Session 202003301

The Main Points of This Mass Event


“The Main Points of This Mass Event”
“An Exercise to Calm Yourself”
“Art as a Reflective Expression of Society”
“You Are Evolving Physically”
“The Perception of an Autistic Person”
"Chocolate and Alcohol"

Session 20200330

“The Main Points of This Mass Event”
“An Exercise to Calm Yourself”
“Art as a Reflective Expression of Society”
“You Are Evolving Physically”
“The Perception of an Autistic Person”
"Chocolate and Alcohol"

Monday, March 30, 2020 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael), Gerry (Casatt) and Dan (Gerard)

ELIAS: Good afternoon!

GERRY: Elias! Good afternoon yourself!

ELIAS: (Laughs) What shall we discuss, my friend?

GERRY: Well, my main issue, I'm dealing with some insomnia, and I've had this for about a month. And when it started, I was quite surprised. It was quite unnerving. It was a panic attack. And I'd just closed my eyes and was going to bed as normal, and suddenly I just had panic and I don't know why. Typically, I close my eyes and get pre-dream imagery, and this time it was just... I don't know. It was just a whirlwind of panic. So, that got sort of over time somewhat reduced through breathing and meditations and mindfulness, so it's getting somewhat, what I'd say, better. Now would it be…? Should I go into what happened leading up to that? Would that be helpful?

ELIAS: You can, if you are so choosing.

GERRY: I'll just very shortly say several months ago I had a medical issue. I never had any medical issue, and I had a prostate issue. I saw eventually three doctors and went for various diagnostic tests and this and that, and it ended with a surgery that was successful. But the whole thing was very, very stressful. So, during the whole time I had none of this—my sleep was normal. And after it was all over, I started having these panic attacks.

Now; I started doing the breathing and meditation, mindfulness-type meditation, and it was very helpful. But could you say something about this?

ELIAS: Definitely.

GERRY: Thank you.

ELIAS: First of all, I would express to you: put your mind at ease. It doesn't have anything to do with that experience with the prostate.

GERRY: Really! Okay.

ELIAS: Actually, what I will say to you, is, for many, many individuals, this is not unusual, because what I would say to you is many individuals were tapping into this mass event before it happened.

GERRY: Oh boy! Okay. Wow.

ELIAS: That you were already tapping into the energy. Now, what I will say to you is I would be tremendously, tremendously acknowledging of you, that you did move in a direction of doing meditations and breathing exercises and addressing to it. I am tremendously acknowledging of that, because in doing so, you lessened the intensity of [cut off] that you were connecting with, and that is tremendous.

GERRY: Okay.

ELIAS: And I would say that that has led you in a direction that avoided moving into trauma.

GERRY: Oh boy. Okay.

ELIAS: But I would also say that I acknowledge that that can be tremendously unnerving.


ELIAS: But it has not been in any sense as intense as it could have been.

GERRY: Okay. Wow.

ELIAS: Because I would say to you that if you hadn't been moving in that direction of addressing to it and doing the meditations and the breathing exercises, you could have incorporated much, much more difficulty and you could have moved in a direction of trauma.


ELIAS: Therefore, you actually avoided a lot [inaudible], and I am tremendously, tremendously acknowledging of you, my friend. Let me say to you that this particular mass event is actually, in how you all collectively have designed it, quite clever, because it is so obvious.


ELIAS: It is addressing to so many different expressions that I have been engaging with all of you for quite some time, and you are presenting that to yourselves in physical imagery.


ELIAS: It is quite interesting how well you have designed this to be addressing to so many expressions of imagery. The main points of this mass event are not about the virus; they are about difference, self -directingness and being in a direction of structuring self.

GERRY: Okay.

ELIAS: Which is very, very difficult and almost foreign to most people throughout your world.


ELIAS: I would say that in our previous group interaction in the previous fall, I was addressing to precisely this. Unfortunately, most individuals weren't paying attention, and they were simply paying attention to the idea of a select few that they thought or they perceived are controlling the world, which was not the point at all.

