Session 202101151

No Going Back: The Extension of This Mass Event


“No Going Back: The Extension of This Mass Event”
“Information Will Prevail”
“2021: The Year of Beginnings”
“Students are the Change Leaders”
“Genuine Supportiveness”
“More on Black Quartz”
“Origin of Stone Balls”
“Ladybug Imagery”

Friday, January 15, 2021 (Private)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Val (Atticus)

ELIAS: Good afternoon!

VAL: Good afternoon, Elias.

ELIAS: (Laughs) And what shall we discuss this day?

VAL: Wow, I’ve got a lot of options. It’s hard to select.

ELIAS: Excellent!

VAL: It’s hard to choose. (Elias laughs) There’s so much going on in our world and so forth. I think I’ll start out with something kind of light first, though.

ELIAS: Very well.

VAL: Okay. I’ll ask a couple of questions for Jean.

ELIAS: Very well.

VAL: She says, “What one word would describe the essence of my focus beingness? Would it be healer, or connector?”

ELIAS: (Pause) Connector.

VAL: And myself? Bridger?


VAL: Okay. I have a new friend in Ohio. Her name’s Carla. Can you give me her essence name?

ELIAS: (Pause) Essence name: Esme (EZ-mah)

VAL: How would you spell that?


VAL: Thank you. Okay. Let’s talk about ladybug imagery.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Very well.

VAL: In the past couple weeks, I’ve had ladybug imagery in my house. Not just, you know, on the wall or doing their own thing, but interaction with me: walking across my computer, landing on my sweater, walking across my hands. And I, for the life of me—

ELIAS: Unusual for this time of year.

VAL: I’ve been attempting to determine the significance of the imagery. They’re playful. It’s very unusual for this time of year. And I also wonder if it has something to do with… two possibilities: my friend Matt and our connection, or a dear friend of mine from childhood decided to disengage, and she was quite ill the last week or two, and that’s when they showed up. So, is that it?


VAL: She was communicating with me, or…?

ELIAS: Connecting, I would say. Yes.

VAL: Wow. How special is that! Was she a final focus, Linda?


VAL: It surprised me in a way, because she’s just a little bit younger than I am and she has raised six children and everything, just beginning the grandmother process. And the diagnosis for her cancer was in November, and then she just made that choice to… “I’m going in a different direction.” So, yeah. Well, that’s beautiful. (Elias chuckles) I’m sure we’ll be interacting again.

ELIAS: I have no doubt. (Chuckles)

VAL: Was she belonging Borledim?


VAL: And aligning, she had some Sumafi tendencies? Or was she Milumet aligned?

ELIAS: Milumet.

VAL: Yes. Okay. She reminds me very much of my friend Angela. Of course, Angela is Borledim/Milumet. Are they counterparts?


VAL: Okay. Very good. And a question about Angela. Angela and her canine friend are now living with me, which has been a great manifestation, because it’s been a motivator. In winter it’s quite isolating, and in my perception it was a great creation. (Laughs) So the other day we were having dinner, and I looked over at Angela and she had a blue energy on her right cheek, and I wonder if that was you? (Laughs and Elias chuckles)

Okay. Let’s move on into a little… Well, let’s go to the meat of the conversation, and then we’ll do archeology. (Sighs) We’re living in interesting times.

ELIAS: I agree.

VAL: And I feel like we’re on the precipice of something big. And the sense that perhaps—you know, we’ve had this mass event with the virus—and the sense that we may be about to create either an extension to that mass event or another mass event. Most recently, in the United States, a lot of things are happening. One of the biggest things that’s really glaring, obviously, is tremendous censorship. And those who have questions about the official narrative, so to speak, there’s a great attempt to silence them. And it seems as if there’s a tremendous focus from the world on the United States, like with bated breath: “What’s going to happen next?”

So, am I onto something here? Are we getting ready to move into more of a… I don’t know how to say…developments in shifting into a different form of government in the very near future?

ELIAS: That is very likely.

VAL: I get the impression that perhaps we’ve had our last presidential election.

