Session 202109121

Following Feelings


“Following Feelings”
“The Significance of Self-Structuring”
“Death Is Not a Truth”
“The Nine Essences of Rose”
“The Aftermath of the Mass Event and Differences”
“Conspiracy Theories”
“Definition of Principles”

Sunday, September 12, 2021 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Carleen (Neliswa)

ELIAS: Good morning!

CARLEEN: Good morning, Elias! I have to share a little bit, if you don’t already know, of an interesting co-creation between me and Mary (Michael) and Sadie. It took a few times to get the session with you, but I know that you’ve said in the past that it has a lot to do with when WE’RE ready. And it’s funny because I got a lot of answers to my questions this week. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: Excellent!

CARLEEN: Excellent, yeah. But I still always like to talk to you, and I just think that’s interesting, how that transpires. Usually it’s through reading or other people’s sessions, but I still like to talk to you. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: Excellent. And how shall we begin today?

CARLEEN: Well, I’d like to talk about a couple of health issues that Mongezi and I are having despite creating comfort and satisfaction, and peace and calm at times, you know, despite the traumatic events that are happening in our world. But I have this neck/shoulder issue. I’m able to trace it back to where it started several years ago. I went to physical therapy, got all the exercises and started supplements, but I kind of wanted your insight on why I may be creating this. I’m going to give you what I think: I think it might be to pay more attention to myself, because I tend to get focused on the politics and everything that’s happening in the United States and run away with those feelings. Is that part of why –

ELIAS: I would say congratulations.

CARLEEN: (Laughs) Okay. Now as you know, I’m a Vold, and I was reading some material and I tend to be an activist and an instigator, being part of the Sumari. There’s an attraction for me to the information that… I don’t want to really ignore what’s going on but I’m interested, particularly when it comes to laws and people, medical information and that kind of stuff at the same time, but then I notice I do get the pain in my neck and in my shoulder. I went to see the doctor and he said spurs and spinal narrowing, that type of thing, and it upset me quite a bit. In fact, I was following my feelings and got a little bit depressed because I thought “Oh jeez, I’m getting older.” I also found myself worrying a little bit about aging. Could that have been part of it as well?

ELIAS: Yes. But I would say that for the most part, it’s more about… It’s more about what happens when you are following feelings. Because following feelings isn’t simply about paying attention to feelings; following feelings is the expression of thinking that is caused by the feelings and then creating behaviors in relation to that thinking.

And therefore in that, I would say that this is a significant part of it, is that you are creating behaviors, such as holding tension, that you’re not even necessarily entirely aware of. You become irritated – or not even irritated, AGITATED with different expressions of information, and then you begin holding this tension in your body, which is directly associated with the feeling. Or that you don’t notice as much, but that when you are expressing more agitation, you create behaviors in which you aren’t paying as much attention to what you’re doing. Therefore, you’re not paying as much attention to your posture, you’re not paying as much attention to your body, you’re not paying as much attention to how you are moving. And in that, it creates strains and difficulties and tension in areas of your body that if you WERE paying attention you wouldn’t be doing.

CARLEEN: So that’s the signal to pay attention?


CARLEEN: Okay. Now at one point I kind of felt prior to our session that you offered me energy, and I just wanted to validate that.


CARLEEN: Okay. I thought so. It was just a feeling that I got.

Now, Mongezi is also on occasion having these heart palpitations, anxiety, prior to going to sleep. Now, it may be post-traumatic stress syndrome from his past surgery, but is this the same…? Why is it causing that? Does it have to do with not paying attention, what’s happening in the world as well?



ELIAS: And not paying as much attention to himself and his own body and his own responses.

CARLEEN: Okay. Okay. Now, we feel uneasy sometimes. Is that because of what’s happening? Is it our own, or is it picking up from outside sources?

ELIAS: I’d say both.

CARLEEN: Both. Okay. Because I read a session by Ayla, and she mentioned shielding yourself like using an umbrella, because our life… It’s very comfortable and satisfying, and like I told you earlier—

ELIAS: And that is significant.


