Session 202103041

Directing Perception


“Directing Perception”
“Subjective Direction of the Body Consciousness”
“Awareness of the Energy of Elias”
“Using the Objective to Be More Aware of Flow”

Thursday, March 4, 2021 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Nuno (Lystell)

ELIAS: Good morning!

NUNO: Good morning.

ELIAS: (Laughs) And what shall we discuss, my friend?

NUNO: Well, I thought I would start with one of my favorite topics, of perception. And in perception, we talked a little bit about directing perception last time, and you said definitely perception can be directed. I wanted to clarify what I mean by directing perception. I mean, I understand how perception is usually directed, with my attention primarily and the other elements that go into what I call that black box of the collective’s input into it, and various other aspects of it but primarily being my attention, but that isn’t really what I meant by directing perception.

What I meant by directing perception is [that] perception is something that I possess. I don’t know exactly what it is or I don’t know exactly how it works, but it is something that I possess. And I was wondering if it’s possible to direct perception directly? In other words, to – I’m going to use a bad word here, I’m going to say to control the projector directly; to have it project what I want, not what it is usually projecting by taking into account all those other influences and inputs.

ELIAS: I understand. You definitely can do that. That is one of the actions that would be expressed in being self-directing and being intentional. The more intentional you are, and the more aware you are of what you are doing, the more you are actually affecting that projector of perception and moving in a direction of expressing it definitely, intentionally and, in your terminology, yes, being in control of what is being projected.

NUNO: Then it’s simply a matter of awareness?

ELIAS: Yes. Although that isn’t so simple. (Laughs) Because yes, it is being aware of that interconnectedness that I have been speaking to all of you about, that being aware of the action of one moment, one subject flowing into the next and being able to see that as it’s happening, and then intentionally directing it.

NUNO: That would require considerable awareness.

ELIAS: Yes. But once you move in that direction, once you actually begin becoming familiar with that and you are doing it more consistently, it actually becomes easier and easier, and it becomes more and more automatic. But it is the beginning stages of it that are challenging.

NUNO: And what are the beginning stages?

ELIAS: The beginning stages are that movement into actually being able to see that, being able to catch yourself and observing what you are doing, being aware of what you are doing, being aware of how that connects with the next action and the next action and the next action and how they are all tied together, and observing that flow of how everything moves together.

You are accustomed to, in a manner of speaking, viewing your reality and action and choices from the perspective of each drop of water in the stream, rather than all of the drops in the stream moving as one together.

NUNO: I understand.

ELIAS: But once you move in that direction, once you actually begin catching yourself and you begin to be familiar with that action of each moment flowing into the next, each subject flowing into the next and you can see it, then you can begin to be directing of it intentionally. And that, my friend, is the answer to your question. Actually, I would say that is the answer to most of your questions. Once you can do that, then you are in a position in which you are intentionally manipulating your reality and moving in a direction intentionally of what you want.

NUNO: And these exercises that I am doing, do they play a part in that?

ELIAS: To a degree, yes, because that is an action of discipline and of being more aware. Yes.

NUNO: Okay. Well, we’ll return to that topic a little later perhaps.

Now I would like to talk about the body consciousness. And it’s kind of something that I don’t really understand, in that what is it in relation to me? I mean, on the one hand it is a projection, just like furniture. But on the other hand, it’s very different from those kinds of projections. It’s an extremely intimate projection of mine, and it is much more aware than the other things that I manifest.

ELIAS: Now, that’s a tricky word, expressing that the body consciousness is aware. Because in that, then that supposes that the body consciousness has its own awareness independent of you, and that would be incorrect.

NUNO: Yes. That is incorrect. But even you, in discussing things with the body consciousness with me, have kind of implied that the body consciousness makes its own choices.

ELIAS: No. No. No.

Now, I express in certain manners in relation to that in association with expedience and the confines of your language, but I would say to you in relation to the purpose of being accurate, the body consciousness does not make its own choices or decisions; YOU make them, and then you instruct the body consciousness in what to do.