ELIAS: That remains to be seen. (Pause)

I would say you definitely are moving in a direction of an extension of this mass event. It isn’t over yet, and as you move forward, it is very likely that you will create the extension to this in very different directions, not centered around the virus but moving in new changes. (Pause)

The onus is on the masses. I would agree that the world is looking at your country. Let me express it in this manner: The world has been looking at Germany, because Germany is expressing one of the most outspoken oppositions to governmental control, and the German people are quite irritated with that and agitated, and there is quite a movement of the people in that state. But in relation to the timing factor and the change that is occurring in YOUR country, you are correct. The attention of the world is shifting to your country now, and they are curious as to what will happen, what will you do; and in that, almost as a gauge in relation to the changes.

Now, in this, it is an interesting time, and it is an interesting situation because (chuckles) what you have chosen in your country en masse is not quite what you think. (Pause) Many, many, many people are of the opinion that the recent election has produced a new direction of liberation, in a manner of speaking.

VAL: I understand.

ELIAS: Which is actually quite interesting, because you have chosen two individuals as your new leaders that are quite steeped in political tradition.

VAL: Absolutely.

ELIAS: Both of them are very conditioned in the direction of what is politically accepted.

VAL: And correct.

ELIAS: Yes. And in that, both of them are VERY much in the direction of maintaining the old government in the tradition that it has been expressed and in the structure that it has been expressed to this point. Neither of them are individuals that would be stepping outside of the lines very much. Your previous president was definitely stepping outside of the lines, and in that, most of the people in your country didn’t like that.

Let me say to you that there are, yes, some people that are supporters of this past president. They are definitely in the minority, the fanatical individuals that are in the direction of less involvement of government. These are people that have been quiet for a considerable time framework because their direction, although in keeping with the ideals of your country, is not as popular. Your country has moved in a direction within this 250 years of moving more in the expression of government and government control, and the people of your country have not only allowed that but have supported that considerably.

VAL: Yes. That’s counter to shifting, obviously.

ELIAS: It is. People look to government to do for them.

VAL: Yes.

ELIAS: Or to fix for them.

VAL: Here comes the self-directing piece. Mm-hm.

ELIAS: And in that, as you have seen, that frightens people. But at the same time, this mass event has definitely been doing its job. And incrementally, little by little, people are beginning to look at evidence around them and whether it actually matches what they are being told. People ARE beginning to think for themselves more. They ARE beginning to question, and they are actually beginning to move in directions of self-structuring.

The mass event has created a situation in that social distancing that people have had the option—although they would say that it was mandated—to be working from home, and many people like that. Some people don’t; some people are more inclined to be generating involvement in the workplace because it gives them a social aspect. Some people like to be engaged in the workplace because it takes them out of their home.

VAL: Yes, of course.

ELIAS: But MANY people have discovered that they like this option of not having to work in the workplace and that they have a choice. Which, one of the areas, one of the structures that that is being expressed in in many, many, many areas of your country—which is also something that is being watched—is in your school system.

VAL: Oh my. That’s under “Revolution,” really.

ELIAS: Precisely. Because the instructors, the teachers, are more comfortable not being in a physical classroom, and THAT is creating difficulties but creating change.

VAL: A much-needed change in that sector.

ELIAS: I would agree. And in that, it is somewhat of an example that the people are making choices that are, in a manner of speaking, forcing change. It isn’t always welcomed. Change is not something that most people engage willingly or with open arms.

VAL: No.

ELIAS: And therefore, that is creating difficulties and will likely continue to do so, for a time framework. I would say that in some capacities, your new leaders will be somewhat soothing to some people because they want that familiarity. They want to look to the government to fix. They want to look to the government to lead and to dictate.

VAL: Back to normal.


VAL: “Oh, we want to go back to normal.”

ELIAS: Yes. But what many, many, many people don’t realize is that there are (chuckles) a considerable number of people that have developed a taste for some of these changes.

VAL: I agree.

ELIAS: And therefore, as I expressed in the beginning, you aren’t going back to normal. There is no going back.