ELIAS: Because in that, this is about these indicators that you aren’t paying attention. Because then actually you are correct: your life IS actually satisfying and content, but then you move in these directions in which you aren’t paying attention, and therefore you create that stress. And in that, it affects your body consciousness in a manner that is significantly uncomfortable.

CARLEEN: Yes, it does. (Laughs) Ding, ding, ding!

ELIAS: It is very unnecessary.

CARLEEN: I like that: unnecessary. (Laughs)


CARLEEN: The things we do to ourselves, Elias. (Laughs)

ELIAS: It is quite astounding, I would agree. (Carleen laughs) I would say that in this, my friend, it’s a matter of recognizing that this is automatic.


ELIAS: It’s [audio cut off].

CARLEEN: Automatic responses? Okay.


CARLEEN: Okay. Because at one point I told myself, “Stop reading the social media” and asked myself, “Is this really affecting your life personally?” And I had to say no, it’s not. It’s not. I don’t have to wear a mask, people aren’t asking me if I’ve taken the vaccine, that kind of stuff. So I really had to look at what was happening directly in my life, despite what you’re reading about the rest of the world.

ELIAS: Correct.

CARLEEN: Okay. Okay.

ELIAS: And that definitely is a matter of paying attention to what are you creating: What is your life? Does it warrant being concerned? No.

CARLEEN: Exactly. Exactly. And I read something from Abraham, and they said we create our reality, we are not the same, and our realities are diverse.


CARLEEN: Okay. Okay.

ELIAS: And I will reiterate, there is no one single official reality. You are all each creating your reality. Yes, there are commonalities in what you create, but you are creating your own reality.

CARLEEN: Okay. And when I’m not paying attention I get a little bit afraid, because then you follow the feeling and then you imagine all these scenarios, and then I have to pull back and stop. So, it’s just going back to paying attention to—

ELIAS: What are you afraid of?


ELIAS: What are you afraid of?

CARLEEN: Well, for the short while there – and I told myself to follow Jason’s exercises – it seemed like all my friends said they got the… they were sick. And I’m saying, “Oh my gosh, it seems like everybody’s manifesting the virus.” And I thought, “Calm down, it’s only three or four people that you know.” (Laughs) That, and your freedoms. You know, you’ll hear about the lack of food and the mandates and you have to get a shot and there’s going to be restrictions. And if I start listening to all that, then I get uneasy.

ELIAS: But what I would say to you is, it’s a matter of looking at that precise question: What are you afraid of? In that, when you actually ask yourself that question, “What am I afraid of?” then you begin to see that what you are afraid of are speculations.


ELIAS: That you’re speculating about outside sources, but that if you stop and you actually look at YOUR life and what YOU’RE doing and your direction, then you begin to remind yourself that you are actually relatively content and happy and calm. And in that, you don’t need to create drama (Carleen laughs) to excite yourself.


ELIAS: That if you are moving in a direction in which you see that you are creating some type of anxiety or drama in a direction that is not comfortable for you, think about it, and then think about how you can excite yourself in different manners.

CARLEEN: Ahhh. Okay.

ELIAS: Because many times people move in directions in which they think that what is good and what they want is for their life to be quiet. They think that quiet equals contentment. That isn’t always true. And I would say that in that, people actually like a degree of excitement. And in that, if you’re not generating any excitement in your life, you might create anxiety or some form of drama or some form of tension to replace that excitement.

CARLEEN: Oh boy. (Laughs) Okay. You know, at times, Elias, I’m a little bored and restless. I prefer… not to be busy, busy, busy, busy all day, but you know, to do things that get my attention.

ELIAS: This is what is significant about self-structuring. This is the reason that that is an important subject, because it is a matter of recognizing that you are the one that is structuring your life. And in doing so, you create the avenue to alleviate boredom by structuring your life in certain capacities in relation to what you enjoy, what interests you, what you want to do and engage. Then you avoid being bored.

But in this, let me also say to you that this is another automatic piece, is that people express in directions in which you think that if you are retired that you should be not busy, and that you should be quiet and calm and relaxing all the time. (Carleen laughs) And in that, you don’t actually think about it; you simply move in those directions and then you become bored and dissatisfied because you aren’t actually doing actions that interest you, or that are holding your attention and that you enjoy. And this is an important piece. The factor that you’re retired doesn’t mean that you are necessarily sedentary.


