Session 202112091

Using Elias’ Energy, Part 2; How to Use Tarot


“Using Elias’ Energy, Part 2”
“Using Tarot Cards and Runes”
“Satisfaction Is Not a Signal”
“Interacting as Essences”
“The Transcendence Experience: The Awareness of Not Being”
“Capturing and Monitoring the Movement of Energy”

Thursday, December 9, 2021 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Nuno (Lystell)

ELIAS: Good morning!

NUNO: Good morning.

ELIAS: (Laughs) And how shall we proceed?

NUNO: Okay. (Chuckles) Well, let’s start with my questions. First question: How to use your energy? A little while ago I asked you what your energy does to me and you said it does nothing, which was kind of a little perplexing, but what I understood that to mean is that the energy has to be USED in some form. So my question is, how DO I use your energy other than to simply allow it?

ELIAS: Ah! That depends on what you want to do, and then it is a matter of recognizing what is my energy and what is your energy, and then channeling my energy in a direction of whatever it is that you want to do, manipulating that energy that is different from yours and, in a manner of speaking, directing it or almost pushing it – not in a forcing manner of pushing, but in a similar manner to if you were pushing a ball. That you would recognize that energy that is different from yours, recognize it as mine, and then be able to connect with it as if you were connecting with a ball and push it in the direction of whatever it is that you’re doing.

NUNO: Okay. I believe I understand that. You at one time told me that I should simply allow the energy and not try to direct it.

ELIAS: But you’re beyond that now.

NUNO: Oh! Okay. (Elias laughs) Well, that works for me. (Both laugh) Very well.

ELIAS: For a time, that was important because you would have been simply moving in a direction of pushing in the capacity of forcing, and that would have been counterproductive. Therefore, I would say that that WAS important, to simply be allowing for a time framework. But at this point, you already know the difference between my energy and your energy, and you also, I would say, are at a point in which you to a degree know how to manipulate energy. And therefore, if you are wanting to use my energy to benefit yourself – which you can – then I would say that this would be the most efficient manner in which you could do that.

NUNO: Excellent. I definitely will do that.

Moving to the next question. Okay, tarot: I got myself a deck of tarot cards, and I read a little bit about tarot in general, so I was wondering if you could give me some instruction on how to use it in a way that is most beneficial for myself. And if the answer to that question is to simply use it like everybody else uses it, then you don’t need to do anything, just tell me that; but if there is something specific about how to use these cards that you can tell me that is not the usual manner, then maybe you can expand on that.

ELIAS: First of all, I would say that each person engages the cards somewhat differently. The point is with the cards to be using your intuition and reading energy. Therefore, you pull the cards, and your energy has already been directed towards the cards before you actually pull one – or several – and that energy is determining what cards are being pulled.

Now, in that, it’s a matter of paying attention to your own method, in a manner of speaking: what you pay attention to, what you will engage, how you will read the cards, in a manner of speaking. Now, in that, as I’ve expressed, the commonality with everyone is that you’re reading energy, and the cards are reflecting that.

Now, when you’re doing it for yourself and not another person, then it’s a matter of trusting that you are pulling specific cards in relation to whatever energy you are expressing. Therefore, it’s a matter of reading the cards as a method of reading your energy and what you’re doing at the time. And it’s a matter of being open to actually genuinely doing that, because you might not always be expressing the cards that you want to, or you’re not giving yourself always the answer that you want, but you will be giving yourself the most accurate answer in relation to what you are doing with your energy at that point.

Now; in this, the first thing I would ask you is, if you’re looking at imagery… Don’t simply think about cards. Think about imagery in general. If you are looking at or connecting to imagery, how do you naturally do that? Do you do it through visual? Do you do it through the images themselves, that the images mean something to you? Do you do it in relation to what’s happening with the images? How do you connect to imagery?

NUNO: Well, to begin I would say it’s primarily visual, and beyond that I would say it depends on the purpose and what energy I’m expressing in that moment, for example. If I’m looking at something that perhaps is perplexing me, I will look at it in detail perhaps and look at it… It very much depends what my purpose is in looking at it. If it’s simply a casual gaze in the distance, I’m maybe looking at the landscape and just appreciating it. So I’m not really sure how to answer that question.

