Session 202103301

The Point of Being Intentional: Not Following Feelings


“The Point of Being Intentional: Not Following Feelings”
“Everything Is Interconnected”
“Looking at Choices in Foresight”
“The Path Analogy”

Tuesday, March 30, 2021 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Katrin (Duncan)

ELIAS: Good afternoon!

KATRIN: Good afternoon, Elias.

ELIAS: What shall we discuss now, my friend?

KATRIN: Yeah. I try to… I want to talk about the experiences with exposure to myself. First of all, the question would be, if you allow this more often I believe it goes hand in hand with putting your primary attention on yourself. Is that right?


KATRIN: Because I have two different experiences. A couple of weeks ago, I reduced my interest in news and in session transcripts, because I felt both distracted me for the time being to practice going from one moment to another, putting my primary attention on myself. And quite quickly after I started this, my mood and outlook changed. I found myself in a friendlier, more joyful place. And I figured out it had mainly to do that I enjoyed more details of life, more of the smaller things which I had overseen by not putting my attention primarily on me. And it’s overall quite a relaxed state, I noticed, with everything.

ELIAS: Excellent. That is excellent, my friend.

KATRIN: And I am continuing in this state of being. This is one experience, and then there is another which I believe comes also through the allowance to expose yourself to yourself or to essence, and this is a different experience. I’ll give an example. I know a young woman, and she is now pregnant with twins. We talked about how she can continue earning money. This conversation about money was initiated by me. She didn’t raise the subject, but told me briefly that the father of those future children is not very generous. And that made me raise the question about money, how she will probably…not “survive,” but how will she continue to live a quiet life where she can spend money. But shortly after the conversation, my body consciousness went almost into a rebellious overdrive. I hardly have experienced something like this as a body signal before, even not in my panic attack times.

And I got a message, and that’s what I want to speak about, after my body calmed itself again, that I had expressed to her a blend of disguised genuine interest—it was more worry—and meanness, in the sense that I even raised the subject. So, this exposure to myself that I have almost interfered again, which I don’t want to do anymore, but it was more in a friendly context. Why does it make me so wobbly? What is it I am doing here?

ELIAS: And what would your assessment be in relation to that?

KATRIN: I feel this going from one moment to another and putting more attention than ever before on what you are doing, and being more aware of the wider context of your being—I feel sometimes skinless, as I told you before—makes you more vulnerable to find out who you really are.

ELIAS: I agree. But in that also, I would say that you mentioned two factors, one that you realize that you were thinking in directions that you didn’t like. Correct?


ELIAS: Not that you were doing an action that you didn’t like, but that you were thinking in a direction that even your own assessment you thought of as mean. That was what you expressed?

KATRIN: Yes, I did. And I felt like this. I was mean to her to raise a subject she probably didn’t want to hear about.

ELIAS: And in that, regardless of whether you actually did it or not, regardless of whether you actually expressed anything in a mean capacity or not, it doesn’t matter. Whether you do it or whether you don’t do it, it is the factor that you even had those ideas or that you were even presenting anything in that vein to yourself, because it is…almost repulsive to you. And at this point in your awareness of self, what you did with that is create a significant judgment of yourself.

Now, let me say to you—and this is the reason that you created such a reaction with your body in relation to that—but let me say to you, this is actually a significant example for you, because your body is reacting to the association that you make with any particular subject. If you are making an association with a particular subject that is significantly bad, or that you are expressing a judgment with yourself, then your body reacts to that. But the reason that this is a significant example to you is because this is something that you can address to, because at this point you don’t deserve that. That is an automatic reaction of the body.

And what you may find is that this may happen in relation to any number of subjects that the body may be automatically reacting to, and that it is not in keeping with your awareness now. Therefore, it is a matter of reinstructing the body, that you might have certain judgments in relation to certain subjects, and having the judgment isn’t bad. It is what you do with it that makes a difference.

Therefore, you might have a judgment into certain expressions or certain situations or people or actions, but in that, that is to a very large degree based in your guidelines. Therefore, it isn’t the factor that you HAVE a judgment that is bad, so to speak; it is simply a matter of what you DO with it, how you express it or IF you express it. Because you might have a judgment about something and you DON’T express it, because it isn’t necessary.