VAL: So, can I ask a question? These two individuals that we have chosen, they’re going to facilitate even more change. They don’t realize. They’re going to try to keep the status quo, the same thing, the same power of the government, but in actuality it’s going to be an opposite reaction. Is that correct?

ELIAS: It very well could be. I would say that it lies with the people now.

VAL: Yeah. It’s really difficult to gauge right now, the energy, which direction…

ELIAS: There is a considerable amount of unrest.

VAL: Yes.

ELIAS: And a fire has already been lit.

VAL: Yes.

ELIAS: But, as I have expressed every step of the way with this, it is very difficult to predict, because it is also volatile and all of you are being so volatile. And as much as you might move in a particular direction and incorporate a perception of such direction and absoluteness, other people do also in very different directions. It is a matter of what will become the majority, because there is at present, the majority of people are in between.

VAL: Yeah.

ELIAS: The majority of people are just beginning to question. They are just now looking at evidence and questioning what they are being told and noticing that they don’t match.

VAL: Is this why we’re seeing that increased censorship at this point in time?


VAL: Because there’s a realization that people are really starting to awaken and ask these questions.

ELIAS: Yes. It is what you would term to be a last-ditch attempt at control.

VAL: That’s what I thought.

ELIAS: But the more THAT happens, the more it actually incites the opposite.

VAL: Oh, yes!

ELIAS: The more… (pause) the few move in the direction of control and censoring and instigating more rules, the more the masses somewhat rail against that and are questioning and are not comfortable with it. Therefore, that has a tremendous potential for backfire.

VAL: Yeah.

ELIAS: I would say that, as I expressed, the decision—the direction—lies with the masses, and the masses are in the middle presently. They aren’t quite in a direction of being incited, but as I expressed, the fire has been lit. And in that, what I would say is actually the FIRES [emphasizing plural] have been lit. And the fires are beacons in many different directions. They aren’t associated with one subject or one direction. There are many subjects and many directions, and they aren’t only being lit in your country.

VAL: I agree.

ELIAS: And therefore, there is a massive amount of energy that is brewing.

VAL: Would the country of China also be one of those countries where there’s a lot of energy brewing for change?


VAL: And we’re talking possibly a revolution there, eventually?

ELIAS: It is possible.

VAL: Yeah.

ELIAS: I would say it is possible that revolution may be happening in many (chuckles) areas of your world.

VAL: That’s what I’m feeling at this point. You know, it seems like the power structure of thousands of years, it’s moving in the direction of losing its grip, and this is what we’re seeing. The more the censorship increases, the more avenues of creativity present themselves, in that people are developing their own way of communicating. So, the big tech giants who control so much of the information – and information is golden, it’s been used to facilitate perception through many, many years – it’s like they’re all moving in that direction of stopping any type of questioning, but it’s not. It’s just like being in the desert and closing one prairie dog hole, and then another one pops up and another one pops up and another one pops up. So, it’s actually facilitating more communication and more questioning.

ELIAS: I would say that you could express in one direction that it was a mistake to be blocking or censoring your prior president (Val laughs), or you could express that it wasn’t a mistake because it is lighting another fire.

VAL: Oh, it wasn’t a mistake in my perception, because it IS lighting a fire. And it’s really funny. In an attempt to communicate with the social media, whatever, people are starting to speak in code so that their information won’t be taken away. And I find that extraordinary. The human spirit prevails.

ELIAS: Very much so.

VAL: Yeah.

ELIAS: People are inventive. Humans are creative and they are inventive, and your history has been fraught with people that have attempted to control ideas, and it is always unsuccessful. It may be surfacely seeming to be successful for a time framework, but ultimately it isn’t. Ultimately, it will fail. Regardless of what direction is expressed – I would say that religion is an excellent example and teacher in that direction through history – I would say that regardless of how much is attempted to be controlled, whatever you view as your dark years in relation to those philosophies and expressions, it matters not. You always emerge from them anyway.

