Breaking the Cycle of Devaluing Self
“Breaking a Cycle of Devaluing Self - A Tremendous Realization of Choice”
”How Religion Evolved from Individual Empowerment to Mass Control”
“Leaders and Supporters”
Wednesday, January 6, 2016 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Vivienne (Eliza)
ELIAS: Good afternoon!
VIVIENNE: Oh, Elias. (Both laugh) Oh my goodness. Okay, Im a little bit nervous.
ELIAS: And I expressed to you in our previous conversation that assurance that we would be moving in a more consistent direction, and here you are.
VIVIENNE: And here I am. (Both laugh) Okay. All right. Ill just get straight into it then. Ill read you what I wrote, because I really want to express it, and its easier for me just to write it out, and then I can...we can talk about it.
So, Im starting to see my own big picture more clearly now. It feels as if Ive broken a spell, and a really horrible one at that, but there remains some trepidation because it seems particularly momentous to question religious beliefs that in historical terms it would have been considered committing an offense that would lead to being excommunicated, and that was very, very serious.
So now what I would like to know from you is why we as humanity imposed this on ourselves, and why did the denial of self become the ideal. My mother was insistent that everyone elses needs should always be considered first, with the upshot that I ended up feeling everyone else was more important than me, and that I was not really very important at all.
And I also felt dictated to by outside sources to such an extent that I felt robbed of my youth and happiness, and all in the pursuit of trying to be a good person according to received wisdom. And questioning that prevailing wisdom over the years has all too often opened me to attack. Such is the strength and hold of these ideas, and I know that for myself too.
And now I have arrived at an age that as a younger person I would have thought of as old, complete with the symptoms and the reality of the menopause, which is like a signal that tells women ”youre now officially old.”
Added to which, I never really had a job or anything to point to, to justify my existence, and the strivings to be good have been unsuccessful with my family and Michael’s. And somewhere along the way I lost that sense of joie de vivre that I can still remember from childhood. And being an intermediate felt like a liability in its own right, because unless youre the Queen or Jackie Kennedy or Andy Warhol or someone like that, at which point people seem fascinated and intrigued - but I wasnt.
In my case, Ive been told Im selfish, and Canadians thought I was a snob. So, no wonder that I was virtually a recluse. (Emotionally) I mean, it really was too scary out there to want to go out and interact, but I can see now how all of this was based in beliefs that I was taught. So, now that I can see it, I just want to hear from you why I chose to do this to myself and to each other.
ELIAS: (Calmly and slowly) Breathe…. Breathe…. Breathe…. This is a tremendous realization.
VIVIENNE: Yes. Its really big. And scary a bit.
ELIAS: I would express in answer to your question about religion - its dictates and why would you as a mass move in that direction - I express to you that initially - in the beginning, in relation to your development and evolution as a species - initially it was a reflection of remembrance in part of yourselves, and yet in a remembrance of your majesty and translating that into some objective form.
Now; initially it was expressed in the ideals of the individual and the significance of the individual and the power of the individual.
Now; from that, this is a key statement: the power of the individual. From that, it began to develop in a direction in which... I have recently been discussing the two basic personality types in your reality that are defined as being the leader type personality or the supporter type personality, and remember: supporters are not followers. And a supporter personality is no less likely to be in a position of leadership or in a position of being considerably successful than a leader personality. That is not the indicating difference of them.
But in relation to those differences of personality, individuals that are expressing that supporter personality are more likely and more inclined to be led - to allow another individual to be, in a manner of speaking, leading them.
What that actually means in practical terms is that a supporter personality is more likely to be comfortable allowing someone else to generate decisions.
In this, the individual may not necessarily think about those terms of ”leader” and ”supporter,” but in practicality, in what they choose and in what they naturally do, they are more likely to allow another individual to express decisions in relation to themself, which you see VERY frequently in relation to couples. Generally speaking - not always, but generally speaking - one individual will be more likely to defer to the other.