The point was that the vast, vast majority of people in your world make up your workforce. Now, these are not people that are drones. I would say that almost 90% of the population of your world is part of your workforce.

GERRY: Right.

ELIAS: And in that, this is – being the vast majority – this is all individuals that incorporate their own dreams and wants and desires, and they are intelligent individuals, they are creative. They are all of you. And in that, as I have expressed from the onset of this forum, this shift is creating trauma.

GERRY: Yeah.

ELIAS: And what you are addressing to now, which is a significant part of this shift, is the emphasis on the individual, the emphasis on the importance and the value of every individual, and in that, that every individual would be becoming self-directing and creating their reality intentionally.

GERRY: And that is just not going to happen from outside. It's got to go inside.

ELIAS: Precisely, but it also, in a manner of speaking, metaphorically, needed a little push.

GERRY: Oh boy! That's not a little push. That's a big push.

ELIAS: And therefore, what you did was create a mass event, meaning a virus which is not deadly, and creatively you chose to create a virus that once you are infected with it, you would be immune to it.

GERRY: Right.

ELIAS: Therefore, once it is done, you won't think about it any longer.

GERRY: So, I'm sure that the panic and fear is the thing that's doing...


GERRY: Right.

ELIAS: And why is that? Because most people are very accustomed to being structured. It's not bad, there's nothing wrong with that—that has been your design in your reality for millennia—but now you are shifting. That is shifting. And that doesn’t mean that there is no workforce. And that doesn't mean that after this is finished, in your terms, that people won't return to their jobs. Of course they will, but with a different perception.

GERRY: Yeah. I understand.

ELIAS: And, in that, I would say that in the meantime, this is a massive, massive energy that is occurring. And those of you that incorporate a significant sensitivity to energy would definitely be experiencing it, and it would be very confusing.

GERRY: Boy oh boy! How many?

ELIAS: Because you are experiencing uncomfortable and unfamiliar and unnerving expressions, and you don't know why.

GERRY: Jesus. Holy mackerel. Elias, how many—

ELIAS: [Inaudible] what I am saying that before I have expressed many, many, many times through the years that people are being influenced or are experiencing in relation to massive energy surges. And people listen, but for the most part they don't necessarily understand what that means.

GERRY: Yeah. (Laughs)

ELIAS: You don’t see it.

GERRY: Yeah.

ELIAS: Now; whether you are afraid of the virus, whether you are not afraid of the virus, whether you are comfortable or not comfortable, whether you believe this is a frightening, terrible experience, whether you believe that it is not something that is bothersome to you, it doesn't matter what you believe, and it doesn't matter what direction you move in—you are being affected by this massive energy. And you can see it. It isn't hidden from you. It isn't a concept. You can see it all around you.

GERRY: Right. And that’s the point.

ELIAS: You can feel it all around you. You are experiencing it yourselves and all around you.

GERRY: Oh boy.

ELIAS: And in that, it is no longer concept. It is very real, and it is now.

GERRY: (Laughs) Elias, thank you. Really, that helps, because I was going to ask you if I had fragmented or changed my primary aspect or some such, because I just wasn't the same anymore. That answers probably everything, right? That explanation?

ELIAS: What I would say to you, my friend, is that It isn't over and that the massive energy is continuing. And what I would say to you is in addition to the breathing that you have been doing and your meditations—which are excellent—in addition to that, let me also say to you that it is very easy to be affected by this energy, because it so strong and it is in relation to your entire world.

GERRY: Yeah.

ELIAS: Therefore, what I would say to you as an added exercise that you can engage for your sleeping and to calm yourself, whenever you are about to go to sleep, very calmly but quickly—because you can do it very quickly—sit first on the edge of your bed and look around your room. Look at each wall around your room, then look at the ceiling, then look at the floor. Then, make a note to yourself how many windows are in your room and where the door is in your room. Then, express to yourself in words, not thinking: "I am safe."

