Session 202201211

Three Exercises to Empower You; Your Guidelines Are Always the Right Choices for You


“Three Exercises to Empower You”
“Always Move Back to Simplicity”
“There Is No Ultimate Reality”
“Your Guidelines Are Always the Right Choices for You”
“Science Still Sees Perception as Opinion”

Friday, January 21, 2022 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Linda (Ruthanna)

ELIAS: Good morning!

LINDA: Good morning, Elias. It’s good to hear your voice.

ELIAS: And you also. And how shall we proceed?

LINDA: Oh (laughs) well, I’m feeling a little bit sheepish. (Both laugh)


LINDA: Oh god. I don’t know how much you know of this, but I would say I’ve had on some levels in my life an existential crisis. (Laughs)

ELIAS: How so?

LINDA: Well, I think it came to a head with the last canceled session with Mary, which I think it was just I have been struggling with, grasping for perhaps, something to believe in. I think it’s sort of a lifelong struggle that I’ve had, and I’m just always wanting something to believe in that’s more than me and that keeps me anchored in this world. And it just felt like it was… It was just like a melt. It was a meltdown at night and nobody knew about it (laughs) except for me and maybe you, because I think I was swearing a lot through the tears. But it ended up being this release or purge, kind of. It felt like a lot of energy trapped from the past. And the next morning, I wrote of it as sort of entering this new era in which I would just make the objective choice just to believe in myself, and that ultimately believing in me was just going to be enough, and I was going to quit grasping at things. (Laughs) Authorities, whatever, outside of myself. And it seemed to open – and it hasn’t been that long – it seems to have opened some space and maybe bringing some natural curiosity. I don’t know if any of that’s making sense.

ELIAS: Most definitely.

LINDA: So do you have any insights or suggestions?

ELIAS: I would say moving in that direction, first of all, is tremendous. That’s the point: believing in you and following you. Following your voice, believing in you, believing in your ability and genuinely looking at what is important to you.

All these exercises that I express to people, if you actually apply them and move in a direction in which you are genuinely implementing the actions of being you and trusting you, that is what will be the most fulfilling, my friend. That is what will bring you comfort and contentment and happiness and fulfillment. And in that, you will move in a direction of being self-directing. It won’t simply be words. You’ll be doing it.

When I express the exercise of every day when you awaken to ask yourself, “Who do I want to be today?” and then to be that all day, throughout your day, and when I express the exercise of look at what you are paying attention to, be aware of what you’re paying attention to, catch yourself and note how many times in the day you are expressing something, anything, that is not enough. And the exercise of credit yourself ten times in a day with something that you accomplish. If you took only those three and were doing them, you don’t have to know anything else and you don’t have to actually do anything else.

Because moving in a direction of expressing to yourself day by day who you want to be and then being that throughout the day, regardless of what happens during the day, applying that, also crediting yourself by expressing, “I did that,” in relation to anything, and only ten things in a day. You are making choices every moment of every minute of every hour in your day. If you were even only thinking about choices that you make every five minutes in your day, how many five minutes are there in your day? A lot. And every five minutes – and this is an astoundingly low number – but every five minutes making the choice is the opportunity for you to credit yourself and to tell yourself, “I did that.” It doesn’t matter what it is. It literally doesn’t matter what it is. You pick up your mail from your mailbox: “I did that.” You did. You made a choice. You did that. You made your coffee: “I did that.” You engaged an exercise, any exercise, one exercise in yoga or one exercise in chi gong: “I did that.” It doesn’t matter what it is. You could be filling up an ice tray and putting it in the freezer: “I did that.” In this, it’s a matter of you don’t recognize how important these pieces are.

Now; think about martial arts. Think about what you have engaged with martial arts. And in that, one of the most important factors is repetition, is doing the exercises or the poses or the actions repeatedly, over and over and over again, until they’re automatic, until you don’t have to think about it. You can simply do it.

And in that, the point is you are creating a lifestyle and you’re creating a lifestyle that is empowering rather than disempowering. You’ve been expressing, “I did that,” over and over and over again and in tremendous repetition throughout your entire life, but in the capacity of mistakes or what you did wrong or what wasn’t enough or what you failed at or how you hurt yourself or how you hurt someone else. And you say that to yourself repeatedly: “I did that,” and you judge yourself and you discount yourself, and you’ve done that so repeatedly throughout your life that it’s automatic and it’s a lifestyle. And these expressions are designed to turn that in the other direction, to empower you, and doing them to the point that they’re automatic, you don’t realize what you’ve accomplished.

But in that, eventually you begin to notice your life is different. It’s easy. It’s empowered. You feel good. You’re happy. You’re not discounting yourself all the time. And you’re not so confused. That you make choices knowing what you’re doing and based on what you want. Not in avoidance, not in compromising, but in relation to what you actually want and what is important to you.

And you develop a recognition in yourself that you have the ability to do this. You have the ability to do whatever it is that you want. It isn’t a question. Rather than struggling and attempting to move in directions of what other people want and attempting to bend yourself into all different shapes to fit what other people want, you stop doing that and you simply move in directions that you want, and that are important to you. Because ultimately, YOU are the most important and valuable.

LINDA: And I think I found a place to begin to experience that last week, but I still recognize that… I don’t know what it is about (laughs) me, if it’s the Gramada, the political science, I don’t know, but I have this perceived need to understand the world or reality in order to make my decisions. Like struggling with well, is the shift real? Is Elias real? Is science real? Is quantum physics real? What are the implications of that? And it’s not… Some of it is an intellectual exercise, which if it were just an intellectual exercise, I could put it away. I could put it away and say well, it doesn’t matter. (Laughs) I don’t know, but here I am. I’m going to make decisions based on me and what I want, what’s important to me.

