Session 202009161

Using Black Quartz-Infused Teas


“Using Black Quartz-Infused Teas”
“Intentionally Changing What’s Important”
“How to Accept Elias’ Energy”

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Nuno (Lystell)

ELIAS: Good morning!

NUNO: Good morning.

ELIAS: And what shall we discuss this day?

NUNO: This day, I'm going to start with many questions about black quartz.

ELIAS: Very well.

NUNO: I'm going to go through these fairly quickly, but I think the first few are fairly quick. To begin with, in the process that you describe to me last time about how to make a tea infusion, the container that the black quartz in the tea is held: Does the material that the container is made of, is that relevant? Can that affect the efficacy of the infusion?

ELIAS: Yes. Therefore, I would suggest glass.

NUNO: Very well. That was my impression.

Next question: You said that the infusion process more or less plateaued after four days? If the quartz is removed after those four days, and then the tea remains in the jar without the quartz, does the efficacy of the infusion degenerate over time?

ELIAS: Mm…in in a practical expression, no. I would say eventually yes, but it would require a considerable amount of time before it would degenerate and lose its effect.

NUNO: Okay. And in the meantime, the quartz can be used for other preparations?


NUNO: Okay, thank you. Then the next question is: Is the efficacy of the infusion, is it affected if the tea is in teabags as opposed to, let's say, just loose tea?

ELIAS: What I would say in relation to that is, you could achieve the same effect if the tea is in teabags, but it will take longer. Therefore, whatever the effect you could achieve with the loose tea in, let us say, one day, would require two days in teabags. The material that the bag is made of does affect that, and therefore it takes longer. But it will be successful; it simply takes longer.

NUNO: Okay. Then, what about the quantity of tea in the jar together with the quartz? What part does that play?

ELIAS: Now, explain. What are you thinking?

NUNO: What I'm thinking is, suppose I have a great quantity of tea together with the crystal in the jar, as opposed to, let us say, a smaller quantity of tea, perhaps half as much—will the efficacy of the infusion be affected by that?

ELIAS: And what would your definition of a great quantity be?

NUNO: Well, let's say that I filled the jar with tea, and let us say—I’m not sure if the size of the crystal is important in this or not, I guess that's another question, but—

ELIAS: How large would the jar be?

NUNO: The jar is, let us say, a one-quart jar.

ELIAS: Very well. No, it will make no difference. I would say is, if you were incorporating a jar that was, let us say, five gallons, then yes, that would make a difference.

NUNO: Okay, I understand. Then also, what about the type of tea? I've been using an herbal tea which I just happen to have; any suggestions on which type of tea might be more effective?

ELIAS: What herbal tea have you being using?

NUNO: It's a ginger, I think they call it ginger and pear or something along those lines, I think predominantly ginger,

ELIAS: That would be entirely acceptable. I would say that you would likely have more desirable effects with green tea and white tea. I would say that it would be successful with black teas, but it depends on the individual. You may not necessarily like the effect with a black tea.

NUNO: In that, what effect are you talking about? I mean, personally I don't really like black tea anyways, but I was thinking of avoiding green and white tea because of the caffeine.

ELIAS: What I would say is, green tea and white tea WITHOUT caffeine, which you can incorporate either without caffeine. Black key WITH caffeine, I would say the effect would not necessarily be generally desirable, because it would increase or amplify the effect of the caffeine.

NUNO: Okay, but with white tea and green tea, not amplify the caffeine.

ELIAS: If you are using green tea or white tea with caffeine, yes it would.

NUNO: I see. Okay. Now, the person who prepares the tea with the crystal—let us say myself, so I put the tea with the crystal and let it sit for four days—do I have to have experienced what it is that I intend the infusion to accomplish? Is it necessary that I have already experienced with it, or can I simply intend something even though it's not something I have experienced previously?

ELIAS: Yes, you can do the latter, and that would be fine.

NUNO: Okay.

ELIAS: What I would also say to you is, in your preparation you don't have to now set that tea for four days. I am simply expressing to you that four days would be the maximum that you would incorporate the infusion. It won't become any stronger after four days.

