Session 201801142

Sexual Harassment and The Women's Movement


Session 201801142
“Sexual Harassment and The Women's Movement"
"Car Dysfunction Imagery”
“The Interconnectedness of Teeth”
“You Won't Betray Yourself”

Sunday, January 14, 2018 (Private/In Person)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Jean (Lyla)

"You cannot achieve balance in pieces. You cannot achieve balance in parts. It is the whole, or not."

"Therefore, when you feel inspired, and you feel that gloriousness and that almost overwhelming affection for yourself… and when you appreciate an environment around you and you view it as so stunning, so splendorous, so glorious, what you are doing is expressing, “This is part of me. I did this.” That is such an acknowledgement. And when you allow yourself to do it and to express that feeling, you merely create that opening to appreciate more."

ELIAS: Good day!

JEAN: Good day, Elias. I am thrilled to be here, in private.

ELIAS: (Laughs) And how have you been proceeding?

JEAN: It’s been an interesting two weeks since we last spoke, and I’ve been thinking about a lot of things that you have said. Can we start out with some fun stuff?

ELIAS: Most definitely.

JEAN: To get it out of the way, and it’ll help me settle down a little bit, too.

My dear cousin and I were in our house this morning, and right when we were getting ready to leave, the cat downstairs that tells me new things are coming to the house started yelling. Was that a particular essence at that time? Anyone in particular? Or… was it you?

ELIAS: And your impression?

JEAN: Well, it should know you.


JEAN: Was it someone else?


JEAN: Was it you? (Elias laughs) Coming through? Okay. Because we had a lot of your energy swirling around. (Elias laughs)

And then last night, she did it in the middle of the night again. So that was you swirling? (Elias chuckles) Okay. Okay. Excellent.

And I’m going to ask a question for Atticus. She has been having a lot of car issues, like one thing after another. The steering’s out, and then she needs the bearings, and now the car doesn’t start and probably needs a new fuel pump, and blah blah blah. And she’s really kind of a bit perplexed as to why all of a sudden everything’s going wrong with the car. And her impression is perhaps it’s stop trying to fix, fix, fix, fix.

ELIAS: Partially.

JEAN: And the other part? Is it her energy, too? Because she… Okay. She’s… We’re getting a nod yes, Sis.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) Think about the imagery. What is the car for?

JEAN: Transportation.

ELIAS: Mobility.

JEAN: Mobility. Ooh!

ELIAS: And what is the car doing? Not being mobile.

JEAN: Not being mobile.

ELIAS: And in that, it isn’t working properly. That is the reflection. Remember: you reflect to yourselves with everything—not merely other individuals, everything.

JEAN: Yes.

ELIAS: Everything around you is reflecting to you, whether it is an object, whether it is mechanical; regardless of what it is, everything is always reflecting to you. In this, when you have something that performs a function, the imagery is easier to decipher what the reflection is, because that particular item performs a specific function. And if it isn’t performing that function, then that is imagery to yourself in relation to what you are doing, what you are projecting.

In this, what I would say is if she feels stuck and the vehicle isn’t operating, therefore what I would express is this is a reflection, is imagery in relation to not engaging herself properly—obvious imagery. Ask her, has she repaired her tooth? (Jean laughs)

It is obvious imagery. The vehicle represents not merely transportation but mobility. And in that, when the vehicle isn’t performing that function, what is it doing? It is stuck. It is not performing properly. It is not moving in its natural function. The vehicle can be associated with the body, because your body is what generates transportation and mobility for you. Therefore, in this, what is breaking, so to speak, with the vehicle is imagery about what isn’t being addressed with the body.

JEAN: Fantastic.

ELIAS: I would express that this is not unusual. And there is another point with this that is about concentration and attention. You ALL incorporate this tendency when one thing breaks then everything seems to break, or it seems to be that snowball effect that another and another and another thing breaks.

And in that, the reason that that happens is because that is where your attention is focused. You focus on the first aspect that breaks or that is dysfunctioning and you concentrate on that, and you make another thing happen and another thing happen and another thing happen. It is that basic principle of you create more of what you concentrate on and what you pay attention to. You automatically do it.

In this, not recognizing the connection of the reflection, then the attention, as per usual, is focused on the outside source. Not you—you aren’t doing anything; the vehicle is doing it. "The vehicle is breaking or not functioning, and I have to continue to address to the vehicle in what it is doing or not doing.” The vehicle wouldn’t BE doing or not doing if your energy wasn’t involved.