VAL: Yeah. You spoke in Ann’s session of how the politicians essentially are listening to physicians, but that would be a certain number of physicians. It would be the physicians who in a sense toe the line of power structure. Those physicians, which I could name—many—that are questioning, have written books even in this time period, they’re not heard. And they have extreme credentials.

ELIAS: But they are. They are.

VAL: By the people. They’re heard by the people.

ELIAS: Yes. They are being noticed. They ARE being heard. And that is moving in a direction more and more in which people are questioning, and they are listening, and they are looking at what other information is being expressed. And I would say that although there continues to be a tremendous, tremendous amount of people that are engaging your social media avenues, there are a tremendous amount of people that are turning away from it also.

VAL: Oh, I totally agree. And the mass media, just flipping the switch. Because everything seems so insane, it doesn’t make sense anymore.

ELIAS: Correct.

VAL: And there comes the questioning.


VAL: And we will find a way to get the information. Exciting times! (Both laugh)

ELIAS: I would say, realistically it doesn’t matter what you do—torture and control and murderous acts—it doesn’t matter. The information will prevail eventually. It always does.

VAL: Yes. Like I said, information is golden. Connecting is golden.

ELIAS: Yes. Yes.

VAL: Would you say that this year, 2021, is going to be the year of connecting?

ELIAS: Beginning. I would say that that would be the word for this year: “Beginnings.”

VAL: And in reference to a new governmental structure, which I really feel that it’s not that distant.

ELIAS: I would agree.

VAL: Is there any type of framework at this point for this to be introduced? Or we’re just making this up as we go along?

ELIAS: Correct. No, you don’t have a framework yet. I would say that is part of the reason why the rest of the world IS watching you, because you’re in a transitional period and because so many people are expecting something different—which is somewhat surprising in relation to what you chose.

VAL: Well, I think that was portrayed as something different by—

ELIAS: Most definitely.

VAL: Yes, of course.

ELIAS: Most definitely. But it isn’t.

VAL: No.

ELIAS: And in that, that is what also can be a considerable catalyst. Just as there is no going back to what was normal before, this last four years in your country has disrupted that normal also in relation to government, and there is no going back to that either.

VAL: That’s why we see such a desperate attempt to keep things as-is at this point.


VAL: You can really feel that and see that. It’s quite obvious. And I think when there’s a change of administration and there’s a short honeymoon period, and then when people realize, “Whoops! This isn’t any different,” then that’s really going to start to ignite that change.

ELIAS: And that is the reason that I expressed that the change and the direction lies with the people, just as with the schools.

VAL: Yes. And we’re looking at it—

ELIAS: The schools’ administrators desperately want the classrooms to be re-engaged and are desperately attempting to re-establish that. But they can’t if the teachers won’t participate, and the teachers won’t participate. The PEOPLE are expressing the choices. The teachers are representative of the people, and they are expressing, “No.”

VAL: Which is going to make us re-evaluate the education system totally.

ELIAS: Precisely.

VAL: It’s beautiful.

ELIAS: But that is one area.

Now; what I would say to you is, I would encourage you to think about why that is so important. Who leads revolutions?

VAL: Young people.


VAL: Yeah! (Laughs)

ELIAS: Who generates revolutions? The people in university.

VAL: Yes.

ELIAS: The students. They are the leaders. They are the ones that initiate change. Therefore, it is tremendously significant that changes are being implemented in schools.

VAL: I think, too, I see changing in the medical world, because with the introduction of the vaccine, and there was the initial feeling that everybody was going to jump on board, and medical professionals, nurses, are refusing to take the vaccine. So that presents questioning by the general population: “Wait a minute. You know, we’ve always trusted the pharmaceutical companies and our doctor and…” So, I can see that leading into a lot of change and evolving.

ELIAS: But you see once again, who is the greater population? The physicians, or the nurses?

VAL: The nurses.

ELIAS: The nurses. The nurses are the greater population. And in that, they are moving in a direction of taking the lead. The physicians have always been in the lead. But then again, what is part of this Shift? What is the shift in energy, in relation to this shift?

VAL: That would be self-empowerment.

ELIAS: The shifting from the male, masculine energy to the feminine, female energy.