NUNO: Yes, I understand that.

Now, I’ve got some questions about the application of this and what kind of effects can be created with this. What about regeneration? Can the intent be regeneration, and in that, should the intent to regenerate be specific to a particular part of the body consciousness, or can it be just generally regenerating the body consciousness?

ELIAS: Not specific, and yes, it would be successful in relation to regeneration. I would say in relation to regeneration, it would be more successful if you are not specific, because if you are moving in the expression of the whole rather than parts, you are likely to be much more successful.

NUNO: Okay, that's important to know. What about using this process for creating teas that have an effect similar to aya and magic mushrooms and things like that?

ELIAS: The tea itself won’t have that effect, but what you can do is you can incorporate the tea WITH the mushrooms and it will enhance that. It will enhance. It won't on its own; you won't have that type of experience with the tea alone, but the tea can be enhancing the experience if it is used with the mushrooms.

NUNO: So that type of experience cannot be generated in this manner without those substances?

ELIAS: Correct.

NUNO: Okay. So, I guess generally then, these tea infusions prepared in this manner, they cannot alter perception. Is it something that is only effective with respect to the body consciousness?

ELIAS: No, that depends on how you use it. I would say that it can be used in a manner in which it would have an altering effect of perception and experience similar to what you could experience in relation to ayahuasca—not identical, but similar. But that depends on what you are doing; therefore, you—individually, speaking directly to you about actions and practices that you have been engaging in relation to connecting yourself in an objective capacity with essence—in that, yes, you could be generating different types of experiences. It wouldn't be the same type of experience that you would generate with a substance such as the mushrooms, because it isn't in itself incorporating any type of hallucinogenic properties, but dependent upon what YOU are doing, it definitely can enhance your experience and therefore can move you in a direction that is, let us say, expansive.

NUNO: Yes, and this is actually what I wanted to ask, and I just used the example of the mushrooms as something similar. But I don't really care whether it's like the mushrooms or not; that’s not important to me, but the expansion of awareness is what is of considerable interest to me. So in that, how would I express my intent in the preparation in order to do that?

ELIAS: That is not even necessary. I would say that in the preparation of the tea you already are expressing that energy, because that is already the direction that you are moving in—you are already doing it. Therefore, I would say that setting an intention such as that isn't important, because in that, it is simply a matter of doing it, using it, when you are moving in that state. Are you understanding?

NUNO: Yes.

ELIAS: Very well. And in that, it doesn't require any other preparation or any additional expression of intention; it is simply a matter of using it when you are practicing and moving in these directions anyway.

NUNO: And when you say using it, do you mean ingesting the tea? What about the process of combining the tea with crystals? Should that also be done in a state of expanded awareness?

ELIAS: It isn't necessary.

NUNO: Okay.

And the next question is, can this tea preparation be used to help with achieving outcomes?

ELIAS: Yes, because you would be using it in practicing that expanded state, and therefore, yes, it would be used also in conjunction with creating different outcomes.

NUNO: Okay. Now, I'm asking these questions on behalf of a number of people who are more interested in black quartz and its properties, so you answered quite adequately the last question in terms of practicing my expansion. Can you say something about individuals generally, how they can utilize it in that capacity

ELIAS: In relation to outcomes?

NUNO: No, in relation to expansion of awareness,

ELIAS: [Inaudible] I would say in any practice of expanding awareness, if you are incorporating this tea before you are engaging the practice, or even WHILE you are engaging the process, that it would definitely be aiding in the expansion of whatever the individual is doing, because that is what it does. It, in a manner of speaking, enhances or amplifies it, therefore in that…But it isn't simply an amplification. It enhances the experience, and therefore in that, it is creating a situation in which whatever the individual is doing is expanded. Therefore, in that the awareness is expanded, the experience is expanded. It isn't generating in the direction as I expressed of hallucinogenic type of experience—not at all. It is generating more of an openness and awareness in an objective capacity.

NUNO: Okay. I am understanding that.

If I prepare the tea—not the actual beverage, I mean I just prepared the actual tea with the crystal then with a certain intent, and then I give the tea to somebody else and they prepare a tea and drink it, will it have an effect on that person?

