don’t understand it. The fear that I used to have around that is diminishing significantly by the minute, and – woo! -- that feels fucking good right there! (Both laugh)

ELIAS: Quite so.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: Congratulations, my friend. Congratulations.

ANN: Thank you. Anyhow, it’s going to be a fun kind of ride, seeing how it all unfolds, and over the years we’re going to have lots to talk about, I’m sure, before this is all said and done. Even more incredulous stuff is going to happen that is going to blow my mind. That’s what I think. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: I would say that in this, what I hear in you now is that movement in the direction that you DO have that underlying piece of trusting and being more content.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: And let me express to you, that is important because that will be something that you will not only need but that you will actually value tremendously, moving in the direction of not necessarily having a home base.

ANN: Yeah. Yeah. Oh! Speaking of that, there’s been some developments.


ANN: It’s still not home base, but it’s funny. This is another thing, just trusting the flow of everything, because the summer is where we don’t have a place to live. But we have friends all over the place, and maybe we’ll drive and visit this person, this person, go and drive across country, see his parents, blah-blah-blah. And we were talking about things, but something just wasn’t sitting right – or John and I were going back and forth, and you know, there was just something that just didn’t feel like it was clicking into place, is what I should say. But then we’re at dinner and I said, "You know, why don’t this summer we live on the boat?" Because the boat needs some attention. And I’m noticing – I mean obviously, this is no newsflash by any stretch of the imagination, but where I am, whether we’re at the house in Cabo or we’re at the house at Holden or where I am, that is what gets the attention. That gets the TLC. That’s where I’m focused on at the time, and that’s what happens. And this poor boat, I have been ignoring it forever, and I thought, "This boat needs some TLC." And there’s some stuff that I can do for it, and John, who is so busy, never really has time to work on it and get the things done on it that HE wants to get done. I’m like, "Well, if we’re living on the boat we’ll be there." And I thought, "You know, I can give this boat some TLC." And I said that and John goes, “Oh, I love that idea.” And then that idea felt really good to me, too. So I’m like, "Okay, that’s what we’re going to do."

But the thing that felt good about that – I mean, I’m glad I feel good about our decision, but then I was like, "Oh yeah, this is my process. I can trust this process and I don’t need to know everything right now. And if it doesn’t all click into place, that’s okay. You just keep swimming. I don’t need to force anything. I just keep kind of dibble-dabbling, dibble-dabbling, thinking about this, thinking about that until click! And then I’m like, "Oh! Yeah, that feels good." And there you go.

ELIAS: (Laughs) I would say congratulations, but in a more enthusiastic capacity than I would have ever expressed to you before. The reason being is that this suggestion, coming from you, the person that hated the boat (chuckles) and didn’t want to keep the boat and was having so many challenges with the boat, and now from THAT person the suggestion that you live on the boat (Ann laughs), I would say that is TREMENDOUS! That is tremendous. And what I will say to you is, my hat is off to you. You are sublime.

ANN: (Chuckles) Why, thank you. (Elias laughs) And I feel it. I mean, I feel it. And the great thing about it is I’m not being disingenuous in any way, shape or form. I sincerely… I mean, I feel it. I feel like I’m being very genuine. It feels good.

ELIAS: And that’s obvious. And I would also express that for you, my friend, especially in relation to this subject, you actually wouldn’t be capable of falsifying that. (Both laugh)

ANN: I very rarely am good at being disingenuous. I’m not a good liar. I just don't even try.

ELIAS: I would say, especially in relation to this subject (Ann laughs), you genuinely are not that good of an actress. (Laughs)

ANN: No, I am not. And yes, I agree, and it’s okay (Elias laughs), because it’s all good.

Okay, so now I want to switch gears a little bit, going to curiosity. And I have no idea where all of this is going to unfold, but I think it will be interesting. I have been chatting with somebody, and we’ve been talking about different things. This person is also Tumold belonging, and she has this question and I’m curious about it too, so let me just read it.

She says, “Since the Tumold family of consciousness is the only family where there is a difference between the belongings and the aligns, I was wondering, from my personal experience, if the belongings were more inclined to concern themselves with the quality of death, in contrast to the aligns, which concern themselves with the quality of life?”

ELIAS: (Pause) That’s an interesting question and notion.

