Awareness of Energy
“Awareness of Energy”
“The Great Success Story”
“Comparing Projects an Opposing Energy”
Saturday, June 10, 2006 (Private)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Terri (Uliva)
ELIAS: Good afternoon.
TERRI: Good afternoon, Elias.
ELIAS: And what shall we discuss?
TERRI: Well, (laughs) we’re back to the Shawn thing again. I just went by there before I came here, and I felt really good about it. I think I did a good job, staying in the moment and really just concentrating on what I want, and not getting wrapped up in what he was saying, and like “Oh my god! I’ve broke it!” and everything. So I think I did a good job of paying attention to myself and just concentrating on what I wanted. Was that a fair assessment?
TERRI: Okay. Because he was… you know, I got there and he just wanted to leave and run. And so I just stayed calm and focused on myself. And then he kept staying, he kept staying, and then he loosened up some. So of course my first question is, I feel like I’m on the right track to resuming the relationship. Is that true?
TERRI: Okay.
ELIAS: Do not push.
TERRI: Right. Don’t force my energy. Don’t push. So… because I really think that I want to have a relationship with him, and I think getting him to open up like that, because he wasn’t one to open up at all when I got there, so I thought that was a sign that it was coming back around. So I guess my question is, is it a strong potential that we can resume this relationship in the near future? (Laughs)
TERRI: Okay. So, don’t push. So don’t contact him anymore. Let him come to me?
ELIAS: This would be a choice. I am not expressing to you to be avoiding…
TERRI: Right.
ELIAS: …but to be aware of your energy and to be aware when you are engaging expectations, for that creates the pushing.
TERRI: Okay. And I felt that, while I was there, that I didn’t have any expectations, and that I was really aware of my energy. Is that true?
TERRI: Okay. I think I’m really getting good at that. (Both laugh)
ELIAS: Congratulations!
TERRI: It is getting much easier.
ELIAS: And it does.
TERRI: Yeah.
ELIAS: The more that you practice and the more you are aware, the easier it is to be aware.
TERRI: Right. And I can really tell, with the triggers. The triggers are heightened now. So I can really tell when I’m going. Like last night, at the bar with Kim and Doug, and Doug was saying, “Oh, it’s him. And he does this all the time.” And I caught myself going, “Oh, that explains it. Oh, it’s him,” and putting my attention on him. But I was able to bring it back to me and just concentrate on what I want. What I want is to resume the relationship. So that’s what enabled me to create this, this morning.
TERRI: Okay. Good. So I’m doing good at that. (Both laugh) And I still don’t really feel like I have any expectations, but I could just tell his whole energy changed, the longer we were standing there. And he really just came down and I think he really heard. I think he really got the message. I think his perception of me really changed while we were talking. Is that true?
TERRI: Okay. Good.
ELIAS: Which is your evidence…
TERRI: Yeah!
ELIAS: …that you are accomplishing. And that you CAN actually create, dependent upon how you are projecting your energy.
TERRI: Right. Yeah, and I think I do a really good job of manipulating my energy and not… and how I received his energy.
TERRI: The session that I read, it was one of the ones on my computer and you were describing the difference between… well, how to manipulate your energy. And I really understood that, finding something to appreciate.
ELIAS: Correct.
TERRI: Yeah. So it’s just like… it’s been amazing, lately. How easy and seamlessly all this came together. And I just have to keep thinking that I didn’t move up here for him, but he was a part of that decision, and everything else has come together so well. I just truly believe that he will, too. If I just stay the course. Is that what all the turtles… I’ve been finding a lot of turtles lately, and my interpretation is to stay… just go slow and stay steady. Is that right?
TERRI: Okay. Yeah, that’s cool. (Both laugh) What are the chipmunks? I’ve been seeing a lot of chipmunks lately, too. Do they have a specific…?
ELIAS: Playful.
TERRI: Playful? Yeah. Okay. Yeah, the traffic accident yesterday, that… I was so amazed at how I just stayed in the moment and said, “I want to get out of this now,” and I was out of it. And then when we were going back on the road, these two troopers were like blocking all of us, and I thought it was like a dual message there. One of my things was I was so glad to get away from Virginia because of the police, but the other one was, watching them, I felt like they were being playful, like the cops were being playful with each other regarding us. Is that true?