ELIAS: It should, but once again that would depend on the individual and what they are doing. Therefore, it would depend on that individual's awareness and how they are engaging it.

NUNO: And would this be helpful to animals?

ELIAS: In what capacity?

NUNO: For example, regeneration.

ELIAS: It could be. But once again, that depends on the direction of the animal. You can want to be expressing in the direction of regeneration, but the animal might not be. It depends on the intention or the direction of the being that is using it. Now in that in relation to regeneration, with animals that can be somewhat tricky, because they don't incorporate belief systems as you do. Therefore, yes, they age, but they do that in relation to incorporating specific life spans. They choose to be expressing in either shorter or longer lifespans. They aren't necessarily concerned with regeneration, because their movement in aging isn't about belief systems; it is actually in relation to moving toward disengaging, therefore choosing a particular manifestation with the awareness of what that general life span is, whether it be average or whether it be significantly short or whether it be significantly long.

NUNO: Okay. I think that's probably quite a big topic. (Elias laughs) Then I have one last question regarding the black quartz: Other than tea, are there any other kind of infusions that might be more effective?

ELIAS: No. That is the reason that I expressed tea specifically.

NUNO: All right, I think...Oh, yeah. There was one more question: When preparing the tea, which is to say adding hot water, is the temperature of the water an important factor in that?

ELIAS: No, not necessarily. I would say that the temperature of the water is only important in relation to the preference of how you make the tea. Some people prefer it made with less temperature, less hot of water because they prefer how it affects the flavor of the tea itself; some people are not concerned with that and therefore incorporate simply boiling water. I would say that is definitely a matter of preference. It doesn't affect the effect of the quartz.

NUNO: I think that that concludes my questions on the black quartz. I'd like to now turn to more personal questions of myself. I have a number of topics which are important. I always find myself with this dilemma as to choosing which topic I should discuss with you, and usually you aren't of much help in that in making choices for me (laughs). So…Okay, I will start with my blood pressure and my body consciousness, in that I'm addressing to that dissatisfaction—

ELIAS: Correct.

NUNO: --that you spoke of last time we talked. And so I recognize that dissatisfaction. I’m very aware now of what you are describing in that and how affecting that is upon me, so I’m addressing to that. The body consciousness, however: my body consciousness is very easily triggered to go in the direction of elevating the blood pressure, and I would like to know how to reduce the sensitivity of the body consciousness to reduce those triggers.

ELIAS: Such as…?

NUNO: Well, frequently it’s with attention. It is that my thoughts go to the subject of blood pressure, and that in itself can trigger elevating the blood pressure. At other times it is, you know, a small upset, a small reaction on my part—which, I should not be reacting, of course, but I still occasionally do—and depending on the subject, if it is something that has in the past caused me difficulties, it could also trigger an elevation of blood pressure. The other thing I found is that I go through periods of time where the blood pressure is not really a problem, it's not something that concerns me and so everything is satisfactory with regard to that, but then I will be triggered and I will have an episode with my blood pressure and then it continues on for many days because of the attention to it, and it's just a very challenging environment at that point.

ELIAS: This is about attention—which, you already know that—and this is about manipulating your attention intentionally, which I would say is the point and is actually a significant piece of what you are doing anyway in relation to moving in the direction of incorporating more objective awareness of yourself as essence, because that allows you to be more intentional and moving in a direction in which you are intentionally choosing. Now, intentionally choosing not necessarily in relation to different subjects, but simply intentionally choosing in relation to what you are paying attention to. That, my friend, realistically is simply a matter of practice. It is a matter of practice in relation to importances. That is the key, because you automatically will pay less attention—or no attention—to what isn't important. Therefore, it is a matter of practicing reminding yourself to ask the question, “Why is this important? Why am I making this important?” And let me say to you very realistically, literally most of the subjects that you make important aren’t important. They genuinely aren't. And in that, it is a matter of recognizing what motivates making them important.