Therefore, the vehicle is reflecting your energy that you are projecting. What does that mean? Very well. Look at the imagery. Look at the reflection. Apply the formula, and in that, what is that energy? What is that reflection, that imagery expressing back to you that you were already projecting? Because you project it first, and then you generate the reflection.

In this, the vehicle is reflecting what isn’t being addressed in a physical capacity. It is a physical object, a machine that functions in particular manners. And it has a lot of parts. And so does your body have a lot of parts, and her body has a lot of parts that have been malfunctioning through a period of time.

And yes, I very much acknowledge that healing direction that she is engaging with the forks and energy, but it is a matter of paying attention to the whole, not one part. And that is what the imagery is: one part after another part after another part after another part. It isn’t only one part; it is a combination of parts. It is that one part affects everything else. It is all interconnected, and therefore when one part malfunctions, another part malfunctions. And in that, it is a matter of remembering the whole and that interconnectedness, and not continuing to move in the direction of the singularities that everything is isolated and individual and singular and separate; they aren’t. It is all interconnected.

And in that, regardless of how balanced you think you may be, if one piece isn’t balanced, the whole isn’t balanced. If one piece isn’t addressed to, the whole isn’t addressed to. You cannot achieve balance in pieces. You cannot achieve balance in parts. It is the whole, or not.

Therefore, you cannot express, “I am balanced at work. I am not balanced at home;” “I am balanced at home, but I cannot achieve balance at work;” “I am balanced in myself, but I am not balanced in my relationships.”--no. You either are balanced or you aren’t balanced, and if one piece isn’t, then you aren’t, because it is a whole. And if any one part of the whole is askew, then the whole is askew.

This is the piece that I have been expressing to you in recognizing that you are moving into an expression of self-awareness that the old does not fit. It doesn’t function. You cannot function with the old any longer. You have crossed a threshold in which your awareness now doesn’t match the old.

And with that, if you continue to attempt to incorporate the old, which includes that singularity, that perception of “everything is separate, everything is in pieces.”—no. And with the awareness that you are moving into now, that doesn’t fit any longer, and therefore it doesn’t function any longer.

It isn’t merely a matter of what you know. It is a matter of what you know and what you do with what you know, how you apply what you know. And if you have the information and you don’t apply, I would express that one thing after another after another after another will malfunction. And if you are sitting in the middle of much around you malfunctioning and expressing, “Why now? Why is this happening?” This is why it is happening. Because your awareness doesn’t match what you’re doing. When your doing matches your awareness, then you won’t be asking that question, “Why now?”

JEAN: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome.

JEAN: And you know, of course you’ve been saying this for years and years and years. And this… I’m glad she asked this, because it’s another beautiful example of how it works. And obviously, our last conversation was with my job. My awareness was such that I can’t tolerate the box I put myself in.

ELIAS: Precisely. Which is another excellent example of that. And in that, what I would say is a tremendous acknowledgment to you that you credited yourself with all of it, that you didn’t move in a direction of expressing, “They fired me. I lost my job. I don’t know what I did, that they would move in a direction of firing me.” You knew, and you expressed gleefully, “I fired myself.”

JEAN: (Laughing) From my crappy job. Wow.

ELIAS: And you knew why. And that is tremendously to be acknowledged. THAT is what I am expressing as an example of when you are aware—which you ARE more and more and more—when you are aware, you AREN’T asking those questions, “Why did I do that?” or “Why now?” You are looking at what you are actually doing.

When an individual asks that question, “Why did I do that?” their perception is that they didn’t do it. If you ask the question, “Why did I do that?" your actual association is “Why would I do that?” Which is expressing, “I wouldn’t, therefore I didn’t. I didn’t do that.” And when you ask that question, you are also expressing, “Perhaps I drew that to myself,” and your thinking of drawing to yourself is that you are a magnet and you are drawing a piece of metal to yourself and that you are sucking it to you—no.

When you draw something to yourself, as I have explained, you are placing yourself in that subject’s path. If you draw an individual to you, you aren’t sucking them into your energy. You aren’t physically pulling them towards you—no. You are placing yourself in their path, that you will collide. You will connect, or you will at the very least give yourself the opportunity to do that.

If you are engaging a situation, you want something, and it is a process or it requires a particular situation. You aren’t sucking that towards you—you are placing yourself in a position to encounter it, or to create it in the moment.