TERRI: Okay. It was such a weird feeling. It was like I wanted to be mad but I kept getting their playful energy, and it was… it kind of cancelled it out. (Elias chuckles) It was kind of neat. Yeah, okay.
ELIAS: Offering yet again another perception.
TERRI: Yeah. I just think I just got so much of this lately. It’s like this huge rush. And it’s just so much easier. It’s like, “Wow!” It is a lot of freedom. (Laughs)
ELIAS: Yes. And much easier. This is the point. Individuals struggle and complicate, and view the unfamiliar as potentially so very difficult, and in actuality, if you are paying attention, it is much easier. (Both chuckle) Much less complicated. And you view the results of your energy immediately.
TERRI: Yeah! And it just gives you so much more confidence and trust in yourself. It’s like I keep looking to feel something that I’m worried about, that Shawn won’t contact me again, or I’ve destroyed it, and I can’t find that worry any more. It’s like it’s not there. (Both laugh)
And it’s so cool not to have to carry that constantly. Yeah. And just be afraid of everything. But I did think, when I was up here last time, he was saying that after that day he just wanted me to leave, but my energy kept staying. My perception of the whole weekend evidently was entirely different. But I almost got a feeling that he was making it sound like it was horrible, but I don’t think that was his genuine experience at the time. I don’t think it was as horrible as what he was portraying it to be. Is that fair?
TERRI: I think he just wanted me to get the message that that wasn’t good. (Laughs) So he was exaggerating it to get the message through to me more.
TERRI: Okay. Because it… I mean seven years and I just haven’t felt this type of connection with anybody, and so I really… It’s such a… the whole thing, I’m looking at it as a learning experience, too. Like the walk, the hike that I did with Suzanne in the woods, and she went on this whole long story about experimentation, and I thought that it was a message that this is all like an experiment, that I can look at it as an experiment, and relax about it some more.
TERRI: Okay.
ELIAS: A new adventure.
TERRI: A new adventure. This is definitely a new adventure! (Both laugh) But it’s… and with that, it’s like no worry, no “I can’t find any thoughts in there,” “Am I doing the right thing?” “Oh my god!” It’s like not in there. It’s so weird. (Laughs)
ELIAS: Congratulations.
TERRI: Thank you. (Elias chuckles) I’m just so used to worrying about everything. (Laughs and Elias chuckles) So I know you said don’t push. Is there anything else that I need to be… that you think might come up or that I need to be aware of, just to make sure this all stays on the right track?
ELIAS: You are accomplishing already and I am acknowledging of you in that. Merely continue what you are already doing.
TERRI: Okay. That’s so cool! (Both laugh) I mean, as far as money, I’m really appreciating that I was able to just buy another house so easily and it’s like, “Wow! I really do have a lot more money than I think I have.”
And I’m trying not to get caught up in Kabir. He owes me the money. And I felt… One day I called him and he hung up. He basically hung up on me. And I could feel myself going to “Oh, he’s trying to not pay me,” and “He” and “He” and “He.” So then I was like, “Okay, you’re projecting your attention on him. Now bring it back and appreciate something on him.” And then the next time I talked to him, he offered up “Yeah, I’m trying to refinance the house so I can pay you,” and everything, so I thought that was… that I did good there.
ELIAS: Reconfiguring.
TERRI: Yeah. Okay. So, yeah, so I’m trying not to get caught up in that. But then also creating the child support payments starting again. It’s like… to me that’s like a big sign: “You’re on the right track. You’ve let go of focusing on the lack.” And I’m starting to generate.
TERRI: Okay. Instead of trying to acquire.
TERRI: It’s more generating. Okay. So that’s cool! (Laughs and Elias chuckles) Lots of cool stuff. But in blowing up the container again (Elias laughs heartily) with all the things that… it’s just so amazing. I just don’t even realize this when I’m in the middle of it. Because I kept trying to focus on, “Okay, am I putting anything in the container?” And I’m like, “No, no, I’m doing good.” But no, I was putting stuff in there. (Both laugh)
But I think all these things were… it’s really me saying, “Okay, you’re ready for this relationship, but you really need to look at some of these other core beliefs and influences.” So the ones I came up with were the core beliefs being love, intimate relationships, and then I don’t know if these are influences of one of those two or another core belief. So, sex - is that an influence of intimate relationships? Like, sex pertaining to a relationship, thinking, “Oh my god, we’re not having sex every minute. The relationship’s over.”