VAL: Oh! To the feminine! Yes, of course!

ELIAS: And traditionally, what has been the physicians? The males. And what has been the nurses? The females.

VAL: And the caregivers, the females.

ELIAS: I understand this is a generalization, but this is an example of tradition and what has been. And in that, although yes, there are many female physicians in your present time framework and there are more and more male nurses, it still is dominated by the male individuals as the physicians and the female individuals as the nurses.

And in that, once again, the people are taking the lead by making choices and expressing those choices in questionable situations: teachers not choosing to continue to traditionally teach in the classroom; nurses choosing not to move in the direction of vaccines.

VAL: Even some of the most outspoken doctors have been women: one in Germany that coauthored a book with her husband (Dr. Karina Reiss), and then one in Texas (Dr. Simone Gold) that has written a book and it’s led a group of other doctors. You can see. And then there was also a lady, Dr. Judy Mikovits, who worked in a lab with the corona years ago. Those three have been huge in spreading an alternative viewpoint. So, that’s quite interesting – although they’ve been dubbed as conspiracy theorists, but they are presenting a different narrative. Yeah.

ELIAS: It is definitely interesting times.

VAL: I find it interesting.

ELIAS: And a time of beginnings and change.

VAL: Yes, and I feel that 2021 will present a lot of opportunity for the bridging aspect.

ELIAS: Definitely.

VAL: Because I feel it could be quite traumatic for a number of people.

ELIAS: I agree.

VAL: So, that’s what me, myself and I (Elias chuckles) must focus on.

These young individuals that I have kind of in my circle—that would be Matt, Ghamar, Angela and another individual by the name of Amanda—it’s almost like we are forming our own pyramid action. Yes. It’s quite powerful, because in all of those individuals I see a tremendous potential to facilitate the change.

I had a dream with Matt where I was approaching an old house, and it was painted black. The windows were out, there were shutters hanging off of where the windows were, and Matt was on the porch. And he said, “Come inside. I have something to show you.” He said, “It looks old and dilapidated on the outside, but they have new technology in here.” So I walked inside, and there was a teleporting machine. And he said, “Come over here.” He said, “Take my hand. We’re going to do this. Now, it’s going to be a lot of pressure and you may feel uncomfortable, but it’s going to be okay.” So I grabbed his hand, and there was a part of me that could see us disappearing, moving into another area. And when we resurfaced, we were in a totally different reality. And I found that quite interesting, because that… My impression is the old building was the old, and we’re moving together into the new.

ELIAS: I would say, what is also interesting about your imagery with that is that the new was INSIDE the old.

VAL: Yes. Yes. Which is in all of us!

ELIAS: Precisely. Therefore, the old is a part of the new—it isn’t separate from it.

VAL: It was a brilliant dream.

ELIAS: I would agree.

VAL: And I actually felt a bit of discomfort in that dream, but… (Elias laughs) That was just pretty special.

Which direction should we go in? Of course, the archeology pulls very strongly, but let’s talk about supportiveness. Which is pretty interesting, because I was presented yesterday with the cow where we live was having some difficulties, and she’s old and she’s having difficulty standing and maintaining her balance, and I was talking with my landlady about the decision to help her disengage. And then I ran on this quote that you had about supportiveness and, “Creating the action of supportiveness is to be creating a translation of upholding within yourself in relation to the creature or another individual.” And what it really boils down to is kind of having that—I believe, if I translate this properly—that amazing appreciation for oneself before we can have that understanding of that creature’s being and be respectful of their choices.

So, how would you…? Would you have a definition for supportiveness?

ELIAS: I would say that being supportive is being accepting, first and foremost, of whatever the expression and the direction is of whatever it is that you are being supportive of. Acceptance would be the first piece. Then that would be coupled with acknowledgment and…love, because love is that knowing and appreciation. Therefore, if you have that acceptance and that acknowledgment and the aspect of love, if you have those three components together, that would be genuine supportiveness.

Being supportive is not fixing. Being supportive is not moving in or expressing in your own direction for something else. That be the reason that acceptance would be the first component of supportiveness, because without that, you can’t actually be genuinely supportive.