I would say that your body will react to the judgment associated with your guidelines in relation to situations and other people, but it is simply a matter of reinstructing the body consciousness that it isn’t bad for you to have. Are you understanding?

KATRIN: I do. But how do you reinstruct? How do I reinstruct my body?

You know, the thing is, through this increasing awareness… I would have the same conversation which I had with the young woman and not have judged at all, because I would have believed I had been supportive to her, to make her aware that she needs money to bring up children. But now I don’t know why I’m doing this. Now I judge myself for raising the subject, because I believe I interfered in her life. So, how can—

ELIAS: And how did you interfere?

KATRIN: By being…talking about money, and she didn’t ask me for it.

ELIAS: I understand.

KATRIN: You know, I imposed myself, giving some wisdom if you want to, but this wisdom doesn’t help her right now because she hasn’t got the children yet. You don’t know when you have no children what comes up to you or just what comes over you. So, I don’t know. I didn’t like myself in the situation to impose the subject. She didn’t want to talk about it, in a sense, because she hadn’t raised the subject. That’s what I mean.

ELIAS: I understand. I understand. And why did you do that? I would say for the reason to look at that, to see how automatic [inaudible] and to present to yourself that experience.

And also, there are two parts of it. I understand you didn’t like yourself in that moment in what you were doing, and that is important, because that is a matter of intentionally moving in directions of who you want to be and how you want to express yourself and not moving in an automatic direction.

Therefore, recognizing, first of all, that you moving in that expression of doing something that you didn’t like yourself in doing, that was prompted by feelings. You were engaging this individual and listening to her story, and that invoked a feeling, and in relation to that feeling you were prompted to express in the manner that you did. This is another example of following a feeling.

For how do you reinstruct the body consciousness? The first part, by being aware of what you are doing. And therefore, when you are aware of what you are doing, then you can move in the direction of intentionally not doing that. Therefore, it is a combination of two actions: one that you do objectively, intentionally, and one that happens automatically, subjectively. The one that you do objectively is moving in the direction of making an intentional choice. The point of being intentional is that you make the choice intentionally to do something or to not do something. You are pausing and looking at your choices and looking at your communications to yourself and being aware. In that, instead of simply following the feeling by reacting to it, moving in a direction of recognizing that you’re having a feeling and then pausing to connect with the statement about the feeling, and therefore giving yourself the opportunity to make intentional choices—the intentional choice being, “Do I want to respond to this or do I want to not respond to this?”

KATRIN: I have to laugh now. (Laughs) How often have you told me that already? (Laughs)

ELIAS: I would say to you, my friend, that the point now is that you are at the point in which you can actually do this.


ELIAS: We have spoken about this many times.

KATRIN: (Laughs) Yeah.

ELIAS: But were you actually at the point that you could follow through and actually do that? [Answering himself] Mm…. [Inaudible].

KATRIN: Yeah, yeah. (Laughs) It was a big event for me when I didn’t do it, but it’s getting better now. Okay.

ELIAS: (Laughs) This is what I am saying. Occasionally you could move in that direction, but it is—or has been—somewhat random.

KATRIN: Yeah, that’s true.

ELIAS: It is not something that you have been able to intentionally do consistently. But now you are moving in that direction. Now it is a matter of recognizing more. You wouldn’t necessarily identify that expression as prompted by following a feeling. You wouldn’t have actually necessarily thought about that. You wouldn’t have necessarily expressed that that is an action of following a feeling, but it is.

KATRIN: That’s true.

ELIAS: I would say that this is part of the difference that you are expressing now, is you are learning more what following feelings means.