ELIAS: Very well. Then let me ask you, if you are paying attention to imagery, what generally will strike you in relation to that imagery? Let me give you an example. Let me say that some people will be looking at imagery… They’re not looking FOR something in imagery, but certain expressions in your terminology jump out at them and they notice. Therefore, one person might be walking on the street and they see a license plate on a vehicle with a certain number combination, and that will speak to them. That will MEAN something to them. Or another individual may pay attention to imagery only if it directly is affecting them or interacting with them – meaning, if their computer stops functioning while they’re using it; or if they are preparing lunch and they pour a glass of water to have with their lunch and suddenly the glass breaks, they will pay attention to THAT imagery, because it directly has to do with them and what they’re doing in the moment, but they may not pay attention to five red cars driving by their house in sequence. They may not even notice.

NUNO: Okay. I think I understand. I would say for myself, I would definitely notice something that is unusual like the five red cars. Generally I notice things that stand out in some way, that are unexpected in some way, and I would notice a license plate that had some number or letters that perhaps triggered within me an association. I would definitely notice that. Beyond that, I’d say that color is an important thing, shape is. But in terms of whether I pay attention to something or not, it would be if it is in some way, shape or form different than I expected or unusual, or maybe behaving in a way that I dislike. Does that make sense?

ELIAS: Yes. Yes.

Now, in that, the reason that I am asking the question is because this is what determines how YOU would read the cards, how you read the energy in relation to the cards. Some people don’t do readings for themselves because they don’t trust what they present. Some people only read cards in relation to other people because they are actually just reading the other person’s energy. Some people do both; they read cards for other people, and they read cards for themself. And some people only do it with themself.

Now; if you are doing it with yourself, then it’s important that you are paying attention to what type of things that stand out to you, because this is how you will read the cards. If colors are significant to you and stand out to you, then when you pull a card, in addition to whatever that card is, it would likely be important that you’re also connecting with the predominant color of that card, that it likely would mean something to you. If the color doesn’t mean something to you, the number or the position of the image of the card will mean something to you.

In this, it’s a matter of expressing reading the card in relation to what you automatically pay attention to and what type of imagery stands out to you. And those are the things that you look for in the cards that you pull.

The other point is about detail and trust and how much imagery you are more inclined to engage. What that means is, some people may engage the cards and might pull one or two or three. Some people, it’s more important to them to actually do a spread and therefore to be generating a significant number of cards and then turning the cards over sequentially and giving themselves the information as they do that. With some people, it’s important that they are giving themselves more detailed answers. I would say that would be you, that you would definitely be one of those individuals that benefits more from more detailed answers. Which means that you would be engaging more cards, because the more cards that you engage, the more detailed answers you will be giving yourself. That doesn’t necessarily mean that you wouldn’t trust pulling one card, but that one card may not be enough information for you.

Therefore, I would suggest that you perhaps learn different configurations of different spreads of the cards, and then decide, or experiment with and then decide, what is the most efficient and effective for you in relation to how many cards to use in a particular spread. And you might vary with that. You might at times engage a certain number of cards in one spread and then in another time framework, depending upon what information you’re looking for, you might require more or less cards in relation to the imagery that you present to yourself.

Also knowing that whatever spread you do at any given point, if you assess that you are not giving yourself a detailed enough answer, you can always add to it. You can always include more cards.

NUNO: Okay. I think I understand that. Now, you began by saying that the cards present to me what energy I am expressing in the moment, but that may not be the question I want to ask.

ELIAS: That doesn’t matter. That would be what you are presenting to yourself to begin with. And I would say that it actually doesn’t matter, because whatever you’re asking, your base begins with now and what energy you are expressing. Because whatever energy you’re expressing in that moment is influencing whatever you are expressing in relation to your question. Even if it has to do with something futurely, that is definitely influenced by what you are expressing now. If it has to do with someone else, that also has to do with what you are expressing now, because your energy is an influencing component in everything.

NUNO: Okay. I understand that.