ELIAS: That would be an influence.
TERRI: Okay. So that’s an influence. And then communication?
ELIAS: That would be an influence also.
TERRI: Okay. And then caring, that’s a truth?
TERRI: Okay. And then respect I thought was an influence under caring?
TERRI: Okay. And then…
ELIAS: Love would not be a core truth. It would be an influence.
TERRI: An influence of intimate relationships?
ELIAS: And caring.
TERRI: And caring. Okay. And then family, as in when we were on the golf course with his brother, the feelings I had towards his brother, that he was getting in the way of our relationship, so family in that manner. Family as it influences an intimate relationship.
ELIAS: That would be an influence.
TERRI: Under intimate relationship?
TERRI: Okay. And then…
ELIAS: And it would also be associated with caring and with image.
TERRI: Okay. And image. And then how about parenting children, like his… so evidently his perception was everything was ruined as soon as I started saying, sharing my opinion that I don’t prefer to be around children. So that’s an influence under intimate relationships?
Okay. And I said, trying to concentrate on what I wanted, I said, “Well, I just… nobody’s going to be the same.” But I think I did a good job of recognizing why I was talking to him, what was influencing me, and sharing that with him.
ELIAS: Which was?
TERRI: That when I say that I hate kids or I don’t want to be around them, it’s actually a reflection of my own pain and hurt, and jealous of children that are in… have parents that care, thinking that I didn’t and that I was cheated somehow. Things like that. Is that…? That’s true. So, but I think by…
ELIAS: And also generating an association that children create difficulty.
TERRI: Right. But on the other hand, I think I really did a good job when he started talking about Tanner before, saying it’s my choice whether Tanner affects our relationship or not. So I kind of calmed those feelings. But I think in recognizing, while he was saying it, really listening to what he was saying, the reflection, and catching that, and sharing that that’s my own pain and hurt, I think he really started to come around and change his perception of me.
TERRI: Okay. Good. And then the other one, well, exes. I get that’s an influence. Exes and time together. But I think I’m really doing a good job of catching all the influences, and I really didn’t realize how many they were. But I kept thinking about all the vultures in the tree and you saying how many different things can go in there.
ELIAS: Yes. Very many different associations that are all interconnected with one truth.
TERRI: Right. And overlapping onto other ones.
ELIAS: Yes. Many, many influences.
TERRI: So I think that I’ve caught enough now that I can move forward in creating this relationship easier. I think I’ve gotten a lot of it. Is there any other…?
ELIAS: What you are doing is paying more attention to you, rather than projecting your attention to the other individual and what they should do or not do. And paying attention to what is influencing you or what is motivating you in certain expressions, and evaluating more clearly what you are responding to or reacting to, and what associations you are generating in certain situations.
TERRI: And being able to reconfigure that.
ELIAS: Correct. Recognizing that you are not being attacked or another individual’s expression is not necessarily an affront to you, but that you are generating certain associations that create the difficulties.
TERRI: Right. It was cool being able to listen to him say, “I can’t even fathom how you could be like that,” and “I can’t be around anybody who’s like that,” and being able to take that and see where it was coming from, and turn that around and just watch him change so much while we were talking. It was so cool to not be caught up in “Oh my god, he hates me!” and “Oh my god, I’m a bad person!” and…
ELIAS: This is the freedom in recognizing what your core truth is and what the influences are and what the associations are, for in that, you stop personalizing.
TERRI: Right. Yeah, they really… I was thinking about why other relationships, like one person will really want it to happen, but it’s all about their beliefs. It’s in their energy that they’re putting out, and the fear. That’s why it either gets back together or it doesn’t get back together.
ELIAS: Correct.
TERRI: So I can see now with Jeff that I really could have made that situation different.
TERRI: But I chose not to.
ELIAS: Yes. And you offered yourself considerable information.
TERRI: Yeah. But even so much more now, looking back at it.
TERRI: Yeah.
ELIAS: But that is significant.
