Session 202102171

Imagery of Interconnectedness


Session 202102171
“Imagery of Interconnectedness”
“Bird Imagery”
“Expressing Resonance”
“Communication with the Dead”
“Pride as an Expression of Self”

Wednesday, February 17, 2021 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Ben (Sumarian)

ELIAS: Good afternoon!

BEN: Hello! Hello, Elias. (Elias laughs) I’m back. That was quicker than I thought, wasn’t it?

ELIAS: And what shall we discuss this day, my friend?

BEN: Okay. So, this day I did make a list because it just helps me organize some of the curiosities I have. And I just have some impressions, and then we’ll talk a little bit more about my mother because there’s been quite a lot of interaction with her, so it’s really interesting.

Two weeks ago when I was petting the cat I blurted out the name Farouk, and it was really funny and I thought, “Could it be that Farouk was the name of one of these previous pets, the bird or the dog?”


BEN: I said it was the bird.

ELIAS: Correct.

BEN: And was that a focus of mine in Egypt?

ELIAS: (Pause) Saudi Arabia.

BEN: Oh. (Laughs) Okay, that was really interesting. Now, a few days ago I was hiking in the desert in this really remote part of Israel, and I stop to drink water and I see this really pretty amber-orange rock that was just sitting there almost waiting for me to pick it up, like somebody left it for me. And I came back the next day, and my computer wallpaper had birds on it that had this same amber-orange, and they had a really nice blue, which is really your blue. And I was wondering, is this a gift from someone or a connection with someone?

ELIAS: I would say that it was a gift to yourself, actually. That would be the someone, would be you. And in that, I would say that this isn’t the same stone, but it is very similar to another stone that you possessed in another focus that was very important to you.

BEN: What, in a sentimental value it was important? Or because it had some energy or healing or was—

ELIAS: It was important to you because it was something that you used as a focal point to center yourself. And therefore, you carried that with you constantly throughout your life, and that it was very important to you as that focal point to help you to center yourself.

BEN: And the color was the same amber-orange? Just a different stone?

ELIAS: Yes. Yes. Yes.

BEN: Because the one I found a few days ago looks like some kind of calcite or orange crystal. It’s really pretty. And so the bird imagery had nothing to do with it? Because for some reason, when I saw the blue and amber on the birds on the wallpaper, I said there’s some connection here. Is that a connection with you in that focus?

ELIAS: Yes. And that you actually also had a bird in that focus as a companion.

BEN: Is that that bird Farouk that we just mentioned?

ELIAS: (Pause) Correct.

BEN: Oh! So, all of this is tied to that same focus in Saudi Arabia?


BEN: And what was my profession there? What was I? Like a nomad? Like a sheepherder or something like that?

ELIAS: And shall you not investigate?

BEN: All right. All right. I knew it. (Both laugh)

Okay. Now something that we spoke of earlier: I had this blue key that used to appear in my vision, and we talked about that. Now recently, instead of one blue key I’m getting two keys that look like swords because they’re sort of crossing each other. And this only occurs just when I wake up, several times, and then it disappears. And the fact that there’s two of them this time means that… I think the meaning is different for me. And it’s either hinting of some connection with something. And that’s all I can tell you.

ELIAS: I would say not connection with something, but interconnectedness in general.

BEN: Oh. Okay, because—

ELIAS: And that is an important factor and an important step in your expansion.

BEN: Okay, so since you mentioned interconnectedness, I’m going to ask you about something that I didn’t plan on talking about. But I did a few successful experiments where I sort of relax my known identity, which means I let go of my opinions and what I like and what’s important to me and all these limitations, and I just see what I’m left with. And the surprising thing is that I’m left with a very flexible and sort of like a misty kind of identity where it’s not limited or defined in words or by what I do or by what I like, and it’s really pleasant. And it feels like I’m almost like the ocean, while at the same time being that little wave but feeling both of them together. Does that make sense?

ELIAS: Most definitely. And I would express congratulations, my friend. I would say that that is excellent that you have… (Pause)

BEN: Oh. Did we get disconnected now?


BEN: Oh. And you know, what I noticed that hinders that experience most of all for me is the callous expressions that reinforce separation, and many of them happen with no thought, they’re ingrained in the culture in the way we behave and the way we want to separate so we have some type of identity, and ultimately it screws us because we box ourselves in and we say, “Finally I’m my own person,” and then we’re alone.

ELIAS: (Laughs) I agree.

BEN: Okay, so those experiences are really, really interesting.

ELIAS: I would congratulate you on that also.

BEN: Okay, Elias, two numbers that I got. I think I’m getting really good at this. I got the number 889, and I said, “Is the total number of focuses of the essence of Nori, my mother, in this dimension?”

ELIAS: (Pause) This focus in this reality, yes.

BEN: Okay. And the number… I got a number 1073, and a few days later it changed to 1043. And I had two impressions: either the number of my focuses in this reality has increased, or this would be the number of essences observing me.

ELIAS: (Pause) I would say both.

BEN: Both? Both numbers are valid?