KATRIN: Mm-hm. I do have another question which probably fits into it. I noticed by going from one moment to another and paying attention to it more, that I have not always—once, in each moment—but I have overlying dreams and wishes or so [that] I want to fulfill myself with. I’m asking myself how such dreams and wishes and plans influence what I pay attention to in every single moment. I looked at an example, for me to have a Sunday family dinner for the whole family. This wish influences two days before Sunday what I pay attention to: the planning and the preparation of the Sunday dinner. There are many moments in between until Sunday which have no direct connection to this event in MY perception, but some have: shopping for it, preparation for the meal long before the dinner takes place, doing my Sunday walk earlier than usual to be back on time to set the table and cook fresh vegetables for the main course on time. One action follows into another, but not necessarily in consecutive order, but they do in an overall picture.

What I really want to know more about is how come that creating what you want is a momentary choice? I don’t understand this. Often you need planning, daydreaming, expressing wishes, which take time to materialize. How does it fit in with making choices every moment? I am not getting it yet.

ELIAS: Because everything is interconnected. This is the piece, is that everything is interconnected; therefore, what you see is segments. You see this part or that part because you are looking at everything in your life in segments. You are compartmentalizing. You are looking at subjects, that you can see different actions and moments that are connected together because of a subject.

This is also what you see in relation to other people. You express something in one subject, and another person is speaking to you and they are expressing something the same or very similar in a similar subject, and you make the connections in relation to subject. And in that, you make the connections between yourself and situations and other people in relation to time, also, but still related to the same subject.

Therefore, this is what I was expressing to all of you previously about compartmentalizing. That is what you do: you compartmentalize everything in your life in relation to subject. In a manner of speaking, you have an enormously elaborate filing system, and your awareness and your physical brain help you with that filing system, and you file everything in relation to subject. And in that, there are different components of time that are associated with different subjects, but that is where you see connections.

Now, what I am expressing to you now is to take that into the next step, to expand that—rather than compartmentalizing everything, to begin to be looking at how everything that you do is interconnected, how every moment flows into the next moment, how one subject flows into the next subject; that all those pieces that you are doing in the day or for several days in preparation for your family dinner, they are all interconnected with many other actions that you are doing and many other subjects that you are engaging.

That is the piece of taking the subjects out of that compartmentalizing, and taking away those barriers between subjects, because EVERYTHING is interconnected. And that’s what you don’t quite see yet. You don’t quite see how everything, all of these subjects no matter what they are, are interconnected with each other.

You don’t see how what you purchase at the grocer for that dinner is connected with what you are engaging with your body consciousness, or how you are connecting with the expression of a body consciousness with someone else, or that it may not be influenced by body consciousness at all—it might be influenced by energy. That in choosing to serve a particular protein, you might choose to be serving chicken because of the type of energy that is generating, and you might serve certain types of food dependent upon what YOUR energy is. If you are less energetic when you are shopping, that may influence what you choose to serve at your dinner party. If you are MORE energetic, that might influence you to serve something different.

It doesn’t matter what the subject is; everything is connected. It doesn’t seem as if it is, but it all is. Such as you could be incorporating difficulty in sleeping because your husband is snoring: you think about only the subject of snoring and sleep, and therefore you compartmentalize that together. You don’t think about that as connected with how you are interacting with one of your neighbors on your street. Your husband’s snoring will not seem connected to how you interact with your neighbor, but it is.

In this, you don’t connect all of the dots, so to speak. You are connecting some of the dots, but in their own compartment.

KATRIN: I was just thinking, I could start—thank you for making me aware that we are thinking in subjects or time or whatever. I would start with subjects. I would just draw a line on a sheet of paper and would sit in the evening and think how many subjects have I involved today. This is an easy exercise, I believe, and then you just play with it. I mean, it’s still difficult for me to understand what you are talking about, but I trust you. Therefore, I have to find a way for myself to play with it. So, that could be a beginning.

ELIAS: Yes. Yes. In that, let me express to you, my friend, up until now I have been speaking to all of you in the opposite direction of what I am expressing to you now—meaning that everything I have been expressing to you has been based in the direction of hindsight: what you are doing, what you are engaging, how you are doing something, and even in relation to reflections and mirrors. All of it has been from the perspective of hindsight and what has already occurred, and therefore how you recognize what you are doing by looking at what has already happened. Because you most definitely cannot—or have not been able to before now—look at any subject of what you are doing in the present and being able to define what you are doing. That is the point with being able to look at reflections, is that it gives you a method in which you can see what you are doing by paying attention to what is being reflected to you. But everything is in hindsight.