Now, the body consciousness does communicate, because it has an avenue and it is an avenue of communication, but in the same manner that your senses are avenues of communication. You wouldn’t say that your senses are independently aware from you. You know that this is simply a part of you that you are using as an input of information.

Now, in that, your senses are an avenue of communication. Therefore, they input information and they express that communication of information to you. The body consciousness does the same. But it doesn’t think. It doesn’t have its own independent awareness. It doesn’t act independent of you. Your subjective awareness is directing everything that the body consciousness does. And that is the part of what I was expressing in relation to being aware of interconnectedness and how one subject and one moment flows into the next and how everything is interconnected, because in that, then you would also be objectively observing your own subjective expressions and actions.

In that, being aware that the subjective aspect of your awareness is directing the body consciousness – but not alone, because in that, it is a matter of remembering that the subjective and the objective are not two separate awarenesses; they are two functions of one awareness. And in that, the subjective aspect of your awareness is the aspect of your awareness that you aren’t paying as much attention to, that that is a part of your awareness that you use in more of an automatic capacity.

And in that, the more aware you become objectively of that interconnectedness, the more aware you become of the subjective aspect of your awareness and what you are doing with that, that you aren’t always objectively aware of. This is the reason you have feelings, is because you aren’t always objectively aware of what you are doing, because you have designated that subjective aspect of your awareness to be automatic. It is definitely moving in harmony with the objective awareness; therefore, when you express stress, your subjective awareness is communicating to the body consciousness to generate high blood pressure or ulcers or difficulty breathing or headaches. Your subjective awareness is instructing the body consciousness in relation to what the body consciousness manifests. But it doesn’t do that by itself; it does that in relation to whatever your subjective awareness is instructing it to do.

That is the reason that I expressed a considerable time framework ago that there is a difference between expressing being in a coma or being what you term to be unconscious. When a person moves into an unconscious state, what they have done is they have removed their awareness entirely, the objective and the subjective—they have turned it off; they have removed it from the body consciousness. And the body consciousness can only survive for a certain amount of time without that input from the subjective awareness. It will automatically continue for a brief time framework in simple functions, but it won’t continue indefinitely. Those simple functions will begin to fail, because it isn’t being instructed.

Whereas [with] an individual that has generated a state of coma, the subjective awareness is still very much involved and directing the body consciousness, and the objective awareness has retreated into a position in which it is only paying attention to the subjective awareness and it has turned off all other avenues of communication outwardly.

Now, in this, then moving back in the direction of that interconnectedness and the awareness of that flow, the more you move in that direction the more you also are aware of what you are subjectively doing. I would say that that would be the second stage of that. The first stage is simply catching yourself in the flow and being able to objectively see how each moment is connected to the next moment and each action is connected to the next action, and that you actually are making choices in all of those actions and that you can intentionally make choices differently, rather than automatically, and you even experiment and play with it. You can manipulate that through your choices. That is also manipulating your perception in relation to the choices that you are making, by observing that flow.

Now, the next step or stage would be not only playing with it and manipulating it in relation to the objective aspect of that flow, and those choices and the actions and subjects that are all flowing into each other in every moment, but then adding to that the objective awareness of what your subjective aspect of your awareness is doing, what cues it’s taking from the objective, what directions it’s moving in, how it’s processing and responding to whatever you’re doing objectively—because it IS responding—and then how it is directing the body consciousness.

I would say to you, there are many actions, very simple, that your body does in a natural capacity that you don’t think about. And if you were attempting to intentionally do those actions in a natural capacity, it would be difficult. You wouldn’t actually objectively know how to do it immediately. Walking, how you naturally walk: If you were to generate some action that prevented you from doing that, it would be (chuckles) a challenge for you to identify and execute the action of naturally walking. You would be unnaturally walking for a time framework, because you don’t know how to objectively direct that. Speaking: You do it automatically. You don’t objectively know how you do that—you simply do it.