In this, when individuals express that question, “Why did I create this and why did I create it now?” what they are actually saying is, “I didn’t create this and I don’t know why it happened now, because…” Why? Because they are paying attention to what? Their feelings. “I feel great! I feel good. Why would I create this? Why now?” Your feelings, once again – and I will reiterate this over and over and over until all of you genuinely understand it – your feelings are NOT an indicator as to what your energy is doing. It is NOT a gauge.

Your feelings DON’T gauge what your energy is, what you are projecting. What you DO is your indicator. And what are you paying attention to? What you are doing or what you are feeling? Generally, what you are feeling. You may be paying attention to some of what you are doing—not all, or you wouldn’t ask that question. But you may be paying attention to some of what you are doing, but overlaying that is paying attention to “I feel good.”

JEAN: Well, let me say so with this case with Sis here, she’s been on what she thinks is a good track and this and this and this, but she’s always put her teeth off. So, there’s… She’s paying attention to “I’m feeling good, I’m doing this and I’m doing that,” so I’ll kind of use that as an example and let’s carry it on.

ELIAS: Very well. Yes. Feeling good. Remember the balance. You cannot achieve balance in pieces. Therefore, also in relation to anything, if you are avoiding something, if you are procrastinating, if you are putting off something that you are aware requires being addressed to, you are aware of that. And it is not only a factor of appearance. Your teeth serve a purpose, and when your teeth are dysfunctioning, that opens a door for many, many, many different factors in your body consciousness to begin dysfunctioning.

Your teeth are an excellent example of interconnectedness, because your teeth can affect your entire body. Your teeth can affect your feet and how they function. Your teeth can infect your toes, your legs, your fingers, not merely your head. Your teeth can infect your organs. This is the reason that teeth are such an obvious example of interconnectedness, because they do affect every aspect of your body consciousness.

Therefore, this is not merely a matter of appearance or vanity or speech. It is a matter of maintenance of the body consciousness. And if you are not maintaining with one aspect of the body consciousness, you are not maintaining the whole, and especially if there is that expression of avoidance occurring—putting off, putting off, putting off. That is avoidance. Why? What is motivating that avoidance? What is the issue that isn’t being addressed to?

And in that, generally speaking, and definitely directly associated with this situation, avoidance is motivated by fear. When an individual avoids something, they are avoiding it because there is a factor of fear attached with it—a fear of consequence, a fear of not enough, a fear of inability. There can be many different reasons, but what this is directing her to is addressing to that avoidance factor and what is motivating that, which is connected with fear: what I can’t do, what will be inconvenient. And whenever something is inconvenient, there is also an avoidance factor, and there is a fear element in relation to that: “I don’t want to do this because it is inconvenient.”—no. You don’t want to do that because there is a factor of fear involved that isn’t being addressed to.

What are you afraid of? In this, it can be money, it can be physicians, it can be methods. It can be not trusting your own ability to recuperate, being afraid of consequences such as pain. It can be many, many, many different reasons, but the point is which reason is the motivating factor for that avoidance.

JEAN: Excellent.

ELIAS: I would express, you can offer to her for myself: this is definitely not a matter of appearance. This is not addressing to a manifestation that was specifically created to address to this issue, in a very obvious manner.

And in this, I would express that it is important. The reason it is important is that creating physical manifestations is much too familiar to her. It is easy and very familiar. And when you open a door such as this, you create an opening to generate any number of physical manifestations, which she already does very well.

JEAN: She does.

ELIAS: And therefore, that doesn’t require any more encouragement, especially that her intention is to move in a direction of healing and to NOT be continuing that familiar expression of creating more physical manifestations. And this has opened an enormous door for that. Therefore, it is important.

JEAN: Excellent.

ELIAS: And in relation to appearance, there is a factor in that. It is not AS important as the physical aspect of it, but there is a piece in relation to appearance which is also as obvious as the vehicle. Pay attention to what you do, what you express.

When you move in a direction of expressing that your physical appearance is entirely unimportant, that you don’t care at all about your physical appearance – I am not speaking of vanity at all. Your physical manifestation is your presentment in physical reality of you. To express that you have no attachment to that at all, or that it is entirely unimportant, is a considerable discounting and devaluing of self, because this is what you present to the world as a representation of you in physical form.

This is the first aspect of you that anyone ever engages, is what they physically engage, what they see, what they hear, what they smell. They are incorporating sense input of you. That is their first association with you, which very much involves your appearance. And if you don’t care about your appearance at all, that is an alarm.