ELIAS: Yes, because it’s YOUR reality, my friend. Therefore this is your base, is what energy you’re expressing now. And that’s the reason that I said to you it’s a matter of learning how to read that and consider what you are expressing in the moment, because that is definitely an influencing factor.

NUNO: Okay. I will have to experiment with this. This is kind of a little bit outside my comfort zone, but I’ll see what I can do with it.

ELIAS: Very well. I would also say that you could engage with runes.

Now with runes, you don’t have as many. There are many, many cards; runes, there is much fewer, and in that, you choose how many you want to cast or you might cast all of them. It depends. And in that, once again it’s a matter of paying attention to what your energy is doing to begin with, in the moment, and then how that is being reflected with the symbols with the runes.

NUNO: Okay. This is good information. I will just have to actually do this. I mean, I need to experience. I need to see—

ELIAS: Yes, I agree.

NUNO: So we probably will talk about this another time, but I need to actually begin before I can ask more questions on this.

Okay. That’s good. Just some quick questions now. CoQ10: is that of any benefit to me?


NUNO: Okay. And THC: is that of any benefit to me in relation to what I’ve been calling my transformation exercises?

ELIAS: (Pause) Only if you alter your perception and move in a direction in which you believe that it will be somewhat beneficial to you in some manner. Otherwise, I would say neutral.

NUNO: And are you saying my perception is something other than that presently?

ELIAS: No, that’s what I am saying, is that your perception IS neutral.

NUNO: Is neutral. Okay.

ELIAS: Therefore, unless you alter that in some manner and are perceiving that there is, or there is a possibility of, a benefit in something specific, I would say not necessarily.

NUNO: Okay. What is the exact frequency of the pulsations of consciousness in this dimension?

ELIAS: That question has been asked and answered, and I will express the same to you that I have previously: it varies. Therefore, there isn’t an exact frequency.

NUNO: Okay. Do I have any nutritional deficiencies?

ELIAS: One moment. (Pause) Deficiencies: not necessarily. I would say that you could include some vitamin D. That would boost your body consciousness, but it’s not actually a deficiency. Just as you asked about the CoQ10. Do you have a deficiency in relation to your immune system and your bones? No, but could this actually be beneficial? Yes.

NUNO: Okay. That’s good information.

Okay, so here’s a question. It’s difficult for me to actually explain it, but when I’m doing my exercises, I sense my essence energy quite strongly in that the sensations that my body consciousness are communicating to me, I suppose, are felt quite strongly. But once I finish with the exercise and I proceed with something else, unless I more or less deliberately continue to pull in that energy, let us say, it dissipates, so the sensation is diminished or almost gone, depending on the circumstances. And so my question is, does that mean that my incorporation of my essence energy is also diminished outside of the exercises? You said to me last time that my energy was at its highest point when I feel focused, and… I forget what else you said, but anyways it was not really necessarily how I feel during the exercises.

ELIAS: Correct. I would say that the feeling is a validation of connection, but not necessarily an indicator of maintaining. Therefore you may be – and in many situations are – maintaining, but you don’t necessarily incorporate the feeling because it’s not necessary to continue to express the feeling. That’s simply the indicator or the validation to you of what you’re doing in the moment. Once that is acknowledged, it’s dissipating in relation to feelings because it isn’t necessary for you to keep generating that validation.

NUNO: Okay. I understand that. But are you saying then that the energy is still with me?

ELIAS: Yes. Yes.

NUNO: Okay. I think I understand.

And another quick question. So, satisfaction: it’s not actually a feeling, is it? In other words, it’s not a communication from the body consciousness. It is a state of mind, would you say?

ELIAS: Yes, you could explain it in that manner.

NUNO: I’m just asking whether it is a signal.

ELIAS: It’s not a signal in relation to a feeling, no.

NUNO: So there is no harm in concentrating upon that?


NUNO: No. Okay. All right.

So here’s a question: When essence is engaging focuses, is essence aware of itself as essence simultaneously with that? Or is essence’s attention completely directed towards the focuses?

ELIAS: Oh no. The attention would not be completely directed to the focuses.

