Session 201810262

Defining Perception


Session 201810262
“Defining Perception”
“Perception and Interconnectedness”
“Relaxing the Absoluteness of Perception”

Friday, October 26, 2018 (Private/In person)

Participants: Mary (Michael), Ann (Vivette), John (Lonn) and a small group of observers

ELIAS: Continuing. (See Note 1)

JOHN: Elias?

ELIAS: Welcome. And what shall WE discuss? (Chuckles)

JOHN: Actually, I wanted to talk about something that’s been kind of confusing to me, but maybe perception versus reality or creation. So when I listen to you talk, a lot of it makes sense to me, but then when I hear other people try to extrapolate what that means, that doesn’t really make sense to me. (Elias chuckles) And I’ll give you an easy example, like this table. I know somebody made it. I don’t believe it’s here because we all believe it’s here, but there are a lot of very, very similar scenarios that have to do more with how people perceive things. So I could see someone come in here and not even seeing or thinking there’s a table, you know, didn’t perceive the table for whatever reason, and little small examples of that happen to me all the time.

Or you need a tool and the tool’s right there, but you look all over. You cannot find the tool. (Laughs) Or other examples, like where you go to a place, and for whatever reason you think you’re going to have a lousy time and you do. I do think you’re creating that lousy time. (Laughs) But it might be you’re… for whatever reason, you decide in advance that okay, this is not going to be fun. And sometimes that happens and it turns out being fun or something great happens, but probably more of the time it’s similar to how you thought it was going to happen.

So, I guess the part that I have trouble with is the creating your physical reality. I know enough about science to understand how some of this is like what I would view as possible (laughs), but I don’t really think that’s how things work.

ELIAS: Let me ask you first: First of all, how would you define perception?

JOHN: It could be a combination of how you feel about something or what you notice or don’t notice. So it could be either like… yeah, for me it could be like how you feel about something or what you maybe think about something that you see, or even things that you’re not seeing for whatever reason that are physically there. That didn’t exactly answer your question, but… (laughs)

ELIAS: No. That was excellent. And actually, one of the reasons that your explanation is excellent is because that is generally how most individuals define perception, which is likely one of the reasons that you might be confused or that, in your terms, it doesn’t make sense to you in relation to creating reality and my continued expression that your perception is creating your reality.

And the reason that it perhaps makes sense to you when you are listening to myself but then when another individual is, as you expressed, extrapolating and explaining the same information it doesn’t make sense, is because I am defining it to you, and I am explaining and expressing information about your reality and how you create it and what is occurring. And you as individuals may, to a degree, understand that while you are listening, but then you automatically distort it when you are expressing it to each other because then your definition of those terms comes into play automatically.

This is how most individuals define perception. This is definitely NOT how I am defining perception. Perception is not your feelings and is not your thinking. Your thinking and your feelings can INFLUENCE perception, but neither of them are a part of perception.

You can think about it in this manner: Perception is an actual mechanism. Now, there are different influences in relation to that mechanism and how it functions, but they aren’t actually a part of the mechanism itself.

An example similar would be your heart is an organ. It is a particular mechanism itself. Now, there are expressions that can influence the functioning of your heart, but they aren’t a part of it. Such as, you can be expressing considerable stress, and that can influence and affect the function of your heart, but the stress isn’t a part of the mechanism itself.

Feelings and thinking are not a part of the mechanism of perception. Perception is a mechanism that creates. It projects. It is your projection, your projector, very similar to a movie projector. Perception is YOUR movie projector that projects energy in a particular manner to configure it into reality, into physical reality. It is an objective mechanism.

It is not part of your physical body, just as the origins of thinking are not part of your physical body, but that energy connects with your physical body through your physical brain, and it interacts with that to create this neurological expression or response that can actually be measured. But what can be measured are the impulses, not the actual thoughts, because the actual thoughts don’t originate in your physical brain.