TERRI: Yeah. (Laughs)
ELIAS: Therefore it was purposeful.
TERRI: Oh absolutely.
ELIAS: For you can offer yourself examples of different choices now.
TERRI: Mm-hmm. Right. Yeah. So that was very enlightening. And then I thought George, and not calling me back, knowing I was leaving and not calling me back, I thought that was offering me a scenario to show me the difference between Shawn not calling me back as related to an intimate relationship, and comparing it to George not calling me back as a friendship. To show me the different influences. Like with George, I wouldn’t run around to all my friends and say, “Oh my god! He’s not calling me. I don’t know why he’s not calling me. Why could he not be calling me?” And of course I did that with Shawn. So it presented the same scenario…
ELIAS: Correct.
TERRI: …in a different relationship, to show me the different influences.
ELIAS: Correct.
TERRI: This is so cool! (Laughs)
ELIAS: Now; the same action can occur, but YOU generate two different associations with them.
TERRI: Right. And I would’ve never had a problem, I would’ve never felt nervous the next time I saw George, going “Oh he doesn’t like me anymore” or “He’s going to be mad at me,” or “I did something wrong.” And I just kept trying to hold on to that when I went to see Shawn, going “You don’t have to be nervous. You can look at it as you’re just going to visit a friend.” So even when he said, “Well you know this is a shock, you just showing up unannounced,” you know I could really have taken that and gone, “Oh my god! Another thing I’ve done to destroy it, and he’s mad at me now.” But I think I remained in the moment enough that that dissipated too.
ELIAS: Yes. Which creates a significant difference in energy.
TERRI: Oh yeah. Because he was so upset when I got there and so turned off. And he just… by the end, he was just wanting to stand there and stand there, and he was thinking and it was just so cool to watch the effects of it right away. (Laughs) And it was me.
I had a dream while I was waiting for yoga. It was like a lucid dream. Somebody asked me my name and I said, “Kasha, like the pyramid.” And then when I stood up, there was like an imprint of a pyramid right where my head was laying. Was that…? What was the significance of that? Was that like another pyramid focus I was tuning into, or…? Is that what that was?
TERRI: Okay. The phone call I got the other day, from the man saying that he was my brother Steve. I almost felt like that was your energy, telling me or giving me a hint to how we were connected in another focus, that you were my brother?
ELIAS: Correct.
TERRI: Okay. That was cool. (Both laugh)
ELIAS: Inventive.
TERRI: Yes, very inventive. (Both laugh) It’s always… it’s like I can always tell when it’s your energy, because it’s something that just completely is out of context and it doesn’t make sense. (Both laugh) Okay, something’s going on here!
The one thing that’s really perplexing me, because I really think that I’m doing a good job not forcing it or putting my energy towards why my real estate listings aren’t selling. And I’m trying not to say… I was listening to my language, and I know that I’m saying, “Well, you know, nothing’s selling. The market’s really turned.” But I just keep thinking that there’s something else that’s keeping them from getting contracts on them.
ELIAS: And your impression?
TERRI: Well, that’s where I’m getting lost. Because I just felt that I was really doing a good job of distracting myself when I started putting attention to “These aren’t selling. They’re going to cancel. I’m not going to get the money for them.” So I would start distracting myself, so I wouldn’t get caught up in that. And I did a good job of creating everybody bringing their prices down, so I removed the energy that was saying, “They’re priced too high. They’re never going to sell.” So I changed that around. But I’m still not generating any offers. And I’m just stumped.
ELIAS: Now; the next step is to genuinely appreciate what you have. To appreciate what you have accomplished. To appreciate what you are offering.
TERRI: As far as my ability as a real estate agent?
ELIAS: And beyond. Appreciate the structures that you are offering.
TERRI: Oh. Okay.
ELIAS: In that, you project an energy of appreciation, that these structures are valuable and appreciated. And that attracts other individuals to be appreciating also.
TERRI: So that’s why the one at Springfield is getting so much more traffic, because I appreciate that house more in relation to the rest of the ones that are on the market? Okay. I thought that’s what that was.
ELIAS: If YOU are appreciating and valuing what you are offering, that becomes attractive to other individuals.