Now; I would express that for many individuals appearance is not tremendously important, and that is entirely acceptable. Some individuals give much more importance to appearance, and that is acceptable also. But when you move in extremes, when you move in the extreme that your appearance is everything and ultimately important, or when you move in the other extreme, that your appearance is not important at all, that what is important is what is inside—

JEAN: The old religious thing.

ELIAS: Your outside is important also. And in that, let me express to you, for I know the response to this: “But isn’t energy the first thing that you encounter when you engage another individual?” [Yes,] at the same time as the sense input, which takes in your physical appearance. But your energy in your energy field is, yes, also the first thing that individuals engage. And when anything is dysfunctioning with your body consciousness, it appears in your energy field. Therefore, when an individual engages you or meets you, they are together viewing the energy that is dysfunctioning and the physical appearance that is dysfunctioning, both. They are in harmony with each other.

Other individuals—the average individual, who is not necessarily aware that they are interacting with your energy, but that energy emphasizes what you perceive as being off, or in your actual terminology, wrong with someone else. Do you think it is curious that when you engage an individual that incorporates a physical dysfunction or disability or what you perceive as an abnormality, you automatically are drawn to focus on that? You actually—most of you—will think, physically think to yourself, “Stop looking. Move your attention. Move your eyes to a different area.” You will actually think in those manners, and you will actually attempt to force yourself to do that.

Why are you drawn automatically to that which you perceive as an abnormality? Because of the sense input and the energy input together. They are drawing your attention to what isn’t correct, or what you perceive to be not correct. And let me express to you, it will be much more difficult for you, even intentionally, to move your attention away from that abnormality if the other individual is expressing that energy that they don’t care, it isn’t important to them. Because in that expression, they are presenting it as a neon sign. And you are definitely drawn to the neon sign. You are reflecting to them how strongly they are projecting that energy of issue.

An individual that, let us say, incorporates a physical abnormality that isn’t projecting that energy, you will automatically initially be drawn in that direction, but you won’t have to force yourself or fight with yourself to not concentrate on it, because the energy that the other individual is projecting will alleviate that for you. And in that, it will create an ease, and your attention will drift to other aspects of the individual.

JEAN: Well, just for an example, I need a lot of dental work, too. And I am cognizant of it, and it is high on my priority list. But I’m aware of it, and I do care about what I look like. So, I’m not projecting as much about my dental issues as, say, someone who takes the attitude, “I don’t really care what I look and people shouldn’t judge me on how I look and stuff.” So, is that what you’re saying?

ELIAS: And you haven’t created a situation to draw other individuals’ attention or your own to that particular expression.

JEAN: Yeah. I’m self-conscious about it, but I'm—

ELIAS: You already are aware of it and you are already addressing to it, therefore it isn’t necessary to generate a physical display of it.

When you don’t pay attention to signals that you give yourself, they become stronger and more obvious. If it is important, especially in relation to your desire, remember: desire is the engine that drives you and drives your intent. And in that, if you are not moving in a direction in which you are paying attention, it will move you anyway, even if it is uncomfortable. You will accomplish, regardless. It is merely a matter of HOW you accomplish. Your desire will drive you, and you WILL accomplish in relation to that desire. But your desire doesn’t distinguish between good and bad, comfortable and uncomfortable.

Therefore, if you aren’t paying attention or if you aren’t addressing, your desire will move you anyway and you will accomplish, but likely in a manner that you are very uncomfortable or you don’t like or that there are considerable obstacles, and it will be much more difficult. And it will be figuratively the difference between skipping forward or trudging through mud. You can trudge through mud. You WILL accomplish, because your driving force within you will always move in the direction of striving towards your greatest benefit and accomplishing that, regardless of how it is done.

Therefore, it is a matter of – with your awareness – how do you want to do that? How do you want to accomplish? Do you want to accomplish trudging through mud? Or do you want to accomplish skipping forward?

In this, you can feel good while you are trudging through mud. You can feel happy while you are trudging through mud. And you can present tremendous obstacles to yourself, and you can be frustrated, and it doesn’t mean that you feel terrible continuously—you merely are generating difficulty. That doesn’t mean you won’t accomplish, and it doesn’t mean you necessarily will feel miserable. (Quietly) Feelings don’t indicate what you are doing. That is very important.