When I express to people that their greatest avenue and their greatest expression of supportiveness is to listen, that is an action of implementing acceptance. If an individual can listen and not be expressing their opinion – not that they don’t have an opinion, or not that they shouldn’t have an opinion, but that they aren’t expressing that, that they can genuinely listen. That is the action, the beginning action of genuinely being supportive.

And listening doesn’t require the participation of only humans. You can be listening to anything. Listening is not an action that you only do with other humans. You can be listening to any being, regardless of whether you speak its language or not. It doesn’t matter.

In that, when you aren’t engaging another human, listening is a matter of not simply using your ears but being an observer, genuinely allowing yourself to observe in the same capacity as listening with another human, in that you may have your opinion but you put it aside, that your opinion is not a part of that process of listening. It is something that is set aside, knowing that the action of listening is to connect with that other being and witness that other being, in which your opinion has no part. What you believe is good or right or better has no validity in listening—it has no part in that. Acceptance is the main ingredient in listening, that whatever it is that the other being is expressing is valid and important and, in a manner of speaking, right—because it is right for them.

And in that action of genuine supportiveness, it is a matter of setting aside (pause) your importances, other than that one importance of supportiveness. That importance moves into the primary position and the only position for that time framework.

VAL: That’s a bit of a skill.

ELIAS: It is! It is definitely something that you can develop and you can learn and you can do, but it isn’t something that you automatically do. And someone that genuinely does that and can move in that direction, that is a gift.

VAL: I think I want to move in that direction.

ELIAS: And understand: I will reiterate, that doesn’t mean you don’t have your opinions.

VAL: Right.

ELIAS: It only means that within any time framework that you are directedly being supportive, that during that time framework your opinions and your importances are set aside.

VAL: That’s a bit of conflict when you’re Milumet aligned, to engage that.

ELIAS: Not actually.

VAL: Well, there’s the aspect of Milumets are connected with creatures. But then again, there’s the beliefs that we have of “Is this animal suffering?” and “What is that like?” and “Should we help?”

ELIAS: Now, in that, that is a matter of also listening, because as I have expressed many times with many individuals—including yourself (Val chuckles)—that animals do communicate, and you are moved to do certain actions, such as euthanasia, because the animal is projecting that energy. You don’t simply generate that idea yourself.

VAL: Yes, I believe this animal was projecting that, because I get from her that her inability to move and even move to the water, it’s a challenge for her.

ELIAS: What I would say to you is that unlike humans, animals are much freer to express that energy towards you, and you are freer to accept it than you will with other humans.

VAL: Yes. Yes. I was having a conversation with my landlady, and obviously it’s a difficult decision for her too, you know. And then she made this comment, “Isn’t it all just about love?” And that’s yes, it is. That knowing and acceptance.

Okay. I’m going to move in that direction. And I think it’s been official with the bridging aspect.

ELIAS: Definitely. I agree.

VAL: I think my connection with the younger group of people has facilitated more of an ability to be a listener, and in that way be supportive.

ELIAS: I agree. I definitely agree.

VAL: So we will continue in that vein as we move through 2021 and beyond.

ELIAS: Excellent.

VAL: Okay. Now for the archeological one. (Elias laughs) Before I do that, I have one more question for Jean. She is a little confused about using the black quartz, when to set the intent: set the intent with the black quartz before you put in the tea or while you’re drinking the tea.

ELIAS: It doesn’t matter; either.

VAL: Okay. The Sumafi in her has been really worried about that. I mean, she wanted me to make sure that I asked that question.

ELIAS: Very well.

VAL: Okay.

ELIAS: And I would express that it doesn’t matter. I would say that she can engage either direction and it will be equally as effective.

VAL: Okay.