GERRY: (Laughs.) Now, isn't that amazing, because… Oh, what was it? [To Dan] What was that yoga? Nidra? Yoga nidra. And that's what you typically do, you start and you say, “I am” and then... I forget the Indian word, but you start it with “I am.” And I am to use the word "safe" in that?

ELIAS: Yes, “I am safe.”

GERRY: That's amazing. That’s amazing.

ELIAS: And you are. And in that, what you are doing is the reason it is important to say it, not think it, because when you speak you use both hemispheres of your brain.

GERRY: (Laughs) Okay.

ELIAS: When you think, you use only one hemisphere of your brain. Therefore, in using both hemispheres of your brain, you make that statement to yourself more real.

GERRY: Okay.

ELIAS: Therefore, in that, you tell yourself that you are safe. And in that, then you can go to sleep in your usual fashion, because you ARE safe.

And add to that – if you choose; it isn't necessary—but you can add to that and express, “The universe will always protect me.”

GERRY: Okay. Interesting. I don't know. I don’t know about that second one, but...

ELIAS: I understand.

GERRY: Yeah.

ELIAS: But let me express to you, it isn't about the universe as a thing.

GERRY: Yeah.

ELIAS: What you are doing in that statement is you are expressing an acknowledgement of your interconnectedness.

GERRY: Okay. Okay.

ELIAS: Therefore, your interconnectedness WILL always protect you, because YOU will always protect you.

GERRY: Right.

ELIAS: In that, what you are doing is expressing an acknowledgement of that interconnectedness.

GERRY: That's interesting. You know, these places, the people talking about the meditation and the mindfulness and all this, they were already expressing things that you had already expressed in that: be gentle with self, acknowledge and accept, even if you don't like it. All these concepts were already in, as if they were looking at the Elias material—which they probably weren't, but it's going out. People are understanding this. So—

ELIAS: [Inaudible] interconnected, my friend.

GERRY: Yes. Yes. Yes. (Elias laughs) Well, that's really… That's a hammer. That's crazy. Okay. I really stepped on it, right? (Elias laughs) But purposefully, I guess.

ELIAS: I agree.

GERRY: And there was no… Well, I have been following your material, but there was no way that I said to myself that I am going to do this. But we don't do things that way—we just do things.

ELIAS: What I would say to you, though, is that this is [cut off]. Remember: all of this is very objective imagery of all of these concepts. And in this, this is a tremendous validation that even when you don't realize you are moving forward or you are engaging an action to be setting a foundation for the future, you are.

GERRY: Yeah.

ELIAS: And in that, you are moving yourself in certain directions, you are preparing yourself, you are engaging many different actions that you don't necessarily objectively see.

GERRY: Right.

ELIAS: That doesn't mean you aren't doing. (Gerry laughs) This is definitely a validation of all of that, all of the movement that you engage. It is also a definite validation about all of the interconnectedness.

GERRY: Yes. Am I…? One of the things I'm doing in that is also ripping out old patterns, but I don't necessarily want to rip out old patterns. But what you said about the workers, they're going to go back, but with a difference. And—

ELIAS: A difference in perception, realizing that yes, they work at a job that is 40 or 50 or more hours per week, or perhaps not as much. Perhaps they work 30 hours per week, or 20 hours per week, but it doesn't matter.

GERRY: Right.

ELIAS: They still are being structured. That doesn't mean that they are mindless.[Cut off] that they have been being structured, which you all have in different degrees from birth. You have been structured by your parents, by your schools, by your work—everything provides you with structure. That is the point of the shift. If you weren't in that direction, that would be part of a piece that you wouldn't need in this shift, because you would already be self-structuring yourselves and you would already be self-directing. But you aren't, and that is the reason that you are engaging.


ELIAS: And in doing so, it is creating the opportunity for you to learn how to be self-structuring and self-directing. But in that, remember what I have expressed from the onset of this forum, that in this shift, eventually when you complete it people will be engaging jobs because they want to, because that is their passion, because that is what they enjoy doing, not because they make money.