ELIAS: Or that you’re not moving in… that you don’t have any interests any longer.

CARLEEN: Well, you know I do have interests. I like my Zumba and I teach my classes, and it seems like I have more time now. I cook, and I do like a balance. I don’t always like to socialize, and I wanted to ask you about that because I understand I am religiously focused, and you said something to Jonathan in his session about those of us that are religiously focused move in a direction of not engaging people much. Does that apply to me?

ELIAS: I would say naturally, yes.


ELIAS: That as a natural direction, yes, that you wouldn’t necessarily be as inclined to be engaging in social situations as much or to be constantly interactive with other people. And I would say that that’s quite natural.


ELIAS: I would say that you don’t have to be interactive with other people to be active and to be engaging and to be following what interests you.

CARLEEN: Okay. Because I—

ELIAS: And I would say that your classes are not the only thing that interests you.

CARLEEN: True. True. I do know that I need a little break from people sometimes. It gets a little… I don’t know, I call it sticky – a little overwhelming sometimes.

ELIAS: I understand. And I would say that that’s very natural.

CARLEEN: Okay. So more of a balance in interaction. Okay. Well, that’s been helpful. I was amused that you caught on my posture (laughs), because that’s exactly where the tension begins.

I did want to ask you (sighs) about transition. Now Elias, I listen to you talk to people in their sessions, and do I have to go through transition when I disengage? Can’t I just remember my death? Is the transition part a truth?

ELIAS: That’s not transition.

CARLEEN: Oh. Okay.

ELIAS: That is not transition. That is simply the process that occurs in relation to when people die and what they do. And what I would say to you is, that definitely is not transition.

CARLEEN: Okay. Do I have to go through that process personally?

ELIAS: Yes, you will.

CARLEEN: Okay. (Laughs) I knew it. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: And why would you be averse to that?

CARLEEN: I don’t know. I just kind of want to know that I died. (Laughs)

ELIAS: And you will. You will, when you are ready to know that and when it won’t create a situation in which you are generating trauma in non-physical.

CARLEEN: Trauma. Okay. Okay. So, this process—

ELIAS: Then you will remember.

CARLEEN: Okay. So, is this a truth? Is this a truth, that we go through this process?

ELIAS: No, because a truth is something that is translatable in every area of consciousness, and this is associated with your reality, with this particular dimension. That you have a very strong, objective awareness in this reality and you also incorporate your belief systems. And in that, it is a matter of how you engage moving from one aspect of reality to another, moving from life in your reality into reality of non-physical.


ELIAS: But that doesn’t necessarily apply to every area of consciousness.

CARLEEN: Hm. Okay. There’s more to that, I can feel it. “Every area of consciousness” – okay, so it’s different.

ELIAS: Therefore, if you were moving from one area of non-physical consciousness to another area of non-physical consciousness, that would be relevant. You don’t have the situation of remembering a death; you’re simply moving from one area of non-physical consciousness to another. Or, there are some physical realities that don’t involve death.

CARLEEN: Oh boy. (Both laugh) Oh boy.

ELIAS: Therefore, that would also be a difference. And I would say that it’s a matter of remembering: a truth is something that translates in every area of consciousness.

CARLEEN: Okay. Ah. Hm. Okay.

ELIAS: Therefore, vibrational qualities translate in every area of consciousness. Therefore, music – not sound, but music – and color are truths, because they can translate in every area of consciousness.

CARLEEN: Wow! Wow.

ELIAS: Reality is a truth, because it translates in every area of consciousness. Death doesn’t.

CARLEEN: Oh! Interesting.

ELIAS: Because there are areas of consciousness that don’t include death.

CARLEEN: This paradigm includes death, this reality?



ELIAS: Your reality includes death, but not ALL reality includes death.