Now, I would say that it wouldn’t be quite that black and white in relation to those individuals that are belonging to this family, but I would say that the individual is definitely tapping into some valid expressions.

ANN: How so?

ELIAS: That people that are belonging to the Tumold family, she is correct that it is different. The qualities are different, and the expression is different. The people that are belonging to this family naturally express healing qualities, and they naturally express an energy that is supportive and moves in a direction of encouragement without actually intentionally expressing that – they don’t have to.

But in that, I would say that there definitely is a direction, an energy with these individuals that is more, let me say, involved, in a manner of speaking, with expressions such as transition, whether that be in physical focus or not, and the different types of transition expressions and the movement in relation to nonphysical – but not nonphysical in general, but nonphysical subsequent to death, and the imagery and the direction and the time that ensues before the individual recognizes their death, and the different types of expressions in relation to how an individual disengages; the difference between any type of death and suicide, and differences in relation to how it is expressed, how death is expressed. And even curiosities in relation to what motivates people to generate different types of deaths: sudden deaths, lingering deaths, dis-ease or what you term to be accidents – which, there are no accidents – but in that, differences in generating a violent death or what you think of as a quiet or peaceful death, and all of these different expressions. And actually, many individuals that ask more questions about death are individuals that are actually belonging to that family.

ANN: Interesting.

ELIAS: I would acknowledge that yes, that would actually be valid.

ANN: Okay. And going along those lines, this connection that I’ve made with this person, it kind of feels magical in itself, and it feels to me that there’s so much more going on than surfacely. I mean, there’s a lot going on, and maybe it’s because I’m intermediate and I feel like this, but I just feel like there’s a lot going on with this connection. It feels kind of wondrous. It feels magical. It feels like curiosity. It feels like exploration. It feels like compassion. It feels like love. It feels like so many things wrapped up. And fun! It’s fun, so it’s just very interesting for many reasons. But I don’t want to… because I’ll probably share this session, and this person doesn’t want to be out there at this point in time, but has asked. So obviously you know who I’m talking about, right?


ANN: So they would like to know if you have a message for them.

ELIAS: (Pause) I would simply express to remember what the genuine definition of patience is.

ANN: Oooh. Which is allowing, right?

ELIAS: Practice that.

ANN: Practice allowing. Interesting.

And then, this is just coming strictly from me, curiosity and this impression that I get. Sometimes I think she – and I don’t want to be discounting in any way, shape or form – but this person has expressed a pretty definite direction, the direction that they would like to go, or they are going. And I sometimes get the impression that "hm, I wonder if that would change or not." Not that I want it to change or need it to change or care if it changes – I mean, not in an uncaring way because I very much care, but I guess I’m not invested in it changing or not. So I’m just wondering, what am I picking up on? Am I picking up on… I want to say it might turn out different than they or I had even expected.

ELIAS: I would agree with you. And I would say that I would remind you, nothing is set in stone.

ANN: Yeah. Interesting. Very interesting.

ELIAS: That even when an individual is expressing in what seems to be a very absolute direction, there is always variables.

ANN: Yeah. But it also seems this is very purposeful. And I have my ideas why it’s purposeful. I just think it’s rippling out. It’s rippling out, and the timing of it is no accident – as you say, there’s no accidents.

ELIAS: Correct.

ANN: Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so now we’ll stay on the Tumold, and this is kind of my little thing. I was recently reminded again that the families of Tumold, the wave that they are associated with is the perception wave. Because you know how I like magic and natural magic and just… I’m thinking magic is just being alive and we’re doing magic all the time, and just whether to funnel it the way you want it. And then I thought, "Oh my god, I wonder if that has something to do with Tumolds," because perception to me is magic. I mean, it really is. If you switch something, let’s say I want an apple to appear in front of me, well, I change my perception, and that’s magic.


ANN: So I’m wondering if there’s a connection there? Did I pick up on some kind of a connection there?

ELIAS: Yes, you did.

ANN: All right! Tell me more. Because you know I’m going to talk about magic. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: I would say that is actually very insightful, because you are correct, everything is perception. And when you change perception, you can change perception in a moment. Many times you don’t, but you can. And in that, you can change dramatically a perception, and that changes your reality. And in that, yes, you are correct. There is your magic. You think that it is impossible, but it isn’t impossible. And in that, NOTHING is impossible; it’s simply a matter of whether you do it or not.