Now; that is not to say that in every relationship there is a leader personality type. There likely is not, for as I have expressed previously, the leader personality type is very much in the minority. There are much fewer of them than there are of individuals that express the supporter personality types.
But even with individuals that are partners, which may both be supporter personalities, this is an example that one generally will defer to the other and allow one, or designate one, as being the one to generate certain decisions. You do this in practical terms with couples very commonly: one individual pays the bills, or one individual is designated for certain tasks. And in that, one individual is more designated in the direction of decision making. Even though you may think that you share that role or that action in decision making together, generally speaking one will defer more often to the other.
Now; that being expressed, and moving back to the religious aspect, eventually through your development historically, that factor of that recognition of individual power was noted; and in noting that, it was experimented with in almost an automatic manner in which individuals that did incorporate that leader personality were noticed and were encouraged to step into leader roles.
Now; in that, as I have expressed previously, leader personalities do not always automatically step into leader roles, but they are noticed, and many times they are encouraged - or with some, even pushed - into leader roles.
Now; in that, once again, through time and through development as a group en masse, it also began to develop the recognition that individuals could use that leader personality in a leader role in a dominating capacity. Then you move into directions of groups or factions of people that moved to dominate other factions of people.
Let me express you: religion came later – that before religion [there] was the development of religious concepts and philosophies, and then the development of the organization of those concepts and philosophies. Individuals and groups of individuals or factions of individuals moved in the direction of expressing that dominance one over another first. And in developing that direction and that idea, and using it and realizing that it yielded success, that a small group of individuals being headed by a leader personality could then move in a direction and express that dominance over large groups of individuals, then began the development of philosophies that would in one capacity satisfy the masses in relation to the expression of faith, but would also provide an avenue for dominance and control through what? What is the most powerful manner to control large groups of individuals?
ELIAS: Correct; fear. That is the most powerful expression to control LARGE groups of people.
In this, the empowerment of the individual was recognized to be expressed in a minimal capacity, but that there should be some aspect of that, for if there is NONE of that, then individuals begin to question and possibly revolt.
Therefore, in relation to (with emphasis) religion, not politics, but in relation to religion and religious philosophy, there was that recognition and understanding that yes, you can control very large numbers of individuals, but to do that successfully in an ongoing manner, it is important that all of the individuals are given something that seems to empower them, that gives them some direction that they think they have control of and that they think that they will have a payoff with.
ELIAS: Therefore, in that, that is the reason that religion has survived. Whereas, in relation to political expressions, individuals or individual groups that chose this direction throughout your history of attempting to dominate, but they can only maintain that for a limited time framework because that is the piece that they omit.
Now; in relation to religion, they dominate in the capacity of definitely including that factor of fear - for that is the control factor - but also, in your cliché, dangling the carrot, giving every individual the payoff of heaven.
ELIAS: Therefore, in that, theres always a manner for you to redeem yourself.
ELIAS: Throughout history, with religion there is always a back door. There is always a manner for you to redeem yourself. But what is emphasized MORE is the fear and the control. Therefore, the aspect of punishment and the aspect of, in a manner of speaking, devaluing the individual - that the individual is valuable in the sight of God, and that the individual incorporates the opportunity to redeem themself and eventually attain heaven, BUT that the individual is intrinsically flawed, that you are born flawed -
ELIAS: - and therefore, your lifelong mission is STRIVING to please. And how you do that is also - in actuality, very attentive and astute of religious factions - that they recognize and incorporate in their philosophy that you as a species are unlikely to continue to follow if you are not being offered some type of gratification that is almost instant.
Therefore, provisions are made which through works, through deeds, through penance, individuals can generate expressions that will redeem them temporarily and that will move them in a continued direction of their goal of heaven.
Now; in this, I would express that the development of religion has taken into account more accurately and more successfully your movement and your personality types as a species than any other type of philosophy, than any other government, than any other social expressions, any warlords; it matters not. Religion has endured for such an extensive time framework, for although its main expression is control - and that is expressed through fear and consequence - it does provide for redemption, and it does provide for forgiveness. Therefore, it has been tremendously successful. And in addition to that, as I expressed in the beginning of this conversation, it provided - and continues to do so - that avenue that taps into a piece of remembrance, but it translates it into an outside source rather than to the individual, to maintain that control.