NOW what I am expressing to you is to be looking at yourselves and your choices in foresight—not to be looking behind you about what you’ve already done and attempting to decipher what type of energy you were projecting to create that [but] actually being able to see what your choices are before you make them.

In this, I would say that I have expressed recently to a couple of people at this point an analogy which I will offer to you also, that you can look at your day today as being a path that you are walking on. And at some point in the day, you will present to yourself something that you can recognize as being a choice. You are making choices in every moment. Every moment is a choice, but you don’t see that. But at some point in the day, something will present itself and occur to you as being a choice that you can see.

Now; in that, at that point you have now presented to yourself a split in your path. Now lies in front of you not two roads or two paths, but let’s say simply as an example, eight. Now you have eight paths in front of you, and each one at their entrance has a signpost which is designating it as a different path from the path that you are presently walking on. And you look at all eight of these paths, but you can see beyond the signposts. You can see for a distance on each of these paths. You can see some are winding, some are straight, some move very steeply up or down, some have a forest around them, some may be very rocky—they are all different.

Now; of that eight paths, four of them move forward, and at some point they all converge back together; therefore, they all move to the same destination. Then there are four that move on to different destinations. And you can see, not entirely, where those destinations are leading. Even with the ones that come back together and converge and are joining at the same destination, you can’t clearly see what any of those destinations are; you simply can see that some move off into different directions and some converge to the same destination.

Now; in that, you are much more aware and clearer about what lies ahead of you, what you are doing, and therefore, what paths you have opened to yourself, all those eight doors that you have opened to yourself—not one choice, not two choices, but eight choices. And in that, you get to choose which one you want to engage. Whether you want to move in a different direction than what you are doing presently, whether you want to continue in the direction that you are presently, and which path you want to continue that with. One path may be the shortest path, but it may be very difficult. Another may be a longer path, but it may be easy and leisurely and it may have a lovely view. But you can see how each of these paths are connected to what you are doing now, and you can see where they lead you, where you are leading yourself by engaging choices. Each one is a choice, and each one moves you in a direction.

Now, in that, each direction may not be tremendously ongoing, and it may not be earthshaking at all. It may be very simple, but the point is that they are all choices and that you are aware of them, not only as choices—which in itself is tremendous, because most of the choices that you engage within your day, you aren’t even aware you are making a choice. You aren’t even thinking about it AS a choice; you simply do an action. You think about creating your reality in hindsight, after you have already done something. And when it is something that you are pleased with, you will express credit to yourself to a degree, and you will express that you created that. When it is something that is tremendously obvious to you, you will express to yourself you created that. BUT—you aren’t aware of the choices in the moment, or where they are leading you, where you are leading yourself in them. You simply do the actions, and you don’t know how that is influencing you, let alone how it is connected with anyone else, how it is influencing them.

But that would be the next step. Once you are aware of what you are doing and how you are expressing that flow of one moment into the next moment, once you are aware of that, then you move in the next point, which is becoming aware of how you intersect and converge and connect and are interconnected with other people, other beings, everything. Because it isn’t only other people, it is everything.

And from that, then you move back to this point of being able to see the connections that you see now, but from a clearer and a greater perspective. Therefore, you complete the circle at the end by moving back to the beginning in which you were compartmentalizing, but at that point you won’t be compartmentalizing because you will be seeing those connections that you were making before, in relation to your dinner party, but you will be seeing them from the perspective of all of those interconnected pieces.

KATRIN: Mm-hm. Mm-hm.

ELIAS: And beginning to see that everything that is in your reality at any point in time is interconnected. Therefore, everything that another individual is doing with their own interconnectedness in their own life, the same action is happening, that they are intersecting with you and interconnected with you. In all the actions that you are doing, that is all interconnected with what they are doing also—and on and on and on.