Your physical brain is, in a manner of speaking, the conduit that translates, in a manner of speaking, those impulses. It translates the thoughts into impulses, which then translates through your body, through your neurological system to generate actions, expressions.

Now; in a similar manner, perception also is not a mechanism that is located in your physical body. It is a mechanism that is outside of your physical body, but it influences your physical body, and it interacts with your physical body through your senses. Your perception is tremendously connected with your physical senses.

Now, in that, it projects energy to your physical senses, which then translate those impulses into physical manifestations. You project an energy that creates or configures the physical manifestations, physical matter. Think of Einstein. What is matter? What is the formula for matter? E=mc² — what is that?

ANN: I thought that was energy.

ELIAS: It IS energy.

ANN: Oh. (Laughs) Okay.

ELIAS: It IS energy.

ANN: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

ELIAS: Energy and light, the combination of energy, time and light create physical matter. Matter is created by energy, and one of its most important components is time. That is the formula.

ANN: Do you need time for light? Is light a physical manifestation?

ELIAS: Light IS a physical manifestation, yes. And light DOES require time, yes.

Now; in this, your perception is the energy force. It is the engine that is creating the physical manifestations. And it does this immaculately, precisely and astoundingly and immediately. Within the blink of an eye, your perception has the power to create everything that your senses can input. Within a moment, your perception creates that.

Now; in relation to your questions in association with reality and what you expect, what you don’t expect, why there are the similarities, why there aren’t similarities at times, why do you walk into a room and everyone that walks into the room basically sees the same room, the same configuration, the same furniture, the same floors, the same colors – why does that occur? Or, why does someone see something different? This all has to do with perception and interconnectedness.

This is a concept that is still somewhat elusive to most of you, this interconnectedness. You somewhat intellectually grasp the idea or the concept of interconnectedness, but you don’t actually realize it experientially yet. But you are moving in that direction very quickly. And you are giving yourselves occasional experiences of the reality of that.

And let me express to you, you genuinely are moving very, very quickly with all of this, because until recently these have been foreign concepts, or non-concepts. They haven’t even BEEN concepts to you before. You have always, from the dawn of your species, incorporated this factor of separation, which has served you well. But now, moving in relation to this shift – this is the reason that this is a master source event, because it is SO different from what you are accustomed to, and that is also the reason that some of these concepts are difficult, because you are accustomed to existing in a reality of separation, separate entities. You are accustomed to existing in a reality in which your idea of perception is not actually reality, that perception is what you THINK about reality or what you FEEL about reality, but it isn’t reality itself. That is entirely incorrect.

Perception IS your reality. That is the piece that I have alluded to in some conversations with all of you in relation to your sciences. This is the one very basic, important piece that your scientists don’t recognize yet, and it is the base of everything. Einstein actually DID tap into that before he disengaged, but in general your sciences don’t acknowledge this. And they haven’t connected with that piece yet, which is the foundation of everything in physical reality, of every physical reality.

Perception is an objective mechanism. Without it, there IS no physical reality. It doesn’t exist.

Now; because you are all interconnected, you don’t require agreeing or speaking to each other or communicating with each other in relation to perception for the most part, because you ARE all interconnected. If you cut your finger, your entire body is aware that your finger is cut, because your nervous system and your circulatory system are both affected, and they carry the message to your entire body that your finger is cut. You are all, metaphorically, one enormous organism, one enormous body. Whatever occurs with one is occurring with the whole. This is the reason that I expressed to you in terms that you can more understand that whatever you do, you ripple outward.

Now, you interpret that statement in more of a literal capacity, when in actuality it is a rippling of energy very similar to your circulatory system or your nervous system. When one experiences, ALL is aware of it. This is the reason that each one of you and everything you do is so important, because it is affecting of EVERYTHING—EVERYTHING.