TERRI: Right. And I’m getting wrapped up projecting my attention to “The builders are offering way lower, so mine are never going to sell,” and “All these other houses on the market are nearly exactly the same and they are priced much lower, so mine’s never going to sell,” and I’m getting wrapped up in that, right? Okay.
ELIAS: Do not project an energy of comparing.
TERRI: I’m getting better at recognizing that. (Laughs)
ELIAS: Comparing projects an opposing energy.
TERRI: Which is what I did with Shawn’s brother. I was comparing him to Larry, Chuck’s brother. And I know I got wrapped up in that. And I know the kids, running down there, was because of my nervous energy about them being there, and “They’re going to start acting up any time,” and of course that’s what I created. Okay. So don’t project an energy of comparing.
ELIAS: Or anticipating, in relation to the comparing.
TERRI: Okay. So I just work on generating appreciating and keep distracting when I start going into the other, then they should start selling? Okay. I knew it was something simple. I just was missing that. It’s the missing link. (Both laugh)
My boys, I wanted to get their families and alignments. I was thinking Alan might be Sumari and I was thinking Curtis, I don’t know what his main family is, but I was thinking maybe he was aligned Zuli.
ELIAS: Correct.
TERRI: I can’t get the other two pieces. So if Alan is Sumari, he’s aligned… Gramada keeps popping into my head.
ELIAS: Correct.
TERRI: Okay. And then Curtis, if he’s aligned Zuli, maybe Ilda? Really? Cool! (Laughs)
Oh, when I left I kept repeating to all my friends that “I don’t understand why he’s not communicating,” and I kept it on my phone, and I kept going over it and over it. And I was like, “What do I want?” And I was like, “Well, I want to share this with him.” So I left him a message. As soon as I left him the message, it’s like it disappeared. It’s like it completely dissipated it. So it was like I was trying to tell myself, “Be true to yourself. Pay attention to what you want.”
ELIAS: This is the point. What YOU want to express, not what you want the other individual to express, or to do, or to not do. That is not the point.
For in allowing yourself to express what YOU want, that automatically occurs. If you are allowing yourself your expression and not restricting yourself, you automatically create the byproduct of what you think you want from the other individual. But what is expressed by the other individual is secondary. It is no longer the primary want. It is the validation of your own want.
TERRI: All right. So what I want now is to end up going to the wedding on July 8th with him. Is that more possible? (Laughs) That’s what I want now. So I just have to focus on, just remember that want?
ELIAS: Yes. And be aware of your energy, and be projecting an appreciating and an accepting energy. AND an energy that values you. Which at this point would not be so very difficult any longer.
TERRI: Right. Because… well and the other thing is just because I’ve created so many other things that are so wonderful that I’m concentrating on, like the job. And the job, every time he would say another piece of it, it was like, “Oh my god! This is just what I want.” It’s like everything that I wasn’t happy about with the real estate, this provides. And then I could feel myself sort of getting caught up with “Oh, what if I have to work every weekend?” But then I brought back to myself, “Well, I would have to choose to create that.”
ELIAS: Correct.
TERRI: And I already do that in the real estate, where they are like, “You have to work every weekend.” “You have to work all night.” And I consciously chose to not create that. So I can hold on to that…
TERRI: …reminder. That I’ve already done that.
ELIAS: This is you directing you.
TERRI: Right. Yeah. It’s so cool. (Both laugh)
ELIAS: The great success story.
TERRI: Yeah. Exactly. It’s like I just want to tell the world! (Both laugh)
Okay. Anyhow, I wanted to talk about love a little bit. It’s like I want to know… I guess my question is, what’s the next step? You want somebody that you can freely express yourself with, and share your love and passion with, but where does that go from “Okay, that’s true of any relationship or friendship.” Where does that transition into a love/intimate relationship? How does that happen? Does that make sense?
ELIAS: Explain.
TERRI: I have a hard time doing that. (Laughs) Okay, like all the guys that I have met over the last seven years, I’ve gone out with them or we’ve just become friends, but what makes it more of a love relationship? Is it like a soul connection?
ELIAS: It can be, but that is not necessary. What alters the situation, in what you would term to be a more deeply expressed connection with another individual, is actually quite simple. It is discovering the genuineness of allowing yourself to appreciate yourself, and also the genuine appreciation of the other individual. For in that appreciation, it motivates you to know the other individual. And that is love - a knowing and the appreciation.