NUNO: Okay. So, using me as an example, I am participating in some number of focuses presently, yet I still exist as essence. I mean, I still have an awareness that me as me in the capacity of this focus I’m not aware of. This is very difficult for me to explain without going in the direction of separation, but let me ask you this question: Then do I, as essence, interact with other essences outside of these objective focuses?

ELIAS: Of course. Because there is no separation.

NUNO: Okay. So do I interact with you outside of these discussions that I have in this focus?


NUNO: What do I say to you?

ELIAS: You don’t, because it’s not a matter of talking, so to speak, because that is what you do in physical focus.

NUNO: Yeah, I understand that. Of course, it was a distortion. What I mean is, what information do I share with you?

ELIAS: (Pause) That is a considerably broad subject, because it would be anything and everything that includes exploring and expanding, which is always what is happening. Therefore, it isn’t about any one subject. It isn’t the same as what you do in physical focus, that you have a subject that may interest you or that you might discuss a subject or you might be engaged with an action with a particular subject. It’s not that singular and defined, because there IS no separation and because there is such an expansive exploration that is continuously occurring. It would be a matter of constantly participating in that exploration of expansion in every direction possible.

NUNO: Okay. Well, this is kind of a deep question, but I think I understand.

ELIAS: Aha! Excellent.

NUNO: All right. Quite some time ago I asked you, “What is the experience of somebody who has disengaged?” Let me just ask one quick question here. Which regional area is it that they go to?


NUNO: Two. Okay. That’s what I thought. So the individual is in Regional Area Two and they’re having a great time and they decide that enough is enough, we’re done, so they transcend. And what I asked you was, what is their experience at the moment that they transcend? They shed their beliefs and all of this, and your answer was well, I’m not going to tell you because you wouldn’t understand. So, I’m going to ask the question again, but I would ask for you to give me whatever explanation you can, and even if I don’t understand, at some point I may understand.

ELIAS: Very well. At the point of the completion, let us say, of transition non-physically, the experience would be being aware of that lack of separation, therefore continuing to have the awareness of being you and your energy – because you’re not absorbed into anything – but being also aware of (pause) everything else. Being aware of the energy and the movement and the actions of yourself as consciousness, but that you that you know yourself to be in physical focus are exceptionally expanded into that awareness of being consciousness. And in that, the knowing of not being. (Pause)

NUNO: The knowing of not being what?

ELIAS: Of not being. (Pause)

NUNO: But essence always IS.

ELIAS: But it isn’t a thing.

NUNO: No, but it is. It exists.

ELIAS: I didn’t say not existing. I said not being.

NUNO: What’s the difference between not being and not existing?

ELIAS: You can exist as an action, but you’re not a being.

NUNO: Oh, okay. I understand. (Pause)

ELIAS: Therefore, it is the awareness of not being. (Pause)

NUNO: Okay. I can definitely ponder that.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Very well.

NUNO: Okay. Here’s a question I’ve been meaning to ask for quite a while: Within objective reality – I’ve asked this before, but I don’t think I asked it properly – we as physical beings, particularly in this dimension, we talk about energy in terms of various kinds of energy – thermal energy, electric, magnetic, what have you. What I want to know is, the energy that I project to create the objective reality, can that energy be objectively detected within the objective reality?

ELIAS: (Pause) Explain.

NUNO: Okay. Suppose I project energy, or attempt to project energy, in some manner; it doesn’t really matter. Suppose, for example, there’s a ping pong ball and I want to project energy to attempt to move the ping pong ball. And even though I may not be successful in that, I’m still projecting some kind of energy in some capacity. I’m wondering if it is possible through objective means, using what we call instruments here, to detect that energy that I am projecting?


NUNO: And first of all, is this energy electromagnetic, or is it something else?

ELIAS: In your reality, yes, it is electromagnetic.

NUNO: And we associate electromagnetic energy with a frequency or a wavelength. What would that be?

ELIAS: That depends on what you’re doing. It varies. It isn’t always the same, and in that, it depends on the direction. It depends on the intention. It depends on the intensity. There are many variables that would determine that, but it’s not uniform.

NUNO: Okay. So the reason I’m asking is, there doesn’t seem to be any indication of this energy that’s detectable, unless the wavelength is well outside of the range that we commonly use for various purposes. So that’s the reason I’m asking the question is, if the energy is within the electromagnetic spectrum that we commonly use for communications, let us say, we would have been already aware of this in some capacity.