Therefore, in relation to the vehicle, I would express that what the vehicle is doing is quite to be expected, and that what the vehicle is doing you can express to her, she can acknowledge herself and be grateful that she is presenting that imagery through the vehicle and not something else.

JEAN: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome. (Chuckles)

JEAN: I think everyone needed to hear that again. And where I… I don’t know where our time is, and it doesn’t matter. But interesting, since this thing happened with the job, my neck and my shoulder, my back, is almost completely gone. I was floored. (Elias chuckles) Because it put… my chiropractor was suspecting fractures in my neck at one point.

The other thing, I think I’m getting a little bit more mobility in both my knees. My question is, I am piecing together some things that kind of resonated with me in some of your material, and I think last year you were talking about how you may have a dysfunction somewhere in your body – and let’s just say my knee – but sometimes the body radiates it to the knee or another thing to keep it away from a central organ, and I’m having a feeling I’m doing that with the knee. Is that the case? It’s from my heart.

ELIAS: Congratulations.

JEAN: Instead of a heart attack, I created the knee manifestations and I created the neck and the shoulder manifestations that if I did not address to was coming to the heart.

ELIAS: Congratulations.

JEAN: Thank you.

ELIAS: That is a tremendous leap.

JEAN: That’s huge, to recognize that.

ELIAS: I would agree.

JEAN: Yeah.

ELIAS: And yet again, another example of self-awareness.

JEAN: Yes.

ELIAS: And the more and more you become self-aware, the more you actually recognize [that] nothing is hidden from you. It is merely a matter of what you pay attention to.

JEAN: Yes. And so, that’s getting back to—I asked you in a session or two ago about the knees. I might not necessarily need surgery if I addressed to the issues that have been addressing to my heart.

ELIAS: I would agree. Now—

JEAN: Not that I’m against it; I mean, --

ELIAS: I am understanding. But what I would say to you is yes, that is a definite possibility.

JEAN: Right.

ELIAS: But I would also express to you that it isn’t an absolute.

JEAN: Absolutely.

ELIAS: And therefore, dependent upon what you or an individual creates in radiating energy to a different area of the body, you might do that, and you might even do it to a degree that you WOULD incorporate that to avoid the other manifestation in a manner of speaking, or to divert the other manifestation, which would be more severe. But you definitely CAN move in a direction addressing to that, in which an expression such as surgery would be entirely unnecessary.

JEAN: Mm-hm. Right. And I don’t have that problem with doctors and stuff. But it’s interesting, because with my job and stuff now, I kind of want to go into that tailspin, but I’ve been really proud of myself since I’ve talked to you to just stay in this moment and find your comfort and your satisfaction in your contentment. And Elias, I found some moments now, I’ll just walk out and look at the trees and just be overcome with a sense of just stillness and oneness, to the point I just want to cry. And it’s almost like a lightness of being. It doesn’t last that long, but it’s like…

ELIAS: I am understanding. And don’t stifle that.

JEAN: Yeah.

ELIAS: Because that is expressing that feeling and releasing that energy. That is a natural action. And in that, let me express to you, my friend, the more you express and release feelings, the more capacity you have to appreciate them and enjoy them.

With feelings that you perceive or you define as bad feelings, the more you express and release them, the more you give way to generating what you define as good feelings. And the more you express and release good feelings, the more capacity you have to experience that.

Therefore, when you feel inspired, and you feel that gloriousness and that almost overwhelming affection for yourself and that interconnectedness – because that is what you are doing, that is what you are expressing, that awareness of being interconnected—when you appreciate an environment around you and you view it as so stunning, so splendorous, so glorious, what you are doing is expressing, “This is part of me. I did this.” That is such an acknowledgement. And when you allow yourself to do it and to express that feeling, you merely create that opening to appreciate more.

JEAN: And more things TO appreciate. You put yourself in that path.

ELIAS: Yes. Definitely. I would be tremendously acknowledging of that. Well done.

JEAN: In your session, the last session, I relate the working with the what versus the how. So, I think I’ve got that. I’m still working with it. What I wanted to ask is you said I think a flapjack analogy. I do it every day and it’s under my nose. Would it be like my Facebook site Intrinsic Elias, including artistry with the stuff I put out there, would that be an example?


JEAN: And then I’m like, I go… The other thing I love doing is going to the gym every day. Is that another example?


JEAN: What else? Or is that it? Or…?