TERRI: Which is kind of what I was saying to him this morning, that… you know, he’s like, “Well, you know, I didn’t see any of this change.” And I said, “Well, you know, we don’t know each other. That’s the whole point of a relationship, is to get to know each other.”
So I don’t need to get caught up in… because last night I could feel myself getting caught up when Doug was saying: “Well, he’s 41, he can’t change.” And it was like I feel like I know better than that now. It’s not about knowing if he can change or not change, or what he thinks in this moment, because by the end of our conversation he was… his perceptions were completely changed, from what he thought he absolutely knew. So it really can happen.
ELIAS: But it is not the concern to change the other individual, or the expectation that the other individual will change. That sets you in a direction for disappointment. And creates an opposing energy.
What generates success is appreciating the other individual for who they are and recognizing the differences. Not being threatened by the differences, and valuing yourself enough to allow yourself to freely create what YOU want. For if you are creating what YOU want, it matters not what the other individual is expressing.
Much of the difficulties expressed in relationships are associated with individuals personalizing the other individual’s expressions.
TERRI: Right. Which is what I avoided this morning.
ELIAS: Correct.
TERRI: And just remembering what I want, and paying attention to the moment.
TERRI: And that’s kind of what I was writing when I was saying, “What do I want?” One of the things that I wrote was that I wanted to appreciate him for who he was. And I thought that was good that… you know, I told him that, too, that I appreciated how he was, how he acts with his son, and shared that with him. Because normally, a lot of times, I wouldn’t. I’d be like, “Aw, I’m not going to tell him that,” or “He’ll hold that against me.” Not hold that against me, but like, “He’ll think less of me for sharing that because he’s not going to share back equally.” And I would get caught up in that. But I just concentrated on what I wanted to share.
TERRI: Mm-hmm. Okay.
ELIAS: That is key.
TERRI: I was thinking that Shawn talks about Tracy like all the time. He keeps reliving it all the time. I was thinking that I kept creating that as a reflection to me, reflecting my own fears and feelings and guilt regarding intimate relationships and not being able to make them work in the past, comparing past relationships. Is that true?
TERRI: Okay. So what I’m thinking is recognizing that and looking at those different influences. He won’t need to share that over and over. That will just dissipate. That will just go away.
ELIAS: Correct.
TERRI: Okay. Because it’s all just a message to me.
TERRI: Okay. And then I was thinking that every time we had sex last time, I started bleeding. I thought it was exploring sex regarding intimate relationships, and that I can have a relationship without having sex all the time or thinking that it has to be there all the time. And also picking up that that’s why Jeff kept saying, “It’s not just about sex.” I was trying to get that message before.
TERRI: Okay. So that was cool how that all tied together. (Laughs)
TERRI: Okay.
ELIAS: That is not your only value.
TERRI: Right. Right. And I kept trying to make it like that, going a way back. It’s like, “Well, this worked before, so this must be the way it is.” So it’s really been enlightening, all of these influences coming out.
And I was thinking, my back started hurting. I know it’s connected to being supportive of yourself, but I also thought it had to do with expectations, because I got this piece where it was like, “Okay, every time you move, you’re expecting to hurt. So it hurts.” So as soon as I got that, it’s like it almost completely went away. Like almost immediately. So that’s what that was connected to, recognizing expectations.
TERRI: Okay. But I still have like one little piece. Is there one little piece that I’m missing about that? There’s that one place that still hurts. Is there something else I haven’t gotten yet?
ELIAS: Pay attention to when you ARE generating expectations. For many times, they can be quite subtle.
TERRI: And that’s the problem. It’s like they’re so… like the thing where I kept telling everybody, “Well, he’s not talking to me. I don’t understand why he’s not talking to me.” And then it was so subtle, that “Well, if you just share that with him, this will stop.” But it’s like listening to a whisper. (Laughs)
ELIAS: And at times the expectations may be so obvious that you do not view them.
TERRI: Yeah. So I guess that’s what that was, too, because that was really obvious, that I kept telling everybody else. I kept asking everybody else why he wasn’t communicating with me but him. (Laughs) That’s like “Why don’t you ask him?” (Laughs and Elias chuckles) I kept looking. I guess my thought process there was I was looking to everybody else to get the reflection of what I was really believing, but really all I needed to do was just share with him what I wanted, to share that information with him.