ELIAS: I would say you actually can detect the energy. I would say that you can actually, with certain types of photography, capture it on film. I would also say that your energy responds to certain actions. Therefore, you could be incorporating a divining rod and it will respond. Therefore, in a similar manner to how you might be using a dowsing rod to detect water, you can do the same with energy. You can do the same with YOUR energy, and it will respond.

NUNO: Yes, but I mean I’m creating that. I mean, it’s my objective reality. I create the wand, so it’s a matter of me creating it differently.

ELIAS: I would say that in those terms, then it would be the same with anything. It wouldn’t matter what it is.

NUNO: Yeah, I appreciate that. I guess really what I’m asking is, it would be very interesting to me to be able to create an instrument of some kind that demonstrates that there is an energy expression from an individual that can be registered, but not just registered but perhaps can be monitored. So as my energy changes, then the instrument would indicate that change.

ELIAS: I would say that you do have electromagnetic instruments that do register some of your energy. Not all of it, but if you were to expand on that, you could create an instrument that would do that.

NUNO: Okay. So that goes back to my question of what wavelength should we be looking at.

ELIAS: I would say it’s not necessarily a matter of what wavelengths should you be looking at but rather looking at what you already see and then expanding that. (Pause)

You already can monitor your energy in relation to sonograms and electrocardiograms. And in that, it’s simply a matter of expanding that beyond only what they have been designed for. Actually, I would say that to date in your reality, the most accurate expression of capturing and monitoring energy and the movement of energy is through photography. (Pause)

NUNO: Okay. Yeah, I’m aware of that to some extent of that being done.

ELIAS: That, to this point, is the most accurate, because it actually does capture the movement and the image of your energy, and how it connects to anything and everything around you. (Pause)

NUNO: Okay. It’s an interesting subject.

A while back we talked about adult trauma with myself, and I did the exercises a number of times and I never felt that I really actually got to resolve much out of that. I guess I’d like to know whether I am still in need of doing that exercise to dissipate those energies, or am I not needing that?

ELIAS: At this point, I would say it’s not actually necessary, that you’ve been doing that through your essence exercises, and therefore I would say that it’s not actually something that is necessary or required. You’ve already dissipated that energy considerably.

NUNO: Okay. That’s good. That would’ve been my impression as well then. Okay.

In terms of this leader personality, which was a hot topic at one point, am I going to have an opportunity to express myself in that capacity?

ELIAS: (Pause) In what fashion? If you’re asking if you are going to move in a direction in which you would engage the role of a leader, that entirely depends on you, my friend, and—

NUNO: Yeah, I understand. It’s a crystal ball question, but I didn’t really mean it that way. What I mean is—

ELIAS: I would say that you still do incorporate a potential to be engaging with another individual that would help to facilitate that. (Pause)

NUNO: Is this even important to me, I guess is the question.

ELIAS: THAT is a significant question. And I would question that, whether it actually IS important to you. I would say what you’re doing now, in relation to your essence exercises, that that appears to be actually, genuinely important to you and is much more occupying your attention, much more than the idea of being in some position in which you would be engaging some leader action.

[The timer for the end of the session rings]

ELIAS: There still is a potential for that to occur, if you choose, and if you, in a manner of speaking, put yourself in the path of another individual that would help to facilitate that. But I would agree with you, it is definitely a matter of whether it’s important enough to you.

NUNO: Well, at this moment it’s not a high priority. And as you say, my focus is very strongly on my essence exercises. But I see that in itself as opening many doors potentially.

ELIAS: I agree. But then it’s a matter of what you do with them.

NUNO: Yeah. Well, I’m not there yet, so… (Elias laughs)

All right. Well, I guess our time is up, and as always it’s been a pleasure talking to you. And I thank you for everything you do for me.

ELIAS: You are tremendously welcome, my friend. And I express exceptional love to you and shall greatly be anticipating our next meeting. (Chuckles)

In dear friendship, as always, au revoir.

NUNO: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 1 hour)

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