And each one of you, let us say, is similar in the grand scheme of reality to one cell – or, better yet, each one of you is equal to one atom, but you also incorporate the same power as that atom. And you now in your history know what the power of an atom is: enormous.

ANN: Does the power come from our perception? Or does the power come… is it…?

ELIAS: In physical reality, yes, because perception creates all of that physical reality. Therefore, your perception is tremendously powerful, and it creates reality.

ANN: So, would it even be necessary to say an essence is powerful? I feel like an essence… If you’re not physical, you don’t need power. I don’t know why I feel that, but is that…?

ELIAS: No. That would not necessarily be accurate.

JOHN: I guess for me, from just a practical point of view, like you don’t really even have to consciously think about the table or—

ELIAS: No. You don’t.

JOHN: — any of this, but you say you create your own reality. That’s a lot more, to me that resonates more with okay, why did I get in that car accident? Or why did things turn out this way?

ELIAS: Because you automatically THINK. This is a very large influence of thinking. You automatically THINK in terms of how you decipher duplicity. You automatically think, “Why would I create this?” because if you are creating all of your reality, you should only be creating what you think of as good, comfortable, wanted, and you should never be creating anything negative or unwanted or uncomfortable.

First of all, you don’t even know you are creating your reality. Therefore, why wouldn’t you create all of these experiences that you don’t necessarily want or like, because you aren’t creating it intentionally? You aren’t automatically creating intentionally everything that is entirely beneficial to you.

Now, everything BECOMES beneficial to you because it all incorporates the element of being instructive or the potential for allowing you to learn, but it definitely isn’t intentional. You aren’t intentionally directing yourselves. If you were, you wouldn’t necessarily BE creating all of the experiences that you don’t like or that you don’t want or that are harmful to you. You might create some, but you would know that because you would be doing it intentionally – which you don’t. And you wouldn’t be asking, “Why did I do that?” because you would know, because you did it intentionally.

In this, there are several parts of all of this. The interconnected piece gives you that input in relation to all of your senses that you automatically are physically creating what is perceived already exists. When you walk into a room that you have never walked into before, you are instantly accessing all of that information from everyone that has ever entered that room. And therefore, it isn’t a matter of what you expect; it is all of that information is already contained within you.

Therefore, your senses automatically respond to everything that is in that room. You create it also. What has already been created in other individuals’ reality in that room, you then immediately create in your reality with all that information. You don’t have to think about it, you don’t have to know anything about it, and you automatically do it. That is a tremendous amount of power that you have, that you are physically generating everything your senses encounter, all of your senses.

Because your perception is moving in conjunction, it is projecting the energy through all of your senses. And your senses are then reflecting it back to you. The energy is projected through the projector outside of your body. Tremendous volumes of energy are projected—in conjunction with time—and then that reflects IMMEDIATELY. It is, in actuality, in relation to the passage of time almost simultaneous. It is so immediate, it is almost simultaneous – but there is a factor of time, because time is included in physical manifestation. You cannot incorporate matter without time.

Therefore, almost immediately you reflect back to yourself through your senses: your sense of vision, your sense of hearing, your sense of touch, smell, taste. All of your senses are inputting the reflection back to you of what you have just projected.

Now; at times individuals are expressing their reality slightly differently. They may not be adhering to what the collective is doing, and therefore they may generate some blocks of some reception of energy. And in that, they may be projecting energy in a different capacity.

Therefore, an individual might walk into this present room and see no chairs or couches, and only see tables. And that is their reality. That is REAL. Therefore, that individual would actually walk into the room and be walking in the space arrangement that you perceive a couch to be in.

Now, you won’t see the individual do that because you are connecting with the collective perception, the collective energy, and you are moving in that direction. Therefore, you are configuring a couch in a particular position, and therefore if another individual which is creating a different reality enters the room and walks in the space arrangement that the couch is manifest in, you won’t see them walk in that space arrangement. You might see them enter the room, but then you will merely notice them or perceive them to be standing still. They may perceive themself to be walking in the space that the couch is supposed to be. And in your reality, the couch IS in that position.

