Session 202103061

The Aftermath of the Virus: Fear of Public Opinion


“The Aftermath of the Virus: Fear of Public Opinion”
“Building Strength in Numbers”
“Accept Differences: Allies May Not Express Like You”

Saturday, March 6, 2021 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Jens (Samira)

JENS: Let's see, the situation in Germany escalated more and more, what I have seen on videos and how absolutely crazy our police, our politicians are acting, and also some courts, and the masses still not recognizing or still not reacting to it. But I guess…I feel a change, I guess for now two days (laughing). I guess you have a much better overview of it.

ELIAS: Actually what I would say to my friend is, I would express to you in a similar capacity that I have expressed to a few other individuals recently, meaning: What I would say to you is, there actually are many people that ARE moving in the direction of wanting change and that are thinking in similar directions, but what is the snare, at the present time framework, is that people are afraid of repercussions and consequences. Therefore, in that, people aren’t afraid of the virus any longer. You aren't actually participating in the mass event any longer; you are participating in the aftermath of it. And in that aftermath, now people are attempting to decipher how to move forward, how to engage with your new reality, and how to continue, what direction to engage. And part of it is that, as I expressed previously, it isn't as much being afraid of governments but that governments are taking advantage of the situation of public opinion, and THAT is what has many, many, many people expressing fear with. People that have businesses, be they large or small, are afraid of repercussions and consequences in relation to public opinion. And in that, the media and the governments are FULLY taking advantage of that and expressing in directions of attempting to control.

Now, what I would say is, there are many people that are definitely fed up and ready to move in new and different directions and that are simply waiting, in a manner of speaking, for people to lead them.

People are afraid to step out on their own; therefore, they automatically look for leaders. And that's what they're doing now; they're looking for leaders. And there are some that are in the initial throes of beginning, up and coming, but it is a matter of people expressing that bravery to move in directions that are seemingly unpopular—they aren't actually unpopular, it is merely that the majority of people are being quiet presently because they're uncertain. And they don't want to jeopardize their livelihoods, therefore they don't want to move in directions that might threaten their income, their livelihood, their families. And that is the reason that they are looking to find people that will step up and take that position of being the leader.

And in that, what I would say is, in the meantime, all of you—or all of you that are paying attention and that are wanting change to occur—you can be instrumental and influencing by not being complacent. And in that, you don't have to be an activist, you don't have to move in directions that might jeopardize your livelihood or your family's either, but that you are seeking out other people that are of like mind and direction. Because I would say to you, my friend, that what I have expressed many, many, many, many times pastly very much especially holds now, that whenever two or more of you are moving in a direction together, you are increasing the volume of energy by doubling it. And each time you add another individual, you double it again.

Therefore, yes, there is tremendous power with the individual and, as you already know, there is definitely power in numbers. Therefore, the more people that you amass together, the stronger and the more confident all of you become. Now, in that, that can be tremendously encouraging in relation to whatever direction ANY of you are moving in, because you lend energy to each other in whatever you are doing. In this, what I would say to you is, look for other people that are moving in a similar direction, other people that are of like mind, and engage them, and in that, build numbers. Because that will be tremendously helpful and instrumental in relation to whatever you want to accomplish, but it also will be tremendously helpful in association with changing your reality in the capacity of empowering all of you as individuals—empowering you in whatever direction you move in individually. This is part of this Shift. And remember, this Shift was never meant to be easy!

JENS: But I don't need to—

ELIAS: You cannot insert a master source event into a reality and expect that it would be tremendously easy to do that—it isn't, BUT it is time, and it is definitely incorporating enormous payoff.

JENS: Ja, I will do my best.

ELIAS: Very well.

JENS: But I recognized…One week ago, I was quite…I felt hopeless, and in the meantime, the last couple of days, it has changed, my perception of the situation. So, this is…

ELIAS: Now, what I would also say to you—and this is important, my friend—is that this subject of differences is coming into play tremendously presently, because in this, this may be a piece in which you discover your allies. That there may be people that on the surface you wouldn't even consider engaging with because of the differences between you, but that fundamentally, at your core, what is the most important to you is the same. But how you express yourselves and how you express your lifestyles may be very different; therefore, in this, when you are looking for other people that will stand with you, don't only look for people that are surfacely like you.

JENS: Okay.

ELIAS: But consider ALL people because, at the core, what is ultimately important to most people is their freedom, their ability to move in directions that they choose, and that they want unencumbered—and that power of government is limited. Therefore, in that, I would say to you, my friend, this is a time in which the subject of differences is something that can act actually play in your favor, if you aren't put off by differences.

Therefore, this subject of accepting differences I would say has never been as important as it is now.

JENS: Okay. Thank you!

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

JENS: I always feel a very pleasing energy during your explanation. (Elias laughs) That is nice.

[Audio ends here]

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