CARLEEN: Hoo boy. Exciting! (Both laugh)

It kind of segues into my thoughts about Sizwey. And one of my questions I wanted to ask you is, was he manifesting any new focuses? I know he has three here presently, but that kind of… When I was thinking about it, the question… I don’t know how to explain it. It seemed moot. Like you said, essence can have hundreds of focuses, correct?

ELIAS: Correct. But they’re all happening at the same time.

CARLEEN: Correct. And they shift and change as well, according to the number? Is that correct?

ELIAS: Meaning what?

CARLEEN: Well, at times you’ll say someone has 800 focuses – or is that just present focuses?

ELIAS: That would be at that moment that’s how many they have. Yes, it does shift, in that it isn’t a static number. People add or subtract focuses, but they do that while they are engaged in the physical reality.

Therefore, I would say that his essence is still engaged in the physical reality, therefore he could be adding or subtracting focuses from the reality. But what would your curiosity be in relation to that?

CARLEEN: Well, that was one of my questions for you. Is he manifesting a focus? And then I began to realize that the Shift in change… I’m trying to capture what I thought when I was thinking about asking you this. So the point is kind of moot, because the essence is just changing according to wherever their attention goes? Is that…?


CARLEEN: Okay. Okay. All right. That’s kind of what I thought. And I thought well, I know he has Sasha and Catherine and Eckbert here in this present, or he did. And I thought, what’s he manifesting now? But that could be multiple focuses, correct?

ELIAS: Correct. Yes.

CARLEEN: Okay. Okay. All right. That was an interesting insight. Okay. All right. More questions. (Laughs)

Mongezi has some questions about his present focuses and their names and locations. Could you give us that?

ELIAS: And what are his impressions?

CARLEEN: He didn’t give them to me. (Laughs) And he’s still in bed.

ELIAS: (Laughs) I would say that it’s a matter of him…

CARLEEN: Investigating? (Laughs)

ELIAS: Yes, and then offering what his impressions and ideas are. I would be entirely pleased to validate them.

CARLEEN: Okay. Well, he did ask, he feels he has an Anunnaki focus, and he would like a name.

ELIAS: Ah. Very well. One moment.


ELIAS: (Pause) Name: Ay (Eye), A-Y.



CARLEEN: Okay. He’d also like his color, his vibrational color. He thinks it’s blue.

ELIAS: And what shade of blue?

CARLEEN: He just said blue. (Laughs)

ELIAS: I would agree, and I would say that the shade is royal blue.

CARLEEN: Royal. All right. And his animal? He said snake.

ELIAS: Correct.

CARLEEN: Correct. Tone, he doesn’t know. His vibrational tone?

ELIAS: In relation to a musical note?


ELIAS: (Pause) One octave lower to middle C.

CARLEEN: To middle C. Now when you said tone in relation to musical note, there are other tones? When you asked to specify.

ELIAS: Your essence name is a tone.

CARLEEN: Okay, yes. Okay.

Now, is my color green? I’m very attracted to green.


CARLEEN: And my animal? I want to say dog, but I don’t… I like dogs. That was the only thing that came up.

ELIAS: I would say yes, and what type?

CARLEEN: What type of dog?


CARLEEN: Big ones! (Laughs) I don’t… I liked my Rhodesian ridgeback, but I don’t know, Elias. Is there a type?

ELIAS: Yes. I would say that the type is a Bernese mountain dog.

CARLEEN: Oooh! Oh. I like those too. (Both laugh) Interesting. Okay. More fun questions. The Urantia book: I seem to recall you may have mentioned something about that, but who wrote this and what is it?

ELIAS: It actually is channeled material.

CARLEEN: Oh. Is this another dimension?


CARLEEN: Okay. Does it apply to our paradigm?

ELIAS: It can.


ELIAS: It can [audio cut off].

CARLEEN: Oh, it can?


CARLEEN: Okay. I just was curious about that. And another song that’s moved me is called “Bellefontaine” by Tigerforest. It moved me emotionally, it reminds me of Sizwey, and I just was wondering about the connection.

ELIAS: I would say there are two. One is the quality of the song and that you resonate with the melody of the song, and you resonate with the melody of the song because the two of you have engaged with that in creating that melody.