ELIAS: What I would say to you is – and this will not be difficult for you, because you are already moving in this direction, quite well in actuality – merely pay attention and notice what you automatically do. It matters not what it is. Think about your ice cubes. This is the reason it will not be difficult for you, because you are already moving in that direction quite well. Pay attention to what you do throughout your day. Pay attention to the moments that you express reactions. They are very, very familiar to you.

JEAN: Yeah.


JEAN: I’m catching them now.

ELIAS: Yes, I am aware. And these are also examples of what is directly in front of you and that you engage every day, and that you don’t necessarily see because it IS directly in front of you. Remember: if you do this, it is very difficult to see your hand.

JEAN: (Explaining) Elias’ hand is against his nose.

ELIAS: But if you move this to here, now you can see your hand. You can see what it is. When something is directly in front of you, it can be challenging to see what that is. And generally, if you do this and you are walking around like this, you will learn to look around it. You will actually stop seeing your hand at all, because you will learn to focus your attention, your vision, around it, and you won’t see your hand any longer. That is what you do with very familiar expressions that you are accustomed to automatically, every day. You don’t see them because they ARE so familiar and because they are directly in front of you.

BUT—as I expressed earlier in this conversation, you are beginning more and more and with more clarity to see that nothing is hidden from you. It is merely a matter of what you pay attention to.

JEAN: And so, by my becoming more aware of what I’m doing—and the other word that coming in is I’m learning to have even more reverence for simple things, and I guess maybe it ties into the artistry and everything else. So that’s what I reflect out into the world?

ELIAS: Definitely. Who do you want to be, and what do you want to express? Those are the questions. Not so much why, why, why? But who do you want to be, and what do you want to express?

And be it. Because you can. Because it all is choice, and it all is perception. Whatever you can perceive in one manner, you can also perceive in another manner.

I will express somewhat of an oxymoron: Absolutely nothing is absolute. Whatever you see in one direction, you can also see in another direction.

JEAN: Right. Which direction do you choose?

ELIAS: Precisely. What do you choose? THAT is what is ultimately important. What do you choose? Not why, not how, but what.

JEAN: Mm-hm. I see. We will end here for now.

ELIAS: Very well. Very well.

JEAN: Thank you.

ELIAS: We shall break and continue. Yes?

JEAN: Yes.

ELIAS: Very well.


ELIAS: Continuing.

JEAN: Continuing, Elias. (Elias chuckles) This session I’m kind of keeping a little light, because we’ve been through so many layers and I’m still processing. So I’m going to continue with just a couple of fun things for people.

ELIAS: Very well.

JEAN: And maybe save the last little bit for myself.

My cousin and I, we were talking on the way up here that at least I have been creating a lot of John Denver imagery to myself. And the songs that are played, I mean they’re coming up everywhere, restaurants and in the car today, and this is someone you don’t hear of that often. So I was wondering what the imagery was, and when I was asking my question—

ELIAS: I would express very obvious, but continue.

JEAN: Well, for him the word that keeps coming up is authenticity. He stayed very genuine to himself. And he grew up a little boy in West Virginia and just went to the top on being authentic in who he was.

ELIAS: And what did he sing about?

JEAN: Nature.

ELIAS: Connecting.

JEAN: Connecting! I’m still singing the song "Rocky Mountain High." Some of the words, when you really listen to them… Oh, so it’s about connecting. Well, he was a connector. Wow. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome.

JEAN: Vivienne, and this we’ve got to keep it just kind of something unique for her, that may help her. She says, “I’m still struggling with this emotional piece and trying to do something different and the back and forth,” but she feels like she’s not making much progress with it. Is there something specific for her that she can do until she engages you next?

ELIAS: When she does something different, do it with her cat.

JEAN: Okay.

ELIAS: And focus her attention on what she is doing with the cat, nothing else.

JEAN: Okay. Thank you.

And then Marij would like to know some information. Her desire, she has – if I can read my writing – “Create from interconnectedness and oneness and sharing knowing.”

ELIAS: I would agree. And I would express that she can add to that how she accomplishes that in relation to her own expression.

JEAN: Okay. And her genuine gift, she has love and trust.

ELIAS: I would say love and affection.

JEAN: Okay.

ELIAS: I would not necessarily express that trust would be a genuine gift.

JEAN: Okay. And for her core truth, she has honor, or honoring self.


JEAN: Okay. And her passion, she says, is to integrate all of the above and love and the magic and beauty of the design.

ELIAS: I would agree, but I would express that the passion is more of the latter.