Therefore, what it encourages is faith - and faith is not hope. Faith is actually believing or trusting what you cannot see; therefore, placing your trust in something that you cannot see.
In this, that is the basis. That is, in your terms, the hook that ensnares you. Its that you do intrinsically incorporate a PIECE of remembrance in relation to your own wonder, your own majesty. Now that, through learning, is turned in a capacity that you will express that faith in that majesty in an outside source; therefore removing it from yourself and removing that empowerment from yourself.
But it was necessary to incorporate some factor, some direction for that to be expressed, for that is intrinsic in all of you. That is one piece of remembrance that you all have, even in physical focus. Therefore, it was a matter of diverting that away from the individual, away from self, onto an outside source of God; and in that, using other individuals to promote that faith and to strengthen it by using human experiences and expressing them in a capacity that encourages other individuals that can be used as an example to encourage other individuals in relation to the religious philosophy and the direction of placing that majesty and faith in God.
Therefore martyrs, saints, prophets - all of these are the use of human experiences in different capacities to emphasize and to reinforce the philosophy and encourage the faith in an outside source, once again expressing consequence and payoff. If you are expressing yourself in works of selflessness, then you generate payoff; in that, even if the payoff is not being expressed physically, although in many capacities it will be. But even if it is not, it is being noticed, and it is being recorded by God, and therefore God will reward you and give you the payoff when you disengage.
VIVIENNE: Oh, good. (Laughs) I’m a big one then.
ELIAS: And at its basis, all of it has been designed to move in the direction of control through fear and consequence, but also has been designed as an avenue for individuals to express that intrinsic remembrance of majesty and merely displace it. And in that, it is accomplished by incorporating leader personalities to aid in movements.
VIVIENNE: But its now backfiring. I mean, its - right? Its -
ELIAS: I would express not necessarily backfiring. What I would express is no, I would not necessarily agree with that assessment, but what I would express is that there is a tremendous movement in energy that is once again taking a step in evolving in relation to this shift. And in that, it is moving back to the importance and significance of the individual, and in that, becoming more aware of all of the expressions of your reality, including personality types, and in that expanded awareness, using personality types by the individuals in manners that are more empowering and move in a direction of being successful, not necessarily in the capacity of including dominance.
VIVIENNE: And fear?
ELIAS: Correct. But let me express to you in this, that as with any new direction, what is tremendously familiar to all of you? Fear and consequence.
ELIAS: Therefore in that, you are witnessing a division of individuals that are gravitating more to the religious direction prompted by fear and consequence, but also in recognition of the importance of the individual. Not in the same capacity as previously, but including that recognition of the importance and significance of the individual, and the expression and movement of fear and consequence of individuals that are NOT gravitating towards religion and are afraid of that, also are becoming more aware of the significance of the individual.
Therefore, in this, I would express as I have previously, this is the reason that there is such a tremendous surge presently in the direction of Islam, that more and more and more individuals are gravitating in that direction and adopting that philosophy, and they are. And the reason for that is that this is a philosophy that does promote the significance of the individual, contrary to what many people think that they do not stress the value of the individual and if they did they would not incorporate the terrorists that are suicidal.
I would (emphatically) very much disagree with that. That is the reason that that is successful, is that they do value that individual, and the individual themself values themself and is expressing their individual importance and significance, recognizing that they do not require masses to accomplish what they want to accomplish. All they require is one individual, for each individual is ultimately important. Now, they maintain the philosophy that their payoff - that their reward - is heaven, but they are expressing the significance and the importance of the individual, that one individual matters, one individual can generate a difference.