These are actions that the subjective aspect of your awareness is directing. It’s directing the body in every function, continuously. And it does that in a capacity in which it is directing every aspect of your body consciousness every moment, in order that your objective aspect of awareness doesn’t have to be aware, doesn’t have to pay attention to any of that. It functions automatically, and that allows you that objective awareness to be engaging everything outside of your body.

NUNO: Okay. This is some very interesting information. How do I begin moving in a direction of being more subjectively aware?

ELIAS: I would say that once you are catching yourself being aware of what you are doing in any moment, that it would be a matter of (pause) taking that a step farther, in a manner of speaking, and directing your objective attention to what you might think of or term to be sub-level—meaning, what is behind or beneath whatever you are observing in relation to what you are doing and what you are aware of objectively.

Therefore, perhaps first being aware of what is happening with the body consciousness. Therefore, if you are moving your attention to the body consciousness, that gives you an insight into what the subjective awareness is doing.

Now; what I would say to you is that in your exercises, you could be directing yourself to engage a similar state to dream. Because in dream state, that is the one time that your objective awareness is directly engaging with your subjective awareness, because your objective awareness is translating what your subjective awareness is doing. That is what you do in dreams, and you do that in layers.

Therefore, if you were to be directing yourself in a similar capacity to dream state, that would be an avenue, especially if you are doing that and allowing yourself to experience that in a similar capacity to lucid dreaming.

Now, understand: We are speaking about generating an action that is likened to dreaming, but you aren’t asleep. Therefore, you are intentionally engaging an action that is similar to dreaming, to lucid dreaming, but you are awake, and therefore you are objectively directing it.

NUNO: Okay. I’ve actually got a follow-up on that. Maybe I’ll get to that in a little while.

I want to ask about communications with you. Some time ago I discussed this with you, and you at the time offered to give me a kind of a physical sensation when it is that I am connecting with you. And if this is acceptable to you, I would like to begin exercising that. I would like to communicate with you in whatever capacity that is that’s suitable, but what one of the things that would help me considerably in that is if I know I am actually establishing that connection with you rather than merely assuming it. Do you understand what I mean?

ELIAS: And what would be your idea that would communicate that to you or would allow you to know that you are participating?

NUNO: Whatever is suitable to you. I mean, in the past it was a sensation in my right hand, kind of pins-and-needles kind of thing, but it doesn’t have to be that. It’s anything you feel is suitable.

ELIAS: Let me ask you first of all, what would you express that you are generally most sensitive to in relation to senses?

NUNO: You know, it might be… It might be sound, actually. Although in terms of tactile sensations, on the skin in other words, I—

ELIAS: It doesn’t have to be in relation to your sense of touch. I am expressing simply what you would identify as what you perceive you are most sensitive to in relation to any of your senses.

NUNO: Okay. It’s either going to be visual, like me seeing your blue dots, for example, or sometimes I see other colored dots, which you’ve expressed is my own energy. So, the visual aspect is… I think there is some sensitivity there. It also is hearing. My hearing is somewhat sensitive, and the reason I express that is because during my exercises where I’m altering perception, I occasionally hear a sound that is out of context, and I occasionally have a smell, a sense of smell that is out of context as well.

So I’m not doing a very good job, am I, of really telling you which one of these is most sensitive?

ELIAS: You are evaluating. That is acceptable.

NUNO: I would say out of all of those, I would say visual probably.

ELIAS: Very well.

NUNO: Although… although in terms of sensing energy, it is definitely the physical sensation that I notice more than anything else. If I’m sensing an energy that is either my own or it is of another essence, that usually is quite clear to me.

ELIAS: In relation to some type of physical sensation?

NUNO: Yes.

ELIAS: (Pause) Very well. What I can generate (pause), I can generate a physical sensation and a sound with your ear. I can generate a slight physical sensation, somewhat electrical, with your right ear and a humming sound. Shall we practice?