And let me say to you also, it isn’t actually difficult to change perception. It isn’t something that requires a significant amount of time or effort. The most difficult piece about changing perception is that you think it’s so absolute, is that you think that you can’t do it. That’s the most absolute part, is that piece that you think is so unchangeable, or so difficult. But in actuality, it’s simply a matter of being willing to move in the direction of what you think of as risk.

What is risk? What do you think risk is?

ANN: Well, I think risk is… If you take a risk, you give up something you have for the chance of something else – or you can tell me your definition. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: I would say that risk is you’re moving in any type of direction that has the potential to fail, that what you're giving up is control.

ANN: Ah, yeah.

ELIAS: And therefore, in that, when you give up control, then you have the perception that there is a potential for failure. What I would say to you is that in relation to changing perception, regardless of what the subject is, it doesn’t matter what the subject is. It doesn’t matter how outlandish it seems. It doesn’t matter how impossible it seems. What is the biggest stumbling block and obstacle to changing perception is risking, is moving in the direction of taking that risk.

ANN: I get that, because a lot of times people won’t want to try magic or whatever, or they will try it but they’ll try it but the reason they don’t really do it is because they’re like, “Oh, if it doesn’t work, that’ll mean that I can’t do it,” or “That’ll mean that I whatever." Which is why being fun and doing light and easy stuff, like the stuff Denise and I do all the time together – which is going gangbusters, I must say. Fuckin' A! (Elias laughs) But I think one of the reasons I’ve been having recent success is because I don’t really care if it works or not. I just feel like, "Okay, let’s put it out, let’s put it out, let’s put it out," and a lot surprisingly is working. This was like a switch went off in my head when you told me, “Magic doesn’t have to be hard.” I’m like, "Oh shit! Yeah!" (Elias laughs)

But now I get it with the risk, because sometimes, like even myself, I still – and it’s okay. See, this is all okay, because I’m working the way I can work. I still have more confidence actually now in things that, quote-unquote, “might be able to happen anyway.” But the coincidence window is closing more and more and more, that I’m like, "Okay, acknowledge myself, acknowledge myself." And sometimes it’s like, "Okay, really?" It’s been "Wow." But I know to do what I feel is a bigger one would be harder, but it’s okay because I’m building up to it.

And then also, a stumbling block, and maybe this is with risk, like if you ever wanted to try to prove to somebody, or if you cared about what somebody else thought, that’s going to mess you all up. You’ve just got to go – and this is probably a life lesson. I mean, this is just how to live life in general. You’ve just got to go live your life, you’ve got to just go do your magic, and it doesn’t really matter, the perceptions of the other people.

ELIAS: Correct. I very much agree. And when you throw caution to the wind and you allow yourself to risk, then you succeed.

ANN: Yes. Yes. That’s like when you take the leap, they’ll catch you. (Elias laughs) God, yes. That’s coming up. There’s somebody that might be listening to this in the future, and I want to say, "Yes, you, when you take that leap, you will be caught." Okay. (Elias laughs) Oh my god! This is so exciting.

All right. There’s a couple of people that wanted me to ask you something, so I’ll do it because I enjoy that. (Elias laughs) Let me find their questions again.

Mutha says he has had allergies for many, many, many years now – sneezing, runny nose – and he has to take antihistamines. He wants to know what is causing it and what he can do to make it stop. I mean, I have my ideas, but he wants to hear from you. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: What I would say first of all is pay attention to when and where it happens, and don’t express to yourself, "It happens all the time and everywhere." No, it doesn’t.

ANN: Okay.

ELIAS: Pay attention to when and where, then evaluate: What is it in that place that you are generating a physical reaction to?

Now; generally speaking, most people will attach some physical reason to why they are generating an allergy, but they will generate that physical reason in association with a particular place. Therefore, it’s a matter of evaluating: what is it that you’re making an association with, with the place, and at what times are you making that association and therefore your body is reacting. Because your body is reacting to some physical expression; your body is reacting to you engaging something physical.

Let me say as a hypothetical example, an individual lives in a particular house, and regardless [that] they may genuinely like the house that they live in, there may be other pieces that they also make an association with the house that they live in. And therefore, in that, perhaps the house has black mold in some area and the individual has an allergic reaction to the mold.