BEN: So the number of focuses increased quite dramatically. The last time we verified that it was 673, so that’s a very big increase? Or is this usual, normal?

ELIAS: I would say that that is not unusual. There is considerable fluctuation in the increase and decrease of focuses at any given point.

BEN: Oh, okay. I was surprised that I got these two numbers that are relatively close. Because observing essences, I know that that fluctuates quite a lot.


BEN: But you’re saying that number of focuses does too?

ELIAS: Yes. Yes.

BEN: Okay. I have a question about something that happened two years ago or something. I went out of my apartment and there were nine balloons outside my door tied together with a string. They were white. And I left them there for a few days because I was curious to see what happened. And a few days later I found a dead bird in the middle of those balloons. It was a black bird. And as soon as I saw that, I said, “Okay, this is Rose, definitely, and the nine balloons are the nine… It could be the nine essence families, but it’s probably the nine manifestations of Rose.” Was that a connection with the energy of Rose?

ELIAS: Yes. And what was your impression beyond that?

BEN: Um, I don’t know. I know I have a fascination with birds and I have a lot of interaction with birds, but I thought perhaps I was interactive with some of the manifestations who are in their 20s now, maybe in dream state or something, but that’s not really an impression.

ELIAS: I would say that that is correct, subjectively, that you do connect with these individuals. And I would say that in that, the imagery was both celebratory but also expressed in conjunction with beyond physical. That would be the reason that you generated the imagery of the bird being dead.

BEN: Why does the bird being dead hint at beyond the physical? Because of the color?

ELIAS: No. Because it was dead.

BEN: Oh. And the celebratory is because of the balloons?

ELIAS: Yes. But in that, that it wasn’t something that was negative, necessarily, or bad, but that the factor that the bird was not alive was expressing beyond the physical aspect.

BEN: Okay. Now, is there any reason that I started…? Every time I walk, I have a lot of interactions with birds, especially crows. And I’ve had many incidents where they actually follow me in the sky and they squawk at me. I don’t know if that’s usual behavior for this type of bird, but it’s almost as if… It feels like somebody knows that I’m there and is communicating with me through all of these birds, because I love birds.

ELIAS: I would say, actually it is more you and your imagery to yourself, and in that, imagery that you present to yourself in relation to being connected, and that you are drawn to these creatures. And therefore, because you are drawn to them, and because you have such an affinity and an affection for them, I would say that this also draws them to you.

BEN: Oh!

ELIAS: Therefore, I would say it wouldn’t be unusual that they might follow you, because they would be drawn to you in relation to that energy that you are projecting in association with them and connecting with them.

BEN: Oh, that’s so pretty. That’s why the dogs, my brother’s dog, and dogs are always crazy. They just see me and they just stick and they never want to leave. (Elias chuckles) Oh. This is so nice.

Something I noticed: I don’t know where this is coming from, [but] sometimes when I sit I feel a certain body part sort of vibrate for about several seconds, sort of like a cell phone. And it just happens randomly, and I was wondering if that is hinting of some resonance or something? I know it’s not a communication about any issue that I have to pay attention to, but I do feel that vibration and I don’t really know what it’s communicating to me, what it’s about.

ELIAS: I would say you are correct, and that this would be beneficial for you to pay attention when that occurs, because in that moment you ARE expressing a resonance. It could be in relation to where you are, it could be actually in relation to a particular tone or sound that is present around you, [or] it could be in relation to simply being in harmony with yourself at that moment. And therefore, what I would say is, it would be significant for you to pay attention when you experience that and identify what it is in that moment that you are resonating with. It is your method of expressing that resonance in an obvious manner.

BEN: Wow! I like that. That’s perfect for me. (Both laugh)

Let me ask you about – before we get into questions about my mother – this is related to my mother. The yucca plant that we talked about, about moving it to an area where her energy deposit is more present: It took three moves, three changes in location, and I think that I got it to the optimal location in my flat. Now, two things I noticed that hinted that it was right. The first thing that was unusual was that the smell in that area in my living room changed. I came back home and I sensed some neutral smell, some pleasant, relaxed smell; that’s how I translated it. And the second thing is that most of the diseased leaves fell away quite quickly, and the new ones are coming in rather healthy. And first of all, what I wanted to ask is it seems like the location is a good location, and is my mother connecting with the plant?

ELIAS: Yes, and yes.

BEN: Oh. Double success!

ELIAS: (Laughs) Congratulations, my friend.

BEN: Oh! So, the smell that I noticed was just a validation that there’s something here, this is good?


BEN: Okay. Since we talked about my mother, there have been quite a number of communications with her since she passed away, which is really incredible for me. But I want to start off with something that my brother asked me to talk to you about. A few days after she passed away he started having conversations with her in his head, and it went on for maybe a week. And he wrote down some qualities that he sensed in that exchange with her, and I’ll just read them really quickly. He said she was very responsive; she experienced no sorrow, regret or sadness; she was very light-hearted; she was very loving and relaxed. And the most impressive thing that he picked up from the exchange is that she was telling him that there is no attachment, therefore she doesn’t miss us, but she loves us and there is no attachment. That’s the key word. How accurate is what he picked up?