NUNO: Yes.

ELIAS: Very well. Then I will express to you to relax and not to be searching but be relaxed and open, and I will project the energy to your right ear. One moment. (Pause)

Could you feel it? Or could you hear a slight hum?

NUNO: Hm. No, a slight rumble, perhaps, but I’m not sure if it was from you. I did feel an energy of you, I believe.

ELIAS: Excellent. Then let us attempt one moment more. And I will continue to practice with you, but let us attempt one more time now. The sound will be a low tone. Therefore, you are correct. (Pause)

And now?

NUNO: No, I did not get any hearing sensation in that. Perhaps something that was not really a tone, was more of a rumble, a very low rumble, but…

ELIAS: Very well. That is a beginning.

NUNO: Okay.

ELIAS: I would say that that actually is close.

NUNO: Oh, all right.

ELIAS: Therefore, you are actually beginning to sense it. If you heard a type of rumble, then you are close.

NUNO: Okay. Then we can continue practicing this at other times?

ELIAS: Most definitely. I will be projecting it actually semi-frequently, in order that you can be practicing being aware of it, and when you aren’t expecting it.

NUNO: All right. Excellent.

Now, also on the subject of your energy, I have been attempting to incorporate or to allow the energy that you are projecting to me—as you said, you continuously do. And at times during the day I try and make time for me to do that, to sit down, to allow and accept that energy. And my impression is that that energy is very beneficial to me. I’m not exactly clear on what that benefit is specifically, but I do believe it is quite beneficial to me, and I also believe that it is quite calming to the body consciousness, quite helpful to the body consciousness as well. And I would like to be able to receive that energy more continuously throughout the day instead of just at the times when I stop and kind of go into a meditation state in order to receive it. Is this possible?

ELIAS: Actually, what I would say to you, my friend, is that you ARE receiving it constantly, and that in those time frameworks that you are more concentrated, you simply are receiving it more. You are allowing more volume. But you are receiving, regardless.

NUNO: Very well.

ELIAS: And… once again, I would say that what we have been discussing this day in relation to your awareness and expanding that and being more intentional with that, that will all increase your awareness with my energy also. In actuality, what I would say to you in relation to that is that the more you move in that direction and are more aware of that flow, the more you will begin to automatically notice and see my energy as something, in a manner of speaking, separate from you. Therefore, you might translate that as a blue energy around you, you might translate it as an electrical energy around you, but you will definitely begin to incorporate being aware of my energy, even with your physical senses, as something present around you that isn’t you.

NUNO: You know, I think I may have already started to do that. I mean, I have of course seen your blue dots and that’s nothing new in that, but additionally, recently at times—not all that frequently, but at times I do see that blueness for an extended time, not just a flash or a dot that appears briefly.

ELIAS: Congratulations! Yes, that would be it.

NUNO: Excellent.

ELIAS: Therefore, you ARE actually doing it, and I would be tremendously encouraging you, my friend.

NUNO: Okay. On… Let me see. On occasion, actually fairly frequently when I’m doing my exercises, I will fall asleep during the exercise. And for a while, when this first started to happen, I was very annoyed with that occurrence. But I’ve discovered that when that happens—and usually I don’t sleep for that long; it’ll be like usually twenty minutes, maybe less—when that happens, two things I have observed. One is that I will generally engage some kind of unusual dream state. I say it’s unusual because it’s not like a usual dream state which has, let us say, a story line to it, it has objective content to it. It is instead a dream state that seems to be almost purely subjective. And I don’t really understand it, but I feel it and I try and translate it, but there is no objective translation. The other thing I have observed is that upon waking from these periods of sleep during my exercises, the energy that I incorporate—my own essence energy that I incorporate—is elevated considerably afterwards.

ELIAS: That is understandable. And I would actually congratulate you in that also, because that is actually you moving objectively at that point in a direction of experiencing yourself more as essence.