Therefore, there are deviations. Your realities are not identical. And even the realities that you create that are similar, that are ALMOST identical, they aren’t precisely identical, because each of you incorporates your own unique perception. It is yours. There are mechanisms within each of you that are individual. They are uniquely yours. They belong to you. Your thinking, your perception, your feelings—these are all a part of your reality, they are part of the blueprint of your reality, but they are also manifestations that are uniquely, individually yours. Therefore, they will be slightly different from anyone else. Just as your fingerprints are uniquely yours, these—

ANN: Is that part of your identity? You know how you were saying our culture isn’t part of our identity?

ELIAS: Correct.

ANN: Are perception and feelings part of our identity?


ANN: Okay.

ELIAS: Yes. Because they are a part of your unique manifestation and you individually. This is the reason that also I have expressed many times other individuals don’t make you feel. You don’t feel hurt because of someone else, because they are YOUR feelings. The other individual is not projecting feelings onto you—they can’t. Your feelings are your own. You create them yourself. No one can give them to you or inflict them on you. They are something you individually create and are connected with YOUR emotional communications, which is a communication center which is also uniquely your own.

In this, perception is very strongly influenced by the collective. Therefore, as I have expressed previously, those of you that think that you are not influenced by religious beliefs or expressions are very much deluding yourselves. The factor that you may not have objective information about religions or you may not be affiliated with a particular religion is inconsequential. The collective expresses religious beliefs, and YOU are a part of that. And therefore that is an influence, and you do express in relation to those influences.

Now; you can change influences, but in relation to perception itself, your perception is not, as I said, a matter of what you think or feel. What you think or feel can influence it, though; such as, if you are tremendously afraid of something, that can influence what you project in energy in your perception, and you very likely will create something to be afraid of, whether you think of it as real or imagined. And let me be clear in this, that there is not actually a distinction between real and imagined. Imagined IS real. Therefore, one is not “not real” and the other being “real.” It is all real.

Now; there is a factor that there is some differentiation. There is some differences, meaning that you may perceive something—a manifestation, an expression, a behavior—as real, and it is, but it may not be the same as what another individual is expressing. There can be differences. And your perception is so strong, so powerful that it will create your reality, which will be definitely real for you. That isn’t to say that it will always be the same as other individuals’ realities.

Now, this is the piece that becomes somewhat tricky for most of you, and the reason that most of you think of reality as being something that is almost neutral and that is an official reality. And then you generate this distinction that you have your own reality in addition to the official reality.

And that is generally how you incorporate your own explanations to yourself about perception, that your perception is what you believe about something; it is what you think about it or what you feel about it, what you believe about reality, but that your perception isn’t necessarily real—it is your opinion about something. And then there is the official reality, and THAT is real. And you interact with that, but sometimes you are removed from it because of your perception.

No. No. No. There is no separate, official reality. There is only the reality that each of you create. And they do intersect with each other, but each of you is creating the official reality. And it is created through your perception.

And the evidence of how strong and even, in a manner of speaking, how absolute your perception can be is that it definitely does generate a real reality, and if someone else experiences something different, you can’t see that. You literally can’t see their reality, because your senses won’t input it to you. You will only see your own.

Now, when you incorporate the piece of expanding your awareness and becoming more self-aware, then that begins to change your perception, because then you are influencing your perception in a capacity to not be absolute and to allow for the possibility of other expressions of reality in addition to your own. That allows you to then begin to see, to experience other realities, other individuals’ realities, other realities in other capacities. But even the factor that you can glimpse other people’s realities is enormous, because you have never done that previously.

ANN: So what would we have to be able to do to be able to perceive Togi’s projected group being at the group session?