Generally speaking, most of the subjects that you make important in relation to outside sources, especially other people, have to do with proving or being right. Now in that, I would say that initially it definitely is a matter of practice, catching yourself and reminding yourself by asking that question, “Why am I making this important?” regardless of what it is.

Think about and perhaps express, now, an example of something that triggers you and that would trigger your blood pressure.

NUNO: Well, one thing that triggers it is kind of ironic in a way, is that I will be sitting very quietly and everything is well, and then suddenly I notice I am so calm, my blood pressure is probably quite good right now, and if I’m not very careful in that moment it can easily go in the direction of not being good in that moment anymore.

ELIAS: Precisely. Which is very understandable, because what you are making important is how much that distresses you. What you are making important is the blood pressure problem, therefore all that is necessary to trigger the direction that you don't want is to be thinking about it, because you are already in a direction that that subject—the subject of blood pressure itself—is important because you don't like it. It isn't important to you because it's good, therefore it doesn't matter whether you are thinking about it in a positive manner or thinking about it in a negative manner; it doesn't matter, because the positive is automatically expressed as avoiding what you don't want, and the negative is obvious, that it is expressing DIRECTLY what you don't want. But in either capacity, the subject of your blood pressure is something that you don't want, and that is important to you because you want it gone. That is the crux of the situation, in which what is significant is to change that importance, to make the subject of your blood pressure less and less important—the subject of it in general, not good or bad, that you simply make it less and less important, replace it with something else and keep doing that. It isn't a matter of simply expressing to yourself, “This isn't important to me any longer.” That is ludicrous, because that is simply thinking; it isn’t actually accomplishing making something unimportant.

But what you CAN do is to begin practicing making it unimportant. Even though you don't necessarily believe it yet, that doesn't matter. In that, it is simply a matter of continuing to catch yourself and then expressing something different. Therefore, you catch yourself when you begin to pay attention to it, whether it is in a positive or negative capacity—remember: it doesn't matter. Therefore, catch yourself when you begin to think about it, and then stop intentionally. Move your attention to something else. It doesn't matter what it is, but something other than your blood pressure. And initially you won't necessarily notice any difference, or if you notice any difference at all it will be very slight, but most likely you won't notice any difference, because the action itself is somewhat deceiving, in a manner of speaking, because you are moving your attention intentionally away from that subject. But you know you are moving your attention away from that subject, therefore it will initially incorporate a feeling, which is that signal expressing to you, “You don't believe what you are doing.” Which is correct, you won't, but it doesn't matter. You don't have to believe it. All you have to do is to continue to practice it, continue to catch yourself and move your attention away. And in that, your body will signal you [and] you will generate feelings: “This is not real, this is avoiding, this is not successful, it won't work”—it doesn't matter. All of those expressions can come and go, and it doesn't matter. Continue to do the action anyway of move your attention, move it to something else.

And if you wish, you can choose something else intentionally, and you can choose the same something else—it doesn't matter. If that is easier, you can definitely choose something that is the same every time and simply move in that automatic direction. What I would say to you is, in a relatively short time framework, even though you keep thinking that it isn't being successful, even though you keep thinking that it won't work, it doesn't matter. In a relatively short time framework you will begin to notice that your blood pressure isn't elevating for longer and longer periods of time, and that even when something happens that might influence you to be irritated or distressed that your blood pressure doesn't automatically immediately rise.

What I will say to you in that is, it will be noticeable to you, and you will notice that even when you recognize it, it won't trigger it. But it is exceptionally important first that you are practicing, practicing, practicing catching yourself in relation to every time you are thinking about it—every time you are noticing it, every time you are thinking about it, because that is the key, because it doesn't matter. Whether it is positive or negative, it creates the same effect.

Your body consciousness is much too familiar with this subject, and therefore, in a manner of speaking, it doesn't matter how you approach this subject. In a positive manner, in a negative manner—it doesn't matter to the body consciousness. It doesn't distinguish; it simply knows you are paying attention again. That is the reason that it is so important to move your attention to something else—to something else with your body, something that you appreciate, something that you think is good, and every time the subject of blood pressure arises at all, every time you think about it, move your attention to the other subject.

NUNO: Okay. Well, I can do that.