Okay, let’s talk about a new structure we’ve never talked about, and that’s stone balls. They’re a shape of spheres which have been found in Costa Rica, in parts of South America, Antarctica, the region of Balkans where the pyramids are, Sweden, and they’re probably many other places. The ones specifically in Bosnia are of three origins. One is volcanic stone, one is granite, and the other is a sandstone with calcium carbonate and manganese added for the strengthening, I imagine, of the sandstone. What those three have in common is a lot of quartz crystal—the granite, the volcanic stone and the sandstone. So, it obviously has electromagnetic properties. They come in varying sizes. Obviously, there’s been a lot of speculation as to what they are, what they were used for. I guess the first question is, those that are volcanic and granite, were they actually carved? Because they’re almost perfect. They were formed in a mold?


VAL: Natural?


VAL: Oh my god. So, tell me more.

ELIAS: They are a natural formation. They are formed in this manner in relation to wind.

VAL: Wow! They’re almost perfect. They’re almost perfect spheres. So, those that were found in Bosnia, are they natural in that the sandstone with the calcium and the manganese? Wow!

ELIAS: They are natural formations. They are not manmade. They are not molded. They are natural formations that occur in relation to wind moving the stone in a capacity in which it connects with other stones and they form together. The wind moves them, and the wind shapes them.

VAL: That is fascinating. Because it’s almost perfection!

ELIAS: Precisely.

VAL: So, were they used by the ancients for any specific purpose?

ELIAS: They have been. What I would say is, more accurately it has been ATTEMPTED to use them. I would say that throughout your history, humans have marveled at them and wondered how they have been formed and wondered what they do.

VAL: Yes.

ELIAS: Or what they COULD do. And in that, you are correct, and other humans have also identified and speculated about the electromagnetic properties of these spheres, and that is correct: they do incorporate electromagnetic properties. I would say that for the most part, most peoples have been generating limited success in manipulating them, because they don’t quite know what to do with them, and therefore whatever they have attempted to do with them has had limited success.

I would say that the people that have been the most successful with them have been people similar to Atafah.

VAL: We’ve got to get her to Bosnia. (Laughs)

ELIAS: People that have been the most successful with them have been people that have incorporated them and kept them as objects that they appreciate as more adorning of their space arrangement, and how that has been the most successful is simply being in their presence.

[The timer for the end of the session rings]

Having them be present in their living space arrangement and not actually realizing that it has enhanced their abilities—very similar to Atafah and her direction with alchemy and her natural abilities to be tapping into and scrying and any other ability that she naturally expresses. And she incorporates different stones in her space arrangement that simply enhance that, and that is one of the expressions, or qualities, that these spheres naturally do. Therefore, the people that have had them simply as decoration have benefitted from them the most.

VAL: It’s interesting that you find a number of them in Bosnia along with the pyramid structures and what have you, so that’s a huge energetic component there.


VAL: Would they have any property to facilitate earthquake mitigation at all?

ELIAS: It is possible.

VAL: In that area. And the frequency that they emit, is it a lower frequency?


VAL: Okay.

Well, very good. There’s more, but (Elias laughs) our time is up. (Both laugh) For this go-round.

ELIAS: Very well.

VAL: Thank you for all of that. It was quite interesting.

ELIAS: You are exceptionally welcome. (Chuckles) I shall greatly be anticipating our next meeting and conversation.

VAL: Me too. Let’s see what else we can come up with.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) Very well. And you may express to your friend that I will be engaging her soon.

VAL: Oh! Ghamar?

ELIAS: No, no, no, no.

VAL: Oh yes. Of course. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: I recognize the frustration, but I would also say that this has been purposeful that she has incorporated so much postponement of our conversation together.

VAL: Oh yes, of course. It’s been a bit frustrating.

ELIAS: But it has also been purposeful for her to be genuinely not only paying attention to herself but being aware of what she is doing and her partner.

VAL: Oh, there’s great movement with the partner, tremendous. The corona was probably the best thing that could have happened. It’s really opened his awareness. Yeah, and they’ve been stepping through fire, so, yeah. Excellent. She’ll be glad to get that message.

ELIAS: Very well.

VAL: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome. In tremendous love to you, my dear friend, as always.

VAL: Au revoir.

ELIAS: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 1 hour 14 minutes)

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Copyright 2021 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.