GERRY: Right.

ELIAS: And so many people that were listening to that were expressing, “How is that possible? That is simply an invitation for chaos.” No, that is what you will be doing, and you already ARE moving in that direction.

It isn't that there aren't going to be workers. It isn't that people aren't going to be engaging in jobs, but that they will be engaging jobs not simply because they want to get paid. Because also eventually you will be doing away with money as your main source of exchange.

GERRY: Yeah, yeah. I remember you said something about this thing that's going on now was not really designed to do away with finance and exchange, but it is giving it one hell of a surge.

ELIAS: Yes. And in that, I would also say that that piece is likely to not be creating trauma, and even if it did it would be very slight, because you've been already moving in the direction of eliminating money—


ELIAS: — for 50 years.

GERRY: Right. Yes.

ELIAS: Therefore, that isn't new, and that isn't traumatizing. Learning how to be self-directing and self-structuring, THAT is definitely traumatizing (Gerry laughs), as people don't know how to do that.

GERRY: You wouldn't think it would have to be traumatizing just because you don't know, right?

ELIAS: You wouldn't think, but in actuality—

GERRY: It is.

ELIAS: — if you think about it, think about people that are now in a situation in which they are looking to authorities to tell them what to do, and that isn't happening. The authorities are giving information on a daily basis but not in anything useful, not useful to the individual people in their lives. They want information about when can I reopen my business—


ELIAS: — or how am I supposed to be engaging with my family, with my friends, with my neighbors. Am I allowed to be engaging with them? Am I not allowed to be engaging with them? What should I do in relation to my bills?

GERRY: God. That’s—

ELIAS: These are the questions that people have, because these are the questions that they would be presenting to the authorities, except that the authorities are not answering these questions. And in that, they are not giving any direction. What are they doing? They are perpetuating fear and they are moving in the direction of control by isolating.

GERRY: Yes. Yes. I was going to ask you about that, because the imagery that I had also for this mass event is a sports car, a racing car coming up and stopping and then just revving up the engine and getting ready for something. Because we've always done separation, and now it seems we're going backwards and doing isolation, which is an exaggeration of separation. And I was wondering, why are we doing that?

ELIAS: Because people are looking for direction.

GERRY: Yeah.

ELIAS: And the one expression that they look to the most is to what they identify as authority, what they see as authority in the government, that these are the people they look to, to tell them what to do. But the people in those positions are afraid also, and they don't know what to do either, and therefore, what they are looking at is massive panic, how to engage with that. And how they engage with that is what they are accustomed to, which is move in the direction of control. And how do you control masses and masses and masses of people—

GERRY: They don't know.

ELIAS: — if those people are afraid and panicked?


ELIAS: Isolate them. You take away their ability to share information—other than what you are giving them—and you take away their ability to compare ideas.

GERRY: So, what we're seeing now is this situation, which cannot go on forever. Do you have an estimation or some kind of a timeframe? Because I don't think we could hold this rigid situation for too long.

ELIAS: You are correct, although I would say to you that no, I don't have an estimation of when it will make an end, because that is dependent on all of you, and at this point presently, you are very volatile. (Laughs)

GERRY: Oh, Okay. We're changing very quickly.

ELIAS: Very, very much so.


ELIAS: And therefore, it is impossible to predict what you do and what you choose.

GERRY: Right. Yeah.

ELIAS: But I would say that at this point you have almost, for the most part, reached the peak.

GERRY: I would say so.

ELIAS: And therefore, it is likely that it will begin to quell soon. But I would say that people are still very much afraid—


ELIAS: And therefore, I wouldn't expect it to be at a finish tremendously quickly.

GERRY: Okay. There'd be a dying down, perhaps?

ELIAS: Yes. Yes. That is very, very, very likely.

GERRY: Okay. Wow. That's fantastic. Listen, my friend Dan would like to ask a question. Would that be okay?

ELIAS: Definitely.

GERRY: Very well. This is Dan.

DAN: Elias, hi.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Welcome!