CARLEEN: “Two of you” meaning Sizwey and I?

ELIAS: Yes. Yes. Not creating the song but creating the melody, and that’s the reason that you resonate with it.

CARLEEN: Currently? This would be something we did currently?


CARLEEN: Oh. Okay. Okay. All right. And one more question about my friend Wendy. Did she just let go, when she passed a week ago? Just shifted her attention?

ELIAS: Meaning what?

CARLEEN: Well, she died, and her husband just found her at home after he ran an errand, and I was just wondering. Mitch thought she may have taken her own life, but my impression was she just let go.

ELIAS: Correct.

CARLEEN: Okay. Okay.

Okay, some questions about the nine essences of Rose. They should be around 24 years old, correct?

ELIAS: Correct.

CARLEEN: Okay. So, they’re young adults, and how are they influencing the Shift right now?

ELIAS: In the same manner that they have been since birth, in relation to expressing that feminine energy.

CARLEEN: Okay. So they’re also affecting right now with what’s happening with the trauma, correct?


CARLEEN: Yes. Can I ask in what way? Just…?

ELIAS: What I would say to you is that they aren’t… none of them are actually doing anything that is (pause) intentionally physically different than any other individual. They are automatically inherently expressing a different energy, which is their contribution. But as I expressed when they were infants, they weren’t going to be moving in any direction of setting themselves apart or expressing in any manner that would be expressing anything exceptional that would lead them in a direction of notoriety.

CARLEEN: Right. So just the vibration, being who they are –

ELIAS: Yes. Yes.

CARLEEN: -- is affecting all of this right now. Okay. Yeah, I read something by Scranton today about just the vibration that you are, you don’t even have to say anything or do a YouTube or anything like that; you just have to be who you are, and that vibration will be felt by others.

ELIAS: Yes. Most definitely.

CARLEEN: Okay. That’s really helpful, especially now, because when I focus my attention it seems like things are more intense, particularly in regards to differences right now.

ELIAS: I would say that that definitely is correct and it has been, I would express, for this time framework of the mass event. And now that you are in the aftermath of the mass event, it continues to be a part of the situation and the expression, yes.

CARLEEN: So we’re in the aftermath?

ELIAS: Yes. I have explained this in a manner of if you had moved in a direction of an apocalypse – which you didn’t and you are not going to, or you definitely have not chosen that to this point.

Now; in that, if you HAD, the apocalypse itself would be expressed for a certain amount of time, and then there would have been an aftermath which likely would have been expressed for at least a decade, if not longer. But in that, you DIDN’T create an apocalypse; you created this mass event instead.

And in relation to that, NOW you are creating the aftermath of that. And I would say that the aftermath of this mass event will definitely not incorporate that much time. You won’t be experiencing a decade of aftermath. Your mass event itself was only a year, and in that, the aftermath of it will be longer than the mass event itself, which generally IS the situation. The aftermath is generally always longer than the event itself regardless of what it is, whether it’s a war or whether it’s some type of mass event. And in that, I would say that yes, your aftermath will be longer than the event itself, but it’s not going to be a long aftermath , meaning you won’t be engaging it for a decade but perhaps two years.

CARLEEN: Perhaps two years? So we’re still very volatile?

ELIAS: Oh, I would definitely express yes.

CARLEEN: I mean, it seems like things change on a daily basis and that, you know, the consensus is like herd mentality. Running all the way over to the other side and then they shift and then they run all over to the other side. It can be quite uncomfortable at times.

ELIAS: I would say that if it’s uncomfortable, it’s because you’re paying too much attention to outside sources.

CARLEEN: So that’s your advice (laughs): Stop. Shift your attention.

ELIAS: Yes. I would say that the less you move in the direction of being affected or allowing yourself to be affected by outside sources – because that’s the point, is that you’re allowing yourself to be affected. In this, it’s not that you ignore everything that is occurring but that you’re not allowing it to be bothersome to you. And in that, you can be aware of what’s happening in your world, but you are paying attention to you and what YOU’RE choosing and what you’re doing, and acknowledging what you are creating.

CARLEEN: There you go. That’s what you recommend.