In this, it is an interesting time that you are experiencing in relation to this shift, and the expressions of this shift are being generated in very obvious manners but also are challenging your beliefs, challenging your religious beliefs, challenging your individual directions and even your individual guidelines, for you have expressed those guidelines for such an extensive time framework in which you have distorted them. Rather than incorporating them in the function that they are designed for, as your own guidelines that guide your behavior and your choices, they have been turned - in which, individuals are automatically projecting them outwardly to everyone else, that everyone else is expected to hold to those guidelines, individually and en masse.
In this, that is shifting, but it is creating conflict and turmoil and trauma, which was to be expected. And in this, I would express to you that even in the expressions in your world that you disagree with, that you dislike, it is becoming more and more obvious in relation to the power of the individual. You may not agree with how some individuals are expressing that power, but it definitely is shifting the attention to the strength of the individual rather than only strength in numbers.
VIVIENNE: Yeah, I can see that.
ELIAS: But I would also very much be acknowledging of you and expressing that this is a tremendous realization in a REAL capacity, in an experiential capacity, that you have offered to yourself that yes, this has been a considerable influence throughout your lifetime - throughout most individuals lifetimes.
And in that, it has generated a direction - you are correct - in which you have been taught to devalue yourself, to perceive yourself as insignificant, unimportant, not valuable, and to always place other individuals in the primary position, for that is good, and that is selfless, and selfless is good.
VIVIENNE: Yeah. Except that nothing ever good ever came of it, but... (Laughs)
ELIAS: But even in that, in relation to religious philosophy, it matters not, for God sees what you do, -
ELIAS: - and God will reward you in the end.
VIVIENNE: Yeah, Im up for a big reward, I think. (Both laugh) My goodness, me and a lot of other people, Im sure, but…
ELIAS: With a marching band and fireworks!
VIVIENNE: Yeah. (Both laugh) Oh, dear! Yeah.
ELIAS: Tremendous reward with tremendous fanfare! (Chuckles)
VIVIENNE: There would have to be. I guess thats why, like, that ties in with my parents generation, their idea of self-entitlement. My sense was because they perceived themselves as authority figures, and its what justified how they treated us, because by todays standards it would certainly come across as uncaring or even abusive, actually. That plays into it, doesnt it?
ELIAS: Yes, for what you have been seeing expressed is control and consequence. And in that, it is translated to every individual in that hierarchical capacity. And in relation to families, the parents are the hierarchy. Everything is a possession; that if you are a government, you possess the society, that you even reinforce that in how you have been taught to speak and think: ”I belong to the British Isles;” ”I belong to France;” ”I belong to the United States of America” - for that is the direction of what is taught, that the hierarchy possesses what is ever perceived as being beneath it, just as even to this day, your cat belongs to you (Vivienne laughs); it is your possession. In this, it moves from generation to generation to generation, throughout history. It is always a matter of possession, what you possess.
Children have always been viewed as possessions. They are belongings. They are not individuals until they are adults. When they become adults, suddenly now they are individuals. And society after society throughout history wonders why individuals physically grow to adulthood and incorporate a considerable time framework of confusion (Vivienne laughs), for now they have been thrust into that position of being a person - not a belonging, not a possession - and do not know how to BE a person.
VIVIENNE: No, definitely not.
ELIAS: But eventually that person moves into the position of repeating the cycle of what they have learned, and they will generate possessions also, either with their children or with their pets or with their family; it matters not. They will also repeat the cycle, and they will perceive that they have moved into the position of the hierarchy, and they will have possessions, and those possessions will be living things.
In this, that is another part of this shift in consciousness, in that thinning of that veil of separation and the realization in a very realistic manner and an experiential manner of interconnectedness with everything; also, the movement into being more present, which places individuals in a very different position by changing what is important to them, and that is significant.
Another piece of that being present that breaks down the structure and construct of religious beliefs in how they are expressed in that structure is becoming nonreactive, for the reason that fear and consequence is successful is that it preys on reaction. If you are not reactive, then fear and consequence hold little power, if any.
VIVIENNE: Thats interesting. Ill have to think about that.