DAN: Thank you. Elias, what will happen with the artists during this phase?

ELIAS: Ah, the artists. (Chuckles) What I would say is that this is tremendous in relation to art. Art always is a reflective expression of society, and art expresses that reflection better than any other expression that you have, and it will do so with this also. It will continue, and it will express its logging of history in its expression of what it has observed and participated in, in relation to your societies.

DAN: Wow!

ELIAS: Art is your journal of your world, of your societies, of your lives. It is your record of history. It has been your record of history long before you engaged alphabets. (Chuckles) Long before you engaged written words, art has always been your journal of history, and it continues to be now.

DAN: Okay.

GERRY: Is that good?

DAN: Yeah, thank you.

GERRY: Okay. That was intense, that whole thing. That was intense, really was.

Can I break off a bit and just ask for status on belonging, alignment and stuff for myself and my friends?

ELIAS: Very much so.

GERRY: All right.

ELIAS: What are your impressions?

GERRY: Okay. Myself, I would say Sumafi/Ilda. For Dan, I would say Zuli/Sumari, and for Brittany I'd say Borledim/Sumafi or reverse.

ELIAS: Reverse.

GERRY: And the kids, I have no idea.

ELIAS: Reverse. And you are correct.

GERRY: On all three?


GERRY: Very good. What about Kirin and Aubrey?

ELIAS: And your impressions?


DAN: They're kids.

GERRY: They're kids, yeah. (Laughs)

ELIAS: That doesn't matter.

GERRY: (Laughs) I know. I don't… No, I don’t know. (Elias laughs) I haven’t even… I haven't looked. I haven’t looked.

ELIAS: But that isn't what I asked you. I asked what your impression is.


DAN: Maybe we shouldn't ask.

GERRY: No, of course we should ask. Of course we should ask. (Elias laughs) Of course we should ask. Oh man.

ELIAS: Now think and allow yourself to receive an impression.

GERRY: Aubrey. Aubrey.

DAN: Ilda.

GERRY: Okay, there's an Ilda there. There's an Ilda in Aubrey.

ELIAS: Correct.

GERRY: There’s an Ilda.


GERRY: As the Greek mythology. And…

DAN: Tumold.

GERRY: [To Dan] You want to say Tumold? Dan thinks there's a Tumold; I don't.

ELIAS: Sumari/Ilda.

GERRY: Sumari/ Ilda. (Laughs) That’s Aubrey.

ELIAS: And the other one?

GERRY: And the other one, Kirin. Oh boy. Sumari/Ilda, wow. Kirin—boy. There might be a Gramada in there.

ELIAS: You are correct.

DAN: Sumafi.

GERRY: Sumafi? Is he a Sumafi? Okay, Sumafi/Gramada or reverse?

ELIAS: Correct. That is correct.

GERRY: Wow. Okay!

ELIAS: Congratulations! Now you see that (laughs) you do have impressions.

GERRY: (Laughs) I guess I do. Hey, I'm the one who took on the brunt of this, this (laughs)… Yeah, I guess I have impressions, Elias. Wow. (Elias laughs) Okay, amazing.

Okay, that was intense. Okay, that was really intense, that thing about… So, it had nothing to do with the operation? Or those things just came alongside one another? And I was so sure. I was so sure.

ELIAS: No, my friend. I would express to you most definitely, rest your mind and be at ease that you gave yourself that experience and you are also done with that experience.

GERRY: Yeah. I was also going to ask why about that, but okay, you've answered that question as well.

ELIAS: And don't move in a direction of allowing yourself to succumb to fear, because that is unproductive and would simply lead you in a direction of re-creating.

GERRY: Yeah. Yeah. And we're not even talking about this mass event; we're just talking about the insomnia and stuff, which is the main thing.


GERRY: So I understand that. I understand that, and I have to watch my resistance to that situation, because I sort of a little bit resisted, a little bit impatience. Maybe I have an issue with impatience. I have a little issue with impatience, I think.

ELIAS: What I would say is that is also a part of this.