ELIAS: Let me express to you, this is not a question that can be answered or responded to with a quick formula. I cannot give you a method that you can incorporate in this moment and automatically have the ability to perceive that grouping, because it involves trust. It involves that self-awareness that does trust and that accepts that interconnectedness as real – but not intellectually, experientially. Therefore, it is a process.

Some of you are allowing yourselves to dip your toes into that ocean in a manner in which it doesn’t conflict with what you already believe, that you already believe that your feelings and your thinking are your perception. Therefore, some of you are beginning to move in a direction of allowing yourself to feel something that you will define as a group being or as a teleported being. You won’t necessarily see it, but you will allow yourself to feel something. You won’t necessarily incorporate the evidence through your senses, because that is your feedback from your perception and that is tremendously strong and, in a manner of speaking, considerably absolute.

But in moving in the direction of becoming more self-aware and allowing yourselves to be more open, you are allowing yourselves to dip your toes into that ocean and therefore allowing yourself to experience a feeling, which is your communication about an energy – which is a beginning, which is a step. Which is excellent, because it is a practice in relaxing your perception in not holding it so absolutely.

Also, what are steps in that direction are your allowance of yourselves in any capacity, in any situation, in any time to be relaxing your perception to the point in which you can entertain something other than what you have perceived as absolutely real—anything. It doesn’t matter what it is, but anything that challenges that and you allow it. You entertain the question, “Is this possible? Is it possible that what I have perceived absolutely may not be as absolute as I have perceived it to be?” Even the entertaining of that type of question is an enormous step in opening that door to that interconnectedness and allowing yourselves less of that absolute separation, which is an enormous piece of perception.

Remember: I have expressed to you previously, you have generated this separation very purposefully. It has served you in allowing you to create individual identities and not be threatened, to hold to that and to see yourself as an individual. But you are evolved enough at this point that you can experience and incorporate more, that you don’t have to be limited to that narrowness of that separation.

But in all of this, perception is what actually projects the energy that creates everything in reality.

Now; I would say that your idea of thinking and feeling being perception is askew, but it has some merit in that the thinking and feeling does influence perception considerably. If you feel very excited and welcoming about a particular subject, you will be more open to it and you will allow more. If you feel angry and negative about a particular subject, you will likely be more dismissive of it and you will not be open to anything around that subject; you will maintain more of an absoluteness. If you are afraid, you will likely create evidence and reasons to BE afraid.

This is the reason that I also express such an emphasis upon what you concentrate on, which once again, most of you interpret or define concentration as being attention, which it isn’t. Your attention is very specific. It is being directed objectively and is very connected with your senses and with your thinking and feeling. Your concentration is not necessarily connecting with what you are feeling OR thinking; it is what you hold as a constant that you believe. That doesn’t mean you necessarily think about it.

You believe that water is blue. Do you think about it continuously? Are you thinking about it when you look at a lake and the lake is blue? No. But you have a concentration that expresses consistently and constantly that this is what you believe: water is blue. And therefore, it is. And you don’t entertain any other option, any other expression. Water is never orange. Water is blue. Sometimes water can be green if there are certain conditions with it, but green is very close to blue. Water is not pink. You don’t allow for any other perception, because you don’t allow for any other information, because that is the concentration, and your concentration very much influences your perception.

This is the reason that I target certain parts of you, certain expressions of you that you can attempt to be affecting or be relaxing or be aware of, and THAT will lead you in a direction of relaxing the absoluteness of perception.

In a manner of speaking – although in actual terms I would express that this isn’t actually accurate – but figuratively speaking, your perception could be viewed as your opinion, but not entirely. Definitely not absolutely, because in that, you hold to your perception much tighter than you would with an opinion. But in relation to how reality is created and how changeable it can be, in that respect it could be likened to an opinion.