ELIAS: Correct.
TERRI: But then I get caught up with “Well, if I say this, it’s discounting of me, and maybe I shouldn’t.” (Both laugh) I just need to relax a little bit more.
ELIAS: That would be advisable.
TERRI: All right. (Both laugh) It’s like I just want to get it so perfect. It’s like, “Okay, well what if I screw that up?” (Laughs)
ELIAS: You are already perfect.
TERRI: Right. (Elias chuckles) I keep forgetting that.
And then I was thinking… I thought it was interesting, the trucker, when I was driving home last time, the trucker that kept honking when I tried to pass him, but I’d come back and he’d be okay. And I tried to pass him again and he started honking again, and I took that as a sign that Shawn really wanted… that he is really interested in the relationship, too. I guess that’s what I was thinking it was, that he was really interested in it, too. But we were… I don’t know. Is there more to it than that?
ELIAS: Not to be so serious.
TERRI: Oh. Okay. So it was kind of a playful…?
ELIAS: Yes. To incorporate more playfulness and not to incorporate such seriousness.
TERRI: Which is what I was trying to do with the fishing. I was trying to say, “Okay, well I’m just casting. I’m trying a different lure and casting that out.” Is that a good way to do it?
TERRI: Okay. And then I wanted to ask… and I know that Curtis makes his own choices and he’s living his own life, but I just really don’t want him to go to jail, but that’s just me. That’s just my perception. Is he feeling like he needs to do this, to have this experience? I guess I’m just saying is there still a chance he can get out of creating this?
ELIAS: It is a possibility. But that would be dependent upon his energy and his choices.
TERRI: And the way it is now, he’s probably not going to change that. (Laughs)
ELIAS: That is likely. Presently. But, as with any individual, you always incorporate choice. And therefore there is always the possibility for alterations. Not necessarily the likelihood in some situations, but definitely the possibility.
TERRI: Is there anything I can do to help him? Is there anything I can share with him or that would help him make a different choice? Or do I just have to leave it up to him?
ELIAS: These are his choices.
TERRI: That sucks. (Laughs)
ELIAS: It is more helpful to him if you are honoring you. And the more concern you express with him, the more it reinforces him. For the concern validates what he views to be wrong. If there is nothing wrong, there is no need for concern.
TERRI: Okay. So honoring me and just saying, “Well, he’s making this choice because he wants to have this experience on his own.” Something like that?
ELIAS: He may not necessarily WANT to incorporate certain experiences, but that is not to say that they are not beneficial or valued in some manner.
TERRI: And just hold onto that thought, that whatever he goes through it’ll be valuable to him?
ELIAS: Yes. For you all generate choices that you do not necessarily want, but that is not to say that they are not beneficial, or that they are not valued.
TERRI: But just holding onto that thought, that will lessen some of the… that’s not being concerned, that’s more…
TERRI: …allowing him.
TERRI: Okay. So that’s good.
And then I guess it’s the same with Alan, with him… he seems… my energy being so excited about him coming up here, and thinking to myself that it’s going to be a different experience for him. He’ll do better up here. And that seems to be coming. He seems to be more excited about coming up here. So again, that’s just my energy has changed towards him?
ELIAS: Yes. And you are generating more encouragement.
TERRI: Yes. Well I’ve noticed a lot of things that I was so angry or stressed about before are starting to fall away too. And it’s like, “Oh I remember that used to bother me.” So that’s all changing, too. Okay.
Well! I’m doing extremely well. (Both laugh) That’s amazing.
We still have a little bit of time left. Anything that you’d like to share or that I’ve missed or… I feel pretty good. (Laughs)
ELIAS: Merely an acknowledgement once again of your progress, and a tremendous appreciation for your expression and your energy. You are accomplishing quite well.
TERRI: Yeah. It just makes me so happy. (Elias laughs) I’ve been to a lot of other places. I went to Colorado. I’ve gone to Florida and California and I just… there’s no place that I’ve gone that gives me the feeling that I get here. Do I have other focuses or is there a reason why I’m so drawn to this area?