ELIAS: Therefore, once again it is all interconnected, all this movement. If you are threatened and are encouraged in the direction of fear because of a perceived consequence, you likely will be reactive. But if you are NOT reactive, then the threat of that consequence loses its power. If you are not afraid of it and you are not reactive to it, you are not being controlled by it, and therefore it is unsuccessful and it holds no power any longer. That is the point, and that is a piece of what you are tremendously shifting.
Let me express to you also: even in relation to these individuals that you perceive to be terrorists, I would express to you that in that, in their actions they are displaying examples of that - that they will choose regardless of what is perceived to be consequence, that they will choose anyway, that they will not allow the fear of consequence dictate to them. They will not react; they will choose regardless.
And in that, its a tremendously powerful statement. I am not in any capacity advocating the methods that they use, but they are expressing a powerful example in their own actions and their own choices of self-empowerment and not being dictated to by fear and consequence, but that they will choose regardless, which is a powerful statement.
In this, I would express: if all of you incorporated that as an example and applied that power to yourselves, you would not be waiting or participating in this shift for another thirty or forty years; you would be shifting NOW. You would be fully shifted NOW, and your world would be configured very differently.
But also it is a process, and I would be acknowledging of all of you - and you personally - in what you offered to yourself in that realization, you broke a cycle.
VIVIENNE: Yeah, it feels like it.
ELIAS: You did. You did. And in that, in your own awareness, you opened a door for your own individual empowerment and for choice and the realization yes, this has been an influence throughout my lifetime, but I see it and Im choosing not to continue with that influence.
And in this, in this process, it may be uncomfortable, but you are in many capacities avoiding actual trauma. As uncomfortable as that realization was or is, you actually have avoided an aspect of trauma in it. You have stopped the trauma. You experienced the trauma previously, and you stopped it now. (With emphasis) That is powerful. That is tremendous, and I would express a TREMENDOUS congratulations to you. Well done!
VIVIENNE: (Emotionally) Thank you. Thank you very much.
ELIAS: That, my friend, is moving into Majesty.1
VIVIENNE: Oh, good. (Laughs)
ELIAS: And that will allow you to clear some of that garbage out of your past -
ELIAS: - and actually allow you to see more of your natural aristocratic expression.
VIVIENNE: (Laughs) Yeah. Yeah.
ELIAS: You are not nothing.
VIVIENNE: (Laughs) No.
ELIAS: And you are important.
ELIAS: Congratulations.
VIVIENNE: Thank you. Im kind of speechless, really. (Both laugh) I dont know. Ive got one more question, but I think Ill keep it till next time. Its not really important at the moment, so…
ELIAS: Very well. What I would suggest to you is incorporate the rest of your day today REVELING in your accomplishment!
VIVIENNE: (Laughs) Okay. I will.
ELIAS: Give yourself that payoff NOW.
ELIAS: Its not necessary for you to wait until you die -
ELIAS: - when you can treat yourself today.
VIVIENNE: Okay. Will you help me?
ELIAS: Absolutely, yes.
VIVIENNE: All right then, Ill do that. Okay. (Chuckles)
ELIAS: (Chuckles) Very well. I shall greatly be anticipating our next meeting, my dear friend, and more of your accomplishments.
ELIAS: In wondrous lovingness to you, as always, and in dear friendship, au revoir.
VIVIENNE: Thank you. Bye-bye.
(Elias departs after one hour and one minute.)
©2016 Mary Ennis. All Rights Reserved.
1 This is in reference to a strong connection Vivienne feels to a painting by John Constable, one of Vivienne’s focuses, titled “Study of the Trunk of an Elm Tree” ( She has focuses of several artists, and she feels that her artists were intent on capturing ”spirit” (i.e., the spirit in the every day life, or the spirit in nature). She relates that when she first saw this painting by Constable she was very emotionally affected, and when she asked Elias about it, he said that what Constable had captured was the spirit of Being. So Vivienne thinks that when Elias refers to majesty several times in this session, he means that sense of spirit, majesty, aristocracy, grandeur that we all have within us.
Copyright 2016 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.