Session 202106241

Cryptocurrency and the New Economy


“Cryptocurrency and the New Economy”
“Expressions of Exchange in the Shift: Ideas, Interactions, and Connections with Extraterrestrials”
“The Volatile Process of the Shift: Exploring the Unfamiliar”

Thursday, June 24, 2021 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael), Jean (Lyla), Jean-François (Samta) and Jeff (Rogert)

[Audio begins partway through session]

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Can I ask a little crystal ball question?

ELIAS: (Laughs) You can ask.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: I’m not going to make it too crystal-ballsy.

As we look on the horizon and, you know, we’ve asked you about cryptos in the past and you’ve stated that they are viable investments for quite a bit of time, but that is not—economically speaking and in terms of a modality of exchange—that is not the destination of the Shift; we will move beyond that. But here’s the question: Would you be able and/or willing to say, approximately how long will the cryptos be overall a growing activity? Are we talking a decade? Two decades? Four decades? Like before they lose their purpose, before we move on more so to a different system or a different period of the transition.

ELIAS: What I would say in that is that I can offer a potential, somewhat of a speculation, with the understanding that, once again, that all of you are being considerably volatile. Your reality is considerably volatile. Therefore, it could change in a very different amount of time. But that being stated, I would say that the potential as it is presently (pause) appears to be… The most likely potential will be that it will continue and grow in momentum, I would say, approximately to nearing the end of this Shift.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Hm. So, several decades.

ELIAS: Therefore, I would say that it is growing in momentum and that it is likely to be moving in a direction of expressing more value and more attention, definitely, and more interaction with it, for approximately forty, perhaps even fifty years—more likely in the range of forty.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Hm. That’s significant. Well, thank you. Thank you for indulging me with my crystal ball question.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome.

JEFF: So, I’ll just use my baseball aphorism. We are in the early innings here, people---

ELIAS: Yes. Yes. I would agree with that. And I would express that that obviously could change, dependent upon what you do collectively, but at this point it appears to be a direction that you are engaging more and more, with more stability.

JEFF: Okay. Go ahead, J-F. Do you want to follow up on that?

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Very slightly. So, the completion of the Shift, we’re still looking at approximately 2075?


JEFF: And with the cryptos, Elias, I don’t feel like there is going to be a winner-take-all scenario like we’re seeing with the technology behemoths like Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft. I guess that’s part of the impetus behind the decentralization process. So, not to ask a crystal ball question with this, that’s just… To me, it’s more about the interconnectivity between all these different ecosystems and ideas and how they seamlessly can interact with each other and what we have going on with the present economic system. And I was just wondering if there are any avenues that you can offer to explore this connectivity theme further with respect to the crypto space?

ELIAS: Meaning what?

JEFF: I guess just some of the different technologies and ways of integrating everything into a more coherent system that…

ELIAS: What I would say to you, my friend, is that that’s partially the point of this cryptocurrency, is to not do that. That’s partially the point, is to be, in a manner of speaking, easing your way from the establishment of the banking system.

JEFF: Right. I guess I was thinking more in the lines of towards the later stages of the Shift, when that established banking system is not important at all, money is not important, it’s just more the connectivity. Everything is just—

ELIAS: Correct.

JEFF: [Inaudible] and value is just—

ELIAS: At that point, yes. At that point, I would say that what you are moving towards is easing away from money in general, which is a process, but eventually moving in the direction in which the most important factor of exchange is in relation to ideas and discovery, which I would say at that point a significant part of discovery will not be with your planet but beyond that. Therefore, I would say that eventually you will be moving in a direction in which…

You’ve already established a beginning point of interconnectedness in a physical capacity with this previous mass event, and how that has brought together your world and has made changes. Now, in that, it’s also made changes in relation to the workforce, as you are aware; and beyond that, it’s also – (chuckles) surprisingly enough—encouraged this direction with your cryptocurrency, because it’s encouraged many directions that are not traditional, including moving away from actual physical money.

Now, eventually, what will be more important as an expression of exchange will not be money but will be ideas, interactions and connections: connections with other beings, with other places, with other life forms, let us say—extraterrestrials-- but YOU moving in that direction, not them moving to you.


ELIAS: That will be more important as the main expression of exchange. I would say that for what appears to be the most foreseeable future, you aren’t likely to drop the expression of exchange entirely, but it is moving in a direction of a significant shift.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: So, communications and interactions with other life forms will be a significant part of the economy?


JEAN-FRANÇOIS: That’s wild!

JEFF: Wow.

ELIAS: But that is the main direction of exchange.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Huh! Well, that’s exciting. Can I throw a curveball here?

ELIAS: If you are so choosing.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: (Laughs) You know, you’ve reiterated several times in the last year or so [that] we’re so volatile, we can’t be predicted, but you sound so sure about the completion of the Shift. The elements in relation to that, why are those…? They sound so certain.

ELIAS: The Shift is not in question. All of this that you are experiencing is all part of it, and that has not been in question and still isn’t in question. I would say that all of what you are experiencing at this point is considerably volatile. How you are moving through the process of this Shift is—or has become—considerably volatile, but the components of the Shift haven’t changed, and the Shift itself, the movement of it, hasn’t changed either. The direction is the same, and the factor of it being inserted into your reality hasn’t changed either. I would say that it is simply a matter of what you’re choosing in how you accomplish it.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: So it’s like how you say, in our own individual lives we are moving toward our desire no matter what, but how we do that, that is the question.

ELIAS: Correct. Correct.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS : Okay. Well, I love your answer, Elias. Thank you. (Laughs)

ELIAS: Actually, I would say that the factor that you are being so volatile and unpredictable is very encouraging, and is actually excellent, because removing—or moving in the direction of removing—that predictability that you expressed previously is significantly important, because that is the indicator that you are moving in new directions and that you are willing to leave behind the familiar, and that you are willing to explore the new and unfamiliar. Even though it may be somewhat scary and somewhat threatening at times—or in your perception it may be somewhat threatening at times, even though it’s not actually—I would say you still are expressing that willingness to take those steps, and that is tremendously encouraging.


ELIAS: You are very welcome.

(Audio ends after 16 minutes.)

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