GERRY: Yeah.

ELIAS: It is a matter of looking at how YOU are participating.

GERRY: Yeah. Very definitely.

ELIAS: What is it that YOU are doing in relation to that expression of self-directedness and of self -structuring? How is that an expression with YOU?

GERRY: This is (laughs)… I would have preferred it to be a slower entrance into this instead of all of a sudden.

ELIAS: (Laughs) I would agree with you, my friend, but I would say that most people would likely agree with you in that direction, and that isn’t what you did. You flung yourselves in this direction headlong, and now it is a matter of engaging it and reminding yourselves that you can think for yourself.


ELIAS: You can be self-directing. You can move in expressions of your own choices.

GERRY: Mm-hm. Mm-hm. Oh yeah.

Elias, what is your area of consciousness experiencing from this? I mean, there are ripples and… but your area wouldn't see it in the same way we are, because we're physical, we're space and mass and stuff, but how would YOUR area be seeing it? Or would I even understand that?

ELIAS: For the most part you wouldn't, but it doesn't matter. I would say that we are observing and lending energy in support and encouragement continuously, and in that, acknowledging each and every one of you as you expand your awareness and as you move in directions of BEING more self-directing.

GERRY: Well, we're on that track, that's for sure.

ELIAS: You are.

GERRY: Okay. [To Dan] Do you have any more?

DAN: Sure. Elias?

GERRY: This is Dan again.

DAN: Elias, is there anything that you can tell me about jellyfish in the ocean?

ELIAS: What about them?

DAN: Are they changing? Are there more or less? Are they evolving in a way that's going to affect people, or are they just another species in the ocean that we don't have to really focus on?

ELIAS: (Laughs) Are they evolving? Yes. Are they changing? To a degree. Are they changing in a significant capacity? Not necessarily.

They are changing in relation to their environment, but are they changing in a significant capacity that is considerably different? Not necessarily. These are creatures that have been highly efficient in how they express themselves and how they live. I would say that they aren't necessarily evolving in a manner that would be significant to you; they're simply evolving in relation to their environment, as I expressed. Their environment is very different. In your terms, it is significantly toxic. Therefore, they are adapting to that, which actually almost all of marine life are engaging in a similar manner in evolving and adapting to what is necessary for them to survive, and for them to not simply survive but thrive. And they will, and they are. Is it anything that you should be concerning yourself with? Definitely not.

DAN: Are WE evolving?

ELIAS: Definitely! I would say much more quickly than you realize, and tremendously. You would HAVE to in relation to shifting. I would say that you are moving in a direction of becoming more and more and more self -aware, which is a tremendous expression of evolving. And in that, are you changing? You are not only changing in your awareness—you are actually also physically evolving.

DAN: Physically?

ELIAS: You have incorporated a particular physical expression for thousands and thousands of years, but it isn't actually necessary any longer. I would say you will notice babies that are being born now – not all of them, but it is a beginning – are being born without tonsils, without appendix, without the calcium and the direction of wisdom teeth. Therefore, they won’t develop wisdom teeth, because they don't need them. In this also, small children and babies that are being born now are also much different in how they are engaging. They are much more self-directing.

DAN: Elias, can you describe the perception of an autistic person?

ELIAS: Very well. Now, understand that that varies. They are not uniform. And therefore, what you identify as autism has quite a broad spectrum. It is actually simply that some individuals have chosen to be engaging this reality in a manner in which they are not engaging senses in the same manner that you do.

DAN: Is sight a big part of that? Vision?

ELIAS: It can be. It depends on the individual. The point is what they all have in common is they have chosen to be engaging this reality with an altered expression and experience of physical senses. It could be sight, it could be hearing, it could be touch, it could be smell. It could be… Most of them do incorporate taste and smell as part of it. What they do is they have, in a manner of speaking, dampened or even in some situations turned off some of their senses.

Therefore, rather than inputting information in an absolute manner, as all of YOU do, they don't do that. Whatever information they input through their senses is not absolute, is more abstract, and actually, for many of them, it is almost or could be an annoyance.