JEAN: The magic and beauty of the design, because that goes in with her intent.


JEAN: Which, she had a very beautiful intent.

And is there an Elias member that is a focus of the mother of Oscar Wilde?


JEAN: Is it Fatma?



ELIAS: You can investigate.

JEAN: I will investigate. (Elias chuckles) I thought it was myself at once, but then we talked and you had said that I just had a brief encounter with Oscar Wilde. Okay, out there somewhere, one of you is the mother of Oscar Wilde. (Elias chuckles) Investigate! (Laughs)

We were trying to… You had talked about her two focuses that she identified, I think that were her children. One was Oscar and one was Isabel. And of course, the Oscar tricked me. And I thought maybe the other one would have been Isabella Bird, but that’s Isabella, not Isabel. So, okay. Fatma, I tried. (Both laugh)

And I really don’t know where to go with this, Elias, because I’m kind of finished, at least for now, with the why and the what and the stuff, and I’m just working through everything that you’ve given me. And right now, of course, I go into that panic of the lack and what’s going to happen and god I’ll just kill myself if I end up in Frogtown, Kentucky again, that sort of thing, and I know you have enough awareness that you won’t let that happen and something’s materializing for you out there, and then it’s just practicing coming back to the now. So if there’s anything you can say that…

ELIAS: At this point—

JEAN: At this point.

ELIAS: — you won’t betray yourself.

JEAN: Okay. Thank you. You won’t betray yourself. You won’t betray yourself, everyone. I won’t betray myself. Those are the four most beautiful words I think I’ve heard in a long time. (Elias chuckles)

You know what I’m going to use this time for is something that’s been a burning question for a long time, and this gets back to everyone. So, are we okay with me right now? Do you think I’m okay where I am? Do I need to go any deeper, or can I just ask a fun question?


JEAN: Okay. Someone had a session one time they decided not to release but they shared with me, and they were saying how you said that coupling was natural for people and that most people want to couple. But of course, there’s so many constructs around it.

And how unprepared for this—I don’t have my notes out. That’s not true for everyone, but in general. But there’s so many constructs of having to stay with the same person, and so on and so on. And then they kind of went to how men are so… how they’ve become more sexually frivolous and stuff, and you were bringing up how the women’s movement kind of did that more. And now with all the stuff coming out with the men that had harassed the women in Hollywood and the general sexual harassment in general, can you just give a twenty-minute thing on this, relationships and why are we seeing now…? (Elias chuckles) It’s not twenty minutes, I know. And if it’s something you don’t want to do now, we can talk about something else, but…

ELIAS: It is entirely acceptable.

First of all, what I would say to you is that this is not new, and that I would say that there are more situations of this now than there have been previously, but I would also say that a significant reason that there are more of these situations now than there have been previously is that there are more opportunities. There are more available time frameworks and situations for it to occur.

What I would say to you is that to this point, this has been a situation and an expression that has been occurring throughout your history, that until the insertion of this shift, as I explained previously, the dominant energy in your species, in your world, has been the intellectual, the male. And that has manifest in many different capacities. And one of them has been an automatic reaction to that in the encouragement and the promotion of dominance—the instruction of that, the support of that, the encouragement of that, that the male individuals would incorporate that role of being dominant. And that has been pervasive in every direction: in physical expressions, in political expressions, in religious expressions, in philosophical expressions, and of course in sexual expressions.

Now; there is another factor, which is that in relation to the inclusion of religious philosophies, those incorporated and expressed very specific guidelines in relation to genders. But in the quest for the distorted idea of spirituality in relation to religious philosophies, that introduced very strict guidelines in relation to sexual expressions – not merely with females, but very strongly with male individuals, restrictions. Which is considerably unnatural.

Now, that over centuries has led in a direction to what you see or what you define in your present time framework, or within I would say your past hundred and twenty years. In that time framework, you have observed some, in a manner of speaking, phenomenons with male individuals that the inclusion of these restrictions in relation to sexual expression for centuries and centuries created a reaction in male individuals in which you, in your present time framework, would likely express that male individuals think about sex all the time or they are obsessed with sexual expressions. They wouldn’t be, had they not been influenced for so many centuries. And it continues to this day, in your present time framework, in which what you don’t recognize or realize – this is another example of what is right in front of your face and you don’t see it – is how this is continued to be perpetuated even in your present time framework, in which you think you are so liberated, and you think that you understand or you recognize or that you are being so much more free—males and females.