ELIAS: I would say VERY accurate.

BEN: Very accurate.

ELIAS: And I would say that that piece about no attachment is very accurate and correct, that when an individual is in the position of choosing to disengage, choosing to die, they actually experience that awareness that there is no attachment in any direction. There is no attachment to be moving in a non-physical direction, [and] there is no attachment to remaining in physical focus—it is simply a choice, and one choice doesn’t appear to be more important or weigh heavier than the other choice.

And in that, I would say that this is the example of what I have expressed many times, that choice is choice. One choice isn’t more important than another choice; it is simply that YOU put more importance upon certain choices than other choices. But eventually, in relation to the ultimate choice of whether to be continuing in physical focus or not, you genuinely recognize that it genuinely isn’t a matter of one direction being more important than the other. It is ALL neutral, and it is simply a matter of curiosity, what you happen to be more curious about in the moment—literally in the moment.

In that, I would say that all of the information that he presented to himself is correct and accurate and valid.

BEN: Oh. That’s great, because he said it was really surprising that he almost heard her talking to him. And he said just, “I really hope this is real,” and I’m quite sure it’s real. And you just said the same thing.


Now; in that, let me also express to you that it is not unusual for people to have these types of experiences directly following an individual’s death, because the energy of that person—the physical energy of that person—lingers.

BEN: For two weeks, more or less?

ELIAS: Yes. Yes. Yes. And therefore, in that, it is very easy for people in physical focus to connect with that individual’s energy without interference, because they haven’t themselves had time to develop their own interferences.

BEN: Oh. You know what I’m curious about? Can we discuss shortly my mother’s intent? Because I’m curious about how my intent and her intent combined and what created the curiosity to explore this focus together. And the only impression I have about my mother’s intent was the word “pride.” And for some reason that word popped up because there was always a lot of pride in anything she did, even though it wasn’t expressed outwardly. She was very proud of almost anything, whether it be her kids and what she painted and how she directed herself and how she chose her friends. So, that’s the impression I have, and perhaps you could help me define it more clearly.

ELIAS: I would say that that is very accurate, and that is excellent that you recognized that piece. Because that, I would say, was actually a very strong intersecting point that she expressed with everyone and everything. That was her direction of how she intersected with people and things and actions and directions, and in that, making that connection in a very real capacity.

Let me say to you that objectively, people make connections with each other frequently and very consistently, but they don’t always know that they are doing that. And I would say that in relation to that particular expression, it actually enabled her to physically, energetically, emotionally and intellectually create a type of grasp—not simply touching, but actually grasping whatever it was that she was connecting with, which I would say created a tremendous fulfillment.

BEN: Wow. And that is with this key word that I mentioned of pride?

ELIAS: Yes. Definitely.

BEN: But how would you define pride in association with these actions, that she used that as like this focal point? What would that mean? Pride in what sense?

ELIAS: In ANY sense. Pride in relation to actions and expressions that SHE engaged, pride in directions, pride in other people, pride in herself—in anything, in EVERYTHING. That was the connective tissue, in a manner of speaking, her expression of how to grasp hold of whatever it was that she was connecting with, whether it be something that she did or an expression of her own or another individual that she was connecting with. And in that, it didn’t matter. It could be anything. It could be a creature, it could be ANYTHING. And in that, that expression of pride is something that actually comes from deep within you and is a very moving expression and experience.

In this, let me say to you, the reason that many – not all, but many – religions express that pride is bad or is a sin is because it does come from deep within the individual, therefore it is deeply personal and it is a very strong expression of self. And—

BEN: Oh. And it’s genuine.

ELIAS: Yes, it is genuine. And religions don’t want to promote the significance of the individual because that takes away from the significance of God. But what I would say is, this is definitely a deeply personal expression, and therefore, using it in the manner that she did throughout her life enabled her to actually personally grasp hold of whatever it was that she was expressing that pride in, and therefore, generating that connection in a very solid capacity.

[The timer for the end of the session rings]

BEN: Wow. And these expressions, it seems like these expressions were more for herself, because I don’t think I would have noticed it outwardly because she was not a person who talked too much or talked about herself at all. It was very inward action. Of course, it was expressed outwardly.

ELIAS: Yes. But I would say that in some capacities, you and other individuals were aware when she was proud of you.

BEN: Yeah. Definitely. She was proud of anything, any painting, even a haircut that she had, even the way that she used to dance or she decorated the house or her grandson. It was really, really easy to see in those actions.

ELIAS: Because that is her expression of connecting.

BEN: Wow, that’s beautiful. (Elias chuckles)

Elias, we’re going to end for today because I split this session into two, and then next week we can continue. I’ve still got all kinds of stuff. It’s been really interesting. And it’s this time half a session, which is lighter for me.

ELIAS: Very well. And I shall greatly be anticipating our next meeting, my friend.

BEN: All right, thank you.

ELIAS: In tremendous love to you and great encouragement and supportiveness as always, au revoir.

BEN: Bye-bye.

(Elias departs after 32 minutes)

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