Now, the person may not even KNOW that there is mold in the house, but they will make that physical manifestation to give themself a physical thing to react to.

Many people have allergic reactions to manifestations outside, such as pollen. Now, in that, they create reacting to a particular expression such as pollen outside, not necessarily because they don’t like where they live, although there may be parts of where they live that they make associations with that are contributing to it. Also, the time of year: they may be having a difficult time adjusting to changes in their life, in their environment, in relation to how they function at certain times of the year, and therefore they create a reaction to some outside source.

The outside source is pointing them in a direction. That’s why you choose an outside source. Even though you don’t necessarily know that you’re choosing that, you are. And in that, it’s a matter of investigating and being very genuine with yourself, looking at all of the factors, looking at what is it that is creating this reaction. When do you have the reaction, and WHERE do you have the reaction? And in that, then beginning to evaluate, narrowing the expression further and further until you give yourself the information about what you’re doing and why. You know what you’re doing – you’re reacting, but you don’t necessarily know what you’re reacting to or why. But you can, by actually looking at what you’re doing.

Allergies are an excellent avenue to practice with because they’re very obvious. You’re having obvious physical reactions to something, and whatever it is that you’re reacting to, your body is physically rejecting.

ANN: Wow.

ELIAS: And in that, because allergies are so obvious that they are easier to evaluate. But it’s an excellent avenue to practice with in how to be deciphering what you are communicating to yourself in different manners.

ANN: Okay. Boy, and you can extend that to probably any physical ailment, right?

ELIAS: Precisely, yes – and beyond; it doesn’t have to be a physical expression.

ANN: Yeah. Okay. Thank you for that. That was good, and it’s going to give him a lot to play with, and me myself a lot to play with. (Elias laughs)

Okay, so now this next question is going to be difficult for me, because I am not sure how to pronounce all this stuff. (Laughs) For Jennifer, I can’t believe, I’ve seen this name forever [but] I don’t know how to pronounce it. But Thich Nhat Hanh, the monk that just recently died, she wants to know if… Is he a monk? I think he’s a monk. See, I don’t know what he is, but a very wise teacher. And Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, I guess the guy who started that Ho’oponopono – I know I’m butchering these, so everybody please forgive me – she’s wondering if those two are the same essence.

ELIAS: (Pause) No, but they are counterparts.

ANN: They are counterparts. And is either one of them the same essence as the Dalai Lama?

ELIAS: (Pause) No.

ANN: Interesting. All right. And then… Jennifer, if I butcher this question, please forgive me, but there is a… Is that an essence, a fragment? All right, did any of those three fragment or was an aspect of, and I’m just going to spell this name, M-A-I-T-R-A-Y-A? And she had said this essence or whatever, it was prophesized to be the next form of Buddha, and was wondering somehow if that’s tied in to people awakening their inner Buddha? I know there’s a lot of distortion in all that, but see if you can… Anything you have to offer.

ELIAS: (Pause) Is this tied to what people would think of as awakening? In a manner of speaking, yes. A projection of energy, yes, that is encouraging that movement in relation to this Shift. And that includes many different religious expressions that move in somewhat of a harmony to this Shift; therefore in relation to that, yes.

ANN: Okay. All right. We will offer her that.

Okay, what else do I want to talk about? I’m not sure what kind of question, but let me just put these thoughts that I’ve had, or maybe just observations.

First of all, I thought it was very interesting to me when last time we spoke and the omicron virus was very, very, very contagious but not as deadly, or not whatever, and I thought, "Oh, maybe this is kind of our way out towards seeing the end of this," and you had said to me there is still a lot of fear. A lot of people are still in a lot of fear.

And then I started to think, "Well, you know, okay, from this perspective… " And I know, I know, don’t tell me it’s not a mirror. I know it’s not a mirror; I know it’s a reflection. (Elias laughs) But I still think – or at least I think I know; at least I know how to say the words – I think to myself, "Okay, fear, fear, fear." And then I thought, "Well, okay, it’s a reflection. Fear: Where’s my fear in myself?" So I know, and I’ve known this for a while, but maybe I haven’t paid as much attention to it, but like the fear in myself, what made ME afraid, was when I see people following – in my perception, I’m going 100% in knowledge it’s my perception, not someone else’s – but following what I think are things that don’t make sense and are following things… Like people tell them something and I’m like, “You’re not using your common sense,” and they just do it. And maybe they do it because they’re afraid, maybe they’re not; I don’t even want to get into that discussion. But acknowledging that did – I’m saying "did" because I think I might have let go of it already – but that did cause me a bit of fear, that when people do that, I’m like “Ahhh! My god! They’re just…”

ELIAS: Why does it – why DID it – cause you fear?