CARLEEN: Yeah, because I don’t totally want to be ignorant, but at the same time I don’t want to ignore it, but at the same time being aware of how it’s affecting me personally.

ELIAS: Correct.

CARLEEN: Okay. All right. Oh boy, Elias. (Both laugh) It’s been quite the year, and it’s almost over, at least in this paradigm. Wow. Wow.

I’m looking over my list to see if I’ve covered everything that I wanted to chat with you about. When it comes to conspiracy theories and chips in the body and messing with the medication and this, that and the other, just not engage in that.

ELIAS: I definitely would agree.

CARLEEN: Okay. Because I have several friends that get sucked into that, get spun up about that topic. And I’ve tried to remind them once again that we create our own reality and whatever tools that you… whether it’s medication or whatever it is, it’ll either work for you or not.

ELIAS: And what I would say in that is, be… The first piece, in relation to conspiracy theory, is that you don’t quite have the technology yet—

CARLEEN: That’s what I thought.

ELIAS: — to be engaging any type of expression that would be generating any type of mass control. That’s the first piece. The next piece is, I would say to you what I expressed at the beginning of the mass event, that this was a brilliant choice because it was something that you engineered but engineered by using a virus, using an organism, and in that, something that already existed and that you created in a capacity of… yes, was this something that was being experimented with and then you would say to yourself that it accidentally was released? Which, we know that there are no accidents.

CARLEEN: No accidents, no.

ELIAS: But in that, what I would say to (chuckles) all of you in relation to that is, now it is a matter of also recognizing that if you had the direction, let us say, of engineering, experimenting with a virus and that you were engaging with that situation to begin with, you also already had an antidote. In that, I would express that then it is a matter of allowing yourself to think about that and realize that the reason that you were able to create vaccines so quickly is because you already (chuckles) had a base for that.

CARLEEN: Oh. Okay. We’re not that powerful, are we? (Laughs) I mean, you know…

ELIAS: You are not that powerful yet as far as technology is concerned.

CARLEEN: Right. Right.

ELIAS: You don’t have the technology yet to do what you think you can do. (Carleen laughs) You only have that technology in relation to your films or your stories in books. You have that technology as far as your imagination is concerned, but actual practical application of technology, no. You don’t have that type of technology yet.

CARLEEN: Okay. Or being able to control—

ELIAS: You are not as advanced as you think you are.

CARLEEN: Right. Or as people think you are, yeah.

ELIAS: No, you are not.

CARLEEN: Okay. And all these nefarious people think that they’re controlling the production of the medications that allegedly help and that kind of thing. It goes back to what you are creating personally, right? If you want to get well, you will draw those things to you to get well, if you are unbalanced.

ELIAS: Precisely.

CARLEEN: Okay. Yeah. It goes back to the dis-ease and what you said about whatever you’re creating is a response for your own knowledge and information.


CARLEEN: Okay. Hah! I feel better. I know it’s there. You give us the information.

I look forward to you talking about principles. (Elias laughs) I heard you tell Samta about principles, and that piqued my curiosity. Will you be talking about that sometime in the future?

ELIAS: Sometime in the future? Of course.

CARLEEN: Okay. Can I have a definition from you what principles are?

[The timer for the end of the session rings]

ELIAS: Principles are ideals that you hold to in relation to your guidelines.

CARLEEN: To your guidelines. Okay.

ELIAS: You have your guidelines, and principles are ideals that you have in relation to those guidelines that you put value on, that you assess as “right” and “good.”

CARLEEN: Okay. Okay. We’ll leave it with that. I will write those down and go over it. Thank you so much, Elias. I hear the buzzer. Always a pleasure, and I look forward to speaking with you again. And thank you for lending me your energy regarding my neck and shoulder pain. Much appreciation.

ELIAS: You are very welcome. And you may offer my greetings to your partner, and I anticipate our next meeting, my friend.

CARLEEN: All right. Au revoir.

ELIAS: In tremendous love to you and in dear friendship as always, au revoir.

CARLEEN: To you as well.

(Elias departs after 1 hour)

Copyright 2021 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.