They are choosing to engage your physical reality from a very different perspective. You have outer senses, and those outer senses input information to you constantly. Even when you aren't necessarily paying attention to them, they are always constantly inputting information to you, and the information that they input to you is inputted in an absolute manner. This is the reason that you are fascinated with magic. Magic doesn't mean anything, not in the manner that YOU see it, to an autistic individual, because that is how they see reality anyway.

GERRY: Oh wow.

DAN: That’s what I thought too.

GERRY: Yeah?

Why are there more during the shift? Why would there be more of this happening?

ELIAS: Because they are experiencing this reality differently.

GERRY: Mm-hm.

ELIAS: [Cut off] much more expression of differences in this shift than there has ever been in history, because there is much more allowance for that. But the difficulty with that is that those of you that deem yourselves to be normal don't know what to do with all of the other individuals that don't adhere to being normal. Therefore, you have tremendous classifications for them. And what do you do? You try to control them, you try to make them as normal as possible in whatever manner you can.

GERRY: Okay.

ELIAS: But I would say that what these individuals are creating and how they are experiencing is not necessarily terrible or bad—it is simply that you don't understand it.

GERRY: Right. Very well. Elias, is there any substance that…? You already gave me a drill that I could do, the “I am safe.” I don't think there is like any substance, like valerian root or something that would ease this as well?

ELIAS: What I would say to you is there ARE different substances that are affecting, and, yes, they are affecting for the most part because of your beliefs. But once again, remember: look at how much you are being affected by mass beliefs now.


ELIAS: Mass beliefs affect in relation to substances also. You generate responses to different substances in relation to the mass beliefs. Whether you know what the mass beliefs are or not, it doesn't matter, because that energy is being expressed and it is all around you. Therefore, you are susceptible to it, and in that, as I have expressed many times, you also are very suggestible. Which is not bad; that comes from that interconnectedness. Therefore, in that, I would say that in relation to substances, it is actually a matter of what you allow.

GERRY: Okay.

ELIAS: Therefore, if you engage something such as valerian or you incorporate chamomile tea or you engage cannabis or ANY type of substance, it is actually simply a matter of what you allow.

GERRY: Self-experimentation.


GERRY: Thank you. What about dark chocolate? (Chuckles)

ELIAS: Chocolate, actually dark chocolate or otherwise, does actually have some properties that the human body is responsive to and therefore can actually be a benefit.

GERRY: (Laughs) That’s funny.

ELIAS: I would say that also different expressions of fermentation, including alcohol – in balance and in moderation – can be tremendously beneficial in promoting gut health.

GERRY: Oh. Okay. (Chuckles) Amazing.

ELIAS: Of course it is all a matter of balance, and in that, not moving in extremes. But that would be also the situation with anything that you perceive as good for you.

GERRY: Right.

ELIAS: There are many individuals that are excessively engaging vitamins because they are good for them. They may be, because they believe that they are so, but then in engaging excessively with them, they turn and they can actually become harmful.

GERRY: And that would be a belief as well. I remember you said very early on that all substances are neutral.

ELIAS: Correct.

GERRY: So, it's all about beliefs. Okay.

Wow, that information you gave me at the beginning, I'm still spinning on that. (Elias laughs)

[The timer for the end of the session rings]

Thank you so much. That was so good.

ELIAS: I would say to you, my friend, now you can relax and you can move forward and not necessarily engage fear.

GERRY: No. Thank you very much for that. Very good. Thank you, sir.

ELIAS: You are very, very welcome.

GERRY: So good.

ELIAS: I express tremendous, tremendous encouragement and supportiveness to you, my friend.

GERRY: Thank you.

ELIAS: I shall greatly be anticipating our next meeting. And I say to you, be the example that you are.

GERRY: Thank you. (Laughs) Thank you so much.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) In tremendous love to you, au revoir.

GERRY: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 1 hour)

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Copyright 2020 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.