ANN: Well, because I was thinking because I was letting go of my power and obviously not 100% believing I create my reality, because I’m thinking if so many people believe all this stuff then they could get the whole world to start following suit, and then all of sudden we’re going to bring Nazi Germany on us again or something. I’m being exaggerating, yes.

ELIAS: I know.

ANN: But I’m like, "Oh my god, then all of a sudden I wouldn’t be able to…" Like it would be a wave, a momentum, because you say mass energy, sometimes it’s got this really strong momentum. And I am in there with mass energy, so I’m like it might become something that I can’t then create the road I want to create because of this huge mass energy. Now, I don’t feel like that is happening right now, but I could have gone down that road.


ANN: And I think that fear has pretty much subsided, pretty much. And I am giving myself evidence more and more how yes, I can create. I just start here, with what I’m looking at right here in this little space of me right here – this little PHYSICAL space of me, because I could be everywhere – this little physical space that I’m aware of right now, start there, and I can build outwards. And I see me doing that, it’s doing it, I feel more and more comfortable, which makes me have less and less fear, because then I do feel that okay, okay, I can lead my life the way I want to lead it. And I’m giving myself more and more evidence of that.

But the thing that I also thought about – talk about being “genuous” or disingenuous, or am I lying to myself, or… I don’t know. But okay, there’s a couple of things that happened that I was really excited about. I listened to this YouTube thing, one of the senators had all these doctors on and medical professionals and scientists that were expressing the concerns that they had over the way Covid had been handled. And I felt like oh my god, finally, finally, the other side is coming to be heard. I don’t know if it’s being heard in the mass yet, because there seems to be… This message is, it’s getting out there, but it just seems to be you know, trying to be hampered.

And then this movement that’s happening in Canada, with all these truckers. I’m like, I frickin’ love it – one, because they’re so peaceful, they’re so loving, they’re so strong, they’re so determined, and they are saying, "This is enough. This is enough." And when people try to discredit them or discolor them, they don’t buy into it. They’re just like, "No, we’re a loving movement. This is who we are." They’re doing a peaceful protest, what I think, in a very loving manner. That really encourages me.

So then, since I felt so good about these things, I posted some on Facebook. And it’s funny, because Robin says to me, "You know, I’m not going to focus on Covid. If you’re focused on Covid, whatever." And yeah, I’m focusing on it, but I feel like I’m focusing on it from a different aspect and from what I thought was strong and empowering.

And if I had any question for you, it would be just a very simple question. In my own personal movement, like by posting and putting attention on these two things specifically – I mean, there’s been others, but these two things specifically – am I taking steps forward in my own personal movement? Or was I taking steps backwards?

ELIAS: Forward.

ANN: Yes! That’s what I thought. Thank you for validating that. (Elias laughs) Oh my god, it felt so good. I mean, I feel so good.

ELIAS: I would definitely, definitely be encouraging and acknowledging of you. And I would say that yes, mass energy has a lot of power, but what is very easy to forget at any given moment is what you’re looking at, and this brings us back to what you were speaking of earlier about perception. Therefore, you can be looking at mass expressions moving in a direction that you don’t like, and that’s what you’re paying attention to, but that doesn’t mean that the whole world is moving in that direction. It doesn’t mean that there aren’t just as many people that are moving in the direction that YOU’RE moving in; you’re simply not looking at them.

ANN: I’m lookin' at 'em now, Elias. I’m looking at 'em now.

ELIAS: I know, and I am acknowledging of that. That’s the point. It’s a matter of what you pay attention to. Remember what I expressed a time framework ago as an illustration, that a woman when she is pregnant with child will seem to notice many, many, many other women that are pregnant at the same time. It isn’t that there are more pregnant women at that time, it’s simply that that’s what she’s doing and therefore that’s what she’s paying attention to and she notices more of it. Or an individual that purchases a brand new red car. Suddenly they will be noticing and expressing, “How is it that so many people have new red cars, when yesterday NO one had a new red car? And I thought I was being unique, and now everyone has a red car.” Because that’s what you’re paying attention to. It isn’t that there are more people that have a red car today than had yesterday, but you weren’t paying attention to them yesterday.