But I would say to you that parents are continuing to this day to be instructing and influencing children in automatic capacities in many different manners, and many of them are continuing to be in relation to sexual expressions. I would say to you that it would be very usual for parents of very small male children to discourage them from touching themself. And the parents don’t think about it. They don’t recognize what they are already influencing with children that are one and two years of age. And that continues throughout their child rearing.

But that has created a situation. I would say to you that yes, this has been a factor throughout most of your history. It has been an ongoing expression of dominance which has been instilled in male individuals for millennia, and subservience in females which has also been instilled for millennia—that, coupled with that in your past century that acceptance and allowance of that male dominance has been challenged. And in that, the females have shifted and have moved into a position of challenging that dominance and becoming more expressive, and moving in directions in which they are in positions and in locations with male individuals much more so.

I would express to you that even within your 19th century there were, relatively speaking, few female individuals in the workforce—few individuals, female individuals, that were in constant physical proximity to male individuals in dominant roles. That began to change in your 20th century, and that escalated tremendously in your 20th century. The inclusion of your two world wars was a tremendous change. It created an enormous turn in relation to male and female, in relation to the workforce. Subsequent to your Second World War, the inclusion of females in the workforce increased exponentially, and the expression of female individuals moving more in a direction of intolerance of dominance actually increased the male direction in relation to sexual expression because of the threat that was expressed in relation to their position, therefore, in an expression to hold their position.

And the opportunity, which had increased tremendously before the 20th century, the opportunity for this type of activity to be occurring was so tremendously less, because most of the female population was not in positions to be experiencing that. And most of the female population wasn’t expressing in a manner that threatened the dominance of the male individuals. And not having a consistent and enduring direction to hold that dominance in other expressions—in a manner of speaking, gone by the wayside are the days that female individuals are not involved in religious expressions, in political expressions, in anything that was dominated by male individuals previously.

The one area that that dominance is perceived to not be able to be threatened is in sexual expression, purely from the perspective and the perception of physical manifestations, that the male individual generally is larger and generates a greater automatic physical strength. Not that they generate a greater strength, period—they don’t, but they do generate an automatic undeveloped strength. Female individuals have the capacity to develop an equal strength in physical expression, and therefore can actually challenge even the sexuality aspect, or sexual expressions aspect of your reality, but generally speaking they don’t. Most female individuals don’t move in those directions and don’t generate those choices. Therefore, that is the one remaining stronghold of male individuals, that they can and do continue to express that dominance in that final attempt to hold to their position of dominance. But even that would not be successful if the female individuals had not moved so far into the combined force with the male individuals. But there is no area now of your cultures that female individuals are not infiltrating into, and therefore there is no longer this separation in which the male individuals have this clear avenue of dominance that they can hold to.

That, coupled with centuries and centuries and centuries of restrictions and constrictions in relation to male sexual behavior—what is acceptable, what is not acceptable, and not only what is acceptable and what is not acceptable, but the inclusion of philosophical and religious restrictions in the attempt to be generating this distorted concept of spirituality that denies the flesh, which is ludicrous—but that is a very pervasive element of many religious philosophies. It is not merely the Judeo-Christian philosophy; it is also a Muslim philosophy. Therefore, I would express that the majority of your world adheres to these distorted spiritual ideas of attaining spirituality through the denial of the physical.

Which, those factors together have created a situation. And because the female individuals have moved into what you would term to be your mainstream society—they are not at home any longer, they are not only raising children or bearing children; many are not incorporating children at all—because they have moved in that direction, it has created a tremendous, fertile ground for this type of activity.

And because they have moved in this direction, they also have moved in a direction of becoming more expressive. Therefore, the more female individuals move in this direction, the more vocal they are, the more expressive they are, the less hiding they are. And the more aware you become, the more you shine light on shame. And remember: the partner in crime to shame is silence. Therefore, shining the light on shame is moving in a direction of not being silent.

And therefore, it seems that there is much more of this activity occurring. There is more of this activity occurring, but because of the situation, because there is more opportunity.

JEAN: Mm-hm. Elias, we’ve got to cut this down—

ELIAS: Very well.

JEAN: — this time, but there’ll be more to continue, I’m sure, on this. But thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

JEAN: This was wonderful. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome. I shall greatly be anticipating our next meeting.

JEAN: Absolutely.

ELIAS: In wondrous lovingness, my dear friend, as always, au revoir.

JEAN: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 1 hour 33 minutes)

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