JOHN: For me it might be more of just a practical matter, but if you say you create your own reality, that part’s easy for me to believe. Whether that extends to I’m creating this table, I have to go through too many other contortions. But how you experience, interact with life… I even believe that if you, let’s just say you wanted a million dollars and you believe you could create a million dollars, I believe that’s true as long as you actually believed it. You can’t just decide, “Oh, I could have a million dollars if I just believe.” (Laughs)

ELIAS: I agree. I definitely agree.

JOHN: And so, to me it comes down to – and I might not be using the right words, but the physical manifestation, different than the how do you make these things up… like let’s say I wanted that exact table, that exact table. They don’t make it any more or whatever. But then you have it, you really want it—maybe you see it somewhere.

ELIAS: Precisely.

JOHN: And you’re not even looking for it.

ELIAS: Precisely. Yes.

JOHN: That kind of stuff I actually… and also, things that I can’t really do, sometimes I think I can do, but like I do believe that you interact with people’s energy and stuff. And to me it’s not necessarily anything I’m good at. I can sort of feel it, sometimes it doesn’t even mean that much to me. And there’s a whole bunch of things around there, like I believe… for whatever reason, I believe what I believe. I believe that the actual knowledge is way beyond that. Just like creating this table. I know this table is mostly empty space. It’s mostly just neutrons and electrons (laughs)and protons, and science doesn’t even know that much about breaking that apart. It’s mostly empty, but it’s in every way physical.

ELIAS: Solid.

JOHN: Solid. And even to take a simple example, science or industry knows how to make a perfect diamond, I mean a perfect diamond in every way. But it’s a matter of certain temperature, certain pressure, carbon atoms, and they can make a perfect one. And they do. It’s a semi-controlled secret on how, but they do.

So, that’s one way, and that’s how kind of nature would do it. There could be something that could arrange those atoms in exactly the same way without the same pressure or the same whatever. So I kind of believe all of that, but it’s not…Me believing that I’m creating this table here now is not that… I mean for one thing, I guess I don’t believe it, but the other thing is it’s not that important to my—

ELIAS: THAT is the point.

JOHN: Yeah. That my belief that you do create your reality. Or another quick example is let’s say you believed if you jump off a building you would die. And maybe, for most people, that would happen. But other people could jump off and live. Other people could jump off and realize oh, they could slow themselves down… Or let’s say you just believed you wouldn’t, you might see opportunities that would cause you to not die.

ELIAS: Precisely.

JOHN: Maybe how you land, maybe you grab something. If you think you’re going to die, so you’re not trying, but if you think you’re going to live, maybe you’re (laughs)—

ELIAS: Precisely. Yes.

JOHN: You’re making that situation happen, or more likely to happen however.



ELIAS: Which I agree. And even in your analogy about the table, that you want this precise table, this exact same table. And you aren’t necessarily thinking about it, and at some point you discover that same table and it is available to you, a duplicate of the same manifestation. That is also a part of that interconnectedness.

The piece that is somewhat askew in your thinking, because of the factor of separation and individuality, is that when you think about you create your reality, you are thinking about it in terms of you individually as one separate entity. But you aren’t one separate entity—you are everything, and everything is you. And therefore, you aren’t one separate, alone entity creating your reality with limited resources. You are an enormous entity that has ENDLESS resources that is interconnected, that you CAN create. And you don’t have to know all of the mechanisms of how you do that.

ANN: You know what I love about that? Is that for me helps me trust, because knowing that we’re all interconnected. I want a table, I can trust I’m going to get that table because now I don’t really have to figure it out. All this other stuff is at my disposal, and I can just let go of it and trust and boom, we’ll have a table. I mean, I think that’s going to help me trust more.

ELIAS: Yes. Yes. I agree.

ANN: I just got another little chunk of trust, people. (Laughs) We have to go now, though. That was great.

ELIAS: Very well. We will break, and we will continue. (Chuckles)

ANN: We will. That was fun. Thank you.

(Elias departs after 1 hour 3 minutes)

Note 1: This is the second of three sessions that were held one after the other with the same participants.

Copyright 2018 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.