In this, whatever it is that you’re paying attention to, it will seem that that is overwhelming or that it’s more in numbers or it’s a majority, but it’s a matter of remembering that that’s simply what you’re paying attention to in that moment, that there’s equally the same number in a different direction. And this moves in both expressions. It can move for or against you, in a manner of speaking. What I mean by that is, in relation to thinking about mass expressions and then feeling that you’re alone or you’re only one person and you’re looking at mass expressions that are different from you, then that can influence you to feel disempowered, but that is an excellent time to remember that just as many people are expressing in your direction as are in the opposite direction.

But then conversely, the argument in favor of acceptance of difference is that you may be looking at what is right and important to you, and reinforcing yourself and engaging people that express similarly to yourself, and that reinforces you also, and in that, justifying yourself in expressing when you see other people behaving in directions that you don’t like or that you think is wrong or expressing themselves in manners that are contrary to yourself and then you think that they are wrong. In that, once again, there are equally as many people in your world that are opposite to you as there are of people that are similar to you, and in that, therefore the reason that it is important to BE accepting of differences.

But in this, I would say that both those directions are manners in which you can empower yourself, because in that, knowing that it’s all a matter of perception validates that your perception is important, because it’s what you’re creating in your reality.

ANN: Yeah.

[The timer for the end of the session rings]

ELIAS: In that, I would say that whether it’s a matter of recognizing that there are equally as many people that agree with you or there are equally as many people that don’t agree with you, it still is empowering in either direction, because it ALL speaks to the subject of perception and how powerful perception is, and that your perception, being as powerful as it is, is creating every aspect of your reality. Therefore, if you don’t like something in your reality, you can change it by changing your perception.

ANN: And is this where we’re going to start to – or maybe we always have been, not this is where we start to, but maybe being more aware of how people… ? Like we’re going to be aware of a lot more people creating a lot different realities than we are, in the future.

ELIAS: I agree. I—

ANN: So this is going to be very interesting. Holy… ! I mean, we already are aware of people who are creating very different realities, and becoming accepting of that. But I’m just trying to wonder, is it…? I mean, everybody is creating their own reality, let’s say, and now we’re really becoming aware of people in different realities and being able to accept that and acknowledge that; but in the past, in MY past, have people more or less agreed, “Let’s all kind of create the same reality,” and now with this shift in consciousness are more people creating different realities?

ELIAS: No, not necessarily.

ANN: We’re just aware of it.

ELIAS: I would say that there is more of an allowance of more diversity in what people are creating in their realties, but what that means is there’s more of an allowance for it to be expressed, not that there’s more differences now. It’s simply that people were not as overt about those differences, or they weren’t as expressive of those differences. It wasn’t that they didn’t exist. But in this, I would say that in moving in this Shift and moving in the direction of acceptance, there is more of an allowance for difference to be expressed.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: It’s not as threatening, because you each are moving in a direction of being more self-aware and therefore knowing that you are creating your reality, and it doesn’t matter what everyone else is creating because it can’t threaten your reality unless you allow it to.

ANN: Yeah. So no wonder this is such an important step, that we really have to accept and realize that people ARE creating their own realities, which are different, which aren’t ours. And yeah, if we didn’t get to that place, it could be VERY threatening.


ANN: So you have to get to that place to be able to kind of keep going on this journey of shifting, really.


ANN: Without too much trauma.


ANN: And we don’t like trauma.

ELIAS: And that’s the point.

ANN: Oh yeah, that’s the point. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, well, the bell rang. Elias, once again, wonderful conversation. I very much enjoyed it.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Excellent. I shall greatly be anticipating our next meeting, my friend. And I express tremendous, tremendous encouragement to you – and congratulations!

ANN: (Chuckles) Why, thank you. Why, thank you, sir.

ELIAS: And enjoy yourself and have fun on the boat. (Laughs)

ANN: You know what? I actually think I’m going to do that.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Excellent. (Laughs)

ANN: Okay. I love you.

ELIAS: In tremendous, tremendous love to you, my dear friend, as always, and exceptional affection, au revoir.

ANN: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 1 hour 4 minutes)

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