Now, I would say take advantage of that. And what that means is for a brief time framework after that, to actually pay attention to that flow. Use that elevated state to help you to be more aware of that flow.

NUNO: Okay. Excellent.

One of the things that is challenging to me is that in incorporating more of my energy, it is now fairly easy for me to do that when I set my attention to it, let’s put it that way. The thing is, though, that it is very easily disrupted and dissipated as soon as I engage any kind of objective action, and I was wondering—I mean, it shouldn’t be that way. It should be that I should be able to incorporate more and more of my energy even if I’m engaging reality objectively.

ELIAS: Correct. And I understand. And that is what I am expressing to you in relation to what we were discussing with that other situation. I would say that at any time you could be more aware of that flow. What I would say is, in that, use the objective expression. Rather than automatically engaging your perception with the idea of annoyance or that you are being interrupted, rather use it. And in that, whatever is being expressed and grabbing your attention, in a manner of speaking, use that to catch that flow. (Pause)

How is that flowing into the next moment? What is happening around you that is being incorporated into that flow, into that next moment and affecting your attention, affecting your choices, affecting what you are aware of, all of it? That is the point. Rather than fighting with it, rather than moving in a direction of this being an interruption and an annoyance, this is part of that entire action, that this is part of your objective awareness and what you engage every moment, every day. That is the point. You want to be able to manipulate your reality intentionally, but you have to do it within that immense storm of stimulation and input, because you have so many avenues of communication that are all working at the same time and inputting information and sensation from everything around you.

In this, that is a part of it: moving in the direction of taking all of that input, all of that stimulation, and using it by being aware of how each moment is flowing into the next with all that stimulation. It isn’t doing it without it—it’s doing it with it.

NUNO: Okay. I guess if you’re engaging objective reality and you are a focus engaging that, that is an important thing to do.

ELIAS: Yes. Yes. I would say that if you want to be experiencing entire calm and absence, then you would disengage. And even in that, you won’t achieve that entire calm and absence until after you remember that you died.

But in physical reality, it is a matter of using all of that stimulation that is being inputted. Just as you practice the exercises of focusing on directing your attention, or using the clarity exercise, whatever it is that you are doing that you are directing yourself more singularly or streamlined, in that, you are filtering intentionally. You are recognizing that you have all these avenues of communication that are inputting information and stimulation every moment, all simultaneously, but you don’t have to pay attention to all of them, just as you don’t objectively pay attention – much – to what you are subjectively doing, because you trust that to be automatic, and therefore you don’t have to pay attention to everything that you are doing subjectively. But in that, you move in the direction of filtering out those subjective actions and even some of the subjective communications.

[The timer for the end of the session rings]

In this, it is a matter of filtering out some of the objective communications and stimulation and then being more intentionally directed in a more focused capacity. Are you understanding?

NUNO: Yes.

ELIAS: Excellent.

NUNO: Just a quick question: Lester Levenson.


NUNO: The essence of that focus, is that essence Sumari?

ELIAS: (Pause) No.


ELIAS: That would be Sumafi.

NUNO: Oh, Sumafi. Okay. Quite an interesting character, Lester is.

ELIAS: (Laughs) I very much agree. But interesting also in that he was considerably accomplishing in many capacities.

NUNO: Yes.

ELIAS: But also, I would say—to you or to anyone—that you definitely could gain from his experiences and his observations and actions, but always be aware that what he has done is his own method and interpretation and that yours might be somewhat different.

NUNO: Yes.

Okay, I guess our time is ended. I want to thank you for our interactions, and hopefully I’ll speak to you soon.

ELIAS: Very well, my friend. I shall greatly be anticipating of that. In wondrous love to you and in dear friendship as always—and I shall continue to be expressing that energy to you constantly—to you, my dear friend, au revoir.

NUNO: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 1 hour 1 minute)

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