ELIAS: You do incorporate other focuses, but that is the lesser reason that you are drawn to this area.
The reason that you are drawn to this location much more so is that this area is what you may term to be a type of energy vortex. There is a tremendous collection of energy in this physical area, and it is quite accepting and collective. Therefore, it generates a sense within the individuals that occupy this area of connection. Which merely perpetuates the energy of the area.
TERRI: Right. Is there anything to do with me being Sumari? Because of course everybody in the world doesn’t live here, so are some people drawn more to this area?
ELIAS: It is a matter of energy, that your energy resonates.
TERRI: Yeah. Is that true of people, too? Some people… like the people at Monitor, I just never felt like I resonated with them. So that’s true of people too?
ELIAS: Yes. Yes.
TERRI: Because I kept looking within myself. I know I had beliefs about the kind of people they were, but after recognizing that and the influences, I still just never felt like I resonated with them.
ELIAS: Yes. That occurs with individuals and physical locations. It is a matter of paying attention and becoming familiar with your energy, and noticing what you resonate with and what you do not, and allowing yourself to participate with what you do resonate with.
TERRI: Yeah. Because I just kept feeling like… almost from the beginning, that when I made the choice to go with Monitor, it almost felt like I was battling against it. I just never felt like I resonated with it.
ELIAS: Which can generate considerable thickness.
TERRI: Right. Yeah, there was something I did the other day that… I don’t know if it was the leaving him the message, maybe it was. But it was like I could just feel the thickness go away. It’s like you can feel it. Yeah.
ELIAS: Yes. It is quite real. And quite present. And in this, if you allow yourself to occupy a particular area that you do resonate with, and you involve yourself or interact with other individuals that you resonate with, which generally they move together – if you resonate with a particular area, generally speaking you will also resonate with that community. For you are resonating with the energy and the other individuals that occupy that location are also resonating with that energy and creating it.
TERRI: So is that why, because I would say I felt like I resonated with Virginia, but is that part, was that part of… like I had changed my energy and wanted to go somewhere else, so I was kind of changing my energy there to give me the motivation to move on. That’s what I kind of felt like I was doing.
TERRI: Okay. And that’s what I thought I was doing at dinner the night with Curtis getting in the interaction with the cops out front and then the baby crying all the time. And I just felt like it was saying, “It’s okay to go. Go!” (Laughs and Elias chuckles) It’s like giving, reinforcing my permission for me to leave.
TERRI: That it was going to be okay.
TERRI: Okay. It’s cool though, being able to pick that up, that that’s what you are doing.
TERRI: Because then you can choose… I was trying to choose to have the baby stop crying (laughs). I did feel, towards the end, that it kind of went more into the background. So I felt like I did it somewhat but not completely.
ELIAS: It is a matter of what you are paying attention to. If you are paying attention to annoyance, or if you are paying attention to a knee…
TERRI: Mm-hmm. The bike ride I went on with Carolyn and John and my knee started just killing me; was that connected to my relationship with her? I couldn’t figure out why I was creating that. I know in the past I always perceived her as a better bike rider, but I also knew that she hadn’t been riding much, and that it shouldn’t have been a problem with me keeping up with her. I didn’t feel that was it. Was that it?
ELIAS: Not necessarily, but another indicator of comparing. But comparing in the reverse manner of what you were previously, but it is also a comparison. The comparison switched to you being better, rather than her being better.
TERRI: So I was making my knee hurt to bring me down more equal?
ELIAS: No, not necessarily. Merely just as an indicator that there are other manners in which you can be comparing and notice.
TERRI: So it was just an example. Okay. Well I think that about wraps it up. Again, thank you for all the validation. (Laughs)
ELIAS: You are very welcome. I am encouraging you to continue in your noticing and in your reconfiguring. You are accomplishing quite well.
TERRI: Yeah, it’s very cool. (Both laugh) I’m seeing you for my birthday next month. I’m very excited about that.
ELIAS: Very well. I shall be anticipating our next meeting. I am greatly acknowledging of you and greatly appreciating.
TERRI: Thank you.
ELIAS: In dear friendship and fondness, au revoir.
TERRI: Au revoir.
(Elias departs after 58 minutes.)
Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.