But the conversation circled then back around to well, you know what’s important to me in part depends on what this life is. And I get trapped in these existential circles in which I don’t… at those moments, I feel like I don’t have an anchor to know what I want or what choices are. And I think just the explosion in my head, heart, whatever it was last week (laughs), it just kind of cleared out that space. I was just done with it. I was through. I’ll never know. I’m here, I’m talking to you, I’m alive and I think I can hear what you’re saying and I can practice that.

But I have this little part inside of me that’s worried about oh, what do I do when those existential questions now come back? Do I just ignore them? (Laughs) Do I…? (Laughs) I don’t want to push things down.

ELIAS: When those existential questions come back, then you, you move back to simplicity and basics. Always move back to simplicity.

LINDA: Okay.

ELIAS: Always move back to: the simplest answer is the best answer. The simplest answer is the right answer for you.

LINDA: Okay.

ELIAS: There is no ultimate right. There is no ultimate reality. It’s all you. It’s all created by your perception and it’s your reality. And therefore, moving back to the simplest answers are the right answers for you.

And in that, it’s a matter of when the existential questions come back, then you ask yourself, “What am I entertaining this for now? Is it interesting to me? Is it curious to me? Is it bothersome to me? Is it scary to me?” If it’s the first two, then by all means, continue to ask the question and look for the answer until it’s not interesting to you anymore. If it’s the second two, then ask yourself, “What am I doing?” and your answer will be very simple, because when you’re moving in that existential direction and you’re questioning considerably, what you’re doing is you’re floundering and you’re discounting yourself. You’re not trusting yourself. You are discounting yourself and you’re moving back in that familiar direction of you aren’t of ultimate importance. Therefore, you have to find what is.

LINDA: Right. And to make right choices (laughs) based on that, instead of me.

ELIAS: Instead of on you.

LINDA: Right. Yeah.

ELIAS: Let me express to you, my friend, the right choices are the choices that follow your guidelines. Those are the right choices. It doesn’t matter whether they are the right choices for the world or for other people. They are the right choices for you, because your guidelines are always the right choices for you.

And your guidelines are what guide your behavior. Therefore, if you have questions at any point in time about what your guidelines are, expressing to yourself, “I don’t know what my guidelines are,” (Linda laughs) –yes, yes you do. All you have to do is look around you. Look outside of yourself, which you are very good at doing, look outside of yourself and look at anything and everything that you don’t like, or things that other people are doing or behaviors that other people have or expressions that other people engage that you don’t like, or that you think are wrong. That’s even better. Because as soon as you can identify something that you think someone else is doing wrong, the reason you think that is because of your guidelines.

Therefore, you just told yourself what one of your guidelines is, because you don’t like what that person is doing, or that person is behaving in a manner that’s wrong. That’s because you wouldn’t do that. And why wouldn’t you do that? Because that’s your guideline. It guides your behavior.

Therefore, at any moment in time, if you’re ever confused and expressing to yourself in a tantrum, “I don’t know what my guidelines are!” (Linda laughs) all you have to do is walk outside, step outside your door, look around you at other people and watch what they are doing. And every one of those people that you stop and you pay attention to and you notice that you don’t like what they’re doing or you think they’re wrong, you simply gave yourself the answer about what your guideline is. And every time you see another individual that you admire and that you want to emulate, that’s another one of your guidelines. Because your guidelines tell you what is good and bad and right and wrong for you.

Let me say to you, my friend, the hardest actions are not figuring out you. The hardest actions are not holding everyone else in the world to you, not holding the rest of the world to your guidelines. THAT is challenging because that’s automatic, because that’s what you all do. You base everything upon yourself and what you naturally do, on your input, on your senses, on your communications to yourself. You listen to other people in the same manner that you speak. You speak in the same manner that you think. You expect other people to think in the same manner as you and to speak in the same manner as you and to listen in the same manner as you.

You don’t think about that, but that’s how you function because every one of you individually are designed to be the center of the universe. You are in the number one position. And therefore, everything about your reality, everything about your world is about how you perceive it. When you move in a direction of thinking about science, remind yourself: science is missing some exceptionally crucial pieces and hasn’t caught up yet. The most important piece that science is missing is the acknowledgment of perception. Science still sees perception as opinion (Linda laughs) rather than the vehicle that actually creates your reality.

Perception is not opinion. It’s your projector. Therefore, in that, actually thinking (inaudible) are ahead of science because you actually know that perception is ultimately important, and that it is the driving force behind reality.

Therefore, I would say to you my friend, take these simple exercises and actually apply them. Do them, and you will by default begin to trust yourself more and begin to move in directions that are what you want.

LINDA: Okay. Hm. In some ways, I feel like I’m back to square one. (Laughs)

ELIAS: I would say that in a manner of speaking, you are. But that is actually good, because that’s (inaudible) as I (inaudible) what it’s all about: simplifying. Moving in the direction of what is the simplest, and moving in the direction of putting you first.

LINDA: Okay. Wow. Yet another big assignment. (Laughs) Hopefully, not a… Well, I guess it’s a lifetime assignment. Never mind.

ELIAS: Yes. It is.

LINDA: And hopefully, I will endeavor not to overcomplicate it (both laugh) as I am given to. So I’m going to keep the “Keep It Simple” mantra in my head.

ELIAS: Ah, yes. That’s excellent.

LINDA: Yes. Yes.

(Audio ends after 30 minutes)

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