ELIAS: And I would say I will very, very much encourage you, and I will also lend my energy to you continuously, because I will say to you realistically, initially it may be frustrating.

NUNO: Well, this frustration with this subject has gone on for a very long time; that's nothing new there. (Elias laughs) Anyways, I'm embarrassed to be even talking to you about this any longer.

ELIAS: I would say that is ludicrous. There is no reason for you to be embarrassed at all. Let me say to you, my friend, there are so many individuals that move in very, very familiar directions that, especially in relation to body consciousness, it is so familiar they don't know how to stop reinforcing it. This is very, very common.

NUNO: I understand.

I actually have a question having to do with, you frequently tell me and others that you are sending them energy and that you will be supporting them in that manner. What is this the best way for me to be accepting of that energy?

ELIAS: That is an excellent question, my friend. I would say, first of all, that it is simply a matter of being open to my energy, but then in that, not trying to direct it, not trying to take it in and control it, but rather simply being open to receiving it--not trying to direct it, not attempting to express that it should be used in this manner or that manner, but rather simply being open. Because in that, if you are simply accepting and receiving the energy that I am offering to you, it will be much more effective.

NUNO: Okay. Well, I don't I believe I’ve ever actually attempted to direct it, or if I have I don't do that significantly. Would you agree with that?

ELIAS: But I also am aware that you are sharing this conversation with other individuals, and that actually is an excellent question.

NUNO: All right, well, that's good. I mean, I value your energy highly. I value you highly. You’re important to me.

ELIAS: (Laughs) I would say, my friend, that I express the same to you.

NUNO: Thank you.

I think we got may be a minute or two left. In my practice with the pulsations of consciousness, as we discussed previously, you said to bring my breath into harmony and do that practice on, and then eventually move on, to other parts of the body consciousness. I got two questions on that. First of all, I’ve been practicing that, and I believe I am having some success in bringing the breath into harmony with the pulsations. I'm not sure exactly what kind of breath I should be using or if there are many variations on the breath. Also, I'd like to know what the next steps are in that; in other words, what is the next step in that?

Also, just a quick confirmation: The other night I woke up in bed and I feel these pulsations in the toes of my left foot, and it's like my toes are throbbing, but not in a painful manner. And I recognize that these throbbing sensations are pulsations of consciousness. Can you confirm that?

ELIAS: Yes. Definitely. And I would say congratulations!

NUNO: Okay. And that wasn't initiated by you, was it?

ELIAS: No. I would say definitely no, that was you tapping in and being more actually in harmony with that. And I would say that that is also a tremendous accomplishment, because what that is signifying is that you are doing that with the breathing enough that when you are sleeping, it is moving in that direction—that your breathing is moving in that direction, therefore harmonizing your body consciousness more. I would say congratulations.

NUNO: Thank you.

ELIAS: That is a significant accomplishment.

As a next step, I would say that as you move more in that direction of harmonizing your body consciousness, it is about harmonizing your entire body consciousness with that pulsation. That is the reason that you begin with your breathing, because your breathing affects your entire body. And in that, I would say that as you continue in that direction with the breathing, feel into your entire body, recognize different aspects of your body and how they are in harmony with that pulsing. You'll notice [that] in addition to your breathing you’ll begin to feel your muscles. You will begin to actually feel other organs in harmony with that pulsing. And in that, you’ll begin to feel your entire body moving in that flow, moving in that rhythm.

[The timer for the end of the session rings]

Once you can experience your entire body being in rhythm with that pulse, then we can discuss what the next step in your movement will be. That will be significant.

NUNO: Okay, I understand.

ELIAS: But at this point it would be a matter of moving yourself in the direction of being in harmony with your entire body, being in rhythm with that.

NUNO: Okay.

All right. Well, I want to thank you for your assistance, and next time we’ll have more interesting things to discuss.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Very well. I express tremendous encouragement to you, my friend. Remember: allow, allow, allow. (Laughs)

I shall greatly be anticipating our next meeting, and I shall be offering my energy to you continuously. In wondrous love to you. In dear friendship, as always, au revoir.

NUNO: Au revoir.

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