And it seems somewhat enormous—and it IS enormous—at this point and somewhat daunting in relation to how to do that, but actually it is simply a matter of one step at a time and looking at what you are doing, and one moment at a time becoming more aware of what you are doing and what those connections are, how it is connected or interconnected with everything else, all the other moments in your day.

KATRIN: I like the door analogy, when you have eight doors. (Elias laughs) Yeah, it’s a nice playground, actually.

ELIAS: I agree.

KATRIN: Hm. I wouldn’t do it all day, but once, four or five times a day, you just sit down and play this game. It’s a game, don’t you think?

ELIAS: I agree. And I would say to you, my friend, even if you can only do it once a day, it still is a considerable accomplishment.

KATRIN: Mm-hm. It is quite overwhelming, what you have just told me, but… It’s vast.


KATRIN: But to put it in steps is perhaps the only way to go there.

I’m speechless now. I can’t say much. I have to listen to it. I’m very (Elias laughs) energized to listen to you, but I leave it up to you to understand it. (Both laugh) But it’s having more fun, perhaps. No, I’m not commenting about it now. No, no, no, I don’t.

Okay, mm-hm?

ELIAS: This, my friend, is the beginning of ultimate power and freedom.


ELIAS: With this, you can do anything.

KATRIN: It’s not only that, as I understand it. You feel total responsibility for what you have chosen. So, you could choose something which is not very comfortable, which I wouldn’t like in this focus, but if I chose an uncomfortable situation, I would know genuinely I have chosen it. I think this is the responsibility part.


Now; what I would say to you in that is THAT was an automatic response.

KATRIN: Was it? Okay. (Laughs)

ELIAS: What I would say to you is, when you can see all those eight paths or those eight doors, then you are choosing them intentionally. And when you are choosing them intentionally, you ARE being responsible to yourself, and in that you won’t be choosing something that you are tremendously not happy with or not satisfied with.

Now, let me say to you, you might choose something that is somewhat uncomfortable, because you might choose, as I expressed, that path that is very steep and rocky. And you know that it is, but you also know that you chose that intentionally, that you chose that rather than a different path. And in that, you likely didn’t choose it simply because it was the shortest path; you likely chose it because it WAS difficult and because it challenges you, and because it will be the path that builds some type of strength in some area of your life, and that is why you chose it.

In this, this doesn’t take away from the factor of presenting surprises to yourself. You still will generate surprises to yourself, but they will be in harmony with what you chose and what you are directing. They won’t be outside of what you are directing and what you chose; they will simply add to what you chose in a surprise and therefore, enhance whatever directions you are already engaging.

KATRIN: Hm. I don’t say anything now. (Laughs)

ELIAS: This is the beauty, the exquisiteness, the brilliance of this movement and shifting and becoming more self-aware, and moving in this direction of expressing creating your reality intentionally. This is what I have been expressing to all of you from the onset of this forum, for over a quarter of a century now, that this is the goal, is to be moving in that direction of being self-directed to the point in which you are intentionally creating your reality. And now you are beginning to recognize, or beginning to glimpse, what that means.

KATRIN: Yeah. I mean, what I said at the beginning, this is a glimpse how, when you expose yourself to yourself and choose already certain things which distract you from paying attention to yourself, to eliminate for a time being or to shorten their influence, you feel much happier—not “happier;” you feel more content. You put more attention on what else is going on around you when you are not that much being distracted by opinions, medias or even in session transcripts. I had difficulties recently to align with it—not because I criticize it; I wasn’t interested in it. So, this is a kind of freedom I haven’t experienced before, let’s put it that way.

ELIAS: I understand. And I would say that the more you move in THIS direction, the more freedom you actually express with yourself.

KATRIN: Mm-hm.

[Section deleted]

KATRIN: Thank you. We have to end the session. And I’ll speak to you soon, and…yeah.

ELIAS: Excellent. I express tremendous encouragement to you, my friend. This shall be an interesting experience and exercise for you to be engaging.

In tremendous encouragement and supportiveness as always, and in dear love to you and friendship, au revoir.

KATRIN: Bye-bye! Thank you.

(Elias departs after 1 hour)

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Copyright 2021 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.